// BetaFunction.cc // Contact person: Logan Sibley <lsibley@ualberta.ca> // See BetaFunction.hh for more details //———————————————————————// #include <RAT/BetaFunction.hh> #include <RAT/FermiFunction.hh> #include <RAT/Log.hh> #include <TMath.h> #include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h> #include <Randomize.hh> using namespace CLHEP; namespace RAT { //Static variables TDirectory *BetaFunction::fDirectory; BetaFunction::BetaFunction() { Reset(); } BetaFunction::BetaFunction(const std::string Name) { Reset(); SetTargetName(Name); } BetaFunction::BetaFunction(const std::string Name, double A, double Z, int reac, double tau) { Reset(); SetTarget(Name, A, Z, reac, tau); } BetaFunction::~BetaFunction() { Reset(); } void BetaFunction::Reset() { SetTargetName("\0"); SetTargetCharge(0.); SetTargetMass(0.); SetTargetDecayType(DecayBeta); // beta decay by default SetNeutrinoMass(0.); SetTargetLifeTime(0.); SetIsVerbose(false); SetIsCulmulative(true); fNumberOfBranches = 0; if(fDirectory == NULL) fDirectory = new TDirectory("fDir","BetaHistos"); fDirectory->cd(); // See if the $RATDecayDataDir environment variable exists. char* path = getenv("RATDecayDataDir"); std::string dirName; if ( path == 0 ) { // Environment variable not found... so just use a name // relative to the current directory. dirName = "./data"; } else { dirName = std::string(path); } std::string fileName = dirName + "/beta_decays.dat"; SetInputFileName(fileName); } void BetaFunction::Show() { printf("Target Name : %s \n", GetTargetName().c_str()); printf("Target Mass : %f \n", GetTargetMass()); printf("Target Charge : %f \n", GetTargetCharge()); printf("Decay Type : %d \n", GetTargetDecayType()); printf("Target Lifetime : %f \n", GetTargetLifeTime()); printf("Neutrino Mass : %f \n", GetNeutrinoMass()); printf("Number of Branches: %d \n", GetNuberOfBranches()); printf("Branch Prob. \t Spin \t Endpoint \t NGammas \t Energies \n"); int nBr = GetNuberOfBranches(); if (nBr > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nBr; i++) { printf("%f \t", GetBranch(i)); printf("%d \t", GetSpin(i)); printf("%f \t", GetEndPoint(i)); int nP = GetNParticles(i) - 1; printf("%d \t", nP); if (nP > 0) { for (int j = 1; j <= nP; j++) { int id = GetParticleID(i, j); if (id == DecayGamma) { printf("%f \t", GetEnergy(i, j)); } } printf(" \n"); } else { printf(" \n"); } } printf(" \n"); } } void BetaFunction::SetTarget(const std::string Name, double Z, double A, int reaction, double tau) { SetTargetName(Name); SetTargetMass(A); SetTargetCharge(Z); SetTargetDecayType(reaction); SetNeutrinoMass(0.); SetTargetLifeTime(tau); } void BetaFunction::SetBranches(double Branch, int Spin, double EndPoint, float Corr[]) { int iZ = static_cast<int>(GetTargetCharge()); if (iZ == 0) { printf("No charge has been set. \n"); return; } int nBr = GetNuberOfBranches(); fParticleBranch[nBr] = Branch; fParticleSpin[nBr] = Spin; fParticleEndPoint[nBr] = EndPoint; fParticleEnergy[nBr][0] = EndPoint; fNumberOfParticles[nBr] = 1; if (GetTargetDecayType() == DecayAlpha) { fParticleID[nBr][0] = DecayAlpha; } else if (GetTargetDecayType() == DecayGamma) { fParticleID[nBr][0] = DecayGamma;//For gamma decay (including electron fNumberOfParticles[nBr] = 0; //capture), a beta spectrum is not fNumberOfBranches++; //needed, so skip it! (Trying with a return; //zero endpoint breaks the code) } else { if (iZ > 0){ // Beta decay fParticleID[nBr][0] = DecayBeta; SetTargetDecayType(DecayBeta); } else if (iZ < 0) { // Positron emission fParticleID[nBr][0] = DecayEC; SetTargetDecayType(DecayEC); } } SetNorm(nBr, Corr); fNumberOfBranches++; } void BetaFunction::RemoveBranch(int