// ECAProc.cc // Contact person: Gabriel Orebi Gann - Author and contact // Contact person: Javier Caravaca - Contact // See ECAProc.hh for more details //———————————————————————// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace RAT { const int ncrate=19; ECAProc::ECAProc() : Processor("ECAProc") { // Init. variables fNumSkip = 0; fHitSkip = 0; fTinj = 0.; fArrayID = -1; fNSet = 0; //kate fTimeSkipped = 0; fLastPatternID = 0; fNcrate = 19; fNcard = 16; fNchannel = 32; fNcell = 16; fNTotCell = fNcrate * fNcard *fNchannel * fNcell; fTotChannel = fNcrate * fNcard *fNchannel; fNChanNotTested = 0; //Javi retro-compatibility isSNOdata = false; fNTACFitPars = 4; fNMaxEV = 10; fNDSEvents = 0; fBits = new BitManip(); //Read ECA_Generation file and set flags fECAbank = DB::Get()->GetLink("ECAgen"); fECAflag = fECAbank->GetI("eca_type"); fECAmerge = fECAbank->GetI("merge_eca"); fRunMerge = fECAbank->GetI("merge_run"); fECAdiff = fECAbank->GetI("eca_diff"); fECAlogverb = fECAbank->GetI("eca_logverbosity"); fDAQns_offset = fECAbank->GetD("daq_to_ns1"); fDAQns_max = fECAbank->GetD("daq_to_ns2"); fDAQns_scale1 = fECAbank->GetD("daq_to_ns3"); fDAQns_scale2 = fECAbank->GetD("daq_to_ns4"); fDoDroop = fECAbank->GetI("eca_dodroop"); fSuperDebug = (int) fECAbank->GetI("extra_diagnostics"); // Name output files according to calibration type and run # // Check whether those output files already exist and, if so, increment file name // Hang on to most recent existing name, for accessing previous values fECArootname = "Null.root"; fECAdebugname = "Null_debug.root"; //Do not increment pass numbers anymore. This will be handled by the DB fPassNo = 0; fRunRangeMax = RAT::DB::DBINFINITY; fECAIndex = ""; //Set # TSLP points if(fECAbank->GetI("isSNOdata")){ warn << RED << " Analyzing SNO data "<< CLR << newline; isSNOdata = true; fNSlopePoints = 31; } else{ fNSlopePoints = fECAbank->GetI("NTSlopePoints"); } info << "Setting number of TSlope points to " << fNSlopePoints << newline; fNdim = 0; fNdim = static_cast(fNSlopePoints / 32) +1; // GetECA pattern information fECAPatt = DB::Get()->GetLink("ECApatt"); fNSet = fECAPatt->GetI("NumSets"); fNPatt = fECAPatt->GetIArray("NumPatt"); // Load patterns into memory ECAProc::LoadPatterns(); if(fSuperDebug == 1){ //extra histograms for ped or tslopes warn << "You are running with extra diagnostics turned on!" << newline; } if(fSuperDebug == 2){ //plots of tslopes & fits, and a ratdb file w/ the errors on the tslope points warn << "You are running with the option to plot all tslopes & fits!" << newline; warn << "You can only do this for a few crates." << newline; warn << "If you are processing TSlopes from the entire detector, THE PROCESSOR WILL RUN OUT OF MEMORY AND CRASH!" << newline; } // Initialise arrays for results to 0 fOverallMask = 0; // status of ECA run // Set bit 30 to 1 to flag job failure fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 30); // Only init arrays relevant to this calibration run type (save space) // AND only init arrays of the previous pass of this run IF we want to merge fTestChannel.resize(fTotChannel); fCellStatus.resize(fNTotCell); for(int n = 0; n0, then a file already existed for this run, good // Otherwise, load the highest pass of run fRunMerge // Flag whether we succeed bool LoadPrevOK = false; int GetPrevious = 0; if(fECAmerge==1 || fECAdiff==1) GetPrevious=1; if(GetPrevious==1 && fRunMerge==0){ // Load previous results DBLinkPtr currentbank; if(fECAflag==1){ currentbank = DB::Get()->GetLink("ECA_PDST",fECAIndex); try{ currentbank->GetS("index"); } catch(DBNotFoundError){ ECAProc::Die("Previous ECA constants with index "+fECAIndex+" do not exist"); } fPrevStatus = currentbank->GetIArray("pdst_status"); fPrevQHS = currentbank->GetDArray("pdst_qhs"); fPrevQHL = currentbank->GetDArray("pdst_qhl"); fPrevQLX = currentbank->GetDArray("pdst_qlx"); fPrevTAC = currentbank->GetDArray("pdst_tac"); if(fECAmerge==1){ fPrevSigQHS = currentbank->GetDArray("pdst_qhswidth"); fPrevSigQHL = currentbank->GetDArray("pdst_qhlwidth"); fPrevSigQLX = currentbank->GetDArray("pdst_qlxwidth"); fPrevSigTAC = currentbank->GetDArray("pdst_tacwidth"); } fECAPrevDQID = currentbank->GetIArray("pdst_dqid"); LoadPrevOK = true; } if(fECAflag==2){ currentbank = DB::Get()->GetLink("ECA_TSLP",fECAIndex); try{ currentbank->GetS("index"); } catch(DBNotFoundError){ ECAProc::Die("Previous ECA constants with index "+fECAIndex+" do not exist"); } // CAN ONLY compare to / merge with previous run that has same number TSlope points fPrevNSlopePoints = currentbank->GetI("tslp_ntimes"); if(fNSlopePoints != fPrevNSlopePoints)ECAProc::Die("", 12, 0, 0); fPrevBad.resize(fNTotCell); for(int n=0;n holdpoints; std::vector holdfits; std::vector holdbad; fPrevEVTACX = currentbank->GetDArray("tslp_times"); fPrevStatus = currentbank->GetIArray("tslp_status"); holdbad = currentbank->GetIArray("tslp_bad"); fECAPrevDQID = currentbank->GetIArray("tslp_dqid"); holdpoints = currentbank->GetDArray("tslp_points"); holdfits = currentbank->GetDArray("tslp_fitpars"); int c1=0; int c2=0; int c3 = 0; for(int n = 0; nGetLCN(nn); if(fNevCell[nn]==0){ fCellQHS[nn] = -9999.0; fCellQHL[nn] = -9999.0; fCellQLX[nn] = -9999.0; fCellTAC[nn] = -9999.0; fCellSigQHS[nn] = -9999.0; fCellSigQHL[nn] = -9999.0; fCellSigQLX[nn] = -9999.0; fCellSigTAC[nn] = -9999.0; fCellWidthQHS[nn] = -9999.0; fCellWidthQHL[nn] = -9999.0; fCellWidthQLX[nn] = -9999.0; fCellWidthTAC[nn] = -9999.0; } if(fTestChannel[nch]==0){ if(nn%16==0){ //Print only for first cell fNChanNotTested++; } continue; } if(fNevCell[nn]>0){ ECAProc::MultiCalc(fNevCell[nn], fEVQHS[nn]); fCellQHS[nn] = fMedian; fCellWidthQHS[nn] = fWidth2; fCellSigQHS[nn] = fSig; ECAProc::MultiCalc(fNevCell[nn], fEVQHL[nn]); fCellQHL[nn] = fMedian; fCellWidthQHL[nn] = fWidth2; fCellSigQHL[nn] = fSig; ECAProc::MultiCalc(fNevCell[nn], fEVQLX[nn]); fCellQLX[nn] = fMedian; fCellWidthQLX[nn] = fWidth2; fCellSigQLX[nn] = fSig; ECAProc::MultiCalc(fNevCell[nn], fEVTAC[nn]); fCellTAC[nn] = fMedian; fCellWidthTAC[nn] = fWidth2; fCellSigTAC[nn] = fSig; } } // !cells //run reassignment for invalid fSig values ECAProc::ReassignSigs(); // How did we do for each cell? // NB this is done per cell, but the loop is inside the subroutine // because some tests require checks on multiple cells ECAProc::PedDiagnostic(); info <GetLCN(nn); for(int np = 0; np < fNSlopePoints; ++np){ if(fNevTACSlp[nn][np] == 0){ fCellTACPoints[nn][np] = -9999.0; fCellTACrms[nn][np] = -9999.0; fCellTACwidth[nn][np] = -9999.0; continue; } } if(fTestChannel[nch]==0){ if(nn%16==0){ fNChanNotTested++; } continue; } for(int np = 0; np < fNSlopePoints; ++np){ ECAProc::MultiCalc(fNevTACSlp[nn][np], fEVTACPoints[nn][np]); fCellTACPoints[nn][np] = fMedian; fCellTACrms[nn][np] = fWidth; fCellTACwidth[nn][np] = fWidth2; } // Filter bad points out of the fits fCellBad[nn] = ECAProc::TSlopeFilter(nn); // Perform fits to the TAC points ECAProc::TSlopeFit(nn); } // end loop cells // Cell diagnostics ECAProc::TSlopeDiagnostic(); /*// Identify last good point (i.e. not bad or susp) in curl region for(int nn = 0; nnClearBit(fOverallMask, 30); ECAProc::CreateECATable(); ECAProc::CreateECAMoni(); ECAProc::CloseECARoot(); //kate if(fSuperDebug ==1) { ECAProc::WriteECADebugHistosRoot(); ECAProc::CloseECADebug(); } if(fSuperDebug == 2 ) { ECAProc::FillECADebug(); ECAProc::WriteTSlopesRoot(); } // Write summary to log file ECAProc::Summarise(); // Close log file fECAlogfile.close(); } void ECAProc::BeginOfRun( DS::Run& run ) { fRunNo = run.GetRunID(); fRunMask = static_cast< UInt_t >( DB::Get()->GetLink("RUN")->GetI("runtype") ); //Init variables fGTDelC = 0; // will be read from ECA header info fGTDelF = 0; // will be read from ECA header info fPattern = 0; // will be read from ECA header info fCalType = 0; // will be read from ECA header info fPattSet = 0; // will be read from ECA header info fECArate = 0; // will be read from Trigger header info //Set filenames if(fECAflag==1){ // Doing Pedestal run fECAmoniname = dformat("ECA_MONI_%i_%i.pmtdb", fRunNo, fPassNo); fECAdbname = dformat("PDST_%i_%i.ratdb", fRunNo, fPassNo); fECArootname = dformat("PDSThists_%i_%i.root", fRunNo, fPassNo); } else if(fECAflag==2){ // Doing Tslope run fECAmoniname = dformat("ECA_MONI_%i_%i.pmtdb", fRunNo, fPassNo); fECAdbname = dformat("TSLP_%i_%i.ratdb", fRunNo, fPassNo); fECArootname = dformat("TSLPhists_%i_%i.root", fRunNo, fPassNo); } else{ fECAdbname = "ECA_INVALID.ratdb"; } info<<"ECAProc::ECAProc: Writing ECA results to: "<GetLink("PMT_DQXX"); warn << RED << " DQXX file: " << fDQXXbank->GetIArray("run_range").at(0) << CLR << newline; fDQID = fDQXXbank->GetIArray("dqid"); if(static_cast(fDQID.size()) != fNcrate*fNcard*6)ECAProc::Die("",3,fDQID.size(),fNcrate*fNcard*6); // G4cout< bad = fCellBad[cccc]; std::vector susp = fCellSusp[cccc]; std::vector curl = fCellCurl[cccc]; int value = 0; // Find last good point int i = fNSlopePoints - 1; while(i>-1 && (fBits->TestBit(bad,i) || fBits->TestBit(susp,i))){ i--; } // No good points? if(i==-1){ value = 999; return value; } // If we're still in the curl region, this is our guy if(fBits->TestBit(curl,i)){ value = i; return value; } // Last good point was outside curl region, so this cell has no curl // Set value to (*hmm, ponder*) something useful... has to be > any possible Npoints value = 998; return value; } // Combine points flagged as either bad or suspicious into one word std::vector ECAProc::TSlopeBadCombined(int cccc) { std::vector word; word.resize(fNdim); for(int id=0;id bad = fCellBad[cccc]; std::vector susp = fCellSusp[cccc]; //int curl = fCellCurl[cccc]; for(int i=0;iTestBit(bad,i) || fBits->TestBit(susp,i)){// || fBits->TestBit(curl,i)){ word = fBits->SetBit(word,i); } } return word; } void ECAProc::PedDiagnostic() { std::vector qhs_valid = fECAbank->GetDArray("qhs_valid"); std::vector qhl_valid = fECAbank->GetDArray("qhl_valid"); std::vector qlx_valid = fECAbank->GetDArray("qlx_valid"); std::vector tac_valid = fECAbank->GetDArray("tac_valid"); int MaxN0ev = fECAbank->GetI("PedMaxN0ev"); int MaxN160ev = fECAbank->GetI("PedMaxN160ev"); int MaxNboardID = fECAbank->GetI("PedMaxNboardID"); std::vector MaxNFlag = fECAbank->GetIArray("PedMaxNFlag"); std::vector MinAvePed = fECAbank->GetDArray("PedMinAvePed"); //67,69,71,73 std::vector MaxAvePed = fECAbank->GetDArray("PedMaxAvePed"); //68,70,72,74 std::vector MaxAveWidth = fECAbank->GetDArray("PedMaxAveWidth"); //75-78 std::vector MaxAveDiff = fECAbank->GetDArray("PedMaxAveDiff"); //79-82 int MaxNChan = fECAbank->GetI("PedMaxNChan"); //83 int MaxNfSigChan = fECAbank->GetI("PedMaxNfSigChan"); //83 const DU::ChanHWStatus& channelHardwareStatus = DU::Utility::Get()->GetChanHWStatus(); float testvals[4][4]; // [quantity][test] // Negate value for lower median, so all the tests can be `<' float test[4] = {-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ testvals[0][i] = test[i]*qhs_valid[i]; testvals[1][i] = test[i]*qhl_valid[i]; testvals[2][i] = test[i]*qlx_valid[i]; testvals[3][i] = test[i]*tac_valid[i]; } int