// @(#)root/net:$Id$ // Author: Adrien Devresse and Fabrizio Furano /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2013, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TDavixSystem #define ROOT_TDavixSystem ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TDavixSystem // // // // A TSystem specialization for HTTP and WebDAV // // It supports HTTP and HTTPS in a number of dialects and options // // e.g. S3 is one of them // // Other caracteristics come from the full support of Davix, // // e.g. full redirection support in any circumstance // // // // Authors: Adrien Devresse (CERN IT/SDC) // // Fabrizio Furano (CERN IT/SDC) // // // // September 2013 // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TUrl.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TMutex.h" class TDavixFileInternal; struct Davix_fd; class TDavixSystem : public TSystem { private: TDavixFileInternal* d_ptr; public: TDavixSystem(); TDavixSystem(const char *url); virtual ~TDavixSystem(); virtual void FreeDirectory(void *dirp); virtual const char *GetDirEntry(void *dirp); virtual Bool_t ConsistentWith(const char *path, void *dirptr); virtual Int_t GetPathInfo(const char* path, FileStat_t &buf); virtual Bool_t IsPathLocal(const char *path); virtual Int_t Locate(const char* path, TString &endurl); virtual Int_t MakeDirectory(const char* dir); virtual void *OpenDirectory(const char* dir); virtual int Unlink(const char *path); ClassDef(TDavixSystem, 0); }; #endif