# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Christopher Lenz # All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. """Python client API for CouchDB. >>> server = Server('http://localhost:5984/') >>> db = server.create('python-tests') >>> doc_id, doc_rev = db.save({'type': 'Person', 'name': 'John Doe'}) >>> doc = db[doc_id] >>> doc['type'] 'Person' >>> doc['name'] 'John Doe' >>> del db[doc.id] >>> doc.id in db False >>> del server['python-tests'] """ import mimetypes import os from types import FunctionType from inspect import getsource from textwrap import dedent import re import warnings from couchdb import http, json __all__ = ['Server', 'Database', 'Document', 'ViewResults', 'Row'] __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:5984/' class Server(object): """Representation of a CouchDB server. >>> server = Server('http://localhost:5984/') This class behaves like a dictionary of databases. For example, to get a list of database names on the server, you can simply iterate over the server object. New databases can be created using the `create` method: >>> db = server.create('python-tests') >>> db <Database 'python-tests'> You can access existing databases using item access, specifying the database name as the key: >>> db = server['python-tests'] >>> db.name 'python-tests' Databases can be deleted using a ``del`` statement: >>> del server['python-tests'] """ def __init__(self, url=DEFAULT_BASE_URL, full_commit=True, session=None): """Initialize the server object. :param url: the URI of the server (for example ``http://localhost:5984/``) :param full_commit: turn on the X-Couch-Full-Commit header :param session: an http.Session instance or None for a default session """ if isinstance(url, basestring): self.resource = http.Resource(url, session or http.Session()) else: self.resource = url # treat as a Resource object if not full_commit: self.resource.headers['X-Couch-Full-Commit'] = 'false' def __contains__(self, name): """Return whether the server contains a database with the specified name. :param name: the database name :return: `True` if a database with the name exists, `False` otherwise """ try: self.resource.head(validate_dbname(name)) return True except http.ResourceNotFound: return False def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the names of all databases.""" status, headers, data = self.resource.get_json('_all_dbs') return iter(data) def __len__(self): """Return the number of databases.""" status, headers, data = self.resource.get_json('_all_dbs') return len(data) def __nonzero__(self): """Return whether the server is available.""" try: self.resource.head() return True except: return False def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.resource.url) def __delitem__(self, name): """Remove the database with the specified name. :param name: the name of the database :raise ResourceNotFound: if no database with that name exists """ self.resource.delete_json(validate_dbname(name)) def __getitem__(self, name): """Return a `Database` object representing the database with the specified name. :param name: the name of the database :return: a `Database` object representing the database :rtype: `Database` :raise ResourceNotFound: if no database with that name exists """ db = Database(self.resource(name), validate_dbname(name)) db.resource.head() # actually make a request to the database return db def config(self): """The configuration of the CouchDB server. The configuration is represented as a nested dictionary of sections and options from the configuration files of the server, or the default values for options that are not explicitly configured. :rtype: `dict` """ status, headers, data = self.resource.get_json('_config') return data def version(self): """The version string of the CouchDB server. Note that this results in a request being made, and can also be used to check for the availability of the server. :rtype: `unicode`""" status, headers, data = self.resource.get_json() return data['version'] def stats(self): """Database statistics.""" status, headers, data = self.resource.get_json('_stats') return data def tasks(self): """A list of tasks currently active on the server.""" status, headers, data = self.resource.get_json('_active_tasks') return data def create(self, name): """Create a new database with the given name. :param name: the name of the database :return: a `Database` object representing the created database :rtype: `Database` :raise PreconditionFailed: if a database with that name already exists """ self.resource.put_json(validate_dbname(name)) return self[name] def delete(self, name): """Delete the database with the specified name. :param name: the name of the database :raise ResourceNotFound: if a database with that name does not exist :since: 0.6 """ del self[name] def replicate(self, source, target, **options): """Replicate changes from