iBranch) { fParticleBranch.erase(iBranch); fParticleSpin.erase(iBranch); fParticleEndPoint.erase(iBranch); fParticleID.erase(iBranch); fParticleEnergy.erase(iBranch); fNumberOfParticles.erase(iBranch); // fDecayNorm.erase(iBranch); fNumberOfBranches--; } void BetaFunction::SetGammas(int iBranch, int pid, double energy) { int iParticle = GetNParticles(iBranch); fParticleID[iBranch][iParticle] = pid; fParticleEnergy[iBranch][iParticle] = energy; fNumberOfParticles[iBranch]++; } void BetaFunction::SetGammas(double energy) { int iBranch = GetNuberOfBranches() - 1; int iParticle = GetNParticles(iBranch); fParticleID[iBranch][iParticle] = DecayGamma; fParticleEnergy[iBranch][iParticle] = energy; fNumberOfParticles[iBranch]++; } void BetaFunction::SetParticleID(int iBranch, int n, int id) { if ((iBranch > fNumberOfBranches) || (iBranch < 0)) { ErrorLog(2); return; } fParticleID[iBranch][n] = id; } void BetaFunction::SetTargetMass(double A) { fTargetMass = 0.; double Z = GetTargetCharge(); if ((A < 1) && (Z > 0)) { fTargetMass = 1.82 + 1.90 * Z + 0.01271 * pow(Z, 2) - 0.00006 * pow(Z, 3); } else { fTargetMass = A; } } void BetaFunction::SetNorm(int iBranch, float Corr[]) { std::string s; // If an isotope both beta decays and emits a positron if (GetTargetDecayType() == DecayBeta) s = " beta "; else if (GetTargetDecayType() == DecayEC) s = " positron "; std::ostringstream os; os << iBranch; std::string hname = GetTargetName()+s+" Decay Branch "+os.str(); TH1D *hDecaySpect = NULL; double nSample = 1000.; if (GetTargetDecayType() == DecayAlpha) { hname = hname+" alpha"; hDecaySpect = (TH1D*)fDirectory->Get(hname.c_str()); if(!hDecaySpect) { hDecaySpect = new TH1D(hname.c_str(),hname.c_str(),1,0.,1.); hDecaySpect->SetDirectory(fDirectory); hDecaySpect->Fill(0.5,1.); } } else { hDecaySpect = (TH1D*)fDirectory->Get(hname.c_str()); if(!hDecaySpect) { double eMin = ElectronMass; double eMax = eMin + GetEndPoint(iBranch); double dE = (eMax - eMin) / nSample; hDecaySpect = new TH1D(hname.c_str(),hname.c_str(), static_cast<int>(nSample)+1,eMin,eMax); hDecaySpect->SetDirectory(fDirectory); for (double energy = eMax-dE; energy >= eMin; energy = energy - dE){ if (energy < eMin + dE) energy = eMin; double F = GetValue(energy, iBranch, Corr); // When the energy becomes low, F becomes zero, so set those bins equal to the // last non-zero bin (thus why the histogram is cycled from emax to emin). if (F <= 0.) F = hDecaySpect->GetBinContent(static_cast<int>(nSample)+1); hDecaySpect->Fill(energy,F); nSample = nSample-1.; } } } } //The old way of setting the norm /* void BetaFunction::SetNorm(int iBranch) { double Norm = 0.; if (GetTargetDecayType() == DecayAlpha) { Norm = 1.; } else { double eMin = ElectronMass; double eMax = eMin + GetEndpoint(iBranch); double dE = (eMax - eMin) / 1000.; for (double energy = eMin; energy < eMax; energy = energy + dE) { double F = GetValue(energy, iBranch); if (F > Norm) Norm = F; } } if (Norm <= 0.) Norm = 1.; fDecayNorm = Norm * 1.11; }*/ int BetaFunction::GetNParticles(int iBranch) { if ((iBranch > fNumberOfBranches) || (iBranch < 0)) { ErrorLog(1); return iBAD; } return fNumberOfParticles[iBranch]; } int BetaFunction::GetParticleID(int iBranch, int n) { int id; if ((iBranch > fNumberOfBranches) || (iBranch < 0)) { ErrorLog(2); return iBAD; } if (n > fNumberOfParticles[iBranch]) { id = NullParticle; } else { id = fParticleID[iBranch][n]; } return id; } int BetaFunction::GetSpin(int iBranch) { if ((iBranch > fNumberOfBranches) || (iBranch < 0)) { ErrorLog(0); return iBAD; } return fParticleSpin[iBranch]; } double BetaFunction::GetBranch(int iBranch) { if ((iBranch > fNumberOfBranches) || (iBranch < 0)) { ErrorLog(0); return iBAD; } return fParticleBranch[iBranch]; } double BetaFunction::GetEndPoint(int iBranch) { if ((iBranch > fNumberOfBranches) || (iBranch < 