// @(#)root/histpainter:$Id$ // Author: Rene Brun 26/08/99 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "Riostream.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "THistPainter.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TH2Poly.h" #include "TH3.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TProfile2D.h" #include "THStack.h" #include "TF2.h" #include "TF3.h" #include "TCutG.h" #include "TMatrixDBase.h" #include "TMatrixFBase.h" #include "TVectorD.h" #include "TVectorF.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TPad.h" #include "TPaveStats.h" #include "TFrame.h" #include "TLatex.h" #include "TLine.h" #include "TPolyLine.h" #include "TPoints.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TMultiGraph.h" #include "TPie.h" #include "TGaxis.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TPainter3dAlgorithms.h" #include "TGraph2DPainter.h" #include "TGraphDelaunay.h" #include "TView.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TRandom2.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TVectorD.h" #include "Hoption.h" #include "Hparam.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" #include "TPaletteAxis.h" #include "TCrown.h" #include "TVirtualPadEditor.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TPoint.h" //______________________________________________________________________________ /* Begin_Html

The histogram painter class


Histograms are drawn via the THistPainter class. Each histogram has a pointer to its own painter (to be usable in a multithreaded program). When the canvas has to be redrawn, the Paint function of each objects in the pad is called. In case of histograms, TH1::Paint invokes directly THistPainter::Paint.

To draw a histogram "h" is enough to do:

"h" can be of any kind: 1D, 2D or 3D. To choose how the histogram will be drawn, the Draw() method can be invoked with an option. For instance to draw a 2D histogram as a lego plot it is enough to do:
THistPainter offers many options to paint 1D, 2D and 3D histograms.

When the Draw() method of a histogram is called for the first time (TH1::Draw), it creates a THistPainter object and saves a pointer to this "painter" as a data member of the histogram. The THistPainter class specializes in the drawing of histograms. It is separated from the histogram so that one can have histograms without the graphics overhead, for example in a batch program. Each histogram have its own painter rather than a central singleton painter painting all histograms, allows two histograms to be drawn in two threads without overwriting the painter's values.

When a displayed histogram is filled again, there is not need to call the Draw() method again; the image will be refreshed the next time the pad will be updated.

A pad is updated after one of these three actions:

  1. a carriage control on the ROOT command line,
  2. a click inside the pad,
  3. a call to TPad::Update.

By default a call to TH1::Draw() clears the pad of all objects before drawing the new image of the histogram. One can use the "SAME" option to leave the previous display intact and superimpose the new histogram. The same histogram can be drawn with different graphics options in different pads.

When a displayed histogram is deleted, its image is automatically removed from the pad.

To create a copy of the histogram when drawing it, one can use TH1::DrawClone(). This will clone the histogram and allow to change and delete the original one without affecting the clone.

Histograms' plotting options

Most options can be concatenated with or without spaces or commas, for example:
      h->Draw("E1 SAME");
The options are not case sensitive:
      h->Draw("e1 same");
The default drawing option can be set with TH1::SetOption and retrieve using TH1::GetOption:
      root [0] h->Draw();          // Draw "h" using the standard histogram representation.
      root [1] h->Draw("E");       // Draw "h" using error bars
      root [3] h->SetOption("E");  // Change the default drawing option for "h"
      root [4] h->Draw();          // Draw "h" using error bars
      root [5] h->GetOption();     // Retrieve the default drawing option for "h"
      (const Option_t* 0xa3ff948)"E"

Options supported for 1D and 2D histograms

"E" Draw error bars.
"AXIS" Draw only axis.
"AXIG" Draw only grid (if the grid is requested).
"HIST" When an histogram has errors it is visualized by default with error bars. To visualize it without errors use the option "HIST" together with the required option (eg "hist same c"). The "HIST" option can also be used to plot only the histogram and not the associated function(s).
"FUNC" When an histogram has a fitted function, this option allows to draw the fit result only.
"SAME" Superimpose on previous picture in the same pad.
"LEGO" Draw a lego plot with hidden line removal.
"LEGO1" Draw a lego plot with hidden surface removal.
"LEGO2" Draw a lego plot using colors to show the cell contents When the option "0" is used with any LEGO option, the empty bins are not drawn.
"LEGO3" Draw a lego plot with hidden surface removal, like LEGO1 but the border lines of each lego-bar are not drawn.
"LEGO4" Draw a lego plot with hidden surface removal, like LEGO1 but without the shadow effect on each lego-bar.
"TEXT" Draw bin contents as text (format set via gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat).
"TEXTnn" Draw bin contents as text at angle nn (0 < nn < 90).
"X+" The X-axis is drawn on the top side of the plot.
"Y+" The Y-axis is drawn on the right side of the plot.

Options supported for 1D histograms

" " Default.
"AH" Draw histogram without axis. "A" can be combined with any drawing option. For instance, "AC" draws the histogram as a smooth Curve without axis.
"][" When this option is selected the first and last vertical lines of the histogram are not drawn.
"B" Bar chart option.
"BAR" Like option "B", but bars can be drawn with a 3D effect.
"HBAR" Like option "BAR", but bars are drawn horizontally.
"C" Draw a smooth Curve through the histogram bins.
"E0" Draw error bars. Markers are drawn for bins with 0 contents.
"E1" Draw error bars with perpendicular lines at the edges.
"E2" Draw error bars with rectangles.
"E3" Draw a fill area through the end points of the vertical error bars.
"E4" Draw a smoothed filled area through the end points of the error bars.
"E5" Like E3 but ignore the bins with 0 contents.
"E6" Like E4 but ignore the bins with 0 contents.
"X0" When used with one of the "E" option, it suppress the error bar along X as gStyle->SetErrorX(0) would do.
"L" Draw a line through the bin contents.
"P" Draw current marker at each bin except empty bins.
"P0" Draw current marker at each bin including empty bins.
"PIE" Draw histogram as a Pie Chart.
"*H" Draw histogram with a * at each bin.
"LF2" Draw histogram like with option "L" but with a fill area. Note that "L" draws also a fill area if the hist fill color is set but the fill area corresponds to the histogram contour.

Options supported for 2D histograms

" " Default (scatter plot).
"ARR" Arrow mode. Shows gradient between adjacent cells.
"BOX" A box is drawn for each cell with surface proportional to the content's absolute value. A negative content is marked with a X.
"BOX1" A button is drawn for each cell with surface proportional to content's absolute value. A sunken button is drawn for negative values a raised one for positive.
"COL" A box is drawn for each cell with a color scale varying with contents. All the none empty bins are painted. Empty bins are not painted unless some bins have a negative content because in that case the null bins might be not empty. TProfile2D histograms are handled differently because, for this type of 2D histograms, it is possible to know if an empty bin has been filled or not. So even if all the bins' contents are positive some empty bins might be painted. And vice versa, if some bins have a negative content some empty bins might be not painted.
"COLZ" Same as "COL". In addition the color palette is also drawn.
"CANDLE" Draw a candle plot along X axis.
"CANDLEY" Draw a candle plot along Y axis.
"VIOLIN" Draw a violin plot along X axis.
"VIOLINY" Draw a violin plot along Y axis.
"CONT" Draw a contour plot (same as CONT0).
"CONT0" Draw a contour plot using surface colors to distinguish contours.
"CONT1" Draw a contour plot using line styles to distinguish contours.
"CONT2" Draw a contour plot using the same line style for all contours.
"CONT3" Draw a contour plot using fill area colors.
"CONT4" Draw a contour plot using surface colors (SURF option at theta = 0).
"CONT5" (TGraph2D only) Draw a contour plot using Delaunay triangles.
"LIST" Generate a list of TGraph objects for each contour.
"CYL" Use Cylindrical coordinates. The X coordinate is mapped on the angle and the Y coordinate on the cylinder length.
"POL" Use Polar coordinates. The X coordinate is mapped on the angle and the Y coordinate on the radius.
"SPH" Use Spherical coordinates. The X coordinate is mapped on the latitude and the Y coordinate on the longitude.
"PSR" Use PseudoRapidity/Phi coordinates. The X coordinate is mapped on Phi.
"SURF" Draw a surface plot with hidden line removal.
"SURF1" Draw a surface plot with hidden surface removal.
"SURF2" Draw a surface plot using colors to show the cell contents.
"SURF3" Same as SURF with in addition a contour view drawn on the top.
"SURF4" Draw a surface using Gouraud shading.
"SURF5" Same as SURF3 but only the colored contour is drawn. Used with option CYL, SPH or PSR it allows to draw colored contours on a sphere, a cylinder or a in pseudo rapidity space. In cartesian or polar coordinates, option SURF3 is used.
"FB" With LEGO or SURFACE, suppress the Front-Box.
"BB" With LEGO or SURFACE, suppress the Back-Box.
"A" With LEGO or SURFACE, suppress the axis.
"SCAT" Draw a scatter-plot (default).
"[cutg]" Draw only the sub-range selected by the TCutG named "cutg".

Options supported for 3D histograms

" " Default (scatter plot).
"ISO" Draw a Gouraud shaded 3d iso surface through a 3d histogram. It paints one surface at the value computed as follow: SumOfWeights/(NbinsX*NbinsY*NbinsZ).
"BOX" Draw a for each cell with volume proportional to the content's absolute value.
"LEGO" Same as BOX.

Options supported for histograms' stacks (THStack)

" " Default, the histograms are drawn on top of each other (as lego plots for 2D histograms).
"NOSTACK" Histograms in the stack are all paint in the same pad as if the option "SAME" had been specified.
"PADS" The current pad/canvas is subdivided into a number of pads equal to the number of histograms in the stack and each histogram is paint into a separate pad.

Setting the Style

Histograms use the current style (gStyle). When one changes the current style and would like to propagate the changes to the histogram, TH1::UseCurrentStyle should be called. Call UseCurrentStyle on each histogram is needed.
To force all the histogram to use the current style use:
All the histograms read after this call will use the current style.

Setting line, fill, marker, and text attributes

The histogram classes inherit from the attribute classes: TAttLine, TAttFill and TAttMarker. See the description of these classes for the list of options.

Setting Tick marks on the histogram axis

The TPad::SetTicks method specifies the type of tick marks on the axis. If tx = gPad->GetTickx() and ty = gPad->GetTicky() then:
      tx = 1;   tick marks on top side are drawn (inside)
      tx = 2;   tick marks and labels on top side are drawn
      ty = 1;   tick marks on right side are drawn (inside)
      ty = 2;   tick marks and labels on right side are drawn
By default only the left Y axis and X bottom axis are drawn (tx = ty = 0)

TPad::SetTicks(tx,ty) allows to set these options. See also The TAxis functions to set specific axis attributes.

In case multiple color filled histograms are drawn on the same pad, the fill area may hide the axis tick marks. One can force a redraw of the axis over all the histograms by calling:


Giving titles to the X, Y and Z axis

      h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X axis title");
      h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y axis title");
The histogram title and the axis titles can be any TLatex string. The titles are part of the persistent histogram.

The option "SAME"

By default, when an histogram is drawn, the current pad is cleared before drawing. In order to keep the previous drawing and draw on top of it the option "SAME" should be use. The histogram drawn with the option "SAME" uses the coordinates system available in the current pad.

This option can be used alone or combined with any valid drawing option but some combinations must be use with care.


  • It does not work when combined with the "LEGO" and "SURF" options unless the histogram plotted with the option "SAME" has exactly the same ranges on the X, Y and Z axis as the currently drawn histogram. To superimpose lego plots histograms' stacks should be used.

Superimposing two histograms with different scales in the same pad

The following example creates two histograms, the second histogram is the bins integral of the first one. It shows a procedure to draw the two histograms in the same pad and it draws the scale of the second histogram using a new vertical axis on the right side. See also the tutorial transpad.C for a variant of this example. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); // create/fill draw h1 gStyle->SetOptStat(kFALSE); TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1","Superimposing two histograms with different scales",100,-3,3); Int_t i; for (i=0;i<10000;i++) h1->Fill(gRandom->Gaus(0,1)); h1->Draw(); c1->Update(); // create hint1 filled with the bins integral of h1 TH1F *hint1 = new TH1F("hint1","h1 bins integral",100,-3,3); Float_t sum = 0; for (i=1;i<=100;i++) { sum += h1->GetBinContent(i); hint1->SetBinContent(i,sum); } // scale hint1 to the pad coordinates Float_t rightmax = 1.1*hint1->GetMaximum(); Float_t scale = gPad->GetUymax()/rightmax; hint1->SetLineColor(kRed); hint1->Scale(scale); hint1->Draw("same"); // draw an axis on the right side TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(gPad->GetUxmax(),gPad->GetUymin(), gPad->GetUxmax(), gPad->GetUymax(),0,rightmax,510,"+L"); axis->SetLineColor(kRed); axis->SetTextColor(kRed); axis->Draw(); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

Statistics Display

The type of information shown in the histogram statistics box can be selected with:
The "mode" has up to nine digits that can be set to on (1 or 2), off (0).
      mode = ksiourmen  (default = 000001111)
      k = 1;  kurtosis printed
      k = 2;  kurtosis and kurtosis error printed
      s = 1;  skewness printed
      s = 2;  skewness and skewness error printed
      i = 1;  integral of bins printed
      i = 2;  integral of bins with option "width" printed
      o = 1;  number of overflows printed
      u = 1;  number of underflows printed
      r = 1;  rms printed
      r = 2;  rms and rms error printed
      m = 1;  mean value printed
      m = 2;  mean and mean error values printed
      e = 1;  number of entries printed
      n = 1;  name of histogram is printed
For example:
displays only the name of histogram and the number of entries, whereas:
displays the name of histogram, mean value and RMS.

WARNING 1: never do:

but instead do:
because 0001111 will be taken as an octal number!

WARNING 2: for backward compatibility with older versions

is taken as:
To print only the name of the histogram do:
NOTE that in case of 2D histograms, when selecting only underflow (10000) or overflow (100000), the statistics box will show all combinations of underflow/overflows and not just one single number.

The parameter mode can be any combination of the letters kKsSiIourRmMen

      k :  kurtosis printed
      K :  kurtosis and kurtosis error printed
      s :  skewness printed
      S :  skewness and skewness error printed
      i :  integral of bins printed
      I :  integral of bins with option "width" printed
      o :  number of overflows printed
      u :  number of underflows printed
      r :  rms printed
      R :  rms and rms error printed
      m :  mean value printed
      M :  mean value mean error values printed
      e :  number of entries printed
      n :  name of histogram is printed
For example, to print only name of histogram and number of entries do:
To print only the name of the histogram do:
The default value is:

When a histogram is painted, a TPaveStats object is created and added to the list of functions of the histogram. If a TPaveStats object already exists in the histogram list of functions, the existing object is just updated with the current histogram parameters.

Once a histogram is painted, the statistics box can be accessed using h->FindObject("stats"). In the command line it is enough to do:

      Root > h->Draw()
      Root > TPaveStats *st = (TPaveStats*)h->FindObject("stats")
because after h->Draw() the histogram is automatically painted. But in a script file the painting should be forced using gPad->Update() in order to make sure the statistics box is created:
      TPaveStats *st = (TPaveStats*)h->FindObject("stats");

Without gPad->Update() the line h->FindObject("stats") returns a null pointer.

When a histogram is drawn with the option "SAME", the statistics box is not drawn. To force the statistics box drawing with the option "SAME", the option "SAMES" must be used. If the new statistics box hides the previous statistics box, one can change its position with these lines ("h" being the pointer to the histogram):

      Root > TPaveStats *st = (TPaveStats*)h->FindObject("stats")
      Root > st->SetX1NDC(newx1); //new x start position
      Root > st->SetX2NDC(newx2); //new x end position
To change the type of information for an histogram with an existing TPaveStats one should do:
Where "mode" has the same meaning than when calling gStyle->SetOptStat(mode) (see above).

One can delete the statistics box for a histogram TH1* h with:

and activate it again with:

Labels used in the statistics box ("Mean", "RMS", ...) can be changed from $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc or .rootrc (look for the string "Hist.Stats.").

Fit Statistics

The type of information about fit parameters printed in the histogram statistics box can be selected via the parameter mode. The parameter mode can be = pcev (default = 0111)
      p = 1;  print Probability
      c = 1;  print Chisquare/Number of degrees of freedom
      e = 1;  print errors (if e=1, v must be 1)
      v = 1;  print name/values of parameters
print fit probability, parameter names/values and errors.
  1. When "v" = 1 is specified, only the non-fixed parameters are shown.
  2. When "v" = 2 all parameters are shown.
Note: gStyle->SetOptFit(1) means "default value", so it is equivalent to gStyle->SetOptFit(111)

The error bars options

"E" Default. Shows only the error bars, not a marker.
"E1" Small lines are drawn at the end of the error bars.
"E2" Error rectangles are drawn.
"E3" A filled area is drawn through the end points of the vertical error bars.
"E4" A smoothed filled area is drawn through the end points of the vertical error bars.
"E0" Draw also bins with null contents.
End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH1F *he = new TH1F("he","Distribution drawn with error bars (option E1) ",100,-3,3); Int_t i; for (i=0;i<10000;i++) he->Fill(gRandom->Gaus(0,1)); gStyle->SetEndErrorSize(3); gStyle->SetErrorX(1.); he->SetMarkerStyle(20); he->Draw("E1"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The options "E3" and "E4" draw an error band through the end points of the vertical error bars. With "E4" the error band is smoothed. Because of the smoothing algorithm used some artefacts may appear at the end of the band like in the following example. In such cases "E3" should be used instead of "E4". End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *ce4 = new TCanvas("ce4","ce4",600,400); ce4->Divide(2,1); TH1F *he4 = new TH1F("he4","Distribution drawn with option E4",100,-3,3); Int_t i; for (i=0;i<10000;i++) he4->Fill(gRandom->Gaus(0,1)); he4->SetFillColor(kRed); he4->GetXaxis()->SetRange(40,48); ce4->cd(1); he4->Draw("E4"); ce4->cd(2); TH1F *he3 = (TH1F*)he4->DrawClone("E3"); he3->SetTitle("Distribution drawn option E3"); return ce4; } End_Macro Begin_Html

2D histograms can be drawn with error bars as shown is the following example: End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2e = new TCanvas("c2e","c2e",600,400); TH2F *h2e = new TH2F("h2e","TH2 drawn with option E",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); h2e->Fill(px,5*py); } h2e->Draw("E"); return c2e; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The bar chart option

The option "B" allows to draw simple vertical bar charts. The bar width is controlled with TH1::SetBarWidth(), and the bar offset wihtin the bin, with TH1::SetBarOffset(). These two settings are useful to draw several histograms on the same plot as shown in the following example: End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { int i; const Int_t nx = 8; char *os_X[nx] = {"8","32","128","512","2048","8192","32768","131072"}; float d_35_0[nx] = {0.75, -3.30, -0.92, 0.10, 0.08, -1.69, -1.29, -2.37}; float d_35_1[nx] = {1.01, -3.02, -0.65, 0.37, 0.34, -1.42, -1.02, -2.10}; TCanvas *cb = new TCanvas("cb","cb",600,400); cb->SetGrid(); gStyle->SetHistMinimumZero(); TH1F *h1b = new TH1F("h1b","Option B example",nx,0,nx); h1b->SetFillColor(4); h1b->SetBarWidth(0.4); h1b->SetBarOffset(0.1); h1b->SetStats(0); h1b->SetMinimum(-5); h1b->SetMaximum(5); for (i=1; i<=nx; i++) { h1b->Fill(os_X[i-1], d_35_0[i-1]); h1b->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i,os_X[i-1]); } h1b->Draw("b"); TH1F *h2b = new TH1F("h2b","h2b",nx,0,nx); h2b->SetFillColor(38); h2b->SetBarWidth(0.4); h2b->SetBarOffset(0.5); h2b->SetStats(0); for (i=1;i<=nx;i++) h2b->Fill(os_X[i-1], d_35_1[i-1]); h2b->Draw("b same"); return cb; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The "BAR" and "HBAR" options

When the option "bar" or "hbar" is specified, a bar chart is drawn. A vertical bar-chart is drawn with the options "bar", "bar0", "bar1", "bar2", "bar3", "bar4". An horizontal bar-chart is drawn with the options "hbar", "hbar0", "hbar1", "hbar2", "hbar3", "hbar4".
  • The bar is filled with the histogram fill color.
  • The left side of the bar is drawn with a light fill color.
  • The right side of the bar is drawn with a dark fill color.
  • The percentage of the bar drawn with either the light or dark color is:
    • 0% for option "(h)bar" or "(h)bar0"
    • 10% for option "(h)bar1"
    • 20% for option "(h)bar2"
    • 30% for option "(h)bar3"
    • 40% for option "(h)bar4"
End_Html Begin_Macro(source) ../../../tutorials/hist/hbars.C End_Macro Begin_Html

To control the bar width (default is the bin width) TH1::SetBarWidth() should be used.
To control the bar offset (default is 0) TH1::SetBarOffset() should be used.
These two parameters are useful when several histograms are plotted using the option SAME. They allow to plot the histograms next to each other.

The SCATter plot option (default for 2D histograms)

For each cell (i,j) a number of points proportional to the cell content is drawn. A maximum of kNMAX points per cell is drawn. If the maximum is above kNMAX contents are normalized to kNMAX (kNMAX=2000). If option is of the form "scat=ff", (eg scat=1.8, scat=1e-3), then ff is used as a scale factor to compute the number of dots. "scat=1" is the default.

By default the scatter plot is painted with a "dot marker" which not scalable (see the TAttMarker documentation). To change the marker size, a scalable marker type should be used. For instance a circle (marker style 20). End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *hscat = new TH2F("hscat","Option SCATter example (default for 2D histograms) ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hscat->Fill(px,5*py); hscat->Fill(3+0.5*px,2*py-10.); } hscat->Draw("scat=0.5"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The ARRow option

Shows gradient between adjacent cells. For each cell (i,j) an arrow is drawn The orientation of the arrow follows the cell gradient. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *harr = new TH2F("harr","Option ARRow example",20,-4,4,20,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); harr->Fill(px,5*py); harr->Fill(3+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } harr->Draw("ARR"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The BOX option

For each cell (i,j) a box is drawn. The size (surface) of the box is proportional to the absolute value of the cell content. The cells with a negative content draw with a X on top of the boxes. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); hbox = new TH2F("hbox","Option BOX example",3,0,3,3,0,3); hbox->SetFillColor(42); hbox->Fill(0.5, 0.5, 1.); hbox->Fill(0.5, 1.5, 4.); hbox->Fill(0.5, 2.5, 3.); hbox->Fill(1.5, 0.5, 2.); hbox->Fill(1.5, 1.5, 12.); hbox->Fill(1.5, 2.5, -6.); hbox->Fill(2.5, 0.5, -4.); hbox->Fill(2.5, 1.5, 6.); hbox->Fill(2.5, 2.5, 0.5); hbox->Draw("BOX"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

With option "BOX1" a button is drawn for each cell with surface proportional to content's absolute value. A sunken button is drawn for negative values a raised one for positive. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); hbox1 = new TH2F("hbox1","Option BOX1 example",3,0,3,3,0,3); hbox1->SetFillColor(42); hbox1->Fill(0.5, 0.5, 1.); hbox1->Fill(0.5, 1.5, 4.); hbox1->Fill(0.5, 2.5, 3.); hbox1->Fill(1.5, 0.5, 2.); hbox1->Fill(1.5, 1.5, 12.); hbox1->Fill(1.5, 2.5, -6.); hbox1->Fill(2.5, 0.5, -4.); hbox1->Fill(2.5, 1.5, 6.); hbox1->Fill(2.5, 2.5, 0.5); hbox1->Draw("BOX1"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

When the option "SAME" (or "SAMES") is used with the option "BOX", the boxes' sizes are computing taking the previous plots into account. The range along the Z axis is imposed by the first plot (the one without option "SAME"); therefore the order in which the plots are done is relevant. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *hb1 = new TH2F("hb1","Example of BOX plots with option SAME ",40,-3,3,40,-3,3); TH2F *hb2 = new TH2F("hb2","hb2",40,-3,3,40,-3,3); TH2F *hb3 = new TH2F("hb3","hb3",40,-3,3,40,-3,3); TH2F *hb4 = new TH2F("hb4","hb4",40,-3,3,40,-3,3); for (Int_t i=0;i<1000;i++) { double x,y; gRandom->Rannor(x,y); if (x>0 && y>0) hb1->Fill(x,y,4); if (x<0 && y<0) hb2->Fill(x,y,3); if (x>0 && y<0) hb3->Fill(x,y,2); if (x<0 && y>0) hb4->Fill(x,y,1); } hb1->SetFillColor(1); hb2->SetFillColor(2); hb3->SetFillColor(3); hb4->SetFillColor(4); hb1->Draw("box"); hb2->Draw("box same"); hb3->Draw("box same"); hb4->Draw("box same"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The COLor option

For each cell (i,j) a box is drawn with a color proportional to the cell content.

The color table used is defined in the current style.

If the histogram's minimum and maximum are the same (flat histogram), the mapping on colors is not possible, therefore nothing is painted. To paint a flat histogram it is enough to set the histogram minimum (TH1::SetMinimum()) different from the bins' content.

The default number of color levels used to paint the cells is 20. It can be changed with TH1::SetContour() or TStyle::SetNumberContours(). The higher this number is, the smoother is the color change between cells.

The color palette in TStyle can be modified via gStyle->SetPalette().

All the none empty bins are painted. Empty bins are not painted unless some bins have a negative content because in that case the null bins might be not empty.

TProfile2D histograms are handled differently because, for this type of 2D histograms, it is possible to know if an empty bin has been filled or not. So even if all the bins' contents are positive some empty bins might be painted. And vice versa, if some bins have a negative content some empty bins might be not painted.

Combined with the option "COL", the option "Z" allows to display the color palette defined by gStyle->SetPalette().

In the following example, the histogram has only positive bins; the empty bins (containing 0) are not drawn. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *hcol1 = new TH2F("hcol1","Option COLor example ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hcol1->Fill(px,5*py); } gStyle->SetPalette(1); hcol1->Draw("COLZ"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

In the following example, the histogram has some negative bins; the empty bins (containing 0) are drawn. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *hcol2 = new TH2F("hcol2","Option COLor example ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hcol2->Fill(px,5*py); } hcol2->Fill(0.,0.,-200.); gStyle->SetPalette(1); hcol2->Draw("COLZ"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The CANDLE option

A Candle plot (also known as a "box-and whisker plot" or simply "box plot") is a convenient way to describe graphically a data distribution (D) with only the five numbers. It was invented in 1977 by John Tukey.

With the option CANDLEX five numbers are:

  1. The minimum value of the distribution D (bottom dashed line).
  2. The lower quartile (Q1): 25% of the data points in D are less than Q1 (bottom of the box).
  3. The median (M): 50% of the data points in D are less than M (thick line segment inside the box).
  4. The upper quartile (Q3): 75% of the data points in D are less than Q3 (top of the box).
  5. The maximum value of the distribution D (top dashed line).
The mean value of the distribution D is also represented as a circle.

In this implementation a TH2 is considered as a collection of TH1 along X (option CANDLE or CANDLEX) or Y (option CANDLEY). Each TH1 is represented as a candle plot. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *hcandle = new TH2F("hcandle","Option CANDLE example ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hcandle->Fill(px,5*py); } hcandle->SetMarkerSize(0.5); hcandle->Draw("CANDLE"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The VIOLIN option

A violin plot is a box plot that also encodes the pdf information at each point.

Quartiles and mean are also represented at each point, with a marker and two lines.

In this implementation a TH2 is considered as a collection of TH1 along X (option VIOLIN or VIOLINX) or Y (option VIOLINY).

A solid fill style is recommended for this plot (as opposed to a hollow or hashed style).

End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); Int_t nx(6), ny(40); Double_t xmin(0.0), xmax(+6.0), ymin(0.0), ymax(+4.0); TH2F* hviolin = new TH2F("hviolin", "Option VIOLIN example", nx, xmin, xmax, ny, ymin, ymax); TF1 f1("f1", "gaus", +0,0 +4.0); Double_t x,y; for (Int_t iBin=1; iBinGetNbinsX(); ++iBin) { Double_t xc = hviolin->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iBin); f1.SetParameters(1, 2.0+TMath::Sin(1.0+xc), 0.2+0.1*(xc-xmin)/xmax); for(Int_t i=0; i<10000; ++i){ x = xc; y = f1.GetRandom(); hviolin->Fill(x, y); } } hviolin->SetFillColor(kGray); hviolin->SetMarkerStyle(20); hviolin->SetMarkerSize(0.5); hviolin->Draw("VIOLIN"); c1->Update(); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The TEXT and TEXTnn Option

For each bin the content is printed. The text attributes are:
  • text font = current TStyle font (gStyle->SetTextFont()).
  • text size = 0.02*padheight*markersize (if h is the histogram drawn with the option "TEXT" the marker size can be changed with h->SetMarkerSize(markersize)).
  • text color = marker color.
By default the format "g" is used. This format can be redefined by calling gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat().

It is also possible to use "TEXTnn" in order to draw the text with the angle nn (0 < nn < 90).

For 2D histograms the text is plotted in the center of each non empty cells. It is possible to plot empty cells by calling gStyle->SetHistMinimumZero(). For 1D histogram the text is plotted at a y position equal to the bin content.

For 2D histograms when the option "E" (errors) is combined with the option text ("TEXTE"), the error for each bin is also printed. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c01 = new TCanvas("c01","c01",700,400); c01->Divide(2,1); TH1F *htext1 = new TH1F("htext1","Option TEXT on 1D histograms ",10,-4,4); TH2F *htext2 = new TH2F("htext2","Option TEXT on 2D histograms ",10,-4,4,10,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); htext1->Fill(px,0.1); htext2->Fill(px,5*py,0.1); } gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat("4.1f m"); htext2->SetMarkerSize(1.8); c01->cd(1); htext2->Draw("TEXT45"); c01->cd(2); htext1->Draw(); htext1->Draw("TEXT0 SAME"); return c01; } End_Macro Begin_Html

In the case of profile histograms it is possible to print the number of entries instead of the bin content. It is enough to combine the option "E" (for entries) with the option "TEXT". End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c02 = new TCanvas("c02","c02",700,400); c02->Divide(2,1); gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat("g"); TProfile *profile = new TProfile("profile","profile",10,0,10); profile->SetMarkerSize(2.2); profile->Fill(0.5,1); profile->Fill(1.5,2); profile->Fill(2.5,3); profile->Fill(3.5,4); profile->Fill(4.5,5); profile->Fill(5.5,5); profile->Fill(6.5,4); profile->Fill(7.5,3); profile->Fill(8.5,2); profile->Fill(9.5,1); c02->cd(1); profile->Draw("HIST TEXT0"); c02->cd(2); profile->Draw("HIST TEXT0E"); return c02; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The CONTour options

The following contour options are supported:
"CONT" Draw a contour plot (same as CONT0).
"CONT0" Draw a contour plot using surface colors to distinguish contours.
"CONT1" Draw a contour plot using the line colors to distinguish contours.
"CONT2" Draw a contour plot using the line styles to distinguish contours.
"CONT3" Draw a contour plot solid lines for all contours.
"CONT4" Draw a contour plot using surface colors ("SURF" option at theta = 0).
"CONT5" Draw a contour plot using Delaunay triangles.
The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "CONTZ". The option "CONT" draws a contour plot using surface colors to distinguish contours. Combined with the option "CONT" (or "CONT0"), the option "Z" allows to display the color palette defined by gStyle->SetPalette(). End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *hcontz = new TH2F("hcontz","Option CONTZ example ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hcontz->Fill(px-1,5*py); hcontz->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } gStyle->SetPalette(1); hcontz->Draw("CONTZ"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "CONT1Z". The option "CONT1" draws a contour plot using the line colors to distinguish contours. Combined with the option "CONT1", the option "Z" allows to display the color palette defined by gStyle->SetPalette(). End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *hcont1 = new TH2F("hcont1","Option CONT1Z example ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hcont1->Fill(px-1,5*py); hcont1->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } gStyle->SetPalette(1); hcont1->Draw("CONT1Z"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "CONT2". The option "CONT2" draws a contour plot using the line styles to distinguish contours. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *hcont2 = new TH2F("hcont2","Option CONT2 example ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hcont2->Fill(px-1,5*py); hcont2->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hcont2->Draw("CONT2"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "CONT3". The option "CONT3" draws contour plot solid lines for all contours. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *hcont3 = new TH2F("hcont3","Option CONT3 example ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hcont3->Fill(px-1,5*py); hcont3->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hcont3->Draw("CONT3"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "CONT4". The option "CONT4" draws a contour plot using surface colors to distinguish contours ("SURF" option at theta = 0). Combined with the option "CONT" (or "CONT0"), the option "Z" allows to display the color palette defined by gStyle->SetPalette(). End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",600,400); TH2F *hcont4 = new TH2F("hcont4","Option CONT4Z example ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hcont4->Fill(px-1,5*py); hcont4->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } gStyle->SetPalette(1); hcont4->Draw("CONT4Z"); return c1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The default number of contour levels is 20 equidistant levels and can be changed with TH1::SetContour() or TStyle::SetNumberContours().

The LIST option

When option "LIST" is specified together with option "CONT", the points used to draw the contours are saved in TGraph objects:

      h->Draw("CONT LIST");
The contour are saved in TGraph objects once the pad is painted. Therefore to use this functionnality in a macro, gPad->Update() should be performed after the histogram drawing. Once the list is built, the contours are accessible in the following way:
      TObjArray *contours = gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours")
      Int_t ncontours     = contours->GetSize();
      TList *list         = (TList*)contours->At(i);
Where i is a contour number, and list contains a list of TGraph objects. For one given contour, more than one disjoint polyline may be generated. The number of TGraphs per contour is given by:
To access the first graph in the list one should do:
      TGraph *gr1 = (TGraph*)list->First();
The following example shows how to use this functionality. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) ../../../tutorials/hist/ContourList.C End_Macro Begin_Html

The following options select the "CONT4" option and are useful for sky maps or exposure maps.
"AITOFF" Draw a contour via an AITOFF projection.
"MERCATOR" Draw a contour via an Mercator projection.
"SINUSOIDAL" Draw a contour via an Sinusoidal projection.
"PARABOLIC" Draw a contour via an Parabolic projection.
End_Html Begin_Macro(source) ../../../tutorials/graphics/earth.C End_Macro Begin_Html

The LEGO options

In a lego plot the cell contents are drawn as 3-d boxes. The height of each box is proportional to the cell content. The lego aspect is control with the following options:
"LEGO" Draw a lego plot using the hidden lines removal technique.
"LEGO1" Draw a lego plot using the hidden surface removal technique.
"LEGO2" Draw a lego plot using colors to show the cell contents.
"LEGO3" Draw a lego plot with hidden surface removal, like LEGO1 but the border lines of each lego-bar are not drawn.
"LEGO4" Draw a lego plot with hidden surface removal, like LEGO1 but without the shadow effect on each lego-bar.
"0" When used with any LEGO option, the empty bins are not drawn.
See the limitations with the option "SAME".

Line attributes can be used in lego plots to change the edges' style.

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "LEGO". The option "LEGO" draws a lego plot using the hidden lines removal technique. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hlego = new TH2F("hlego","Option LEGO example ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hlego->Fill(px-1,5*py); hlego->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hlego->Draw("LEGO"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "LEGO1". The option "LEGO1" draws a lego plot using the hidden surface removal technique. Combined with any "LEGOn" option, the option "0" allows to not drawn the empty bins. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hlego1 = new TH2F("hlego1","Option LEGO1 example (with option 0) ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hlego1->Fill(px-1,5*py); hlego1->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hlego1->SetFillColor(kYellow); hlego1->Draw("LEGO1 0"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "LEGO3". Like the option "LEGO1", the option "LEGO3" draws a lego plot using the hidden surface removal technique but doesn't draw the border lines of each individual lego-bar. This is very useful for histograms having many bins. With such histograms the option "LEGO1" gives a black image because of the border lines. This option also works with stacked legos. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hlego3 = new TH2F("hlego3","Option LEGO3 example",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hlego3->Fill(px-1,5*py); hlego3->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hlego3->SetFillColor(kRed); hlego3->Draw("LEGO3"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "LEGO2". The option "LEGO2" draws a lego plot using colors to show the cell contents. Combined with the option "LEGO2", the option "Z" allows to display the color palette defined by gStyle->SetPalette(). End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hlego2 = new TH2F("hlego2","Option LEGO2Z example ",40,-4,4,40,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hlego2->Fill(px-1,5*py); hlego2->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } gStyle->SetPalette(1); hlego2->Draw("LEGO2Z"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The "SURFace" options

In a surface plot, cell contents are represented as a mesh. The height of the mesh is proportional to the cell content.
"SURF" Draw a surface plot using the hidden line removal technique.
"SURF1" Draw a surface plot using the hidden surface removal technique.
"SURF2" Draw a surface plot using colors to show the cell contents.
"SURF3" Same as SURF with an additionial filled contour plot on top.
"SURF4" Draw a surface using the Gouraud shading technique.
"SURF5" Used with one of the options CYL, PSR and CYL this option allows to draw a a filled contour plot.
"SURF6" This option should not be used directly. It is used internally when the CONT is used with option the option SAME on a 3D plot.
"SURF7" Same as SURF2 with an additionial line contour plot on top.
See the limitations with the option "SAME".

