#include #include #include #include #include using namespace RAT; using namespace RAT::PMTSelectors; #include #include #include using std::vector; using std::string; void ModeCut::Initialise( const std::string& ) { // Default values fLowCut = -50.0; fHighCut = 50.0; // -- This time domain for the in-time window was discussed in the reconstruction call // of 17/05/2017 and agreed in these values. // The values can however be changed through macro fLowDomainLimit = -50; fHighDomainLimit = 600; detail << "ModeCut::Initialise: Initializing mode cut. Default domain [" << fLowDomainLimit << "," << fHighDomainLimit << "]" << newline; } void ModeCut::SetD( const std::string& param, double value ) { if( param == string( "lowLimit" ) ) { fLowCut = value; }else if( param == string( "highLimit" ) ) { fHighCut = value; }else{ throw Processor::ParamUnknown( param ); } } void ModeCut::SetI( const std::string& param, int value) { if( param == string( "lowLimit" ) ) { fLowCut = static_cast(value); }else if( param == string( "highLimit" ) ) { fHighCut = static_cast(value); } else if (param == string("low_domain_limit")) { fLowDomainLimit = value; } else if (param == string("high_domain_limit")) { fHighDomainLimit = value; } else { throw Processor::ParamUnknown( param ); } } vector ModeCut::GetSelectedPMTs( const std::vector& data, const DS::FitVertex& ) { // First find the mode double modeTime = GetModeTime( data ); // Now select the PMTs vector selectedPMTs; for( vector::const_iterator iPMT = data.begin(); iPMT != data.end(); ++iPMT ){ const double hitTime = iPMT->GetTime(); if( hitTime > (modeTime+fLowCut) && hitTime < (modeTime+fHighCut) ){ selectedPMTs.push_back( *iPMT ); } } return selectedPMTs; } double ModeCut::GetModeTime( const std::vector& data ) { unsigned int sumTimes = 0; std::vector timeHist((fHighDomainLimit-fLowDomainLimit),0); for( vector::const_iterator iPMT = data.begin(); iPMT != data.end(); ++iPMT ) { // find the bin to increment // -- If the time is outside the window, throw an exception? Discard it? double pmt_time = iPMT->GetTime(); if ((util::round_2_int(pmt_time) < fLowDomainLimit) || (util::round_2_int(pmt_time) >= fHighDomainLimit)) { static bool first = true; if (first) { warn << BRED << "ModeCut::GetModeTime : WARNING::Found a PMT time outside the expected window. This should be investigated." << CLR << newline; first = false; } continue; // bypass. Don't count to calculate the mode } // Apply an offset the size of the lower domain limit size_t bin = util::round_2_int(pmt_time) - fLowDomainLimit; timeHist.at(bin)++; sumTimes++; } // Now find the mode vector::iterator max_e = std::max_element(timeHist.begin(), timeHist.end()); // If there is no mode (it is populated by only one entry), then use the median instead if( *max_e==1 ) { unsigned int numTimes = 0; for( vector::iterator iTime = timeHist.begin(); iTime != timeHist.end(); ++iTime ) { numTimes += *iTime; if( 1.*numTimes >= sumTimes/2. ) { max_e = iTime; break; } } } return std::distance( timeHist.begin(), max_e ) + static_cast(fLowDomainLimit); }