NBadCh = 0; int NBadChCa = 0; int NBadSeq = 0; int NBadMB = 0; int NBadDB = 0; int NEmptyCh = 0; int NPartCh = 0; int NBadPedCh[4][5]; //[quantity][test] for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ for(int j=0;j<5;++j){ NBadPedCh[i][j] = 0; } } int NfSigUsedCh = 0; //kate float runningsum[5][5]; // [quantity][test] eg [qhs][median] int nrunsum[5][5]; for(int i=0;i<5;++i){ for(int j=0;j<5;++j){ runningsum[i][j] = 0.0; nrunsum[i][j] = 0; } } // Per crate sums/averages float average[ncrate][4][4]; // [quant][ped,width,diff,absdiff] int nave[ncrate][4][4]; int NCrBadPed[ncrate][5][4]; int *NCrSeq = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrMB = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrDB = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrNev = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCr0ev = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrTot = new int[fNcrate]; for(int ic=0;icSetBit(fCellStatus[icell],28); //cell flag int cccc0 = fBits->GetCCCC(icell,0); fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],29); //channel flag } for(int nch = 0; nchGetCCCC(nch,0); // We can get the crate/card/channel for cell 0 // NB ichan is the channel number on the card i.e. [0,31] // nch is the overall channel number i.e. [0,fTotChannel] int icrate = fBits->GetCratewCell(cccc0); int icard = fBits->GetCardwCell(cccc0); int ichan = fBits->GetChannelwCell(cccc0); //G4cout<<"CCC = "<GetCCCC(nch,nce); // fECADQID[i]: i = 80*iCrate + 5*iCard + iElement // iElement = 0 : MB ID for card // 1 : DC ID for DC0 // 2 : DC ID for DC1 // 3 : DC ID for DC2 // 4 : DC ID for DC3 if(fECAdiff==1){ // 1.a. Test MB ID int offset = 80*icrate + 5*icard; if(fECADQID[offset]!=fECAPrevDQID[offset]){ dodiff = false; // Don't do diff tests because the MB has changed fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],16); } // 1.b. Test DB ID int daughterID = (ichan/8) + 1; offset = offset + daughterID; if(fECADQID[offset]!=fECAPrevDQID[offset]){ dodiff = false; // Don't do diff tests because the DB has changed fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],17); } // 2. Test if channel got good data if( (fPrevStatus[cccc] & (1<<13) ) || // Cell with less than 10 events (fPrevStatus[cccc] & (1<<14) ) || // Cell with 0 events (fPrevStatus[cccc] & (1<<25) ) ) // Channel with no data dodiff = false; //Do not perform diff test } // 3. Test if channel is getting data bool seq = channelHardwareStatus.IsECAChannelActive(nch); if(seq){ // 4. Test # events if(nce==0)fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],27); // Fill hist fNCeEv fHists.fNCeEv->Fill(fNevCell[cccc]); if(fNevCell[cccc]<10 && fNevCell[cccc]!=0){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],13); fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],26); } if(fNevCell[cccc]>0){ fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->ClearBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],27); // 5. Pedestal / width / difference tests float currvals[4][4]; // [quantity][test] // Passes test if currvals[][] < testvals[][] (hence negate first value) currvals[0][0] = -1.0*fCellQHS[cccc]; currvals[1][0] = -1.0*fCellQHL[cccc]; currvals[2][0] = -1.0*fCellQLX[cccc]; currvals[3][0] = -1.0*fCellTAC[cccc]; currvals[0][1] = fCellQHS[cccc]; currvals[1][1] = fCellQHL[cccc]; currvals[2][1] = fCellQLX[cccc]; currvals[3][1] = fCellTAC[cccc]; currvals[0][2] = fCellWidthQHS[cccc]; currvals[1][2] = fCellWidthQHL[cccc]; currvals[2][2] = fCellWidthQLX[cccc]; currvals[3][2] = fCellWidthTAC[cccc]; currvals[0][3] = 0.0; currvals[1][3] = 0.0; currvals[2][3] = 0.0; currvals[3][3] = 0.0; if(dodiff){ currvals[0][3] = (fCellQHS[cccc] - fPrevQHS[cccc]); currvals[1][3] = (fCellQHL[cccc] - fPrevQHL[cccc]); currvals[2][3] = (fCellQLX[cccc] - fPrevQLX[cccc]); currvals[3][3] = (fCellTAC[cccc] - fPrevTAC[cccc]); } for(int nq=0; nq<4; ++nq){ // Fill hists fHists.fPedestal[nq]->Fill(currvals[nq][1]); fHists.fPWidth[nq]->Fill(currvals[nq][2]); fHists.fDiff[nq]->Fill(currvals[nq][3]); // Droop plots if(fDoDroop==1){ for(int nev=0;nev9)continue; if(nq==0){ fHists.fDroop[nq][nev]->Fill(currvals[nq][1]-fEVQHS[cccc][nev]); } if(nq==1){ fHists.fDroop[nq][nev]->Fill(currvals[nq][1]-fEVQHL[cccc][nev]); } if(nq==2){ fHists.fDroop[nq][nev]->Fill(currvals[nq][1]-fEVQLX[cccc][nev]); } if(nq==3){ fHists.fDroop[nq][nev]->Fill(currvals[nq][1]-fEVTAC[cccc][nev]); } } // Test channel // leave out crate 17, card 15 -> This is the FECD if(!(icrate==17&&icard==15)){ for(int nev=0;nev9)continue; if(nq==0){ fHists.fDroopValid[nq][nev]->Fill(currvals[nq][1]-fEVQHS[cccc][nev]); } if(nq==1){ fHists.fDroopValid[nq][nev]->Fill(currvals[nq][1]-fEVQHL[cccc][nev]); } if(nq==2){ fHists.fDroopValid[nq][nev]->Fill(currvals[nq][1]-fEVQLX[cccc][nev]); } if(nq==3){ fHists.fDroopValid[nq][nev]->Fill(currvals[nq][1]-fEVTAC[cccc][nev]); } } if(nq==3){ // Do cell ordering for TAC only for(int ncell=0;ncellFill(currvals[nq][1]-fEVTAC[cccc][0]); } } } } } //If DoDroop // Increment crate-averages for(int nt=0;nt<3;++nt){ average[icrate][nq][nt] += currvals[nq][nt+1]; nave[icrate][nq][nt] += 1; } average[icrate][nq][3] += fabs(currvals[nq][3]); nave[icrate][nq][3] += 1; // Do Tests and increment run-averages for(int nt=0; nt<4; ++nt){ // PedMin, PedMax, Width, Diff runningsum[nq][nt] += test[nt]*fabs(currvals[nq][nt]); nrunsum[nq][nt] += 1; if(nt==3)runningsum[nq][4] += currvals[nq][3]; if(currvals[nq][nt]>testvals[nq][nt]){ // Failed the test! Set appropriate bits. // Quant nq is bits nq*3-2 to nq*3 (tests 0 & 1 are the first bit) int ntest = nt; if(ntest>0)ntest -= 1; // Quant nq, test `ntest', is bit nq*3-2+ntest int bitid = (nq+1)*3 -2 +ntest; fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],bitid); // Also set bits in cell0 mask for the channel // Quant nq is bit 18+nq // Test ntest is bit 22+ntest bitid = 18+nq; fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],bitid); bitid = 22+ntest; fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],bitid); } } } //Javi fHists.fQHSvsQHL->Fill(currvals[0][1],currvals[1][1]); } // ! fNevCell >0 else{ //fNevCell[cccc]==0 fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],14); // Medians should already be set to -9999.0 if(fCellQHS[cccc] != -9999.0){ ECAProc::Die("",2,0,0); } if(fCellQHL[cccc] != -9999.0){ ECAProc::Die("",2,0,0); } if(fCellQLX[cccc] != -9999.0){ ECAProc::Die("",2,0,0); } if(fCellTAC[cccc] != -9999.0){ ECAProc::Die("",2,0,0); } if(fCellWidthQHS[cccc] != -9999.0){ ECAProc::Die("",2,0,0); } if(fCellWidthQHL[cccc] != -9999.0){ ECAProc::Die("",2,0,0); } if(fCellWidthQLX[cccc] != -9999.0){ ECAProc::Die("",2,0,0); } if(fCellWidthTAC[cccc] != -9999.0){ ECAProc::Die("",2,0,0); } } // ! test # events } // getting data else{ // not getting data fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],25); } // ! test of ECAChannel active } // !cells for this channel // Check first cell of this channel to determine `channel status' bits int channel0 = fBits->GetBits(fCellStatus[cccc0], 16, 12); // If any were bad, set the overall channel status bit for cell0 //Also need to include bit 29 in this check if(( channel0 != 0 ) || ( fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],29) ))fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],15); for(int nce = 0; nceGetCCCC(nch,nce); int cellstat = fBits->GetBits(fCellStatus[cccc], 1, 14); // If any tests were bad, set the overall cell status bit if(( cellstat != 0 ) || ( fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],28) )){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],0); ++NBadCe; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],13))++NPartCe; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],14))++NEmptyCe; // Counters for number of cells failing each test for each quant? } // Copy channel status from cell0 if(nce>0){ for(int nbit=15;nbit<28;++nbit){ if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],nbit)){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],nbit); } } //also need to get bit 29 if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],29)){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],29); } } } // Increment some channel counters int test01 = fBits->GetBits(fCellStatus[cccc0], 18, 7); int test02 = fBits->GetBits(fCellStatus[cccc0], 26, 2); if(test01!=0 || test02!=0)++NBadChCa; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],15)){ ++NBadCh; ++NCrTot[icrate]; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],26)){++NPartCh; ++NCrNev[icrate];} if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],27)){++NEmptyCh; ++NCr0ev[icrate];} if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],25)){++NBadSeq; ++NCrSeq[icrate];} if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],16)){++NBadMB; ++NCrMB[icrate];} if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],17)){++NBadDB; ++NCrDB[icrate];} if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],29)) ++NfSigUsedCh; bool qhsORt = false; for(int nq=0; nq<4; ++nq){ if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],18+nq)){ ++NBadPedCh[nq][3]; bool donechped = false; for(int ntest=0;ntest<3;++ntest){ bool donechtest = false; bool qhsORt2 = false; for(int nce=0; nceGetCCCC(nch,nce); int bitid = (nq+1)*3 -2 +ntest; if(!donechtest && fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],bitid)){ if(!donechped){ donechped = true; ++NBadPedCh[nq][4]; ++NCrBadPed[icrate][nq][0]; // This channel failed any test for quant nq if((nq==0||nq==3)&&!qhsORt){ // Not yet failed for QHS+TAC combo qhsORt = true; ++NCrBadPed[icrate][4][0]; // Failed either QHS/TAC on any test } } ++NBadPedCh[nq][ntest]; ++NCrBadPed[icrate][nq][ntest+1]; // This channel failed this test for quant nq donechtest = true; if((nq==0||nq==3)&&!qhsORt2){ qhsORt2 = true; ++NCrBadPed[icrate][4][ntest+1]; // Failed QHS/TAC on this test } } } } } if(NBadPedCh[nq][3]!