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "SURF". The option "SURF" draws a lego plot using the hidden lines removal technique. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hsurf = new TH2F("hsurf","Option SURF example ",30,-4,4,30,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hsurf->Fill(px-1,5*py); hsurf->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hsurf->Draw("SURF"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "SURF1". The option "SURF1" draws a surface plot using the hidden surface removal technique. Combined with the option "SURF1", the option "Z" allows to display the color palette defined by gStyle->SetPalette(). End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hsurf1 = new TH2F("hsurf1","Option SURF1 example ",30,-4,4,30,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hsurf1->Fill(px-1,5*py); hsurf1->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hsurf1->Draw("SURF1"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "SURF2". The option "SURF2" draws a surface plot using colors to show the cell contents. Combined with the option "SURF2", the option "Z" allows to display the color palette defined by gStyle->SetPalette(). End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hsurf2 = new TH2F("hsurf2","Option SURF2 example ",30,-4,4,30,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hsurf2->Fill(px-1,5*py); hsurf2->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hsurf2->Draw("SURF2"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "SURF3". The option "SURF3" draws a surface plot using the hidden line removal technique with, in addition, a filled contour view drawn on the top. Combined with the option "SURF3", the option "Z" allows to display the color palette defined by gStyle->SetPalette(). End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hsurf3 = new TH2F("hsurf3","Option SURF3 example ",30,-4,4,30,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hsurf3->Fill(px-1,5*py); hsurf3->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hsurf3->Draw("SURF3"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "SURF4". The option "SURF4" draws a surface using the Gouraud shading technique. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hsurf4 = new TH2F("hsurf4","Option SURF4 example ",30,-4,4,30,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hsurf4->Fill(px-1,5*py); hsurf4->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hsurf4->SetFillColor(kOrange); hsurf4->Draw("SURF4"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "SURF5 CYL". Combined with the option "SURF5", the option "Z" allows to display the color palette defined by gStyle->SetPalette(). End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hsurf5 = new TH2F("hsurf4","Option SURF5 example ",30,-4,4,30,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hsurf5->Fill(px-1,5*py); hsurf5->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hsurf5->SetFillColor(kOrange); hsurf5->Draw("SURF5 CYL"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 2D histogram plotted with the option "SURF7". The option "SURF7" draws a surface plot using the hidden surfaces removal technique with, in addition, a line contour view drawn on the top. Combined with the option "SURF7", the option "Z" allows to display the color palette defined by gStyle->SetPalette(). End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TH2F *hsurf7 = new TH2F("hsurf3","Option SURF7 example ",30,-4,4,30,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hsurf7->Fill(px-1,5*py); hsurf7->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hsurf7->Draw("SURF7"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

As shown in the following example, when a contour plot is painted on top of a surface plot using the option SAME, the contours appear in 3D on the surface. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c20=new TCanvas("c20","c20",600,400); int NBins = 50; double d = 2; TH2F* hsc = new TH2F("hsc", "Surface and contour with option SAME ", NBins, -d, d, NBins, -d, d); for (int bx = 1; bx <= NBins; ++bx) { for (int by = 1; by <= NBins; ++by) { double x = hsc->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(bx); double y = hsc->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(by); hsc->SetBinContent(bx, by, exp(-x*x)*exp(-y*y)); } } gStyle->SetPalette(1); hsc->Draw("surf2"); hsc->Draw("CONT1 SAME"); return c20; } End_Macro Begin_Html

Cylindrical, Polar, Spherical and PseudoRapidity/Phi options

Legos and surfaces plots are represented by default in Cartesian coordinates. Combined with any "LEGOn" or "SURFn" options the following options allow to draw a lego or a surface in other coordinates systems.
"CYL" Use Cylindrical coordinates. The X coordinate is mapped on the angle and the Y coordinate on the cylinder length.
"POL" Use Polar coordinates. The X coordinate is mapped on the angle and the Y coordinate on the radius.
"SPH" Use Spherical coordinates. The X coordinate is mapped on the latitude and the Y coordinate on the longitude.
"PSR" Use PseudoRapidity/Phi coordinates. The X coordinate is mapped on Phi.
WARNING: Axis are not drawn with these options.

The following example shows the same histogram as a lego plot is the four different coordinates systems. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","c3",600,400); c3->Divide(2,2); TH2F *hlcc = new TH2F("hlcc","Cylindrical coordinates",20,-4,4,20,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hlcc->Fill(px-1,5*py); hlcc->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } hlcc->SetFillColor(kYellow); c3->cd(1); hlcc->Draw("LEGO1 CYL"); c3->cd(2); TH2F *hlpc = (TH2F*) hlcc->DrawClone("LEGO1 POL"); hlpc->SetTitle("Polar coordinates"); c3->cd(3); TH2F *hlsc = (TH2F*) hlcc->DrawClone("LEGO1 SPH"); hlsc->SetTitle("Spherical coordinates"); c3->cd(4); TH2F *hlprpc = (TH2F*) hlcc->DrawClone("LEGO1 PSR"); hlprpc->SetTitle("PseudoRapidity/Phi coordinates"); return c3; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows the same histogram as a surface plot is the four different coordinates systems. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4","c4",600,400); c4->Divide(2,2); TH2F *hscc = new TH2F("hscc","Cylindrical coordinates",20,-4,4,20,-20,20); Float_t px, py; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px,py); hscc->Fill(px-1,5*py); hscc->Fill(2+0.5*px,2*py-10.,0.1); } gStyle->SetPalette(1); c4->cd(1); hscc->Draw("SURF1 CYL"); c4->cd(2); TH2F *hspc = (TH2F*) hscc->DrawClone("SURF1 POL"); hspc->SetTitle("Polar coordinates"); c4->cd(3); TH2F *hssc = (TH2F*) hscc->DrawClone("SURF1 SPH"); hssc->SetTitle("Spherical coordinates"); c4->cd(4); TH2F *hsprpc = (TH2F*) hscc->DrawClone("SURF1 PSR"); hsprpc->SetTitle("PseudoRapidity/Phi coordinates"); return c4; } End_Macro Begin_Html

Base line for bar-charts and lego plots

By default the base line used to draw the boxes for bar-charts and lego plots is the histogram minimum. It is possible to force this base line to be 0 with the command:
End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c5 = new TCanvas("c5","c5",700,400); c5->Divide(2,1); gStyle->SetHistMinimumZero(1); TH1F *hz1 = new TH1F("hz1","Bar-chart drawn from 0",20,-3,3); TH2F *hz2 = new TH2F("hz2","Lego plot drawn from 0",20,-3,3,20,-3,3); Int_t i; Double_t x,y; hz1->SetFillColor(kBlue); hz2->SetFillColor(kBlue); for (i=0;i<10000;i++) { x = gRandom->Gaus(0,1); y = gRandom->Gaus(0,1); if (x>0) { hz1->Fill(x,1); hz2->Fill(x,y,1); } else { hz1->Fill(x,-1); hz2->Fill(x,y,-2); } } c5->cd(1); hz1->Draw("bar2"); c5->cd(2); hz2->Draw("lego1"); return c5; } End_Macro Begin_Html

This option also works for horizontal plots. The example given in the section "The bar chart option" appears as follow: End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { int i; const Int_t nx = 8; char *os_X[nx] = {"8","32","128","512","2048","8192","32768","131072"}; float d_35_0[nx] = {0.75, -3.30, -0.92, 0.10, 0.08, -1.69, -1.29, -2.37}; float d_35_1[nx] = {1.01, -3.02, -0.65, 0.37, 0.34, -1.42, -1.02, -2.10}; TCanvas *cbh = new TCanvas("cbh","cbh",400,600); cbh->SetGrid(); gStyle->SetHistMinimumZero(); TH1F *h1bh = new TH1F("h1bh","Option HBAR centered on 0",nx,0,nx); h1bh->SetFillColor(4); h1bh->SetBarWidth(0.4); h1bh->SetBarOffset(0.1); h1bh->SetStats(0); h1bh->SetMinimum(-5); h1bh->SetMaximum(5); for (i=1; i<=nx; i++) { h1bh->Fill(os_X[i-1], d_35_0[i-1]); h1bh->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i,os_X[i-1]); } h1bh->Draw("hbar"); TH1F *h2bh = new TH1F("h2bh","h2bh",nx,0,nx); h2bh->SetFillColor(38); h2bh->SetBarWidth(0.4); h2bh->SetBarOffset(0.5); h2bh->SetStats(0); for (i=1;i<=nx;i++) h2bh->Fill(os_X[i-1], d_35_1[i-1]); h2bh->Draw("hbar same"); return cbh; } End_Macro Begin_Html

TH2Poly Drawing

The following options are supported:
"SCAT" Draw a scatter plot (default).
"COL" Draw a color plot. All the none empty bins are painted. Empty bins are not painted.
"COLZ" Same as "COL". In addition the color palette is also drawn.
"TEXT" Draw bin contents as text (format set via gStyle->SetPaintTextFormat).
"TEXTN" Draw bin names as text.
"TEXTnn" Draw bin contents as text at angle nn (0 < nn < 90).
"L" Draw the bins boundaries as lines. The lines attibutes are the TGraphs ones.
"P" Draw the bins boundaries as markers. The markers attibutes are the TGraphs ones.
"F" Draw the bins boundaries as filled polygons. The filled polygons attibutes are the TGraphs ones.

TH2Poly can be drawn as a color plot (option COL). TH2Poly bins can have any shapes. The bins are defined as graphs. The following macro is a very simple example showing how to book a TH2Poly and draw it. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *ch2p1 = new TCanvas("ch2p1","ch2p1",600,400); TH2Poly *h2p = new TH2Poly(); h2p->SetName("h2poly_name"); h2p->SetTitle("h2poly_title"); Double_t px1[] = {0, 5, 6}; Double_t py1[] = {0, 0, 5}; Double_t px2[] = {0, -1, -1, 0}; Double_t py2[] = {0, 0, -1, 3}; Double_t px3[] = {4, 3, 0, 1, 2.4}; Double_t py3[] = {4, 3.7, 1, 3.7, 2.5}; h2p->AddBin(3, px1, py1); h2p->AddBin(4, px2, py2); h2p->AddBin(5, px3, py3); h2p->Fill(0.1, 0.01, 3); h2p->Fill(-0.5, -0.5, 7); h2p->Fill(-0.7, -0.5, 1); h2p->Fill(1, 3, 1.5); Double_t fx[] = {0.1, -0.5, -0.7, 1}; Double_t fy[] = {0.01, -0.5, -0.5, 3}; Double_t fw[] = {3, 1, 1, 1.5}; h2p->FillN(4, fx, fy, fw); gStyle->SetPalette(1); h2p->Draw("col"); return ch2p1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

Rectangular bins are a frequent case. The special version of the AddBin method allows to define them more easily like shown in the following example. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) ../../../tutorials/hist/th2polyBoxes.C End_Macro Begin_Html

One TH2Poly bin can be a list of polygons. Such bins are defined by calling AddBin with a TMultiGraph. The following example shows a such case: End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *ch2p2 = new TCanvas("ch2p2","ch2p2",600,400); Int_t i, bin; const Int_t nx = 48; const char *states [nx] = { "alabama", "arizona", "arkansas", "california", "colorado", "connecticut", "delaware", "florida", "georgia", "idaho", "illinois", "indiana", "iowa", "kansas", "kentucky", "louisiana", "maine", "maryland", "massachusetts", "michigan", "minnesota", "mississippi", "missouri", "montana", "nebraska", "nevada", "new_hampshire", "new_jersey", "new_mexico", "new_york", "north_carolina", "north_dakota", "ohio", "oklahoma", "oregon", "pennsylvania", "rhode_island", "south_carolina", "south_dakota", "tennessee", "texas", "utah", "vermont", "virginia", "washington", "west_virginia", "wisconsin", "wyoming" }; Double_t pop[nx] = { 4708708, 6595778, 2889450, 36961664, 5024748, 3518288, 885122, 18537969, 9829211, 1545801, 12910409, 6423113, 3007856, 2818747, 4314113, 4492076, 1318301, 5699478, 6593587, 9969727, 5266214, 2951996, 5987580, 974989, 1796619, 2643085, 1324575, 8707739, 2009671, 19541453, 9380884, 646844, 11542645, 3687050, 3825657, 12604767, 1053209, 4561242, 812383, 6296254, 24782302, 2784572, 621760, 7882590, 6664195, 1819777, 5654774, 544270 }; Double_t lon1 = -130; Double_t lon2 = -65; Double_t lat1 = 24; Double_t lat2 = 50; TH2Poly *p = new TH2Poly("USA","USA Population",lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2); TFile *f; f = TFile::Open("http://root.cern.ch/files/usa.root"); TMultiGraph *mg; TKey *key; TIter nextkey(gDirectory->GetListOfKeys()); while ((key = (TKey*)nextkey())) { TObject *obj = key->ReadObj(); if (obj->InheritsFrom("TMultiGraph")) { mg = (TMultiGraph*)obj; bin = p->AddBin(mg); } } for (i=0; iFill(states[i], pop[i]); gStyle->SetOptStat(11); gStyle->SetPalette(1); p->Draw("COLZ L"); return ch2p2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

TH2Poly histograms can also be plotted using the GL interface using the option "GLLEGO".

The SPEC option

This option allows to use the TSpectrum2Painter tools. See the full documentation in TSpectrum2Painter::PaintSpectrum.

Option "Z" : Adding the color palette on the right side of the pad

When this option is specified, a color palette with an axis indicating the value of the corresponding color is drawn on the right side of the picture. In case, not enough space is left, one can increase the size of the right margin by calling TPad::SetRightMargin(). The attributes used to display the palette axis values are taken from the Z axis of the object. For example, to set the labels size on the palette axis do:
WARNING: The palette axis is always drawn vertically.

Setting the color palette

To change the color palette TStyle::SetPalette should be used, eg:
For example the option "COL" draws a 2D histogram with cells represented by a box filled with a color index which is a function of the cell content. If the cell content is N, the color index used will be the color number in colors[N], etc. If the maximum cell content is greater than ncolors, all cell contents are scaled to ncolors.

If ncolors <= 0, a default palette (see below) of 50 colors is defined. This palette is recommended for pads, labels ... if ncolors == 1 && colors == 0, then a Pretty Palette with a Spectrum Violet->Red is created with 50 colors. That's the default rain bow palette.

Other prefined palettes with 255 colors are available when colors == 0. The following value of ncolors give access to:

if ncolors = 51 and colors=0, a Deep Sea palette is used.
if ncolors = 52 and colors=0, a Grey Scale palette is used.
if ncolors = 53 and colors=0, a Dark Body Radiator palette is used.
if ncolors = 54 and colors=0, a two-color hue palette palette is used.(dark blue through neutral gray to bright yellow)
if ncolors = 55 and colors=0, a Rain Bow palette is used.
if ncolors = 56 and colors=0, an inverted Dark Body Radiator palette is used.

If ncolors > 0 && colors == 0, the default palette is used with a maximum of ncolors.

The default palette defines:

  • index 0 to 9 : shades of grey
  • index 10 to 19 : shades of brown
  • index 20 to 29 : shades of blue
  • index 30 to 39 : shades of red
  • index 40 to 49 : basic colors
The color numbers specified in the palette can be viewed by selecting the item "colors" in the "VIEW" menu of the canvas tool bar. The red, green, and blue components of a color can be changed thanks to TColor::SetRGB().

Drawing a sub-range of a 2D histogram; the [cutg] option

Using a TCutG object, it is possible to draw a sub-range of a 2D histogram. One must create a graphical cut (mouse or C++) and specify the name of the cut between [] in the Draw() option. For example, with a TCutG named "cutg", one can call:
      myhist->Draw("surf1 [cutg]");
To invert the cut, it is enough to put a "-" in front of its name:
      myhist->Draw("surf1 [-cutg]");
It is possible to apply several cuts ("," means logical AND):
      myhist->Draw("surf1 [cutg1,cutg2]");
End_Html Begin_Macro(source) ../../../tutorials/fit/fit2a.C End_Macro Begin_Html

Drawing options for 3D histograms

"ISO" Draw a Gouraud shaded 3d iso surface through a 3d histogram. It paints one surface at the value computed as follow: SumOfWeights/(NbinsX*NbinsY*NbinsZ)
"BOX" Draw a for each cell with volume proportional to the content's absolute value.
By default, like 2D histograms, 3D histograms are drawn as scatter plots.

The following example shows a 3D histogram plotted as a scatter plot. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c06 = new TCanvas("c06","c06",600,400); gStyle->SetOptStat(kFALSE); TH3F *h3scat = new TH3F("h3scat","Option SCAT (default) ",15,-2,2,15,-2,2,15,0,4); Double_t x, y, z; for (Int_t i=0;i<10000;i++) { gRandom->Rannor(x, y); z = x*x + y*y; h3scat->Fill(x,y,z); } h3scat->Draw(); return c06; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 3D histogram plotted with the option "BOX". End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c16 = new TCanvas("c16","c16",600,400); gStyle->SetOptStat(kFALSE); TH3F *h3box = new TH3F("h3box","Option BOX",15,-2,2,15,-2,2,15,0,4); Double_t x, y, z; for (Int_t i=0;i<10000;i++) { gRandom->Rannor(x, y); z = x*x + y*y; h3box->Fill(x,y,z); } h3box->Draw("BOX"); return c16; } End_Macro Begin_Html

The following example shows a 3D histogram plotted with the option "ISO". End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c26 = new TCanvas("c26","c26",600,400); gStyle->SetOptStat(kFALSE); TH3F *h3iso = new TH3F("h3iso","Option ISO",15,-2,2,15,-2,2,15,0,4); Double_t x, y, z; for (Int_t i=0;i<10000;i++) { gRandom->Rannor(x, y); z = x*x + y*y; h3iso->Fill(x,y,z); } h3iso->SetFillColor(kCyan); h3iso->Draw("ISO"); return c26; } End_Macro Begin_Html

Drawing option for histograms' stacks

Stacks of histograms are managed with the THStack. A THStack is a collection of TH1 (or derived) objects. For painting only the THStack containing TH1 only or THStack containing TH2 only will be considered.

By default, histograms are shown stacked:

  1. The first histogram is paint.
  2. The the sum of the first and second, etc...
If the option "NOSTACK" is specified, the histograms are all paint in the same pad as if the option "SAME" had been specified. This allows to compute X and Y scales common to all the histograms, like TMultiGraph does for graphs.

If the option "PADS" is specified, the current pad/canvas is subdivided into a number of pads equal to the number of histograms and each histogram is paint into a separate pad.

The following example shows various types of stacks. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) ../../../tutorials/hist/hstack.C End_Macro Begin_Html

If at least one of the histograms in the stack has errors, the whole stack is visualized by default with error bars. To visualize it without errors the option "HIST" should be used. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *cst1 = new TCanvas("cst1","cst1",700,400); cst1->Divide(2,1); TH1F * hst11 = new TH1F("hst11", "", 20, -10, 10); hst11->Sumw2(); hst11->FillRandom("gaus", 1000); hst11->SetFillColor(kViolet); hst11->SetLineColor(kViolet); TH1F * hst12 = new TH1F("hst12", "", 20, -10, 10); hst12->FillRandom("gaus", 500); hst12->SetFillColor(kBlue); hst12->SetLineColor(kBlue); THStack st1("st1", "st1"); st1.Add(hst11); st1.Add(hst12); cst1->cd(1); st1.Draw(); cst1->cd(2); st1.Draw("hist"); return cst1; } End_Macro Begin_Html

Drawing of 3D implicit functions

3D implicit functions (TF3) can be drawn as iso-surfaces. The implicit function f(x,y,z) = 0 is drawn in cartesian coordinates. In the following example the options "FB" and "BB" suppress the "Front Box" and "Back Box" around the plot. End_Html Begin_Macro(source) { TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","c2",600,400); TF3 *f3 = new TF3("f3","sin(x*x+y*y+z*z-36)",-2,2,-2,2,-2,2); f3->SetClippingBoxOn(0,0,0); f3->SetFillColor(30); f3->SetLineColor(15); f3->Draw("FBBB"); return c2; } End_Macro Begin_Html

Associated functions drawing

An associated function is created by TH1::Fit. More than on fitted function can be associated with one histogram (see TH1::Fit).

A TF1 object f1 can be added to the list of associated functions of an histogram h without calling TH1::Fit simply doing:

To retrieve a function by name from this list, do:
      TF1 *f1 = (TF1*)h->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(name);
      TF1 *f1 = h->GetFunction(name);
Associated functions are automatically painted when an histogram is drawn. To avoid the painting of the associated functions the option HIST should be added to the list of the options used to paint the histogram.

Drawing using OpenGL

The class TGLHistPainter allows to paint data set using the OpenGL 3D graphics library. The plotting options start with GL keyword. In addition, in order to inform canvases that OpenGL should be used to render 3D representations, the following option should be set:

General information: plot types and supported options

The following types of plots are provided:

For lego plots the supported options are:
"GLLEGO" Draw a lego plot. It works also for TH2Poly.
"GLLEGO2 Bins with color levels.
"GLLEGO3 Cylindrical bars.

Lego painter in cartesian supports logarithmic scales for X, Y, Z. In polar only Z axis can be logarithmic, in cylindrical only Y.

For surface plots (TF2 and TH2) the supported options are:
"GLSURF" Draw a surface.
"GLSURF1" Surface with color levels
"GLSURF2" The same as "GLSURF1" but without polygon outlines.
"GLSURF3" Color level projection on top of plot (works only in cartesian coordinate system).
"GLSURF4" Same as "GLSURF" but without polygon outlines.
The surface painting in cartesian coordinates supports logarithmic scales along X, Y, Z axis. In polar coordinates only the Z axis can be logarithmic, in cylindrical coordinates only the Y axis.

Additional options to SURF and LEGO - Coordinate systems:
" " Default, cartesian coordinates system.
"POL" Polar coordinates system.
"CYL" Cylindrical coordinates system.
"SPH" Spherical coordinates system.

TH3 as color boxes

The supported option is:
"GLCOL" H3 is drawn using semi-transparent colored boxes. See $ROOTSYS/tutorials/gl/glvox1.C.

TH3 as boxes (spheres)

The supported options are:
GLBOX" TH3 as a set of boxes, size of box is proportional to bin content.
GLBOX1" The same as "glbox", but spheres are drawn instead of boxes.

TH3 as iso-surface(s)

The supported option is:
"GLISO" TH3 is drawn using iso-surfaces.

TF3 (implicit function)

The supported option is:
GLTF3" Draw a TF3.

Parametric surfaces

$ROOTSYS/tutorials/gl/glparametric.C shows how to create parametric equations and visualize the surface.

Interaction with the plots

All the interactions are implemented via standard methods DistancetoPrimitive() and ExecuteEvent(). That's why all the interactions with the OpenGL plots are possible only when the mouse cursor is in the plot's area (the plot's area is the part of a the pad occupied by gl-produced picture). If the mouse cursor is not above gl-picture, the standard pad interaction is performed.

Selectable parts

Different parts of the plot can be selected:
  • xoz, yoz, xoy back planes: When such a plane selected, it's highlighted in green if the dynamic slicing by this plane is supported, and it's highlighted in red, if the dynamic slicing is not supported.
  • The plot itself: On surfaces, the selected surface is outlined in red. (TF3 and ISO are not outlined). On lego plots, the selected bin is highlighted. The bin number and content are displayed in pad's status bar. In box plots, the box or sphere is highlighted and the bin info is displayed in pad's status bar.

Rotation and zooming

  • Rotation: When the plot is selected, it can be rotated by pressing and holding the left mouse button and move the cursor.
  • Zoom/Unzoom: Mouse wheel or 'j', 'J', 'k', 'K' keys.


The selected plot can be moved in a pad's area by pressing and holding the left mouse button and the shift key.

Box cut

Surface, iso, box, TF3 and parametric painters support box cut by pressing the 'c' or 'C' key when the mouse cursor is in a plot's area. That will display a transparent box, cutting away part of the surface (or boxes) in order to show internal part of plot. This box can be moved inside the plot's area (the full size of the box is equal to the plot's surrounding box) by selecting one of the box cut axes and pressing the left mouse button to move it.

Plot specific interactions (dynamic slicing etc.)

Currently, all gl-plots support some form of slicing. When back plane is selected (and if it's highlighted in green) you can press and hold left mouse button and shift key and move this back plane inside plot's area, creating the slice. During this "slicing" plot becomes semi-transparent. To remove all slices (and projected curves for surfaces) double click with left mouse button in a plot's area.

Surface with option "GLSURF"

The surface profile is displayed on the slicing plane. The profile projection is drawn on the back plane by pressing 'p' or 'P' key.


The contour plot is drawn on the slicing plane. For TF3 the color scheme can be changed by pressing 's' or 'S'.


The contour plot corresponding to slice plane position is drawn in real time.


Slicing is similar to "GLBOX" option.

Parametric plot

No slicing. Additional keys: 's' or 'S' to change color scheme - about 20 color schemes supported ('s' for "scheme"); 'l' or 'L' to increase number of polygons ('l' for "level" of details), 'w' or 'W' to show outlines ('w' for "wireframe"). End_Html */ TH1 *gCurrentHist = 0; Hoption_t Hoption; Hparam_t Hparam; const Int_t kNMAX = 2000; const Int_t kMAXCONTOUR = 104; const UInt_t kCannotRotate = BIT(11); static TString gStringEntries; static TString gStringMean; static TString gStringMeanX; static TString gStringMeanY; static TString gStringMeanZ; static TString gStringRMS; static TString gStringRMSX; static TString gStringRMSY; static TString gStringRMSZ; static TString gStringUnderflow; static TString gStringOverflow; static TString gStringIntegral; static TString gStringIntegralBinWidth; static TString gStringSkewness; static TString gStringSkewnessX; static TString gStringSkewnessY; static TString gStringSkewnessZ; static TString gStringKurtosis; static TString gStringKurtosisX; static TString gStringKurtosisY; static TString gStringKurtosisZ; ClassImp(THistPainter) //______________________________________________________________________________ THistPainter::THistPainter() { /* Begin_html Default constructor. End_html */ fH = 0; fXaxis = 0; fYaxis = 0; fZaxis = 0; fFunctions = 0; fXbuf = 0; fYbuf = 0; fNcuts = 0; fStack = 0; fLego = 0; fPie = 0; fGraph2DPainter = 0; fShowProjection = 0; fShowOption = ""; for (int i=0; iGetValue("Hist.Stats.Entries", "Entries"); gStringMean = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.Mean", "Mean"); gStringMeanX = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.MeanX", "Mean x"); gStringMeanY = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.MeanY", "Mean y"); gStringMeanZ = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.MeanZ", "Mean z"); gStringRMS = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.RMS", "RMS"); gStringRMSX = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.RMSX", "RMS x"); gStringRMSY = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.RMSY", "RMS y"); gStringRMSZ = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.RMSZ", "RMS z"); gStringUnderflow = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.Underflow", "Underflow"); gStringOverflow = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.Overflow", "Overflow"); gStringIntegral = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.Integral", "Integral"); gStringIntegralBinWidth = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.IntegralBinWidth", "Integral(w)"); gStringSkewness = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.Skewness", "Skewness"); gStringSkewnessX = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.SkewnessX", "Skewness x"); gStringSkewnessY = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.SkewnessY", "Skewness y"); gStringSkewnessZ = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.SkewnessZ", "Skewness z"); gStringKurtosis = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.Kurtosis", "Kurtosis"); gStringKurtosisX = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.KurtosisX", "Kurtosis x"); gStringKurtosisY = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.KurtosisY", "Kurtosis y"); gStringKurtosisZ = gEnv->GetValue("Hist.Stats.KurtosisZ", "Kurtosis z"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ THistPainter::~THistPainter() { /* Begin_html Default destructor. End_html */ } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) { /* Begin_html Compute the distance from the point px,py to a line.

Compute the closest distance of approach from point px,py to elements of an histogram. The distance is computed in pixels units.

Currently, this simple model computes the distance from the mouse to the histogram contour only. End_html */ const Int_t big = 9999; const Int_t kMaxDiff = 7; if (fPie) return fPie->DistancetoPrimitive(px, py); Double_t x = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); Double_t x1 = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px+1); Int_t puxmin = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmin()); Int_t puymin = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymin()); Int_t puxmax = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmax()); Int_t puymax = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymax()); Int_t curdist = big; Int_t yxaxis, dyaxis,xyaxis, dxaxis; Bool_t dsame; TObject *PadPointer = gPad->GetPadPointer(); if (!PadPointer) return 0; TString doption = PadPointer->GetDrawOption(); Double_t factor = 1; if (fH->GetNormFactor() != 0) { factor = fH->GetNormFactor()/fH->GetSumOfWeights(); } // return if point is not in the histogram area // If a 3D view exists, check distance to axis TView *view = gPad->GetView(); Int_t d1,d2,d3; if (view && Hoption.Contour != 14) { Double_t ratio; d3 = view->GetDistancetoAxis(3, px, py, ratio); if (d3 <= kMaxDiff) {gPad->SetSelected(fZaxis); return 0;} d1 = view->GetDistancetoAxis(1, px, py, ratio); if (d1 <= kMaxDiff) {gPad->SetSelected(fXaxis); return 0;} d2 = view->GetDistancetoAxis(2, px, py, ratio); if (d2 <= kMaxDiff) {gPad->SetSelected(fYaxis); return 0;} if ( px > puxmin && px < puxmax && py > puymax && py < puymin) curdist = 1; goto FUNCTIONS; } // check if point is close to an axis doption.ToLower(); dsame = kFALSE; if (doption.Contains("same")) dsame = kTRUE; dyaxis = Int_t(2*(puymin-puymax)*fYaxis->GetLabelSize()); if (doption.Contains("y+")) { xyaxis = puxmax + Int_t((puxmax-puxmin)*fYaxis->GetLabelOffset()); if (px <= xyaxis+dyaxis && px >= xyaxis && py >puymax && py < puymin) { if (!dsame) { if (gPad->IsVertical()) gPad->SetSelected(fYaxis); else gPad->SetSelected(fXaxis); return 0; } } } else { xyaxis = puxmin - Int_t((puxmax-puxmin)*fYaxis->GetLabelOffset()); if (px >= xyaxis-dyaxis && px <= xyaxis && py >puymax && py < puymin) { if (!dsame) { if (gPad->IsVertical()) gPad->SetSelected(fYaxis); else gPad->SetSelected(fXaxis); return 0; } } } dxaxis = Int_t((puymin-puymax)*fXaxis->GetLabelSize()); if (doption.Contains("x+")) { yxaxis = puymax - Int_t((puymin-puymax)*fXaxis->GetLabelOffset()); if (py >= yxaxis-dxaxis && py <= yxaxis && px puxmin) { if (!dsame) { if (gPad->IsVertical()) gPad->SetSelected(fXaxis); else gPad->SetSelected(fYaxis); return 0; } } } else { yxaxis = puymin + Int_t((puymin-puymax)*fXaxis->GetLabelOffset()); if (yxaxis < puymin) yxaxis = puymin; if (py <= yxaxis+dxaxis && py >= yxaxis && px puxmin) { if (!dsame) { if (gPad->IsVertical()) gPad->SetSelected(fXaxis); else gPad->SetSelected(fYaxis); return 0; } } } // if object is 2D or 3D return this object if (fH->GetDimension() == 2) { if (fH->InheritsFrom(TH2Poly::Class())) { TH2Poly *th2 = (TH2Poly*)fH; Double_t xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; gPad->GetRangeAxis(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); Double_t pxu = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); Double_t pyu = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); if ((pxu>xmax) || (pxu < xmin) || (pyu>ymax) || (pyu < ymin)) { curdist = big; goto FUNCTIONS; } else { Int_t bin = th2->FindBin(pxu, pyu); if (bin>0) curdist = 1; else curdist = big; goto FUNCTIONS; } } Int_t delta2 = 5; //Give a margin of delta2 pixels to be in the 2-d area if ( px > puxmin + delta2 && px < puxmax - delta2 && py > puymax + delta2 && py < puymin - delta2) {curdist =1; goto FUNCTIONS;} } // point is inside histogram area. Find channel number if (gPad->IsVertical()) { Int_t bin = fXaxis->FindFixBin(gPad->PadtoX(x)); Int_t binsup = fXaxis->FindFixBin(gPad->PadtoX(x1)); Double_t binval = factor*fH->GetBinContent(bin); Int_t pybin = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->YtoPad(binval)); if (binval == 0 && pybin < puymin) pybin = 10000; // special case if more than one bin for the pixel if (binsup-bin>1) { Double_t binvalmin, binvalmax; binvalmin=binval; binvalmax=binval; for (Int_t ibin=bin+1; ibinGetBinContent(ibin); if (binvalmin>binvaltmp) binvalmin=binvaltmp; if (binvalmaxYtoAbsPixel(gPad->YtoPad(binvalmax)); Int_t pybinmax = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->YtoPad(binvalmin)); if (pypybinmin-kMaxDiff/2) pybin = py; } if (TMath::Abs(py - pybin) <= kMaxDiff) return TMath::Abs(py - pybin); } else { Double_t y = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); Double_t y1 = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py+1); Int_t bin = fXaxis->FindFixBin(gPad->PadtoY(y)); Int_t binsup = fXaxis->FindFixBin(gPad->PadtoY(y1)); Double_t binval = factor*fH->GetBinContent(bin); Int_t pxbin = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->XtoPad(binval)); if (binval == 0 && pxbin > puxmin) pxbin = 10000; // special case if more than one bin for the pixel if (binsup-bin>1) { Double_t binvalmin, binvalmax; binvalmin=binval; binvalmax=binval; for (Int_t ibin=bin+1; ibinGetBinContent(ibin); if (binvalmin>binvaltmp) binvalmin=binvaltmp; if (binvalmaxXtoAbsPixel(gPad->XtoPad(binvalmax)); Int_t pxbinmax = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->XtoPad(binvalmin)); if (pxpxbinmin-kMaxDiff/2) pxbin = px; } if (TMath::Abs(px - pxbin) <= kMaxDiff) return TMath::Abs(px - pxbin); } // Loop on the list of associated functions and user objects FUNCTIONS: TObject *f; TIter next(fFunctions); while ((f = (TObject*) next())) { Int_t dist; if (f->InheritsFrom(TF1::Class())) dist = f->DistancetoPrimitive(-px,py); else dist = f->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py); if (dist < kMaxDiff) {gPad->SetSelected(f); return dist;} } return curdist; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::DrawPanel() { /* Begin_html Display a panel with all histogram drawing options. End_html */ gCurrentHist = fH; if (!gPad) { Error("DrawPanel", "need to draw histogram first"); return; } TVirtualPadEditor *editor = TVirtualPadEditor::GetPadEditor(); editor->Show(); gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("((TCanvas*)0x%lx)->Selected((TVirtualPad*)0x%lx,(TObject*)0x%lx,1)", (ULong_t)gPad->GetCanvas(), (ULong_t)gPad, (ULong_t)fH)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) { /* Begin_html Execute the actions corresponding to "event".

