/// \class RAT::Optimisers::Optimiser
/// \brief Base class for optimisers
/// \author Phil G Jones
/// \author Matthew Mottram -- contact person
/// 26/04/2011 : P G Jones - New file \n
/// 02/05/2012 : P G Jones - New method optimizer relationship.\n
/// 24/01/2013 : P G Jones - Changed to derive from the FitterComponent
/// class. Allows variable setting.\n
/// 2013-10-26 : P G Jones - Changed to use OptimisedComponent.\n
/// 2014-03-29 : P G Jones - Updated lifetime, added BeginOfRun method\n
/// \details All optimisers derive from this class
#ifndef __RAT_Optimiser_Optimiser_
#define __RAT_Optimiser_Optimiser_
namespace RAT
class OptimisedComponent;
namespace Optimisers
class Optimiser : public FitterComponent
class OptimiserFailError : public std::runtime_error
/// Just sets up a std::runtime_error
OptimiserFailError( const std::string& info ) : std::runtime_error( info ) {}
/// Initialise the optimiser with a init string
/// @param[in] param optional string
virtual void Initialise( const std::string& param ) = 0;
/// Minimise the component, return FOM
virtual double Minimise() = 0;
/// Maximise the component, return FOM
virtual double Maximise() = 0;
/// Set the FitterComponent to be optimised
virtual void SetComponent( OptimisedComponent* component ) { fComponent = component; }
/// Return the best parameter values
std::vector GetParams() const { return fParams; }
/// Return the best parameter positive errors
std::vector GetPositiveErrors() const { return fPositiveErrors; }
/// Return the best parameter negative errors
std::vector GetNegativeErrors() const { return fNegativeErrors; }
/// Return optimisation validity
bool GetValid() { return fValid; }
OptimisedComponent* fComponent; ///< FitterComponent to be optimised
std::vector fParams; ///< Current best (optimised) parameters
std::vector fPositiveErrors; ///< Current best (optimised) positive errors
std::vector fNegativeErrors; ///< Current best (optimised) negative errors
bool fValid; ///< Has the optimisation been valid?
} //::Optimiser
} //::RAT