=NBadPedCh[nq][4]){ ECAProc::Die("",4,NBadPedCh[nq][3],NBadPedCh[nq][4]); } } } } // !channels // Loop over crates and fill hists for(int ic=0; icFill(NCrNev[ic]); fHists.fNBad0ev->Fill(NCr0ev[ic]); fHists.fNBadSeq->Fill(NCrSeq[ic]); fHists.fNBadMB->Fill(NCrMB[ic]); fHists.fNBadDB->Fill(NCrDB[ic]); fHists.fNBad->Fill(NCrTot[ic]); for(int ip=0; ip<4; ++ip){ for(int it=0; it<4; ++it){ if((nave[ic][ip][it])>0.){average[ic][ip][it] = average[ic][ip][it] / nave[ic][ip][it];} } fHists.fPedAve[ip]->Fill(average[ic][ip][0]); fHists.fWidthAve[ip]->Fill(average[ic][ip][1]); fHists.fDiffAve[ip]->Fill(average[ic][ip][2]); fHists.fAbsDiffAve[ip]->Fill(average[ic][ip][3]); } for(int ip=0; ip<5; ++ip){ for(int it=0; it<4; ++it){ fHists.fNBadPed[ip][it]->Fill(NCrBadPed[ic][ip][it]); } } } // NOW WE DO THE FULL RUN STATUS CHECKS // Calculate run averages // (NB nt=0,1 should have the same averages: both ave medians) for(int nq=0; nq<4; ++nq){ for(int nt=0; nt<4; ++nt){ if(nrunsum[nq][nt]>0){ runningsum[nq][nt] = runningsum[nq][nt]/nrunsum[nq][nt]; if(nt==3)runningsum[nq][4] = runningsum[nq][4]/nrunsum[nq][nt]; } else{ runningsum[nq][nt] = 0.0; if(nt==3)runningsum[nq][4] = 0.0; } // Test medians (bits 7-10) if(nt==1){ if((runningsum[nq][nt]MaxAvePed[nq])){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 7+nq); } } // Test widths (bits 11-14) if(nt==2){ if(runningsum[nq][nt]>MaxAveWidth[nq]){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 11+nq); } } // Test abs diffs (bits 15-18) if(nt==3){ if(runningsum[nq][nt]>MaxAveDiff[nq]){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 15+nq); } } } } // Tests on overall run stats: // 0. Test UC bit if(fBits->TestBit(fRunMask, 21)){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 26); } // 1. Number of empty channels if(NEmptyCh > MaxN0ev){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 0); } // 2. Number of partial channels (i.e. <160 events) if(NPartCh > MaxN160ev){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 1); } // 3. Number of board ID failures (DB+MB) if((NBadDB+NBadMB) > MaxNboardID){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 2); } // 4. Number of flagged channels in total if(NBadCh > MaxNChan){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 19); } // 5. Number of channels failing the tests for QHS/QHL/QLX/TAC for(int nq=0;nq<4;++nq){ if(NBadPedCh[nq][3] > MaxNFlag[nq]){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 3+nq); } } // 6. Number of channels using fSig defaults (i.e. Nev<4) is greater than max if(NfSigUsedCh > MaxNfSigChan){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 20); } delete[] NCrSeq; delete[] NCrMB; delete[] NCrDB; delete[] NCrNev; delete[] NCr0ev; delete[] NCrTot; } void ECAProc::TSlopeDiagnostic() { std::vector cubic_min = fECAbank->GetDArray("cubic_min"); std::vector cubic_max = fECAbank->GetDArray("cubic_max"); std::vector cubic_diff = fECAbank->GetDArray("cubic_diff"); int cubic_minNfit = fECAbank->GetI("cubic_minNfit"); float width_TStep = fECAbank->GetD("width_TStep"); int width_maxN = fECAbank->GetI("width_maxN"); int Nev_TStep = fECAbank->GetI("Nev_TStep"); int Nev_maxN = fECAbank->GetI("Nev_maxN"); int susp_maxN = fECAbank->GetI("susp_maxN"); int NRailedPoints = fECAbank->GetI("NRailedPoints"); //float maxchisq = fECAbank->GetD("MaxChisq"); //float resid_TStep = fECAbank->GetD("Resid_TStep"); int TslpMaxNboardID = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxNboardID"); int TslpMaxN0ev = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxN0ev"); int TslpMaxN0evTStep = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxN0evTStep"); int TslpMaxNWidth = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxNWidth"); int TslpMaxNFit = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxNFit"); int TslpMaxNSusp = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxNSusp"); int TslpMaxNTAC = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxNTAC"); std::vector TslpMaxNCubic = fECAbank->GetIArray("TslpMaxNCubic"); std::vector TslpMinAveCub = fECAbank->GetDArray("TslpMinAveCub"); std::vector TslpMaxAveCub = fECAbank->GetDArray("TslpMaxAveCub"); std::vector TslpMaxAveCubDiff = fECAbank->GetDArray("TslpMaxAveCubDiff"); int TslpMaxNChan = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxNChan"); int TslpMaxNRailedChan = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxNRailedChan"); int TslpMaxNSuspPostResetHitsChan = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxNSuspPostResetHitsChan"); int TslpMaxNFirstPointBadChan = fECAbank->GetI("TslpMaxNFirstPointBadChan"); const DU::ChanHWStatus& channelHardwareStatus = DU::Utility::Get()->GetChanHWStatus(); int NBadCh = 0; int NEmptyCh = 0; int NPartCh = 0; int NFratiCh = 0; int NBadUsedCh = 0; int NBadWidthCh = 0; int NSuspCh = 0; int NBadFitCh[4][3]; // test / parameter int NBadSeq = 0; int NBadMB = 0; int NBadDB = 0; int NRailedCh = 0; //kate int NFirstPointBadCh = 0; //kate int NSuspPostResetHitsCh = 0; //kate float runningsum[3][3]; int nrunsum[2][3]; for(int nfp=0;nfp<3;++nfp){ for(int nt=0;nt<2;++nt){ NBadFitCh[nt][nfp] = 0; runningsum[nt][nfp] = 0.0; nrunsum[nt][nfp] = 0; } NBadFitCh[2][nfp] = 0; NBadFitCh[3][nfp] = 0; runningsum[2][nfp] = 0.0; } // Per crate values float Crrunningsum[ncrate][3][3]; int Crnrunsum[ncrate][3][3]; int NCrBadFitCh[ncrate][2][3]; int *NCrBadUsedCh = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrBadWidthCh = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrPartCh = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrEmptyCh = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrBadSeq = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrBadMB = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrBadDB = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrSuspCh = new int[fNcrate]; int *NCrBadCh = new int[fNcrate]; for(int ic=0;icGetCCCC(nch,0); // We can get the crate/card/channel for cell 0 // NB ichan is the channel number on the card i.e. [0,31] // nch is the overall channel number i.e. [0,fTotChannel] int icrate = fBits->GetCratewCell(cccc0); int icard = fBits->GetCardwCell(cccc0); int ichan = fBits->GetChannelwCell(cccc0); bool dodiff = false; if(fECAdiff==1){ dodiff = true; if(!ECAProc::MatchPrevTinj("diff"))dodiff = false; } int NBadCe = 0; int NEmptyCe = 0; int NPartCe = 0; //int NFrati = 0; int NBadUsed = 0; int NBadWidth = 0; int NSusp = 0; int NBadFit[3][3]; for(int nfp=0;nfp<3;++nfp){ for(int nt=0;nt<3;++nt){ NBadFit[nt][nfp] = 0; } } for(int nce = 0; nceGetCCCC(nch,nce); //trying to get robust criteria to skip post-reset points //ideally, we would just read in GT valid for each cell and //skip points with time after GT valid, but this is not available yet int first9999index = -1; for(int np=0; npSetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],24); } // 1.b. Test DB ID int daughterID = (ichan/8) + 1; offset = offset + daughterID; if(fECADQID[offset]!=fECAPrevDQID[offset]){ dodiff = false; // Don't do diff tests because the DB has changed fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],25); } // 2. Test if channel got good data if( (fPrevStatus[cccc] & (1<<1) ) || // Cell with 0 events (fPrevStatus[cccc] & (1<<26) ) || // Cell no recieving data (fPrevStatus[cccc] & (1<<11) ) ) // Cell with too few events dodiff = false; //Do not perform diff test } // 3. Test if channel is getting data bool seq = channelHardwareStatus.IsECAChannelActive(nch); if(seq){ // 4. Test # events if(nce==0)fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],14); fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],1); int ncetoofew = 0; for(int np=0; npFill(fNevTACSlp[cccc][np]); if(fNevTACSlp[cccc][np]>0){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->ClearBit(fCellStatus[cccc],1); } //want to check only if we're not in the post-reset region //this is loose criteria but good enough for now //ideally / eventually read in GT valid here instead if( np < first9999index && !firstpointis9999 ) { if(fNevTACSlp[cccc][np]SetBit(fCellSusp[cccc],np); } } if( np < second9999index && firstpointis9999 ) { if(fNevTACSlp[cccc][np]SetBit(fCellSusp[cccc],np); } } } //Fill hist fNBadStepNev fHists.fNBadStepNev->Fill(ncetoofew); // If bit 1 in the cell word is not set i.e. we did see some events: if(!(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],1))){ fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->ClearBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],14); if(ncetoofew>Nev_maxN){ // Too many points had too few events fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],11); fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],23); } // 5. Test cubic fit: Npoints, parameters in range and diff from prev int nused = ECAProc::TSlopeNGood(cccc); // Fill hist fNUsed fHists.fNUsed->Fill(nused); if(nusedSetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],2); fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],15); } if(nused>0){ // Do tests on fit params for(int nfp=0; nfp<3; ++nfp){ runningsum[0][nfp] += fCellTACFits[cccc][nfp+1]; // only test linear+ nrunsum[0][nfp] += 1; Crrunningsum[icrate][0][nfp] += fCellTACFits[cccc][nfp+1]; // only test linear+ Crnrunsum[icrate][0][nfp] += 1; if((fCellTACFits[cccc][nfp+1]cubic_max[nfp])){ int bitid = 8 - nfp*2; fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],bitid); bitid = 19 - nfp; fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],bitid); fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],20); } } if(fECAdiff==1){ // Can we do difference tests? // Only do these tests if the previous run doesn't have bits 1/26 set bool testprev1 = fBits->TestBit(fPrevStatus[cccc],1); bool testprev2 = fBits->TestBit(fPrevStatus[cccc],26); if(testprev1 || testprev2) dodiff = false; } if(dodiff){ // Do difference tests for(int nfp=0; nfp<3; ++nfp){ runningsum[1][nfp] += (fCellTACFits[cccc][nfp+1] - fPrevTACFits[cccc][nfp+1]); runningsum[2][nfp] += fabs(fCellTACFits[cccc][nfp+1] - fPrevTACFits[cccc][nfp+1]); nrunsum[1][nfp] += 1; Crrunningsum[icrate][1][nfp] += (fCellTACFits[cccc][nfp+1] - fPrevTACFits[cccc][nfp+1]); Crrunningsum[icrate][2][nfp] += fabs(fCellTACFits[cccc][nfp+1] - fPrevTACFits[cccc][nfp+1]); Crnrunsum[icrate][1][nfp] += 1; Crnrunsum[icrate][2][nfp] += 1; if(fabs(fCellTACFits[cccc][nfp+1] - fPrevTACFits[cccc][nfp+1]) > cubic_diff[nfp]){ int bitid = 9 - nfp*2; fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],bitid); bitid = 19 - nfp; fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],bitid); fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],21); } // Fill hists fCubFitPar[nfp][1] fHists.fCubFitPar[nfp][1]->Fill(fCellTACFits[cccc][nfp+1] - fPrevTACFits[cccc][nfp+1]); } fHists.fCubIntDiff->Fill(fCellTACFits[cccc][0] - fPrevTACFits[cccc][0]); } } //! nused>0 // 6. Test widths of each point int ncebadwidth = 0; for(int np=0; npFill(fCellTACwidth[cccc][np]); fHists.fWidthCrates[icrate]->Fill(fCellTACwidth[cccc][np]); fHists.fWidthPoints[np]->Fill(fCellTACwidth[cccc][np]); if(fCellTACwidth[cccc][np]>width_TStep){ ++ncebadwidth; fCellSusp[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellSusp[cccc],np); } } if( np < second9999index && firstpointis9999 ) { // Fill hist fWidth fHists.fWidth->Fill(fCellTACwidth[cccc][np]); fHists.fWidthCrates[icrate]->Fill(fCellTACwidth[cccc][np]); fHists.fWidthPoints[np]->Fill(fCellTACwidth[cccc][np]); if(fCellTACwidth[cccc][np]>width_TStep){ ++ncebadwidth; fCellSusp[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellSusp[cccc],np); } } } // Fill hist fNBadCeWidth fHists.fNBadCeWidth->Fill(ncebadwidth); if(ncebadwidth>width_maxN){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],10); fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],22); } // 7. Frati TAC jump test??? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /*frati_flag=.false. if(Frati_ChiSq.ge.rcons(ldceca+start_ldceca+15)) + frati_flag=.true. if(Frati_ChiSq.lt.rcons(ldceca+start_ldceca+15)) then call hfill(2602,Frati_ChiSq,0.,1.) n_residual(ice)=0 do K=1,NS if((qtgen(K).gt.59.).and.