This function is called when a histogram is clicked with the locator at the pixel position px,py. End_html */ static Int_t bin, px1, py1, px2, py2, pyold; static TBox *zoombox; Double_t zbx1,zbx2,zby1,zby2; Int_t bin1, bin2; Double_t xlow, xup, ylow, binval, x, baroffset, barwidth, binwidth; Bool_t opaque = gPad->OpaqueMoving(); if (!gPad->IsEditable()) return; if (fPie) { fPie->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py); return; } // come here if we have a lego/surface in the pad TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!fShowProjection && view && view->TestBit(kCannotRotate) == 0) { view->ExecuteRotateView(event, px, py); return; } TAxis *xaxis = fH->GetXaxis(); TAxis *yaxis = fH->GetYaxis(); Int_t dimension = fH->GetDimension(); Double_t factor = 1; if (fH->GetNormFactor() != 0) { factor = fH->GetNormFactor()/fH->GetSumOfWeights(); } switch (event) { case kButton1Down: if (!opaque) gVirtualX->SetLineColor(-1); fH->TAttLine::Modify(); if (opaque && dimension ==2) { zbx1 = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); zbx2 = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); zby1 = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); zby2 = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); px1 = px; py1 = py; if (gPad->GetLogx()) { zbx1 = TMath::Power(10,zbx1); zbx2 = TMath::Power(10,zbx2); } if (gPad->GetLogy()) { zby1 = TMath::Power(10,zby1); zby2 = TMath::Power(10,zby2); } zoombox = new TBox(zbx1, zby1, zbx2, zby2); Int_t ci = TColor::GetColor("#7d7dff"); TColor *zoomcolor = gROOT->GetColor(ci); if (!TCanvas::SupportAlpha()) zoombox->SetFillStyle(3002); else zoomcolor->SetAlpha(0.5); zoombox->SetFillColor(ci); zoombox->Draw(); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } // No break !!! case kMouseMotion: if (fShowProjection) {ShowProjection3(px,py); break;} gPad->SetCursor(kPointer); if (dimension ==1) { if (Hoption.Bar) { baroffset = fH->GetBarOffset(); barwidth = fH->GetBarWidth(); } else { baroffset = 0; barwidth = 1; } x = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); bin = fXaxis->FindFixBin(gPad->PadtoX(x)); binwidth = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(bin); xlow = gPad->XtoPad(fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(bin) + baroffset*binwidth); xup = gPad->XtoPad(xlow + barwidth*binwidth); ylow = gPad->GetUymin(); px1 = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(xlow); px2 = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(xup); py1 = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(ylow); py2 = py; pyold = py; if (gROOT->GetEditHistograms()) gPad->SetCursor(kArrowVer); } break; case kButton1Motion: if (dimension ==1) { if (gROOT->GetEditHistograms()) { if (!opaque) { gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2,TVirtualX::kHollow); // Draw the old box py2 += py - pyold; gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1, py1, px2, py2,TVirtualX::kHollow); // Draw the new box pyold = py; } else { py2 += py - pyold; pyold = py; binval = gPad->PadtoY(gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py2))/factor; fH->SetBinContent(bin,binval); gPad->Modified(kTRUE); } } } if (opaque && dimension ==2) { if (TMath::Abs(px1-px)>5 && TMath::Abs(py1-py)>5) { zbx2 = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); zby2 = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); if (gPad->GetLogx()) zbx2 = TMath::Power(10,zbx2); if (gPad->GetLogy()) zby2 = TMath::Power(10,zby2); zoombox->SetX2(zbx2); zoombox->SetY2(zby2); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); } } break; case kWheelUp: if (dimension ==2) { bin1 = xaxis->GetFirst()+1; bin2 = xaxis->GetLast()-1; bin1 = TMath::Max(bin1, 1); bin2 = TMath::Min(bin2, xaxis->GetNbins()); if (bin2>bin1) xaxis->SetRange(bin1,bin2); bin1 = yaxis->GetFirst()+1; bin2 = yaxis->GetLast()-1; bin1 = TMath::Max(bin1, 1); bin2 = TMath::Min(bin2, yaxis->GetNbins()); if (bin2>bin1) yaxis->SetRange(bin1,bin2); } gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); break; case kWheelDown: if (dimension == 2) { bin1 = xaxis->GetFirst()-1; bin2 = xaxis->GetLast()+1; bin1 = TMath::Max(bin1, 1); bin2 = TMath::Min(bin2, xaxis->GetNbins()); if (bin2>bin1) xaxis->SetRange(bin1,bin2); bin1 = yaxis->GetFirst()-1; bin2 = yaxis->GetLast()+1; bin1 = TMath::Max(bin1, 1); bin2 = TMath::Min(bin2, yaxis->GetNbins()); if (bin2>bin1) yaxis->SetRange(bin1,bin2); } gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); break; case kButton1Up: if (dimension ==1) { if (gROOT->GetEditHistograms()) { binval = gPad->PadtoY(gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py2))/factor; fH->SetBinContent(bin,binval); PaintInit(); // recalculate Hparam structure and recalculate range } // might resize pad pixmap so should be called before any paint routine RecalculateRange(); } if (opaque && dimension ==2) { if (zoombox) { Double_t x1 = TMath::Min(zoombox->GetX1(), zoombox->GetX2()); Double_t x2 = TMath::Max(zoombox->GetX1(), zoombox->GetX2()); Double_t y1 = TMath::Min(zoombox->GetY1(), zoombox->GetY2()); Double_t y2 = TMath::Max(zoombox->GetY1(), zoombox->GetY2()); x1 = TMath::Max(x1,xaxis->GetXmin()); x2 = TMath::Min(x2,xaxis->GetXmax()); y1 = TMath::Max(y1,yaxis->GetXmin()); y2 = TMath::Min(y2,yaxis->GetXmax()); if (x1SetRangeUser(x1, x2); yaxis->SetRangeUser(y1, y2); } zoombox->Delete(); zoombox = 0; } } gPad->Modified(kTRUE); if (opaque) gVirtualX->SetLineColor(-1); break; case kButton1Locate: ExecuteEvent(kButton1Down, px, py); while (1) { px = py = 0; event = gVirtualX->RequestLocator(1, 1, px, py); ExecuteEvent(kButton1Motion, px, py); if (event != -1) { // button is released ExecuteEvent(kButton1Up, px, py); return; } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TList *THistPainter::GetContourList(Double_t contour) const { /* Begin_html Get a contour (as a list of TGraphs) using the Delaunay triangulation. End_html */ TGraphDelaunay *dt; // Check if fH contains a TGraphDelaunay TList *hl = fH->GetListOfFunctions(); dt = (TGraphDelaunay*)hl->FindObject("TGraphDelaunay"); if (!dt) return 0; gCurrentHist = fH; if (!fGraph2DPainter) ((THistPainter*)this)->fGraph2DPainter = new TGraph2DPainter(dt); return fGraph2DPainter->GetContourList(contour); } //______________________________________________________________________________ char *THistPainter::GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const { /* Begin_html Display the histogram info (bin number, contents, integral up to bin corresponding to cursor position px,py. End_html */ if (!gPad) return (char*)""; static char info[200]; Double_t x = gPad->PadtoX(gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px)); Double_t y = gPad->PadtoY(gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py)); Double_t x1 = gPad->PadtoX(gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px+1)); const char *drawOption = fH->GetDrawOption(); Double_t xmin, xmax, uxmin,uxmax; Double_t ymin, ymax, uymin,uymax; if (fH->GetDimension() == 2) { if (gPad->GetView() || strncmp(drawOption,"cont",4) == 0 || strncmp(drawOption,"CONT",4) == 0) { uxmin=gPad->GetUxmin(); uxmax=gPad->GetUxmax(); xmin = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(fXaxis->GetFirst()); xmax = fXaxis->GetBinUpEdge(fXaxis->GetLast()); x = xmin +(xmax-xmin)*(x-uxmin)/(uxmax-uxmin); uymin=gPad->GetUymin(); uymax=gPad->GetUymax(); ymin = fYaxis->GetBinLowEdge(fYaxis->GetFirst()); ymax = fYaxis->GetBinUpEdge(fYaxis->GetLast()); y = ymin +(ymax-ymin)*(y-uymin)/(uymax-uymin); } } Int_t binx,biny,binmin,binx1; if (gPad->IsVertical()) { binx = fXaxis->FindFixBin(x); binmin = fXaxis->GetFirst(); binx1 = fXaxis->FindFixBin(x1); // special case if more than 1 bin in x per pixel if (binx1-binx>1 && fH->GetDimension() == 1) { Double_t binval=fH->GetBinContent(binx); Int_t binnear=binx; for (Int_t ibin=binx+1; ibinGetBinContent(ibin); if (TMath::Abs(y-binvaltmp) < TMath::Abs(y-binval)) { binval=binvaltmp; binnear=ibin; } } binx = binnear; } } else { x1 = gPad->PadtoY(gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py+1)); binx = fXaxis->FindFixBin(y); binmin = fXaxis->GetFirst(); binx1 = fXaxis->FindFixBin(x1); // special case if more than 1 bin in x per pixel if (binx1-binx>1 && fH->GetDimension() == 1) { Double_t binval=fH->GetBinContent(binx); Int_t binnear=binx; for (Int_t ibin=binx+1; ibinGetBinContent(ibin); if (TMath::Abs(x-binvaltmp) < TMath::Abs(x-binval)) { binval=binvaltmp; binnear=ibin; } } binx = binnear; } } if (fH->GetDimension() == 1) { if (fH->InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class())) { TProfile *tp = (TProfile*)fH; snprintf(info,200,"(x=%g, y=%g, binx=%d, binc=%g, bine=%g, binn=%d)", x, y, binx, fH->GetBinContent(binx), fH->GetBinError(binx), (Int_t) tp->GetBinEntries(binx)); } else { Double_t integ = 0; for (Int_t bin=binmin;bin<=binx;bin++) {integ += fH->GetBinContent(bin);} snprintf(info,200,"(x=%g, y=%g, binx=%d, binc=%g, Sum=%g)", x,y,binx,fH->GetBinContent(binx),integ); } } else if (fH->GetDimension() == 2) { if (fH->InheritsFrom(TH2Poly::Class())) { TH2Poly *th2 = (TH2Poly*)fH; biny = th2->FindBin(x,y); snprintf(info,200,"%s (x=%g, y=%g, bin=%d, binc=%g)", th2->GetBinTitle(biny),x,y,biny,th2->GetBinContent(biny)); } else if (fH->InheritsFrom(TProfile2D::Class())) { TProfile2D *tp = (TProfile2D*)fH; biny = fYaxis->FindFixBin(y); Int_t bin = fH->GetBin(binx,biny); snprintf(info,200,"(x=%g, y=%g, binx=%d, biny=%d, binc=%g, bine=%g, binn=%d)", x, y, binx, biny, fH->GetBinContent(bin), fH->GetBinError(bin), (Int_t) tp->GetBinEntries(bin)); } else { biny = fYaxis->FindFixBin(y); snprintf(info,200,"(x=%g, y=%g, binx=%d, biny=%d, binc=%g bine=%g)", x,y,binx,biny,fH->GetBinContent(binx,biny), fH->GetBinError(binx,biny)); } } else { // 3d case: retrieving the x,y,z bin is not yet implemented // print just the x,y info snprintf(info,200,"(x=%g, y=%g)",x,y); } return info; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t THistPainter::IsInside(Int_t ix, Int_t iy) { /* Begin_html Return kTRUE if the cell ix, iy is inside one of the graphical cuts. End_html */ for (Int_t i=0;iGetBinCenter(ix); Double_t y = fYaxis->GetBinCenter(iy); if (fCutsOpt[i] > 0) { if (!fCuts[i]->IsInside(x,y)) return kFALSE; } else { if (fCuts[i]->IsInside(x,y)) return kFALSE; } } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t THistPainter::IsInside(Double_t x, Double_t y) { /* Begin_html Return kTRUE if the point x,y is inside one of the graphical cuts. End_html */ for (Int_t i=0;i 0) { if (!fCuts[i]->IsInside(x,y)) return kFALSE; } else { if (fCuts[i]->IsInside(x,y)) return kFALSE; } } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::MakeChopt(Option_t *choptin) { /* Begin_html Decode string "choptin" and fill Hoption structure. End_html */ char *l; char chopt[128]; Int_t nch = strlen(choptin); strlcpy(chopt,choptin,128); Int_t hdim = fH->GetDimension(); Hoption.Axis = Hoption.Bar = Hoption.Curve = Hoption.Error = 0; Hoption.Hist = Hoption.Line = Hoption.Mark = Hoption.Fill = 0; Hoption.Same = Hoption.Func = Hoption.Scat = 0; Hoption.Star = Hoption.Arrow = Hoption.Box = Hoption.Text = 0; Hoption.Char = Hoption.Color = Hoption.Contour = Hoption.Logx = 0; Hoption.Logy = Hoption.Logz = Hoption.Lego = Hoption.Surf = 0; Hoption.Off = Hoption.Tri = Hoption.Proj = Hoption.AxisPos = 0; Hoption.Spec = Hoption.Pie = Hoption.Candle = Hoption.Violin = 0; // special 2D options Hoption.List = 0; Hoption.Zscale = 0; Hoption.FrontBox = 1; Hoption.BackBox = 1; Hoption.System = kCARTESIAN; Hoption.Zero = 0; //check for graphical cuts MakeCuts(chopt); for (Int_t i=0;i 1) Hoption.Scat = 1; if (!nch) Hoption.Hist = 1; if (fFunctions->First()) Hoption.Func = 1; if (fH->GetSumw2N() && hdim == 1) Hoption.Error = 2; l = strstr(chopt,"SPEC"); if (l) { Hoption.Scat = 0; strncpy(l," ",4); Int_t bs=0; l = strstr(chopt,"BF("); if (l) { if (sscanf(&l[3],"%d",&bs) > 0) { Int_t i=0; while (l[i]!=')') { l[i] = ' '; i++; } l[i] = ' '; } } Hoption.Spec = TMath::Max(1600,bs); return 1; } l = strstr(chopt,"GL"); if (l) { strncpy(l," ",2); } l = strstr(chopt,"X+"); if (l) { Hoption.AxisPos = 10; strncpy(l," ",2); } l = strstr(chopt,"Y+"); if (l) { Hoption.AxisPos += 1; strncpy(l," ",2); } if ((Hoption.AxisPos == 10 || Hoption.AxisPos == 1) && (nch == 2)) Hoption.Hist = 1; if (Hoption.AxisPos == 11 && nch == 4) Hoption.Hist = 1; l = strstr(chopt,"SAMES"); if (l) { if (nch == 5) Hoption.Hist = 1; Hoption.Same = 2; strncpy(l," ",5); } l = strstr(chopt,"SAME"); if (l) { if (nch == 4) Hoption.Hist = 1; Hoption.Same = 1; strncpy(l," ",4); } l = strstr(chopt,"PIE"); if (l) { Hoption.Pie = 1; strncpy(l," ",3); } l = strstr(chopt,"CANDLE"); if (l) { Hoption.Scat = 0; Hoption.Candle = 1; strncpy(l," ",6); if (l[6] == 'X') { Hoption.Candle = 1; l[6] = ' '; } if (l[6] == 'Y') { Hoption.Candle = 2; l[6] = ' '; } } l = strstr(chopt,"VIOLIN"); if (l) { Hoption.Scat = 0; Hoption.Violin = 1; strncpy(l," ",6); if (l[6] == 'X') { Hoption.Violin = 1; l[6] = ' '; } if (l[6] == 'Y') { Hoption.Violin = 2; l[6] = ' '; } } l = strstr(chopt,"LEGO"); if (l) { Hoption.Scat = 0; Hoption.Lego = 1; strncpy(l," ",4); if (l[4] == '1') { Hoption.Lego = 11; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '2') { Hoption.Lego = 12; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '3') { Hoption.Lego = 13; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '4') { Hoption.Lego = 14; l[4] = ' '; } l = strstr(chopt,"FB"); if (l) { Hoption.FrontBox = 0; strncpy(l," ",2); } l = strstr(chopt,"BB"); if (l) { Hoption.BackBox = 0; strncpy(l," ",2); } l = strstr(chopt,"0"); if (l) { Hoption.Zero = 1; strncpy(l," ",1); } } l = strstr(chopt,"SURF"); if (l) { Hoption.Scat = 0; Hoption.Surf = 1; strncpy(l," ",4); if (l[4] == '1') { Hoption.Surf = 11; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '2') { Hoption.Surf = 12; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '3') { Hoption.Surf = 13; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '4') { Hoption.Surf = 14; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '5') { Hoption.Surf = 15; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '6') { Hoption.Surf = 16; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '7') { Hoption.Surf = 17; l[4] = ' '; } l = strstr(chopt,"FB"); if (l) { Hoption.FrontBox = 0; strncpy(l," ",2); } l = strstr(chopt,"BB"); if (l) { Hoption.BackBox = 0; strncpy(l," ",2); } } l = strstr(chopt,"TF3"); if (l) { l = strstr(chopt,"FB"); if (l) { Hoption.FrontBox = 0; strncpy(l," ",2); } l = strstr(chopt,"BB"); if (l) { Hoption.BackBox = 0; strncpy(l," ",2); } } l = strstr(chopt,"ISO"); if (l) { l = strstr(chopt,"FB"); if (l) { Hoption.FrontBox = 0; strncpy(l," ",2); } l = strstr(chopt,"BB"); if (l) { Hoption.BackBox = 0; strncpy(l," ",2); } } l = strstr(chopt,"LIST"); if (l) { Hoption.List = 1; strncpy(l," ",4);} l = strstr(chopt,"CONT"); if (l) { strncpy(l," ",4); if (hdim>1) { Hoption.Scat = 0; Hoption.Contour = 1; if (l[4] == '1') { Hoption.Contour = 11; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '2') { Hoption.Contour = 12; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '3') { Hoption.Contour = 13; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '4') { Hoption.Contour = 14; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '5') { Hoption.Contour = 15; l[4] = ' '; } } else { Hoption.Hist = 1; } } l = strstr(chopt,"HBAR"); if (l) { Hoption.Hist = 0; Hoption.Bar = 20; strncpy(l," ",4); if (l[4] == '1') { Hoption.Bar = 21; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '2') { Hoption.Bar = 22; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '3') { Hoption.Bar = 23; l[4] = ' '; } if (l[4] == '4') { Hoption.Bar = 24; l[4] = ' '; } } l = strstr(chopt,"BAR"); if (l) { Hoption.Hist = 0; Hoption.Bar = 10; strncpy(l," ",3); if (l[3] == '1') { Hoption.Bar = 11; l[3] = ' '; } if (l[3] == '2') { Hoption.Bar = 12; l[3] = ' '; } if (l[3] == '3') { Hoption.Bar = 13; l[3] = ' '; } if (l[3] == '4') { Hoption.Bar = 14; l[3] = ' '; } } l = strstr(chopt,"ARR" ); if (l) { strncpy(l," ", 3); if (hdim>1) { Hoption.Arrow = 1; Hoption.Scat = 0; } else { Hoption.Hist = 1; } } l = strstr(chopt,"BOX" ); if (l) { strncpy(l," ", 3); if (hdim>1) { Hoption.Scat = 0; Hoption.Box = 1; if (l[3] == '1') { Hoption.Box = 11; l[3] = ' '; } } else { Hoption.Hist = 1; } } l = strstr(chopt,"COLZ"); if (l) { strncpy(l," ",4); if (hdim>1) { Hoption.Color = 2; Hoption.Scat = 0; Hoption.Zscale = 1; } else { Hoption.Hist = 1; } } l = strstr(chopt,"COL" ); if (l) { strncpy(l," ", 3); if (hdim>1) { Hoption.Color = 1; Hoption.Scat = 0; } else { Hoption.Hist = 1; } } l = strstr(chopt,"CHAR"); if (l) { Hoption.Char = 1; strncpy(l," ",4); Hoption.Scat = 0; } l = strstr(chopt,"FUNC"); if (l) { Hoption.Func = 2; strncpy(l," ",4); Hoption.Hist = 0; } l = strstr(chopt,"HIST"); if (l) { Hoption.Hist = 2; strncpy(l," ",4); Hoption.Func = 0; Hoption.Error = 0;} l = strstr(chopt,"AXIS"); if (l) { Hoption.Axis = 1; strncpy(l," ",4); } l = strstr(chopt,"AXIG"); if (l) { Hoption.Axis = 2; strncpy(l," ",4); } l = strstr(chopt,"SCAT"); if (l) { Hoption.Scat = 1; strncpy(l," ",4); } l = strstr(chopt,"TEXT"); if (l) { Int_t angle; if (sscanf(&l[4],"%d",&angle) > 0) { if (angle < 0) angle=0; if (angle > 90) angle=90; Hoption.Text = 1000+angle; } else { Hoption.Text = 1; } strncpy(l," ", 4); l = strstr(chopt,"N"); if (l && fH->InheritsFrom(TH2Poly::Class())) Hoption.Text += 3000; Hoption.Scat = 0; } l = strstr(chopt,"POL"); if (l) { Hoption.System = kPOLAR; strncpy(l," ",3); } l = strstr(chopt,"CYL"); if (l) { Hoption.System = kCYLINDRICAL; strncpy(l," ",3); } l = strstr(chopt,"SPH"); if (l) { Hoption.System = kSPHERICAL; strncpy(l," ",3); } l = strstr(chopt,"PSR"); if (l) { Hoption.System = kRAPIDITY; strncpy(l," ",3); } l = strstr(chopt,"TRI"); if (l) { Hoption.Scat = 0; Hoption.Color = 0; Hoption.Tri = 1; strncpy(l," ",3); l = strstr(chopt,"FB"); if (l) { Hoption.FrontBox = 0; strncpy(l," ",2); } l = strstr(chopt,"BB"); if (l) { Hoption.BackBox = 0; strncpy(l," ",2); } l = strstr(chopt,"ERR"); if (l) strncpy(l," ",3); } l = strstr(chopt,"AITOFF"); if (l) { Hoption.Proj = 1; strncpy(l," ",6); //Aitoff projection } l = strstr(chopt,"MERCATOR"); if (l) { Hoption.Proj = 2; strncpy(l," ",8); //Mercator projection } l = strstr(chopt,"SINUSOIDAL"); if (l) { Hoption.Proj = 3; strncpy(l," ",10); //Sinusoidal projection } l = strstr(chopt,"PARABOLIC"); if (l) { Hoption.Proj = 4; strncpy(l," ",9); //Parabolic projection } if (Hoption.Proj > 0) { Hoption.Scat = 0; Hoption.Contour = 14; } if (strstr(chopt,"A")) Hoption.Axis = -1; if (strstr(chopt,"B")) Hoption.Bar = 1; if (strstr(chopt,"C")) { Hoption.Curve =1; Hoption.Hist = -1;} if (strstr(chopt,"F")) Hoption.Fill =1; if (strstr(chopt,"][")) {Hoption.Off =1; Hoption.Hist =1;} if (strstr(chopt,"F2")) Hoption.Fill =2; if (strstr(chopt,"L")) { Hoption.Line =1; Hoption.Hist = -1;} if (strstr(chopt,"P")) { Hoption.Mark =1; Hoption.Hist = -1;} if (strstr(chopt,"Z")) Hoption.Zscale =1; if (strstr(chopt,"*")) Hoption.Star =1; if (strstr(chopt,"H")) Hoption.Hist =2; if (strstr(chopt,"P0")) Hoption.Mark =10; if (fH->InheritsFrom(TH2Poly::Class())) { if (Hoption.Fill+Hoption.Line+Hoption.Mark != 0 ) Hoption.Scat = 0; } if (strstr(chopt,"E")) { if (hdim == 1) { Hoption.Error = 1; if (strstr(chopt,"E0")) Hoption.Error = 10; if (strstr(chopt,"E1")) Hoption.Error = 11; if (strstr(chopt,"E2")) Hoption.Error = 12; if (strstr(chopt,"E3")) Hoption.Error = 13; if (strstr(chopt,"E4")) Hoption.Error = 14; if (strstr(chopt,"E5")) Hoption.Error = 15; if (strstr(chopt,"E6")) Hoption.Error = 16; if (strstr(chopt,"X0")) { if (Hoption.Error == 1) Hoption.Error += 20; Hoption.Error += 10; } if (Hoption.Text && fH->InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class())) { Hoption.Text += 2000; Hoption.Error = 0; } } else { if (Hoption.Error == 0) { Hoption.Error = 100; Hoption.Scat = 0; } if (Hoption.Text) { Hoption.Text += 2000; Hoption.Error = 0; } } } if (Hoption.Surf == 15) { if (Hoption.System == kPOLAR || Hoption.System == kCARTESIAN) { Hoption.Surf = 13; Warning("MakeChopt","option SURF5 is not supported in Cartesian and Polar modes"); } } // Copy options from current style Hoption.Logx = gPad->GetLogx(); Hoption.Logy = gPad->GetLogy(); Hoption.Logz = gPad->GetLogz(); // Check options incompatibilities if (Hoption.Bar == 1) Hoption.Hist = -1; return 1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::MakeCuts(char *choptin) { /* Begin_html Decode string "choptin" and fill Graphical cuts structure. End_html */ fNcuts = 0; char *left = (char*)strchr(choptin,'['); if (!left) return 0; char *right = (char*)strchr(choptin,']'); if (!right) return 0; Int_t nch = right-left; if (nch < 2) return 0; char *cuts = left+1; *right = 0; char *comma, *minus; Int_t i; while (1) { comma = strchr(cuts,','); if (comma) *comma = 0; minus = strchr(cuts,'-'); if (minus) cuts = minus+1; while (*cuts == ' ') cuts++; Int_t nc = strlen(cuts); while (cuts[nc-1] == ' ') {cuts[nc-1] = 0; nc--;} TIter next(gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()); TCutG *cut=0; TObject *obj; while ((obj = next())) { if (!obj->InheritsFrom(TCutG::Class())) continue; if (strcmp(obj->GetName(),cuts)) continue; cut = (TCutG*)obj; break; } if (cut) { fCuts[fNcuts] = cut; fCutsOpt[fNcuts] = 1; if (minus) fCutsOpt[fNcuts] = -1; fNcuts++; } if (!comma) break; cuts = comma+1; } for (i=0;i<=nch;i++) left[i] = ' '; return fNcuts; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::Paint(Option_t *option) { /* Begin_Html Control routine to paint any kind of histograms. End_html */ if (fH->GetBuffer()) fH->BufferEmpty(-1); //For iOS: put the histogram on the top of stack of pickable objects. const TPickerStackGuard topPush(fH); gPad->SetVertical(kTRUE); TH1 *oldhist = gCurrentHist; gCurrentHist = fH; TH1 *hsave = fH; Double_t minsav = fH->GetMinimumStored(); if (!MakeChopt(option)) return; //check options and fill Hoption structure // Paint using TSpectrum2Painter if (Hoption.Spec) { if (!TableInit()) return; if (!TClass::GetClass("TSpectrum2Painter")) gSystem->Load("libSpectrumPainter"); gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("TSpectrum2Painter::PaintSpectrum((TH2F*)0x%lx,\"%s\",%d)", (ULong_t)fH, option, Hoption.Spec)); return; } if (Hoption.Pie) { if (fH->GetDimension() == 1) { if (!fPie) fPie = new TPie(fH); fPie->Paint(option); } else { Error("Paint", "Option PIE is for 1D histograms only"); } return; } else { if (fPie) delete fPie; fPie = 0; } fXbuf = new Double_t[kNMAX]; fYbuf = new Double_t[kNMAX]; if (fH->GetDimension() > 2) { PaintH3(option); fH->SetMinimum(minsav); if (Hoption.Func) { Hoption_t hoptsave = Hoption; Hparam_t hparsave = Hparam; PaintFunction(option); SetHistogram(hsave); Hoption = hoptsave; Hparam = hparsave; } gCurrentHist = oldhist; delete [] fXbuf; delete [] fYbuf; return; } TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (view) { if (!Hoption.Lego && !Hoption.Surf && !Hoption.Tri) { delete view; gPad->SetView(0); } } if (fH->GetDimension() > 1 || Hoption.Lego || Hoption.Surf) { // In case of 1D histogram, Z axis becomes Y axis. Int_t logysav=0, logzsav=0; if (fH->GetDimension() == 1) { logysav = Hoption.Logy; logzsav = Hoption.Logz; Hoption.Logz = 0; if (Hoption.Logy) { Hoption.Logz = 1; Hoption.Logy = 0; } } PaintTable(option); fH->SetMinimum(minsav); if (Hoption.Func) { Hoption_t hoptsave = Hoption; Hparam_t hparsave = Hparam; PaintFunction(option); SetHistogram(hsave); Hoption = hoptsave; Hparam = hparsave; } gCurrentHist = oldhist; delete [] fXbuf; delete [] fYbuf; if (fH->GetDimension() == 1) { Hoption.Logy = logysav; Hoption.Logz = logzsav; } return; } if (Hoption.Bar >= 20) {PaintBarH(option); delete [] fXbuf; delete [] fYbuf; return; } // fill Hparam structure with histo parameters if (!PaintInit()) { delete [] fXbuf; delete [] fYbuf; return; } // Picture surround (if new page) and page number (if requested). // Histogram surround (if not option "Same"). PaintFrame(); // Paint histogram axis only Bool_t gridx = gPad->GetGridx(); Bool_t gridy = gPad->GetGridy(); if (Hoption.Axis > 0) { if (Hoption.Axis > 1) PaintAxis(kTRUE); //axis with grid else { if (gridx) gPad->SetGridx(0); if (gridy) gPad->SetGridy(0); PaintAxis(kFALSE); if (gridx) gPad->SetGridx(1); if (gridy) gPad->SetGridy(1); } if (Hoption.Same ==1) Hoption.Same = 2; goto paintstat; } if (gridx || gridy) PaintAxis(kTRUE); // Draw the grid only // test for options BAR or HBAR if (Hoption.Bar >= 10) { PaintBar(option); } // do not draw histogram if error bars required if (!Hoption.Error) { if (Hoption.Hist && Hoption.Bar<10) PaintHist(option); } // test for error bars or option E if (Hoption.Error) { PaintErrors(option); if (Hoption.Hist == 2) PaintHist(option); } if (Hoption.Text) PaintText(option); // test for associated function if (Hoption.Func) { Hoption_t hoptsave = Hoption; Hparam_t hparsave = Hparam; PaintFunction(option); SetHistogram(hsave); Hoption = hoptsave; Hparam = hparsave; } if (gridx) gPad->SetGridx(0); if (gridy) gPad->SetGridy(0); PaintAxis(kFALSE); if (gridx) gPad->SetGridx(1); if (gridy) gPad->SetGridy(1); PaintTitle(); // Draw histogram title // Draw box with histogram statistics and/or fit parameters paintstat: if (Hoption.Same != 1 && !fH->TestBit(TH1::kNoStats)) { // bit set via TH1::SetStats TIter next(fFunctions); TObject *obj = 0; while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TF1::Class())) break; obj = 0; } //Stat is painted twice (first, it will be in canvas' list of primitives), //second, it will be here, this is not required on iOS. //Condition is ALWAYS true on a platform different from iOS. if (!gPad->PadInSelectionMode() && !gPad->PadInHighlightMode()) PaintStat(gStyle->GetOptStat(),(TF1*)obj); } fH->SetMinimum(minsav); gCurrentHist = oldhist; delete [] fXbuf; fXbuf = 0; delete [] fYbuf; fYbuf = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintArrows(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a table as an arrow plot. End_html */ Style_t linesav = fH->GetLineStyle(); Width_t widthsav = fH->GetLineWidth(); fH->SetLineStyle(1); fH->SetLineWidth(1); fH->TAttLine::Modify(); Double_t xk, xstep, yk, ystep; Double_t dx, dy, si, co, anr, x1, x2, y1, y2, xc, yc, dxn, dyn; Int_t ncx = Hparam.xlast - Hparam.xfirst + 1; Int_t ncy = Hparam.ylast - Hparam.yfirst + 1; Double_t xrg = gPad->GetUxmin(); Double_t yrg = gPad->GetUymin(); Double_t xln = gPad->GetUxmax() - xrg; Double_t yln = gPad->GetUymax() - yrg; Double_t cx = (xln/Double_t(ncx) -0.03)/2; Double_t cy = (yln/Double_t(ncy) -0.03)/2; Double_t dn = 1.E-30; for (Int_t id=1;id<=2;id++) { for (Int_t j=Hparam.yfirst; j<=Hparam.ylast;j++) { yk = fYaxis->GetBinLowEdge(j); ystep = fYaxis->GetBinWidth(j); for (Int_t i=Hparam.xfirst; i<=Hparam.xlast;i++) { xk = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(i); xstep = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(i); if (!IsInside(xk+0.5*xstep,yk+0.5*ystep)) continue; if (i == Hparam.xfirst) { dx = fH->GetBinContent(i+1, j) - fH->GetBinContent(i, j); } else if (i == Hparam.xlast) { dx = fH->GetBinContent(i, j) - fH->GetBinContent(i-1, j); } else { dx = 0.5*(fH->GetBinContent(i+1, j) - fH->GetBinContent(i-1, j)); } if (j == Hparam.yfirst) { dy = fH->GetBinContent(i, j+1) - fH->GetBinContent(i, j); } else if (j == Hparam.ylast) { dy = fH->GetBinContent(i, j) - fH->GetBinContent(i, j-1); } else { dy = 0.5*(fH->GetBinContent(i, j+1) - fH->GetBinContent(i, j-1)); } if (id == 1) { dn = TMath::Max(dn, TMath::Abs(dx)); dn = TMath::Max(dn, TMath::Abs(dy)); } else if (id == 2) { xc = xrg + xln*(Double_t(i - Hparam.xfirst+1)-0.5)/Double_t(ncx); dxn = cx*dx/dn; x1 = xc - dxn; x2 = xc + dxn; yc = yrg + yln*(Double_t(j - Hparam.yfirst+1)-0.5)/Double_t(ncy); dyn = cy*dy/dn; y1 = yc - dyn; y2 = yc + dyn; fXbuf[0] = x1; fXbuf[1] = x2; fYbuf[0] = y1; fYbuf[1] = y2; if (TMath::Abs(x2-x1) > 0.01 || TMath::Abs(y2-y1) > 0.01) { anr = 0.005*.5*TMath::Sqrt(2/(dxn*dxn + dyn*dyn)); si = anr*(dxn + dyn); co = anr*(dxn - dyn); fXbuf[2] = x2 - si; fYbuf[2] = y2 + co; gPad->PaintPolyLine(3, fXbuf, fYbuf); fXbuf[0] = x2; fXbuf[1] = x2 - co; fYbuf[0] = y2; fYbuf[1] = y2 - si; gPad->PaintPolyLine(2, fXbuf, fYbuf); } else { gPad->PaintPolyLine(2, fXbuf, fYbuf); } } } } } if (Hoption.Zscale) PaintPalette(); fH->SetLineStyle(linesav); fH->SetLineWidth(widthsav); fH->TAttLine::Modify(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintAxis(Bool_t drawGridOnly) { /* Begin_html Draw axis (2D case) of an histogram.

