// FermiFunction.cc
// Contact person:  Logan Sibley <lsibley@ualberta.ca>
// See FermiFunction.hh for more details

#include <CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h>
using CLHEP::pi; using CLHEP::twopi; using CLHEP::halfpi;

#include <RAT/FermiFunction.hh>

#include <RAT/Log.hh>

#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
#include <complex>
using namespace CLHEP;

namespace RAT {

  double Nucl_Beta(int Beta, double Z, double A, double W,
		   double W0, int N, double vMass, float Corr[], bool screen)

    /* This method for calculating the beta decay spectrum shape is mainly
       taken from N.B. Gove and M.J. Martin, NDT 10, 205-317 (1971). Also see
       H. Behrens and J. Janecke "Numerical Tables for Beta-Decay and
       Electron Capture"; Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in
       Science and Technology: Springer-Verlag, Landolt-Bornstein New Series,
       H. Schopper, Ed., Vol. 4 (1969).

    double Ft = 0.;
    double P = sqrt(pow(W, 2) - 1.);
    double V0 = Screening_Potential(Z - 1.*Beta, P, Beta);
    if (W0 < 1. + V0) V0 = 0.;
    if (W <= 1. + V0) return Ft;
    if (W >= W0) return Ft;
    if (Beta == 0) return Ft;

    int k;
    double Lambda, Phase, S;
    for (k = 1; k <= N + 1; k++) {
      Lambda = Nucl_Wave(Beta, Z, A, W, k, Corr, screen);
      int L = 2 * k - 1;
      int M = 2 * (N - k + 1) + 1;
      Phase = sqrt(pow((W0 - W), 2) - pow(vMass, 2)) * (W0 - W);
      S = Factorial(2 * N + 1) * P * W * Phase;
      double Df = S * Lambda * pow(P, (L - 1)) * pow((W0 - W), (M - 1));
      Df = Df / Factorial(L) / Factorial(M);
      Ft = Ft + Df;

    return Ft;


  double Nucl_Wave(int Beta, double Z, double A, double W,
		   int k, float Corr[], bool screen)

    /* The Coulomb correction is the result of an effective screening potential
       as calculated below. The typical Coulomb correction has been altered to
       allow for the correct shape of the beta distribution at low energies
       (below approximately 50keV). Typically, FK and GK are calculated at
       WPrime (the reduced energy), and the result is multiplied by a correction
       factor, Coulomb_corr, defined below. The difficulty is that as W gets
       near (but remains greater than) the screening potential, the correction
       goes to zero, which is incorrect. To solve this, FK and GK are instead
       calculated at the unscreened energy value W, and are then multiplied by
       the Coulomb_corr, which is restricted to remain above a certain value.
       The value of Corr_min comes from fitting a straight line to the minimum
       values of the ratio of screened to unscreened Fermi function, in
       table III of H. Behrens and J. Janecke "Numerical Tables for Beta-Decay
       and Electron Capture"; Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in
       Science and Technology: Springer-Verlag, Landolt-Bornstein New Series,
       H. Schopper, Ed., Vol. 4 (1969). This Coulomb correction has a 2-5%
       effect on the integral of the Fermi function, f.

    double Wave = 0.;
    double P = sqrt(pow(W, 2) - 1.);
    double V0 = Screening_Potential(Z - 1.*Beta, P, Beta);
    double WPrime = W - V0;
//    double PPrime = sqrt(pow(WPrime,2) - 1.);
    double R = Nucl_Radius(A);
    double FK = Nucl_Wave_Phase(Beta, Z, A, W, +k, +1);
    double GK = Nucl_Wave_Phase(Beta, Z, A, W, -k, -1);
//    double FK = Nucl_Wave_Phase(Beta, Z, A, WPrime, +k, +1);
//    double GK = Nucl_Wave_Phase(Beta, Z, A, WPrime, -k, -1);
    double Q = k + 0.5;
    double L = pow(2., k) * exp(GammaLn(Q)) / sqrt(pi);
    double Lambda = (pow(GK, 2) + pow(FK, 2)) * pow(L,2) / (2. * pow(P, 2)) /
                    pow((P * R),(2. * k - 2.));

    double Coulomb_corr = 1.0;
    if(screen) Coulomb_corr = Coulomb_Corr(Z, W, WPrime, k, Beta);

    double Lambda_corr = Nucl_Size(Beta, Z, W, k, Corr);

    Wave = Lambda * Lambda_corr * Coulomb_corr;
    return Wave;

  double Coulomb_Corr(double Z, double W, double WPrime, int k, int Beta){

    /* Calculate the modified screening correction using a minimum value from
       table III of Behrens and Janecke. Currently only applied to beta minus
       decay (beta plus requires a different Corr_min value).

    if(Beta < 0) return 1.0;

    double Corr, Corr_min;
    double P = sqrt(pow(W,2) - 1.);
    double PPrime = sqrt(pow(WPrime,2) - 1.);