0)) { ErrorLog(0); return iBAD; } return fParticleEndPoint[iBranch]; } double BetaFunction::GetEnergy(int iBranch, int n) { double energy = 0.; if ((iBranch > fNumberOfBranches) || (iBranch < 0)) { ErrorLog(2); return iBAD; } if (n > fNumberOfParticles[iBranch]) { return energy; } else { energy = fParticleEnergy[iBranch][n]; } return energy; } double BetaFunction::GetValue(double energy, int iBranch, float Corr[]) { double Value = 0.; int iBeta = GetParticleID(iBranch, 0); if ((iBeta != DecayEC) && (iBeta != DecayBeta)) return Value; int iSpin = GetSpin(iBranch); double Z = GetTargetCharge(); double A = GetTargetMass(); double nu = GetNeutrinoMass(); double ePoint = GetEndPoint(iBranch); double W0 = 1. + ePoint / ElectronMass; double W = energy / ElectronMass; bool scr = GetScreening(); Value = Nucl_Beta(iBeta, Z, A, W, W0, iSpin, nu, Corr, scr); return Value; } void BetaFunction::GenerateEvent() { for (int i = 0; i < PartMax; i++) { fEn[i] = 0.; fIDn[i] = 0; } int iBr = GetNuberOfBranches(); int itag = 0; double prob = 0.; double r = GetRandomNumber(); for (int i = 0; i < iBr; i++) { if (fIsCulmulative) { prob = GetBranch(i); } else { prob = prob + GetBranch(i); } if (r < prob) { itag = i; break; } } int nP = GetNParticles(itag); for (int n = 0; n < nP; n++) { int id = GetParticleID(itag, n); if ((id == DecayBeta) || (id == DecayEC)) { // Get a beta energy! std::string s; if (id == DecayBeta) s = " beta "; else if (id == DecayEC) s = " positron "; std::ostringstream os; os << itag; std::string hname = GetTargetName()+s+" Decay Branch "+os.str(); TH1D *hDecaySpect = (TH1D*)fDirectory->Get(hname.c_str()); // If the branch is not set for some reason, set it and re-generate the event. // This should never happen... but just in case. if(!hDecaySpect){ warn << "Branch was not previously set! Something may be wrong.\n"; float corr[3] = {0., 0., 0.}; SetNorm(itag, corr); GenerateEvent(); } else { // double energy = hDecaySpect->GetRandom(); /* ROOT's GetRandom() function is independent of RAT's global random generator. It is replaced by a function GetRandomEnergy(), which is based on ROOT's function with needed modifications and uses the G4UniformRand random generator instead of TRandom. */ double energy = GetRandomEnergy(hDecaySpect); // The old method of sampling the Fermi Function, if you wish to use it // bool ithrow = true; // while(ithrow) { // double R = GetNorm(itag) * GetRandomNumber(); // double energy = ElectronMass + GetEndPoint(itag) *GetRandomNumber(); // double F = GetValue(energy, itag); // W = energy / ElectronMass; // if (R < F) // ithrow = false; // } fIDn[n] = id; fEn[n] = energy - ElectronMass; // Because the hist is total energy } } else { if ((id == DecayGamma) && (GetEnergy(itag,n) < 0.)) { fIDn[n] = DecayBeta; // Energies of any conversion electrons fEn[n] = fabs(GetEnergy(itag,n)); } else { fIDn[n] = id; // Get energies for alpha decay or gamma decay fEn[n] = GetEnergy(itag,n); } } } SetEventTime(); fNGenerated = nP; } Double_t BetaFunction::GetRandomEnergy(TH1D* h) { // This function is created to replace the h1->GetRandom() function of ROOT // The reason is to use the same random generator as the rest of the RAT simulation. Int_t nbinsx = h->GetNbinsX(); Double_t integral; Double_t fEntries = h->GetEntries(); Double_t* fIntegral = h->GetIntegral(); if (fIntegral){ if (fIntegral[nbinsx+1] != fEntries) integral = ((TH1*)this)->ComputeIntegral(); } else { integral = ((TH1*)this)->ComputeIntegral(); if (integral == 0 || fIntegral == 0) return 0; } Double_t r1 = G4UniformRand(); Int_t ibin = TMath::BinarySearch(nbinsx,fIntegral,r1); Double_t en = h->GetBinLowEdge(ibin+1); if (r1 > fIntegral[ibin]) en += h->GetBinWidth(ibin+1)*(r1-fIntegral[ibin])/(fIntegral[ibin+1]-fIntegral[ibin]); return