/***************************************************************************** * Project: RooFit * * Package: RooFitCore * * File: $Id$ * Authors: * * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu * * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu * * * * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California * * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms * * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROO_VECTOR_DATA_STORE #define ROO_VECTOR_DATA_STORE #include #include #include #include #include "RooAbsDataStore.h" #include "TString.h" #include "RooCatType.h" #include "RooAbsCategory.h" #include "RooAbsReal.h" #include "RooChangeTracker.h" #define VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 class RooAbsArg ; class RooArgList ; class TTree ; class RooFormulaVar ; class RooArgSet ; class RooVectorDataStore : public RooAbsDataStore { public: RooVectorDataStore() ; // Empty ctor RooVectorDataStore(const char* name, const char* title, const RooArgSet& vars, const char* wgtVarName=0) ; virtual RooAbsDataStore* clone(const char* newname=0) const { return new RooVectorDataStore(*this,newname) ; } virtual RooAbsDataStore* clone(const RooArgSet& vars, const char* newname=0) const { return new RooVectorDataStore(*this,vars,newname) ; } RooVectorDataStore(const RooVectorDataStore& other, const char* newname=0) ; RooVectorDataStore(const RooTreeDataStore& other, const RooArgSet& vars, const char* newname=0) ; RooVectorDataStore(const RooVectorDataStore& other, const RooArgSet& vars, const char* newname=0) ; RooVectorDataStore(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsDataStore& tds, const RooArgSet& vars, const RooFormulaVar* cutVar, const char* cutRange, Int_t nStart, Int_t nStop, Bool_t /*copyCache*/, const char* wgtVarName=0) ; virtual ~RooVectorDataStore() ; RooArgSet varsNoWeight(const RooArgSet& allVars, const char* wgtName) ; RooRealVar* weightVar(const RooArgSet& allVars, const char* wgtName) ; // Write current row virtual Int_t fill() ; // reserve storage for nEvt entries virtual void reserve(Int_t nEvt); // Retrieve a row using RooAbsDataStore::get ; virtual const RooArgSet* get(Int_t index) const ; virtual const RooArgSet* getNative(Int_t index) const ; virtual Double_t weight() const ; virtual Double_t weightError(RooAbsData::ErrorType etype=RooAbsData::Poisson) const ; virtual void weightError(Double_t& lo, Double_t& hi, RooAbsData::ErrorType etype=RooAbsData::Poisson) const ; virtual Double_t weight(Int_t index) const ; virtual Bool_t isWeighted() const { return (_wgtVar!=0||_extWgtArray!=0) ; } // Change observable name virtual Bool_t changeObservableName(const char* from, const char* to) ; // Add one or more columns virtual RooAbsArg* addColumn(RooAbsArg& var, Bool_t adjustRange=kTRUE) ; virtual RooArgSet* addColumns(const RooArgList& varList) ; // Merge column-wise RooAbsDataStore* merge(const RooArgSet& allvars, std::list dstoreList) ; // Add rows virtual void append(RooAbsDataStore& other) ; // General & bookkeeping methods virtual Bool_t valid() const ; virtual Int_t numEntries() const ; virtual Double_t sumEntries() const { return _sumWeight ; } virtual void reset() ; // Buffer redirection routines used in inside RooAbsOptTestStatistics virtual void attachBuffers(const RooArgSet& extObs) ; virtual void resetBuffers() ; // Constant term optimizer interface virtual const RooAbsArg* cacheOwner() { return _cacheOwner ; } virtual void cacheArgs(const RooAbsArg* owner, RooArgSet& varSet, const