//************* REACTOR Location *********** // Originally created by Rehan Deen // Modified by Satoko Asahi (5-16-2014) asahis@owl.phy.queensu.ca // Modified by Jeff Lidgard (3-Aug-2015) jeffrey.lidgard@physics.ox.ac.uk // Modified by Nuno Barros (16-Oct-2016) nfbarros@hep.upenn.edu // Modified by Nuno Barros (30-Oct-2016) nfbarros@hep.upenn.edu // Modified by Stefan Nae (22-Feb-2019) stefan@lip.pt // Modified by Stefan Nae (07-Aug-2019) stefan@lip.pt // Modified by Stefan Nae (16-Aug-2019) stefan@lip.pt // Modified by Logan Lebanowski (2019/09/18) - update isotope models [DocDB 6081] // Modified by Charlie Mills (2020/01/28) - move design power here with 120% power // Modified by Charlie Mills (2021/09/22) - Update for 2020 IAEA data // // Power in MW, PRIS data // Coordinates: - for West and South // Straight line distance in km // More details on DocDB-2460 // //******************************************** //================ REACTOR LISTS ================ { type: "REACTOR_LIST", version: 1, index: "ALL", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "All reactors in this file.", timestamp: "", active_reactors: [""], // IMPORTANT: The quotes are necessary to know the type if the array } { type: "REACTOR_LIST", version: 1, index: "macro", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Custom entry to be customized using the macro.", timestamp: "", active_reactors: [""], // IMPORTANT: The quotes are necessary to know the type if the array } { type: "REACTOR_LIST", version: 1, index: "3CAD", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Closest Canadian reactors", timestamp: "", active_reactors: ["BRUCE", "DARLINGTON", "PICKERING"], } { type: "REACTOR_LIST", version: 1, index: "testing", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Testing list of reactors to be simulated", timestamp: "", active_reactors: ["BRUCE", "DAYA BAY", "LINGAO", "ALMARAZ"], } //================ REACTOR ISOTOPE INFO ================ { type: "REACTOR_ISOTOPE_INFO", version: 1, index: "235U_Huber", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Based on Huber model", timestamp: "", // Number of neutrinos per fission above 1.8 MeV [PRD 70 (2004) 053011] - out-of-date but unused n_nu_fission: 1.92, n_nu_fission_err: 0.037, // Energy release per fission [Ma et al. PRC 88 014605] e_per_fission: 202.36, // MeV e_per_fission_err: 0.26, // MeV spec_type: "polynomial", // polynomial coefficients to construct the spectrum //poly_coeff: [3.217, -3.111, 1.395, -0.3690, 0.04445, -0.002053], // [Mueller et al. PRC 83 054615] // DEFAULT poly_coeff: [4.367, -4.577, 2.100, -0.5294, 0.06186, -0.002777], // [Huber PRC 84 024617] // these are used only when spec_type is set to "shape" spec_e: [], spec_flux: [], } { type: "REACTOR_ISOTOPE_INFO", version: 1, index: "235U", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "See docdb-7691", timestamp: "", // Number of neutrinos per fission above 1.8 MeV [PRD 70 (2004) 053011] - out-of-date but unused n_nu_fission: 1.92, n_nu_fission_err: 0.037, // Energy release per fission [Ma et al. PRC 88 014605] e_per_fission: 202.36, // MeV e_per_fission_err: 0.26, // MeV spec_type: "shape", // leave empty, since we are using a shape spectrum, not building it from polynomial factors poly_coeff: [], // spec_e are the bin centers of the antinu spectrum (MeV), spec_flux are the bin values (arbitrary units) // See F. P. An (2022, Joint Daya-Bay and PROSPECT analysis) https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.12251 (and https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.04614) spec_e: [1.925, 2.17, 2.42, 2.67, 2.92, 3.17, 3.42, 3.67, 3.92, 4.17, 4.42, 4.67, 4.92, 5.17, 5.42, 5.67, 5.92, 6.17, 6.42, 6.67, 6.92, 7.17, 7.42, 7.67, 8.15], spec_flux: [8.090, 5.351, 4.744, 4.071, 3.433, 2.890, 2.414, 1.963, 1.540, 1.193, 0.944, 0.766, 0.617, 0.486, 0.379, 0.301, 0.241, 0.186, 0.132, 0.091, 0.065, 0.044, 0.026, 0.017, 0.006] } { type: "REACTOR_ISOTOPE_INFO", version: 1, index: "238U", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", // Number of neutrinos per fission above 1.8 MeV [PRD 70 (2004) 053011] - out-of-date but unused n_nu_fission: 2.38, n_nu_fission_err: 0.048, // Energy release per fission [Ma et al. PRC 88 014605] e_per_fission: 205.99, // MeV e_per_fission_err: 0.52, // MeV spec_type: "polynomial", // DEFAULT poly_coeff: [0.4833, 0.1927, -0.1283, -0.006762, 0.002233, -0.0001536], // [Mueller et al. PRC 83 054615] spec_e: [], spec_flux: [], } { type: "REACTOR_ISOTOPE_INFO", version: 1, index: "239Pu_Huber", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Based on Huber model", timestamp: "", // Number of neutrinos per fission above 1.8 MeV [PRD 70 (2004) 053011] - out-of-date but unused n_nu_fission: 1.45, n_nu_fission_err: 0.031, // Energy release per fission [Ma et al. PRC 88 014605] e_per_fission: 211.12, // MeV e_per_fission_err: 0.34, // MeV spec_type: "polynomial", //poly_coeff: [6.413, -7.432, 3.535, -0.8820, 0.1025, -0.004550], // [Mueller et al. PRC 83 054615] // DEFAULT poly_coeff: [4.757, -5.392, 2.563, -0.6596, 0.07820, -0.003536], // [Huber PRC 84 024617] spec_e: [], spec_flux: [], } { type: "REACTOR_ISOTOPE_INFO", version: 1, index: "239Pu", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "See docdb-7691", timestamp: "", // Number of neutrinos per fission above 1.8 MeV [PRD 70 (2004) 053011] - out-of-date but unused n_nu_fission: 1.45, n_nu_fission_err: 0.031, // Energy release per fission [Ma et al. PRC 88 014605] e_per_fission: 211.12, // MeV e_per_fission_err: 0.34, // MeV spec_type: "shape", // leave empty, since we are using a shape spectrum, not building it from polynomial factors poly_coeff: [], // spec_e are the bin centers of the antinu spectrum (MeV), spec_flux are the bin values (arbitrary units) // See F. P. An (2022, Joint Daya-Bay and PROSPECT analysis) https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.12251 (and https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.04614) spec_e: [1.925, 2.175, 2.425, 2.675, 2.925, 3.175, 3.425, 3.675, 3.925, 4.175, 4.425, 4.675, 4.925, 5.175, 5.425, 5.675, 5.925, 6.175, 6.425, 6.675, 6.925, 7.175, 7.425, 7.675, 8.15], spec_flux: [9.180, 5.959, 5.100, 4.174, 3.362, 2.725, 2.196, 1.754, 1.391, 1.068, 0.773, 0.547, 0.415, 0.346, 0.293, 0.231, 0.161, 0.103, 0.068, 0.053, 0.040, 0.023, 0.013, 0.012, 0.004], } { type: "REACTOR_ISOTOPE_INFO", version: 1, index: "241Pu", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", // Number of neutrinos per fission above 1.8 MeV [PRD 70 (2004) 053011] - out-of-date but unused n_nu_fission: 1.83, n_nu_fission_err: 0.035, // Energy release per fission [Ma et al. PRC 88 014605] e_per_fission: 214.26, // MeV e_per_fission_err: 0.33, // MeV spec_type: "polynomial", //poly_coeff: [3.251, -3.204, 1.428, -0.3675, 0.04254, -0.001896], // [Mueller et al. PRC 83 054615] // DEFAULT poly_coeff: [2.990, -2.882, 1.278, -0.3343, 0.03905, -0.001754], // [Huber PRC 84 024617] spec_e: [], spec_flux: [], } //================ REACTOR SPECTRUM INFORMATION ================ // The reactor spectra entries can be provided in terms of // 1. Isotope list and compositions for which the total spectrum will be inferred from the isotope data in REACTOR_ISOTOPE_INFO. // 2. A precomputed spectrum. In this case, the energy per neutrino must be provided. { type: "REACTOR_SPECTRUM", version: 1, index: "PHWR", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: " Emission Spectra of U235, U238, Pu239, Pu241 from Phys. Rev.C 83, 054615, 2011. NOTE: this is valid only for E_nu > 1.8 MeV (above IBD threshold).", timestamp: "", emin: 1.8, emax: 11.8, spectrum_type: "parameterized", // These entries are ignored unless spectrum_type is "shape" spec_e: [0], spec_flux: [0], flux_norm: 0, param_isotope: ["235U", "238U", "239Pu", "241Pu"], param_composition: [0.52, 0.05, 0.42, 0.01], // from AECL private communication (2013) } { type: "REACTOR_SPECTRUM", version: 1, index: "BWR", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Neutrino spectrum per fission for BWR for 1 MeV production. Scaling factor is 1\/109.818. Normalizes for \/fission\/MeV. [S.Asahi, 3-8-2016]. Mass fractions 0.56, 0.078, 0.295, 0.057, respectively, from KamLAND [Phys. Rev. Lett., 90:021802, Jan 2003] in PWRBWR and thus PWRBWR emit 1. anti-neutrino (with E in [1.8,9.1] MeV) per 109.818 MeV produced", timestamp: "", emin: 1.8, emax: 9, spectrum_type: "parameterized", spec_e: [], spec_flux: [], flux_norm: 0, param_isotope: ["235U", "238U", "239Pu", "241Pu"], param_composition: [0.568, 0.078, 0.297, 0.057], } { type: "REACTOR_SPECTRUM", version: 1, index: "PWR", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Essentially identical to BWR (see e.g., [Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.5, 052004]: 0.564, 0.076, 0.304, 0.056)", timestamp: "", emin: 1.8, emax: 9, spectrum_type: "parameterized", spec_e: [], spec_flux: [], flux_norm: 0, param_isotope: ["235U", "238U", "239Pu", "241Pu"], param_composition: [0.568, 0.078, 0.297, 0.057], } { type: "REACTOR_SPECTRUM", version: 1, index: "PWRInit", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "identical to PWR & BWR (for the time being)", timestamp: "", emin: 1.8, emax: 9, spectrum_type: "parameterized", spec_e: [], spec_flux: [], flux_norm: 0, param_isotope: ["235U", "238U", "239Pu", "241Pu"], param_composition: [0.568, 0.078, 0.297, 0.057], } { type: "REACTOR_SPECTRUM", version: 1, index: "Param_Huber", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Taken from Huber et al. PRD 70 053011. This serves just as an example on how to use the parameterized spectra.", timestamp: "", emin: 1.8, emax: 9.1, spectrum_type: "parameterized", spec_e: [0], spec_flux: [0], flux_norm: 0, param_isotope: ["235U", "238U", "239Pu", "241Pu"], param_composition: [0.56, 0.08, 0.3, 0.06], } { type: "REACTOR_SPECTRUM", version: 1, index: "DayaBayComp", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Daya Bay Paper arXiv:1607.05378 [hep-ph] (19 July 2016).", timestamp: "", emin: 1.8, emax: 12, spectrum_type: "shape", // Neutrino spectrum in paper is weighted by the IBD cross-section, here i divided it. // They prupose we could use it directely, and this is clearly less exact, serves for now to test shapes (integral here gives 1.7632) spec_e: [1.9625, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.25, 5.5, 5.75, 6, 6.25, 6.5, 6.75, 7, 7.25, 7.5, 7.75, 8, 10.0625], spec_flux: [1.24055, 1.0352, 0.853597, 0.707877, 0.574308, 0.476808, 0.385253, 0.311711, 0.249809, 0.196407, 0.151059, 0.115864, 0.0924527, 0.074467, 0.058144, 0.0451798, 0.0338736, 0.0245644, 0.0179723, 0.01301, 0.00885488, 0.0056222, 0.00359866, 0.00231873, 0.00132232, 5.39287e-05], // (anti-nu/Mev)/fission // average energy per fission is 205.99 (this gives 1.76/205.99 = 116.83 antinu/MeV release at reactor (to be comparable flux_norm: 205.99, // Since the type is shape, these options are ignored - are kept here just for reference, from the same paper param_isotope: ["235U", "238U", "239Pu", "241Pu"], param_composition: [0.561, 0.076, 0.307, 0.056], // energies/fission: 202.36,205.99,211.12,214.26 // w/ uncertainty : 0.26, 0.52, 0.34, 0.33 } { type: "REACTOR_SPECTRUM", version: 1, index: "dummy", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "THis spectrum has an unknown normalization and therefore should probably not be used. Serves as an example of how to use the type \"shape\".", timestamp: "", emin: 1.85, emax: 8.15, spectrum_type: "shape", spec_e: [1.85, 2.15, 2.45, 2.75, 3.05, 3.35, 3.65, 3.95, 4.25, 4.55, 4.85, 5.15, 5.45, 5.75, 6.05, 6.35, 6.65, 6.95, 7.25, 7.55, 7.85, 8.15], spec_flux: [49.8, 39.66, 31.43, 24.79, 19.45, 15.19, 11.8, 9.12, 7.01, 5.35, 4.06, 3.06, 2.28, 1.67, 1.21, 0.85, 0.58, 0.38, 0.23, 0.13, 0.06, 0.03], flux_norm: 1, param_isotope: [], param_composition: [], } { type: "REACTOR_SPECTRUM", version: 1, index: "DayaBayMeas", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Daya Bay Paper arXiv:1607.05378 [hep-ph] (19 July 2016).", timestamp: "", emin: 1.8, emax: 12, spectrum_type: "shape", // Neutrino spectrum in paper is weighted by the IBD cross-section, here i divided it. // They prupose we could use it directely, and this is clearly less exact, serves for now to test shapes (integral here gives 1.7632) spec_e: [1.9625, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.25, 5.5, 5.75, 6, 6.25, 6.5, 6.75, 7, 7.25, 7.5, 7.75, 8, 10.0625], spec_flux: [1.24055, 1.0352, 0.853597, 0.707877, 0.574308, 0.476808, 0.385253, 0.311711, 0.249809, 0.196407, 0.151059, 0.115864, 0.0924527, 0.074467, 0.058144, 0.0451798, 0.0338736, 0.0245644, 0.0179723, 0.01301, 0.00885488, 0.0056222, 0.00359866, 0.00231873, 0.00132232, 5.39287e-05], // (anti-nu/Mev)/fission // average energy per fission is 205.99 (this gives 1.76/205.99 = 116.83 antinu/MeV release at reactor (to be comparable with Satoko's norms) flux_norm: 205.99, // Since the type is shape, these options are ignored - are kept here just for reference, from the same paper param_isotope: ["235U", "238U", "239Pu", "241Pu"], param_composition: [0.561, 0.076, 0.307, 0.056], // energies/fission: 202.36,205.99,211.12,214.26 // w/ uncertainty : 0.26, 0.52, 0.34, 0.33 } { type: "REACTOR_SPECTRUM", version: 1, index: "PHWR_Satoko", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: " Emission Spectra of U235, U238, Pu239, Pu241 from Phys. Rev.C 83, 054615, 2011. NOTE: this is valid only for E_nu > 1.8 MeV (above IBD threshold). Neutrino spectrum per fission for CANDU for 1 MeV production., normalized for \/fission\/MeV. Mass fractions 0.52, 0.05, 0.42, 0.01, respectively from AECL in PHWR (CANDU). Average energy release\/fission is 205.653 MeV and average number of anti neutrinos (with E in [1.8,9.1] MeV) is 1.80479. Thus PHWR\/CANDU emit 1 anti-neutrino (with E in [1.8,9.1] MeV) per 113.95 MeV produced", timestamp: "", emin: 1.8, emax: 9, spectrum_type: "shape", spec_e: [1.90286, 2.10857, 2.31429, 2.52, 2.72571, 2.93143, 3.13714, 3.34286, 3.54857, 3.75429, 3.96, 4.16571, 4.37143, 4.57714, 4.78286, 4.98857, 5.19429, 5.4, 5.60571, 5.81143, 6.01714, 6.22286, 6.42857, 6.63429, 6.84, 7.04571, 7.25143, 7.45714, 7.66286, 7.86857, 8.07429, 8.28, 8.48571, 8.69143, 8.89714, 9.10286], spec_flux: [0.743248, 0.633057, 0.545363, 0.472005, 0.408358, 0.35186, 0.30118, 0.255694, 0.215136, 0.179374, 0.148268, 0.121598, 0.099051, 0.0802325, 0.0646986, 0.0519906, 0.0416644, 0.033311, 0.026569, 0.021129, 0.0167332, 0.0131714, 0.0102762, 0.00791703, 0.00599419, 0.00443367, 0.00318126, 0.00219659, 0.001447, 0.000901705, 0.000527747, 0.000288981, 0.000148371, 7.22756e-05, 3.423e-05, 0], flux_norm: 113.95, param_isotope: [], param_composition: [], } { type: "REACTOR_SPECTRUM", version: 1, index: "PWRBWR_Satoko", run_range: [0, 0], pass: 0, comment: "Neutrino spectrum per fission for PWR\/BWR for 1 MeV production. Mass fractions 0.568, 0.078, 0.297, 0.057, respectively, from KamLAND (2003). Average energy release \/ fission is 205.213, average number of anti-neutrinos (w\/ E in [1.8,9.] MeV) is 1.871. So, 109.807 MeV released per antineutrino emmitted in IBD range", timestamp: "", emin: 1.8, emax: 9, spectrum_type: "shape", spec_e: [1.90286, 2.10857, 2.31429, 2.52, 2.72571, 2.93143, 3.13714, 3.34286, 3.54857, 3.75429, 3.96, 4.16571, 4.37143, 4.57714, 4.78286, 4.98857, 5.19429, 5.4, 5.60571, 5.81143, 6.01714, 6.22286, 6.42857, 6.63429, 6.84, 7.04571, 7.25143, 7.45714, 7.66286, 7.86857, 8.07429, 8.28, 8.48571, 8.69143, 8.89714, 9.10286], spec_flux: [0.72615, 0.62378, 0.540617, 0.469957, 0.407983, 0.352586, 0.302678, 0.257754, 0.2176, 0.182101, 0.151124, 0.124459, 0.10181, 0.0828051, 0.0670255, 0.0540385, 0.0434221, 0.0347852, 0.0277793, 0.0221028, 0.0175023, 0.0137688, 0.0107338, 0.0082644, 0.00625727, 0.0046341, 0.00333593, 0.00231765, 0.00154229, 0.000975868, 0.000583656, 0.00032908, 0.000175456, 8.95153e-05, 4.46835e-05, 0], flux_norm: 109.683, param_isotope: [], param_composition: [], } //================ INDIVIDUAL REACTOR CORE LOCATIONS ================ { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "AKADEMIK LOMONOSOV", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [180.0, 180.0], latitude: [69.7, 69.7], longitude: [170.32, 170.32], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ALMARAZ", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3536.0, 3536.0], latitude: [39.8074, 39.8074], longitude: [-5.69769, -5.69669], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ANGRA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [2258.0, 4517.0], latitude: [-23.008, -23.0065], longitude: [-44.4567, -44.4578], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ANO", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3082.0, 3631.0], latitude: [35.3103, 35.3103], longitude: [-93.2296, -93.2286], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ARMENIAN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [1650.0], latitude: [40.1813], longitude: [44.1472], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ASCO", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3529.0, 3529.0], latitude: [41.2016, 41.2016], longitude: [0.571359, 0.572359], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ATUCHA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1415.0, 2592.0], latitude: [-33.9669, -33.967519], longitude: [-59.2086, -59.205119], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BALAKOVO", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3600.0, 3600.0, 3600.0, 3840.0], latitude: [52.0915, 52.0921, 52.0927, 52.0932], longitude: [47.9519, 47.9536, 47.9558, 47.9579], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BARAKAH", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4780.0], latitude: [23.9678], longitude: [52.2317], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BEAVER VALLEY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3480.0, 3480.0], latitude: [40.6238, 40.6238], longitude: [-80.4319, -80.4309], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BELARUSIAN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3840.0], latitude: [54.7611], longitude: [26.0891], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BELLEVILLE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4580.0, 4580.0], latitude: [47.5105, 47.51], longitude: [2.87116, 2.87123], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BELOYARSK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1764.0, 2520.0], latitude: [56.8415, 56.8415], longitude: [61.3188, 61.3188], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["FBR", "FBR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BEZNAU", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1356.0, 1356.0], latitude: [47.552, 47.552], longitude: [8.22946, 8.23046], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BILIBINO", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [74.0, 74.0, 74.0, 74.0], latitude: [68.0586, 68.0586, 68.0586, 68.0586], longitude: [166.492, 166.493, 166.494, 166.495], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["LWGR", "LWGR", "LWGR", "LWGR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BLAYAIS", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0], latitude: [45.2562, 45.2561, 45.2561, 45.2561], longitude: [-0.691293, -0.690765, -0.690331, -0.689882], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BOHUNICE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1765.0, 1765.0], latitude: [48.4921, 48.4916], longitude: [17.6869, 17.6869], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BORSSELE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [1639.0], latitude: [51.4311], longitude: [3.71867], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BRAIDWOOD", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4374.0, 4374.0], latitude: [41.247, 41.247], longitude: [-88.2296, -88.2288], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BROKDORF", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4680.0], latitude: [53.85], longitude: [9.34455], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BROWNS FERRY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [4150.0, 4150.0, 4150.0], latitude: [34.7038, 34.7033, 34.7028], longitude: [-87.119, -87.119, -87.119], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BRUCE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 8, core_power: [3144.0, 3144.0, 3060.0, 3060.0, 3398.0, 3228.0, 3398.0, 3228.0], latitude: [44.3411, 44.3411, 44.3411, 44.3416, 44.3198, 44.3193, 44.3188, 44.3183], longitude: [-81.5716, -81.5716, -81.5716, -81.5716, -81.588, -81.588, -81.588, -81.588], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BRUNSWICK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3508.0, 3508.0], latitude: [33.9579, 33.9574], longitude: [-78.0071, -78.0071], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BUGEY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0], latitude: [45.7975, 45.7975, 45.7998, 45.7998], longitude: [5.2672, 5.2682, 5.26725, 5.26825], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BUSHEHR", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3600.0], latitude: [28.8296], longitude: [50.885961], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "BYRON", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4374.0, 4374.0], latitude: [42.0744, 42.0744], longitude: [-89.2766, -89.2756], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CALLAWAY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4278.0], latitude: [38.763], longitude: [-91.7814], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CALVERT CLIFFS", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3284.0, 3284.0], latitude: [38.4345, 38.434], longitude: [-76.4389, -76.4389], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CATAWBA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4093.0, 4093.0], latitude: [35.053, 35.053], longitude: [-81.071, -81.07], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CATTENOM", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0], latitude: [49.4164, 49.415877, 49.4154, 49.4149], longitude: [6.21737, 6.217372, 6.21737, 6.21737], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CEFR", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [78.0], latitude: [39.738], longitude: [116.025], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["FBR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CERNAVODA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [2616.0, 2616.0], latitude: [44.3216, 44.3216], longitude: [28.0605, 28.0615], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CHANGJIANG", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [2316.0, 2316.0], latitude: [19.461, 19.461], longitude: [108.9, 108.9], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CHASNUPP", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [1199.0, 1199.0, 1199.0, 1199.0], latitude: [32.3919, 32.3919, 32.3919, 32.3919], longitude: [71.463, 71.463, 71.463, 71.463], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CHINON B", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0], latitude: [47.2298, 47.2293, 47.2242, 47.2242], longitude: [0.168232, 0.168249, 0.170887, 0.17147], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CHINSHAN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [2208.0, 2208.0], latitude: [25.2924, 25.2924], longitude: [121.567, 121.568], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CHOOZ B", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [5124.0, 5124.0], latitude: [50.0892, 50.0885], longitude: [4.7907, 4.7907], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CIVAUX", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [5124.0, 5124.0], latitude: [46.4566, 46.4566], longitude: [0.654464, 0.655464], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CLINTON", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4168.0], latitude: [40.1717], longitude: [-88.8335], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "COFRENTES", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3884.0], latitude: [39.2162], longitude: [-1.05132], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "COLUMBIA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4183.0], latitude: [46.4713], longitude: [-119.333], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "COMANCHE PEAK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4334.0, 4334.0], latitude: [32.3007, 32.3007], longitude: [-97.7865, -97.7855], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "COOK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3965.0, 4162.0], latitude: [41.9752, 41.9752], longitude: [-86.5641, -86.5631], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "COOPER", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2903.0], latitude: [40.3609], longitude: [-95.6434], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "CRUAS", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0], latitude: [44.6336, 44.6331, 44.6326, 44.6321], longitude: [4.75652, 4.75652, 4.75652, 4.75652], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "DAMPIERRE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0], latitude: [47.7323, 47.7323, 47.7323, 47.7323], longitude: [2.51311, 2.51411, 2.51511, 2.51611], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "DARLINGTON", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3331.0, 3331.0, 3331.0, 3331.0], latitude: [43.867, 43.8665, 43.866, 43.8655], longitude: [-78.7244, -78.7244, -78.7244, -78.7244], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "DAVIS BESSE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3380.0], latitude: [41.5969], longitude: [-83.0919], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "DAYA BAY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3486.0, 3486.0], latitude: [22.5989, 22.5986], longitude: [114.544, 114.544], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "DIABLO CANYON", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4093.0, 4093.0], latitude: [35.2122, 35.2122], longitude: [-120.854, -120.853], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "DOEL", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [1573.0, 1573.0, 3665.0, 3586.0], latitude: [51.3227, 51.3227, 51.3249, 51.3249], longitude: [4.25868, 4.25919, 4.25658, 4.25708], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "DRESDEN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3548.0, 3548.0], latitude: [41.38615, 41.38513], longitude: [-88.26802, -88.26837], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "DUANE ARNOLD", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2294.0], latitude: [42.101], longitude: [-91.776], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "DUKOVANY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [1733.0, 1733.0, 1733.0, 1733.0], latitude: [49.0893, 49.0889, 49.0886, 49.0883], longitude: [16.1491, 16.1489, 16.1488, 16.1486], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "DUNGENESS B", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1800.0, 1800.0], latitude: [50.9126, 50.9121], longitude: [0.961755, 0.961755], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["GCR", "GCR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "EMBALSE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2477.0], latitude: [-32.2315], longitude: [-64.4423], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "EMSLAND", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4620.0], latitude: [52.4706], longitude: [7.32177], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FANGCHENGGANG", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3486.0, 3486.0], latitude: [21.668611, 21.668611], longitude: [108.560278, 108.560278], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FANGJIASHAN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3486.0, 3486.0], latitude: [30.441342, 30.441342], longitude: [120.941758, 120.941758], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FARLEY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3330.0, 3330.0], latitude: [31.2231, 31.2231], longitude: [-85.1145, -85.1135], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FERMI", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4183.0], latitude: [41.9627], longitude: [-83.2566], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FESSENHEIM", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3342.0, 3342.0], latitude: [47.903, 47.9029], longitude: [7.56437, 7.56506], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FITZPATRICK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3043.0], latitude: [43.521], longitude: [-76.4026], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FLAMANVILLE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4580.0, 4580.0], latitude: [49.5367, 49.5367], longitude: [-1.88112, -1.88058], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FORSMARK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [3514.0, 3904.0, 3960.0], latitude: [60.4047, 60.4047, 60.4068], longitude: [18.1681, 18.1702, 18.1546], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FORT CALHOUN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [1800], latitude: [41.5202], longitude: [-96.076], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FUKUSHIMA-DAINI", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3952.0, 