If drawGridOnly is TRUE, only the grid is painted (if needed). This allows to draw the grid and the axis separately. In THistPainter::Paint this feature is used to make sure that the grid is drawn in the background and the axis tick marks in the foreground of the pad. End_html */ //On iOS, grid should not be picable and can not be highlighted. //Condition is never true on a platform different from iOS. if (drawGridOnly && (gPad->PadInHighlightMode() || gPad->PadInSelectionMode())) return; if (Hoption.Axis == -1) return; if (Hoption.Same && Hoption.Axis <= 0) return; // Repainting alphanumeric labels axis on a plot done with // the option HBAR (horizontal) needs some adjustements. TAxis *xaxis = 0; TAxis *yaxis = 0; if (Hoption.Same && Hoption.Axis) { // Axis repainted (TPad::RedrawAxis) if (fXaxis->GetLabels() || fYaxis->GetLabels()) { // One axis has alphanumeric labels TIter next(gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()); TObject *obj; // Check if the first TH1 of THStack in the pad is drawn with the option HBAR while ((obj = next())) { if (!obj->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class()) && !obj->InheritsFrom(THStack::Class())) continue; TString opt = obj->GetDrawOption(); opt.ToLower(); // if drawn with HBAR, the axis should be inverted and the pad set to horizontal if (strstr(opt,"hbar")) { gPad->SetVertical(kFALSE); xaxis = fXaxis; yaxis = fYaxis; if (!strcmp(xaxis->GetName(),"xaxis")) { fXaxis = yaxis; fYaxis = xaxis; } } break; } } } static char chopt[10] = ""; Double_t gridl = 0; Int_t ndiv, ndivx, ndivy, nx1, nx2, ndivsave; Int_t useHparam = 0; Double_t umin, umax, uminsave, umaxsave; Short_t xAxisPos = Hoption.AxisPos/10; Short_t yAxisPos = Hoption.AxisPos - 10*xAxisPos; Double_t axmin = gPad->GetUxmin(); Double_t axmax = gPad->GetUxmax(); Double_t aymin = gPad->GetUymin(); Double_t aymax = gPad->GetUymax(); char *cw = 0; TGaxis axis; // In case of option 'cont4' or in case of option 'same' over a 'cont4 plot' // Hparam must be use for the axis limits. if (Hoption.Contour == 14) useHparam = 1; if (Hoption.Same) { TObject *obj; TIter next(gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj=next())) { if (strstr(obj->GetDrawOption(),"cont4")) { useHparam = 1; break; } } } // Paint X axis //To make X-axis selectable on iOS device. if (gPad->PadInSelectionMode()) gPad->PushSelectableObject(fXaxis); //This condition is ALWAYS true, unless it works on iOS (can be false on iOS). if (gPad->PadInSelectionMode() || !gPad->PadInHighlightMode() || (gPad->PadInHighlightMode() && gPad->GetSelected() == fXaxis)) { ndivx = fXaxis->GetNdivisions(); if (ndivx > 1000) { nx2 = ndivx/100; nx1 = TMath::Max(1, ndivx%100); ndivx = 100*nx2 + Int_t(Float_t(nx1)*gPad->GetAbsWNDC()); } axis.SetTextAngle(0); axis.ImportAxisAttributes(fXaxis); chopt[0] = 0; // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "SDH",10); // coverity [Calling risky function] if (ndivx < 0) strlcat(chopt, "N",10); if (gPad->GetGridx()) { gridl = (aymax-aymin)/(gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1()); // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "W",10); } // Define X-Axis limits if (Hoption.Logx) { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "G",10); ndiv = TMath::Abs(ndivx); if (useHparam) { umin = TMath::Power(10,Hparam.xmin); umax = TMath::Power(10,Hparam.xmax); } else { umin = TMath::Power(10,axmin); umax = TMath::Power(10,axmax); } } else { ndiv = TMath::Abs(ndivx); if (useHparam) { umin = Hparam.xmin; umax = Hparam.xmax; } else { umin = axmin; umax = axmax; } } // Display axis as time if (fXaxis->GetTimeDisplay()) { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt,"t",10); if (strlen(fXaxis->GetTimeFormatOnly()) == 0) { axis.SetTimeFormat(fXaxis->ChooseTimeFormat(Hparam.xmax-Hparam.xmin)); } } // The main X axis can be on the bottom or on the top of the pad Double_t xAxisYPos1, xAxisYPos2; if (xAxisPos == 1) { // Main X axis top xAxisYPos1 = aymax; xAxisYPos2 = aymin; } else { // Main X axis bottom xAxisYPos1 = aymin; xAxisYPos2 = aymax; } // Paint the main X axis (always) uminsave = umin; umaxsave = umax; ndivsave = ndiv; axis.SetOption(chopt); if (xAxisPos) { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "-",10); gridl = -gridl; } if (Hoption.Same && Hoption.Axis) { // Axis repainted (TPad::RedrawAxis) axis.SetLabelSize(0.); axis.SetTitle(""); } axis.PaintAxis(axmin, xAxisYPos1, axmax, xAxisYPos1, umin, umax, ndiv, chopt, gridl, drawGridOnly); // Paint additional X axis (if needed) // On iOS, this additional X axis is neither pickable, nor highlighted. // Additional checks PadInSelectionMode etc. does not effect non-iOS platform. if (gPad->GetTickx() && !gPad->PadInSelectionMode() && !gPad->PadInHighlightMode()) { if (xAxisPos) { cw=strstr(chopt,"-"); *cw='z'; } else { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "-",10); } // coverity [Calling risky function] if (gPad->GetTickx() < 2) strlcat(chopt, "U",10); if ((cw=strstr(chopt,"W"))) *cw='z'; axis.SetTitle(""); axis.PaintAxis(axmin, xAxisYPos2, axmax, xAxisYPos2, uminsave, umaxsave, ndivsave, chopt, gridl, drawGridOnly); } }//End of "if pad in selection mode etc". // Paint Y axis //On iOS, Y axis must pushed into the stack of selectable objects. if (gPad->PadInSelectionMode()) gPad->PushSelectableObject(fYaxis); //This conditions is ALWAYS true on a platform, different from iOS (on iOS can be true, can be false). if (gPad->PadInSelectionMode() || !gPad->PadInHighlightMode() || (gPad->PadInHighlightMode() && gPad->GetSelected() == fYaxis)) { ndivy = fYaxis->GetNdivisions(); axis.ImportAxisAttributes(fYaxis); chopt[0] = 0; // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "SDH",10); // coverity [Calling risky function] if (ndivy < 0) strlcat(chopt, "N",10); if (gPad->GetGridy()) { gridl = (axmax-axmin)/(gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1()); // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "W",10); } // Define Y-Axis limits if (Hoption.Logy) { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "G",10); ndiv = TMath::Abs(ndivy); if (useHparam) { umin = TMath::Power(10,Hparam.ymin); umax = TMath::Power(10,Hparam.ymax); } else { umin = TMath::Power(10,aymin); umax = TMath::Power(10,aymax); } } else { ndiv = TMath::Abs(ndivy); if (useHparam) { umin = Hparam.ymin; umax = Hparam.ymax; } else { umin = aymin; umax = aymax; } } // Display axis as time if (fYaxis->GetTimeDisplay()) { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt,"t",10); if (strlen(fYaxis->GetTimeFormatOnly()) == 0) { axis.SetTimeFormat(fYaxis->ChooseTimeFormat(Hparam.ymax-Hparam.ymin)); } } // The main Y axis can be on the left or on the right of the pad Double_t yAxisXPos1, yAxisXPos2; if (yAxisPos == 1) { // Main Y axis left yAxisXPos1 = axmax; yAxisXPos2 = axmin; } else { // Main Y axis right yAxisXPos1 = axmin; yAxisXPos2 = axmax; } // Paint the main Y axis (always) uminsave = umin; umaxsave = umax; ndivsave = ndiv; axis.SetOption(chopt); if (yAxisPos) { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "+L",10); gridl = -gridl; } if (Hoption.Same && Hoption.Axis) { // Axis repainted (TPad::RedrawAxis) axis.SetLabelSize(0.); axis.SetTitle(""); } axis.PaintAxis(yAxisXPos1, aymin, yAxisXPos1, aymax, umin, umax, ndiv, chopt, gridl, drawGridOnly); // Paint the additional Y axis (if needed) // Additional checks for pad mode are required on iOS: this "second" axis is // neither pickable, nor highlihted. Additional checks have no effect on non-iOS platform. if (gPad->GetTicky() && !gPad->PadInSelectionMode() && !gPad->PadInHighlightMode()) { if (gPad->GetTicky() < 2) { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "U",10); axis.SetTickSize(-fYaxis->GetTickLength()); } else { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopt, "+L",10); } if ((cw=strstr(chopt,"W"))) *cw='z'; axis.SetTitle(""); axis.PaintAxis(yAxisXPos2, aymin, yAxisXPos2, aymax, uminsave, umaxsave, ndivsave, chopt, gridl, drawGridOnly); } }//End of "if pad is in selection mode etc." // Reset the axis if they have been inverted in case of option HBAR if (xaxis) { fXaxis = xaxis; fYaxis = yaxis; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintBar(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Draw a bar-chart in a normal pad. End_html */ Int_t bar = Hoption.Bar - 10; Double_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,umin,umax,w,y; Double_t offset = fH->GetBarOffset(); Double_t width = fH->GetBarWidth(); TBox box; Int_t hcolor = fH->GetFillColor(); if (hcolor == gPad->GetFrameFillColor()) ++hcolor; Int_t hstyle = fH->GetFillStyle(); box.SetFillColor(hcolor); box.SetFillStyle(hstyle); for (Int_t bin=fXaxis->GetFirst();bin<=fXaxis->GetLast();bin++) { y = fH->GetBinContent(bin); xmin = gPad->XtoPad(fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(bin)); xmax = gPad->XtoPad(fXaxis->GetBinUpEdge(bin)); ymin = gPad->GetUymin(); ymax = gPad->YtoPad(y); if (ymax < gPad->GetUymin()) continue; if (ymax > gPad->GetUymax()) ymax = gPad->GetUymax(); if (ymin < gPad->GetUymin()) ymin = gPad->GetUymin(); if (gStyle->GetHistMinimumZero() && ymin < 0) ymin=TMath::Min(0.,gPad->GetUymax()); w = (xmax-xmin)*width; xmin += offset*(xmax-xmin); xmax = xmin + w; if (bar < 1) { box.PaintBox(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); } else { umin = xmin + bar*(xmax-xmin)/10.; umax = xmax - bar*(xmax-xmin)/10.; //box.SetFillColor(hcolor+150); //bright box.SetFillColor(TColor::GetColorBright(hcolor)); //bright box.PaintBox(xmin,ymin,umin,ymax); box.SetFillColor(hcolor); box.PaintBox(umin,ymin,umax,ymax); box.SetFillColor(TColor::GetColorDark(hcolor)); //dark box.PaintBox(umax,ymin,xmax,ymax); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintBarH(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Draw a bar char in a rotated pad (X vertical, Y horizontal). End_html */ gPad->SetVertical(kFALSE); PaintInitH(); TAxis *xaxis = fXaxis; TAxis *yaxis = fYaxis; if (!strcmp(xaxis->GetName(),"xaxis")) { fXaxis = yaxis; fYaxis = xaxis; } PaintFrame(); Int_t bar = Hoption.Bar - 20; Double_t xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,umin,umax,w; Double_t offset = fH->GetBarOffset(); Double_t width = fH->GetBarWidth(); TBox box; Int_t hcolor = fH->GetFillColor(); if (hcolor == gPad->GetFrameFillColor()) ++hcolor; Int_t hstyle = fH->GetFillStyle(); box.SetFillColor(hcolor); box.SetFillStyle(hstyle); for (Int_t bin=fYaxis->GetFirst();bin<=fYaxis->GetLast();bin++) { ymin = gPad->YtoPad(fYaxis->GetBinLowEdge(bin)); ymax = gPad->YtoPad(fYaxis->GetBinUpEdge(bin)); xmin = gPad->GetUxmin(); xmax = gPad->XtoPad(fH->GetBinContent(bin)); if (xmax < gPad->GetUxmin()) continue; if (xmax > gPad->GetUxmax()) xmax = gPad->GetUxmax(); if (xmin < gPad->GetUxmin()) xmin = gPad->GetUxmin(); if (gStyle->GetHistMinimumZero() && xmin < 0) xmin=TMath::Min(0.,gPad->GetUxmax()); w = (ymax-ymin)*width; ymin += offset*(ymax-ymin); ymax = ymin + w; if (bar < 1) { box.PaintBox(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); } else { umin = ymin + bar*(ymax-ymin)/10.; umax = ymax - bar*(ymax-ymin)/10.; box.SetFillColor(TColor::GetColorDark(hcolor)); //dark box.PaintBox(xmin,ymin,xmax,umin); box.SetFillColor(hcolor); box.PaintBox(xmin,umin,xmax,umax); box.SetFillColor(TColor::GetColorBright(hcolor)); //bright box.PaintBox(xmin,umax,xmax,ymax); } } PaintTitle(); // Draw box with histogram statistics and/or fit parameters if (Hoption.Same != 1 && !fH->TestBit(TH1::kNoStats)) { // bit set via TH1::SetStats TIter next(fFunctions); TObject *obj = 0; while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TF1::Class())) break; obj = 0; } PaintStat(gStyle->GetOptStat(),(TF1*)obj); } PaintAxis(kFALSE); fXaxis = xaxis; fYaxis = yaxis; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintBoxes(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 2D histogram as a box plot. End_html */ Style_t fillsav = fH->GetFillStyle(); Style_t colsav = fH->GetFillColor(); if (fH->GetFillColor() == 0) fH->SetFillStyle(0); if (Hoption.Box == 11) fH->SetFillStyle(1001); fH->TAttLine::Modify(); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); Double_t z, xk,xstep, yk, ystep, xcent, ycent, xlow, xup, ylow, yup; Double_t ux1 = gPad->PixeltoX(1); Double_t ux0 = gPad->PixeltoX(0); Double_t uy1 = gPad->PixeltoY(1); Double_t uy0 = gPad->PixeltoY(0); Double_t dxmin = 0.51*(gPad->PadtoX(ux1)-gPad->PadtoX(ux0)); Double_t dymin = 0.51*(gPad->PadtoY(uy0)-gPad->PadtoY(uy1)); Double_t zmin = fH->GetMinimum(); Double_t zmax = TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(fH->GetMaximum()), TMath::Abs(fH->GetMinimum())); // In case of option SAME, zmin and zmax values are taken from the // first plotted 2D histogram. if (Hoption.Same) { TH2 *h2; TIter next(gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((h2 = (TH2 *)next())) { if (!h2->InheritsFrom(TH2::Class())) continue; zmin = h2->GetMinimum(); zmax = TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(h2->GetMaximum()), TMath::Abs(h2->GetMinimum())); if (Hoption.Logz) { zmax = TMath::Log10(zmax); if (zmin <= 0) { zmin = TMath::Log10(zmax*0.001); } else { zmin = TMath::Log10(zmin); } } break; } } if (Hoption.Logz) { if (zmin > 0) { zmin = TMath::Log10(zmin*0.1); zmax = TMath::Log10(zmax); } else { return; } } Double_t zratio, dz = zmax - zmin; Bool_t kZNeg = kFALSE; // Define the dark and light colors the "button style" boxes. Color_t color = fH->GetFillColor(); Color_t light=0, dark=0; if (Hoption.Box == 11) { light = TColor::GetColorBright(color); dark = TColor::GetColorDark(color); } // Loop over all the bins and draw the boxes for (Int_t j=Hparam.yfirst; j<=Hparam.ylast;j++) { yk = fYaxis->GetBinLowEdge(j); ystep = fYaxis->GetBinWidth(j); ycent = 0.5*ystep; for (Int_t i=Hparam.xfirst; i<=Hparam.xlast;i++) { Int_t bin = j*(fXaxis->GetNbins()+2) + i; xk = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(i); xstep = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(i); if (!IsInside(xk+0.5*xstep,yk+0.5*ystep)) continue; xcent = 0.5*xstep; z = Hparam.factor*fH->GetBinContent(bin); kZNeg = kFALSE; if (z < zmin) continue; // Can be the case with if (z > zmax) z = zmax; // option Same if (z < 0) { if (Hoption.Logz) continue; z = -z; kZNeg = kTRUE; } if (Hoption.Logz) { if (z != 0) z = TMath::Log10(z); else z = zmin; } if (dz == 0) continue; zratio = TMath::Sqrt((z-zmin)/dz); if (zratio == 0) continue; xup = xcent*zratio + xk + xcent; xlow = 2*(xk + xcent) - xup; if (xup-xlow < dxmin) xup = xlow+dxmin; if (Hoption.Logx) { if (xup > 0) xup = TMath::Log10(xup); else continue; if (xlow > 0) xlow = TMath::Log10(xlow); else continue; } yup = ycent*zratio + yk + ycent; ylow = 2*(yk + ycent) - yup; if (yup-ylow < dymin) yup = ylow+dymin; if (Hoption.Logy) { if (yup > 0) yup = TMath::Log10(yup); else continue; if (ylow > 0) ylow = TMath::Log10(ylow); else continue; } xlow = TMath::Max(xlow, gPad->GetUxmin()); ylow = TMath::Max(ylow, gPad->GetUymin()); xup = TMath::Min(xup , gPad->GetUxmax()); yup = TMath::Min(yup , gPad->GetUymax()); if (xlow >= xup) continue; if (ylow >= yup) continue; if (Hoption.Box == 1) { fH->SetFillColor(color); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); gPad->PaintBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup); if (kZNeg) { gPad->PaintLine(xlow, ylow, xup, yup); gPad->PaintLine(xlow, yup, xup, ylow); } } else if (Hoption.Box == 11) { // Draw the center of the box fH->SetFillColor(color); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); gPad->PaintBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup); // Draw top&left part of the box Double_t x[7], y[7]; Double_t bwidth = 0.1; x[0] = xlow; y[0] = ylow; x[1] = xlow + bwidth*(xup-xlow); y[1] = ylow + bwidth*(yup-ylow); x[2] = x[1]; y[2] = yup - bwidth*(yup-ylow); x[3] = xup - bwidth*(xup-xlow); y[3] = y[2]; x[4] = xup; y[4] = yup; x[5] = xlow; y[5] = yup; x[6] = xlow; y[6] = ylow; if (kZNeg) fH->SetFillColor(dark); else fH->SetFillColor(light); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); gPad->PaintFillArea(7, x, y); // Draw bottom&right part of the box x[0] = xlow; y[0] = ylow; x[1] = xlow + bwidth*(xup-xlow); y[1] = ylow + bwidth*(yup-ylow); x[2] = xup - bwidth*(xup-xlow); y[2] = y[1]; x[3] = x[2]; y[3] = yup - bwidth*(yup-ylow); x[4] = xup; y[4] = yup; x[5] = xup; y[5] = ylow; x[6] = xlow; y[6] = ylow; if (kZNeg) fH->SetFillColor(light); else fH->SetFillColor(dark); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); gPad->PaintFillArea(7, x, y); } } } if (Hoption.Zscale) PaintPalette(); fH->SetFillStyle(fillsav); fH->SetFillColor(colsav); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintCandlePlot(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 2D histogram as a candle (box) plot. End_html */ Double_t x,y,w; Double_t m1 = 0.055, m2 = 0.25; Double_t xpm[1], ypm[1]; TH1D *hp; TH2D *h2 = (TH2D*)fH; Double_t *quantiles = new Double_t[5]; quantiles[0]=0.; quantiles[1]=0.; quantiles[2] = 0.; quantiles[3] = 0.; quantiles[4] = 0.; Double_t *prob = new Double_t[5]; prob[0]=1E-15; prob[1]=0.25; prob[2]=0.5; prob[3]=0.75; prob[4]=1-1E-15; Style_t fillsav = h2->GetFillStyle(); Style_t colsav = h2->GetFillColor(); Style_t linesav = h2->GetLineStyle(); Style_t widthsav = h2->GetLineWidth(); Style_t pmssav = h2->GetMarkerStyle(); if (h2->GetFillColor() == 0) h2->SetFillStyle(0); h2->SetMarkerStyle(24); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); h2->TAttFill::Modify(); h2->TAttMarker::Modify(); // Candle plot along X if (Hoption.Candle == 1) { for (Int_t i=Hparam.xfirst; i<=Hparam.xlast; i++) { x = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(i); w = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(i); hp = h2->ProjectionY("_px", i, i); if (hp->GetEntries() !=0) { hp->GetQuantiles(5, quantiles, prob); ypm[0] = hp->GetMean(); h2->SetLineStyle(1); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintBox(x+m1*w, quantiles[1], x+(1-m1)*w, quantiles[3]); gPad->PaintLine(x+m2*w, quantiles[0], x+(1-m2)*w, quantiles[0]); gPad->PaintLine(x+m2*w, quantiles[4], x+(1-m2)*w, quantiles[4]); h2->SetLineWidth(3*widthsav); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintLine(x+m1*w, quantiles[2], x+(1-m1)*w, quantiles[2]); h2->SetLineWidth(widthsav); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); h2->SetLineStyle(2); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintLine(x+w/2., quantiles[3], x+w/2., quantiles[4]); gPad->PaintLine(x+w/2., quantiles[0], x+w/2., quantiles[1]); xpm[0] = x+w/2; gPad->PaintPolyMarker(1,xpm,ypm); } } // Candle plot along Y } else { for (Int_t i=Hparam.yfirst; i<=Hparam.ylast; i++) { y = fYaxis->GetBinLowEdge(i); w = fYaxis->GetBinWidth(i); hp = h2->ProjectionX("_py", i, i); if (hp->GetEntries() !=0) { hp->GetQuantiles(5, quantiles, prob); xpm[0] = hp->GetMean(); h2->SetLineStyle(1); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintBox(quantiles[1], y+m1*w, quantiles[3], y+(1-m1)*w); gPad->PaintLine(quantiles[0], y+m2*w, quantiles[0], y+(1-m2)*w); gPad->PaintLine(quantiles[4], y+m2*w, quantiles[4], y+(1-m2)*w); h2->SetLineWidth(3*widthsav); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintLine(quantiles[2], y+m1*w, quantiles[2], y+(1-m1)*w); h2->SetLineWidth(widthsav); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); h2->SetLineStyle(2); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintLine(quantiles[3], y+w/2., quantiles[4], y+w/2.); gPad->PaintLine(quantiles[0], y+w/2., quantiles[1], y+w/2.); ypm[0] = y+w/2; gPad->PaintPolyMarker(1,xpm,ypm); } } } h2->SetFillStyle(fillsav); h2->SetFillColor(colsav); h2->SetLineStyle(linesav); h2->SetMarkerStyle(pmssav); h2->SetLineWidth(widthsav); h2->TAttFill::Modify(); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); h2->TAttMarker::Modify(); delete [] prob; delete [] quantiles; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintViolinPlot(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 2D histogram as a violin plot. End_html */ Double_t x,y,w; Double_t bw, bcen, bcon; Double_t xpm[1], ypm[1]; TH1D *hp; TH2D *h2 = (TH2D*)fH; Double_t *quantiles = new Double_t[5]; quantiles[0]=0.; quantiles[1]=0.; quantiles[2] = 0.; quantiles[3] = 0.; quantiles[4] = 0.; Double_t *prob = new Double_t[5]; prob[0]=1E-15; prob[1]=0.25; prob[2]=0.5; prob[3]=0.75; prob[4]=1-1E-15; Style_t fillsav = h2->GetFillStyle(); Style_t colsav = h2->GetFillColor(); Style_t linesav = h2->GetLineStyle(); Style_t widthsav = h2->GetLineWidth(); Style_t pmssav = h2->GetMarkerStyle(); if (h2->GetFillColor() == 0) h2->SetFillStyle(0); h2->SetMarkerStyle(pmssav); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); h2->TAttFill::Modify(); h2->TAttMarker::Modify(); // Violin plot along X if (Hoption.Violin == 1) { for (Int_t i=Hparam.xfirst; i<=Hparam.xlast; i++) { x = fXaxis->GetBinCenter(i); w = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(i); hp = h2->ProjectionY("_px", i, i); if (hp->GetEntries() !=0 && hp->GetMaximum()!=0) { hp->Scale(1.0/hp->Integral()); hp->Scale(w/hp->GetMaximum()); hp->GetQuantiles(5, quantiles, prob); ypm[0] = hp->GetMean(); TAxis *ax = hp->GetXaxis(); for(Int_t j=ax->GetFirst(); jGetLast(); ++j){ bw = ax->GetBinWidth(j); bcen = ax->GetBinCenter(j); bcon = hp->GetBinContent(j); gPad->PaintBox(x-0.5*bcon, bcen-0.5*bw, x+0.5*bcon, bcen+0.5*bw); } h2->SetLineWidth(widthsav); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); h2->SetLineStyle(linesav); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintLine(x, quantiles[3], x, quantiles[4]); gPad->PaintLine(x, quantiles[0], x, quantiles[1]); xpm[0] = x; gPad->PaintPolyMarker(1,xpm,ypm); } } // Violin plot along Y } else { for (Int_t i=Hparam.yfirst; i<=Hparam.ylast; i++) { y = fYaxis->GetBinCenter(i); w = fYaxis->GetBinWidth(i); hp = h2->ProjectionX("_py", i, i); if (hp->GetEntries() !=0 && hp->GetMaximum()!=0) { hp->Scale(1.0/hp->Integral()); hp->Scale(w/hp->GetMaximum()); hp->GetQuantiles(5, quantiles, prob); xpm[0] = hp->GetMean(); h2->SetLineWidth(0); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); TAxis *ax = hp->GetXaxis(); for(Int_t j=ax->GetFirst(); jGetLast(); ++j){ bw = ax->GetBinWidth(j); bcen = ax->GetBinCenter(j); bcon = hp->GetBinContent(j); gPad->PaintBox(bcen-0.5*bw, y-0.5*bcon, bcen+0.5*bw, y+0.5*bcon); } hp->GetQuantiles(5, quantiles, prob); xpm[0] = hp->GetMean(); h2->SetLineWidth(widthsav); h2->SetLineStyle(2); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintLine(quantiles[3], y, quantiles[4], y); gPad->PaintLine(quantiles[0], y, quantiles[1], y); ypm[0] = y; gPad->PaintPolyMarker(1,xpm,ypm); } } } h2->SetFillStyle(fillsav); h2->SetFillColor(colsav); h2->SetLineStyle(linesav); h2->SetMarkerStyle(pmssav); h2->SetLineWidth(widthsav); h2->TAttFill::Modify(); h2->TAttLine::Modify(); h2->TAttMarker::Modify(); delete [] prob; delete [] quantiles; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintColorLevels(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 2D histogram as a color plot. End_html */ Double_t z, zc, xk, xstep, yk, ystep, xlow, xup, ylow, yup; Double_t zmin = fH->GetMinimum(); Double_t zmax = fH->GetMaximum(); Double_t dz = zmax - zmin; if (dz <= 0) { // Histogram filled with a constant value zmax += 0.1*TMath::Abs(zmax); zmin -= 0.1*TMath::Abs(zmin); dz = zmax - zmin; } if (Hoption.Logz) { if (zmin > 0) { zmin = TMath::Log10(zmin); zmax = TMath::Log10(zmax); dz = zmax - zmin; } else { return; } } Style_t fillsav = fH->GetFillStyle(); Style_t colsav = fH->GetFillColor(); fH->SetFillStyle(1001); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); // Initialize the levels on the Z axis Int_t ncolors = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors(); Int_t ndiv = fH->GetContour(); if (ndiv == 0 ) { ndiv = gStyle->GetNumberContours(); fH->SetContour(ndiv); } Int_t ndivz = TMath::Abs(ndiv); if (fH->TestBit(TH1::kUserContour) == 0) fH->SetContour(ndiv); Double_t scale = ndivz/dz; Int_t color; TProfile2D* prof2d = dynamic_cast(fH); for (Int_t j=Hparam.yfirst; j<=Hparam.ylast;j++) { yk = fYaxis->GetBinLowEdge(j); ystep = fYaxis->GetBinWidth(j); for (Int_t i=Hparam.xfirst; i<=Hparam.xlast;i++) { Int_t bin = j*(fXaxis->GetNbins()+2) + i; xk = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(i); xstep = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(i); if (Hoption.System == kPOLAR && xk<0) xk= 2*TMath::Pi()+xk; if (!IsInside(xk+0.5*xstep,yk+0.5*ystep)) continue; z = fH->GetBinContent(bin); // if fH is a profile histogram do not draw empty bins if (prof2d) { const Double_t binEntries = prof2d->GetBinEntries(bin); if (binEntries == 0) continue; } else { // don't draw the empty bins for non-profile histograms // with positive content if (z == 0 && (zmin >= 0 || Hoption.Logz)) continue; } if (Hoption.Logz) { if (z > 0) z = TMath::Log10(z); else z = zmin; } if (z < zmin) continue; xup = xk + xstep; xlow = xk; if (Hoption.Logx) { if (xup > 0) xup = TMath::Log10(xup); else continue; if (xlow > 0) xlow = TMath::Log10(xlow); else continue; } yup = yk + ystep; ylow = yk; if (Hoption.System != kPOLAR) { if (Hoption.Logy) { if (yup > 0) yup = TMath::Log10(yup); else continue; if (ylow > 0) ylow = TMath::Log10(ylow); else continue; } if (xup < gPad->GetUxmin()) continue; if (yup < gPad->GetUymin()) continue; if (xlow > gPad->GetUxmax()) continue; if (ylow > gPad->GetUymax()) continue; if (xlow < gPad->GetUxmin()) xlow = gPad->GetUxmin(); if (ylow < gPad->GetUymin()) ylow = gPad->GetUymin(); if (xup > gPad->GetUxmax()) xup = gPad->GetUxmax(); if (yup > gPad->GetUymax()) yup = gPad->GetUymax(); } if (fH->TestBit(TH1::kUserContour)) { zc = fH->GetContourLevelPad(0); if (z < zc) continue; color = -1; for (Int_t k=0; kGetContourLevelPad(k); if (z < zc) { continue; } else { color++; } } } else { color = Int_t(0.01+(z-zmin)*scale); } Int_t theColor = Int_t((color+0.99)*Float_t(ncolors)/Float_t(ndivz)); if (theColor > ncolors-1) theColor = ncolors-1; fH->SetFillColor(gStyle->GetColorPalette(theColor)); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); if (Hoption.System != kPOLAR) { gPad->PaintBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup); } else { TCrown crown(0,0,ylow,yup,xlow*TMath::RadToDeg(),xup*TMath::RadToDeg()); crown.SetFillColor(gStyle->GetColorPalette(theColor)); crown.Paint(); } } } if (Hoption.Zscale) PaintPalette(); fH->SetFillStyle(fillsav); fH->SetFillColor(colsav); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintContour(Option_t *option) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 2D histogram as a contour plot. End_html */ Int_t i, j, count, ncontour, icol, n, lj, m, ix, jx, ljfill; Int_t itars, mode, ir[4]; Double_t xsave, ysave, thesave,phisave,x[4], y[4], zc[4]; if (Hoption.Contour == 14) { Hoption.Surf = 12; Hoption.Axis = 1; thesave = gPad->GetTheta(); phisave = gPad->GetPhi(); gPad->SetPhi(0.); gPad->SetTheta(90.); PaintSurface(option); gPad->SetPhi(phisave); gPad->SetTheta(thesave); TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (view) view->SetBit(kCannotRotate); //tested in ExecuteEvent PaintAxis(); return; } if (Hoption.Same) { // If the contour is painted on a 3d plot, the contour lines are // paint in 3d too. TObject *obj; TIter next(gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj=next())) { if (strstr(obj->GetDrawOption(),"surf") || strstr(obj->GetDrawOption(),"lego") || strstr(obj->GetDrawOption(),"tri")) { Hoption.Surf = 16; PaintSurface(option); return; } } } if (Hoption.Contour == 15) { TGraphDelaunay *dt; TList *hl = fH->GetListOfFunctions(); dt = (TGraphDelaunay*)hl->FindObject("TGraphDelaunay"); if (!dt) return; if (!fGraph2DPainter) fGraph2DPainter = new TGraph2DPainter(dt); fGraph2DPainter->Paint(option); return; } gPad->SetBit(TGraph::kClipFrame); Double_t *levels = new Double_t[2*kMAXCONTOUR]; Double_t *xarr = new Double_t[2*kMAXCONTOUR]; Double_t *yarr = new Double_t[2*kMAXCONTOUR]; Int_t *itarr = new Int_t[2*kMAXCONTOUR]; Int_t npmax = 0; for (i=0;i<2*kMAXCONTOUR;i++) itarr[i] = 0; ncontour = fH->GetContour(); if (ncontour == 0) { ncontour = gStyle->GetNumberContours(); fH->SetContour(ncontour); } if (ncontour > kMAXCONTOUR) { Warning("PaintContour", "maximum number of contours is %d, asked for %d", kMAXCONTOUR, ncontour); ncontour = kMAXCONTOUR-1; } if (fH->TestBit(TH1::kUserContour) == 0) fH->SetContour(ncontour); for (i=0;iGetContourLevelPad(i); //for (i=0;iGetLineStyle(); Int_t colorsav = fH->GetLineColor(); Int_t fillsav = fH->GetFillColor(); if (Hoption.Contour == 13) { fH->TAttLine::Modify(); } TPolyLine **polys = 0; TPolyLine *poly=0; TObjArray *contours = 0; TList *list = 0; TGraph *graph = 0; Int_t *np = 0; if (Hoption.Contour == 1) { np = new Int_t[ncontour]; for (i=0;iGetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); if (contours) { gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->Remove(contours); count = contours->GetSize(); for (i=0;iAt(i); if (list) list->Delete(); } } contours = new TObjArray(ncontour); contours->SetName("contours"); gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->Add(contours); for (i=0;iAdd(list); } } } Int_t theColor; Int_t ncolors = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors(); Int_t ndivz = TMath::Abs(ncontour); Int_t k,ipoly; for (j=Hparam.yfirst; jGetBinCenter(j); y[1] = y[0]; y[2] = fYaxis->GetBinCenter(j+1); y[3] = y[2]; for (i=Hparam.xfirst; iGetBinContent(i, j); zc[1] = fH->GetBinContent(i+1, j); zc[2] = fH->GetBinContent(i+1, j+1); zc[3] = fH->GetBinContent(i, j+1); if (!IsInside(fXaxis->GetBinCenter(i),fYaxis->GetBinCenter(j))) continue; if (Hoption.Logz) { if (zc[0] > 0) zc[0] = TMath::Log10(zc[0]); else zc[0] = Hparam.zmin; if (zc[1] > 0) zc[1] = TMath::Log10(zc[1]); else zc[1] = Hparam.zmin; if (zc[2] > 0) zc[2] = TMath::Log10(zc[2]); else zc[2] = Hparam.zmin; if (zc[3] > 0) zc[3] = TMath::Log10(zc[3]); else zc[3] = Hparam.zmin; } for (k=0;k<4;k++) { ir[k] = TMath::BinarySearch(ncontour,levels,zc[k]); } if (ir[0] != ir[1] || ir[1] != ir[2] || ir[2] != ir[3] || ir[3] != ir[0]) { x[0] = fXaxis->GetBinCenter(i); x[3] = x[0]; x[1] = fXaxis->GetBinCenter(i+1); x[2] = x[1]; if (zc[0] <= zc[1]) n = 0; else n = 1; if (zc[2] <= zc[3]) m = 2; else m = 3; if (zc[n] > zc[m]) n = m; n++; lj=1; for (ix=1;ix<=4;ix++) { m = n%4 + 1; ljfill = PaintContourLine(zc[n-1],ir[n-1],x[n-1],y[n-1],zc[m-1], ir[m-1],x[m-1],y[m-1],&xarr[lj-1],&yarr[lj-1],&itarr[lj-1], levels); lj += 2*ljfill; n = m; } if (zc[0] <= zc[1]) n = 0; else n = 1; if (zc[2] <= zc[3]) m = 2; else m = 3; if (zc[n] > zc[m]) n = m; n++; lj=2; for (ix=1;ix<=4;ix++) { if (n == 1) m = 4; else m = n-1; ljfill = PaintContourLine(zc[n-1],ir[n-1],x[n-1],y[n-1],zc[m-1], ir[m-1],x[m-1],y[m-1],&xarr[lj-1],&yarr[lj-1],&itarr[lj-1], levels); lj += 2*ljfill; n = m; } // Re-order endpoints count = 0; for (ix=1; ix<=lj-5; ix +=2) { //count = 0; while (itarr[ix-1] != itarr[ix]) { xsave = xarr[ix]; ysave = yarr[ix]; itars = itarr[ix]; for (jx=ix; jx<=lj-5; jx +=2) { xarr[jx] = xarr[jx+2]; yarr[jx] = yarr[jx+2]; itarr[jx] = itarr[jx+2]; } xarr[lj-3] = xsave; yarr[lj-3] = ysave; itarr[lj-3] = itars; if (count > 100) break; count++; } } if (count > 100) continue; for (ix=1; ix<=lj-2; ix +=2) { theColor = Int_t((itarr[ix-1]+0.99)*Float_t(ncolors)/Float_t(ndivz)); icol = gStyle->GetColorPalette(theColor); if (Hoption.Contour == 11) { fH->SetLineColor(icol); } if (Hoption.Contour == 12) { mode = icol%5; if (mode == 0) mode = 5; fH->SetLineStyle(mode); } if (Hoption.Contour != 1) { fH->TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintPolyLine(2,&xarr[ix-1],&yarr[ix-1]); continue; } ipoly = itarr[ix-1]; if (ipoly >=0 && ipoly SetPoint(np[ipoly] ,xarr[ix-1],yarr[ix-1]); poly->SetPoint(np[ipoly]+1,xarr[ix], yarr[ix]); np[ipoly] += 2; if (npmax < np[ipoly]) npmax = np[ipoly]; } } } // end of if (ir[0] } //end of for (i } //end of for (j Double_t xmin,ymin; Double_t *xp, *yp; Int_t nadd,iminus,iplus; Double_t *xx, *yy; Int_t istart; Int_t first = ncontour; Int_t *polysort = 0; Int_t contListNb; if (Hoption.Contour != 1) goto theEND; //The 2 points line generated above are now sorted/merged to generate //a list of consecutive points. // If the option "List" has been specified, the list of points is saved // in the form of TGraph objects in the ROOT list of special objects. xmin = gPad->GetUxmin(); ymin = gPad->GetUymin(); xp = new Double_t[2*npmax]; yp = new Double_t[2*npmax]; polysort = new Int_t[ncontour]; //find first positive contour for (ipoly=0;ipoly= 0) {first = ipoly; break;} } //store negative contours from 0 to minimum, then all positive contours k = 0; for (ipoly=first-1;ipoly>=0;ipoly--) {polysort[k] = ipoly; k++;} for (ipoly=first;ipolySetFillStyle(1001); for (k=0;kAt(contListNb); contListNb++; poly = polys[ipoly]; xx = poly->GetX(); yy = poly->GetY(); istart = 0; while (1) { iminus = npmax; iplus = iminus+1; xp[iminus]= xx[istart]; yp[iminus] = yy[istart]; xp[iplus] = xx[istart+1]; yp[iplus] = yy[istart+1]; xx[istart] = xmin; yy[istart] = ymin; xx[istart+1] = xmin; yy[istart+1] = ymin; while (1) { nadd = 0; for (i=2;iGetColorPalette(theColor); if (ndivz > 1) fH->SetFillColor(icol); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); gPad->PaintFillArea(iplus-iminus+1,&xp[iminus],&yp[iminus]); if (Hoption.List) { graph = new TGraph(iplus-iminus+1,&xp[iminus],&yp[iminus]); graph->SetFillColor(icol); graph->SetLineWidth(fH->GetLineWidth()); list->Add(graph); } //check if more points are left istart = 0; for (i=2;iResetBit(TGraph::kClipFrame); if (Hoption.Zscale) PaintPalette(); fH->SetLineStyle(linesav); fH->SetLineColor(colorsav); fH->SetFillColor(fillsav); if (np) delete [] np; delete [] xarr; delete [] yarr; delete [] itarr; delete [] levels; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::PaintContourLine(Double_t elev1, Int_t icont1, Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t elev2, Int_t icont2, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Double_t *xarr, Double_t *yarr, Int_t *itarr, Double_t *levels) { /* Begin_html Fill the matrix XARR YARR for Contour Plot. End_html */ Bool_t vert; Double_t tlen, tdif, elev, diff, pdif, xlen; Int_t n, i, icount; if (x1 == x2) { vert = kTRUE; tlen = y2 - y1; } else { vert = kFALSE; tlen = x2 - x1; } n = icont1 +1; tdif = elev2 - elev1; i = 0; icount = 0; while (n <= icont2 && i <= kMAXCONTOUR/2 -3) { //elev = fH->GetContourLevel(n); elev = levels[n]; diff = elev - elev1; pdif = diff/tdif; xlen = tlen*pdif; if (vert) { if (Hoption.Logx) xarr[i] = TMath::Log10(x1); else xarr[i] = x1; if (Hoption.Logy) yarr[i] = TMath::Log10(y1 + xlen); else yarr[i] = y1 + xlen; } else { if (Hoption.Logx) xarr[i] = TMath::Log10(x1 + xlen); else xarr[i] = x1 + xlen; if (Hoption.Logy) yarr[i] = TMath::Log10(y1); else yarr[i] = y1; } itarr[i] = n; icount++; i +=2; n++; } return icount; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintErrors(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Draw 1D histograms error bars. End_html */ // On iOS, we do not highlight histogram, if it's not picked at the moment // (but part of histogram (axis or pavestat) was picked, that's why this code // is called at all. This conditional statement never executes on non-iOS platform. if (gPad->PadInHighlightMode() && gPad->GetSelected() != fH) return; const Int_t kBASEMARKER=8; Double_t xp, yp, ex1, ex2, ey1, ey2; Double_t delta; Double_t s2x, s2y, bxsize, bysize, symbolsize, xerror, sbase; Double_t xi1, xi2, xi3, xi4, yi1, yi2, yi3, yi4; Double_t xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; Double_t logxmin = 0; Double_t logymin = 0; Int_t i, k, npoints, first, last, fixbin; Int_t if1 = 0; Int_t if2 = 0; Int_t drawmarker, errormarker; Int_t option0, option1, option2, option3, option4, optionE, optionEX0, optionI0; Double_t *xline = 0; Double_t *yline = 0; option0 = option1 = option2 = option3 = option4 = optionE = optionEX0 = optionI0 = 0; if (Int_t(Hoption.Error/10) == 2) {optionEX0 = 1; Hoption.Error -= 10;} if (Hoption.Error == 31) {optionEX0 = 1; Hoption.Error = 1;} if (Hoption.Error == 10) option0 = 1; if (Hoption.Error == 11) option1 = 1; if (Hoption.Error == 12) option2 = 1; if (Hoption.Error == 13) option3 = 1; if (Hoption.Error == 14) {option4 = 1; option3 = 1;} if (Hoption.Error == 15) {optionI0 = 1; option3 = 1;} if (Hoption.Error == 16) {optionI0 = 1; option4 = 1; option3 = 1;} if (option2+option3 == 0) optionE = 1; if (Hoption.Error == 0) optionE = 0; if (fXaxis->GetXbins()->fN) fixbin = 0; else fixbin = 1; errormarker = fH->GetMarkerStyle(); if (optionEX0) { xerror = 0; } else { xerror = gStyle->GetErrorX(); } symbolsize = fH->GetMarkerSize(); if (errormarker == 1) symbolsize = 0.01; sbase = symbolsize*kBASEMARKER; // set the graphics attributes fH->TAttLine::Modify(); fH->TAttFill::Modify(); fH->TAttMarker::Modify(); // set the first and last bin Double_t factor = Hparam.factor; first = Hparam.xfirst; last = Hparam.xlast; npoints = last - first +1; xmin = gPad->GetUxmin(); xmax = gPad->GetUxmax(); ymin = gPad->GetUymin(); ymax = gPad->GetUymax(); if (option3) { xline = new Double_t[2*npoints]; yline = new Double_t[2*npoints]; if (!xline || !yline) { Error("PaintErrors", "too many points, out of memory"); return; } if1 = 1; if2 = 2*npoints; } // compute the offset of the error bars due to the symbol size s2x = gPad->PixeltoX(Int_t(0.5*sbase)) - gPad->PixeltoX(0); s2y =-gPad->PixeltoY(Int_t(0.5*sbase)) + gPad->PixeltoY(0); // compute size of the lines at the end of the error bars Int_t dxend = Int_t(gStyle->GetEndErrorSize()); bxsize = gPad->PixeltoX(dxend) - gPad->PixeltoX(0); bysize =-gPad->PixeltoY(dxend) + gPad->PixeltoY(0); if (fixbin) { if (Hoption.Logx) xp = TMath::Power(10,Hparam.xmin) + 0.5*Hparam.xbinsize; else xp = Hparam.xmin + 0.5*Hparam.xbinsize; } else { delta = fH->GetBinWidth(first); xp = fH->GetBinLowEdge(first) + 0.5*delta; } // if errormarker = 0 or symbolsize = 0. no symbol is drawn if (Hoption.Logx) logxmin = TMath::Power(10,Hparam.xmin); if (Hoption.Logy) logymin = TMath::Power(10,Hparam.ymin); // ---------------------- Loop over the points--------------------- for (k=first; k<=last; k++) { // get the data // xp = X position of the current point // yp = Y position of the current point // ex1 = Low X error // ex2 = Up X error // ey1 = Low Y error // ey2 = Up Y error // (xi,yi) = Error bars coordinates if (Hoption.Logx) { if (xp <= 0) goto L30; if (xp < logxmin) goto L30; if (xp > TMath::Power(10,xmax)) break; } else { if (xp < xmin) goto L30; if (xp > xmax) break; } yp = factor*fH->GetBinContent(k); if (optionI0 && yp==0) goto L30; if (fixbin) { ex1 = xerror*Hparam.xbinsize; } else { delta = fH->GetBinWidth(k); ex1 = xerror*delta; } if (fH->GetBinErrorOption() == TH1::kNormal) { ey1 = factor*fH->GetBinError(k); ey2 = ey1; } else { ey1 = factor*fH->GetBinErrorLow(k); ey2 = factor*fH->GetBinErrorUp(k); } ex2 = ex1; xi4 = xp; xi3 = xp; xi2 = xp + ex2; xi1 = xp - ex1; yi1 = yp; yi2 = yp; yi3 = yp - ey1; yi4 = yp + ey2; // take the LOG if necessary if (Hoption.Logx) { xi1 = TMath::Log10(TMath::Max(xi1,logxmin)); xi2 = TMath::Log10(TMath::Max(xi2,logxmin)); xi3 = TMath::Log10(TMath::Max(xi3,logxmin)); xi4 = TMath::Log10(TMath::Max(xi4,logxmin)); } if (Hoption.Logy) { yi1 = TMath::Log10(TMath::Max(yi1,logymin)); yi2 = TMath::Log10(TMath::Max(yi2,logymin)); yi3 = TMath::Log10(TMath::Max(yi3,logymin)); yi4 = TMath::Log10(TMath::Max(yi4,logymin)); } // test if error bars are not outside the limits // otherwise they are truncated xi1 = TMath::Max(xi1,xmin); xi2 = TMath::Min(xi2,xmax); yi3 = TMath::Max(yi3,ymin); yi4 = TMath::Min(yi4,ymax); // test if the marker is on the frame limits. If "Yes", the // marker will not be drawn and the error bars will be readjusted. drawmarker = kTRUE; if (!option0 && !option3) { if (Hoption.Logy && yp < logymin) goto L30; if (yi1 < ymin || yi1 > ymax) goto L30; if (Hoption.Error != 0 && yp == 0 && ey1 <= 0) drawmarker = kFALSE; } if (!symbolsize || !errormarker) drawmarker = kFALSE; // draw the error rectangles if (option2) gPad->PaintBox(xi1,yi3,xi2,yi4); // keep points for fill area drawing if (option3) { xline[if1-1] = xi3; xline[if2-1] = xi3; yline[if1-1] = yi4; yline[if2-1] = yi3; if1++; if2--; } // draw the error bars if (Hoption.Logy && yp < logymin) drawmarker = kFALSE; if (optionE && drawmarker) { if ((yi3 < yi1 - s2y) && (yi3 < ymax)) gPad->PaintLine(xi3,yi3,xi4,TMath::Min(yi1 - s2y,ymax)); if ((yi1 + s2y < yi4) && (yi4 > ymin)) gPad->PaintLine(xi3,TMath::Max(yi1 + s2y, ymin),xi4,yi4); // don't duplicate the horizontal line if (Hoption.Hist != 2) { if (yi1ymin) { if (xi1 < xi3 - s2x) gPad->PaintLine(xi1,yi1,xi3 - s2x,yi2); if (xi3 + s2x < xi2) gPad->PaintLine(xi3 + s2x,yi1,xi2,yi2); } } } if (optionE && !drawmarker && (ey1 != 0 || ey2 !