// VertexGen_PhotonBomb.cc
// Contact person:Phil Jones
// See VertexGen_PhotonBomb.hh for more details
using namespace CLHEP;
namespace RAT {
VertexGen_PhotonBomb::VertexGen_PhotonBomb(const char *arg_dbname)
: GLG4VertexGen(arg_dbname)
fOpticalPhoton = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("opticalphoton");
SetState("1 400"); // one photon per event, 400 nm
void VertexGen_PhotonBomb::
GeneratePrimaryVertex(G4Event *event,
G4ThreeVector &dx,
G4double dt)
const double photonThinning = RAT::PhotonThinning::GetFactor();
if( photonThinning > 1.0 )
warn << "VertexGen_PhotonBomb::GeneratePrimaryVertex: - You are using photon thinning with factor " << photonThinning
<< "\n Are you sure you want to do this for an Optical Simulation (could result in loss of accuracy if low number of photons) \n";
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast( static_cast( fNumPhotons ) / photonThinning ); i++) {
// Pick direction isotropically
G4ThreeVector mom;
double theta = acos(2.0 * G4UniformRand() - 1.0);
double phi = G4UniformRand() * twopi;
mom.setRThetaPhi(fEnergy, theta, phi); // Momentum == energy units in GEANT4
G4PrimaryVertex* vertex= new G4PrimaryVertex(dx, dt);
G4PrimaryParticle* photon = new G4PrimaryParticle(fOpticalPhoton,
// Generate random polarization
phi = (G4UniformRand()*2.0-1.0)*pi;
G4ThreeVector e1 = mom.orthogonal().unit();
G4ThreeVector e2 = mom.unit().cross(e1);
G4ThreeVector pol = e1*cos(phi)+e2*sin(phi);
photon->SetPolarization(pol.x(), pol.y(), pol.z());
photon->SetMass(0.0); // Seems odd, but used in GLG4VertexGen_Gun
} // loop over photons
void VertexGen_PhotonBomb::SetState(G4String newValues)
if (newValues.length() == 0) {
// print help and current state
G4cout << "Current state of this VertexGen_PhotonBomb:\n"
<< " \"" << GetState() << "\"\n" << G4endl;
G4cout << "Format of argument to VertexGen_PhotonBomb::SetState: \n"
" \"num_photons wavelength_nm\"\n" << G4endl;
std::istringstream is(newValues.c_str());
int num, wavelength;
is >> num >> wavelength;
if (is.fail())
Log::Die("VertexGen_PhotonBomb: Incorrect vertex setting " + newValues);
fNumPhotons = num;
fEnergy = hbarc * twopi / (wavelength * nm);
G4String VertexGen_PhotonBomb::GetState()
return dformat("%d\t%f", fNumPhotons, fEnergy);
} // namespace RAT