#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using CLHEP::nanometer; using CLHEP::twopi; using namespace std; namespace RAT { GenPMTEff::GenPMTEff() : GLG4Gen("PMTEff"), fStateStr("") { fTimeGen = new GLG4TimeGen_Poisson(); fPrintNOnLine = true; } GenPMTEff::~GenPMTEff() { } void GenPMTEff::BeginOfRun() { // Initialize underlying low level generators GLG4Gen::BeginOfRun(); DB* db = DB::Get(); daqDB = db->GetLink( "DAQ" ); rConc = RAT::DB::Get()->GetLink( "CONCENTRATOR", "cRAT" )-> GetDArray("rho_coord").back(); // Outer radius of concentrator rConc = rConc - 0.5; } void GenPMTEff::GenerateEvent(G4Event* event) { G4double t0 = NextTime(); G4ThreeVector pos; DU::PMTInfo pmtInfo = DU::Utility::Get()->GetPMTInfo(); const DU::ChanHWStatus& channelHardwareStatus = DU::Utility::Get()->GetChanHWStatus(); size_t nPMTs = pmtInfo.GetCount(); G4PrimaryParticle* primary; int nOnLine = 0; for(int k=0; k<(int)nPMTs; k++) { bool isOnLine = (pmtInfo.GetType(k))== pmtInfo.NORMAL ; if( channelHardwareStatus.IsEnabled() ) { // Skip off-line PMTs isOnLine = isOnLine && channelHardwareStatus.IsTubeOnline(k) && channelHardwareStatus.IsChannelOnline(k); } if(isOnLine) { nOnLine++; // Vector of PMT location (actually is center of concentrator // "face"): TVector3 posPMT = pmtInfo.GetPosition(k); // dirPMT is PMT orientation vector, the direction from // concentrator center towards the PMT itself TVector3 dirPMT = pmtInfo.GetDirection(k); // Arbitrary unit vector perpendicular to PMT orientation vector: TVector3 ranPerp = (dirPMT.Orthogonal()).Unit(); // Rotate ranPerp by random angle around PMT orientation vector to // get random unit vector perpendicular to PMT orientation vector: ranPerp.Rotate( twopi*G4UniformRand(), dirPMT ); // Draw random distance away from PMT axis, up to maximum of rConc, // such that one will have a uniform distribution in area over the // concentrator face: double rho = rConc*sqrt(G4UniformRand()); double phi = twopi*G4UniformRand(); // position photon uniformly on concentrator face: TVector3 posPhoton = posPMT + cos(phi)*rho*ranPerp + sin(phi)*rho*dirPMT.Cross(ranPerp) ; // Another random axis perpendicular to PMT orientation vector: ranPerp.Rotate( twopi*G4UniformRand(), dirPMT ); // Set photon direction initially equal to PMT orientation, i.e., // outward perpendicular to the concentrator face: TVector3 photonMom = fPhEnergy*dirPMT; // Now rotate about randomly chosen axis by desired incidence angle: photonMom.Rotate( fIncAngle, ranPerp ); G4ThreeVector g4PhotonMom = G4ThreeVector(photonMom.X(), photonMom.Y(), photonMom.Z()); primary = new G4PrimaryParticle( G4OpticalPhoton::Definition(), g4PhotonMom.x(), g4PhotonMom.y(), g4PhotonMom.z()); G4ThreeVector pol; if ( fIncAngle==0.) { // Generate random polarization: phi = twopi* G4UniformRand(); G4ThreeVector e1 = g4PhotonMom.orthogonal().unit(); G4ThreeVector e2 = g4PhotonMom.unit().cross(e1); pol = e1*cos(phi)+e2*sin(phi); }else{ // Generate desired polarization // Unit vector perpendicular to plane of incidence: TVector3 unitSenkrecht = (dirPMT.Cross(photonMom)).Unit(); if( fPSenkrecht ) { // polarization perpendicular to plane pol = G4ThreeVector( unitSenkrecht.X(), unitSenkrecht.Y(), unitSenkrecht.Z()) ; }else{ // polarization in the plane TVector3 unitParallel = (unitSenkrecht.Cross(photonMom)).Unit(); pol = G4ThreeVector( unitParallel.X(), unitParallel.Y(), unitParallel.Z()) ; } } primary->SetPolarization(pol); G4ThreeVector g4PhotonVtx = G4ThreeVector(posPhoton.X(), posPhoton.Y(), posPhoton.Z()); G4PrimaryVertex* vertex = new G4PrimaryVertex(g4PhotonVtx, t0); vertex->SetPrimary(primary); event->AddPrimaryVertex(vertex); } // if(isOnLine) } // for(int k=0; k<(int)nPMTs; k++) if(fPrintNOnLine) { fPrintNOnLine = false; info << "GenPMTEff: Number of tubes on-line = " << nOnLine << endl; } } void GenPMTEff::ResetTime(double offset) { fNextTime = fTimeGen->GenerateEventTime() + offset; } void GenPMTEff::SetState(G4String state) { fStateStr = state; // arguments are WL:IA:PP, where WL=wavelength, IA=incidence angle, and // PP=polarization // lambda = desired photon wavelength in nm // fIncAngle = incidence angle of photons on concentrator face, in degrees // fPSenkrect = true for senkrecht, false for parallel state = util_strip_default(state); vector parts = util_split(state, ":"); // Defaults: double lambda = 385.; fIncAngle = 0.; fPSenkrecht = true; for(unsigned int i=0; i