(qtgen(K).lt.350.).and. + (med_qt(K,ice,ich,ica,4).gt.0)) then do K2=2,4 fit_coeffs(K2)=Frati_C_Fit(K2) enddo fit_coeffs(1)=Frati_C_Fit(1) + -1.*med_qt(K,ice,ich,ica,4) t_residual(K,ice)=qtgen(K) call poly_solve(fit_coeffs,3,100,0.001, + t_residual(K,ice),err_dummy,iretcode) if(iretcode.eq.1) then t_residual(K,ice)=-9999. else t_residual(K,ice)=t_residual(K,ice)-qtgen(K) endif if(abs(t_residual(K,ice)).ge. + rcons(ldceca+start_ldceca+16)) + n_residual(ice)=n_residual(ice)+1 call hfill(2601,t_residual(K,ice),0.,1.) endif enddo call hfill(2603,n_residual(ice)*1.,0.,1.) if(n_residual(ice).ge.icons(ldceca+start_ldceca+17)) + frati_flag=.true. endif if(frati_flag) then maskT(ice)=ibset(maskT(ice),12) maskT(1)=ibset(maskT(1),start_ch_mask+14) endif*/ // 8. Test # suspicious points (susp = bad width or too few ev) int ncesusp = 0; for(int np=0; npTestBit(fCellSusp[cccc],np))++ncesusp; } // Fill hist fNSuspStep fHists.fNSuspStep->Fill(ncesusp); //Fill debug hist: first reset time //indeally would just read in GT valid from ORCA, but this gives the general idea if(fSuperDebug == 1){ if(firstpointis9999) fResetTimes->Fill(fEVTACX[second9999index]); else fResetTimes->Fill(fEVTACX[first9999index]); } if(ncesusp>susp_maxN){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],3); fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],16); } // 9. Test if any railed points int ncerailed = 0; for(int np=0; np= 4095){ ++ncerailed; } } if(ncerailed >= NRailedPoints){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],12); //bit 12: cell has tslope = railed fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],27); //bit 27: chan has >=1 railed tslope } //10. test if the first point is bad (i.e got no events) if(firstpointis9999) { fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],28); //bit 28: cell has bad first point on tslope fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],29);//bit 29: chan has >=1 cell w/ bad first point tslope } //11. test if there is any behavior in post-reset points that is not consisent with noise // criteria 1: if there are many hits, set the flag fHists.fPResetNPoints->Fill(numpostresethits); if(numpostresethits > 2) { fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],30); //bit 30: cell has susp post-reset fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],31); //bit 31: chan has >=1 cell w/ susp post-reset } //criteria 2: if the hits are higher TAC value than expected, set the flag //Do not use first bad point if any int used9999index = -1.; if(!firstpointis9999) used9999index = first9999index; else used9999index = second9999index; for(int np=used9999index +1; np= fEVTACX[i]) && (i>ilow)){ ilow = i; } if((timepastreset <= fEVTACX[i]) && (iFill(thispoint - comparisonTACValue); // info <<" set nevents post reset"<< newline; fHists.fPResetNev->Fill(fNevTACSlp[cccc][np]); } if(thispoint > upperlim){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],30); //bit 30: cell has susp post-reset fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],31); //bit 31: chan has >=1 cell w/ susp post-reset //Javi if(numpostresethits < 2) { fHists.fPResetDiffCompFailed->Fill(thispoint - comparisonTACValue); // info<<" set nevents post reset failed"<< newline; fHists.fPResetNevFailed->Fill(fNevTACSlp[cccc][np]); // for(int ievt=0;ievtFill(fEVTACPoints[nn][np][ievt]); } } } } } // ! Events observed on this cell } // ! seq enabled else{ // not getting data fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],26); } // ! test of ECAChannel active } // !cells for this channel // Check first cell of this channel to determine `channel status' bits int channel0 = fBits->GetBits(fCellStatus[cccc0], 14, 14); // If any were bad, set the overall channel status bit for cell0 if( (channel0 != 0) || (fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],29)) || (fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],31)) ) fCellStatus[cccc0] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],13); // Increment some per-cell counters, and copy cell0 channel status to the others for(int nce = 0; nceGetCCCC(nch,nce); int cellstat = fBits->GetBits(fCellStatus[cccc], 1, 12); // If any tests were bad, set the overall cell status bit // don't forget the new cell-level flags at bit 28 and 30! if( (cellstat != 0) || (fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],28)) || (fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],30)) ){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],0); ++NBadCe; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],1))++NEmptyCe; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],2))++NBadUsed; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],3))++NSusp; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],10))++NBadWidth; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],11))++NPartCe; for(int nfp=0; nfp<3; ++nfp){ // 3 cubic fit pars for(int nt=0;nt<2;++nt){ // 2 tests (range & diff) int bitid = 8 - 2*nfp + nt; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],bitid))++NBadFit[nt][nfp]; } int bitid = 8 - 2*nfp; int testchunk = fBits->GetBits(fCellStatus[cccc], bitid, 2); if(testchunk!=0)++NBadFit[2][nfp]; } } // Copy channel status from cell0 if(nce>0){ for(int nbit=13;nbit<28;++nbit){ if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],nbit)){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],nbit); } } //don't forget new flags if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],29)){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],29); } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],31)){ fCellStatus[cccc] = fBits->SetBit(fCellStatus[cccc],31); } } } // Increment some channel counters if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],13)){ ++NBadCh; ++NCrBadCh[icrate]; if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],14)){ ++NEmptyCh; ++NCrEmptyCh[icrate]; } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],15)){ ++NBadUsedCh; ++NCrBadUsedCh[icrate]; } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],16)){ ++NSuspCh; ++NCrSuspCh[icrate]; } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],22)){ ++NBadWidthCh; ++NCrBadWidthCh[icrate]; } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],23)){ ++NPartCh; ++NCrPartCh[icrate]; } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],24)){ ++NBadMB; ++NCrBadMB[icrate]; } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],25)){ ++NBadDB; ++NCrBadDB[icrate]; } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],26)){ ++NBadSeq; ++NCrBadSeq[icrate]; } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],27)){ //kate ++NRailedCh; } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],29)){ //kate ++NFirstPointBadCh; } if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],31)){ //kate ++NSuspPostResetHitsCh; } for(int nfp=0;nfp<3;++nfp){ if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],19-nfp)){ ++NBadFitCh[3][nfp]; bool badfit = false; // ? for(int nt=0; nt<2; ++nt){ bool badtest = false; // chan has not yet failed this test for this par for(int nce=0; nceGetCCCC(nch,nce); int bitid = 8 - 2*nfp + nt; bool testbit = fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc],bitid); if((!badtest) && testbit){ if(!badfit){ badfit = true; ++NBadFitCh[2][nfp]; } ++NBadFitCh[nt][nfp]; ++NCrBadFitCh[icrate][nt][nfp]; badtest = true; } } } } if(NBadFitCh[3][nfp]!=NBadFitCh[2][nfp]){ ECAProc::Die("",6,NBadFitCh[3][nfp],NBadFitCh[2][nfp]); } } /* //Frati test not currently used, but keep incase we want to implement it if(fBits->TestBit(fCellStatus[cccc0],27)){ ++NFratiCh; } */ } } // !channels // Loop over crates and fill hists for(int ic=0; icFill(NCrBadUsedCh[ic]); fHists.fNBadChWidth->Fill(NCrBadWidthCh[ic]); fHists.fNBadChNev->Fill(NCrPartCh[ic]); fHists.fNBadCh0ev->Fill(NCrEmptyCh[ic]); fHists.fNBadChSeq->Fill(NCrBadSeq[ic]); fHists.fNBadChMB->Fill(NCrBadMB[ic]); fHists.fNBadChDB->Fill(NCrBadDB[ic]); fHists.fNBadChSusp->Fill(NCrSuspCh[ic]); fHists.fNBadCh->Fill(NCrBadCh[ic]); for(int ip=0; ip<3; ++ip){ // swap order: runningsum[test][fit par] for(int it=0; it<3; ++it){ //but hist[par][test] float avg = 0.; if((Crnrunsum[ic][it][ip])>0.){avg = Crrunningsum[ic][it][ip] / Crnrunsum[ic][it][ip];} fHists.fCubFitParAve[ip][it]->Fill(avg); if(it<2)fHists.fNBadChCub[ip][it]->Fill(NCrBadFitCh[ic][it][ip]); } } } // NOW WE DO THE FULL RUN STATUS CHECKS // Calculate run averages for(int nfp=0; nfp<3; ++nfp){ for(int nt=0; nt<2; ++nt){ // actual / diff from prev / abs diff from prev if(nrunsum[nt][nfp]>0){ // runningsum[nt][nfp] = runningsum[nt][nfp]/nrunsum[nt][nfp]; if(nt==1)runningsum[2][nfp] = runningsum[2][nfp]/nrunsum[nt][nfp]; } else{ runningsum[nt][nfp] = 0.0; if(nt==1)runningsum[2][nfp] = 0.0; } } // Test absolute values of fit pars if((runningsum[0][nfp]TslpMaxAveCub[nfp])){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 12-nfp); } // Test fit parameter abs diffs if(runningsum[2][nfp]>TslpMaxAveCubDiff[nfp]){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 15-nfp); } } // Tests on overall run stats: // 0. Test UC bit if(fBits->TestBit(fRunMask, 21)){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 26); } // 1. Number of board ID failures (DB+MB) if((NBadDB+NBadMB) > TslpMaxNboardID){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 0); } // 2. Number of empty channels if(NEmptyCh > TslpMaxN0ev){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 1); } // 3. Number of partial channels (i.e. too few events) if(NPartCh > TslpMaxN0evTStep){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 2); } // 4. Number of bad width channels if(NBadWidthCh > TslpMaxNWidth){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 3); } // 5. Number of channels failing Nev in fit if(NBadUsedCh > TslpMaxNFit){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 4); } // 6. Number of suspicious channels if(NSuspCh > TslpMaxNSusp){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 5); } // 7. Number of channels failing Frati TAC jump test if(NFratiCh > TslpMaxNTAC){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 6); } // 8. Total flagged channels if(NBadCh > TslpMaxNChan){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 16); } // 9. Number of channels failing cubic fit par tests for(int nfp=0;nfp<3;++nfp){ if(NBadFitCh[3][nfp] > TslpMaxNCubic[nfp]){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 9-nfp); } } // 10. Number of railed channels //kate if(NRailedCh > TslpMaxNRailedChan){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 17); } // 11. Number of railed channels //kate if(NFirstPointBadCh > TslpMaxNFirstPointBadChan){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 18); } // 12. Number of railed channels //kate if( NSuspPostResetHitsCh> TslpMaxNSuspPostResetHitsChan){ fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 