RooArgSet* nset=0, Bool_t skipZeroWeights=kTRUE) ; virtual void attachCache(const RooAbsArg* newOwner, const RooArgSet& cachedVars) ; virtual void resetCache() ; virtual void recalculateCache(const RooArgSet* /*proj*/, Int_t firstEvent, Int_t lastEvent, Int_t stepSize, Bool_t skipZeroWeights) ; virtual void setArgStatus(const RooArgSet& set, Bool_t active) ; const RooVectorDataStore* cache() const { return _cache ; } void loadValues(const RooAbsDataStore *tds, const RooFormulaVar* select=0, const char* rangeName=0, Int_t nStart=0, Int_t nStop=2000000000) ; void dump() ; void setExternalWeightArray(Double_t* arrayWgt, Double_t* arrayWgtErrLo, Double_t* arrayWgtErrHi, Double_t* arraySumW2) { _extWgtArray = arrayWgt ; _extWgtErrLoArray = arrayWgtErrLo ; _extWgtErrHiArray = arrayWgtErrHi ; _extSumW2Array = arraySumW2 ; } virtual void setDirtyProp(Bool_t flag) { _doDirtyProp = flag ; if (_cache) { _cache->setDirtyProp(flag) ; } } //virtual void checkInit() const; const RooArgSet& row() { return _varsww ; } class RealVector { public: RealVector(UInt_t initialCapacity=(VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t))) : _nativeReal(0), _real(0), _buf(0), _nativeBuf(0), _vec0(0), _tracker(0), _nset(0) { _vec.reserve(initialCapacity); } RealVector(RooAbsReal* arg, UInt_t initialCapacity=(VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t))) : _nativeReal(arg), _real(0), _buf(0), _nativeBuf(0), _vec0(0), _tracker(0), _nset(0) { _vec.reserve(initialCapacity); } virtual ~RealVector() { delete _tracker; if (_nset) delete _nset ; } RealVector(const RealVector& other, RooAbsReal* real=0) : _vec(other._vec), _nativeReal(real?real:other._nativeReal), _real(real?real:other._real), _buf(other._buf), _nativeBuf(other._nativeBuf), _nset(0) { _vec0 = _vec.size()>0 ? &_vec.front() : 0 ; if (other._tracker) { _tracker = new RooChangeTracker(Form("track_%s",_nativeReal->GetName()),"tracker",other._tracker->parameters()) ; } else { _tracker = 0 ; } if (other._nset) { _nset = new RooArgSet(*other._nset) ; } } RealVector& operator=(const RealVector& other) { if (&other==this) return *this; _nativeReal = other._nativeReal; _real = other._real; _buf = other._buf; _nativeBuf = other._nativeBuf; if (other._vec.size() <= _vec.capacity() / 2 && _vec.capacity() > (VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t))) { std::vector tmp; tmp.reserve(std::max(other._vec.size(), VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t))); tmp.assign(other._vec.begin(), other._vec.end()); _vec.swap(tmp); } else { _vec = other._vec; } _vec0 = _vec.size()>0 ? &_vec.front() : 0; return *this; } void setNset(RooArgSet* newNset) { _nset = newNset ? new RooArgSet(*newNset) : 0 ; } RooArgSet* nset() const { return _nset ; } void setBufArg(RooAbsReal* arg) { _nativeReal = arg ; } const RooAbsReal* bufArg() const { return _nativeReal ; } void setBuffer(RooAbsReal* real, Double_t* newBuf) { _real = real ; _buf = newBuf ; if (_nativeBuf==0) { _nativeBuf=newBuf ; } } void setNativeBuffer(Double_t* newBuf=0) { _nativeBuf = newBuf ? newBuf : _buf ; } void setDependents(const RooArgSet& deps) { if (_tracker) { delete _tracker ; } _tracker = new RooChangeTracker(Form("track_%s",_nativeReal->GetName()),"tracker",deps) ; } Bool_t needRecalc() { if (!