// VertexGen_Laserball.cc // Contact person: Jose Maneira // See VertexGen_Laserball.hh for more details #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using CLHEP::halfpi; using namespace CLHEP; using namespace std; namespace RAT { VertexGen_Laserball::VertexGen_Laserball(const char *arg_dbname) : GLG4VertexGen(arg_dbname) { // Not yet initialised - call the Init function to setup on first event fInitDB = false; } //***************************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************************** VertexGen_Laserball::~VertexGen_Laserball() { } //***************************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************************** void VertexGen_Laserball::Init() { // This function should be run once on the first event (once DB all set up) warn << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Initialising simulation settings \n"; // Photon definition (assume /run/initialize already done) fPhotonDef = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("opticalphoton"); // Is there a photon thinning factor - this doesn't necessarily make sense for optical simulations double photon_thin = RAT::PhotonThinning::GetFactor(); if(photon_thin > 1.0){ // OUTPUT WARNING warn << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: !!!WARNING!!! - You are using photon thinning with factor " << photon_thin << "\n Are you sure you want to do this for an Optical Simulation (could result in loss of accuracy if low number of photons) \n"; } // Load database values DBLinkPtr lLASERBALL = DB::Get()->GetLink("LASERBALL_SIMULATION"); // Load blocks of parameters for the LB // 1) Wavelength // 2) Angular distribution // 3) Timing // 4) Intensity // 5) Position (see also PosGen_Laserball) // 6) Additional (data only, lower usage, ...) // 1) Wavelength // Which dye to simulate - identify by name: fDyeName = lLASERBALL->GetS("dye_name"); // Now get the wl info specific for this dye DBLinkPtr lDYECELL; // wavelength info try{ fWl_Mode = lLASERBALL->GetS("wl_mode"); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Wavelength mode is "<< fWl_Mode <<"\n"; } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL wl_mode info"); }; if(fWl_Mode=="MONO"){ fWl_Mono = lLASERBALL->GetD("wl_mono"); fwaveAvg = fWl_Mono; info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Setting mono wavelength to "<< fWl_Mono <<" nm\n"; } else if(fWl_Mode=="DYENAME"){ try{ fDyeName = lLASERBALL->GetS("dye_name"); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Setting wavelength distribution to " + fDyeName + "\n"; } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL dye_name info"); } } else if(fWl_Mode=="DYECELL"){ try{ fDyeCell = lLASERBALL->GetI("dye_cell_nbr"); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Setting dye cell nbr to " << fDyeCell<< "\n"; } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL dye_cell_nbr info"); } if (fDyeCell < 0 || fDyeCell > 5) Log::Die(dformat("VertexGen_Laserball::Init:LASERBALL dye_cell_nbr \"%d\" out of range.", fDyeCell)); try{ fDyeCellSet = lLASERBALL->GetS("dye_cell_set"); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Setting dye cell set to " + fDyeCellSet + "\n"; } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL dye_cell_set info"); } try{ lDYECELL = DB::Get()->GetLink("DYECELL", fDyeCellSet); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Getting dye cell set info for " << fDyeCellSet << "\n"; }catch(DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb DYECELL info for " + fDyeCellSet); } try{ fDyeCellOrder = lDYECELL->GetSArray("dye_order"); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Setting dye cell order to "<< fDyeCellOrder << "\n"; } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb DYECELL dye_order info"); } fDyeName = fDyeCellOrder[fDyeCell]; } else { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: LASERBALL wl_mode "+ fWl_Mode + " not recognized"); } DBLinkPtr lDYEWAVE; if(fWl_Mode!