3952.0, 3952.0, 3952.0], latitude: [37.3153, 37.3153, 37.3153, 37.3153], longitude: [141.024, 141.025, 141.026, 141.027], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR", "BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "FUQING", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 5, core_power: [3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0, 3672.0], latitude: [25.445833, 25.445833, 25.445833, 25.445833, 25.445833], longitude: [119.447222, 119.447222, 119.447222, 119.447222, 119.447222], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "GENKAI", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [1980.0, 4108.0, 4108.0], latitude: [33.5174, 33.5169, 33.5164], longitude: [129.837, 129.837, 129.837], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "GINNA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2130.0], latitude: [43.2786], longitude: [-77.3108], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "GOESGEN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3602.0], latitude: [47.3663], longitude: [7.96898], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "GOLFECH", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4580.0, 4580.0], latitude: [44.1046, 44.1041], longitude: [0.84536, 0.84536], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "GRAND GULF", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [5290.0], latitude: [32.0069], longitude: [-91.0452], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "GRAVELINES", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 6, core_power: [3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0], latitude: [51.0139, 51.0134, 51.0129, 51.0124, 51.0119, 51.0114], longitude: [2.13752, 2.13752, 2.13752, 2.13752, 2.13752, 2.13752], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "GROHNDE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4680.0], latitude: [52.0332], longitude: [9.41151], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "GUNDREMMINGEN-B", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4608.0], latitude: [48.5153], longitude: [10.4037], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "GUNDREMMINGEN-C", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4608.0], latitude: [48.5153], longitude: [10.4042], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HAIYANG", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4098.0, 4098.0], latitude: [36.708333, 36.708333], longitude: [121.383333, 121.383333], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HAMAOKA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [3952.0, 3952.0, 4711.0], latitude: [34.6203, 34.6198, 34.6193], longitude: [138.141, 138.141, 138.141], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HANBIT", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 6, core_power: [3344.0, 3344.0, 3390.0, 3390.0, 3390.0, 3390.0], latitude: [35.4039, 35.4034, 35.4029, 35.4024, 35.4019, 35.4014], longitude: [126.419, 126.419, 126.419, 126.419, 126.419, 126.419], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HANUL", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 6, core_power: [3330.0, 3330.0, 3390.0, 3390.0, 3390.0, 3390.0], latitude: [37.0929, 37.0929, 37.0929, 37.0929, 37.0929, 37.0929], longitude: [129.393, 129.394, 129.395, 129.396, 129.397, 129.398], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HARRIS", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3480.0], latitude: [35.6349], longitude: [-78.9548], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HARTLEPOOL A", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1800.0, 1800.0], latitude: [54.6339, 54.6336], longitude: [-1.17961, -1.17961], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["GCR", "GCR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HATCH", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3365.0, 3365.0], latitude: [31.9347, 31.9343], longitude: [-82.3461, -82.3461], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HEYSHAM A", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1800.0, 1800.0], latitude: [54.0287, 54.0282], longitude: [-2.91227, -2.91227], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["GCR", "GCR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HEYSHAM B", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1860.0, 1860.0], latitude: [54.0277, 54.0272], longitude: [-2.91227, -2.91227], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["GCR", "GCR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HIGASHI DORI-1 (TOHOKU)", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3952.0], latitude: [41.1881], longitude: [141.393], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HINKLEY POINT B", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1793.0, 1793.0], latitude: [51.2082, 51.2077], longitude: [-3.1305, -3.1305], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["GCR", "GCR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HONGYANHE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0], latitude: [39.7958333333333, 39.7958333333333, 39.7958333333333, 39.7958333333333], longitude: [121.480555555556, 121.480555555556, 121.480555555556, 121.480555555556], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HOPE CREEK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4608.0], latitude: [39.4668], longitude: [-75.5354], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "HUNTERSTON B", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1795.0, 1795.0], latitude: [55.721, 55.7205], longitude: [-4.89341, -4.89341], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["GCR", "GCR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "IKATA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [1980.0, 1980.0, 3192.0], latitude: [33.491, 33.491, 33.4908], longitude: [132.31, 132.31, 132.312], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "INDIAN POINT", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3859.0, 3859.0], latitude: [41.2693, 41.2688], longitude: [-73.9497, -73.9497], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ISAR", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4740.0], latitude: [48.6069], longitude: [12.2958], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KAIGA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [961.0, 961.0, 960.0, 960.0], latitude: [14.8652, 14.8652, 14.8653, 14.8653], longitude: [74.4381, 74.4384, 74.4418, 74.4418], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KAKRAPAR", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [961.0, 961.0], latitude: [21.2355, 21.2352], longitude: [73.3507, 73.3507], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KALININ", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3600.0, 3600.0, 3840.0, 3840.0], latitude: [57.9028, 57.9039, 57.9051, 57.9051], longitude: [35.0571, 35.0586, 35.0606, 35.0606], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KANUPP", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [404.0], latitude: [24.8451], longitude: [66.7895], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KASHIWAZAKI KARIWA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 7, core_power: [3952.0, 3952.0, 3952.0, 3952.0, 3952.0, 4711.0, 4711.0], latitude: [37.434, 37.4335, 37.433, 