the source database to the target database. :param source: URL of the source database :param target: URL of the target database :param options: optional replication args, e.g. continuous=True """ data = {'source': source, 'target': target} data.update(options) status, headers, data = self.resource.post_json('_replicate', data) return data class Database(object): """Representation of a database on a CouchDB server. >>> server = Server('http://localhost:5984/') >>> db = server.create('python-tests') New documents can be added to the database using the `save()` method: >>> doc_id, doc_rev = db.save({'type': 'Person', 'name': 'John Doe'}) This class provides a dictionary-like interface to databases: documents are retrieved by their ID using item access >>> doc = db[doc_id] >>> doc #doctest: +ELLIPSIS <Document '...'@... {...}> Documents are represented as instances of the `Row` class, which is basically just a normal dictionary with the additional attributes ``id`` and ``rev``: >>> doc.id, doc.rev #doctest: +ELLIPSIS ('...', ...) >>> doc['type'] 'Person' >>> doc['name'] 'John Doe' To update an existing document, you use item access, too: >>> doc['name'] = 'Mary Jane' >>> db[doc.id] = doc The `save()` method creates a document with a random ID generated by CouchDB (which is not recommended). If you want to explicitly specify the ID, you'd use item access just as with updating: >>> db['JohnDoe'] = {'type': 'person', 'name': 'John Doe'} >>> 'JohnDoe' in db True >>> len(db) 2 >>> del server['python-tests'] """ def __init__(self, url, name=None, session=None): if isinstance(url, basestring): if not url.startswith('http'): url = DEFAULT_BASE_URL + url self.resource = http.Resource(url, session) else: self.resource = url self._name = name def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.name) def __contains__(self, id): """Return whether the database contains a document with the specified ID. :param id: the document ID :return: `True` if a document with the ID exists, `False` otherwise """ try: self.resource.head(id) return True except http.ResourceNotFound: return False def __iter__(self): """Return the IDs of all documents in the database.""" return iter([item.id for item in self.view('_all_docs')]) def __len__(self): """Return the number of documents in the database.""" _, _, data = self.resource.get_json() return data['doc_count'] def __nonzero__(self): """Return whether the database is available.""" try: self.resource.head() return True except: return False def __delitem__(self, id): """Remove the document with the specified ID from the database. :param id: the document ID """ status, headers, data = self.resource.head(id) self.resource.delete_json(id, rev=headers['etag'].strip('"')) def __getitem__(self, id): """Return the document with the specified ID. :param id: the document ID :return: a `Row` object representing the requested document :rtype: `Document` """ _, _, data = self.resource.get_json(id) return Document(data) def __setitem__(self, id, content): """Create or update a document with the specified ID. :param id: the document ID :param content: the document content; either a plain dictionary for new documents, or a `Row` object for existing documents """ status, headers, data = self.resource.put_json(id, body=content) content.update({'_id': data['id'], '_rev': data['rev']}) @property def name(self): """The name of the database. Note that this may require a request to the server unless the name has already been cached by the `info()` method. :rtype: basestring """ if self._name is None: self.info() return self._name def create(self, data): """Create a new document in the database with a random ID that is generated by the server. Note that it is generally better to avoid the `create()` method and instead generate document IDs on the client side. This is due to the fact that the underlying HTTP ``POST`` method is not idempotent, and an automatic retry due to a problem somewhere on the networking stack may cause multiple documents being created in the database. To avoid such problems you can generate a UUID on the client side. Python (since version 2.5) comes with a ``uuid`` module that can be used for this:: from uuid import uuid4 doc_id = uuid4().hex db[doc_id] = {'type': 'person', 'name': 'John Doe'} :param data: the data to store in the document :return: the ID of the created document :rtype: `unicode` """ warnings.warn('Database.create is deprecated, please use Database.save instead [2010-04-13]', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) _, _, data = self.resource.post_json(body=data) return data['id'] def save(self, doc, **options): """Create a new document or update an existing document. If doc has no _id then the server will allocate a random ID and a new document will be created. Otherwise the doc's _id will be used to identity the document to create or update. Trying