="MONO"){ try{ lDYEWAVE = DB::Get()->GetLink("LBDYEWAVE", fDyeName); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Getting dye wl info for " << fDyeName << "\n"; }catch(DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LBDYEWAVE info for " + fDyeName); } // firstly get the wavelengths and store endpoints fwaveAvg = lDYEWAVE->GetD("dist_wl_avg"); fwave = lDYEWAVE->GetFArrayFromD("dist_wl"); fMaxWl = fwave.back(); fMinWl = fwave.front(); // make a check that the values in the dist_wl make sense and increase monotonically for(unsigned iv=1;ivGetFArrayFromD("dist_wl_intensity"); // now create a cumulative magnitude vector float wavemagsum = 0; fwaveCumMag.clear(); fwaveCumMag.push_back(0.0); info << " Cumulative wavelength "; for(unsigned int i=1;iGetS("lb_id"); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Laserball ID is "<< fLBID <<"\n"; } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL lb_id info"); }; try{ fAngleMode = lLASERBALL->GetS("angle_mode"); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Angular mode is "<< fAngleMode <<"\n"; } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL angle_mode info"); }; if (fAngleMode=="TABLE2D" || fAngleMode=="SINCOEF") { try{ fAngleDistDye = lLASERBALL->GetS("angle_dist_dye"); } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL angle_dist_dye info"); }; if (fAngleDistDye=="DEFAULT") { if (fDyeName == "") Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL dye_name info, needed for angle_dist_dye ANGLEDEFAULT option" ); else { info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: default: angular dist. of "<< fDyeName <<" dye same as for wl\n"; fAngleDistDye = fDyeName; } } fFullAngleIndex = fAngleDistDye + ":" + fLBID; try{ lDYEANGLE = DB::Get()->GetLink("LBDYEANGLE", fFullAngleIndex); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Getting dye angle info for " << fFullAngleIndex << "\n"; }catch(DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LBDYEANGLE info for " + fFullAngleIndex); } try{ fMaskCoef = lDYEANGLE->GetFArrayFromD("lb_mask_coef"); } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LBDYEANGLE lb_mask_coef info"); }; if (fAngleMode=="TABLE2D") { try{ fAngIntensity = lDYEANGLE->GetFArrayFromD("lb_ang_intensity"); } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LBDYEANGLE lb_ang_intensity info"); }; info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Setting angle_mode to TABLE2D (default)\n"; } if (fAngleMode=="SINCOEF") { try{ fAngSinCoef = lDYEANGLE->GetFArrayFromD("lb_ang_sincoef"); } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LBDYEANGLE lb_ang_sincoef info"); }; info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Setting angle_mode to SINCOEF\n"; } fLBD = new TF2("myfun",this,&VertexGen_Laserball::funlbdist,-1,1,0,twopi,1,"VertexGen_Laserball","funlbdist"); //fLBD->SetNpx(60); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: TF2 Npx= "<GetNpx()<< " Npy= "<< fLBD->GetNpy()<<"\n"; if (fAngleMode=="SINCOEF") fLBD->SetParameter(0,1); else fLBD->SetParameter(0,0); fLBDMaximum = fLBD->GetMaximum(); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: TF2 Maximum= "< 2.0 ){ info << "Above maximum could be errorneous, setting to new maximum value of 1.0\n"; fLBDMaximum = 1.0; } } else if (fAngleMode=="FLAT") { info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Setting angle_mode to FLAT\n"; fFullAngleIndex = fAngleMode; } else { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: LASERBALL angle_mode "+ fAngleMode + " not recognized"); } // 3) Timing distribution try{ fTimeMode = lLASERBALL->GetS("time_mode"); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Time mode is "<< fTimeMode <<"\n"; } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL time_mode info"); }; try{ fTimeParams = lLASERBALL->GetFArrayFromD("time_param"); } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL time_param info"); }; // 4) Intensity fPhotonsPerEvent = int(double(lLASERBALL->GetI("intensity"))/photon_thin); debug << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: intensity = " << fPhotonsPerEvent << "\n"; // Optional setting try { string temp = lLASERBALL->GetS("pulse_mode"); if(temp == "POISSON"||temp == "poisson"){ fPoisson = true; info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Setting pulse mode to poisson\n"; }else if(temp == "fixed" || temp == "FIXED"){ fPoisson = false; info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Setting pulse mode to fixed\n"; }else{ Log::Die(dformat("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: LASERBALL.pulse_mode = \"%s\" is invalid.", temp.c_str())); } } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { }; // 