// @(#)root/hist:$Id$
// Author: Axel Naumann, Nov 2011

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2012, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#ifndef ROOT_TNDArray
#define ROOT_TNDArray

#ifndef ROOT_TObject
#include "TObject.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TError
#include "TError.h"

//                                                                      //
// TNDArray                                                             //
//                                                                      //
// N-Dim array class.                                                   //
//                                                                      //
// Storage layout:                                                      //
// Assume 3 dimensions, array sizes 2, 4 and 3 i.e. 24 bins:            //
// Data is stored as [0,0,0], [0,0,1], [0,0,2], [0,1,0],...             //
//                                                                      //
// fSizes stores the combined size of each bin in a dimension, i.e. in  //
// above example it would contain 24, 12, 3, 1.                         //
//                                                                      //
// Storage is allocated lazily, only when data is written to the array. //
//                                                                      //
// TNDArrayRef gives access to a sub-dimension, e.g. arr[0][1] in above //
// three-dimensional example, up to an element with conversion operator //
// to double: double value = arr[0][1][2];                              //
//                                                                      //

// Array layout:
// nbins[0] = 2, nbins[1] = 4, nbins[2] = 3 => 24 bins
// fSizes: 24, 12, 3 [, 1

class TNDArray: public TObject {
   TNDArray(): fNdimPlusOne(), fSizes() {}
   TNDArray(Int_t ndim, const Int_t* nbins, bool addOverflow = false):
   fNdimPlusOne(), fSizes() {
      TNDArray::Init(ndim, nbins, addOverflow);
   ~TNDArray() {
      delete[] fSizes;

   virtual void Init(Int_t ndim, const Int_t* nbins, bool addOverflow = false) {
      // Calculate fSize based on ndim dimensions, nbins for each dimension,
      // possibly adding over- and underflow bin to each dimensions' nbins.
      delete[] fSizes;
      fNdimPlusOne = ndim + 1;
      fSizes = new Long64_t[ndim + 1];
      Int_t overBins = addOverflow ? 2 : 0;
      fSizes[ndim] = 1;
      for (Int_t i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
         fSizes[ndim - i - 1] = fSizes[ndim - i] * (nbins[ndim - i - 1] + overBins);

   virtual void Reset(Option_t* option = "") = 0;

   Int_t GetNdimensions() const { return fNdimPlusOne - 1; }
   Long64_t GetNbins() const { return fSizes[0]; }
   Long64_t GetCellSize(Int_t dim) const { return fSizes[dim + 1]; }
   Long64_t GetBin(const Int_t* idx) const {
      // Get the linear bin number for each dimension's bin index
      Long64_t bin = idx[fNdimPlusOne - 2];
      for (Int_t d = 0; d < fNdimPlusOne - 2; ++d) {
         bin += fSizes[d + 1] * idx[d];
      return bin;

   virtual Double_t AtAsDouble(ULong64_t linidx) const = 0;
   virtual void SetAsDouble(ULong64_t linidx, Double_t value) = 0;
   virtual void AddAt(ULong64_t linidx, Double_t value) = 0;

   TNDArray(const TNDArray&); // intentionally not implemented
   TNDArray& operator=(const TNDArray&); // intentionally not implemented

   Int_t  fNdimPlusOne; // Number of dimensions plus one
   Long64_t* fSizes; //[fNdimPlusOne] bin count
   ClassDef(TNDArray, 1); //Base for n-dimensional array

template <typename T>
class TNDArrayRef {
   TNDArrayRef(const T* data, const Long64_t* sizes):
   fData(data), fSizes(sizes) {}
   TNDArrayRef<T> operator[] (Int_t idx) const {
      if (!fData) return TNDArrayRef<T>(0, 0);
      R__ASSERT(idx < fSizes[-1] / fSizes[0] && "index out of range!");
      return TNDArrayRef<T>(fData + idx * fSizes[0], (fSizes[0] == 1) ? 0 : (fSizes + 1));
   operator T() const {
      if (!fData) return T();
      R__ASSERT(fSizes == 0 && "Element operator can only be used on non-array element. Missing an operator[] level?");
      return *fData;

   const T* fData; // pointer into TNDArray's fData
   const Long64_t* fSizes; // pointer into TNDArray's fSizes
   ClassDefNV(TNDArrayRef, 0); // subdimension of a TNDArray

template <typename T>
class TNDArrayT: public TNDArray {
   TNDArrayT(): fNumData(), fData() {}
   TNDArrayT(Int_t ndim, const Int_t* nbins, bool addOverflow = false):
   TNDArray(ndim, nbins, addOverflow),
   fNumData(), fData() {
      fNumData = fSizes[0];
   ~TNDArrayT() {
      delete[] fData;

   void Init(Int_t ndim, const Int_t* nbins, bool addOverflow = false) {
      delete[] fData;
      fData = 0;
      TNDArray::Init(ndim, nbins, addOverflow);
      fNumData = fSizes[0];

   void Reset(Option_t* /*option*/ = "") {
      // Reset the content

      // Use placement-new with value initialization:
      if (fData) {
         new (fData) T[fNumData]();

#ifndef __CINT__
   TNDArrayRef<T> operator[](Int_t idx) const {
      if (!fData) return TNDArrayRef<T>(0, 0);
      R__ASSERT(idx < fSizes[0] / fSizes[1] && "index out of range!");
      return TNDArrayRef<T>(fData + idx * fSizes[1], fSizes + 2);
#endif // __CINT__   
   T At(const Int_t* idx) const {
      return At(GetBin(idx));
   T& At(const Int_t* idx) {
      return At(GetBin(idx));
   T At(ULong64_t linidx) const {
      if (!fData) return T();
      return fData[linidx];
   T& At(ULong64_t linidx) {
      if (!fData) fData = new T[fNumData]();
      return fData[linidx];

   Double_t AtAsDouble(ULong64_t linidx) const {
      if (!fData) return 0.;
      return fData[linidx];
   void SetAsDouble(ULong64_t linidx, Double_t value) {
      if (!fData) fData = new T[fNumData]();
      fData[linidx] = (T) value;
   void AddAt(ULong64_t linidx, Double_t value) {
      if (!fData) fData = new T[fNumData]();
      fData[linidx] += (T) value;
   int fNumData; // number of bins, product of fSizes
   T*  fData; //[fNumData] data
   ClassDef(TNDArray, 1); // N-dimensional array

#endif // ROOT_TNDArray