// Code that is executed for every track (if enabled). This code
// attaches trajectory objects to tracks if the user has requested that
// the track's history be collated. This is a CPU and memory intensive
// decision, so it is off by default.
// Author: P G Jones
// Author: S Langrock -- contact person
// 2014-05-25 : P G Jones - new file.
// 2016-02-12: W Heintzelman - add eBasicPhotons ETrackingLevel with less
// detailed photon trajectories to speed auxiliary
// simulations in PEnergy. Note added 2017-03-13: this is
// no longer used by PEnergy
#ifndef __RAT_TrackingAction_hh__
#define __RAT_TrackingAction_hh__
namespace RAT
class TrackingMessenger;
class Trajectory;
class TrackingAction : public G4UserTrackingAction
// The various tracking levels
enum ETrackingLevel { eNone, eCondensed, eFull, eBasicPhotons };
// Construct the tracking action, must construct G4UserTrackingAction and new the messenger
// Destruct the tracking action by destroying the messenger
virtual ~TrackingAction();
// Called by Geant4 before it starts tracking a track
// This class decides whether to attach trajectory information to the track.
// If attached the trajectory stores the track steps
// track: the track to consider
void PreUserTrackingAction( const G4Track* track );
// Called by Geant4 after a track has been fully tracked
// track: the track to consider
void PostUserTrackingAction( const G4Track* track );
// Called by the tracking messenger to set the tracking level
// level: the level to set
void SetTrackingLevel( const ETrackingLevel level );
// Called by the tracking messenger to omit a particle
// name: name of the of particle to omit
void OmitParticle( const std::string& name ) { fParticlesToOmit.push_back( name ); }
// Get the current trajectory
// Must strees this is current, do not hold onto this object
// Returns a pointer to the current trajectory
Trajectory* GetTrajectory() const;
// set the chroma pointer
void SetChromaPtr(Chroma* ptrChroma) { fPtrChroma = ptrChroma; }
std::vector fParticlesToOmit; // List of particles to be omitted from tracking, by name
ETrackingLevel fTrackingLevel; // The level of tracking detail to collate
TrackingMessenger* fTrackingMessenger; // The messenger for tracking, decodes user commands
Chroma* fPtrChroma = NULL; // Pointer to chroma object that sets up a chroma photon propagation interface
} //::RAT