5) Position fSimulationMode = lLASERBALL->GetI("simulation_mode"); if (fSimulationMode == 2.0 || fSimulationMode == 3.0) Log::Die("PosGen_LaserBall::Init: Loading position from Manip or Camera tables not implemented yet"); // x,y,z is loaded in PosGen_Laserball try{ fOrientation = lLASERBALL->GetD("orientation"); info << "VertexGen_Laserball::Init: Orientation: "<< fOrientation << "\n"; } catch (DBNotFoundError &e) { Log::Die("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: can't find ratdb LASERBALL_SIMULATION orientation info"); }; if (fOrientation < 0 || fOrientation > 4) { Log::Die(dformat("VertexGen_Laserball::Init: LASERBALL orientation \"%d\" not recognized.", fOrientation)); } // Should now be all initialised so set flag fInitDB = true; } void VertexGen_Laserball::BeginOfRun() { Init(); } void VertexGen_Laserball::GeneratePrimaryVertex(G4Event *event, G4ThreeVector &fPos0, G4double fTime0) { if (!fInitDB) Init(); // How many photons? int nphot = 0; if(fPoisson){ nphot = (G4int)( CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(fPhotonsPerEvent) ); }else{ nphot = fPhotonsPerEvent; } // Record in extra G4Event information EventInfo *exinfo = dynamic_cast(event->GetUserInformation()); //DS::Calib *calib = Extensible::New(); // new for dbreview branch DS::Calib *calib = new DS::Calib(); calib->SetSourceName(fFullAngleIndex); calib->SetMode((int) fwaveAvg); calib->SetIntensity(nphot); calib->SetPos( TVector3(fPos0.x(), fPos0.y(),fPos0.z()) ); // Set the LB orientation ID and vector float or_x = TMath::Cos( fOrientation * halfpi ); float or_y = TMath::Sin( fOrientation * halfpi ); // Check if Simulation Mode is 10, which is the flag for laserball runs without side ropes (external or internal) // If that is the case, set the ID in Calib as 10 - default flag for this type of runs if(fSimulationMode == 10) calib->SetID( (int) 10.0 ); else{ calib->SetID( (int)fOrientation ); } calib->SetDir( TVector3(or_x, or_y, 0.0) ); calib->SetTime(fTimeParams[3]); exinfo->SetCalib(calib); // Add vertices for each photon for (int i=0; i < nphot; i++) { // Set time to a GasDev distribution (default) or a single value; double time = fTimeParams[3]; if(!(fTimeMode=="MONO")){ time = fTimeParams[1] + 1.0; while(time < fTimeParams[0] || time > fTimeParams[1]){ time = GasDev() * fTimeParams[2] + fTimeParams[3]; } } // Set wavelength to input distribution (default) or a single value; float wavelength; if(fWl_Mode=="MONO"){ wavelength = fWl_Mono; // nm debug << "VertexGen_Laserball::GeneratePrimaryVertex: LASERBALL wavelength fixed = " << wavelength <<"\n"; }else{ debug << "VertexGen_Laserball::GeneratePrimaryVertex: LASERBALL wavelength randomly chosen = "; wavelength = SampleRandom(fwave, fwaveInt, fwaveCumMag); //wavelength = fRandWl->shoot() * (fMaxWl - fMinWl) + fMinWl; // randomly sample for recording in MC file debug << wavelength <<"\n"; } float energy = hbarc * twopi / (wavelength * nm); float momentum = energy; // GEANT uses momentum in same units as energy G4ThreeVector dir(0.,0.,-1.0); // Angular distribution if (fAngleMode=="FLAT") { dir = SphericallyUniform3Vector(); } else { //dir = FunctionRandom3Vector(); // Don't use for now: ultra-slow dir = BoxMethodRandom3Vector(); } G4ThreeVector mom(dir); mom.setMag(momentum); // Scale to right magnitude G4PrimaryVertex* vertex= new G4PrimaryVertex(fPos0, fTime0 + time); G4PrimaryParticle* particle = new G4PrimaryParticle(fPhotonDef, mom.x(),mom.y(),mom.z()); // Generate random polarization double phi = (G4UniformRand()*2.0-1.0)*pi; G4ThreeVector e1 = mom.orthogonal().unit(); G4ThreeVector e2 = mom.unit().cross(e1); G4ThreeVector pol = e1*cos(phi)+e2*sin(phi); particle->SetPolarization(pol.x(), pol.y(), pol.z()); particle->SetMass(0.0); // Seems odd, but used in GLG4VertexGen_Gun vertex->SetPrimary(particle); event->AddPrimaryVertex(vertex); } // loop over photons } G4ThreeVector VertexGen_Laserball::SphericallyUniform3Vector() { G4ThreeVector result(0.,0.,0.); double aTheta = acos( 1.0 - 2.0 * G4UniformRand() ); double aSTheta = sin(aTheta); double aPhi = twopi * G4UniformRand(); result.setX( aSTheta * cos(aPhi) ); result.setY( aSTheta * sin(aPhi) ); result.setZ( cos(aTheta) ); return result; } G4ThreeVector VertexGen_Laserball::RotatePhiAntiClock(double aPhi, G4ThreeVector aVector3) const { // Allow for a phi rotation