en; } void BetaFunction::SetEventTime() { double tau = GetTargetLifeTime(); double r = GetRandomNumber(); fEventTime = -tau * log(r) / log(2.); } int BetaFunction::GetEventID(int n) { if (n > fNGenerated) { ErrorLog(3); return iBAD; } return fIDn[n]; } double BetaFunction::GetEventEnergy(int n) { if (n > fNGenerated) { ErrorLog(3); return iBAD; } return fEn[n]; } double BetaFunction::GetEventTotE() { int nG = GetNGenerated(); double eTot = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < nG; i++) { eTot = eTot + fabs(GetEventEnergy(i)); // fabs ensures we don't subtract } // conversion electron energies return eTot; } double BetaFunction::GetRandomNumber(double rmin, double rmax) { double rnd = G4UniformRand(); // random number from 0 to 1. double value = rmin + (rmax - rmin) * rnd; return value; } bool BetaFunction::ReadInputFile(const std::string dName) { bool iFound = ReadInputFile(dName, -1, false); return iFound; } bool BetaFunction::ReadInputFile(const std::string dName, int iType, bool screen) { bool iFound = ReadInputFile(dName, -1, -1, iType, screen); return iFound; } bool BetaFunction::ReadInputFile(const std::string dName, int iZ, int iA, int iType, bool screen) { const int nReadGamma = 6; std::string eProbe = "END"; std::string aProbe = "ALPHA:"; std::string gProbe = "GAMMA:"; std::string bProbe = "DECAY:"; char dummy[80]; std::string dProbe; char tName[80]; if (iType == DecayAlpha) { // alpha decay dProbe = aProbe; } else if(iType == DecayGamma) { // gamma decay dProbe = gProbe; } else { dProbe = bProbe; // beta decay/positron emission } bool iFound = false; int iSpin, nP; int Z, A; float tau; float iBr, W0, eP[nReadGamma], aC[3]; SetIsCulmulative(true); FILE* inputFile = fopen(GetInputFileName().c_str(), "r"); if (!inputFile) { printf("Error opening file : %s \n", GetInputFileName().c_str()); return iFound; } bool iRead = true; while ((iRead) && (!iFound)) { iRead = (fscanf(inputFile, "%s", dummy) > 0); std::string iString(dummy); if (iString == dProbe) { fscanf(inputFile, "%s", tName); fscanf(inputFile, "%d %d %f", &Z, &A, &tau); std::string iString(tName); iFound = (dName == iString); iFound = ((iFound) || ((iA == A) && (iZ == Z))); if (iFound) { if (fIsVerbose) printf("Reading %s \n \n", tName); SetTargetMass(static_cast<double>(A)); SetTargetCharge(static_cast<double>(Z)); SetTargetLifeTime(static_cast<double>(tau)); SetTargetDecayType(iType); SetScreening(screen); bool iScan = true; while (iScan) { fscanf(inputFile, "%f %d %f %d", &iBr, &iSpin, &W0, &nP); for (int j = 0; j < nReadGamma; j++) { fscanf(inputFile, "%f", &eP[j]); } // Use the shape correction factors when setting branches - Branches must be // set before gammas! fscanf(inputFile, "%f %f %f", &aC[0], &aC[1], &aC[2]); SetBranches(static_cast<double>(iBr),iSpin,static_cast<double>(W0),aC); for (int j = 0; j < nReadGamma; j++) { if (eP[j] != 0.0) SetGammas(static_cast<double>(eP[j])); } if (iBr >= 1.) iScan = false; } // Set the parent A and Z, depending on decay type and daughter A and Z double parentMass = GetTargetMass(); double parentCharge = fabs(GetTargetCharge()) - static_cast<double>(GetTargetDecayType()); if(GetTargetDecayType() == DecayAlpha){ parentMass += 2.*DecayAlpha; parentCharge += 2.*DecayAlpha; } else if((GetTargetDecayType() == DecayGamma) && (GetTargetCharge() < 0)){ parentCharge += 1.; // An electron capture } SetParentMass(parentMass); SetParentCharge(parentCharge); } else if (iString == eProbe) { iRead = false; } else { } } } fclose(inputFile); if (iFound) { if (fIsVerbose) Show(); } else { printf("No such element found: %s .\n", dName.c_str()); } return iFound; } void BetaFunction::ErrorLog(int iFlag) { printf("Error detected: %d \n", iFlag); } } // namespace RAT