=0)) { if ((yi3 < yi1) && (yi3 < ymax)) gPad->PaintLine(xi3,yi3,xi4,TMath::Min(yi1,ymax)); if ((yi1 < yi4) && (yi4 > ymin)) gPad->PaintLine(xi3,TMath::Max(yi1,ymin),xi4,yi4); // don't duplicate the horizontal line if (Hoption.Hist != 2) { if (yi1ymin) { if (xi1 < xi3) gPad->PaintLine(xi1,yi1,xi3,yi2); if (xi3 < xi2) gPad->PaintLine(xi3,yi1,xi2,yi2); } } } // draw line at the end of the error bars if (option1 && drawmarker) { if (yi3 < yi1-s2y) gPad->PaintLine(xi3 - bxsize,yi3,xi3 + bxsize,yi3); if (yi4 > yi1+s2y) gPad->PaintLine(xi3 - bxsize,yi4,xi3 + bxsize,yi4); if (xi1 < xi3-s2x) gPad->PaintLine(xi1,yi1 - bysize,xi1,yi1 + bysize); if (xi2 > xi3+s2x) gPad->PaintLine(xi2,yi1 - bysize,xi2,yi1 + bysize); } // draw the marker if (drawmarker) gPad->PaintPolyMarker(1, &xi3, &yi1); L30: if (fixbin) xp += Hparam.xbinsize; else { if (k < last) { delta = fH->GetBinWidth(k+1); xp = fH->GetBinLowEdge(k+1) + 0.5*delta; } } } //end of for loop // draw the filled area if (option3) { TGraph graph; graph.SetLineStyle(fH->GetLineStyle()); graph.SetLineColor(fH->GetLineColor()); graph.SetLineWidth(fH->GetLineWidth()); graph.SetFillStyle(fH->GetFillStyle()); graph.SetFillColor(fH->GetFillColor()); Int_t logx = gPad->GetLogx(); Int_t logy = gPad->GetLogy(); gPad->SetLogx(0); gPad->SetLogy(0); // In some cases the number of points in the fill area is smaller than // 2*npoints. In such cases the array xline and yline must be arranged // before being plotted. The next loop does that. if (if2 > npoints) { for (i=1; iSetLogx(logx); gPad->SetLogy(logy); delete [] xline; delete [] yline; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::Paint2DErrors(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Draw 2D histograms errors. End_html */ fH->TAttMarker::Modify(); fH->TAttLine::Modify(); // Define the 3D view fXbuf[0] = Hparam.xmin; fYbuf[0] = Hparam.xmax; fXbuf[1] = Hparam.ymin; fYbuf[1] = Hparam.ymax; fXbuf[2] = Hparam.zmin; fYbuf[2] = Hparam.zmax; fLego = new TPainter3dAlgorithms(fXbuf, fYbuf); TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!view) { Error("Paint2DErrors", "no TView in current pad"); return; } Double_t thedeg = 90 - gPad->GetTheta(); Double_t phideg = -90 - gPad->GetPhi(); Double_t psideg = view->GetPsi(); Int_t irep; view->SetView(phideg, thedeg, psideg, irep); // Set color/style for back box fLego->SetFillStyle(gPad->GetFrameFillStyle()); fLego->SetFillColor(gPad->GetFrameFillColor()); fLego->TAttFill::Modify(); Int_t backcolor = gPad->GetFrameFillColor(); if (Hoption.System != kCARTESIAN) backcolor = 0; view->PadRange(backcolor); fLego->SetFillStyle(fH->GetFillStyle()); fLego->SetFillColor(fH->GetFillColor()); fLego->TAttFill::Modify(); // Paint the Back Box if needed if (Hoption.BackBox && !Hoption.Same && !Hoption.Lego && !Hoption.Surf) { fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); fLego->DefineGridLevels(fZaxis->GetNdivisions()%100); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove1); fLego->BackBox(90); } // Paint the Errors Double_t x, ex, x1, x2; Double_t y, ey, y1, y2; Double_t z, ez1, ez2, z1, z2; Double_t temp1[3],temp2[3]; Double_t xyerror; if (Hoption.Error == 110) { xyerror = 0; } else { xyerror = gStyle->GetErrorX(); } Double_t xk, xstep, yk, ystep; for (Int_t j=Hparam.yfirst; j<=Hparam.ylast;j++) { y = fYaxis->GetBinCenter(j); ey = fYaxis->GetBinWidth(j)*xyerror; y1 = y-ey; y2 = y+ey; if (Hoption.Logy) { if (y > 0) y = TMath::Log10(y); else continue; if (y1 > 0) y1 = TMath::Log10(y1); else y1 = Hparam.ymin; if (y2 > 0) y2 = TMath::Log10(y2); else y2 = Hparam.ymin; } yk = fYaxis->GetBinLowEdge(j); ystep = fYaxis->GetBinWidth(j); for (Int_t i=Hparam.xfirst; i<=Hparam.xlast;i++) { xk = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(i); xstep = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(i); if (!IsInside(xk+0.5*xstep,yk+0.5*ystep)) continue; Int_t bin = fH->GetBin(i,j); x = fXaxis->GetBinCenter(i); ex = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(i)*xyerror; x1 = x-ex; x2 = x+ex; if (Hoption.Logx) { if (x > 0) x = TMath::Log10(x); else continue; if (x1 > 0) x1 = TMath::Log10(x1); else x1 = Hparam.xmin; if (x2 > 0) x2 = TMath::Log10(x2); else x2 = Hparam.xmin; } z = fH->GetBinContent(bin); if (fH->GetBinErrorOption() == TH1::kNormal) { ez1 = fH->GetBinError(bin); ez2 = ez1; } else { ez1 = fH->GetBinErrorLow(bin); ez2 = fH->GetBinErrorUp(bin); } z1 = z - ez1; z2 = z + ez2; if (Hoption.Logz) { if (z > 0) z = TMath::Log10(z); else z = Hparam.zmin; if (z1 > 0) z1 = TMath::Log10(z1); else z1 = Hparam.zmin; if (z2 > 0) z2 = TMath::Log10(z2); else z2 = Hparam.zmin; } if (z <= Hparam.zmin) continue; if (z > Hparam.zmax) z = Hparam.zmax; temp1[0] = x1; temp1[1] = y; temp1[2] = z; temp2[0] = x2; temp2[1] = y; temp2[2] = z; gPad->PaintLine3D(temp1, temp2); temp1[0] = x; temp1[1] = y1; temp1[2] = z; temp2[0] = x; temp2[1] = y2; temp2[2] = z; gPad->PaintLine3D(temp1, temp2); temp1[0] = x; temp1[1] = y; temp1[2] = z1; temp2[0] = x; temp2[1] = y; temp2[2] = z2; gPad->PaintLine3D(temp1, temp2); temp1[0] = x; temp1[1] = y; temp1[2] = z; view->WCtoNDC(temp1, &temp2[0]); gPad->PaintPolyMarker(1, &temp2[0], &temp2[1]); } } // Paint the Front Box if needed if (Hoption.FrontBox) { fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove2); fLego->FrontBox(90); } // Paint the Axis if needed if (!Hoption.Axis && !Hoption.Same && !Hoption.Lego && !Hoption.Surf) { TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(); PaintLegoAxis(axis, 90); delete axis; } delete fLego; fLego = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintFrame() { /* Begin_html Calculate range and clear pad (canvas). End_html */ if (Hoption.Same) return; RecalculateRange(); if (Hoption.Lego || Hoption.Surf || Hoption.Tri || Hoption.Contour == 14 || Hoption.Error >= 100) { TObject *frame = gPad->FindObject("TFrame"); if (frame) gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->Remove(frame); return; } //The next statement is always executed on non-iOS platform, //on iOS depends on pad mode. if (!gPad->PadInSelectionMode() && !gPad->PadInHighlightMode()) gPad->PaintPadFrame(Hparam.xmin,Hparam.ymin,Hparam.xmax,Hparam.ymax); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintFunction(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Paint functions associated to an histogram. End_html */ TObjOptLink *lnk = (TObjOptLink*)fFunctions->FirstLink(); TObject *obj; while (lnk) { obj = lnk->GetObject(); TVirtualPad *padsave = gPad; if (obj->InheritsFrom(TF2::Class())) { if (obj->TestBit(TF2::kNotDraw) == 0) { if (Hoption.Lego || Hoption.Surf) { TF2 *f2 = (TF2*)obj; f2->SetMinimum(fH->GetMinimum()); f2->SetMaximum(fH->GetMaximum()); f2->SetRange(fH->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), fH->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(), fH->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), fH->GetYaxis()->GetXmax() ); f2->Paint("surf same"); } else { obj->Paint("cont3 same"); } } } else if (obj->InheritsFrom(TF1::Class())) { if (obj->TestBit(TF1::kNotDraw) == 0) obj->Paint("lsame"); } else { //Let's make this 'function' selectable on iOS device (for example, it can be TPaveStat). gPad->PushSelectableObject(obj); //The next statement is ALWAYS executed on non-iOS platform, on iOS it depends on pad's mode //and picked object. if (!gPad->PadInHighlightMode() || (gPad->PadInHighlightMode() && obj == gPad->GetSelected())) obj->Paint(lnk->GetOption()); } lnk = (TObjOptLink*)lnk->Next(); padsave->cd(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintHist(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control routine to draw 1D histograms. End_html */ //On iOS: do not highlight hist, if part of it was selected. //Never executes on non-iOS platform. if (gPad->PadInHighlightMode() && gPad->GetSelected() != fH) return; static char chopth[17]; Int_t htype, oldhtype; Int_t i, j, first, last, nbins, fixbin; Double_t c1, yb; yb = 0; strlcpy(chopth, " ",17); Double_t ymin = Hparam.ymin; Double_t ymax = Hparam.ymax; Double_t baroffset = fH->GetBarOffset(); Double_t barwidth = fH->GetBarWidth(); Double_t baroffsetsave = gStyle->GetBarOffset(); Double_t barwidthsave = gStyle->GetBarWidth(); gStyle->SetBarOffset(baroffset); gStyle->SetBarWidth(barwidth); // Create "LIFE" structure to keep current histogram status first = Hparam.xfirst; last = Hparam.xlast; nbins = last - first + 1; Double_t *keepx = 0; Double_t *keepy = 0; if (fXaxis->GetXbins()->fN) fixbin = 0; else fixbin = 1; if (fixbin) keepx = new Double_t[2]; else keepx = new Double_t[nbins+1]; keepy = new Double_t[nbins]; Double_t logymin = 0; if (Hoption.Logy) logymin = TMath::Power(10,ymin); // Loop on histogram bins for (j=first; j<=last;j++) { c1 = Hparam.factor*fH->GetBinContent(j); if (TMath::Abs(ymax-ymin) > 0) { if (Hoption.Logy) yb = TMath::Log10(TMath::Max(c1,.1*logymin)); else yb = c1; } if (!Hoption.Line) { yb = TMath::Max(yb, ymin); yb = TMath::Min(yb, ymax); } keepy[j-first] = yb; } // Draw histogram according to value of FillStyle and FillColor if (fixbin) { keepx[0] = Hparam.xmin; keepx[1] = Hparam.xmax; } else { for (i=0; iGetBinLowEdge(i+first); keepx[nbins] = fXaxis->GetBinUpEdge(nbins-1+first); } // Prepare Fill area (systematic with option "Bar"). oldhtype = fH->GetFillStyle(); htype = oldhtype; if (Hoption.Bar) { if (htype == 0 || htype == 1000) htype = 1001; } Width_t lw = (Width_t)fH->GetLineWidth(); // Code option for GrapHist if (Hoption.Line) chopth[0] = 'L'; if (Hoption.Star) chopth[1] = '*'; if (Hoption.Mark) chopth[2] = 'P'; if (Hoption.Mark == 10) chopth[3] = '0'; if (Hoption.Line || Hoption.Curve || Hoption.Hist || Hoption.Bar) { if (Hoption.Curve) chopth[3] = 'C'; if (Hoption.Hist > 0) chopth[4] = 'H'; else if (Hoption.Bar) chopth[5] = 'B'; if (fH->GetFillColor() && htype) { if (Hoption.Logy) { chopth[6] = '1'; } if (Hoption.Hist > 0 || Hoption.Curve || Hoption.Line) { chopth[7] = 'F'; } } } if (!fixbin && strlen(chopth)) { chopth[8] = 'N'; } if (Hoption.Fill == 2) chopth[13] = '2'; // Option LOGX if (Hoption.Logx) { chopth[9] = 'G'; chopth[10] = 'X'; if (fixbin) { keepx[0] = TMath::Power(10,keepx[0]); keepx[1] = TMath::Power(10,keepx[1]); } } if (Hoption.Off) { chopth[11] = ']'; chopth[12] = '['; } // Draw the histogram TGraph graph; graph.SetLineWidth(lw); graph.SetLineStyle(fH->GetLineStyle()); graph.SetLineColor(fH->GetLineColor()); graph.SetFillStyle(htype); graph.SetFillColor(fH->GetFillColor()); graph.SetMarkerStyle(fH->GetMarkerStyle()); graph.SetMarkerSize(fH->GetMarkerSize()); graph.SetMarkerColor(fH->GetMarkerColor()); if (!Hoption.Same) graph.ResetBit(TGraph::kClipFrame); graph.PaintGrapHist(nbins, keepx, keepy ,chopth); delete [] keepx; delete [] keepy; gStyle->SetBarOffset(baroffsetsave); gStyle->SetBarWidth(barwidthsave); htype=oldhtype; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintH3(Option_t *option) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 3D histograms. End_html */ char *cmd; TString opt = fH->GetDrawOption(); opt.ToLower(); Int_t irep; if (fH->GetDrawOption() && (strstr(opt,"box") || strstr(opt,"lego"))) { cmd = Form("TMarker3DBox::PaintH3((TH1 *)0x%lx,\"%s\");",(Long_t)fH,option); } else if (fH->GetDrawOption() && strstr(opt,"iso")) { PaintH3Iso(); return; } else if (strstr(option,"tf3")) { PaintTF3(); return; } else { cmd = Form("TPolyMarker3D::PaintH3((TH1 *)0x%lx,\"%s\");",(Long_t)fH,option); } if (strstr(opt,"fb")) Hoption.FrontBox = 0; if (strstr(opt,"bb")) Hoption.BackBox = 0; TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!view) return; Double_t thedeg = 90 - gPad->GetTheta(); Double_t phideg = -90 - gPad->GetPhi(); Double_t psideg = view->GetPsi(); view->SetView(phideg, thedeg, psideg, irep); // Paint the data gROOT->ProcessLine(cmd); if (Hoption.Same) return; // Draw axis view->SetOutlineToCube(); TSeqCollection *ol = view->GetOutline(); if (ol && Hoption.BackBox && Hoption.FrontBox) ol->Paint(option); Hoption.System = kCARTESIAN; TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(); if (!Hoption.Axis && !Hoption.Same) PaintLegoAxis(axis, 90); delete axis; // Draw palette. In case of 4D plot with TTree::Draw() the palette should // be painted with the option colz. if (fH->GetDrawOption() && strstr(opt,"colz")) { Int_t ndiv = fH->GetContour(); if (ndiv == 0 ) { ndiv = gStyle->GetNumberContours(); fH->SetContour(ndiv); } PaintPalette(); } // Draw title PaintTitle(); //Draw stats and fit results TF1 *fit = 0; TIter next(fFunctions); TObject *obj; while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TF1::Class())) { fit = (TF1*)obj; break; } } if (Hoption.Same != 1) { if (!fH->TestBit(TH1::kNoStats)) { // bit set via TH1::SetStats PaintStat3(gStyle->GetOptStat(),fit); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::PaintInit() { /* Begin_html Compute histogram parameters used by the drawing routines. End_html */ if (fH->GetDimension() > 1 || Hoption.Lego || Hoption.Surf) return 1; Int_t i; static const char *where = "PaintInit"; Double_t yMARGIN = gStyle->GetHistTopMargin(); Int_t maximum = 0; Int_t minimum = 0; if (fH->GetMaximumStored() != -1111) maximum = 1; if (fH->GetMinimumStored() != -1111) minimum = 1; // Compute X axis parameters Int_t last = fXaxis->GetLast(); Int_t first = fXaxis->GetFirst(); Hparam.xlowedge = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(first); Hparam.xbinsize = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(first); Hparam.xlast = last; Hparam.xfirst = first; Hparam.xmin = Hparam.xlowedge; Hparam.xmax = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(last)+fXaxis->GetBinWidth(last); // if log scale in X, replace xmin,max by the log if (Hoption.Logx) { if (Hparam.xmax<=0) { Error(where, "cannot set X axis to log scale"); return 0; } if (Hparam.xlowedge <=0 ) { if (Hoption.Same) { Hparam.xlowedge = TMath::Power(10, gPad->GetUxmin()); } else { for (i=first; i<=last; i++) { Double_t binLow = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(i); if (binLow>0) { Hparam.xlowedge = binLow; break; } } if (Hparam.xlowedge<=0) { Error(where, "cannot set X axis to log scale"); return 0; } } Hparam.xmin = Hparam.xlowedge; } Hparam.xfirst= fXaxis->FindFixBin(Hparam.xmin); Hparam.xlast = fXaxis->FindFixBin(Hparam.xmax); Hparam.xmin = TMath::Log10(Hparam.xmin); Hparam.xmax = TMath::Log10(Hparam.xmax); if (Hparam.xlast > last) Hparam.xlast = last; if (Hparam.xfirst < first) Hparam.xfirst = first; } // Compute Y axis parameters Double_t bigp = TMath::Power(10,32); Double_t ymax = -bigp; Double_t ymin = bigp; Double_t c1, e1; Double_t xv[1]; Double_t fval; TObject *f; TF1 *f1; Double_t allchan = 0; Int_t nonNullErrors = 0; TIter next(fFunctions); for (i=first; i<=last;i++) { c1 = fH->GetBinContent(i); ymax = TMath::Max(ymax,c1); if (Hoption.Logy) { if (c1 > 0) ymin = TMath::Min(ymin,c1); } else { ymin = TMath::Min(ymin,c1); } if (Hoption.Error) { if (fH->GetBinErrorOption() == TH1::kNormal) e1 = fH->GetBinError(i); else e1 = fH->GetBinErrorUp(i); if (e1 > 0) nonNullErrors++; ymax = TMath::Max(ymax,c1+e1); if (fH->GetBinErrorOption() != TH1::kNormal) e1 = fH->GetBinErrorLow(i); if (Hoption.Logy) { if (c1-e1>0.01*TMath::Abs(c1)) ymin = TMath::Min(ymin,c1-e1); } else { ymin = TMath::Min(ymin,c1-e1); } } if (Hoption.Func) { xv[0] = fXaxis->GetBinCenter(i); while ((f = (TObject*) next())) { if (f->IsA() == TF1::Class()) { f1 = (TF1*)f; if (xv[0] < f1->GetXmin() || xv[0] > f1->GetXmax()) continue; fval = f1->Eval(xv[0],0,0); if (f1->GetMaximumStored() != -1111) fval = TMath::Min(f1->GetMaximumStored(), fval); ymax = TMath::Max(ymax,fval); if (Hoption.Logy) { if (c1 > 0 && fval > 0.3*c1) ymin = TMath::Min(ymin,fval); } } } next.Reset(); } allchan += c1; } if (!nonNullErrors) { if (Hoption.Error) { if (!Hoption.Mark && !Hoption.Line && !Hoption.Star && !Hoption.Curve) Hoption.Hist = 2; Hoption.Error=0; } } // Take into account maximum , minimum if (Hoption.Logy && ymin <= 0) { if (ymax >= 1) ymin = TMath::Max(.005,ymax*1e-10); else ymin = 0.001*ymax; } Double_t xm = ymin; if (maximum) ymax = fH->GetMaximumStored(); if (minimum) xm = fH->GetMinimumStored(); if (Hoption.Logy && xm < 0) { Error(where, "log scale requested with a negative argument (%f)", xm); return 0; } else if (Hoption.Logy && xm>=0 && ymax==0) { // empty histogram in log scale ymin = 0.01; ymax = 10.; } else { ymin = xm; } if (ymin >= ymax) { if (Hoption.Logy) { if (ymax > 0) ymin = 0.001*ymax; else { if (!Hoption.Same) Error(where, "log scale is requested but maximum is less or equal 0 (%f)", ymax); return 0; } } else { if (ymin > 0) { ymin = 0; ymax *= 2; } else if (ymin < 0) { ymax = 0; ymin *= 2; } else { ymin = 0; ymax = 1; } } } // In some cases, mainly because of precision issues, ymin and ymax could almost equal. if (TMath::AreEqualRel(ymin,ymax,1E-15)) { ymin = ymin*(1-1E-14); ymax = ymax*(1+1E-14); } // take into account normalization factor Hparam.allchan = allchan; Double_t factor = allchan; if (fH->GetNormFactor() > 0) factor = fH->GetNormFactor(); if (allchan) factor /= allchan; if (factor == 0) factor = 1; Hparam.factor = factor; ymax = factor*ymax; ymin = factor*ymin; //just in case the norm factor is negative // this may happen with a positive norm factor and a negative integral ! if (ymax < ymin) { Double_t temp = ymax; ymax = ymin; ymin = temp; } // For log scales, histogram coordinates are LOG10(ymin) and // LOG10(ymax). Final adjustment (if not option "Same" // or "+" for ymax) of ymax and ymin for logarithmic scale, if // Maximum and Minimum are not defined. if (Hoption.Logy) { if (ymin <=0 || ymax <=0) { Error(where, "Cannot set Y axis to log scale"); return 0; } ymin = TMath::Log10(ymin); if (!minimum) ymin += TMath::Log10(0.5); ymax = TMath::Log10(ymax); if (!maximum) ymax += TMath::Log10(2*(0.9/0.95)); if (!Hoption.Same) { Hparam.ymin = ymin; Hparam.ymax = ymax; } return 1; } // final adjustment of ymin for linear scale. // if minimum is not set , then ymin is set to zero if >0 // or to ymin - margin if <0. if (!minimum) { if (gStyle->GetHistMinimumZero()) { if (ymin >= 0) ymin = 0; else ymin -= yMARGIN*(ymax-ymin); } else { Double_t dymin = yMARGIN*(ymax-ymin); if (ymin >= 0 && (ymin-dymin <= 0)) ymin = 0; else ymin -= dymin; } } // final adjustment of YMAXI for linear scale (if not option "Same"): // decrease histogram height to MAX% of allowed height if HMAXIM // has not been called. if (!maximum) { ymax += yMARGIN*(ymax-ymin); } Hparam.ymin = ymin; Hparam.ymax = ymax; return 1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::PaintInitH() { /* Begin_html Compute histogram parameters used by the drawing routines for a rotated pad. End_html */ static const char *where = "PaintInitH"; Double_t yMARGIN = gStyle->GetHistTopMargin(); Int_t maximum = 0; Int_t minimum = 0; if (fH->GetMaximumStored() != -1111) maximum = 1; if (fH->GetMinimumStored() != -1111) minimum = 1; // Compute X axis parameters Int_t last = fXaxis->GetLast(); Int_t first = fXaxis->GetFirst(); Hparam.xlowedge = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(first); Hparam.xbinsize = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(first); Hparam.xlast = last; Hparam.xfirst = first; Hparam.ymin = Hparam.xlowedge; Hparam.ymax = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(last)+fXaxis->GetBinWidth(last); // if log scale in Y, replace ymin,max by the log if (Hoption.Logy) { if (Hparam.xlowedge <=0 ) { Hparam.xlowedge = 0.1*Hparam.xbinsize; Hparam.ymin = Hparam.xlowedge; } if (Hparam.ymin <=0 || Hparam.ymax <=0) { Error(where, "cannot set Y axis to log scale"); return 0; } Hparam.xfirst= fXaxis->FindFixBin(Hparam.ymin); Hparam.xlast = fXaxis->FindFixBin(Hparam.ymax); Hparam.ymin = TMath::Log10(Hparam.ymin); Hparam.ymax = TMath::Log10(Hparam.ymax); if (Hparam.xlast > last) Hparam.xlast = last; } // Compute Y axis parameters Double_t bigp = TMath::Power(10,32); Double_t xmax = -bigp; Double_t xmin = bigp; Double_t c1, e1; Double_t xv[1]; Double_t fval; Int_t i; TObject *f; TF1 *f1; Double_t allchan = 0; TIter next(fFunctions); for (i=first; i<=last;i++) { c1 = fH->GetBinContent(i); xmax = TMath::Max(xmax,c1); xmin = TMath::Min(xmin,c1); if (Hoption.Error) { e1 = fH->GetBinError(i); xmax = TMath::Max(xmax,c1+e1); xmin = TMath::Min(xmin,c1-e1); } if (Hoption.Func) { xv[0] = fXaxis->GetBinCenter(i); while ((f = (TObject*) next())) { if (f->IsA() == TF1::Class()) { f1 = (TF1*)f; if (xv[0] < f1->GetXmin() || xv[0] > f1->GetXmax()) continue; fval = f1->Eval(xv[0],0,0); xmax = TMath::Max(xmax,fval); if (Hoption.Logy) { if (fval > 0.3*c1) xmin = TMath::Min(xmin,fval); } } } next.Reset(); } allchan += c1; } // Take into account maximum , minimum if (Hoption.Logx && xmin <= 0) { if (xmax >= 1) xmin = TMath::Max(.5,xmax*1e-10); else xmin = 0.001*xmax; } Double_t xm = xmin; if (maximum) xmax = fH->GetMaximumStored(); if (minimum) xm = fH->GetMinimumStored(); if (Hoption.Logx && xm <= 0) { Error(where, "log scale requested with zero or negative argument (%f)", xm); return 0; } else xmin = xm; if (xmin >= xmax) { if (Hoption.Logx) { if (xmax > 0) xmin = 0.001*xmax; else { if (!Hoption.Same) Error(where, "log scale is requested but maximum is less or equal 0 (%f)", xmax); return 0; } } else { if (xmin > 0) { xmin = 0; xmax *= 2; } else if (xmin < 0) { xmax = 0; xmin *= 2; } else { xmin = -1; xmax = 1; } } } // take into account normalization factor Hparam.allchan = allchan; Double_t factor = allchan; if (fH->GetNormFactor() > 0) factor = fH->GetNormFactor(); if (allchan) factor /= allchan; if (factor == 0) factor = 1; Hparam.factor = factor; xmax = factor*xmax; xmin = factor*xmin; // For log scales, histogram coordinates are LOG10(ymin) and // LOG10(ymax). Final adjustment (if not option "Same" // or "+" for ymax) of ymax and ymin for logarithmic scale, if // Maximum and Minimum are not defined. if (Hoption.Logx) { if (xmin <=0 || xmax <=0) { Error(where, "Cannot set Y axis to log scale"); return 0; } xmin = TMath::Log10(xmin); if (!minimum) xmin += TMath::Log10(0.5); xmax = TMath::Log10(xmax); if (!maximum) xmax += TMath::Log10(2*(0.9/0.95)); if (!Hoption.Same) { Hparam.xmin = xmin; Hparam.xmax = xmax; } return 1; } // final adjustment of ymin for linear scale. // if minimum is not set , then ymin is set to zero if >0 // or to ymin - margin if <0. if (!minimum) { if (xmin >= 0) xmin = 0; else xmin -= yMARGIN*(xmax-xmin); } // final adjustment of YMAXI for linear scale (if not option "Same"): // decrease histogram height to MAX% of allowed height if HMAXIM // has not been called. if (!maximum) { xmax += yMARGIN*(xmax-xmin); } Hparam.xmin = xmin; Hparam.xmax = xmax; return 1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintH3Iso() { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 3D histogram with Iso Surfaces. End_html */ const Double_t ydiff = 1; const Double_t yligh1 = 10; const Double_t qa = 0.15; const Double_t qd = 0.15; const Double_t qs = 0.8; Double_t fmin, fmax; Int_t i, irep; Int_t nbcol = 28; Int_t icol1 = 201; Int_t ic1 = icol1; Int_t ic2 = ic1+nbcol; Int_t ic3 = ic2+nbcol; TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(); TAxis *xaxis = fH->GetXaxis(); TAxis *yaxis = fH->GetYaxis(); TAxis *zaxis = fH->GetZaxis(); Int_t nx = fH->GetNbinsX(); Int_t ny = fH->GetNbinsY(); Int_t nz = fH->GetNbinsZ(); Double_t *x = new Double_t[nx]; Double_t *y = new Double_t[ny]; Double_t *z = new Double_t[nz]; for (i=0; iGetBinCenter(i+1); for (i=0; iGetBinCenter(i+1); for (i=0; iGetBinCenter(i+1); fXbuf[0] = xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(xaxis->GetFirst()); fYbuf[0] = xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(xaxis->GetLast()); fXbuf[1] = yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(yaxis->GetFirst()); fYbuf[1] = yaxis->GetBinUpEdge(yaxis->GetLast()); fXbuf[2] = zaxis->GetBinLowEdge(zaxis->GetFirst()); fYbuf[2] = zaxis->GetBinUpEdge(zaxis->GetLast()); Double_t s[3]; s[0] = fH->GetSumOfWeights()/(fH->GetNbinsX()*fH->GetNbinsY()*fH->GetNbinsZ()); s[1] = 0.5*s[0]; s[2] = 1.5*s[0]; fLego = new TPainter3dAlgorithms(fXbuf, fYbuf); TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!view) { Error("PaintH3Iso", "no TView in current pad"); delete [] x; delete [] y; delete [] z; return; } Double_t thedeg = 90 - gPad->GetTheta(); Double_t phideg = -90 - gPad->GetPhi(); Double_t psideg = view->GetPsi(); view->SetView(phideg, thedeg, psideg, irep); Int_t backcolor = gPad->GetFrameFillColor(); if (Hoption.System != kCARTESIAN) backcolor = 0; view->PadRange(backcolor); Double_t dcol = 0.5/Double_t(nbcol); TColor *colref = gROOT->GetColor(fH->GetFillColor()); if (!colref) { delete [] x; delete [] y; delete [] z; return; } Float_t r, g, b, hue, light, satur; colref->GetRGB(r,g,b); TColor::RGBtoHLS(r,g,b,hue,light,satur); TColor *acol; for (Int_t col=0;colGetColor(col+icol1); TColor::HLStoRGB(hue, .4+col*dcol, satur, r, g, b); if (acol) acol->SetRGB(r, g, b); } fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); if (Hoption.BackBox) { fLego->DefineGridLevels(fZaxis->GetNdivisions()%100); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove1); fLego->BackBox(90); } fLego->LightSource(0, ydiff, 0, 0, 0, irep); fLego->LightSource(1, yligh1, 1, 1, 1, irep); fLego->SurfaceProperty(qa, qd, qs, 1, irep); fmin = ydiff*qa; fmax = ydiff*qa + (yligh1+0.1)*(qd+qs); fLego->SetIsoSurfaceParameters(fmin, fmax, nbcol, ic1, ic2, ic3); fLego->IsoSurface(1, s, nx, ny, nz, x, y, z, "BF"); if (Hoption.FrontBox) { fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove2); fLego->FrontBox(90); } if (!Hoption.Axis && !Hoption.Same) PaintLegoAxis(axis, 90); PaintTitle(); delete axis; delete fLego; fLego = 0; delete [] x; delete [] y; delete [] z; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintLego(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 2D histogram as a lego plot. End_html */ Int_t raster = 1; if (Hparam.zmin == 0 && Hparam.zmax == 0) {Hparam.zmin = -1; Hparam.zmax = 1;} Int_t nx = Hparam.xlast - Hparam.xfirst + 1; Int_t ny = Hparam.ylast - Hparam.yfirst + 1; Double_t zmin = Hparam.zmin; Double_t zmax = Hparam.zmax; Double_t xlab1 = Hparam.xmin; Double_t xlab2 = Hparam.xmax; Double_t ylab1 = Hparam.ymin; Double_t ylab2 = Hparam.ymax; Double_t dangle = 10*3.141592/180; //Delta angle for Rapidity option Double_t deltaz = TMath::Abs(zmin); if (deltaz == 0) deltaz = 1; if (zmin >= zmax) { zmin -= 0.5*deltaz; zmax += 0.5*deltaz; } Double_t z1c = zmin; Double_t z2c = zmin + (zmax-zmin)*(1+gStyle->GetHistTopMargin()); // Compute the lego limits and instantiate a lego object fXbuf[0] = -1; fYbuf[0] = 1; fXbuf[1] = -1; fYbuf[1] = 1; if (Hoption.System == kPOLAR) { fXbuf[2] = z1c; fYbuf[2] = z2c; } else if (Hoption.System == kCYLINDRICAL) { if (Hoption.Logy) { if (ylab1 > 0) fXbuf[2] = TMath::Log10(ylab1); else fXbuf[2] = 0; if (ylab2 > 0) fYbuf[2] = TMath::Log10(ylab2); else fYbuf[2] = 0; } else { fXbuf[2] = ylab1; fYbuf[2] = ylab2; } z1c = 0; z2c = 1; } else if (Hoption.System == kSPHERICAL) { fXbuf[2] = -1; fYbuf[2] = 1; z1c = 0; z2c = 1; } else if (Hoption.System == kRAPIDITY) { fXbuf[2] = -1/TMath::Tan(dangle); fYbuf[2] = 1/TMath::Tan(dangle); } else { fXbuf[0] = xlab1; fYbuf[0] = xlab2; fXbuf[1] = ylab1; fYbuf[1] = ylab2; fXbuf[2] = z1c; fYbuf[2] = z2c; raster = 0; } fLego = new TPainter3dAlgorithms(fXbuf, fYbuf, Hoption.System); Int_t nids = -1; TH1 * hid = NULL; Color_t colormain = -1, colordark = -1; Bool_t drawShadowsInLego1 = kTRUE; // LEGO3 is like LEGO1 except that the black lines around each lego are not drawn. if (Hoption.Lego == 13) { Hoption.Lego = 11; fLego->SetMesh(0); } // LEGO4 is like LEGO1 except no shadows are drawn. if (Hoption.Lego == 14) { Hoption.Lego = 11; drawShadowsInLego1 = kFALSE; } // Create axis object TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(); // Initialize the levels on the Z axis Int_t ndiv = fH->GetContour(); if (ndiv == 0 ) { ndiv = gStyle->GetNumberContours(); fH->SetContour(ndiv); } Int_t ndivz = TMath::Abs(ndiv); if (fH->TestBit(TH1::kUserContour) == 0) fH->SetContour(ndiv); // Initialize colors if (!fStack) { fLego->SetEdgeAtt(fH->GetLineColor(),fH->GetLineStyle(),fH->GetLineWidth(),0); } else { for (Int_t id=0;id<=fStack->GetSize();id++) { hid = (TH1*)fStack->At((id==0)?id:id-1); fLego->SetEdgeAtt(hid->GetLineColor(),hid->GetLineStyle(),hid->GetLineWidth(),id); } } if (Hoption.Lego == 11) { nids = 1; if (fStack) nids = fStack->GetSize(); hid = fH; for (Int_t id=0;id<=nids;id++) { if (id > 0 && fStack) hid = (TH1*)fStack->At(id-1); colormain = hid->GetFillColor(); if (colormain == 1) colormain = 17; //avoid drawing with black if (drawShadowsInLego1) colordark = TColor::GetColorDark(colormain); else colordark = colormain; fLego->SetColorMain(colormain,id); fLego->SetColorDark(colordark,id); if (id <= 1) fLego->SetColorMain(colormain,-1); // Set Bottom color if (id == nids) fLego->SetColorMain(colormain,99); // Set Top color } } // Now ready to draw the lego plot Int_t irep = 0; TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!view) { Error("PaintLego", "no TView in current pad"); return; } Double_t thedeg = 90 - gPad->GetTheta(); Double_t phideg = -90 - gPad->GetPhi(); Double_t psideg = view->GetPsi(); view->SetView(phideg, thedeg, psideg, irep); fLego->SetLineColor(kBlack); /// zgrid color for lego1 & lego2 fLego->SetFillStyle(fH->GetFillStyle()); // Set color/style for back box fLego->SetFillStyle(gPad->GetFrameFillStyle()); fLego->SetFillColor(gPad->GetFrameFillColor()); fLego->TAttFill::Modify(); Int_t backcolor = gPad->GetFrameFillColor(); if (Hoption.System != kCARTESIAN) backcolor = 0; view->PadRange(backcolor); fLego->SetFillStyle(fH->GetFillStyle()); fLego->SetFillColor(fH->GetFillColor()); fLego->TAttFill::Modify(); fLego->DefineGridLevels(fZaxis->GetNdivisions()%100); if (raster) fLego->InitRaster(-1.1,-1.1,1.1,1.1,1000,800); else fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); if (Hoption.Lego == 11 || Hoption.Lego == 12) { if (Hoption.System == kCARTESIAN && Hoption.BackBox) { fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove1); fLego->BackBox(90); } } if (Hoption.Lego == 12) DefineColorLevels(ndivz); fLego->SetLegoFunction(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::LegoFunction); if (Hoption.Lego == 1) fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceRaster2); if (Hoption.Lego == 11) fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMode3); if (Hoption.Lego == 12) fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMode2); if (Hoption.System == kPOLAR) { if (Hoption.Lego == 1) fLego->LegoPolar(1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.Lego == 11) fLego->LegoPolar(1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.Lego == 12) fLego->LegoPolar(1,nx,ny,"BF"); } else if (Hoption.System == kCYLINDRICAL) { if (Hoption.Lego == 1) fLego->LegoCylindrical(1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.Lego == 11) fLego->LegoCylindrical(1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.Lego == 12) fLego->LegoCylindrical(1,nx,ny,"BF"); } else if (Hoption.System == kSPHERICAL) { if (Hoption.Lego == 1) fLego->LegoSpherical(0,1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.Lego == 11) fLego->LegoSpherical(0,1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.Lego == 12) fLego->LegoSpherical(0,1,nx,ny,"BF"); } else if (Hoption.System == kRAPIDITY) { if (Hoption.Lego == 1) fLego->LegoSpherical(1,1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.Lego == 11) fLego->LegoSpherical(1,1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.Lego == 12) fLego->LegoSpherical(1,1,nx,ny,"BF"); } else { if (Hoption.Lego == 1) { fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove2); fLego->LegoCartesian(90,nx,ny,"FB");} if (Hoption.Lego == 11) fLego->LegoCartesian(90,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.Lego == 12) fLego->LegoCartesian(90,nx,ny,"BF"); } if (Hoption.Lego == 1 || Hoption.Lego == 11) { if (Hoption.System == kCARTESIAN && Hoption.BackBox) { fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove1); fLego->BackBox(90); } } if (Hoption.System == kCARTESIAN) { fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove2); if (Hoption.FrontBox) fLego->FrontBox(90); } if (!Hoption.Axis && !Hoption.Same) PaintLegoAxis(axis, 90); if (Hoption.Zscale) PaintPalette(); delete axis; delete fLego; fLego = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintLegoAxis(TGaxis *axis, Double_t ang) { /* Begin_html Draw the axis for legos and surface plots. End_html */ static Double_t epsil = 0.001; Double_t cosa, sina; Double_t bmin, bmax; Double_t r[24] /* was [3][8] */; Int_t ndivx, ndivy, ndivz, i; Double_t x1[3], x2[3], y1[3], y2[3], z1[3], z2[3], av[24] /* was [3][8] */; static char chopax[8], chopay[8], chopaz[8]; Int_t ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2, iz1, iz2; Double_t rad; TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!view) { Error("PaintLegoAxis", "no TView in current pad"); return; } // In polar coordinates, draw a short line going from the external circle // corresponding to r = 1 up to r = 1.1 if (Hoption.System == kPOLAR) { r[0] = 1; r[1] = 0; r[2] = 0; view->WCtoNDC(r, x1); r[0] = 1.1; r[1] = 0; r[2] = 0; view->WCtoNDC(r, x2); gPad->PaintLine(x1[0],x1[1],x2[0],x2[1]); return; } if (Hoption.System != kCARTESIAN) return; rad = TMath::ATan(1.) * 4. /180.; cosa = TMath::Cos(ang*rad); sina = TMath::Sin(ang*rad); view->AxisVertex(ang, av, ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2, iz1, iz2); for (i = 1; i <= 8; ++i) { r[i*3 - 3] = av[i*3 - 3] + av[i*3 - 2]*cosa; r[i*3 - 2] = av[i*3 - 2]*sina; r[i*3 - 1] = av[i*3 - 1]; } view->WCtoNDC(&r[ix1*3 - 3], x1); view->WCtoNDC(&r[ix2*3 - 3], x2); view->WCtoNDC(&r[iy1*3 - 3], y1); view->WCtoNDC(&r[iy2*3 - 3], y2); view->WCtoNDC(&r[iz1*3 - 3], z1); view->WCtoNDC(&r[iz2*3 - 3], z2); view->SetAxisNDC(x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2); Double_t *rmin = view->GetRmin(); Double_t *rmax = view->GetRmax(); if (!rmin || !rmax) return; // Initialize the axis options if (x1[0] > x2[0]) strlcpy(chopax, "SDH=+",8); else strlcpy(chopax, "SDH=-",8); if (y1[0] > y2[0]) strlcpy(chopay, "SDH=+",8); else strlcpy(chopay, "SDH=-",8); strlcpy(chopaz, "SDH+=",8); // Option LOG is required ? // coverity [Calling risky function] if (Hoption.Logx) strlcat(chopax,"G",8); // coverity [Calling risky function] if (Hoption.Logy) strlcat(chopay,"G",8); // coverity [Calling risky function] if (Hoption.Logz) strlcat(chopaz,"G",8); // Initialize the number of divisions. If the // number of divisions is negative, option 'N' is required. ndivx = fXaxis->GetNdivisions(); ndivy = fYaxis->GetNdivisions(); ndivz = fZaxis->GetNdivisions(); if (ndivx < 0) { ndivx = TMath::Abs(ndivx); // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopax, "N",8); } if (ndivy < 0) { ndivy = TMath::Abs(ndivy); // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopay, "N",8); } if (ndivz < 0) { ndivz = TMath::Abs(ndivz); // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopaz, "N",8); } // Set Axis attributes. // The variable SCALE rescales the VSIZ // in order to have the same label size for all angles. axis->SetLineWidth(1); // X axis drawing if (TMath::Abs(x1[0] - x2[0]) >= epsil || TMath::Abs(x1[1] - x2[1]) > epsil) { axis->ImportAxisAttributes(fXaxis); axis->SetLabelOffset(fXaxis->GetLabelOffset()+fXaxis->GetTickLength()); if (Hoption.Logx && !fH->InheritsFrom(TH3::Class())) { bmin = TMath::Power(10, rmin[0]); bmax = TMath::Power(10, rmax[0]); } else { bmin = rmin[0]; bmax = rmax[0]; } // Option time display is required ? if (fXaxis->GetTimeDisplay()) { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopax,"t",8); if (strlen(fXaxis->GetTimeFormatOnly()) == 0) { axis->SetTimeFormat(fXaxis->ChooseTimeFormat(bmax-bmin)); } else { axis->SetTimeFormat(fXaxis->GetTimeFormat()); } } axis->SetOption(chopax); axis->PaintAxis(x1[0], x1[1], x2[0], x2[1], bmin, bmax, ndivx, chopax); } // Y axis drawing if (TMath::Abs(y1[0] - y2[0]) >= epsil || TMath::Abs(y1[1] - y2[1]) > epsil) { axis->ImportAxisAttributes(fYaxis); axis->SetLabelOffset(fYaxis->GetLabelOffset()+fYaxis->GetTickLength()); if (fH->GetDimension() < 2) { strlcpy(chopay, "V=+UN",8); ndivy = 0; } if (TMath::Abs(y1[0] - y2[0]) < epsil) { y2[0] = y1[0]; } if (Hoption.Logy && !fH->InheritsFrom(TH3::Class())) { bmin = TMath::Power(10, rmin[1]); bmax = TMath::Power(10, rmax[1]); } else { bmin = rmin[1]; bmax = rmax[1]; } // Option time display is required ? if (fYaxis->GetTimeDisplay()) { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopay,"t",8); if (strlen(fYaxis->GetTimeFormatOnly()) == 0) { axis->SetTimeFormat(fYaxis->ChooseTimeFormat(bmax-bmin)); } else { axis->SetTimeFormat(fYaxis->GetTimeFormat()); } } axis->SetOption(chopay); axis->PaintAxis(y1[0], y1[1], y2[0], y2[1], bmin, bmax, ndivy, chopay); } // Z axis drawing if (TMath::Abs(z1[0] - z2[0]) >= 100*epsil || TMath::Abs(z1[1] - z2[1]) > 100*epsil) { axis->ImportAxisAttributes(fZaxis); if (Hoption.Logz && !fH->InheritsFrom(TH3::Class())) { bmin = TMath::Power(10, rmin[2]); bmax = TMath::Power(10, rmax[2]); } else { bmin = rmin[2]; bmax = rmax[2]; } // Option time display is required ? if (fZaxis->GetTimeDisplay()) { // coverity [Calling risky function] strlcat(chopaz,"t",8); if (strlen(fZaxis->GetTimeFormatOnly()) == 0) { axis->SetTimeFormat(fZaxis->ChooseTimeFormat(bmax-bmin)); } else { axis->SetTimeFormat(fZaxis->GetTimeFormat()); } } axis->SetOption(chopaz); axis->PaintAxis(z1[0], z1[1], z2[0], z2[1], bmin, bmax, ndivz, chopaz); } //fH->SetLineStyle(1); /// otherwise fEdgeStyle[i] gets overwritten! } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintPalette() { /* Begin_html Paint the color palette on the right side of the pad. End_html */ TPaletteAxis *palette = (TPaletteAxis*)fFunctions->FindObject("palette"); TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (palette) { if (view) { if (!palette->TestBit(TPaletteAxis::kHasView)) { fFunctions->Remove(palette); delete palette; palette = 0; } } else { if (palette->TestBit(TPaletteAxis::kHasView)) { fFunctions->Remove(palette); delete palette; palette = 0; } } } if (!palette) { Double_t xup = gPad->GetUxmax(); Double_t x2 = gPad->PadtoX(gPad->GetX2()); Double_t ymin = gPad->PadtoY(gPad->GetUymin()); Double_t ymax = gPad->PadtoY(gPad->GetUymax()); Double_t xr = 0.05*(gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1()); Double_t xmin = gPad->PadtoX(xup +0.1*xr); Double_t xmax = gPad->PadtoX(xup + xr); if (xmax > x2) xmax = gPad->PadtoX(gPad->GetX2()-0.01*xr); palette = new TPaletteAxis(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,fH); fFunctions->AddFirst(palette); palette->Paint(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintScatterPlot(Option_t *option) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 2D histogram as a scatter plot. End_html */ fH->TAttMarker::Modify(); Int_t k, marker; Double_t dz, z, xk,xstep, yk, ystep; Double_t scale = 1; Bool_t ltest = kFALSE; Double_t zmax = fH->GetMaximum(); Double_t zmin = fH->GetMinimum(); if (zmin == 0 && zmax == 0) return; if (zmin == zmax) { zmax += 0.1*TMath::Abs(zmax); zmin -= 0.1*TMath::Abs(zmin); } Int_t ncells = (Hparam.ylast-Hparam.yfirst)*(Hparam.xlast-Hparam.xfirst); if (Hoption.Logz) { if (zmin > 0) zmin = TMath::Log10(zmin); else zmin = 0; if (zmax > 0) zmax = TMath::Log10(zmax); else zmax = 0; if (zmin == 0 && zmax == 0) return; dz = zmax - zmin; scale = 100/dz; if (ncells > 10000) scale /= 5; ltest = kTRUE; } else { dz = zmax - zmin; if (dz >= kNMAX || zmax < 1) { scale = (kNMAX-1)/dz; if (ncells > 10000) scale /= 5; ltest = kTRUE; } } if (fH->GetMinimumStored() == -1111) { Double_t yMARGIN = gStyle->GetHistTopMargin(); if (gStyle->GetHistMinimumZero()) { if (zmin >= 0) zmin = 0; else zmin -= yMARGIN*(zmax-zmin); } else { Double_t dzmin = yMARGIN*(zmax-zmin); if (zmin >= 0 && (zmin-dzmin <= 0)) zmin = 0; else zmin -= dzmin; } } TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); if (opt.Contains("scat=")) { char optscat[100]; strlcpy(optscat,opt.Data(),100); char *oscat = strstr(optscat,"scat="); char *blank = strstr(oscat," "); if (blank) *blank = 0; sscanf(oscat+5,"%lg",&scale); } // use an independent instance of a random generator // instead of gRandom to avoid conflicts and // to get same random numbers when drawing the same histogram TRandom2 random; marker=0; for (Int_t j=Hparam.yfirst; j<=Hparam.ylast;j++) { yk = fYaxis->GetBinLowEdge(j); ystep = fYaxis->GetBinWidth(j); for (Int_t i=Hparam.xfirst; i<=Hparam.xlast;i++) { Int_t bin = j*(fXaxis->GetNbins()+2) + i; xk = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(i); xstep = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(i); if (!IsInside(xk+0.5*xstep,yk+0.5*ystep)) continue; z = fH->GetBinContent(bin); if (z < zmin) z = zmin; if (z > zmax) z = zmax; if (Hoption.Logz) { if (z > 0) z = TMath::Log10(z) - zmin; } else { z -= zmin; } if (z <= 0) continue; k = Int_t(z*scale); if (ltest) k++; if (k > 0) { for (Int_t loop=0; loop= kNMAX) { gPad->PaintPolyMarker(marker, fXbuf, fYbuf); marker=0; } fXbuf[marker] = (random.Rndm(loop)*xstep) + xk; fYbuf[marker] = (random.Rndm(loop)*ystep) + yk; if (Hoption.Logx) { if (fXbuf[marker] > 0) fXbuf[marker] = TMath::Log10(fXbuf[marker]); else break; } if (Hoption.Logy) { if (fYbuf[marker] > 0) fYbuf[marker] = TMath::Log10(fYbuf[marker]); else break; } if (fXbuf[marker] < gPad->GetUxmin()) break; if (fYbuf[marker] < gPad->GetUymin()) break; if (fXbuf[marker] > gPad->GetUxmax()) break; if (fYbuf[marker] > gPad->GetUymax()) break; marker++; } } } } if (marker > 0) gPad->PaintPolyMarker(marker, fXbuf, fYbuf); if (Hoption.Zscale) PaintPalette(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintSpecialObjects(const TObject *obj, Option_t *option) { /* Begin_html Static function to paint special objects like vectors and matrices. This function is called via gROOT->ProcessLine to paint these objects without having a direct dependency of the graphics or histogramming system. End_html */ if (!obj) return; Bool_t status = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); if (obj->InheritsFrom(TMatrixFBase::Class())) { // case TMatrixF TH2F *R__TMatrixFBase = new TH2F((TMatrixFBase &)*obj); R__TMatrixFBase->SetBit(kCanDelete); R__TMatrixFBase->Draw(option); } else if (obj->InheritsFrom(TMatrixDBase::Class())) { // case TMatrixD TH2D *R__TMatrixDBase = new TH2D((TMatrixDBase &)*obj); R__TMatrixDBase->SetBit(kCanDelete); R__TMatrixDBase->Draw(option); } else if (obj->InheritsFrom(TVectorF::Class())) { //case TVectorF TH1F *R__TVectorF = new TH1F((TVectorF &)*obj); R__TVectorF->SetBit(kCanDelete); R__TVectorF->Draw(option); } else if (obj->InheritsFrom(TVectorD::Class())) { //case TVectorD TH1D *R__TVectorD = new TH1D((TVectorD &)*obj); R__TVectorD->SetBit(kCanDelete); R__TVectorD->Draw(option); } TH1::AddDirectory(status); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintStat(Int_t dostat, TF1 *fit) { /* Begin_html Draw the statistics box for 1D and profile histograms. End_html */ static char t[100]; Int_t dofit; TPaveStats *stats = 0; TIter next(fFunctions); TObject *obj; while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPaveStats::Class())) { stats = (TPaveStats*)obj; break; } } if (stats && dostat) { dofit = stats->GetOptFit(); dostat = stats->GetOptStat(); } else { dofit = gStyle->GetOptFit(); } if (!dofit) fit = 0; if (dofit == 1) dofit = 111; if (dostat == 1) dostat = 1111; Int_t print_name = dostat%10; Int_t print_entries = (dostat/10)%10; Int_t print_mean = (dostat/100)%10; Int_t print_rms = (dostat/1000)%10; Int_t print_under = (dostat/10000)%10; Int_t print_over = (dostat/100000)%10; Int_t print_integral= (dostat/1000000)%10; Int_t print_skew = (dostat/10000000)%10; Int_t print_kurt = (dostat/100000000)%10; Int_t nlines = print_name + print_entries + print_mean + print_rms + print_under + print_over + print_integral + print_skew + print_kurt; Int_t print_fval = dofit%10; Int_t print_ferrors = (dofit/10)%10; Int_t print_fchi2 = (dofit/100)%10; Int_t print_fprob = (dofit/1000)%10; Int_t nlinesf = print_fval + print_fchi2 + print_fprob; if (fit) { if (print_fval < 2) nlinesf += fit->GetNumberFreeParameters(); else nlinesf += fit->GetNpar(); } if (fH->InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class())) nlinesf += print_mean + print_rms; // Pavetext with statistics Bool_t done = kFALSE; if (!dostat && !fit) { if (stats) { fFunctions->Remove(stats); delete stats;} return; } Double_t statw = gStyle->GetStatW(); if (fit) statw = 1.8*gStyle->GetStatW(); Double_t stath = (nlines+nlinesf)*gStyle->GetStatFontSize(); if (stath <= 0 || 3 == (gStyle->GetStatFont()%10)) { stath = 0.25*(nlines+nlinesf)*gStyle->GetStatH(); } if (stats) { stats->Clear(); done = kTRUE; } else { stats = new TPaveStats( gStyle->GetStatX()-statw, gStyle->GetStatY()-stath, gStyle->GetStatX(), gStyle->GetStatY(),"brNDC"); stats->SetParent(fH); stats->SetOptFit(dofit); stats->SetOptStat(dostat); stats->SetFillColor(gStyle->GetStatColor()); stats->SetFillStyle(gStyle->GetStatStyle()); stats->SetBorderSize(gStyle->GetStatBorderSize()); stats->SetTextFont(gStyle->GetStatFont()); if (gStyle->GetStatFont()%10 > 2) stats->SetTextSize(gStyle->GetStatFontSize()); stats->SetFitFormat(gStyle->GetFitFormat()); stats->SetStatFormat(gStyle->GetStatFormat()); stats->SetName("stats"); stats->SetTextColor(gStyle->GetStatTextColor()); stats->SetTextAlign(12); stats->SetBit(kCanDelete); stats->SetBit(kMustCleanup); } if (print_name) stats->AddText(fH->GetName()); if (print_entries) { if (fH->GetEntries() < 1e7) snprintf(t,100,"%s = %-7d",gStringEntries.Data(),Int_t(fH->GetEntries()+0.5)); else snprintf(t,100,"%s = %14.7g",gStringEntries.Data(),Float_t(fH->GetEntries())); stats->AddText(t); } char textstats[50]; if (print_mean) { if (print_mean == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringMean.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetMean(1)); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringMean.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetMean(1),fH->GetMeanError(1)); } stats->AddText(t); if (fH->InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class())) { if (print_mean == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringMeanY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetMean(2)); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringMeanY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetMean(2),fH->GetMeanError(2)); } stats->AddText(t); } } if (print_rms) { if (print_rms == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringRMS.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetRMS(1)); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringRMS.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetRMS(1),fH->GetRMSError(1)); } stats->AddText(t); if (fH->InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class())) { if (print_rms == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringRMSY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetRMS(2)); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringRMSY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetRMS(2),fH->GetRMSError(2)); } stats->AddText(t); } } if (print_under) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringUnderflow.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetBinContent(0)); stats->AddText(t); } if (print_over) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringOverflow.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetBinContent(fXaxis->GetNbins()+1)); stats->AddText(t); } if (print_integral) { if (print_integral == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringIntegral.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->Integral()); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringIntegralBinWidth.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->Integral("width")); } stats->AddText(t); } if (print_skew) { if (print_skew == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringSkewness.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetSkewness(1)); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringSkewness.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetSkewness(1),fH->GetSkewness(11)); } stats->AddText(t); } if (print_kurt) { if (print_kurt == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringKurtosis.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetKurtosis(1)); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringKurtosis.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->GetKurtosis(1),fH->GetKurtosis(11)); } stats->AddText(t); } // Draw Fit parameters if (fit) { Int_t ndf = fit->GetNDF(); snprintf(textstats,50,"#chi^{2} / ndf = %s%s / %d","%",stats->GetFitFormat(),ndf); snprintf(t,100,textstats,(Float_t)fit->GetChisquare()); if (print_fchi2) stats->AddText(t); if (print_fprob) { snprintf(textstats,50,"Prob = %s%s","%",stats->GetFitFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,(Float_t)TMath::Prob(fit->GetChisquare(),ndf)); stats->AddText(t); } if (print_fval || print_ferrors) { Double_t parmin,parmax; Int_t a; for (Int_t ipar=0;iparGetNpar();ipar++) { fit->GetParLimits(ipar,parmin,parmax); if (print_fval < 2 && parmin*parmax != 0 && parmin >= parmax) continue; snprintf(t,100,"%-8s ",fit->GetParName(ipar)); a = strlen(t); if (a>50) a = 50; if (print_ferrors) { snprintf(textstats,50,"= %s%s #pm %s ", "%",stats->GetFitFormat(), GetBestFormat(fit->GetParameter(ipar), fit->GetParError(ipar), stats->GetFitFormat())); snprintf(&t[a],100,textstats,(Float_t)fit->GetParameter(ipar) ,(Float_t)fit->GetParError(ipar)); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"= %s%s ","%",stats->GetFitFormat()); snprintf(&t[a],100,textstats,(Float_t)fit->GetParameter(ipar)); } t[63] = 0; stats->AddText(t); } } } if (!done) fFunctions->Add(stats); stats->Paint(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintStat2(Int_t dostat, TF1 *fit) { /* Begin_html Draw the statistics box for 2D histograms. End_html */ if (fH->GetDimension() != 2) return; TH2 *h2 = (TH2*)fH; static char t[100]; Int_t dofit; TPaveStats *stats = 0; TIter next(fFunctions); TObject *obj; while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPaveStats::Class())) { stats = (TPaveStats*)obj; break; } } if (stats && dostat) { dofit = stats->GetOptFit(); dostat = stats->GetOptStat(); } else { dofit = gStyle->GetOptFit(); } if (dostat == 1) dostat = 1111; Int_t print_name = dostat%10; Int_t print_entries = (dostat/10)%10; Int_t print_mean = (dostat/100)%10; Int_t print_rms = (dostat/1000)%10; Int_t print_under = (dostat/10000)%10; Int_t print_over = (dostat/100000)%10; Int_t print_integral= (dostat/1000000)%10; Int_t print_skew = (dostat/10000000)%10; Int_t print_kurt = (dostat/100000000)%10; Int_t nlines = print_name + print_entries + 2*print_mean + 2*print_rms + print_integral; if (print_under || print_over) nlines += 3; // Pavetext with statistics if (!gStyle->GetOptFit()) fit = 0; Bool_t done = kFALSE; if (!dostat && !fit) { if (stats) { fFunctions->Remove(stats); delete stats;} return; } Double_t statw = gStyle->GetStatW(); if (fit) statw = 1.8*gStyle->GetStatW(); Double_t stath = nlines*gStyle->GetStatFontSize(); if (stath <= 0 || 3 == (gStyle->GetStatFont()%10)) { stath = 0.25*nlines*gStyle->GetStatH(); } if (fit) stath += gStyle->GetStatH(); if (stats) { stats->Clear(); done = kTRUE; } else { stats = new TPaveStats( gStyle->GetStatX()-statw, gStyle->GetStatY()-stath, gStyle->GetStatX(), gStyle->GetStatY(),"brNDC"); stats->SetParent(fH); stats->SetOptFit(dofit); stats->SetOptStat(dostat); stats->SetFillColor(gStyle->GetStatColor()); stats->SetFillStyle(gStyle->GetStatStyle()); stats->SetBorderSize(gStyle->GetStatBorderSize()); stats->SetName("stats"); stats->SetTextColor(gStyle->GetStatTextColor()); stats->SetTextAlign(12); stats->SetTextFont(gStyle->GetStatFont()); if (gStyle->GetStatFont()%10 > 2) stats->SetTextSize(gStyle->GetStatFontSize()); stats->SetFitFormat(gStyle->GetFitFormat()); stats->SetStatFormat(gStyle->GetStatFormat()); stats->SetBit(kCanDelete); stats->SetBit(kMustCleanup); } if (print_name) stats->AddText(h2->GetName()); if (print_entries) { if (h2->GetEntries() < 1e7) snprintf(t,100,"%s = %-7d",gStringEntries.Data(),Int_t(h2->GetEntries()+0.5)); else snprintf(t,100,"%s = %14.7g",gStringEntries.Data(),Float_t(h2->GetEntries())); stats->AddText(t); } char textstats[50]; if (print_mean) { if (print_mean == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringMeanX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,50,textstats,h2->GetMean(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringMeanY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetMean(2)); stats->AddText(t); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringMeanX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetMean(1),h2->GetMeanError(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringMeanY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetMean(2),h2->GetMeanError(2)); stats->AddText(t); } } if (print_rms) { if (print_rms == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringRMSX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetRMS(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringRMSY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetRMS(2)); stats->AddText(t); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringRMSX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetRMS(1),h2->GetRMSError(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringRMSY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetRMS(2),h2->GetRMSError(2)); stats->AddText(t); } } if (print_integral) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringIntegral.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,fH->Integral()); stats->AddText(t); } if (print_skew) { if (print_skew == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringSkewnessX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetSkewness(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringSkewnessY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetSkewness(2)); stats->AddText(t); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringSkewnessX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetSkewness(1),h2->GetSkewness(11)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringSkewnessY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetSkewness(2),h2->GetSkewness(12)); stats->AddText(t); } } if (print_kurt) { if (print_kurt == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringKurtosisX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetKurtosis(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringKurtosisY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetKurtosis(2)); stats->AddText(t); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringKurtosisX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetKurtosis(1),h2->GetKurtosis(11)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringKurtosisY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h2->GetKurtosis(2),h2->GetKurtosis(12)); stats->AddText(t); } } if (print_under || print_over) { //get 3*3 under/overflows for 2d hist Double_t unov[9]; Int_t cellsX = h2->GetXaxis()->GetNbins() + 1; Int_t cellsY = h2->GetYaxis()->GetNbins() + 1; Int_t firstX = std::max(1, h2->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()); Int_t firstY = std::max(1, h2->GetYaxis()->GetFirst()); Int_t lastX = std::min(h2->GetXaxis()->GetLast(), h2->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()); Int_t lastY = std::min(h2->GetYaxis()->GetLast(), h2->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()); unov[0] = h2->Integral( 0, firstX-1, lastY+1, cellsY ); unov[1] = h2->Integral(firstX , lastX , lastY+1, cellsY ); unov[2] = h2->Integral(lastX+1, cellsX , lastY+1, cellsY ); unov[3] = h2->Integral( 0, firstX-1, firstY , lastY ); unov[4] = h2->Integral(firstX , lastX , firstY , lastY ); unov[5] = h2->Integral(lastX+1, cellsX , firstY , lastY ); unov[6] = h2->Integral( 0, firstX-1, 0, firstY-1); unov[7] = h2->Integral(firstX, lastX, 0, firstY-1); unov[8] = h2->Integral(lastX+1, cellsX , 0, firstY-1); snprintf(t, 100," %7d|%7d|%7d\n", (Int_t)unov[0], (Int_t)unov[1], (Int_t)unov[2]); stats->AddText(t); if (h2->GetEntries() < 1e7) snprintf(t, 100," %7d|%7d|%7d\n", (Int_t)unov[3], (Int_t)unov[4], (Int_t)unov[5]); else snprintf(t, 100," %7d|%14.7g|%7d\n", (Int_t)unov[3], (Float_t)unov[4], (Int_t)unov[5]); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(t, 100," %7d|%7d|%7d\n", (Int_t)unov[6], (Int_t)unov[7], (Int_t)unov[8]); stats->AddText(t); } // Draw Fit parameters if (fit) { Int_t ndf = fit->GetNDF(); snprintf(t,100,"#chi^{2} / ndf = %6.4g / %d",(Float_t)fit->GetChisquare(),ndf); stats->AddText(t); for (Int_t ipar=0;iparGetNpar();ipar++) { snprintf(t,100,"%-8s = %5.4g #pm %5.4g ",fit->GetParName(ipar) ,(Float_t)fit->GetParameter(ipar) ,(Float_t)fit->GetParError(ipar)); t[63] = 0; stats->AddText(t); } } if (!done) fFunctions->Add(stats); stats->Paint(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintStat3(Int_t dostat, TF1 *fit) { /* Begin_html Draw the statistics box for 3D histograms. End_html */ if (fH->GetDimension() != 3) return; TH3 *h3 = (TH3*)fH; static char t[100]; Int_t dofit; TPaveStats *stats = 0; TIter next(fFunctions); TObject *obj; while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TPaveStats::Class())) { stats = (TPaveStats*)obj; break; } } if (stats && dostat) { dofit = stats->GetOptFit(); dostat = stats->GetOptStat(); } else { dofit = gStyle->GetOptFit(); } if (dostat == 1) dostat = 1111; Int_t print_name = dostat%10; Int_t print_entries = (dostat/10)%10; Int_t print_mean = (dostat/100)%10; Int_t print_rms = (dostat/1000)%10; Int_t print_under = (dostat/10000)%10; Int_t print_over = (dostat/100000)%10; Int_t print_integral= (dostat/1000000)%10; Int_t print_skew = (dostat/10000000)%10; Int_t print_kurt = (dostat/100000000)%10; Int_t nlines = print_name + print_entries + 3*print_mean + 3*print_rms + print_integral; if (print_under || print_over) nlines += 3; // Pavetext with statistics if (!gStyle->GetOptFit()) fit = 0; Bool_t done = kFALSE; if (!dostat && !fit) { if (stats) { fFunctions->Remove(stats); delete stats;} return; } Double_t statw = gStyle->GetStatW(); if (fit) statw = 1.8*gStyle->GetStatW(); Double_t stath = nlines*gStyle->GetStatFontSize(); if (stath <= 0 || 3 == (gStyle->GetStatFont()%10)) { stath = 0.25*nlines*gStyle->GetStatH(); } if (fit) stath += gStyle->GetStatH(); if (stats) { stats->Clear(); done = kTRUE; } else { stats = new TPaveStats( gStyle->GetStatX()-statw, gStyle->GetStatY()-stath, gStyle->GetStatX(), gStyle->GetStatY(),"brNDC"); stats->SetParent(fH); stats->SetOptFit(dofit); stats->SetOptStat(dostat); stats->SetFillColor(gStyle->GetStatColor()); stats->SetFillStyle(gStyle->GetStatStyle()); stats->SetBorderSize(gStyle->GetStatBorderSize()); stats->SetName("stats"); stats->SetTextColor(gStyle->GetStatTextColor()); stats->SetTextAlign(12); stats->SetTextFont(gStyle->GetStatFont()); stats->SetFitFormat(gStyle->GetFitFormat()); stats->SetStatFormat(gStyle->GetStatFormat()); stats->SetBit(kCanDelete); stats->SetBit(kMustCleanup); } if (print_name) stats->AddText(h3->GetName()); if (print_entries) { if (h3->GetEntries() < 1e7) snprintf(t,100,"%s = %-7d",gStringEntries.Data(),Int_t(h3->GetEntries()+0.5)); else snprintf(t,100,"%s = %14.7g",gStringEntries.Data(),Float_t(h3->GetEntries()+0.5)); stats->AddText(t); } char textstats[50]; if (print_mean) { if (print_mean == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringMeanX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetMean(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringMeanY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetMean(2)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringMeanZ.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetMean(3)); stats->AddText(t); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringMeanX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetMean(1),h3->GetMeanError(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringMeanY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetMean(2),h3->GetMeanError(2)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringMeanZ.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetMean(3),h3->GetMeanError(3)); stats->AddText(t); } } if (print_rms) { if (print_rms == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringRMSX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetRMS(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringRMSY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetRMS(2)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringRMSZ.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetRMS(3)); stats->AddText(t); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringRMSX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetRMS(1),h3->GetRMSError(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringRMSY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetRMS(2),h3->GetRMSError(2)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringRMSZ.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetRMS(3),h3->GetRMSError(3)); stats->AddText(t); } } if (print_integral) { snprintf(t,100,"%s = %6.4g",gStringIntegral.Data(),h3->Integral()); stats->AddText(t); } if (print_skew) { if (print_skew == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringSkewnessX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetSkewness(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringSkewnessY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetSkewness(2)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringSkewnessZ.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetSkewness(3)); stats->AddText(t); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringSkewnessX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetSkewness(1),h3->GetSkewness(11)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringSkewnessY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetSkewness(2),h3->GetSkewness(12)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringSkewnessZ.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetSkewness(3),h3->GetSkewness(13)); stats->AddText(t); } } if (print_kurt) { if (print_kurt == 1) { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringKurtosisX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetKurtosis(1)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringKurtosisY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetKurtosis(2)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s",gStringKurtosisZ.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetKurtosis(3)); stats->AddText(t); } else { snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringKurtosisX.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetKurtosis(1),h3->GetKurtosis(11)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringKurtosisY.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetKurtosis(2),h3->GetKurtosis(12)); stats->AddText(t); snprintf(textstats,50,"%s = %s%s #pm %s%s",gStringKurtosisZ.Data(),"%",stats->GetStatFormat() ,"%",stats->GetStatFormat()); snprintf(t,100,textstats,h3->GetKurtosis(3),h3->GetKurtosis(13)); stats->AddText(t); } } if (print_under || print_over) { // no underflow - overflow printing for a 3D histogram // one would need a 3D table // //get 3*3 under/overflows for 2d hist // Double_t unov[9]; // unov[0] = h3->Integral(0,h3->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()-1,h3->GetYaxis()->GetLast()+1,h3->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()+1); // unov[1] = h3->Integral(h3->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(),h3->GetXaxis()->GetLast(),h3->GetYaxis()->GetLast()+1,h3->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()+1); // unov[2] = h3->Integral(h3->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1,h3->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()+1,h3->GetYaxis()->GetLast()+1,h3->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()+1); // unov[3] = h3->Integral(0,h3->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()-1,h3->GetYaxis()->GetFirst(),h3->GetYaxis()->GetLast()); // unov[4] = h3->Integral(h3->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(),h3->GetXaxis()->GetLast(),h3->GetYaxis()->GetFirst(),h3->GetYaxis()->GetLast()); // unov[5] = h3->Integral(h3->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1,h3->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()+1,h3->GetYaxis()->GetFirst(),h3->GetYaxis()->GetLast()); // unov[6] = h3->Integral(0,h3->GetXaxis()->GetFirst()-1,0,h3->GetYaxis()->GetFirst()-1); // unov[7] = h3->Integral(h3->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(),h3->GetXaxis()->GetLast(),0,h3->GetYaxis()->GetFirst()-1); // unov[8] = h3->Integral(h3->GetXaxis()->GetLast()+1,h3->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()+1,0,h3->GetYaxis()->GetFirst()-1); // sprintf(t, " %7d|%7d|%7d\n", (Int_t)unov[0], (Int_t)unov[1], (Int_t)unov[2]); // stats->AddText(t); // if (h3->GetEntries() < 1e7) // sprintf(t, " %7d|%7d|%7d\n", (Int_t)unov[3], (Int_t)unov[4], (Int_t)unov[5]); // else // sprintf(t, " %7d|%14.7g|%7d\n", (Int_t)unov[3], (Float_t)unov[4], (Int_t)unov[5]); // stats->AddText(t); // sprintf(t, " %7d|%7d|%7d\n", (Int_t)unov[6], (Int_t)unov[7], (Int_t)unov[8]); // stats->AddText(t); } // Draw Fit parameters if (fit) { Int_t ndf = fit->GetNDF(); snprintf(t,100,"#chi^{2} / ndf = %6.4g / %d",(Float_t)fit->GetChisquare(),ndf); stats->AddText(t); for (Int_t ipar=0;iparGetNpar();ipar++) { snprintf(t,100,"%-8s = %5.4g #pm %5.4g ",fit->GetParName(ipar) ,(Float_t)fit->GetParameter(ipar) ,(Float_t)fit->GetParError(ipar)); t[32] = 0; stats->AddText(t); } } if (!done) fFunctions->Add(stats); stats->Paint(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintSurface(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 2D histogram as a surface plot. End_html */ const Double_t ydiff = 1; const Double_t yligh1 = 10; const Double_t qa = 0.15; const Double_t qd = 0.15; const Double_t qs = 0.8; Double_t fmin, fmax; Int_t raster = 0; Int_t irep = 0; if (Hparam.zmin == 0 && Hparam.zmax == 0) {Hparam.zmin = -1; Hparam.zmax = 1;} Int_t nx = Hparam.xlast - Hparam.xfirst; Int_t ny = Hparam.ylast - Hparam.yfirst; Double_t zmin = Hparam.zmin; Double_t zmax = Hparam.zmax; Double_t xlab1 = Hparam.xmin; Double_t xlab2 = Hparam.xmax; Double_t ylab1 = Hparam.ymin; Double_t ylab2 = Hparam.ymax; Double_t dangle = 10*3.141592/180; //Delta angle for Rapidity option Double_t deltaz = TMath::Abs(zmin); if (deltaz == 0) deltaz = 1; if (zmin >= zmax) { zmin -= 0.5*deltaz; zmax += 0.5*deltaz; } Double_t z1c = zmin; Double_t z2c = zmin + (zmax-zmin)*(1+gStyle->GetHistTopMargin()); // Compute the lego limits and instantiate a lego object fXbuf[0] = -1; fYbuf[0] = 1; fXbuf[1] = -1; fYbuf[1] = 1; if (Hoption.System >= kPOLAR && (Hoption.Surf == 1 || Hoption.Surf == 13)) raster = 1; if (Hoption.System == kPOLAR) { fXbuf[2] = z1c; fYbuf[2] = z2c; } else if (Hoption.System == kCYLINDRICAL) { if (Hoption.Logy) { if (ylab1 > 0) fXbuf[2] = TMath::Log10(ylab1); else fXbuf[2] = 0; if (ylab2 > 0) fYbuf[2] = TMath::Log10(ylab2); else fYbuf[2] = 0; } else { fXbuf[2] = ylab1; fYbuf[2] = ylab2; } z1c = 0; z2c = 1; } else if (Hoption.System == kSPHERICAL) { fXbuf[2] = -1; fYbuf[2] = 1; z1c = 0; z2c = 1; } else if (Hoption.System == kRAPIDITY) { fXbuf[2] = -1/TMath::Tan(dangle); fYbuf[2] = 1/TMath::Tan(dangle); } else { fXbuf[0] = xlab1; fYbuf[0] = xlab2; fXbuf[1] = ylab1; fYbuf[1] = ylab2; fXbuf[2] = z1c; fYbuf[2] = z2c; } fLego = new TPainter3dAlgorithms(fXbuf, fYbuf, Hoption.System); fLego->SetEdgeAtt(fH->GetLineColor(),fH->GetLineStyle(),fH->GetLineWidth(),0); fLego->SetFillColor(fH->GetFillColor()); // Create axis object TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(); // Initialize the levels on the Z axis Int_t ndiv = fH->GetContour(); if (ndiv == 0 ) { ndiv = gStyle->GetNumberContours(); fH->SetContour(ndiv); } Int_t ndivz = TMath::Abs(ndiv); if (fH->TestBit(TH1::kUserContour) == 0) fH->SetContour(ndiv); if (Hoption.Surf == 13 || Hoption.Surf == 15) fLego->SetMesh(3); if (Hoption.Surf == 12 || Hoption.Surf == 14 || Hoption.Surf == 17) fLego->SetMesh(0); // Close the surface in case of non cartesian coordinates. if (Hoption.System != kCARTESIAN) {nx++; ny++;} // Now ready to draw the surface plot TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!view) { Error("PaintSurface", "no TView in current pad"); return; } Double_t thedeg = 90 - gPad->GetTheta(); Double_t phideg = -90 - gPad->GetPhi(); Double_t psideg = view->GetPsi(); view->SetView(phideg, thedeg, psideg, irep); // Set color/style for back box if (Hoption.Same) { fLego->SetFillStyle(0); fLego->SetFillColor(1); } else { fLego->SetFillStyle(gPad->GetFrameFillStyle()); fLego->SetFillColor(gPad->GetFrameFillColor()); } fLego->TAttFill::Modify(); Int_t backcolor = gPad->GetFrameFillColor(); if (Hoption.System != kCARTESIAN) backcolor = 0; view->PadRange(backcolor); fLego->SetFillStyle(fH->GetFillStyle()); fLego->SetFillColor(fH->GetFillColor()); fLego->TAttFill::Modify(); // Draw the filled contour on top Int_t icol1 = fH->GetFillColor(); Int_t hoption35 = Hoption.Surf; if (Hoption.Surf == 13 || Hoption.Surf == 15) { DefineColorLevels(ndivz); Hoption.Surf = 23; fLego->SetSurfaceFunction(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::SurfaceFunction); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMode2); if (Hoption.System == kPOLAR) fLego->SurfacePolar(1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.System == kCYLINDRICAL) fLego->SurfaceCylindrical(1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.System == kSPHERICAL) fLego->SurfaceSpherical(0,1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.System == kRAPIDITY ) fLego->SurfaceSpherical(1,1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.System == kCARTESIAN) fLego->SurfaceCartesian(90,nx,ny,"BF"); Hoption.Surf = hoption35; fLego->SetMesh(1); } if (raster) fLego->InitRaster(-1.1,-1.1,1.1,1.1,1000,800); else fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); if (Hoption.Surf == 11 || Hoption.Surf == 12 || Hoption.Surf == 14 || Hoption.Surf == 17) { fLego->DefineGridLevels(fZaxis->GetNdivisions()%100); if (Hoption.System == kCARTESIAN && Hoption.BackBox) { fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove1); fLego->BackBox(90); } } // Gouraud Shading surface if (Hoption.Surf == 14) { // Set light sources fLego->LightSource(0, ydiff, 0,0,0,irep); fLego->LightSource(1, yligh1 ,1,1,1,irep); fLego->SurfaceProperty(qa, qd, qs, 1, irep); fmin = ydiff*qa; fmax = fmin + (yligh1+0.1)*(qd+qs); Int_t nbcol = 28; icol1 = 201; Double_t dcol = 0.5/Double_t(nbcol); TColor *colref = gROOT->GetColor(fH->GetFillColor()); if (!colref) return; Float_t r,g,b,hue,light,satur; colref->GetRGB(r,g,b); TColor::RGBtoHLS(r,g,b,hue,light,satur); TColor *acol; for (Int_t col=0;colGetColor(col+icol1); TColor::HLStoRGB(hue,.4+col*dcol,satur,r,g,b); acol->SetRGB(r,g,b); } fLego->Spectrum(nbcol, fmin, fmax, icol1, 1, irep); fLego->SetSurfaceFunction(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::GouraudFunction); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMode2); if (Hoption.System == kPOLAR) fLego->SurfacePolar(1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.System == kCYLINDRICAL) fLego->SurfaceCylindrical(1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.System == kSPHERICAL) fLego->SurfaceSpherical(0,1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.System == kRAPIDITY ) fLego->SurfaceSpherical(1,1,nx,ny,"BF"); if (Hoption.System == kCARTESIAN) fLego->SurfaceCartesian(90,nx,ny,"BF"); } else if (Hoption.Surf == 15) { // The surface is not drawn in this case. } else { // Draw the surface if (Hoption.Surf == 11 || Hoption.Surf == 12 || Hoption.Surf == 16 || Hoption.Surf == 17) { DefineColorLevels(ndivz); } else { fLego->DefineGridLevels(fZaxis->GetNdivisions()%100); } fLego->SetSurfaceFunction(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::SurfaceFunction); if (Hoption.Surf == 1 || Hoption.Surf == 13) fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceRaster1); if (Hoption.Surf == 11 || Hoption.Surf == 12 || Hoption.Surf == 17) fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMode2); if (Hoption.System == kPOLAR) { if (Hoption.Surf == 1 || Hoption.Surf == 13) fLego->SurfacePolar(1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.Surf == 11 || Hoption.Surf == 12 || Hoption.Surf == 17) fLego->SurfacePolar(1,nx,ny,"BF"); } else if (Hoption.System == kCYLINDRICAL) { if (Hoption.Surf == 1 || Hoption.Surf == 13) fLego->SurfaceCylindrical(1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.Surf == 11 || Hoption.Surf == 12 || Hoption.Surf == 17) fLego->SurfaceCylindrical(1,nx,ny,"BF"); } else if (Hoption.System == kSPHERICAL) { if (Hoption.Surf == 1 || Hoption.Surf == 13) fLego->SurfaceSpherical(0,1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.Surf == 11 || Hoption.Surf == 12 || Hoption.Surf == 17) fLego->SurfaceSpherical(0,1,nx,ny,"BF"); } else if (Hoption.System == kRAPIDITY) { if (Hoption.Surf == 1 || Hoption.Surf == 13) fLego->SurfaceSpherical(1,1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.Surf == 11 || Hoption.Surf == 12 || Hoption.Surf == 17) fLego->SurfaceSpherical(1,1,nx,ny,"BF"); } else { if (Hoption.Surf == 1 || Hoption.Surf == 13) fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove1); if (Hoption.Surf == 16) fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove3); if (Hoption.Surf == 1 || Hoption.Surf == 13 || Hoption.Surf == 16) fLego->SurfaceCartesian(90,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.Surf == 11 || Hoption.Surf == 12 || Hoption.Surf == 17) fLego->SurfaceCartesian(90,nx,ny,"BF"); } } // Paint the line contour on top for option SURF7 if (Hoption.Surf == 17) { fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); fLego->DefineGridLevels(fZaxis->GetNdivisions()%100); Hoption.Surf = 23; fLego->SetSurfaceFunction(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::SurfaceFunction); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove3); if (Hoption.System == kPOLAR) fLego->SurfacePolar(1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.System == kCYLINDRICAL) fLego->SurfaceCylindrical(1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.System == kSPHERICAL) fLego->SurfaceSpherical(0,1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.System == kRAPIDITY ) fLego->SurfaceSpherical(1,1,nx,ny,"FB"); if (Hoption.System == kCARTESIAN) fLego->SurfaceCartesian(90,nx,ny,"FB"); } if ((!Hoption.Same) && (Hoption.Surf == 1 || Hoption.Surf == 13 || Hoption.Surf == 16)) { if (Hoption.System == kCARTESIAN && Hoption.BackBox) { fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove1); fLego->BackBox(90); } } if (Hoption.System == kCARTESIAN) { fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove2); if (Hoption.FrontBox) fLego->FrontBox(90); } if (!Hoption.Axis && !Hoption.Same) PaintLegoAxis(axis, 90); if (Hoption.Zscale) PaintPalette(); delete axis; delete fLego; fLego = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintTriangles(Option_t *option) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a table using Delaunay triangles. End_html */ TGraphDelaunay *dt; // Check if fH contains a TGraphDelaunay TList *hl = fH->GetListOfFunctions(); dt = (TGraphDelaunay*)hl->FindObject("TGraphDelaunay"); if (!dt) return; // If needed, create a TGraph2DPainter if (!fGraph2DPainter) fGraph2DPainter = new TGraph2DPainter(dt); // Define the 3D view if (Hparam.zmin == 0 && Hparam.zmax == 0) {Hparam.zmin = -1; Hparam.zmax = 1;} if (Hoption.Same) { TView *viewsame = gPad->GetView(); if (!viewsame) { Error("PaintTriangles", "no TView in current pad, do not use option SAME"); return; } Double_t *rmin = viewsame->GetRmin(); Double_t *rmax = viewsame->GetRmax(); if (!rmin || !rmax) return; fXbuf[0] = rmin[0]; fYbuf[0] = rmax[0]; fXbuf[1] = rmin[1]; fYbuf[1] = rmax[1]; fXbuf[2] = rmin[2]; fYbuf[2] = rmax[2]; } else { fXbuf[0] = Hparam.xmin; fYbuf[0] = Hparam.xmax; fXbuf[1] = Hparam.ymin; fYbuf[1] = Hparam.ymax; fXbuf[2] = Hparam.zmin; fYbuf[2] = Hparam.zmax; } fLego = new TPainter3dAlgorithms(fXbuf, fYbuf); TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!view) { Error("PaintTriangles", "no TView in current pad"); return; } Double_t thedeg = 90 - gPad->GetTheta(); Double_t phideg = -90 - gPad->GetPhi(); Double_t psideg = view->GetPsi(); Int_t irep; view->SetView(phideg, thedeg, psideg, irep); // Set color/style for back box fLego->SetFillStyle(gPad->GetFrameFillStyle()); fLego->SetFillColor(gPad->GetFrameFillColor()); fLego->TAttFill::Modify(); Int_t backcolor = gPad->GetFrameFillColor(); if (Hoption.System != kCARTESIAN) backcolor = 0; view->PadRange(backcolor); fLego->SetFillStyle(fH->GetFillStyle()); fLego->SetFillColor(fH->GetFillColor()); fLego->TAttFill::Modify(); // Paint the Back Box if needed if (Hoption.BackBox && !Hoption.Same) { fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); fLego->DefineGridLevels(fZaxis->GetNdivisions()%100); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove1); fLego->BackBox(90); } // Paint the triangles fGraph2DPainter->Paint(option); // Paint the Front Box if needed if (Hoption.FrontBox) { fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove2); fLego->FrontBox(90); } // Paint the Axis if needed if (!Hoption.Axis && !Hoption.Same) { TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(); PaintLegoAxis(axis, 90); delete axis; } if (Hoption.Zscale) PaintPalette(); delete fLego; fLego = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::DefineColorLevels(Int_t ndivz) { /* Begin_html Define the color levels used to paint legos, surfaces etc.. End_html */ Int_t i, irep; // Initialize the color levels if (ndivz >= 100) { Warning("PaintSurface", "too many color levels, %d, reset to 8", ndivz); ndivz = 8; } Double_t *funlevel = new Double_t[ndivz+1]; Int_t *colorlevel = new Int_t[ndivz+1]; Int_t theColor; Int_t ncolors = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors(); for (i = 0; i < ndivz; ++i) { funlevel[i] = fH->GetContourLevelPad(i); theColor = Int_t((i+0.99)*Float_t(ncolors)/Float_t(ndivz)); colorlevel[i] = gStyle->GetColorPalette(theColor); } colorlevel[ndivz] = gStyle->GetColorPalette(ncolors-1); fLego->ColorFunction(ndivz, funlevel, colorlevel, irep); delete [] colorlevel; delete [] funlevel; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintTable(Option_t *option) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw 2D/3D histograms (tables). End_html */ // Fill Hparam structure with histo parameters if (!TableInit()) return; // Draw histogram frame PaintFrame(); // If palette option not specified, delete a possible existing palette if (!Hoption.Zscale) { TObject *palette = fFunctions->FindObject("palette"); if (palette) { fFunctions->Remove(palette); delete palette;} } // Do not draw the histogram. Only the attached functions will be drawn. if (Hoption.Func == 2) { if (Hoption.Zscale) { Int_t ndiv = fH->GetContour(); if (ndiv == 0 ) { ndiv = gStyle->GetNumberContours(); fH->SetContour(ndiv); } PaintPalette(); } // Draw the histogram according to the option } else { if (fH->InheritsFrom(TH2Poly::Class())) { if (Hoption.Fill) PaintTH2PolyBins("f"); if (Hoption.Color) PaintTH2PolyColorLevels(option); if (Hoption.Scat) PaintTH2PolyScatterPlot(option); if (Hoption.Text) PaintTH2PolyText(option); if (Hoption.Line) PaintTH2PolyBins("l"); if (Hoption.Mark) PaintTH2PolyBins("P"); } else if (fH->GetEntries() != 0 && Hoption.Axis<=0) { if (Hoption.Scat) PaintScatterPlot(option); if (Hoption.Arrow) PaintArrows(option); if (Hoption.Box) PaintBoxes(option); if (Hoption.Color) PaintColorLevels(option); if (Hoption.Contour) PaintContour(option); if (Hoption.Text) PaintText(option); if (Hoption.Error >= 100) Paint2DErrors(option); if (Hoption.Candle) PaintCandlePlot(option); if (Hoption.Violin) PaintViolinPlot(option); } if (Hoption.Lego) PaintLego(option); if (Hoption.Surf && !Hoption.Contour) PaintSurface(option); if (Hoption.Tri) PaintTriangles(option); } // Draw histogram title PaintTitle(); // Draw the axes if (!Hoption.Lego && !Hoption.Surf && !Hoption.Tri && !(Hoption.Error >= 100)) PaintAxis(kFALSE); TF1 *fit = 0; TIter next(fFunctions); TObject *obj; while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TF1::Class())) { fit = (TF1*)obj; break; } } if (Hoption.Same != 1) { if (!fH->TestBit(TH1::kNoStats)) { // bit set via TH1::SetStats if (!gPad->PadInSelectionMode() && !gPad->PadInHighlightMode()) { //ALWAYS executed on non-iOS platform. //On iOS, depends on mode. PaintStat2(gStyle->GetOptStat(),fit); } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintTH2PolyBins(Option_t *option) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a TH2Poly bins' contours. option = "F" draw the bins as filled areas. option = "L" draw the bins as line. option = "P" draw the bins as markers. End_html */ //Do not highlight the histogram, if its part was picked. if (gPad->PadInHighlightMode() && gPad->GetSelected() != fH) return; TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); Bool_t line = kFALSE; Bool_t fill = kFALSE; Bool_t mark = kFALSE; if (opt.Contains("l")) line = kTRUE; if (opt.Contains("f")) fill = kTRUE; if (opt.Contains("p")) mark = kTRUE; TH2PolyBin *b; TIter next(((TH2Poly*)fH)->GetBins()); TObject *obj, *poly; while ((obj=next())) { b = (TH2PolyBin*)obj; poly = b->GetPolygon(); // Paint the TGraph bins. if (poly->IsA() == TGraph::Class()) { TGraph *g = (TGraph*)poly; g->TAttLine::Modify(); g->TAttMarker::Modify(); g->TAttFill::Modify(); if (line) g->Paint("L"); if (fill) g->Paint("F"); if (mark) g->Paint("P"); } // Paint the TMultiGraph bins. if (poly->IsA() == TMultiGraph::Class()) { TMultiGraph *mg = (TMultiGraph*)poly; TList *gl = mg->GetListOfGraphs(); if (!gl) return; TGraph *g; TIter nextg(gl); while ((g = (TGraph*) nextg())) { g->TAttLine::Modify(); g->TAttMarker::Modify(); g->TAttFill::Modify(); if (line) g->Paint("L"); if (fill) g->Paint("F"); if (mark) g->Paint("P"); } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintTH2PolyColorLevels(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a TH2Poly as a color plot. End_html */ //Do not highlight the histogram, if its part was picked. if (gPad->PadInHighlightMode() && gPad->GetSelected() != fH) return; Int_t ncolors, color, theColor; Double_t z, zc; Double_t zmin = fH->GetMinimum(); Double_t zmax = fH->GetMaximum(); if (Hoption.Logz) { if (zmax > 0) { if (zmin <= 0) zmin = TMath::Min((Double_t)1, (Double_t)0.001*zmax); zmin = TMath::Log10(zmin); zmax = TMath::Log10(zmax); } else { return; } } Double_t dz = zmax - zmin; // Initialize the levels on the Z axis ncolors = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors(); Int_t ndiv = fH->GetContour(); if (ndiv == 0 ) { ndiv = gStyle->GetNumberContours(); fH->SetContour(ndiv); } Int_t ndivz = TMath::Abs(ndiv); if (fH->TestBit(TH1::kUserContour) == 0) fH->SetContour(ndiv); Double_t scale = ndivz/dz; TH2PolyBin *b; TIter next(((TH2Poly*)fH)->GetBins()); TObject *obj, *poly; while ((obj=next())) { b = (TH2PolyBin*)obj; poly = b->GetPolygon(); z = b->GetContent(); if (Hoption.Logz) { if (z > 0) z = TMath::Log10(z); else z = zmin; } if (z < zmin) continue; // Define the bin color. if (fH->TestBit(TH1::kUserContour)) { zc = fH->GetContourLevelPad(0); if (z < zc) continue; color = -1; for (Int_t k=0; kGetContourLevelPad(k); if (z < zc) { continue; } else { color++; } } } else { color = Int_t(0.01+(z-zmin)*scale); } theColor = Int_t((color+0.99)*Float_t(ncolors)/Float_t(ndivz)); if (theColor > ncolors-1) theColor = ncolors-1; // Paint the TGraph bins. if (poly->IsA() == TGraph::Class()) { TGraph *g = (TGraph*)poly; g->SetFillColor(gStyle->GetColorPalette(theColor)); g->TAttFill::Modify(); g->Paint("F"); } // Paint the TMultiGraph bins. if (poly->IsA() == TMultiGraph::Class()) { TMultiGraph *mg = (TMultiGraph*)poly; TList *gl = mg->GetListOfGraphs(); if (!gl) return; TGraph *g; TIter nextg(gl); while ((g = (TGraph*) nextg())) { g->SetFillColor(gStyle->GetColorPalette(theColor)); g->TAttFill::Modify(); g->Paint("F"); } } } if (Hoption.Zscale) PaintPalette(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintTH2PolyScatterPlot(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a TH2Poly as a scatter plot. End_html */ //Do not highlight the histogram, if its part was selected. if (gPad->PadInHighlightMode() && gPad->GetSelected() != fH) return; Int_t k, loop, marker=0; Double_t z, xk,xstep, yk, ystep, xp, yp; Double_t scale = 1; Double_t zmin = fH->GetMinimum(); Double_t zmax = fH->GetMaximum(); if (Hoption.Logz) { if (zmax > 0) { if (zmin <= 0) zmin = TMath::Min((Double_t)1, (Double_t)0.001*zmax); zmin = TMath::Log10(zmin); zmax = TMath::Log10(zmax); } else { return; } } Double_t dz = zmax - zmin; scale = (kNMAX-1)/dz; // use an independent instance of a random generator // instead of gRandom to avoid conflicts and // to get same random numbers when drawing the same histogram TRandom2 random; TH2PolyBin *b; TIter next(((TH2Poly*)fH)->GetBins()); TObject *obj, *poly; Double_t maxarea = 0, a; while ((obj=next())) { b = (TH2PolyBin*)obj; a = b->GetArea(); if (a>maxarea) maxarea = a; } next.Reset(); while ((obj=next())) { b = (TH2PolyBin*)obj; poly = b->GetPolygon(); z = b->GetContent(); if (z < zmin) z = zmin; if (z > zmax) z = zmax; if (Hoption.Logz) { if (z > 0) z = TMath::Log10(z) - zmin; } else { z -= zmin; } k = Int_t((z*scale)*(b->GetArea()/maxarea)); xk = b->GetXMin(); yk = b->GetYMin(); xstep = b->GetXMax()-xk; ystep = b->GetYMax()-yk; // Paint the TGraph bins. if (poly->IsA() == TGraph::Class()) { TGraph *g = (TGraph*)poly; if (k <= 0 || z <= 0) continue; loop = 0; while (loop= kNMAX) { gPad->PaintPolyMarker(marker, fXbuf, fYbuf); marker=0; } xp = (random.Rndm(loop)*xstep) + xk; yp = (random.Rndm(loop)*ystep) + yk; if (g->IsInside(xp,yp)) { fXbuf[marker] = xp; fYbuf[marker] = yp; marker++; loop++; } } if (marker > 0) gPad->PaintPolyMarker(marker, fXbuf, fYbuf); } // Paint the TMultiGraph bins. if (poly->IsA() == TMultiGraph::Class()) { TMultiGraph *mg = (TMultiGraph*)poly; TList *gl = mg->GetListOfGraphs(); if (!gl) return; if (k <= 0 || z <= 0) continue; loop = 0; while (loop= kNMAX) { gPad->PaintPolyMarker(marker, fXbuf, fYbuf); marker=0; } xp = (random.Rndm(loop)*xstep) + xk; yp = (random.Rndm(loop)*ystep) + yk; if (mg->IsInside(xp,yp)) { fXbuf[marker] = xp; fYbuf[marker] = yp; marker++; loop++; } } if (marker > 0) gPad->PaintPolyMarker(marker, fXbuf, fYbuf); } } PaintTH2PolyBins("l"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintTH2PolyText(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a TH2Poly as a text plot. End_html */ TLatex text; text.SetTextFont(gStyle->GetTextFont()); text.SetTextColor(fH->GetMarkerColor()); text.SetTextSize(0.02*fH->GetMarkerSize()); Double_t x, y, z, e, angle = 0; char value[50]; char format[32]; snprintf(format,32,"%s%s","%",gStyle->GetPaintTextFormat()); if (Hoption.Text >= 1000) angle = Hoption.Text%1000; Int_t opt = (Int_t)Hoption.Text/1000; text.SetTextAlign(22); if (Hoption.Text == 1) angle = 0; text.SetTextAngle(angle); text.TAttText::Modify(); TH2PolyBin *b; TIter next(((TH2Poly*)fH)->GetBins()); TObject *obj, *p; while ((obj=next())) { b = (TH2PolyBin*)obj; p = b->GetPolygon(); x = (b->GetXMin()+b->GetXMax())/2; if (Hoption.Logx) { if (x > 0) x = TMath::Log10(x); else continue; } y = (b->GetYMin()+b->GetYMax())/2; if (Hoption.Logy) { if (y > 0) y = TMath::Log10(y); else continue; } z = b->GetContent(); if (z < Hparam.zmin || (z == 0 && !gStyle->GetHistMinimumZero()) ) continue; if (opt==2) { e = fH->GetBinError(b->GetBinNumber()); snprintf(format,32,"#splitline{%s%s}{#pm %s%s}", "%",gStyle->GetPaintTextFormat(), "%",gStyle->GetPaintTextFormat()); snprintf(value,50,format,z,e); } else { snprintf(value,50,format,z); } if (opt==3) text.PaintLatex(x,y,angle,0.02*fH->GetMarkerSize(),p->GetName()); else text.PaintLatex(x,y,angle,0.02*fH->GetMarkerSize(),value); } PaintTH2PolyBins("l"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintText(Option_t *) { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 1D/2D histograms with the bin values. End_html */ TLatex text; text.SetTextFont(gStyle->GetTextFont()); text.SetTextColor(fH->GetMarkerColor()); text.SetTextSize(0.02*fH->GetMarkerSize()); Double_t x, y, z, e, angle = 0; char value[50]; char format[32]; snprintf(format,32,"%s%s","%",gStyle->GetPaintTextFormat()); if (Hoption.Text >= 1000) angle = Hoption.Text%1000; // 1D histograms if (fH->GetDimension() == 1) { Bool_t getentries = kFALSE; Double_t yt; TProfile *hp = (TProfile*)fH; if (Hoption.Text>2000 && fH->InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class())) { Hoption.Text = Hoption.Text-2000; getentries = kTRUE; } if (Hoption.Text == 1) angle = 90; text.SetTextAlign(11); if (angle == 90) text.SetTextAlign(12); if (angle == 0) text.SetTextAlign(21); text.TAttText::Modify(); Double_t dt = 0.02*(gPad->GetY2()-gPad->GetY1()); for (Int_t i=Hparam.xfirst; i<=Hparam.xlast;i++) { if (Hoption.Bar) { x = fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(i)+ fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(i)* (fH->GetBarOffset()+0.5*fH->GetBarWidth()); } else { x = fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); } y = fH->GetBinContent(i); yt = y; if (gStyle->GetHistMinimumZero() && y<0) y = 0; if (getentries) yt = hp->GetBinEntries(i); if (yt == 0.) continue; snprintf(value,50,format,yt); if (Hoption.Logx) { if (x > 0) x = TMath::Log10(x); else continue; } if (Hoption.Logy) { if (y > 0) y = TMath::Log10(y); else continue; } if (y >= gPad->GetY2()) continue; if (y <= gPad->GetY1()) continue; text.PaintLatex(x,y+0.2*dt,angle,0.02*fH->GetMarkerSize(),value); } // 2D histograms } else { text.SetTextAlign(22); if (Hoption.Text == 1) angle = 0; text.SetTextAngle(angle); text.TAttText::Modify(); for (Int_t j=Hparam.yfirst; j<=Hparam.ylast;j++) { y = fYaxis->GetBinCenter(j); if (Hoption.Logy) { if (y > 0) y = TMath::Log10(y); else continue; } for (Int_t i=Hparam.xfirst; i<=Hparam.xlast;i++) { Int_t bin = j*(fXaxis->GetNbins()+2) + i; x = fXaxis->GetBinCenter(i); if (Hoption.Logx) { if (x > 0) x = TMath::Log10(x); else continue; } if (!IsInside(x,y)) continue; z = fH->GetBinContent(bin); if (z < Hparam.zmin || (z == 0 && !gStyle->GetHistMinimumZero()) ) continue; if (Hoption.Text>2000) { e = fH->GetBinError(bin); snprintf(format,32,"#splitline{%s%s}{#pm %s%s}", "%",gStyle->GetPaintTextFormat(), "%",gStyle->GetPaintTextFormat()); snprintf(value,50,format,z,e); } else { snprintf(value,50,format,z); } text.PaintLatex(x,y,angle,0.02*fH->GetMarkerSize(),value); } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintTF3() { /* Begin_html Control function to draw a 3D implicit functions. End_html */ Int_t irep; TGaxis *axis = new TGaxis(); TAxis *xaxis = fH->GetXaxis(); TAxis *yaxis = fH->GetYaxis(); TAxis *zaxis = fH->GetZaxis(); fXbuf[0] = xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(xaxis->GetFirst()); fYbuf[0] = xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(xaxis->GetLast()); fXbuf[1] = yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(yaxis->GetFirst()); fYbuf[1] = yaxis->GetBinUpEdge(yaxis->GetLast()); fXbuf[2] = zaxis->GetBinLowEdge(zaxis->GetFirst()); fYbuf[2] = zaxis->GetBinUpEdge(zaxis->GetLast()); fLego = new TPainter3dAlgorithms(fXbuf, fYbuf); TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!view) { Error("PaintTF3", "no TView in current pad"); return; } Double_t thedeg = 90 - gPad->GetTheta(); Double_t phideg = -90 - gPad->GetPhi(); Double_t psideg = view->GetPsi(); view->SetView(phideg, thedeg, psideg, irep); fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); if (Hoption.BackBox) { fLego->DefineGridLevels(fZaxis->GetNdivisions()%100); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove1); fLego->BackBox(90); } fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMode1); fLego->ImplicitFunction(fXbuf, fYbuf, fH->GetNbinsX(), fH->GetNbinsY(), fH->GetNbinsZ(), "BF"); if (Hoption.FrontBox) { fLego->InitMoveScreen(-1.1,1.1); fLego->SetDrawFace(&TPainter3dAlgorithms::DrawFaceMove2); fLego->FrontBox(90); } if (!Hoption.Axis && !Hoption.Same) PaintLegoAxis(axis, 90); PaintTitle(); delete axis; delete fLego; fLego = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::PaintTitle() { /* Begin_html Draw the histogram title