19); } delete[] NCrBadUsedCh; delete[] NCrBadWidthCh; delete[] NCrPartCh; delete[] NCrEmptyCh; delete[] NCrBadSeq; delete[] NCrBadMB; delete[] NCrBadDB; delete[] NCrSuspCh; delete[] NCrBadCh; } std::vector ECAProc::TSlopeFilter(int cccc) { // Diagnostic pars int MinNoEvPP = fECAbank->GetI("cubic_minN_TStep"); int ntot = fNSlopePoints; std::vector bad = fCellBad[cccc]; std::vector curl = fCellCurl[cccc]; for(int ni = 0; niSetBit(bad, ni); } // Check whether the points are monotonically increasing //increase[ni] = true; // SNO+ method: keep all points that monot. inc. UNTIL one turns over else{ if(ni>0){ if((fCellTACPoints[cccc][ni]TestBit(curl,ni-1))){ //increase[ni] = false; curl = fBits->SetBit(curl, ni); //SNO method: tag 4 points before the turn over as curl region as well if( (isSNOdata) && !fBits->TestBit(curl,ni-1) ){ curl = fBits->SetBit(curl, ni-1); curl = fBits->SetBit(curl, ni-2); curl = fBits->SetBit(curl, ni-3); curl = fBits->SetBit(curl, ni-4); } } } } //SNO method: ALWAYS tag the 4 last points if(isSNOdata && ni==ntot-1){ curl = fBits->SetBit(curl, ni); curl = fBits->SetBit(curl, ni-1); curl = fBits->SetBit(curl, ni-2); curl = fBits->SetBit(curl, ni-3); } // If we have SetBit(bad, ni); } } fCellBad[cccc] = bad; fCellCurl[cccc] = curl; return bad; } int ECAProc::TSlopeNGood(int cccc) { // THIS ROUTINE IS ONLY USEFUL IF TSLOPEFILTER HAS BEEN CALLED FIRST // To set flags for the bad points in fCellBad[cccc] int ntot = fNSlopePoints; int nbad = 0; bool badbit = true; // Count up bad points!! for(int nb=0; nbTestBit(fCellBad[cccc],nb) || fBits->TestBit(fCellCurl[cccc],nb)); if(badbit) ++nbad; } int ngood = ntot - nbad; return ngood; } void ECAProc::TSlopeFit(int cccc) { int ntot = fNSlopePoints; int ngood = ECAProc::TSlopeNGood(cccc); float *yval = new float[ngood]; float *xval = new float[ngood]; float *yerr = new float[ngood]; int bit = 0; //use these to set range on fit plot float firstgood = 0; float lastgood = 0; // Only fill arrays with the good points for(int ia=0; iaTestBit(fCellBad[cccc],ia) || fBits->TestBit(fCellCurl[cccc],ia); if(!badbit){ yval[bit] = fCellTACPoints[cccc][ia]; yerr[bit] = fCellTACrms[cccc][ia]; xval[bit] = fEVTACX[ia]; ++bit; } } firstgood = xval[0]; lastgood = xval[ngood-1]; // Linear fit float *param = new float[4]; float *parerr = new float[4]; for(int np = 0; np<4; ++np){ param[np] = 0.0; parerr[np] = 0.0; } float valid = 0.0; ECAProc::LinearFit(ngood, xval, yval, param, valid); float chisq = 0.0; //save these parameters for the tslope plots float lin0 = param[0]; float lin1 = param[1]; // Cubic fit, iff we have >3 good points on the slope if(ngood > 3){ ECAProc::CubicFit(ngood, xval, yval, yerr, param, parerr, chisq); } else{ for(int i=0;iGetYaxis()->SetTitle("ADC Counts"); std::string name = info + std::string(" time (ns)"); tslope_cccc->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(name.c_str()); tslope_cccc->SetName(info.c_str()); //LINEAR FIT TF1* linearfit_cccc = new TF1(info.c_str(), "[0] + [1]*x", firstgood, lastgood); linearfit_cccc->SetParameter(0, lin0); linearfit_cccc->SetParameter(1, lin1); ///CUBIC FIT TF1 *cubicfit_cccc = new TF1(info.c_str(),"[0] + [1]*x + [2]*x*x + [3]*x*x*x",firstgood,lastgood); if(ngood >3){ cubicfit_cccc->SetParameter(0, param[0]); cubicfit_cccc->SetParameter(1, param[1]); cubicfit_cccc->SetParameter(2, param[2]); cubicfit_cccc->SetParameter(3, param[3]); cubicfit_cccc->SetParError(0, parerr[0]); cubicfit_cccc->SetParError(1, parerr[1]); cubicfit_cccc->SetParError(2, parerr[2]); cubicfit_cccc->SetParError(3, parerr[3]); } else{ cubicfit_cccc->SetParameter(0, 0.0); cubicfit_cccc->SetParameter(1, 0.0); cubicfit_cccc->SetParameter(2, 0.0); cubicfit_cccc->SetParameter(3, 0.0); cubicfit_cccc->SetParError(0, 0.0); cubicfit_cccc->SetParError(1, 0.0); cubicfit_cccc->SetParError(2, 0.0); cubicfit_cccc->SetParError(3, 0.0); } //can add option here to save only tslopes that have out of range parameters fTSlopes.push_back(tslope_cccc); fLinearFits.push_back(linearfit_cccc); fCubicFits.push_back(cubicfit_cccc); }//end if debug->save cubic fits delete[] param; delete[] parerr; } void ECAProc::WriteECADebugHistosRoot() // added by kate { // Write graphs and fits to file fdebughistosROOTfile->cd(); //write trigger histograms fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Write(); fTrigWordHist->Write(); //write triggers vs time (tslopes only) if(fECAflag == 2) { fResetTimes->Write(); fb0_NHit100Lo->Write(); fb1_NHit100Med->Write(); fb2_NHit100Hi->Write(); fb3_NHit20->Write(); fb4_NHit20LB->Write(); fb5_ESumLo->Write(); fb6_ESumHi->Write(); fb7_OWLN->Write(); fb8_OWLELo->Write(); fb9_OWLEHi->Write(); fb10_PulseGT->Write(); fb11_Prescale->Write(); fb12_Pedestal->Write(); fb13_Pong->Write(); fb14_Sync->Write(); fb15_EXTASY->Write(); fb16_Ext2->Write(); fb17_Ext3->Write(); fb18_Ext4->Write(); fb19_Ext5->Write(); fb20_Ext6->Write(); fb21_Ext7->Write(); fb22_Ext8PulseAsync->Write(); fb23_SpecialRaw->Write(); fb24_NCD->Write(); fb25_SoftGT->Write(); fb26_MissedTrig->Write(); } //close file fdebughistosROOTfile->Close(); } void ECAProc::WriteTSlopesRoot() // added by kate { // Write tslope plotss and fits to file fTSlopesRootFile->cd(); if(fECAflag==2){ int size = fTSlopes.size(); for(int i=0; i < size; i++) { fTSlopes[i]->SetMarkerSize(2); fTSlopes[i]->SetLineWidth(0); fTSlopes[i]->Write(); fLinearFits[i]->Write("",TObject::kSingleKey); fCubicFits[i]->Write("",TObject::kSingleKey); } } //tslope plots extra diagnostics/debug ooutput // Close file fTSlopesRootFile->Close(); } void ECAProc::LinearFit(int n, float* &x, float* &y, float* &p, float valid) { float xsum = 0.0; float x2sum = 0.0; float ysum = 0.0; float xysum = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ xsum += x[i]; ysum += y[i]; x2sum += pow(x[i],2); xysum += (x[i]*y[i]); } valid = n*x2sum - pow(xsum,2); if(valid==0.0){ p[0] = 0.0; p[1] = 0.0; return; } p[0] = (x2sum*ysum - xsum*xysum)/valid; p[1] = (n*xysum - xsum*ysum) / valid; return; } void ECAProc::CubicFit(int n, float* &x, float* &y, float* &ye, float* &p, float* &pe, float& chisq) { float *xe = new float[n]; for(int i=0;iSetParameters(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]); points->Fit(fit, "MERQ"); chisq = fit->GetChisquare(); for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ p[i] = fit->GetParameter(i); pe[i] = fit->GetParError(i); } delete points; } Processor::Result ECAProc::DSEvent(DS::Run& run, DS::Entry& ds) { if(fECAflag == 0){ warn<<"ECAProc::DSEvent: No ECA process selected, exiting now\n"; return OK; } // info<<"ECAProc::DSEvent: " <2 are set incorrectly so keep with the same headers than before fGTDelC = eped.GetGTDelayCoarse(); fGTDelF = eped.GetGTDelayFine(); fPedWidth = eped.GetChargePedestalWidth(); fPattern = eped.GetPatternID(); fCalType = eped.GetCalType(); } // info << "Pattern " <0) info << "New step: " << fPattern << newline; if(fECAlogverb>0) info << "fArrayID = " << fArrayID << newline; fTinj = 0.; fArrayID = -1; } fLastPatternID = fPattern; // CalType is in the format XY where X = ped/Tslope and Y = pattern set identification //kate - skip events w/ outof range ECAType int ECATypeFromfCalType = (fCalType / 10) % 10; if((static_cast(ECATypeFromfCalType) < 1) | (static_cast(ECATypeFromfCalType) > 3)){ ECAProc::DontDie("",8,ECATypeFromfCalType,fECAflag); return OK; //skip to next event } else if(static_cast((fCalType/10))!=fECAflag) ECAProc::Die("",8,fCalType,fECAflag); fPattSet = fCalType % 10; /* Calculate injected T for this point */ // SNO+: Internal delay = 10ns, Coarse delay -> ns, fine delay -> ps float time = 10. + static_cast(fGTDelC) + 1e-3*static_cast(fGTDelF); // SNO: Internal delay = 18.35ns (wrong and corrected in SNO+), Coarse delay -> ns, fine delay -> ps if(isSNOdata) time = 18.35 + 10.*(255. - static_cast(fGTDelC)) + (25./256.0)*static_cast(fGTDelF); // Only need to test time if doing a TSlope run if(fECAflag==2){ if(time>fTinj){ // next (or first) Tinj point ++fArrayID; fTinj = time; fEVTACX[fArrayID] = fTinj; } if(time fNSet+1) { fail_set = true; } else if(fPattSet-1 >= fNPatt.size() || (int)fPattern > fNPatt[fPattSet-1]) { fail_patt_num = true; } if(fail_set || fail_patt_num) { ECAProc::Die("", 11, fPattSet, fPattern, 0); } else fCurrentPattern = fPatterns[fPattSet-1][fPattern]; // Loop over events (presumably there should only ever be 1 in here?) for (size_t iev=0; ievTestBit(trigType,0)) fb0_NHit100Lo->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,1)) fb1_NHit100Med->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,2)) fb2_NHit100Hi->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,3)) fb3_NHit20->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,4)) fb4_NHit20LB->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,5)) fb5_ESumLo->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,6)) fb6_ESumHi->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,7)) fb7_OWLN->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,8)) fb8_OWLELo->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,9)) fb9_OWLEHi->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,10)) fb10_PulseGT->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,11)) fb11_Prescale->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,12)) fb12_Pedestal->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,13)) fb13_Pong->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,14)) fb14_Sync->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,15)) fb15_EXTASY->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,16)) fb16_Ext2->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,17)) fb17_Ext3->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,18)) fb18_Ext4->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,19)) fb19_Ext5->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,20)) fb20_Ext6->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,21)) fb21_Ext7->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,22)) fb22_Ext8PulseAsync->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,23)) fb23_SpecialRaw->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,24)) fb24_NCD->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,25)) fb25_SoftGT->Fill(fTinj); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,26)) fb26_MissedTrig->Fill(fTinj); }//end if tslope run }//end fSuperDebug for histograming triggers at times // want both the pedestal and the PGT bit set if(!