_tracker) return kFALSE ; return _tracker->hasChanged(kTRUE) ; } void fill() { _vec.push_back(*_buf) ; _vec0 = &_vec.front() ; } ; void write(Int_t i) { /* std::cout << "write(" << this << ") [" << i << "] nativeReal = " << _nativeReal << " = " << _nativeReal->GetName() << " real = " << _real << " buf = " << _buf << " value = " << *_buf << " native getVal() = " << _nativeReal->getVal() << " getVal() = " << _real->getVal() << std::endl ; */ _vec[i] = *_buf ; } void reset() { // make sure the vector releases the underlying memory std::vector tmp; _vec.swap(tmp); _vec0 = 0; } inline void get(Int_t idx) const { *_buf = *(_vec0+idx) ; } inline void getNative(Int_t idx) const { *_nativeBuf = *(_vec0+idx) ; } Int_t size() const { return _vec.size() ; } void resize(Int_t siz) { if (siz < Int_t(_vec.capacity()) / 2 && _vec.capacity() > (VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t))) { // do an expensive copy, if we save at least a factor 2 in size std::vector tmp; tmp.reserve(std::max(siz, Int_t(VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t)))); if (!_vec.empty()) tmp.assign(_vec.begin(), std::min(_vec.end(), _vec.begin() + siz)); if (Int_t(tmp.size()) != siz) tmp.resize(siz); _vec.swap(tmp); } else { _vec.resize(siz); } _vec0 = _vec.size() > 0 ? &_vec.front() : 0; } void reserve(Int_t siz) { _vec.reserve(siz); _vec0 = _vec.size() > 0 ? &_vec.front() : 0; } protected: std::vector _vec ; private: friend class RooVectorDataStore ; RooAbsReal* _nativeReal ; RooAbsReal* _real ; Double_t* _buf ; //! Double_t* _nativeBuf ; //! Double_t* _vec0 ; //! RooChangeTracker* _tracker ; // RooArgSet* _nset ; //! ClassDef(RealVector,1) // STL-vector-based Data Storage class } ; class RealFullVector : public RealVector { public: RealFullVector(UInt_t initialCapacity=(VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t))) : RealVector(initialCapacity), _bufE(0), _bufEL(0), _bufEH(0), _nativeBufE(0), _nativeBufEL(0), _nativeBufEH(0), _vecE(0), _vecEL(0), _vecEH(0) { } RealFullVector(RooAbsReal* arg, UInt_t initialCapacity=(VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t))) : RealVector(arg,initialCapacity), _bufE(0), _bufEL(0), _bufEH(0), _nativeBufE(0), _nativeBufEL(0), _nativeBufEH(0), _vecE(0), _vecEL(0), _vecEH(0) { } virtual ~RealFullVector() { if (_vecE) delete _vecE ; if (_vecEL) delete _vecEL ; if (_vecEH) delete _vecEH ; } RealFullVector(const RealFullVector& other, RooAbsReal* real=0) : RealVector(other,real), _bufE(other._bufE), _bufEL(other._bufEL), _bufEH(other._bufEH), _nativeBufE(other._nativeBufE), _nativeBufEL(other._nativeBufEL), _nativeBufEH(other._nativeBufEH) { _vecE = (other._vecE) ? new std::vector(*other._vecE) : 0 ; _vecEL = (other._vecEL) ? new std::vector(*other._vecEL) : 0 ; _vecEH = (other._vecEH) ? new std::vector(*other._vecEH) : 0 ; } RealFullVector(const RealVector& other, RooAbsReal* real=0) : RealVector(other,real), _bufE(0), _bufEL(0), _bufEH(0), _nativeBufE(0), _nativeBufEL(0), _nativeBufEH(0) { _vecE = 0 ; _vecEL = 0 ; _vecEH = 0 ; } RealFullVector& operator=(const RealFullVector& other) { if (&other==this) return *this; RealVector::operator=(other); _bufE = other._bufE; _bufEL = other._bufEL; _bufEH = other._bufEH; _nativeBufE = other._nativeBufE; _nativeBufEL = other._nativeBufEL; _nativeBufEH = other._nativeBufEH; std::vector* src[3] = { other._vecE, other._vecEL, other._vecEH }; std::vector* dst[3] = { _vecE, _vecEL, _vecEH }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (src[i]) { if (dst[i]) { if (dst[i]->size() <= src[i]->capacity() / 2 && src[i]->capacity() > (VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t))) { std::vector tmp; tmp.reserve(std::max(src[i]->size(), VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t))); tmp.assign(src[i]->begin(), src[i]->end()); dst[i]->swap(tmp); } else { *dst[i] = *src[i]; } } else { dst[i] = new std::vector(*src[i]); } } else { delete dst[i]; dst[i] = 0; } } return *this; } void setErrorBuffer(Double_t* newBuf) { /* std::cout << "setErrorBuffer(" << _nativeReal->GetName() << ") newBuf = " << newBuf << std::endl ; */ _bufE = newBuf ; if (!