The title is drawn according to the title alignment returned by GetTitleAlign(). It is a 2 digits integer): hv

where "h" is the horizontal alignment and "v" is the vertical alignment.

  • "h" can get the values 1 2 3 for left, center, and right
  • "v" can get the values 1 2 3 for bottom, middle and top
for instance the default alignment is: 13 (left top) End_html */ if (Hoption.Same) return; if (fH->TestBit(TH1::kNoTitle)) return; Int_t nt = strlen(fH->GetTitle()); TPaveText *title = 0; TObject *obj; TIter next(gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj = next())) { if (!obj->InheritsFrom(TPaveText::Class())) continue; title = (TPaveText*)obj; if (strcmp(title->GetName(),"title")) {title = 0; continue;} break; } if (nt == 0 || gStyle->GetOptTitle() <= 0) { if (title) delete title; return; } Double_t ht = gStyle->GetTitleH(); Double_t wt = gStyle->GetTitleW(); if (ht <= 0) ht = 1.1*gStyle->GetTitleFontSize(); if (ht <= 0) ht = 0.05; if (wt <= 0) { TLatex l; l.SetTextSize(ht); l.SetTitle(fH->GetTitle()); // adjustment in case the title has several lines (#splitline) ht = TMath::Max(ht, 1.2*l.GetYsize()/(gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1())); Double_t wndc = l.GetXsize()/(gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1()); wt = TMath::Min(0.7, 0.02+wndc); } if (title) { TText *t0 = (TText*)title->GetLine(0); if (t0) { if (!strcmp(t0->GetTitle(),fH->GetTitle())) return; t0->SetTitle(fH->GetTitle()); if (wt > 0) title->SetX2NDC(title->GetX1NDC()+wt); } return; } Int_t talh = gStyle->GetTitleAlign()/10; if (talh < 1) talh = 1; if (talh > 3) talh = 3; Int_t talv = gStyle->GetTitleAlign()%10; if (talv < 1) talv = 1; if (talv > 3) talv = 3; Double_t xpos, ypos; xpos = gStyle->GetTitleX(); ypos = gStyle->GetTitleY(); if (talh == 2) xpos = xpos-wt/2.; if (talh == 3) xpos = xpos-wt; if (talv == 2) ypos = ypos+ht/2.; if (talv == 1) ypos = ypos+ht; TPaveText *ptitle = new TPaveText(xpos, ypos-ht, xpos+wt, ypos,"blNDC"); // box with the histogram title ptitle->SetFillColor(gStyle->GetTitleFillColor()); ptitle->SetFillStyle(gStyle->GetTitleStyle()); ptitle->SetName("title"); ptitle->SetBorderSize(gStyle->GetTitleBorderSize()); ptitle->SetTextColor(gStyle->GetTitleTextColor()); ptitle->SetTextFont(gStyle->GetTitleFont("")); if (gStyle->GetTitleFont("")%10 > 2) ptitle->SetTextSize(gStyle->GetTitleFontSize()); ptitle->AddText(fH->GetTitle()); ptitle->SetBit(kCanDelete); ptitle->Draw(); ptitle->Paint(); if(!gPad->IsEditable()) delete ptitle; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::ProcessMessage(const char *mess, const TObject *obj) { /* Begin_html Process message "mess". End_html */ if (!strcmp(mess,"SetF3")) { TPainter3dAlgorithms::SetF3((TF3*)obj); } else if (!strcmp(mess,"SetF3ClippingBoxOff")) { TPainter3dAlgorithms::SetF3ClippingBoxOff(); } else if (!strcmp(mess,"SetF3ClippingBoxOn")) { TVectorD &v = (TVectorD&)(*obj); Double_t xclip = v(0); Double_t yclip = v(1); Double_t zclip = v(2); TPainter3dAlgorithms::SetF3ClippingBoxOn(xclip,yclip,zclip); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::ProjectAitoff2xy(Double_t l, Double_t b, Double_t &Al, Double_t &Ab) { /* Begin_html Static function.
Convert Right Ascension, Declination to X,Y using an AITOFF projection. This procedure can be used to create an all-sky map in Galactic coordinates with an equal-area Aitoff projection. Output map coordinates are zero longitude centered. Also called Hammer-Aitoff projection (first presented by Ernst von Hammer in 1892)

