// The specialist RAT Em Physics List. Version 4 of the Em Physics list,
// fully Penelope Models for Geant4.9.5.
// Author: p.g.jones@qmul.ac.uk
//     21/03/2012 : P G Jones - New file. Fully Penelope Physics List

#ifndef __RAT_EmPhysicsListV4_
#define __RAT_EmPhysicsListV4_

#include <G4LossTableManager.hh>
#include <G4VPhysicsConstructor.hh>

namespace RAT

class EmPhysicsListV4 : public G4VPhysicsConstructor
  EmPhysicsListV4( int verbose ) :  G4VPhysicsConstructor( "RATEmPhysicsListV4" ), fVerbose( verbose ) { G4LossTableManager::Instance(); }
  // This method is dummy for physics
  void ConstructParticle() {};

  // This method will be invoked in the Construct() method.
  // each physics process will be instantiated and
  // registered to the process manager of each particle type
  void ConstructProcess();
  int fVerbose;

}// ::RAT