_vecE) _vecE = new std::vector ; _vecE->reserve(_vec.capacity()) ; if (!_nativeBufE) _nativeBufE = _bufE ; } void setAsymErrorBuffer(Double_t* newBufL, Double_t* newBufH) { _bufEL = newBufL ; _bufEH = newBufH ; if (!_vecEL) { _vecEL = new std::vector ; _vecEH = new std::vector ; _vecEL->reserve(_vec.capacity()) ; _vecEH->reserve(_vec.capacity()) ; } if (!_nativeBufEL) { _nativeBufEL = _bufEL ; _nativeBufEH = _bufEH ; } } inline void getNative(Int_t idx) const { RealVector::getNative(idx) ; if (_vecE) { *_nativeBufE = (*_vecE)[idx] ; } if (_vecEL) { *_nativeBufEL = (*_vecEL)[idx] ; *_nativeBufEH = (*_vecEH)[idx] ; } } void fill() { RealVector::fill() ; if (_vecE) _vecE->push_back(*_bufE) ; if (_vecEL) _vecEL->push_back(*_bufEL) ; if (_vecEH) _vecEH->push_back(*_bufEH) ; } ; void write(Int_t i) { RealVector::write(i) ; if (_vecE) (*_vecE)[i] = *_bufE ; if (_vecEL) (*_vecEL)[i] = *_bufEL ; if (_vecEH) (*_vecEH)[i] = *_bufEH ; } void reset() { RealVector::reset(); if (_vecE) { std::vector tmp; _vecE->swap(tmp); } if (_vecEL) { std::vector tmp; _vecEL->swap(tmp); } if (_vecEH) { std::vector tmp; _vecEH->swap(tmp); } } inline void get(Int_t idx) const { RealVector::get(idx) ; if (_vecE) *_bufE = (*_vecE)[idx]; if (_vecEL) *_bufEL = (*_vecEL)[idx] ; if (_vecEH) *_bufEH = (*_vecEH)[idx] ; } void resize(Int_t siz) { RealVector::resize(siz); std::vector* vlist[3] = { _vecE, _vecEL, _vecEH }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (!vlist[i]) continue; if (vlist[i]) { if (siz < Int_t(vlist[i]->capacity()) / 2 && vlist[i]->capacity() > (VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t))) { // if we gain a factor of 2 in memory, we copy and swap std::vector tmp; tmp.reserve(std::max(siz, Int_t(VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(Double_t)))); if (!vlist[i]->empty()) tmp.assign(vlist[i]->begin(), std::min(_vec.end(), _vec.begin() + siz)); if (Int_t(tmp.size()) != siz) tmp.resize(siz); vlist[i]->swap(tmp); } else { vlist[i]->resize(siz); } } } } void reserve(Int_t siz) { RealVector::reserve(siz); if (_vecE) _vecE->reserve(siz); if (_vecEL) _vecEL->reserve(siz); if (_vecEH) _vecEH->reserve(siz); } private: friend class RooVectorDataStore ; Double_t *_bufE ; //! Double_t *_bufEL ; //! Double_t *_bufEH ; //! Double_t *_nativeBufE ; //! Double_t *_nativeBufEL ; //! Double_t *_nativeBufEH ; //! std::vector *_vecE, *_vecEL, *_vecEH ; ClassDef(RealFullVector,1) // STL-vector-based Data Storage class } ; class CatVector { public: CatVector(UInt_t initialCapacity=(VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(RooCatType))) : _cat(0), _buf(0), _nativeBuf(0), _vec0(0) { _vec.reserve(initialCapacity); } CatVector(RooAbsCategory* cat, UInt_t initialCapacity=(VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(RooCatType))) : _cat(cat), _buf(0), _nativeBuf(0), _vec0(0) { _vec.reserve(initialCapacity); } virtual ~CatVector() { } CatVector(const CatVector& other, RooAbsCategory* cat=0) : _cat(cat?cat:other._cat), _buf(other._buf), _nativeBuf(other._nativeBuf), _vec(other._vec) { _vec0 = _vec.size()>0 ? &_vec.front() : 0 ; } CatVector& operator=(const CatVector& other) { if (&other==this) return *this; _cat = other._cat; _buf = other._buf; _nativeBuf = other._nativeBuf; if (other._vec.size() <= _vec.capacity() / 2 && _vec.capacity() > (VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(RooCatType))) { std::vector tmp; tmp.reserve(std::max(other._vec.size(), VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(RooCatType))); tmp.assign(other._vec.begin(), other._vec.end()); _vec.swap(tmp); } else { _vec = other._vec; } _vec0 = _vec.size()>0 ? &_vec.front() : 0; return *this; } void setBuffer(RooCatType* newBuf) { _buf = newBuf ; if (_nativeBuf==0) _nativeBuf=newBuf ; } void setNativeBuffer(RooCatType* newBuf=0) { _nativeBuf = newBuf ? newBuf : _buf ; } void fill() { _vec.push_back(*_buf) ; _vec0 = &_vec.front() ; } ; void write(Int_t i) { _vec[i]=*_buf ; } ; void reset() { // make sure the vector releases the underlying memory std::vector tmp; _vec.swap(tmp); _vec0 = 0; } inline void get(Int_t idx) const { _buf->assignFast(*(_vec0+idx)) ; } inline void getNative(Int_t idx) const { _nativeBuf->assignFast(*(_vec0+idx)) ; } Int_t size() const { return _vec.size() ; } void resize(Int_t siz) { if (siz < Int_t(_vec.capacity()) / 2 && _vec.capacity() > (VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(RooCatType))) { // do an expensive copy, if we save at least a factor 2 in size std::vector tmp; tmp.reserve(std::max(siz, Int_t(VECTOR_BUFFER_SIZE / sizeof(RooCatType)))); if (!_vec.empty()) tmp.assign(_vec.begin(), std::min(_vec.end(), _vec.begin() + siz)); if (Int_t(tmp.size()) != siz) tmp.resize(siz); _vec.swap(tmp); } else { _vec.resize(siz); } _vec0 = _vec.size() > 0 ? &_vec.front() : 0; } void reserve(Int_t siz) { _vec.reserve(siz); _vec0 = _vec.size() > 0 ? &_vec.front() : 0; } void setBufArg(RooAbsCategory* arg) { _cat = arg; } const RooAbsCategory* bufArg() const { return _cat; } private: friend class RooVectorDataStore ; RooAbsCategory* _cat ; RooCatType* _buf ; //! RooCatType* _nativeBuf ; //! std::vector _vec ; RooCatType* _vec0 ; //! ClassDef(CatVector,1) // STL-vector-based Data Storage class } ; protected: friend class RooAbsReal ; friend class RooAbsCategory ; friend class RooRealVar ; std::vector& realStoreList() { return _realStoreList ; } std::vector& realfStoreList() { return _realfStoreList ; } std::vector& catStoreList() { return _catStoreList ; } CatVector* addCategory(RooAbsCategory* cat) { CatVector* cv(0) ; // First try a match by name std::vector::iterator iter = _catStoreList.begin() ; for (; iter!=_catStoreList.end() ; ++iter) { if (std::string((*iter)->bufArg()->GetName())==cat->GetName()) { cv = (*iter) ; return cv ; } } // If nothing found this will make an entry _catStoreList.push_back(new CatVector(cat)) ; _nCat++ ; // Update cached ptr to first element as push_back may have reallocated _firstCat = &_catStoreList.front() ; return _catStoreList.back() ; } RealVector* addReal(RooAbsReal* real) { RealVector* rv(0) ; // First try a match by name std::vector::iterator iter = _realStoreList.begin() ; for (; iter!=_realStoreList.end() ; ++iter) { //if (std::string((*iter)->bufArg()->GetName())==real->GetName()) { if ((*iter)->bufArg()->namePtr()==real->namePtr()) { rv = (*iter) ; return rv ; } } // Then check if an entry already exists for a full real std::vector::iterator iter2 = _realfStoreList.begin() ; for (; iter2!