37.4325, 37.432, 37.4315, 37.431], longitude: [138.598, 138.598, 138.598, 138.598, 138.598, 138.598, 138.598], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR", "BWR", "BWR", "BWR", "BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KHMELNITSKI", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3600.0, 3600.0], latitude: [50.3007, 50.3012], longitude: [26.6493, 26.6471], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KOEBERG", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3330.0, 3330.0], latitude: [-33.6773, -33.6773], longitude: [18.4334, 18.4344], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KOLA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [1650.0, 1650.0, 1650.0, 1650.0], latitude: [67.4667, 67.4667, 67.4667, 67.4667], longitude: [32.4913, 32.4923, 32.4933, 32.4943], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KORI", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [2258.0, 3494.0, 3494.0], latitude: [35.3212, 35.3212, 35.3212], longitude: [129.296, 129.297, 129.298], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KOZLODUY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3600.0, 3744.0], latitude: [43.746647, 43.7463], longitude: [23.769614, 23.7709], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KRSKO", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2393.0], latitude: [45.9389], longitude: [15.516], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KUDANKULAM", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3600.0, 3600.0], latitude: [8.16888888888889, 8.16888888888889], longitude: [77.7125, 77.7125], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KUOSHENG", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3473.0, 3473.0], latitude: [25.2025, 25.203], longitude: [121.662, 121.662], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "KURSK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3840.0, 3840.0, 3840.0, 3840.0], latitude: [51.674, 51.6735, 51.673, 51.6725], longitude: [35.6067, 35.6067, 35.6067, 35.6067], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["LWGR", "LWGR", "LWGR", "LWGR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "LAGUNA VERDE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [2780.0, 2780.0], latitude: [19.7189, 19.7189], longitude: [-96.4049, -96.4039], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "LASALLE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4255.0, 4255.0], latitude: [41.2461, 41.2456], longitude: [-88.6724, -88.6724], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "LEIBSTADT", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4320.0], latitude: [47.6012], longitude: [8.18341], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "LENINGRAD-2", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3840.0, 3840.0], latitude: [59.847222, 59.847222], longitude: [29.043611, 29.043611], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "LENINGRAD", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3840.0, 3840.0, 3840.0, 3840.0], latitude: [59.8403, 59.8403, 59.8403, 59.8403], longitude: [29.0274, 29.0284, 29.0294, 29.0304], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["LWGR", "LWGR", "LWGR", "LWGR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "LIMERICK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4218.0, 4218.0], latitude: [40.2251, 40.2246], longitude: [-75.5835, -75.5835], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "LING AO", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0], latitude: [22.6058, 22.6053, 22.6089, 22.6089], longitude: [114.55, 114.55, 114.552, 114.552], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "LOVIISA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1800.0, 1800.0], latitude: [60.3715, 60.3714], longitude: [26.3423, 26.3429], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "MAANSHAN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3386.0, 3386.0], latitude: [21.9585, 21.9585], longitude: [120.753, 120.754], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "MADRAS", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [961.0, 961.0], latitude: [12.5571, 12.5571], longitude: [80.177, 80.177], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "MCGUIRE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4093.0, 4093.0], latitude: [35.4333, 35.4327], longitude: [-80.9463, -80.9463], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "MIHAMA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2928.0], latitude: [35.7034], longitude: [135.961], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "MILLSTONE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3240.0, 4380.0], latitude: [41.3116, 41.3111], longitude: [-72.166, -72.166], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "MOCHOVCE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1765.0, 1765.0], latitude: [48.2609, 48.2604], longitude: [18.4547, 18.4547], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "MONTICELLO", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2405.0], latitude: [45.3337], longitude: [-93.8504], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "MUEHLEBERG", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [1316.0], latitude: [46.969], longitude: [7.26622], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "NARORA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [961.0, 961.0], latitude: [28.1559, 28.1554], longitude: [78.4092, 78.4092], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "NECKARWESTHEIM", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4620.0], latitude: [49.0394], longitude: [9.17616], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "NINE MILE POINT", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [2220.0, 4786.0], latitude: [43.5216, 43.5205], longitude: [-76.4124, -76.4126], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "NINGDE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0], latitude: [27.045, 27.04444, 27.04444, 27.04444], longitude: [120.28, 120.283333, 120.283333, 120.283333], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "NOGENT", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4580.0, 4580.0], latitude: [48.517, 48.5164], longitude: [3.52004, 3.52004], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "NORTH ANNA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3528.0, 3528.0], latitude: [38.0612, 38.0607], longitude: [-77.7918, -77.7918], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "NOVOVORONEZH 2", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3840.0, 3840.0], latitude: [51.2744, 51.2744], longitude: [39.2064, 39.2064], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "NOVOVORONEZH", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [1650.0, 1650.0, 3600.0], latitude: [51.2739, 51.2739, 52.3807], longitude: [39.2064, 39.2064, 39.2112], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "OCONEE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [3082.0, 3082.0, 3082.0], latitude: [34.7964, 34.7959, 34.7954], longitude: [-82.8944, -82.8944, -82.8944], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "OHI", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [4108.0, 4108.0, 4108.0, 4108.0], latitude: [35.5437, 35.5432, 35.5422, 35.5422], longitude: [135.652, 135.652, 135.652, 