((fBits->TestBit(trigType,10))&&(fBits->TestBit(trigType,12)))){ //info << "Event skipped" << newline; ++fNumSkip; // fill some trigger word histograms to check contamination if(fSuperDebug == 1){ if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,0)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(0); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,1)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(1); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,2)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(2); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,3)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(3); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,4)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(4); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,5)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(5); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,6)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(6); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,7)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(7); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,8)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(8); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,9)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(9); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,10)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(10); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,11)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(11); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,12)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(12); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,13)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(13); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,14)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(14); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,15)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(15); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,16)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(16); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,17)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(17); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,18)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(18); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,19)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(19); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,20)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(20); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,21)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(21); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,22)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(22); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,23)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(23); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,24)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(24); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,25)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(25); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,26)) fTrigWordHistSkippedEV->Fill(26); }// if debug continue; } //fill hist for NOT skipped events if(fSuperDebug == 1){ if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,0)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(0); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,1)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(1); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,2)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(2); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,3)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(3); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,4)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(4); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,5)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(5); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,6)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(6); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,7)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(7); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,8)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(8); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,9)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(9); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,10)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(10); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,11)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(11); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,12)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(12); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,13)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(13); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,14)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(14); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,15)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(15); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,16)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(16); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,17)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(17); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,18)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(18); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,19)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(19); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,20)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(20); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,21)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(21); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,22)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(22); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,23)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(23); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,24)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(24); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,25)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(25); if(fBits->TestBit(trigType,26)) fTrigWordHist->Fill(26); }// if debug //info << "Event seen!" << newline; // Loop over each hit // On ALL channels, not just regular, inward-facing tubes for(size_t inh = 0; inh < nchan; ++inh){ DS::PMTUncal& pmt = ev.GetUncalPMTs().GetAllPMT(inh); int lcn = pmt.GetID(); int cell = pmt.GetCellID(); int cccc = pmt.GetCrateCardChannelCell(); // Check whether this channel is being ped-pinged (if not, it's coinc. noise) bool goodhit = false; for(UInt_t igh = 0; igh < fCurrentPattern.size(); ++igh){ if(lcn == fCurrentPattern[igh]) goodhit = true; } if(!goodhit){ if(fECAlogverb>0) ecalog << " Hit skipped in Cr " << pmt.GetCrate() << " Card " << pmt.GetCard() << " Channel " <10 events in this cell // if so, skip it if(fNevCell[cccc]==fNMaxEV){continue;} // For first 16 events on this channel, store cell# int nchanev = 0; for(int ic=0; icGetCCCC(lcn,ic); nchanev += fNevCell[tempcccc]; } if(nchanev<16){ fCellNo[lcn][nchanev] = cell; } fEVQHS[cccc][fNevCell[cccc]] = qhs; fEVQHL[cccc][fNevCell[cccc]] = qhl; fEVQLX[cccc][fNevCell[cccc]] = qlx; fEVTAC[cccc][fNevCell[cccc]] = tac; // Add 1 to the event count for this cell fNevCell[cccc] += 1; } if(fECAflag==2){ if(fArrayID<0)ECAProc::Die("",10,0,0); // Check # events at this point, and fill arrays // First event at this point, fill arrays: if(fNevTACSlp[cccc][fArrayID]==fNMaxEV){continue;} // Already got 10 points fEVTACPoints[cccc][fArrayID][fNevTACSlp[cccc][fArrayID]] = tac; // Add 1 to the event count for this point of this cell fNevTACSlp[cccc][fArrayID] += 1; } } // ! loop over channels for this event } // ! event loop ++fNDSEvents; return OK; } void ECAProc::InitLogOut(std::string _logfilename) { int count = ecalog.device_count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)ecalog.remove(0); // Always remove head device fECAlogname = _logfilename; fECAlogfile.open(fECAlogname); ecalog.add(fECAlogfile); } void ECAProc::InitECADebugOut(std::string _debugfilename) { int count = ecadebugrecord.device_count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)ecadebugrecord.remove(0); // Always remove head device fECAdebugdbname = _debugfilename; fECAdebugdbfile.open(fECAdebugdbname); ecadebugrecord.add(fECAdebugdbfile); } void ECAProc::InitECARoot(std::string _rootfilename) { fECArootname = _rootfilename; TString hold = fECArootname; // Open root file fECArootfile = new TFile(hold, "RECREATE"); // Initialise required histograms fHists.Beautify(); fHists.InitialiseHists(fECAflag, fDoDroop); } void ECAProc::WriteECADebugHeader() { if(fECAflag==0){ ecadebugrecord << "You don't have an ECA calibration type selected"<GetBits(fOverallMask, n, 1); if(fECAlogverb>0||bit!=0){ ecalog<<"Bit "<SetRunRange(fRunNo,fRunRangeMax); //pass = -2 means that this table will be pushed to RATDB in truncated mode ECA_table->SetPassNumber(-2); ECA_table->SetI("version",3); ECA_table->SetI("run_status",fOverallMask); // PDST: we want pedestals for 3Q+T, and status word, per CELL i.e. 16*channels ECA_table->SetIArray("pdst_status",fCellStatus); ECA_table->SetDArray("pdst_qhs",fCellQHS); ECA_table->SetDArray("pdst_qhl",fCellQHL); ECA_table->SetDArray("pdst_qlx",fCellQLX); ECA_table->SetDArray("pdst_tac",fCellTAC); ECA_table->SetDArray("pdst_qhswidth",fCellWidthQHS); ECA_table->SetDArray("pdst_qhlwidth",fCellWidthQHL); ECA_table->SetDArray("pdst_qlxwidth",fCellWidthQLX); ECA_table->SetDArray("pdst_tacwidth",fCellWidthTAC); ECA_table->SetIArray("pdst_dqid",fECADQID); } if(fECAflag==2){ ECA_table = new DBTable("ECA_TSLP",fECAIndex); ECA_table->SetRunRange(fRunNo,fRunRangeMax); //pass = -2 means that this table will be pushed to RATDB in truncated mode ECA_table->SetPassNumber(-2); ECA_table->SetI("version",3); ECA_table->SetI("run_status",fOverallMask); // TSLP: 3 status words per cell, plus array of up to N points + 4 fit pars for slope ECA_table->SetIArray("tslp_status",fCellStatus); ECA_table->SetDArray("tslp_times",fEVTACX); ECA_table->SetI("tslp_ntimes",fNSlopePoints); std::vector temp_int; for(int n=0;nSetIArray("tslp_bad",temp_int); temp_int.clear(); std::vector temp; for(int n=0;nSetDArray("tslp_points",temp); temp.clear(); //round doubles to reduce RATDB table sizes double precision [] = {0.1, 1e-3, 1e-6, 1e-9}; for(int n=0;nSetDArray("tslp_fitpars",temp); temp.clear(); ECA_table->SetIArray("tslp_dqid",fECADQID); } //endif tslps ECA_table->SaveAs(fECAdbname); } void ECAProc::CloseECADebug() { ecadebugrecord<<"" <cd(); fHists.SetAxes(fECAflag, fDoDroop); fHists.WriteHists(fECAflag, fECArootfile, fDoDroop); fECArootfile->Close(); } void ECAProc::CreateECAMoni() { RAT::DBTable *ECA_monitoring; if(fECAflag==0){ ECA_monitoring = new DBTable("ECA_INVALID"); } if(fECAflag==1){ ECA_monitoring = new DBTable("ECA_MONI",fECAIndex); ECA_monitoring->SetRunRange(fRunNo,fRunRangeMax); //pass = -2 means that this table will be pushed to RATDB in truncated mode ECA_monitoring->SetPassNumber(-2); ECA_monitoring->SetI("version",1); ECA_monitoring->SetI("run_status",fOverallMask); ECA_monitoring->SetIArray("chan_tested",fTestChannel); // PDST: we want pedestals for 3Q+T, and status word, per CELL i.e. 16*channels ECA_monitoring->SetIArray("pdst_nevents",fNevCell); std::vector temp_int; for(int