=_realfStoreList.end() ; ++iter2) { //if (std::string((*iter2)->bufArg()->GetName())==real->GetName()) { if ((*iter2)->bufArg()->namePtr()==real->namePtr()) { // Return full vector as RealVector base class here return (*iter2) ; } } // If nothing found this will make an entry _realStoreList.push_back(new RealVector(real)) ; _nReal++ ; // Update cached ptr to first element as push_back may have reallocated _firstReal = &_realStoreList.front() ; return _realStoreList.back() ; } Bool_t isFullReal(RooAbsReal* real) { // First try a match by name std::vector::iterator iter = _realfStoreList.begin() ; for (; iter!=_realfStoreList.end() ; ++iter) { if (std::string((*iter)->bufArg()->GetName())==real->GetName()) { return kTRUE ; } } return kFALSE ; } Bool_t hasError(RooAbsReal* real) { // First try a match by name std::vector::iterator iter = _realfStoreList.begin() ; for (; iter!=_realfStoreList.end() ; ++iter) { if (std::string((*iter)->bufArg()->GetName())==real->GetName()) { return (*iter)->_vecE ? kTRUE : kFALSE ; } } return kFALSE ; } Bool_t hasAsymError(RooAbsReal* real) { // First try a match by name std::vector::iterator iter = _realfStoreList.begin() ; for (; iter!=_realfStoreList.end() ; ++iter) { if (std::string((*iter)->bufArg()->GetName())==real->GetName()) { return (*iter)->_vecEL ? kTRUE : kFALSE ; } } return kFALSE ; } RealFullVector* addRealFull(RooAbsReal* real) { RealFullVector* rv(0) ; // First try a match by name std::vector::iterator iter = _realfStoreList.begin() ; for (; iter!=_realfStoreList.end() ; ++iter) { if (std::string((*iter)->bufArg()->GetName())==real->GetName()) { rv = (*iter) ; return rv ; } } // Then check if an entry already exists for a bare real std::vector::iterator iter2 = _realStoreList.begin() ; for (; iter2!=_realStoreList.end() ; ++iter2) { if (std::string((*iter2)->bufArg()->GetName())==real->GetName()) { // Convert element to full and add to full list _realfStoreList.push_back(new RealFullVector(*(*iter2),real)) ; _nRealF++ ; _firstRealF = &_realfStoreList.front() ; // Delete bare element RealVector* tmp = *iter2 ; _realStoreList.erase(iter2) ; delete tmp ; if (_realStoreList.size() > 0) _firstReal = &_realStoreList.front() ; else _firstReal = 0; _nReal-- ; return _realfStoreList.back() ; } } // If nothing found this will make an entry _realfStoreList.push_back(new RealFullVector(real)) ; _nRealF++ ; // Update cached ptr to first element as push_back may have reallocated _firstRealF = &_realfStoreList.front() ; return _realfStoreList.back() ; } virtual Bool_t hasFilledCache() const { return _cache ? kTRUE : kFALSE ; } void forceCacheUpdate() ; private: RooArgSet _varsww ; RooRealVar* _wgtVar ; // Pointer to weight variable (if set) std::vector _realStoreList ; std::vector _realfStoreList ; std::vector _catStoreList ; void setAllBuffersNative() ; Int_t _nReal ; Int_t _nRealF ; Int_t _nCat ; Int_t _nEntries ; RealVector** _firstReal ; //! do not persist RealFullVector** _firstRealF ; //! do not persist CatVector** _firstCat ; //! do not persist Double_t _sumWeight ; Double_t _sumWeightCarry; Double_t* _extWgtArray ; //! External weight array Double_t* _extWgtErrLoArray ; //! External weight array - low error Double_t* _extWgtErrHiArray ; //! External weight array - high error Double_t* _extSumW2Array ; //! External sum of weights array mutable Double_t _curWgt ; // Weight of current event mutable Double_t _curWgtErrLo ; // Weight of current event mutable Double_t _curWgtErrHi ; // Weight of current event mutable Double_t _curWgtErr ; // Weight of current event RooVectorDataStore* _cache ; //! Optimization cache RooAbsArg* _cacheOwner ; //! Cache owner Bool_t _forcedUpdate ; //! Request for forced cache update ClassDef(RooVectorDataStore,2) // STL-vector-based Data Storage class }; #endif