    Corr = (PPrime * WPrime)/(P*W) * pow((PPrime/P),2.*k-2.);
    Corr_min =  0.9958 - 0.0004439*Z;

    if(Corr < Corr_min) Corr = Corr_min;

    return Corr;

  double Nucl_Size(int Beta, double Z, double W, int k, float Corr[])

    /* Correction to the beta spectrum as a result of the extended charge
       distribution of the nucleus. Generalized correction from N.B. Gove and
       M.J. Martin, NDT 10, 205-317 (1971). For shaping factor corrections
       (Corr), which are isotope specific, see H. Daniel, Rev. Mod. Phys. 40,
       659 (1968).

    double Size = 1.;
    double R = 0.;

    if (Corr[0] == 0. && Corr[1] == 0. && Corr[2] == 0.){

      if ((k > 1) || (Beta == 0)) return Size;

      if ((Beta < 0) && (Z < 50.)) return Size;

      if ((Beta > 0) && (Z < 80.)) return Size;

      if (Beta < 0) {
        R = (Z - 50.) * (-25.e-04 - 4e-06 * W * (Z - 50.));
      } else {
        R = (Z - 80.) * (-17.e-05 * W + 6.3e-04 / W - 8.8e-03 / pow(W, 2));

      Size = 1. + R;
      return Size;

    } else {

      R = Corr[0] * W + Corr[1] / W + Corr[2] * pow(W, 2);
      Size = 1. + R;
      return Size;


  double Nucl_Mass(double A, double Z)

    /* The semi-empirical mass formula (Bethe-Weizacker mass formula). See,
       for example, N.A. Jelley "Fundamentals of nuclear physics": Cambridge
       University Press, 1990.

    const double m1H = UnitMass * (1.0079);
    const double mn  = UnitMass * (1.00866501);

    double Mass = 0. ;

    double av   = 15.5 ; // MeV
    double as   = 16.8 ; // MeV
    double ac   =  0.72; // MeV
    double asym = 23.0 ; // MeV
    double ap   = 34.0 ; // MeV

    double delta = 0.;
    int iZ = (int) Z;
    int iA = (int) A;
    int iN = iA - iZ;

    bool evenZ = ((iZ%2)==0);
    bool evenN = ((iN%2)==0);

    if ((evenZ) && (evenN))   delta +=ap * pow(A,-0.75);
    if ((!evenZ) && (!evenN)) delta -=ap * pow(A,-0.75);

    double BindE = av * A - as * pow(A,2./3.) - ac*Z*(Z-1.)*pow(A,-1./3.);
    BindE += delta -asym * pow(A-2.*Z,2.)/A;

    Mass = Z * m1H + (A - Z) * mn - BindE;

    return Mass;


  double Nucl_Radius(double A)

    /* The unitless nuclear radius (ie. R/(hbar*c)/(emass*c*c)), taken from
       L. Elton "Nuclear Sizes": Oxford University Press, 1961.

    double Radius = 0.;
    Radius = (0.002908 * pow(A,(1./3.)) - 0.002437 * pow(A, (-1./3.)));
    return Radius;


  double Nucl_Wave_Phase(int Beta, double Z, double A,
			 double W, int k, int sel)

    const double AlphaConstant = 1. / 137.03599911;
    std::complex < double >Phase_1, Phase_2, Phase;

    double F = 0.;
    double Gamma = sqrt(k * k - pow(AlphaConstant, 2) * pow(Z, 2));
    double P = sqrt(pow(W, 2) - 1.);
    double R = Nucl_Radius(A);
    double Y = Beta * AlphaConstant * Z * W / P;
    double Factor = pow((2. * P * R),
			Gamma) * exp(pi * Y / 2.) / 2. / R / sqrt(W);

    Phase_1 = exp(std::complex < double >(0., 2. * P * R));
    Phase_2 =
      -(std::complex < double >(k, -Y / W)) /(std::complex < double >(Gamma, Y));
    Phase = Phase_1 * Phase_2;
    std::complex < double >Factor_C;
    if ((1. - sel * W) > 0) {
      Factor_C = std::complex < double >(Factor * sqrt(1. - sel * W), 0.);
    } else {
      Factor_C = std::complex < double >(0., Factor * sqrt(sel * W - 1.));

    std::complex < double >A1(Gamma + 1., +Y);
    double B = 2. * Gamma + 1.;
    std::complex < double >C(0., 2. * P * R);
    std::complex < double >F1 = Hyper1F1Norm(A1, B, C);
    std::complex < double >A2(Gamma, +Y);
    std::complex < double >F2 = Hyper1F1Norm(A2, B, C);
    std::complex < double >X(Gamma, +Y);
    std::complex < double >C1(k, -Y );
    std::complex < double >C2(Gamma, -Y );
    std::complex < double >S;
    std::complex < double >Lambda = GammaLn_Complex(X);

    if (sel < 0) {
      S = -Factor_C * (C1 * F1 - C2 * F2) * abs(exp(Lambda));
    } else {
      S = -Factor_C * (C1 * F1 + C2 * F2) * abs(exp(Lambda));
    F = abs(S * Phase);
    return F;

  double Screening_Potential(double Z, double p, int Beta){

    /* The Coulomb screening potential comes from a
       parametrization of J.J. Matese and W.R. Thompson,
       Phys. Rev. 150, 846 (1966). The exponential dependence on p comes
       from N.B. Gove and M.J. Martin, NDT 10, 205-317 (1971). The
       correction value is returned in units of electron masses in eV. Note
       that the screening correction is calculated at Z of the mother, not the
       daughter (whereas the rest of the Fermi function calculation is at Z of
       the daughter).