n=0;nSetIArray("pdst_evt_qhs",temp_int); temp_int.clear(); for(int n=0;nSetIArray("pdst_evt_qhl",temp_int); temp_int.clear(); for(int n=0;nSetIArray("pdst_evt_qlx",temp_int); temp_int.clear(); for(int n=0;nSetIArray("pdst_evt_tac",temp_int); } else if(fECAflag == 2){ ECA_monitoring = new DBTable("ECA_MONI",fECAIndex); //Empty. No useful info to store at the moment. } ECA_monitoring->SaveAs(fECAmoniname); } // Merge the results we have from this run with previous results // Identify cells that don't have results as those with value = 0 // Check that if one value is 0, they all are // New: We now have a flag for channels we tested in this calibration // i.e. fTestChannel[lcn] so check that too // Scenarios: // a) All values == 0 && fTestChannel == 0: empty, use previous // b) No values == 0 && fTestChannel == 1: properly full, do nothing // c) (Exclusive || of the above) || Some values == 0: problem... void ECAProc::MergeECAResults() { if(fECAflag==0){ return; } if(fECAflag==1){ for(int nch = 0; nchGetCCCC(nch,nce); int test = 0; // no values empty /*if(fCellStatus[n]==0){ //CANNOT TEST ON STATUS WORD SINCE IT COULD BE 0 ANYWAY fCellStatus[n]=fPrevStatus[n]; // So set it with the tests on other values instead ++test; }*/ if(fCellQHS[n]==0.0){ fCellQHS[n]=fPrevQHS[n]; fCellSigQHS[n]=fPrevSigQHS[n]; fCellStatus[n]=fPrevStatus[n]; ++test; ++testch; } if(fCellQHL[n]==0.0){ fCellQHL[n]=fPrevQHL[n]; fCellSigQHL[n]=fPrevSigQHL[n]; fCellStatus[n]=fPrevStatus[n]; ++test; ++testch; } if(fCellQLX[n]==0.0){ fCellQLX[n]=fPrevQLX[n]; fCellSigQLX[n]=fPrevSigQLX[n]; fCellStatus[n]=fPrevStatus[n]; ++test; ++testch; } if(fCellTAC[n]==0.0){ fCellTAC[n]=fPrevTAC[n]; fCellSigTAC[n]=fPrevSigTAC[n]; fCellStatus[n]=fPrevStatus[n]; ++test; ++testch; } if(!(test==0 || test==4)){ // Some values are 0, but not all == error?? ECAProc::DontDie("", 1, n, test); // Set bit 31 in status mask, for a 'non-smooth' merge fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 31); // Use values from previous ECA run for all quantities fCellStatus[n]=fPrevStatus[n]; fCellQHS[n]=fPrevQHS[n]; fCellQHL[n]=fPrevQHL[n]; fCellQLX[n]=fPrevQLX[n]; fCellTAC[n]=fPrevTAC[n]; fCellSigQHS[n]=fPrevSigQHS[n]; fCellSigQHL[n]=fPrevSigQHL[n]; fCellSigQLX[n]=fPrevSigQLX[n]; fCellSigTAC[n]=fPrevSigTAC[n]; } if(test==4 && fTestChannel[nch]==1){ // No filled values BUT we did test this channel! ECAProc::Die("", 5, nch, fTestChannel[nch]); } if(test==0 && fTestChannel[nch]==0){ // All values filled, BUT we did NOT test this channel! ECAProc::Die("", 5, nch, fTestChannel[nch]); } }// !cells if(testch>0){ //Any cells in this channel had some empty values //Replace DQID values with previous for(int nd=0;nd<5;++nd){ int icrate = fBits->GetCratewCell(fBits->GetCCCC(nch,0)); int icard = fBits->GetCardwCell(fBits->GetCCCC(nch,0)); int offset = 80*icrate + 5*icard + nd; fECADQID[offset] = fECAPrevDQID[offset]; } if(testch!=4*fNcell){ // only some cells were empty for this channel... ECAProc::DontDie("",5,nch,testch); // Set bit 31 in status mask, for a 'non-smooth' merge fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 31); } } // !this channel had some empty cells } // !channels } if(fECAflag==2){ bool domerge = ECAProc::MatchPrevTinj("merge"); if(domerge){ for(int nch = 0; nchGetCCCC(nch,nce); int test = 0; // no values empty // Can't test status words, since good words are 0 anyway // Test first point in TAC slope, and the first 2 fit pars if(fCellTACPoints[n][0]==0.0){ ++test; ++testch; } if(fCellTACFits[n][0]==0.0){ ++test; ++testch; } if(fCellTACFits[n][1]==0.0){ ++test; ++testch; } if(!(test==0 || test==3)){ // Some values are 0, but not all == error?? ECAProc::DontDie("", 2, n, test); // Set bit 31 in status mask, for a 'non-smooth' merge fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 31); } if(test==3 && fTestChannel[nch]==1){ // No filled values BUT we did test this channel! ECAProc::Die("", 5, nch, fTestChannel[nch]); } if(test==0 && fTestChannel[nch]==0){ // All values filled, BUT we did NOT test this channel! ECAProc::Die("", 5, nch, fTestChannel[nch]); } if(test>0){ // Some values are zero, so use values from previous run for everything fCellStatus[n]=fPrevStatus[n]; fCellBad[n]=fPrevBad[n]; //fLastTAC[n] = fPrevLast[n]; for(int t = 0; t0){ //Any cells in this channel had some empty values //Replace DQID values with previous for(int nd=0;nd<5;++nd){ int icrate = fBits->GetCratewCell(fBits->GetCCCC(nch,0)); int icard = fBits->GetCardwCell(fBits->GetCCCC(nch,0)); int offset = 80*icrate + 5*icard + nd; fECADQID[offset] = fECAPrevDQID[offset]; } if(testch!=3*fNcell){ // only some cells were empty for this channel... ECAProc::DontDie("",6,nch,testch); // Set bit 31 in status mask, for a 'non-smooth' merge fOverallMask = fBits->SetBit(fOverallMask, 31); } } // !this channel had some empty cells } //!channels } // domerge check } } // Return the median and widths of the n values of vector arg void ECAProc::MultiCalc(int n, std::vector arg) { fMedian = 0.0; fWidth = 0.0; fWidth2 = 0.0; fSig = 0.0; if(n==0){return;} int *array = &arg[0]; //Javi: root wants an array if(n%2==1){ // Odd number, return middle value fMedian = TMath::KOrdStat(n, array, int(n/2)); } else{ // Even number, return mean of middle 2 values fMedian = 0.5*(TMath::KOrdStat(n, array, int(n/2 - 1)) + TMath::KOrdStat(n, array, int(n/2))); } // Return the width of the n values of vector arg // Span around median containing 50% of points fWidth = TMath::KOrdStat(n, array, int(0.75*n)) - TMath::KOrdStat(n, array, int(0.25*n)); if(fWidth == 0.0){ fWidth = (1.0/1.95)*(TMath::KOrdStat(n, array, int(0.9*n)) - TMath::KOrdStat(n, array,int(0.1*n))); } if(fWidth == 0.0){ fWidth = 1.0; } fWidth = int(10*fWidth*1.48/2.0) / 10.0; if(fWidth < 0.5) fWidth = 0.5; // Return the 2nd width measure of the n values of vector arg // Span around median containing 20% of points fWidth2 = TMath::KOrdStat(n, array, int(0.7*n)) - TMath::KOrdStat(n, array, int(0.4*n)); // Estimate of 1 sigma width: // 40% of a gaussian's data lies inside 0.52*sigma of the range // plus for some reason estimating sigma from percentiles induces a small bias...(?) //fSig is invalid in this calculation of n < 4, so set those values to -1 and fix them later. //fSig is only used in Ped runs if( n < 4 ) fSig = -1.; else{ fSig = TMath::KOrdStat(n, array, int(0.7*n)-1) - TMath::KOrdStat(n, array, int(0.3*n)-1); fSig = fSig * 1.0055 / (2.0*0.52); } // delete[] array; } void ECAProc::ReassignSigs() { for(int i=0; i qhslimits; qhslimits = fECAbank->GetFArrayFromD("qhs_width_ranges"); std::vector newqhssigs; newqhssigs = fECAbank->GetFArrayFromD("qhs_replacement_sigs"); std::vector qhllimits; qhllimits = fECAbank->GetFArrayFromD("qhl_width_ranges"); std::vector newqhlsigs; newqhlsigs = fECAbank->GetFArrayFromD("qhl_replacement_sigs"); std::vector qlxlimits; qlxlimits = fECAbank->GetFArrayFromD("qlx_width_ranges"); std::vector newqlxsigs; newqlxsigs = fECAbank->GetFArrayFromD("qlx_replacement_sigs"); std::vector taclimits; taclimits = fECAbank->GetFArrayFromD("tac_width_ranges"); std::vector newtacsigs; newtacsigs = fECAbank->GetFArrayFromD("tac_replacement_sigs"); for(int i=0; i < (int) fCellsToReassign.size(); i++){ int icell = fCellsToReassign[i]; float test = fCellWidthQHS[icell]; if((test >= 0.) && (test < qhslimits[0])) fCellSigQHS[icell] = newqhssigs[0]; else if((test >= qhslimits[0]) && (test < qhslimits[1])) fCellSigQHS[icell] = newqhssigs[1]; else if((test >= qhslimits[1]) && (test < qhslimits[2])) fCellSigQHS[icell] = newqhssigs[2]; else if(test >= qhslimits[2]) fCellSigQHS[icell] = newqhssigs[3]; else{ std::cout << fCellWidthQHS[icell] << " ahhhhh! " << std::endl; } test = fCellWidthQHL[icell]; if((test >= 0.) && (test < qhllimits[0])) fCellSigQHL[icell] = newqhlsigs[0]; else if((test >= qhllimits[0]) && (test < qhllimits[1])) fCellSigQHL[icell] = newqhlsigs[1]; else if((test >= qhllimits[1]) && (test < qhllimits[2])) fCellSigQHL[icell] = newqhlsigs[2]; else if(test >= qhllimits[2]) fCellSigQHL[icell] = newqhlsigs[0]; else{ std::cout << fCellWidthQHL[icell] << " ahhhhh! " << std::endl; } test = fCellWidthQLX[icell]; if((test >= 0.) && (test < qlxlimits[0])) fCellSigQLX[icell] = newqlxsigs[0]; else if((test >= qlxlimits[0]) && (test < qlxlimits[1])) fCellSigQLX[icell] = newqlxsigs[1]; else if((test >= qlxlimits[1]) && (test < qlxlimits[2])) fCellSigQLX[icell] = newqlxsigs[2]; else if(test >= qlxlimits[2]) fCellSigQLX[icell] = newqlxsigs[0]; else{ std::cout << fCellWidthQLX[icell] << " ahhhhh! " << std::endl; } test = fCellWidthTAC[icell]; if((test >= 0.) && (test < taclimits[0])) fCellSigTAC[icell] = newtacsigs[0]; else if((test >= taclimits[0]) && (test < taclimits[1])) fCellSigTAC[icell] = newtacsigs[1]; else if(test >= taclimits[1]) fCellSigTAC[icell] = newtacsigs[0]; else{ std::cout << fCellWidthTAC[icell] << " ahhhhh! " << std::endl; } } } bool ECAProc::FileExists(std::string filename) { struct stat stFileInfo; bool open; int intStat; // Attempt to get the file attributes intStat = stat(filename.c_str(),&stFileInfo); if(intStat == 0) { open = true; } else { open = false; } return(open); } bool ECAProc::MatchPrevTinj(std::string msg) { bool dotest = true; if(msg == "diff")msg = "test differences from"; if(msg == "merge")msg = "merge with"; if(fNSlopePoints != fPrevNSlopePoints){ ECAProc::DontDie(msg,7,fPrevNSlopePoints,fNSlopePoints); dotest = false; return dotest; } for(int