to update an existing document with an incorrect _rev will raise a ResourceConflict exception. Note that it is generally better to avoid saving documents with no _id and instead generate document IDs on the client side. This is due to the fact that the underlying HTTP ``POST`` method is not idempotent, and an automatic retry due to a problem somewhere on the networking stack may cause multiple documents being created in the database. To avoid such problems you can generate a UUID on the client side. Python (since version 2.5) comes with a ``uuid`` module that can be used for this:: from uuid import uuid4 doc = {'_id': uuid4().hex, 'type': 'person', 'name': 'John Doe'} db.save(doc) :param doc: the document to store :param options: optional args, e.g. batch='ok' :return: (id, rev) tuple of the save document :rtype: `tuple` """ _, _, data = self.resource.post_json(body=doc, **options) id, rev = data['id'], data.get('rev') doc['_id'] = id if rev is not None: # Not present for batch='ok' doc['_rev'] = rev return id, rev def commit(self): """If the server is configured to delay commits, or previous requests used the special ``X-Couch-Full-Commit: false`` header to disable immediate commits, this method can be used to ensure that any non-committed changes are committed to physical storage. """ _, _, data = self.resource.post_json('_ensure_full_commit') return data def compact(self, ddoc=None): """Compact the database or a design document's index. Without an argument, this will try to prune all old revisions from the database. With an argument, it will compact the index cache for all views in the design document specified. :return: a boolean to indicate whether the compaction was initiated successfully :rtype: `bool` """ if ddoc: _, _, data = self.resource('_compact').post_json(ddoc) else: _, _, data = self.resource.post_json('_compact') return data['ok'] def copy(self, src, dest): """Copy the given document to create a new document. :param src: the ID of the document to copy, or a dictionary or `Document` object representing the source document. :param dest: either the destination document ID as string, or a dictionary or `Document` instance of the document that should be overwritten. :return: the new revision of the destination document :rtype: `str` :since: 0.6 """ if not isinstance(src, basestring): if not isinstance(src, dict): if hasattr(src, 'items'): src = dict(src.items()) else: raise TypeError('expected dict or string, got %s' % type(src)) src = src['_id'] if not isinstance(dest, basestring): if not isinstance(dest, dict): if hasattr(dest, 'items'): dest = dict(dest.items()) else: raise TypeError('expected dict or string, got %s' % type(dest)) if '_rev' in dest: dest = '%s?%s' % (http.quote(dest['_id']), http.urlencode({'rev': dest['_rev']})) else: dest = http.quote(dest['_id']) _, _, data = self.resource._request('COPY', src, headers={'Destination': dest}) data = json.decode(data.read()) return data['rev'] def delete(self, doc): """Delete the given document from the database. Use this method in preference over ``__del__`` to ensure you're deleting the revision that you had previously retrieved. In the case the document has been updated since it was retrieved, this method will raise a `ResourceConflict` exception. >>> server = Server('http://localhost:5984/') >>> db = server.create('python-tests') >>> doc = dict(type='Person', name='John Doe') >>> db['johndoe'] = doc >>> doc2 = db['johndoe'] >>> doc2['age'] = 42 >>> db['johndoe'] = doc2 >>> db.delete(doc) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ResourceConflict: ('conflict', 'Document update conflict.') >>> del server['python-tests'] :param doc: a dictionary or `Document` object holding the document data :raise ResourceConflict: if the document was updated in the database :since: 0.4.1 """ if doc['_id'] is None: raise ValueError('document ID cannot be None') self.resource.delete_json(doc['_id'], rev=doc['_rev']) def get(self, id, default=None, **options): """Return the document with the specified ID. :param id: the document ID :param default: the default value to return when the document is not found :return: a `Row` object representing the requested document, or `None` if no document with the ID was found :rtype: `Document` """ try: _, _, data = self.resource.get_json(id, **options) except http.ResourceNotFound: return default if hasattr(data, 'items'): return Document(data) else: return data def revisions(self, id, **options): """Return all available revisions of the given document. :param id: the document ID :return: an iterator over Document objects, each a different revision, in reverse chronological order, if any were found """ try: status, headers, data = self.resource.get_json(id, revs=True) except http.ResourceNotFound: return startrev = data['_revisions']['start'] for index, rev in enumerate(data['_revisions']['ids']): options['rev'] = '%d-%s' % (startrev - index, rev) revision = self.get(id, **options) if revision is None: return yield revision def info(self): """Return information about the database as a dictionary. The returned dictionary exactly corresponds to the JSON response to a ``GET`` request on the database URI. :return: a dictionary of database properties :rtype: ``dict`` :since: 0.4 """ _, _, data = self.resource.get_json() self._name = data['db_name'] return data def delete_attachment(self, doc, filename): """Delete the specified attachment. Note that the provided `doc` is required to have a ``_rev`` field. Thus, if the `doc` is based on a view row, the view row would need to include the ``_rev`` field. :param doc: the dictionary or `Document` object representing the document that the attachment belongs to :param filename: the name of the attachment file :since: 0.4.1 """ resource = self.resource(doc['_id']) _, _, data = resource.delete_json(filename, rev=doc['_rev']) doc['_rev'] = data['rev'] def get_attachment(self, id_or_doc, filename, default=None): """Return an attachment from the specified doc id and filename. :param id_or_doc: either a document ID or a dictionary or `Document` object representing the document that the attachment belongs to :param filename: the name of the attachment file :param default: default value to return when the document or attachment is not found :return: the content of the attachment as a string, or the value of the `default` argument if the attachment is not found :since: 0.4.1 """ if isinstance(id_or_doc, basestring): id = id_or_doc else: id = id_or_doc['_id'] try: _, _, data = self.resource(id).get(filename) return data except http.ResourceNotFound: return default def put_attachment(self, doc, content, filename=None, content_type=None): """Create or replace an attachment. Note that the provided `doc` is required to have a ``_rev`` field. Thus, if the `doc` is based on a view row, the view row would need to include the ``_rev`` field. :param doc: the dictionary or `Document` object representing the document that the attachment should be added to :param content: the content to upload, either a file-like object or a string :param filename: the name of the attachment file; if omitted, this function tries to get the filename from the file-like object passed as the `content` argument value :param content_type: content type of the attachment; if omitted, the MIME type is guessed based on the file name extension :since: 0.4.1 """ if filename is None: if hasattr(content, 'name'): filename = os.path.basename(content.name) else: raise ValueError('no filename specified for attachment') if content_type is None: content_type = ';'.join( filter(None, mimetypes.guess_type(filename)) ) resource = self.resource(doc['_id']) status, headers, data = resource.put_json(filename, body=content, headers={ 'Content-Type': content_type }, rev=doc['_rev']) doc['_rev'] = data['rev'] def query(self, map_fun, reduce_fun=None, language='javascript', wrapper=None, **options): """Execute an ad-hoc query (a "temp view") against the database. >>> server = Server('http://localhost:5984/') >>> db = server.create('python-tests') >>> db['johndoe'] = dict(type='Person', name='John Doe') >>> db['maryjane'] = dict(type='Person', name='Mary Jane') >>> db['gotham'] = dict(type='City', name='Gotham City') >>> map_fun = '''function(doc) { ... if (doc.type == 'Person') ... emit(doc.name, null); ... }''' >>> for row in db.query(map_fun): ... print row.key John Doe Mary Jane >>> for row in db.query(map_fun, descending=True): ... print row.key Mary Jane John Doe >>> for row in db.query(map_fun, key='John Doe'): ... print row.key John Doe >>> del server['python-tests'] :param map_fun: the code of the map function :param reduce_fun: the code of the reduce function (optional) :param language: the language of the functions, to determine which view server to use :param wrapper: an optional callable that should be used to wrap the result rows :param options: optional query string parameters :return: the view results :rtype: `ViewResults` """ return TemporaryView(self.resource('_temp_view'), map_fun, reduce_fun, language=language, wrapper=wrapper)(**options) def update(self, documents, **options): """Perform a bulk update or insertion of the given documents using a single HTTP request. >>> server = Server('http://localhost:5984/') >>> db = server.create('python-tests') >>> for doc in db.update([ ... Document(type='Person', name='John Doe'), ... Document(type='Person', name='Mary Jane'), ... Document(type='City', name='Gotham City') ... ]): ... print repr(doc) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS (True, '...', '...') (True, '...', '...') (True, '...', '...') >>> del server['python-tests'] The return value of this method is a list containing a tuple for every element in the `documents` sequence. Each tuple