    double Vc[4] = {27.73915, 3.9061, 0.23268, 0.};
    double As[4] = {-0.1020e-0,+0.238e-2,+0.101e-4,-0.111e-6};
    double Bs[4] = {+0.1560e-1,-0.360e-4,+0.383e-5,+0.242e-7};
    double ATerm = 0.;
    double BTerm = 0.;
    double VTerm = 0.;
    for(int i = 0; i<4; i++){
      ATerm += As[i] * pow(Z,i);
      BTerm += Bs[i] * pow(Z,i);
      VTerm += Vc[i] * pow(log(Z),i);

    double Vs = 0.;
    if (p <= 0.) return Vs;
    Vs = VTerm * pow(Z,4./3.) * exp(-ATerm /p - BTerm / pow(p,2));
    Vs *= Beta;
    Vs /= (ElectronMass * 1.e+06);

    return Vs;

  std::complex < double >Hyper1F1Norm(std::complex < double >A,
				 std::complex < double >B,
				 std::complex < double >Z)

    /*  HyperGeometric 1F1 Normalized function

    F = (Sum k = 1, inf) A_k / B_k * Z**k / k!
    where A_k = A + (k-1) and B_k = B + (k-1)


    const int nCount = 50;
    std::complex < double >F  (1.,0.);
    std::complex < double >An (1.,0.);
    std::complex < double >Bn (1.,0.);
    std::complex < double >ZToTheK (1.,0.);
    double kFactorial = 1.0;

    for (int k = 1; k < nCount; k++) {
      std::complex < double > fK (k - 1.,0.);
      An *= (A + fK);
      Bn *= (B + fK);
      ZToTheK *= Z;
      kFactorial *= double(k);
      F += (An / Bn) * ZToTheK / kFactorial;
    std::complex < double >Lambda = GammaLn_Complex(B);
    F = F / exp(Lambda);
    return F;

  double Factorial(int N)
    if(N <= 1) return 1;
    else return exp(GammaLn(double(N) + 1.0));

    // Joe's old implementation
    // Factorial function

    F(N) = N! = 1 * 2 * 3 * ... N

    Limited to N less than 100

    double F = 1.;
    if (N < 1)
    return F;
    if (N > 100) {
    printf("The factorial call %d is too large.\n", N);
    return F;

    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
    F = F * double (i);
    return F;

  double HyperGeometric_PQF(double A[], int nA, double B[],
			    int nB, double Z)

    /*  HyperGeometric PQF function.  Performs a decrete summation

    PQF = Sum(k=1,inf) (a1 * a2 * an)_k / (b1 * b2 * bn)_k * z^k / k!
    where a(s)_k = a(s)+k

    Requires Factorial function to be defined.

    const int nK = 10;

    double F = 0.;
    double ATerm = 1.;
    double BTerm = 1.;
    double CTerm = 0.;

    // Check if indices are valid

    if ((nA < 0) || (nB < 0))
      return F;

    // Perform summation up to nK

    for (int k = 1; k <= nK; k++) {

      for (int i = 0; i < nA; i++) {
	ATerm = ATerm * (A[i] + k - 1.);

      for (int i = 0; i < nB; i++) {
	BTerm = BTerm * (B[i] + k - 1.);

      CTerm = ATerm / BTerm / Factorial(k);

      F = F + CTerm * pow(Z, k);


    return F;


  double GammaLn(double xx)

    double cof[6] = { 76.18009172947146,

    double stp = 2.5066282746310005;
    double x = xx;
    double y = x;
    double tmp = x + 5.5;
    tmp = (x + 0.5) * log(tmp) - tmp;
    double ser = 1.000000000190015;
    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
      y = y + 1.;
      ser = ser + cof[j] / y;
    double gammln = tmp + log(stp * ser / x);
    return gammln;

  std::complex < double > GammaLn_Complex(std::complex < double >xx)

    double cof[6] = { 76.18009172947146,

    double stp = 2.5066282746310005;
    std::complex < double >x = xx;
    std::complex < double >y = x;
    std::complex < double >temp1(5.5, 0.);
    std::complex < double >temp2(0.5, 0.);
    std::complex < double >tmp = x + temp1;
    tmp = (x + temp2) * log(tmp) - tmp;
    std::complex < double >ser(1.000000000190015, 0.);

    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
      y = y + 2. * temp2;
      ser = ser + cof[j] / y;
    std::complex < double >gammln_cpx = tmp + log(stp * ser / x);
    return gammln_cpx;

} // namespace RAT