135.652], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "OLKILUOTO", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3000.0, 3000.0], latitude: [61.2354, 61.2354], longitude: [21.444, 21.445], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ONAGAWA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [1912.0, 2923.0, 2923.0], latitude: [38.4, 38.4005, 38.401], longitude: [141.504, 141.504, 141.504], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "OSKARSHAMN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4680.0], latitude: [57.4161], longitude: [16.671], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "OYSTER CREEK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2316.0], latitude: [39.8146], longitude: [-74.2077], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PAKS", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [1782.0, 1782.0, 1782.0, 1782.0], latitude: [46.573998, 46.574, 46.574, 46.574], longitude: [18.855155, 18.8562, 18.8572, 18.8582], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PALISADES", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3078.0], latitude: [42.3226], longitude: [-86.3161], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PALO VERDE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [4788.0, 4788.0, 4788.0], latitude: [33.3873, 33.3868, 33.3863], longitude: [-112.863, -112.863, -112.863], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PALUEL", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0, 4580.0], latitude: [49.8569, 49.8564, 49.8559, 49.8555], longitude: [0.635286, 0.635286, 0.635286, 0.635286], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PEACH BOTTOM", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4741.0, 4741.0], latitude: [39.7589, 39.7584], longitude: [-76.2702, -76.2702], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PENLY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4580.0, 4580.0], latitude: [49.975, 49.9746], longitude: [1.21494, 1.21494], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PERRY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4510.0], latitude: [41.8006], longitude: [-81.1465], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PHILIPPSBURG", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4740.0], latitude: [49.2526], longitude: [8.43335], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PICKERING", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 6, core_power: [2093.0, 2093.0, 2093.0, 2093.0, 2093.0, 2093.0], latitude: [43.8116, 43.8113, 43.8107, 43.8105, 43.8102, 43.81], longitude: [-79.0695, -79.0673, -79.0649, -79.0642, -79.063, -79.062], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PILGRIM", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2434.0], latitude: [41.9449], longitude: [-70.5776], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "POINT BEACH", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [2160.0, 2160.0], latitude: [44.2816, 44.2811], longitude: [-87.5343, -87.5343], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "POINT LEPREAU", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2616.0], latitude: [45.068], longitude: [-66.4554], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "PRAIRIE ISLAND", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [2012.0, 2012.0], latitude: [37.1664, 44.6223], longitude: [-76.7003, -92.6314], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "QINSHAN 2", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [2316.0, 2316.0, 2316.0, 2316.0], latitude: [30.421, 30.4208, 30.4189, 30.4189], longitude: [120.945, 120.946, 120.942, 120.942], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "QINSHAN 3", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [2477.0, 2477.0], latitude: [30.436, 30.4354], longitude: [120.961, 120.961], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "QINSHAN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [1159.0], latitude: [30.4398], longitude: [120.95], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "QUAD CITIES", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3548.0, 3548.0], latitude: [41.7268, 41.7263], longitude: [-90.3078, -90.3078], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "RAJASTHAN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 6, core_power: [415.0, 832.0, 961.0, 961.0, 961.0, 961.0], latitude: [24.8762, 24.8762, 24.8723, 24.8718, 24.8722, 24.8722], longitude: [75.6083, 75.6092, 75.619, 75.619, 75.625, 75.625], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "RINGHALS", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3048.0, 3182.0, 3762.0, 3960.0], latitude: [57.259, 57.259, 57.259, 57.259], longitude: [12.1112, 12.1122, 12.1132, 12.1142], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "RIVER BEND", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3709.0], latitude: [30.7273], longitude: [-91.3716], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ROBINSON", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2807.0], latitude: [34.4024], longitude: [-80.1584], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ROSTOV", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3840.0, 3840.0, 3600.0, 3600.0], latitude: [47.5988, 47.6, 47.599342, 47.599342], longitude: [42.373, 42.3739, 42.371878, 42.371878], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ROVNO", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [1650.0, 1650.0, 3600.0, 3600.0], latitude: [51.3261, 51.3261, 51.3261, 51.3261], longitude: [25.8996, 25.9006, 25.9016, 25.9026], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SALEM", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4151.0, 4151.0], latitude: [39.463, 39.4625], longitude: [-75.5342, -75.5342], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SANMEN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4080.0, 4080.0], latitude: [29.101111, 30.101111], longitude: [121.641944, 121.641945], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SEABROOK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4378.0], latitude: [42.8974], longitude: [-70.8493], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SENDAI", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3192.0, 3192.0], latitude: [31.8339, 31.8339], longitude: [130.193, 130.193], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SEQUOYAH", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4146.0, 4146.0], latitude: [35.2277, 35.2272], longitude: [-85.0936, -85.0936], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SHIKA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1912.0, 4711.0], latitude: [37.0611, 37.0611], longitude: [136.728, 136.729], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SHIMANE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [2923.0], latitude: [35.5367], longitude: [133], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SHIN-KORI", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3390.0, 3390.0, 4780.0, 4780.0], latitude: [35.3271355679, 35.3271355679, 35.3271355679, 35.3271355679], longitude: [129.301743507, 129.301743507, 129.301743507, 129.301743507], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SHIN-WOLSONG", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3390.0, 3390.0], latitude: [35.71111, 