is of the form ``(success, docid, rev_or_exc)``, where ``success`` is a boolean indicating whether the update succeeded, ``docid`` is the ID of the document, and ``rev_or_exc`` is either the new document revision, or an exception instance (e.g. `ResourceConflict`) if the update failed. If an object in the documents list is not a dictionary, this method looks for an ``items()`` method that can be used to convert the object to a dictionary. Effectively this means you can also use this method with `mapping.Document` objects. :param documents: a sequence of dictionaries or `Document` objects, or objects providing a ``items()`` method that can be used to convert them to a dictionary :return: an iterable over the resulting documents :rtype: ``list`` :since: version 0.2 """ docs = [] for doc in documents: if isinstance(doc, dict): docs.append(doc) elif hasattr(doc, 'items'): docs.append(dict(doc.items())) else: raise TypeError('expected dict, got %s' % type(doc)) content = options content.update(docs=docs) _, _, data = self.resource.post_json('_bulk_docs', body=content) results = [] for idx, result in enumerate(data): if 'error' in result: if result['error'] == 'conflict': exc_type = http.ResourceConflict else: # XXX: Any other error types mappable to exceptions here? exc_type = http.ServerError results.append((False, result['id'], exc_type(result['reason']))) else: doc = documents[idx] if isinstance(doc, dict): # XXX: Is this a good idea?? doc.update({'_id': result['id'], '_rev': result['rev']}) results.append((True, result['id'], result['rev'])) return results def view(self, name, wrapper=None, **options): """Execute a predefined view. >>> server = Server('http://localhost:5984/') >>> db = server.create('python-tests') >>> db['gotham'] = dict(type='City', name='Gotham City') >>> for row in db.view('_all_docs'): ... print row.id gotham >>> del server['python-tests'] :param name: the name of the view; for custom views, use the format ``design_docid/viewname``, that is, the document ID of the design document and the name of the view, separated by a slash :param wrapper: an optional callable that should be used to wrap the result rows :param options: optional query string parameters :return: the view results :rtype: `ViewResults` """ if not name.startswith('_'): design, name = name.split('/', 1) name = '/'.join(['_design', design, '_view', name]) return PermanentView(self.resource(*name.split('/')), name, wrapper=wrapper)(**options) def _changes(self, **opts): _, _, data = self.resource.get('_changes', **opts) lines = iter(data) for ln in lines: if not ln: # skip heartbeats continue doc = json.decode(ln) if 'last_seq' in doc: # consume the rest of the response if this for ln in lines: # was the last line, allows conn reuse pass yield doc def changes(self, **opts): """Retrieve a changes feed from the database. Takes since, feed, heartbeat and timeout options. """ if opts.get('feed') == 'continuous': return self._changes(**opts) _, _, data = self.resource.get_json('_changes', **opts) return data class Document(dict): """Representation of a document in the database. This is basically just a dictionary with the two additional properties `id` and `rev`, which contain the document ID and revision, respectively. """ def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r@%r %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.id, self.rev, dict([(k,v) for k,v in self.items() if k not in ('_id', '_rev')])) @property def id(self): """The document ID. :rtype: basestring """ return self['_id'] @property def rev(self): """The document revision. :rtype: basestring """ return self['_rev'] class View(object): """Abstract representation of a view or query.""" def __init__(self, url, wrapper=None, session=None): if isinstance(url, basestring): self.resource = http.Resource(url, session) else: self.resource = url self.wrapper = wrapper def __call__(self, **options): return ViewResults(self, options) def __iter__(self): return iter(self()) def _encode_options(self, options): retval = {} for name, value in options.items(): if name in ('key', 'startkey', 'endkey') \ or not isinstance(value, basestring): value = json.encode(value) retval[name] = value return retval def _exec(self, options): raise NotImplementedError class PermanentView(View): """Representation of a permanent view on the server.""" def __init__(self, uri, name, wrapper=None, session=None): View.__init__(self, uri, wrapper=wrapper, session=session) self.name = name def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.name) def _exec(self, options): if 'keys' in options: options = options.copy() keys = {'keys': options.pop('keys')} _, _, data = self.resource.post_json(body=keys, **self._encode_options(options)) else: _, _, data = self.resource.get_json(**self._encode_options(options)) return data class TemporaryView(View): """Representation of a temporary view.""" def __init__(self, uri, map_fun, reduce_fun=None, language='javascript', wrapper=None, session=None): View.