// Tracks and reflects the photons as necessary through the
// concentrator geometry.
// Author: Phil G Jones
// 05/11/2010 : P G Jones - New file
// 2014-08-50 : P G Jones - Update doxygen.
// 05/04/2016 : R P F Stainforth - Add functionality for scaling the reflectivity
// probabilities in constructor.
#ifndef __RAT_ConcentratorOpticalModel_hh__
#define __RAT_ConcentratorOpticalModel_hh__
class G4Region;
class G4LogicalVolume;
namespace RAT
class ConcentratorOpticalModel : public G4VFastSimulationModel,
public OpticalModelBase
// The constructor invoked with the model name and applicable region
// name: name of this model
// region: region this model is applied in
// params: parameters that control this models settings, index to RATDB
// volume: volume this model applies to
ConcentratorOpticalModel( const G4String name, G4Region* const region,
const std::string params, G4LogicalVolume* const volume );
// Destructor
// Returns true if this model applies to the particle type
// type: type of particle this model applies to
// Returns true if the type is an optical photon
G4bool IsApplicable( const G4ParticleDefinition& type );
// Returns true if this model should be invoked
// fastTrack: track to consider
// Returns true if the fastTrack triggers this model
G4bool ModelTrigger( const G4FastTrack & fastTrack );
// The method that does the actual tracking
// fastTrack: track to track
// fastStep: result of tracking
virtual void DoIt( const G4FastTrack& fastTrack, G4FastStep& fastStep );
// Enum of existing concentrator volumes, each one also acts as an index to fConcVolNames, so must ensure they match
enum EConcVolumes{ eEnvelope, ePetal, ePlastic, eOut };
// Track the photon through the concentrator geometry
// fastTrack: photon track information
// position: position in local coordinates
// direction: direction in local coordinates
// polarisation: polarisation in local coordinates
// time: time in global MC units
// weight: weight of the track >0 to be alive
void TrackPhoton( const G4FastTrack& fastTrack, G4ThreeVector& position,
G4ThreeVector& direction, G4ThreeVector& polarisation,
G4double& time, G4double& weight );
// Reflect a photon at a boundary either normal, diffuse or absorbed
// position: position in local coordinates
// energy: energy of the photon
// direction: direction in local coordinates
// polarisation: polarisation in local coordinates
// weight: weight of the track >0 to be alive
// Returns true if photon reflects
bool Reflect( const G4ThreeVector& position, const G4double energy,
G4ThreeVector& direction, G4ThreeVector& polarisation,
G4double& weight );
// Return the reflection probability for the angle and wavelength.
// Note DB table used is in 1nm blocks from 305nm to 800nm (inclusive) with
// each block having 91 elements for 0-90 degrees
// position: position in local coordinates
// theta: photon angle to the boundary, in radians
// energy: energy of the photon
// polarisation: polarisation in local coordinates
// specularR: specular reflection probability
// diffuseR: diffuse reflection probability
virtual void GetReflectionProb( const G4ThreeVector& position,
const G4double theta, const G4double energy,
const EPolarisation polarisation,
G4double& specularR, G4double& diffuseR );
std::vector fConcVolNames; // The names of the Concentrator volumes, indexed by EConcVolumes
std::vector fReflectionSPol; // Reflection probability table for S polarised photons
std::vector fReflectionPPol; // Reflection probability table for P polarised photons
G4MaterialPropertyVector* fGVelocityWater; // Water group velocity
G4VSolid* fConcEnvelopeVolume; // Concentrator envelope volume
G4VSolid* fPetalVolume; // Petal volume
G4VSolid* fPlasticVolume; // Plastic volume
G4double fDiffuseReflectionProb; // Probability of diffuse reflection
} //::RAT