35.71111], longitude: [129.475, 129.475], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SIZEWELL B", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4110.0], latitude: [52.2149], longitude: [1.62269], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SMOLENSK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [3840.0, 3840.0, 3840.0], latitude: [54.1688, 54.1683, 54.1678], longitude: [33.2448, 33.2448, 33.2448], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["LWGR", "LWGR", "LWGR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SOUTH TEXAS", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4624.0, 4624.0], latitude: [28.7967, 28.7962], longitude: [-96.0444, -96.0444], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SOUTH UKRAINE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [3600.0, 3600.0, 3600.0], latitude: [47.8113, 47.8108, 47.8116], longitude: [31.2199, 31.2199, 31.2238], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ST. ALBAN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4580.0, 4580.0], latitude: [45.404, 45.404], longitude: [4.75397, 4.75498], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ST. LAURENT B", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3342.0, 3342.0], latitude: [47.7211, 47.720411], longitude: [1.58069, 1.580724], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ST. LUCIE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3624.0, 3624.0], latitude: [27.3484, 27.3484], longitude: [-80.2439, -80.2438], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SUMMER", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3480.0], latitude: [34.2985], longitude: [-81.3138], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SURRY", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3104.0, 3104.0], latitude: [37.1664, 37.1659], longitude: [-76.7003, -76.7003], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "SUSQUEHANNA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4742.0, 4742.0], latitude: [41.0929, 41.0924], longitude: [-76.1428, -76.1428], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TAISHAN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [5508.0, 5508.0], latitude: [21.918, 21.918], longitude: [112.982, 112.982], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TAKAHAMA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [2928.0, 2928.0, 3192.0, 3192.0], latitude: [35.5195, 35.52, 35.5205, 35.521], longitude: [135.503, 135.503, 135.503, 135.503], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TARAPUR", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [636.0, 636.0, 2076.0, 2076.0], latitude: [19.8343, 19.8343, 19.8297, 19.8297], longitude: [72.6567, 72.6569, 72.6632, 72.6636], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["BWR", "BWR", "PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TEMELIN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3744.0, 3744.0], latitude: [49.1812, 49.1807], longitude: [14.3771, 14.3769], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "THREE MILE ISLAND", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3082.0], latitude: [40.1539], longitude: [-76.727], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TIANWAN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 5, core_power: [3600.0, 3600.0, 3600.0, 3600.0, 3486.0], latitude: [34.6898, 34.6888, 34.6888, 34.6888, 34.6888], longitude: [119.456, 119.456, 119.456, 119.456, 119.456], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TIHANGE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [3448.0, 3677.0, 3600.0], latitude: [50.5333, 50.5328, 50.5323], longitude: [5.271, 5.271, 5.271], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TOKAI", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3952.0], latitude: [36.4664], longitude: [140.614], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["BWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TOMARI", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 3, core_power: [1980.0, 1980.0, 3192.0], latitude: [43.0375, 43.0375, 43.0344], longitude: [140.515, 140.516, 140.517], altitude: [0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TORNESS", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [1948.0, 1948.0], latitude: [55.9664, 55.9659], longitude: [-2.39883, -2.39883], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["GCR", "GCR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TRICASTIN", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0, 3342.0], latitude: [44.3297, 44.3302, 44.3307, 44.3312], longitude: [4.73318, 4.73318, 4.73318, 4.73318], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TRILLO", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3612.0], latitude: [40.6993], longitude: [-2.62211], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TSURUGA", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4093.0], latitude: [35.6725], longitude: [136.08], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "TURKEY POINT", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [3173.0, 3173.0], latitude: [25.4346, 25.4346], longitude: [-80.3301, -80.3291], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "VANDELLOS", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [3529.0], latitude: [40.9485], longitude: [0.867494], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "VOGTLE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4351.0, 4351.0], latitude: [33.1425, 33.142], longitude: [-81.7596, -81.7596], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "WATERFORD", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4459.0], latitude: [29.9944], longitude: [-90.4708], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "WATTS BAR", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 2, core_power: [4151.0, 4093.0], latitude: [35.601, 35.601], longitude: [-84.7893, -84.7893], altitude: [0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "WOLF CREEK", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 1, core_power: [4278.0], latitude: [38.2392], longitude: [-95.6905], altitude: [0], core_spectrum: ["PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "WOLSONG", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 4, core_power: [2473.0, 2473.0, 2473.0, 2473.0], latitude: [35.7101, 35.7101, 35.7101, 35.7101], longitude: [129.476, 129.477, 129.478, 129.479], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR", "PHWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "YANGJIANG", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 6, core_power: [3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0, 3486.0], latitude: [21.708071, 21.708071, 21.708071, 21.708071, 21.708071, 21.708071], longitude: [112.259287, 112.259287, 112.259287, 112.259287, 112.259287, 112.259287], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], } { type: "REACTOR", version: 2, index: "ZAPOROZHYE", run_range: [0,0], pass: 0, comment: "", timestamp: "", no_cores: 6, core_power: [3600.0, 3600.0, 3600.0, 3600.0, 3600.0, 3600.0], latitude: [47.5084, 47.5079, 47.5074, 47.5069, 47.5064, 47.5059], longitude: [34.6265, 34.6265, 34.6265, 34.6265, 34.6265, 34.6265], altitude: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], core_spectrum: ["PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR", "PWR"], }