i=0;iGetIArray("bb1"); fPatterns[0][1] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("bb2"); fPatterns[0][2] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("bb3"); fPatterns[0][3] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("bb4"); fPatterns[0][4] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("bb5"); fPatterns[0][5] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("bb6"); fPatterns[0][6] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("bb7"); fPatterns[0][7] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("bb8"); fPatterns[1][0] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s1"); fPatterns[1][1] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s2"); fPatterns[1][2] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s3"); fPatterns[1][3] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s4"); fPatterns[1][4] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s5"); fPatterns[1][5] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s6"); fPatterns[1][6] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s7"); fPatterns[1][7] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s8"); fPatterns[1][8] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s9"); fPatterns[1][9] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s10"); fPatterns[1][10] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s11"); fPatterns[1][11] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s12"); fPatterns[1][12] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s13"); fPatterns[1][13] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s14"); fPatterns[1][14] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s15"); fPatterns[1][15] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s16"); fPatterns[1][16] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s17"); fPatterns[1][17] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s18"); fPatterns[1][18] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s19"); fPatterns[1][19] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s20"); fPatterns[1][20] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s21"); fPatterns[1][21] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s22"); fPatterns[1][22] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s23"); fPatterns[1][23] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s24"); fPatterns[1][24] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s25"); fPatterns[1][25] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s26"); fPatterns[1][26] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s27"); fPatterns[1][27] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s28"); fPatterns[1][28] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s29"); fPatterns[1][29] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s30"); fPatterns[1][30] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s31"); fPatterns[1][31] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("s32"); fPatterns[2][0] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d1"); fPatterns[2][1] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d2"); fPatterns[2][2] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d3"); fPatterns[2][3] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d4"); fPatterns[2][4] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d5"); fPatterns[2][5] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d6"); fPatterns[2][6] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d7"); fPatterns[2][7] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d8"); fPatterns[2][8] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d9"); fPatterns[2][9] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d10"); fPatterns[2][10] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d11"); fPatterns[2][11] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d12"); fPatterns[2][12] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d13"); fPatterns[2][13] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d14"); fPatterns[2][14] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d15"); fPatterns[2][15] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d16"); fPatterns[2][16] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d17"); fPatterns[2][17] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d18"); fPatterns[2][18] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("d19"); fPatterns[3][0] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("p1"); fPatterns[3][1] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("p2"); fPatterns[3][2] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("p3"); fPatterns[3][3] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("p4"); fPatterns[3][4] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("p5"); fPatterns[3][5] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("p6"); fPatterns[3][6] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("p7"); fPatterns[3][7] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("p8"); fPatterns[3][8] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("p9"); //kate adding channel by channel patterns fPatterns[4][0] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch0"); fPatterns[4][1] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch1"); fPatterns[4][2] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch2"); fPatterns[4][3] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch3"); fPatterns[4][4] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch4"); fPatterns[4][5] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch5"); fPatterns[4][6] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch6"); fPatterns[4][7] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch7"); fPatterns[4][8] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch8"); fPatterns[4][9] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch9"); fPatterns[4][10] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch10"); fPatterns[4][11] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch11"); fPatterns[4][12] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch12"); fPatterns[4][13] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch13"); fPatterns[4][14] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch14"); fPatterns[4][15] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch15"); fPatterns[4][16] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch16"); fPatterns[4][17] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch17"); fPatterns[4][18] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch18"); fPatterns[4][19] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch19"); fPatterns[4][20] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch20"); fPatterns[4][21] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch21"); fPatterns[4][22] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch22"); fPatterns[4][23] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch23"); fPatterns[4][24] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch24"); fPatterns[4][25] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch25"); fPatterns[4][26] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch26"); fPatterns[4][27] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch27"); fPatterns[4][28] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch28"); fPatterns[4][29] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch29"); fPatterns[4][30] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch30"); fPatterns[4][31] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("ch31"); //kate - adding half-crate masks fPatterns[5][0] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc1"); fPatterns[5][1] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc2"); fPatterns[5][2] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc3"); fPatterns[5][3] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc4"); fPatterns[5][4] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc5"); fPatterns[5][5] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc6"); fPatterns[5][6] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc7"); fPatterns[5][7] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc8"); fPatterns[5][8] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc9"); fPatterns[5][9] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc10"); fPatterns[5][10] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc11"); fPatterns[5][11] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc12"); fPatterns[5][12] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc13"); fPatterns[5][13] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc14"); fPatterns[5][14] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc15"); fPatterns[5][15] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc16"); fPatterns[5][16] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc17"); fPatterns[5][17] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc18"); fPatterns[5][18] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc19"); fPatterns[5][19] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc20"); fPatterns[5][20] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc21"); fPatterns[5][21] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc22"); fPatterns[5][22] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc23"); fPatterns[5][23] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc24"); fPatterns[5][24] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc25"); fPatterns[5][25] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc26"); fPatterns[5][26] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc27"); fPatterns[5][27] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc28"); fPatterns[5][28] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc29"); fPatterns[5][29] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc30"); fPatterns[5][30] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc31"); fPatterns[5][31] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc32"); fPatterns[5][32] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc33"); fPatterns[5][33] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc34"); fPatterns[5][34] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc35"); fPatterns[5][35] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc36"); fPatterns[5][36] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc37"); fPatterns[5][37] = fECAPatt->GetIArray("hc38"); } // Handle errors void ECAProc::DontDie(std::string message, int flag_err, float info1, float info2) { if (fECAlogverb == 0) return; if(flag_err < 8) warn << BYELLOW << " ECA SETBACK: " << CLR << newline; ecalog << "----- ECA SETBACK: -----" <GetLCN(static_cast(info1)); int icell = fBits->GetCell(static_cast(info1)); ecalog << " ECA for LCN "< Using values from previous ECA run"<< newline; ecalog <<" and setting bit 31 in the ECA run-status word"<< newline; ecalog << newline; warn << " ECA for LCN "< Using values from previous ECA run"<< newline; warn <<" and setting bit 31 in the ECA run-status word"<< newline; warn << newline; } if(flag_err==2){ // Problem in the merging of old and new files: TSLP int lcn = fBits->GetLCN(static_cast(info1)); int icell = fBits->GetCell(static_cast(info1)); ecalog << " ECA for LCN "< Using values from previous ECA run"<< newline; ecalog <<" and setting bit 31 in the ECA run-status word"<< newline; ecalog << newline; warn << " ECA for LCN "< Using values from previous ECA run"<< newline; warn <<" and setting bit 31 in the ECA run-status word"<< newline; warn << newline; } if(flag_err==4){ // Number of TAC points for this cell != expectation, skip it ecalog << " Number of TAC points for cell "< Using values from previous ECA run for board IDs"<< newline; ecalog <<" and setting bit 31 in the ECA run-status word"<< newline; ecalog << newline; warn << " ECA for LCN "< Using values from previous ECA run for board IDs"<< newline; warn <<" and setting bit 31 in the ECA run-status word"<< newline; warn << newline; } if(flag_err==6){ // Problem in the merging of old and new files: TSLP ecalog << " ECA for LCN "< Using values from previous ECA run for board IDs"<< newline; ecalog <<" and setting bit 31 in the ECA run-status word"<< newline; ecalog << newline; warn << " ECA for LCN "< Using values from previous ECA run for board IDs"<< newline; warn <<" and setting bit 31 in the ECA run-status word"<< newline; warn << newline; } if(flag_err==7){ // EVTacX doesn't match previous ecalog << " You have asked me to "<