/// \brief   PMT noise settings
///     12 Apr 2010 : Gabriel Orebi Gann - First version.
///                   Control of PMT noise settings for the simulation.
///     09 Jul 2015:  GDOG - Split into MC settings & extracted noise rates
/// \details   Settings for the inclusion of noise hits in the MC
///           due to dark current in the PMTs
/* Control for Data Acquisition Simulation*/
type: "NOISE_MC",
version: 1,
run_range: [0, 0],
pass: 0,
comment: "",
timestamp: "",

//Noise Rate specifications
integ_noise_flag: 0,     // 0 = run level table; 1 = integrated table
noise_flag: 1,     // 0 = off; 1 = global noise rate; 2 = per PMT noise rates
OWLnoise: 1,       // do you want to generate noise on OWL tubes? (1=yes)
noise_group_flag: 1, //=1 means real photon hits are grouped together and
                      //noise is sprinkled around groups, rather than
                      //throughout the event. This is most important for events
                      //with multiple physics interactions separated by long
		      //times (e.g., antineutrinos = position+neutron, or long
		      //decay chains).  If the flag is set to 0, then noise hits
		      //will be distributed throughout the event. It is then
		      //recommended that the event cutoff time set in MC.ratdb
		      //is set to a positive value (like 2 seconds) so that
		      //very long events are not passed through the entire
		      //process (which will be very slow).
noise_group_early: 200.0, //Number of nanoseconds before a group that noise
			  //hits can be added.
noise_group_late: 200.0, //Number of nanoseconds after a group (+ trigger
			 // window width) that noise hits can be added.