__init__(self, uri, wrapper=wrapper, session=session) if isinstance(map_fun, FunctionType): map_fun = getsource(map_fun).rstrip('\n\r') self.map_fun = dedent(map_fun.lstrip('\n\r')) if isinstance(reduce_fun, FunctionType): reduce_fun = getsource(reduce_fun).rstrip('\n\r') if reduce_fun: reduce_fun = dedent(reduce_fun.lstrip('\n\r')) self.reduce_fun = reduce_fun self.language = language def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.map_fun, self.reduce_fun) def _exec(self, options): body = {'map': self.map_fun, 'language': self.language} if self.reduce_fun: body['reduce'] = self.reduce_fun if 'keys' in options: options = options.copy() body['keys'] = options.pop('keys') content = json.encode(body).encode('utf-8') _, _, data = self.resource.post_json(body=content, headers={ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, **self._encode_options(options)) return data class ViewResults(object): """Representation of a parameterized view (either permanent or temporary) and the results it produces. This class allows the specification of ``key``, ``startkey``, and ``endkey`` options using Python slice notation. >>> server = Server('http://localhost:5984/') >>> db = server.create('python-tests') >>> db['johndoe'] = dict(type='Person', name='John Doe') >>> db['maryjane'] = dict(type='Person', name='Mary Jane') >>> db['gotham'] = dict(type='City', name='Gotham City') >>> map_fun = '''function(doc) { ... emit([doc.type, doc.name], doc.name); ... }''' >>> results = db.query(map_fun) At this point, the view has not actually been accessed yet. It is accessed as soon as it is iterated over, its length is requested, or one of its `rows`, `total_rows`, or `offset` properties are accessed: >>> len(results) 3 You can use slices to apply ``startkey`` and/or ``endkey`` options to the view: >>> people = results[['Person']:['Person','ZZZZ']] >>> for person in people: ... print person.value John Doe Mary Jane >>> people.total_rows, people.offset (3, 1) Use plain indexed notation (without a slice) to apply the ``key`` option. Note that as CouchDB makes no claim that keys are unique in a view, this can still return multiple rows: >>> list(results[['City', 'Gotham City']]) [<Row id='gotham', key=['City', 'Gotham City'], value='Gotham City'>] >>> del server['python-tests'] """ def __init__(self, view, options): self.view = view self.options = options self._rows = self._total_rows = self._offset = None def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.view, self.options) def __getitem__(self, key): options = self.options.copy() if type(key) is slice: if key.start is not None: options['startkey'] = key.start if key.stop is not None: options['endkey'] = key.stop return ViewResults(self.view, options) else: options['key'] = key return ViewResults(self.view, options) def __iter__(self): wrapper = self.view.wrapper for row in self.rows: if wrapper is not None: yield wrapper(row) else: yield row def __len__(self): return len(self.rows) def _fetch(self): data = self.view._exec(self.options) self._rows = [Row(row) for row in data['rows']] self._total_rows = data.get('total_rows') self._offset = data.get('offset', 0) @property def rows(self): """The list of rows returned by the view. :rtype: `list` """ if self._rows is None: self._fetch() return self._rows @property def total_rows(self): """The total number of rows in this view. This value is `None` for reduce views. :rtype: `int` or ``NoneType`` for reduce views """ if self._rows is None: self._fetch() return self._total_rows @property def offset(self): """The offset of the results from the first row in the view. This value is 0 for reduce views. :rtype: `int` """ if self._rows is None: self._fetch() return self._offset class Row(dict): """Representation of a row as returned by database views.""" def __repr__(self): if self.id is None: return '<%s key=%r, value=%r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.key, self.value) return '<%s id=%r, key=%r, value=%r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.id, self.key, self.value) @property def id(self): """The associated Document ID if it exists. Returns `None` when it doesn't (reduce results). """ return self.get('id') @property def key(self): """The associated key.""" return self['key'] @property def value(self): """The associated value.""" return self['value'] @property def doc(self): """The associated document for the row. This is only present when the view was accessed with ``include_docs=True`` as a query parameter, otherwise this property will be `None`. """ doc = self.get('doc') if doc: return Document(doc) VALID_DB_NAME = re.compile(r'^[a-z][a-z0-9_$()+-/]*$') def validate_dbname(name): if not VALID_DB_NAME.match(name): raise ValueError('Invalid database name') return name