#-*-python-*- # SConstruct file for building user-customized RAT applications # Assumes all *.cc in the current directory should be compiled and linked in. # # Copy this file to any directory to build source contained therein. appname = 'unit_tests' append_platform_name = False # Put '_archname' on end of appname for # multi-plaform builds in same directory mymain = True # Do you have a main function defined in your source files? # If not, default RAT main function is used. ########### Hopefully you won't need to edit below this line ########## from buildhelp import RATENVFILE, ROOTARCH, build_list env = SConscript(RATENVFILE) env['mymain'] = mymain if append_platform_name: appname += "_" + ROOTARCH myobj = env.Object(build_list('*.cc', env['BUILDDIR'])) myapp = env.RATApp(appname, myobj) env.Default(myapp)