of the laserball // anti-clockwise G4ThreeVector result(0.,0.,0.); result.setX( aVector3.x() * cos( aPhi ) - aVector3.y() * sin( aPhi ) ); result.setY( aVector3.x() * sin( aPhi ) + aVector3.y() * cos( aPhi ) ); result.setZ( aVector3.z() ); return result; } G4ThreeVector VertexGen_Laserball::RotatePhiClock(double aPhi, G4ThreeVector aVector3) const { // Allow for a phi rotation of the laserball // clockwise return RotatePhiAntiClock(-aPhi, aVector3); } G4ThreeVector VertexGen_Laserball::FunctionRandom3Vector() { // This is ultra-slow (100 s per each event of 10k photons) // There's room to improve on TF2::GetRandom2, maybe we can make our own version G4ThreeVector result(0.,0.,0.); double aCTheta; double aPhi; fLBD->GetRandom2(aCTheta,aPhi); double aSTheta = sqrt(1 - aCTheta*aCTheta); result.setX( aSTheta * cos(aPhi) ); result.setY( aSTheta * sin(aPhi) ); result.setZ( aCTheta ); return result; } G4ThreeVector VertexGen_Laserball::BoxMethodRandom3Vector() { G4ThreeVector result(0.,0.,0.); G4ThreeVector result_lb_rotated(0.,0.,0.); double aCTheta; double aPhi; double value = 0; double rotPhi; rotPhi = (double) fOrientation* pi/2.; bool accept = false; while (!accept){ result = SphericallyUniform3Vector(); // Need to go from detector to LB coordinates. // If the laserball is in the North position (+90 deg w/r to East) and I'm generating // a photon at phi=90, I need to get the intensity value for phi_LB = 0 // so we need to rotate by -90, i.e. clockwise result_lb_rotated = RotatePhiClock(rotPhi,result); aCTheta = cos(result_lb_rotated.theta()); aPhi = result_lb_rotated.phi(); // Get the intensity from the ratdb distributions, that are in LB coordinates value = fLBD->Eval(aCTheta,aPhi)/(1.01*fLBDMaximum); if (G4UniformRand() < value) accept = true; } return result; } double VertexGen_Laserball::funlbdist(double *x, double *par) { double cTheta = x[0]; double phi = x[1]; double fOTheta = 1.0 + cTheta; int nMaskPars = (int)fMaskCoef.size(); double aMask = fMaskCoef[0]; // Number of mask parameters is (degree+1), so we only // want to sum with powers between 1 and (nMaskPars-1). for ( int iPar = 1; iPar < nMaskPars; iPar++ ){ aMask += fMaskCoef[iPar] * pow(fOTheta,iPar); } int nBinsCT = 12; int nBinsPhi = 36; double binWidthCT = 2.0 /(double)(nBinsCT); double binWidthPhi = twopi /(double)(nBinsPhi); double aIntensity,aAmplitude_ac,aAmplitude_dc,aFrequency,aPhase; int binct0 = (int) ((cTheta+1.0)/binWidthCT); if (par[0] > 0.5){ // sinusoidal model uses 24 theta bins, not 12, so redefine 'binct0' // to account for this with a different bin-width over the cosTheta // range from -1.0 to 1.0 (=2.0). const double cosThBins = 24; const double cosThRange = 2.0; binct0 = (int) ((cTheta+1.0)/(cosThRange/cosThBins)); // sin wave parametrization aAmplitude_ac = fAngSinCoef[binct0*2]; aAmplitude_dc = 1.0; aFrequency = 1.0; aPhase = fAngSinCoef[binct0*2 +1]; aIntensity = aAmplitude_dc + aAmplitude_ac*sin(aFrequency*phi + aPhase); } else { // 2d table parametrization. interpolate in both theta and phi (to do) if (phi<= -pi) phi += twopi; if (phi> pi) phi -= twopi; // Binning in ratdb follows -pi, to pi convention. i.e, bin 0 is -pi, bin 35 is pi // So we need to add pi before converting to bin number int binphi0 = (int) ((phi+pi)/binWidthPhi); aIntensity = fAngIntensity[binct0*nBinsPhi + binphi0]; } aIntensity *= aMask; return aIntensity; } double VertexGen_Laserball::GasDev(){ // This routine is from snoman where D. Wark from Oxford obtained it by // modifying the Numerical Recipes version. double v1, v2, r, fac; r = 1.02; while(r>= 1.0){ v1 = 2.0 * G4UniformRand() - 1.0; v2 = 2.0 * G4UniformRand() - 1.0; r = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2; } fac = v2 * sqrt( -2.0 * log( r ) / r ); return fac; } float VertexGen_Laserball::SampleRandom(std::vector mydistx, std::vector mydistraw, std::vector mydistcum){ // Return value sampled from distribution with cumulative distribution mydistcum, raw distribution mydistraw for x points mydistx // (assume linear interpolation between specified points in spectrum) float start = mydistcum.front(); float stop = mydistcum.back(); // now throw a random number between these limits float random = start+G4UniformRand()*(stop-start); // now loop through cumulative distribution to choose energy int istep = 0; while(mydistcum[istep+1]