source: GMT
code from Ernst-Jan Buis End_html */ Double_t x, y; Double_t alpha2 = (l/2)*TMath::DegToRad(); Double_t delta = b*TMath::DegToRad(); Double_t r2 = TMath::Sqrt(2.); Double_t f = 2*r2/TMath::Pi(); Double_t cdec = TMath::Cos(delta); Double_t denom = TMath::Sqrt(1. + cdec*TMath::Cos(alpha2)); x = cdec*TMath::Sin(alpha2)*2.*r2/denom; y = TMath::Sin(delta)*r2/denom; x *= TMath::RadToDeg()/f; y *= TMath::RadToDeg()/f; // x *= -1.; // for a skymap swap left<->right Al = x; Ab = y; return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::ProjectMercator2xy(Double_t l, Double_t b, Double_t &Al, Double_t &Ab) { /* Begin_html Static function
Probably the most famous of the various map projections, the Mercator projection takes its name from Mercator who presented it in 1569. It is a cylindrical, conformal projection with no distortion along the equator. The Mercator projection has been used extensively for world maps in which the distortion towards the polar regions grows rather large, thus incorrectly giving the impression that, for example, Greenland is larger than South America. In reality, the latter is about eight times the size of Greenland. Also, the Former Soviet Union looks much bigger than Africa or South America. One may wonder whether this illusion has had any influence on U.S. foreign policy.' (Source: GMT) code from Ernst-Jan Buis End_html */ Al = l; Double_t aid = TMath::Tan((TMath::PiOver2() + b*TMath::DegToRad())/2); Ab = TMath::Log(aid); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::ProjectSinusoidal2xy(Double_t l, Double_t b, Double_t &Al, Double_t &Ab) { /* Begin_html Static function code from Ernst-Jan Buis End_html */ Al = l*cos(b*TMath::DegToRad()); Ab = b; return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::ProjectParabolic2xy(Double_t l, Double_t b, Double_t &Al, Double_t &Ab) { /* Begin_html Static function code from Ernst-Jan Buis End_html */ Al = l*(2.*TMath::Cos(2*b*TMath::DegToRad()/3) - 1); Ab = 180*TMath::Sin(b*TMath::DegToRad()/3); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::RecalculateRange() { /* Begin_html Recompute the histogram range following graphics operations. End_html */ if (Hoption.Same) return; // Compute x,y range Double_t xmin = Hparam.xmin; Double_t xmax = Hparam.xmax; Double_t ymin = Hparam.ymin; Double_t ymax = Hparam.ymax; Double_t xmin_aid, ymin_aid, xmax_aid, ymax_aid; if (Hoption.Proj ==1) { // TODO : check x range not lower than -180 and not higher than 180 THistPainter::ProjectAitoff2xy(Hparam.xmin, Hparam.ymin, xmin_aid, ymin_aid); THistPainter::ProjectAitoff2xy(Hparam.xmin, Hparam.ymax, xmin, ymax_aid); THistPainter::ProjectAitoff2xy(Hparam.xmax, Hparam.ymax, xmax_aid, ymax); THistPainter::ProjectAitoff2xy(Hparam.xmax, Hparam.ymin, xmax, ymin); if (xmin > xmin_aid) xmin = xmin_aid; if (ymin > ymin_aid) ymin = ymin_aid; if (xmax < xmax_aid) xmax = xmax_aid; if (ymax < ymax_aid) ymax = ymax_aid; if (Hparam.ymin<0 && Hparam.ymax>0) { // there is an 'equator', check its range in the plot.. THistPainter::ProjectAitoff2xy(Hparam.xmin*0.9999, 0, xmin_aid, ymin_aid); THistPainter::ProjectAitoff2xy(Hparam.xmax*0.9999, 0, xmax_aid, ymin_aid); if (xmin >xmin_aid) xmin = xmin_aid; if (xmax 0) { THistPainter::ProjectAitoff2xy(0, Hparam.ymin, xmin_aid, ymin_aid); THistPainter::ProjectAitoff2xy(0, Hparam.ymax, xmax_aid, ymax_aid); if (ymin >ymin_aid) ymin = ymin_aid; if (ymax =90) { Warning("Mercator Projection", "Latitude out of range %f or %f", Hparam.ymin, Hparam.ymax); Hoption.Proj = 0; } else { THistPainter::ProjectMercator2xy(Hparam.xmin, Hparam.ymin, xmin, ymin); THistPainter::ProjectMercator2xy(Hparam.xmax, Hparam.ymax, xmax, ymax); } } else if (Hoption.Proj == 3) { THistPainter::ProjectSinusoidal2xy(Hparam.xmin, Hparam.ymin, xmin_aid, ymin_aid); THistPainter::ProjectSinusoidal2xy(Hparam.xmin, Hparam.ymax, xmin, ymax_aid); THistPainter::ProjectSinusoidal2xy(Hparam.xmax, Hparam.ymax, xmax_aid, ymax); THistPainter::ProjectSinusoidal2xy(Hparam.xmax, Hparam.ymin, xmax, ymin); if (xmin > xmin_aid) xmin = xmin_aid; if (ymin > ymin_aid) ymin = ymin_aid; if (xmax < xmax_aid) xmax = xmax_aid; if (ymax < ymax_aid) ymax = ymax_aid; if (Hparam.ymin<0 && Hparam.ymax>0) { THistPainter::ProjectSinusoidal2xy(Hparam.xmin, 0, xmin_aid, ymin_aid); THistPainter::ProjectSinusoidal2xy(Hparam.xmax, 0, xmax_aid, ymin_aid); if (xmin >xmin_aid) xmin = xmin_aid; if (xmax 0) { THistPainter::ProjectSinusoidal2xy(0,Hparam.ymin, xmin_aid, ymin_aid); THistPainter::ProjectSinusoidal2xy(0, Hparam.ymax, xmax_aid, ymin_aid); if (ymin >ymin_aid) ymin = ymin_aid; if (ymax xmin_aid) xmin = xmin_aid; if (ymin > ymin_aid) ymin = ymin_aid; if (xmax < xmax_aid) xmax = xmax_aid; if (ymax < ymax_aid) ymax = ymax_aid; if (Hparam.ymin<0 && Hparam.ymax>0) { THistPainter::ProjectParabolic2xy(Hparam.xmin, 0, xmin_aid, ymin_aid); THistPainter::ProjectParabolic2xy(Hparam.xmax, 0, xmax_aid, ymin_aid); if (xmin >xmin_aid) xmin = xmin_aid; if (xmax 0) { THistPainter::ProjectParabolic2xy(0, Hparam.ymin, xmin_aid, ymin_aid); THistPainter::ProjectParabolic2xy(0, Hparam.ymax, xmax_aid, ymin_aid); if (ymin >ymin_aid) ymin = ymin_aid; if (ymax GetLeftMargin() - gPad->GetRightMargin()); Double_t dyr = dy/(1 - gPad->GetBottomMargin() - gPad->GetTopMargin()); // Range() could change the size of the pad pixmap and therefore should // be called before the other paint routines gPad->Range(xmin - dxr*gPad->GetLeftMargin(), ymin - dyr*gPad->GetBottomMargin(), xmax + dxr*gPad->GetRightMargin(), ymax + dyr*gPad->GetTopMargin()); gPad->RangeAxis(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::SetHistogram(TH1 *h) { /* Begin_html Set current histogram to "h". End_html */ if (h == 0) return; fH = h; fXaxis = h->GetXaxis(); fYaxis = h->GetYaxis(); fZaxis = h->GetZaxis(); fFunctions = fH->GetListOfFunctions(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t THistPainter::TableInit() { /* Begin_html Initialize various options to draw 2D histograms. End_html */ static const char *where = "TableInit"; Int_t first, last; Double_t yMARGIN= gStyle->GetHistTopMargin(); Double_t zmin, zmax; Int_t maximum = 0; Int_t minimum = 0; if (fH->GetMaximumStored() != -1111) maximum = 1; if (fH->GetMinimumStored() != -1111) minimum = 1; // ----------------- Compute X axis parameters first = fXaxis->GetFirst(); last = fXaxis->GetLast(); Hparam.xlast = last; Hparam.xfirst = first; Hparam.xlowedge = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(first); Hparam.xbinsize = fXaxis->GetBinWidth(first); Hparam.xmin = Hparam.xlowedge; Hparam.xmax = fXaxis->GetBinLowEdge(last)+fXaxis->GetBinWidth(last); // if log scale in X, replace xmin,max by the log if (Hoption.Logx) { // find the first edge of a bin that is > 0 if (Hparam.xlowedge <=0 ) { Hparam.xlowedge = fXaxis->GetBinUpEdge(fXaxis->FindFixBin(0.01*Hparam.xbinsize)); Hparam.xmin = Hparam.xlowedge; } if (Hparam.xmin <=0 || Hparam.xmax <=0) { Error(where, "cannot set X axis to log scale"); return 0; } Hparam.xfirst= fXaxis->FindFixBin(Hparam.xmin); if (Hparam.xfirst < first) Hparam.xfirst = first; Hparam.xlast = fXaxis->FindFixBin(Hparam.xmax); if (Hparam.xlast > last) Hparam.xlast = last; Hparam.xmin = TMath::Log10(Hparam.xmin); Hparam.xmax = TMath::Log10(Hparam.xmax); } // ----------------- Compute Y axis parameters first = fYaxis->GetFirst(); last = fYaxis->GetLast(); Hparam.ylast = last; Hparam.yfirst = first; Hparam.ylowedge = fYaxis->GetBinLowEdge(first); Hparam.ybinsize = fYaxis->GetBinWidth(first); if (!Hparam.ybinsize) Hparam.ybinsize = 1; Hparam.ymin = Hparam.ylowedge; Hparam.ymax = fYaxis->GetBinLowEdge(last)+fYaxis->GetBinWidth(last); // if log scale in Y, replace ymin,max by the log if (Hoption.Logy) { if (Hparam.ylowedge <=0 ) { Hparam.ylowedge = fYaxis->GetBinUpEdge(fYaxis->FindFixBin(0.01*Hparam.ybinsize)); Hparam.ymin = Hparam.ylowedge; } if (Hparam.ymin <=0 || Hparam.ymax <=0) { Error(where, "cannot set Y axis to log scale"); return 0; } Hparam.yfirst= fYaxis->FindFixBin(Hparam.ymin); if (Hparam.yfirst < first) Hparam.yfirst = first; Hparam.ylast = fYaxis->FindFixBin(Hparam.ymax); if (Hparam.ylast > last) Hparam.ylast = last; Hparam.ymin = TMath::Log10(Hparam.ymin); Hparam.ymax = TMath::Log10(Hparam.ymax); } // ----------------- Compute Z axis parameters Double_t bigp = TMath::Power(10,32); zmax = -bigp; zmin = bigp; Double_t c1, e1; Double_t allchan = 0; for (Int_t j=Hparam.yfirst; j<=Hparam.ylast;j++) { for (Int_t i=Hparam.xfirst; i<=Hparam.xlast;i++) { c1 = fH->GetBinContent(i,j); zmax = TMath::Max(zmax,c1); if (Hoption.Error) { e1 = fH->GetBinError(i,j); zmax = TMath::Max(zmax,c1+e1); } zmin = TMath::Min(zmin,c1); allchan += c1; } } // Take into account maximum , minimum if (maximum) zmax = fH->GetMaximumStored(); if (minimum) zmin = fH->GetMinimumStored(); if (Hoption.Logz && zmax < 0) { if (!Hoption.Same) Error(where, "log scale is requested but maximum is less or equal 0 (%f)", zmax); return 0; } else if (Hoption.Logz && zmin>=0 && zmax==0) { // empty histogram in log scale zmin = 0.01; zmax = 10.; } if (zmin >= zmax) { if (Hoption.Logz) { if (zmax > 0) zmin = 0.001*zmax; else { if (!Hoption.Same) Error(where, "log scale is requested but maximum is less or equal 0 (%f)", zmax); return 0; } } } // take into account normalization factor Hparam.allchan = allchan; Double_t factor = allchan; if (fH->GetNormFactor() > 0) factor = fH->GetNormFactor(); if (allchan) factor /= allchan; if (factor == 0) factor = 1; Hparam.factor = factor; zmax = factor*zmax; zmin = factor*zmin; c1 = zmax; if (TMath::Abs(zmin) > TMath::Abs(c1)) c1 = zmin; // For log scales, histogram coordinates are log10(ymin) and // log10(ymax). Final adjustment (if not option "Same") // or "+" for ymax) of ymax and ymin for logarithmic scale, if // Maximum and Minimum are not defined. if (Hoption.Logz) { if (zmin <= 0) { zmin = TMath::Min((Double_t)1, (Double_t)0.001*zmax); fH->SetMinimum(zmin); } zmin = TMath::Log10(zmin); if (!minimum) zmin += TMath::Log10(0.5); zmax = TMath::Log10(zmax); if (!maximum) zmax += TMath::Log10(2*(0.9/0.95)); goto LZMIN; } // final adjustment of YMAXI for linear scale (if not option "Same"): // decrease histogram height to MAX% of allowed height if HMAXIM // has not been called. // MAX% is the value in percent which has been set in HPLSET // (default is 90%). if (!maximum) { zmax += yMARGIN*(zmax-zmin); } // final adjustment of ymin for linear scale. // if minimum is not set , then ymin is set to zero if >0 // or to ymin - yMARGIN if <0. if (!minimum) { if (gStyle->GetHistMinimumZero()) { if (zmin >= 0) zmin = 0; else zmin -= yMARGIN*(zmax-zmin); } else { Double_t dzmin = yMARGIN*(zmax-zmin); if (zmin >= 0 && (zmin-dzmin <= 0)) zmin = 0; else zmin -= dzmin; } } LZMIN: Hparam.zmin = zmin; Hparam.zmax = zmax; // Set bar offset and width Hparam.baroffset = fH->GetBarOffset(); Hparam.barwidth = fH->GetBarWidth(); return 1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char * THistPainter::GetBestFormat(Double_t v, Double_t e, const char *f) { /* Begin_html This function returns the best format to print the error value (e) knowing the parameter value (v) and the format (f) used to print it. End_html */ static char ef[20]; char tf[20], tv[64]; // print v with the format f in tv. snprintf(tf,20,"%s%s","%",f); snprintf(tv,64,tf,v); // Analyse tv. TString sv = tv; int ie = sv.Index("e"); int iE = sv.Index("E"); int id = sv.Index("."); // v has been printed with the exponent notation. // There is 2 cases, the exponent is positive or negative if (ie >= 0 || iE >= 0) { if (sv.Index("+") >= 0) { if (e < 1) { snprintf(ef,20,"%s.1f","%"); } else { if (ie >= 0) { snprintf(ef,20,"%s.%de","%",ie-id-1); } else { snprintf(ef,20,"%s.%dE","%",iE-id-1); } } } else { if (ie >= 0) { snprintf(ef,20,"%s.%de","%",ie-id-1); } else { snprintf(ef,20,"%s.%dE","%",iE-id-1); } } // There is not '.' in tv. e will be printed with one decimal digit. } else if (id < 0) { snprintf(ef,20,"%s.1f","%"); // There is a '.' in tv and no exponent notation. e's decimal part will // have the same number of digits as v's one. } else { snprintf(ef,20,"%s.%df","%",sv.Length()-id-1); } return ef; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::SetShowProjection(const char *option,Int_t nbins) { /* Begin_html Set projection. End_html */ if (fShowProjection) return; TString opt = option; opt.ToLower(); Int_t projection = 0; if (opt.Contains("x")) projection = 1; if (opt.Contains("y")) projection = 2; if (opt.Contains("z")) projection = 3; if (opt.Contains("xy")) projection = 4; if (opt.Contains("yx")) projection = 5; if (opt.Contains("xz")) projection = 6; if (opt.Contains("zx")) projection = 7; if (opt.Contains("yz")) projection = 8; if (opt.Contains("zy")) projection = 9; if (projection < 4) fShowOption = option+1; else fShowOption = option+2; fShowProjection = projection+100*nbins; gROOT->MakeDefCanvas(); gPad->SetName(Form("c_%lx_projection_%d", (ULong_t)fH, fShowProjection)); gPad->SetGrid(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::ShowProjectionX(Int_t /*px*/, Int_t py) { /* Begin_html Show projection onto X. End_html */ Int_t nbins = (Int_t)fShowProjection/100; gPad->SetDoubleBuffer(0); // turn off double buffer mode gVirtualX->SetDrawMode(TVirtualX::kInvert); // set the drawing mode to XOR mode // Erase old position and draw a line at current position static int pyold1 = 0; static int pyold2 = 0; float uxmin = gPad->GetUxmin(); float uxmax = gPad->GetUxmax(); int pxmin = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(uxmin); int pxmax = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(uxmax); Float_t upy = gPad->AbsPixeltoY(py); Float_t y = gPad->PadtoY(upy); Int_t biny1 = fH->GetYaxis()->FindBin(y); Int_t biny2 = TMath::Min(biny1+nbins-1, fH->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()); Int_t py1 = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(fH->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(biny1)); Int_t py2 = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(fH->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(biny2)); if (pyold1 || pyold2) gVirtualX->DrawBox(pxmin,pyold1,pxmax,pyold2,TVirtualX::kFilled); gVirtualX->DrawBox(pxmin,py1,pxmax,py2,TVirtualX::kFilled); pyold1 = py1; pyold2 = py2; // Create or set the new canvas proj x TVirtualPad *padsav = gPad; TVirtualPad *c = (TVirtualPad*)gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject(Form("c_%lx_projection_%d", (ULong_t)fH, fShowProjection)); if (c) { c->Clear(); } else { fShowProjection = 0; pyold1 = 0; pyold2 = 0; return; } c->cd(); c->SetLogy(padsav->GetLogz()); c->SetLogx(padsav->GetLogx()); // Draw slice corresponding to mouse position TString prjName = TString::Format("slice_px_of_%s",fH->GetName()); TH1D *hp = ((TH2*)fH)->ProjectionX(prjName, biny1, biny2); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); // apply a patch from Oliver Freyermuth to set the title in the projection using the range of the projected Y values if (biny1 == biny2) { Double_t valueFrom = fH->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(biny1); Double_t valueTo = fH->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(biny1); // Limit precision to 1 digit more than the difference between upper and lower bound (to also catch 121.5-120.5). Int_t valuePrecision = -TMath::Nint(TMath::Log10(valueTo-valueFrom))+1; if (fH->GetYaxis()->GetLabels() != NULL) { hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionX of biny=%d [y=%.*lf..%.*lf] %s", biny1, valuePrecision, valueFrom, valuePrecision, valueTo, fH->GetYaxis()->GetBinLabel(biny1))); } else { hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionX of biny=%d [y=%.*lf..%.*lf]", biny1, valuePrecision, valueFrom, valuePrecision, valueTo)); } } else { Double_t valueFrom = fH->GetYaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(biny1); Double_t valueTo = fH->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(biny2); // Limit precision to 1 digit more than the difference between upper and lower bound (to also catch 121.5-120.5). // biny1 is used here to get equal precision no matter how large the binrange is, // otherwise precision may change when moving the mouse to the histogram boundaries (limiting effective binrange). Int_t valuePrecision = -TMath::Nint(TMath::Log10(fH->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(biny1)-valueFrom))+1; if (fH->GetYaxis()->GetLabels() != NULL) { hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionX of biny=[%d,%d] [y=%.*lf..%.*lf] [%s..%s]", biny1, biny2, valuePrecision, valueFrom, valuePrecision, valueTo, fH->GetYaxis()->GetBinLabel(biny1), fH->GetYaxis()->GetBinLabel(biny2))); } else { hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionX of biny=[%d,%d] [y=%.*lf..%.*lf]", biny1, biny2, valuePrecision, valueFrom, valuePrecision, valueTo)); } } hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(); c->Update(); padsav->cd(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::ShowProjectionY(Int_t px, Int_t /*py*/) { /* Begin_html Show projection onto Y. End_html */ Int_t nbins = (Int_t)fShowProjection/100; gPad->SetDoubleBuffer(0); // turn off double buffer mode gVirtualX->SetDrawMode(TVirtualX::kInvert); // set the drawing mode to XOR mode // Erase old position and draw a line at current position static int pxold1 = 0; static int pxold2 = 0; float uymin = gPad->GetUymin(); float uymax = gPad->GetUymax(); int pymin = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(uymin); int pymax = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(uymax); Float_t upx = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(px); Float_t x = gPad->PadtoX(upx); Int_t binx1 = fH->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x); Int_t binx2 = TMath::Min(binx1+nbins-1, fH->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()); Int_t px1 = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(binx1)); Int_t px2 = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(binx2)); if (pxold1 || pxold2) gVirtualX->DrawBox(pxold1,pymin,pxold2,pymax,TVirtualX::kFilled); gVirtualX->DrawBox(px1,pymin,px2,pymax,TVirtualX::kFilled); pxold1 = px1; pxold2 = px2; // Create or set the new canvas proj y TVirtualPad *padsav = gPad; TVirtualPad *c = (TVirtualPad*)gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject(Form("c_%lx_projection_%d", (ULong_t)fH, fShowProjection)); if (c) { c->Clear(); } else { fShowProjection = 0; pxold1 = 0; pxold2 = 0; return; } c->cd(); c->SetLogy(padsav->GetLogz()); c->SetLogx(padsav->GetLogy()); // Draw slice corresponding to mouse position TString prjName = TString::Format("slice_py_of_%s",fH->GetName()); TH1D *hp = ((TH2*)fH)->ProjectionY(prjName, binx1, binx2); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); // apply a patch from Oliver Freyermuth to set the title in the projection using the range of the projected X values if (binx1 == binx2) { Double_t valueFrom = fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(binx1); Double_t valueTo = fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(binx1); // Limit precision to 1 digit more than the difference between upper and lower bound (to also catch 121.5-120.5). Int_t valuePrecision = -TMath::Nint(TMath::Log10(valueTo-valueFrom))+1; if (fH->GetXaxis()->GetLabels() != NULL) { hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionY of binx=%d [x=%.*lf..%.*lf] [%s]", binx1, valuePrecision, valueFrom, valuePrecision, valueTo, fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(binx1))); } else { hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionY of binx=%d [x=%.*lf..%.*lf]", binx1, valuePrecision, valueFrom, valuePrecision, valueTo)); } } else { Double_t valueFrom = fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(binx1); Double_t valueTo = fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(binx2); // Limit precision to 1 digit more than the difference between upper and lower bound (to also catch 121.5-120.5). // binx1 is used here to get equal precision no matter how large the binrange is, // otherwise precision may change when moving the mouse to the histogram boundaries (limiting effective binrange). Int_t valuePrecision = -TMath::Nint(TMath::Log10(fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(binx1)-valueFrom))+1; if (fH->GetXaxis()->GetLabels() != NULL) { hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionY of binx=[%d,%d] [x=%.*lf..%.*lf] [%s..%s]", binx1, binx2, valuePrecision, valueFrom, valuePrecision, valueTo, fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(binx1), fH->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(binx2))); } else { hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionY of binx=[%d,%d] [x=%.*lf..%.*lf]", binx1, binx2, valuePrecision, valueFrom, valuePrecision, valueTo)); } } hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(); c->Update(); padsav->cd(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void THistPainter::ShowProjection3(Int_t px, Int_t py) { /* Begin_html Show projection (specified by fShowProjection) of a TH3. The drawing option for the projection is in fShowOption.

First implementation; R.Brun
Full implementation: Tim Tran (timtran@jlab.org) April 2006 End_html */ Int_t nbins=(Int_t)fShowProjection/100; //decode nbins if (fH->GetDimension() < 3) { if (fShowProjection%100 == 1) {ShowProjectionX(px,py); return;} if (fShowProjection%100 == 2) {ShowProjectionY(px,py); return;} } gPad->SetDoubleBuffer(0); // turn off double buffer mode gVirtualX->SetDrawMode(TVirtualX::kInvert); // set the drawing mode to XOR mode // Erase old position and draw a line at current position TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!view) return; TH3 *h3 = (TH3*)fH; TAxis *xaxis = h3->GetXaxis(); TAxis *yaxis = h3->GetYaxis(); TAxis *zaxis = h3->GetZaxis(); Double_t u[3],xx[3]; static TPoint line1[2];//store end points of a line, initialised 0 by default static TPoint line2[2];// second line when slice thickness > 1 bin thickness static TPoint line3[2]; static TPoint line4[2]; static TPoint endface1[5]; static TPoint endface2[5]; static TPoint rect1[5];//store vertices of the polyline (rectangle), initialsed 0 by default static TPoint rect2[5];// second rectangle when slice thickness > 1 bin thickness Double_t uxmin = gPad->GetUxmin(); Double_t uxmax = gPad->GetUxmax(); Double_t uymin = gPad->GetUymin(); Double_t uymax = gPad->GetUymax(); int pxmin = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(uxmin); int pxmax = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(uxmax); if (pxmin==pxmax) return; int pymin = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(uymin); int pymax = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(uymax); if (pymin==pymax) return; Double_t cx = (pxmax-pxmin)/(uxmax-uxmin); Double_t cy = (pymax-pymin)/(uymax-uymin); TVirtualPad *padsav = gPad; TVirtualPad *c = (TVirtualPad*)gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject(Form("c_%lx_projection_%d", (ULong_t)fH, fShowProjection)); if (!c) { fShowProjection = 0; return; } switch ((Int_t)fShowProjection%100) { case 1: // "x" { Int_t firstY = yaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t lastY = yaxis->GetLast(); Int_t biny = firstY + Int_t((lastY-firstY)*(px-pxmin)/(pxmax-pxmin)); Int_t biny2 = TMath::Min(biny+nbins-1,yaxis->GetNbins() ); yaxis->SetRange(biny,biny2); Int_t firstZ = zaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t lastZ = zaxis->GetLast(); Int_t binz = firstZ + Int_t((lastZ-firstZ)*(py-pymin)/(pymax-pymin)); Int_t binz2 = TMath::Min(binz+nbins-1,zaxis->GetNbins() ); zaxis->SetRange(binz,binz2); if (line1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line1); if (nbins>1 && line1[0].GetX()) { gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line2); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line3); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line4); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface1); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface2); } xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line1[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line1[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line1[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line1[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line1); if (nbins>1) { xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz+nbins-1); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line2[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line2[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line2[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line2[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz+nbins-1); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line3[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line3[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line3[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line3[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line4[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line4[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line4[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line4[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); endface1[0].SetX(line1[0].GetX()); endface1[0].SetY(line1[0].GetY()); endface1[1].SetX(line2[0].GetX()); endface1[1].SetY(line2[0].GetY()); endface1[2].SetX(line3[0].GetX()); endface1[2].SetY(line3[0].GetY()); endface1[3].SetX(line4[0].GetX()); endface1[3].SetY(line4[0].GetY()); endface1[4].SetX(line1[0].GetX()); endface1[4].SetY(line1[0].GetY()); endface2[0].SetX(line1[1].GetX()); endface2[0].SetY(line1[1].GetY()); endface2[1].SetX(line2[1].GetX()); endface2[1].SetY(line2[1].GetY()); endface2[2].SetX(line3[1].GetX()); endface2[2].SetY(line3[1].GetY()); endface2[3].SetX(line4[1].GetX()); endface2[3].SetY(line4[1].GetY()); endface2[4].SetX(line1[1].GetX()); endface2[4].SetY(line1[1].GetY()); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line2); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line3); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line4); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface1); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface2); } c->Clear(); c->cd(); TH1 *hp = h3->Project3D("x"); yaxis->SetRange(firstY,lastY); zaxis->SetRange(firstZ,lastZ); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); if (nbins == 1) hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionX of biny=%d [y=%.1f..%.1f] binz=%d [z=%.1f..%.1f]", biny, yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(biny), yaxis->GetBinUpEdge(biny), binz, zaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binz), zaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binz))); else { hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionX, biny=[%d,%d] [y=%.1f..%.1f], binz=[%d,%d] [z=%.1f..%.1f]", biny, biny2, yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(biny), yaxis->GetBinUpEdge(biny2), binz, binz2, zaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binz), zaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binz2) ) ); } hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(fShowOption.Data()); } } break; case 2: // "y" { Int_t firstX = xaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t lastX = xaxis->GetLast(); Int_t binx = firstX + Int_t((lastX-firstX)*(px-pxmin)/(pxmax-pxmin)); Int_t binx2 = TMath::Min(binx+nbins-1,xaxis->GetNbins() ); xaxis->SetRange(binx,binx2); Int_t firstZ = zaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t lastZ = zaxis->GetLast(); Int_t binz = firstZ + Int_t((lastZ-firstZ)*(py-pymin)/(pymax-pymin)); Int_t binz2 = TMath::Min(binz+nbins-1,zaxis->GetNbins() ); zaxis->SetRange(binz,binz2); if (line1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line1); if (nbins>1 && line1[0].GetX()) { gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line2); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line3); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line4); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface1); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface2); } xx[0]=xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line1[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line1[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line1[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line1[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line1); if (nbins>1) { xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz+nbins-1); xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line2[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line2[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line2[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line2[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz+nbins-1); xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line3[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line3[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line3[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line3[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz); xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line4[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line4[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line4[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line4[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); endface1[0].SetX(line1[0].GetX()); endface1[0].SetY(line1[0].GetY()); endface1[1].SetX(line2[0].GetX()); endface1[1].SetY(line2[0].GetY()); endface1[2].SetX(line3[0].GetX()); endface1[2].SetY(line3[0].GetY()); endface1[3].SetX(line4[0].GetX()); endface1[3].SetY(line4[0].GetY()); endface1[4].SetX(line1[0].GetX()); endface1[4].SetY(line1[0].GetY()); endface2[0].SetX(line1[1].GetX()); endface2[0].SetY(line1[1].GetY()); endface2[1].SetX(line2[1].GetX()); endface2[1].SetY(line2[1].GetY()); endface2[2].SetX(line3[1].GetX()); endface2[2].SetY(line3[1].GetY()); endface2[3].SetX(line4[1].GetX()); endface2[3].SetY(line4[1].GetY()); endface2[4].SetX(line1[1].GetX()); endface2[4].SetY(line1[1].GetY()); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line2); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line3); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line4); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface1); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface2); } c->Clear(); c->cd(); TH1 *hp = h3->Project3D("y"); xaxis->SetRange(firstX,lastX); zaxis->SetRange(firstZ,lastZ); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); if (nbins == 1) hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionY of binx=%d [x=%.1f..%.1f] binz=%d [z=%.1f..%.1f]", binx, xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binx), xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binx), binz, zaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binz), zaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binz))); else hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionY, binx=[%d,%d] [x=%.1f..%.1f], binz=[%d,%d] [z=%.1f..%.1f]", binx, binx2, xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binx), xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binx2), binz, binz2, zaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binz), zaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binz2) ) ); hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(fShowOption.Data()); } } break; case 3: // "z" { Int_t firstX = xaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t lastX = xaxis->GetLast(); Int_t binx = firstX + Int_t((lastX-firstX)*(px-pxmin)/(pxmax-pxmin)); Int_t binx2 = TMath::Min(binx+nbins-1,xaxis->GetNbins() ); xaxis->SetRange(binx,binx2); Int_t firstY = yaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t lastY = yaxis->GetLast(); Int_t biny = firstY + Int_t((lastY-firstY)*(py-pymin)/(pymax-pymin)); Int_t biny2 = TMath::Min(biny+nbins-1,yaxis->GetNbins() ); yaxis->SetRange(biny,biny2); if (line1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line1); if (nbins>1 && line1[0].GetX()) { gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line2); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line3); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line4); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface1); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface2); } xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line1[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line1[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line1[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line1[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line1); if (nbins>1) { xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny+nbins-1); xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line2[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line2[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line2[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line2[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny+nbins-1); xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line3[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line3[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line3[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line3[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny); xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line4[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line4[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); line4[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); line4[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); endface1[0].SetX(line1[0].GetX()); endface1[0].SetY(line1[0].GetY()); endface1[1].SetX(line2[0].GetX()); endface1[1].SetY(line2[0].GetY()); endface1[2].SetX(line3[0].GetX()); endface1[2].SetY(line3[0].GetY()); endface1[3].SetX(line4[0].GetX()); endface1[3].SetY(line4[0].GetY()); endface1[4].SetX(line1[0].GetX()); endface1[4].SetY(line1[0].GetY()); endface2[0].SetX(line1[1].GetX()); endface2[0].SetY(line1[1].GetY()); endface2[1].SetX(line2[1].GetX()); endface2[1].SetY(line2[1].GetY()); endface2[2].SetX(line3[1].GetX()); endface2[2].SetY(line3[1].GetY()); endface2[3].SetX(line4[1].GetX()); endface2[3].SetY(line4[1].GetY()); endface2[4].SetX(line1[1].GetX()); endface2[4].SetY(line1[1].GetY()); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line2); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line3); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(2,line4); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface1); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,endface2); } c->Clear(); c->cd(); TH1 *hp = h3->Project3D("z"); xaxis->SetRange(firstX,lastX); yaxis->SetRange(firstY,lastY); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); if (nbins == 1) hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionZ of binx=%d [x=%.1f..%.1f] biny=%d [y=%.1f..%.1f]", binx, xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binx), xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binx), biny, yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(biny), yaxis->GetBinUpEdge(biny))); else hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionZ, binx=[%d,%d] [x=%.1f..%.1f], biny=[%d,%d] [y=%.1f..%.1f]", binx, binx2, xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binx), xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binx2), biny, biny2, yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(biny), yaxis->GetBinUpEdge(biny2) ) ); hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(fShowOption.Data()); } } break; case 4: // "xy" { Int_t first = zaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t last = zaxis->GetLast(); Int_t binz = first + Int_t((last-first)*(py-pymin)/(pymax-pymin)); Int_t binz2 = TMath::Min(binz+nbins-1,zaxis->GetNbins() ); zaxis->SetRange(binz,binz2); if (rect1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1 && rect2[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect1[4].SetX(rect1[0].GetX()); rect1[4].SetY(rect1[0].GetY()); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1) { xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect2[4].SetX(rect2[0].GetX()); rect2[4].SetY(rect2[0].GetY()); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); } c->Clear(); c->cd(); TH2 *hp = (TH2*)h3->Project3D("xy"); zaxis->SetRange(first,last); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); if (nbins==1)hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionXY of binz=%d [z=%.1f..%.f]", binz,zaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binz),zaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binz))); else hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionXY, binz=[%d,%d] [z=%.1f..%.1f]", binz,binz2,zaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binz),zaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binz2))); hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle(fH->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetZTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(fShowOption.Data()); } } break; case 5: // "yx" { Int_t first = zaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t last = zaxis->GetLast(); Int_t binz = first + Int_t((last-first)*(py-pymin)/(pymax-pymin)); Int_t binz2 = TMath::Min(binz+nbins-1,zaxis->GetNbins() ); zaxis->SetRange(binz,binz2); if (rect1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1 && rect2[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect1[4].SetX(rect1[0].GetX()); rect1[4].SetY(rect1[0].GetY()); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1) { xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetBinCenter(binz+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect2[4].SetX(rect2[0].GetX()); rect2[4].SetY(rect2[0].GetY()); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); } c->Clear(); c->cd(); TH2 *hp = (TH2*)h3->Project3D("yx"); zaxis->SetRange(first,last); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); if (nbins==1)hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionYX of binz=%d [z=%.1f..%.f]", binz,zaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binz),zaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binz))); else hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionYX, binz=[%d,%d] [z=%.1f..%.1f]", binz,binz2,zaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binz),zaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binz2))); hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle(fH->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetZTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(fShowOption.Data()); } } break; case 6: // "xz" { Int_t first = yaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t last = yaxis->GetLast(); Int_t biny = first + Int_t((last-first)*(py-pymin)/(pymax-pymin)); Int_t biny2 = TMath::Min(biny+nbins-1,yaxis->GetNbins() ); yaxis->SetRange(biny,biny2); if (rect1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1 && rect1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect1[4].SetX(rect1[0].GetX()); rect1[4].SetY(rect1[0].GetY()); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1) { xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect2[4].SetX(rect2[0].GetX()); rect2[4].SetY(rect2[0].GetY()); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); } c->Clear(); c->cd(); TH2 *hp = (TH2*)h3->Project3D("xz"); yaxis->SetRange(first,last); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); if (nbins==1)hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionXZ of biny=%d [y=%.1f..%.f]", biny,yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(biny),yaxis->GetBinUpEdge(biny))); else hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionXZ, biny=[%d,%d] [y=%.1f..%.1f]", biny,biny2,yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(biny),yaxis->GetBinUpEdge(biny2))); hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle(fH->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetZTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(fShowOption.Data()); } } break; case 7: // "zx" { Int_t first = yaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t last = yaxis->GetLast(); Int_t biny = first + Int_t((last-first)*(py-pymin)/(pymax-pymin)); Int_t biny2 = TMath::Min(biny+nbins-1,yaxis->GetNbins() ); yaxis->SetRange(biny,biny2); if (rect1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1 && rect1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect1[4].SetX(rect1[0].GetX()); rect1[4].SetY(rect1[0].GetY()); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1) { xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetBinCenter(biny+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect2[4].SetX(rect2[0].GetX()); rect2[4].SetY(rect2[0].GetY()); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[0] = xaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); } c->Clear(); c->cd(); TH2 *hp = (TH2*)h3->Project3D("zx"); yaxis->SetRange(first,last); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); if (nbins==1)hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionZX of biny=%d [y=%.1f..%.f]", biny,yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(biny),yaxis->GetBinUpEdge(biny))); else hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionZX, biny=[%d,%d] [y=%.1f..%.1f]", biny,biny2,yaxis->GetBinLowEdge(biny),yaxis->GetBinUpEdge(biny2))); hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle(fH->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetZTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(fShowOption.Data()); } } break; case 8: // "yz" { Int_t first = xaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t last = xaxis->GetLast(); Int_t binx = first + Int_t((last-first)*(px-pxmin)/(pxmax-pxmin)); Int_t binx2 = TMath::Min(binx+nbins-1,xaxis->GetNbins() ); xaxis->SetRange(binx,binx2); if (rect1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1 && rect1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect1[4].SetX(rect1[0].GetX()); rect1[4].SetY(rect1[0].GetY()); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1) { xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect2[4].SetX(rect2[0].GetX()); rect2[4].SetY(rect2[0].GetY()); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); } c->Clear(); c->cd(); TH2 *hp = (TH2*)h3->Project3D("yz"); xaxis->SetRange(first,last); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); if (nbins==1)hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionYZ of binx=%d [x=%.1f..%.f]", binx,xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binx),xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binx))); else hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionYZ, binx=[%d,%d] [x=%.1f..%.1f]", binx,binx2,xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binx),xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binx2))); hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle(fH->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetZTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(fShowOption.Data()); } } break; case 9: // "zy" { Int_t first = xaxis->GetFirst(); Int_t last = xaxis->GetLast(); Int_t binx = first + Int_t((last-first)*(px-pxmin)/(pxmax-pxmin)); Int_t binx2 = TMath::Min(binx+nbins-1,xaxis->GetNbins() ); xaxis->SetRange(binx,binx2); if (rect1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1 && rect1[0].GetX()) gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect1[4].SetX(rect1[0].GetX()); rect1[4].SetY(rect1[0].GetY()); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect1[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect1[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect1); if (nbins>1) { xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmax(); xx[0] = xaxis->GetBinCenter(binx+nbins-1); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[0].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[0].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); rect2[4].SetX(rect2[0].GetX()); rect2[4].SetY(rect2[0].GetY()); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmax(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[1].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[1].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[1] = yaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[2].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[2].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); xx[2] = zaxis->GetXmin(); view->WCtoNDC(xx,u); rect2[3].SetX(pxmin + Int_t((u[0]-uxmin)*cx)); rect2[3].SetY(pymin + Int_t((u[1]-uymin)*cy)); gVirtualX->DrawPolyLine(5,rect2); } c->Clear(); c->cd(); TH2 *hp = (TH2*)h3->Project3D("zy"); xaxis->SetRange(first,last); if (hp) { hp->SetFillColor(38); if (nbins==1)hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionZY of binx=%d [x=%.1f..%.f]", binx,xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binx),xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binx))); else hp->SetTitle(TString::Format("ProjectionZY, binx=[%d,%d] [x=%.1f..%.1f]", binx,binx2,xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(binx),xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(binx2))); hp->SetXTitle(fH->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetYTitle(fH->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()); hp->SetZTitle("Number of Entries"); hp->Draw(fShowOption.Data()); } } break; } c->Update(); padsav->cd(); }