/// \file PlotHitTimeResiduals.cc
/// \brief Functions to plot hit time residuals.
/// \author P G Jones
/// 2014-03-27 : P G Jones - First Revision.\n
/// \details EV Calibrated hit times are plotted minus transit times
/// based on the MC position or the fitted position.
/// Plot the hit time residuals for the MC position
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotHitTimeResidualsMCPosition( const std::string& fileName )
TH1D* hHitTimeResiduals = new TH1D( "hHitTimeResidualsMC", "Hit time residuals using the MC position", 1000, -500.0, 500.0 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetLightPathCalculator() must be called *after* the RAT::DU::DSReader constructor.
RAT::DU::LightPathCalculator lightPath = RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetLightPathCalculator(); // To calculate the light's path
const RAT::DU::GroupVelocity& groupVelocity = RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetGroupVelocity(); // To get the group velocity
const RAT::DU::PMTInfo& pmtInfo = RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetPMTInfo(); // The PMT positions etc..
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
const TVector3 eventPosition = rDS.GetMC().GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition(); // At least 1 is somewhat guaranteed
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
const RAT::DS::CalPMTs& calibratedPMTs = rEV.GetCalPMTs();
for( size_t iPMT = 0; iPMT < calibratedPMTs.GetCount(); iPMT++ )
const RAT::DS::PMTCal& pmtCal = calibratedPMTs.GetPMT( iPMT );
lightPath.CalcByPosition( eventPosition, pmtInfo.GetPosition( pmtCal.GetID() ) );
double distInInnerAV = lightPath.GetDistInInnerAV();
double distInAV = lightPath.GetDistInAV();
double distInWater = lightPath.GetDistInWater();
const double transitTime = groupVelocity.CalcByDistance( distInInnerAV, distInAV, distInWater ); // Assumes a 400nm photon
// Time residuals estimate the photon emission time relative to the event start so subtract off the transit time
// hit times are relative to the trigger time, which will depend on event time and detector position so correct for that to line up events
// The 390ns corrects for the electronics delays and places the pulse in the middle of the window
hHitTimeResiduals->Fill( pmtCal.GetTime() - transitTime - 390 + rDS.GetMCEV(iEV).GetGTTime());
hHitTimeResiduals->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 1 ns bin" );
hHitTimeResiduals->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Hit time residuals [ns]" );
return hHitTimeResiduals;
/// Plot the hit time residuals for the fit position
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
/// @return the histogram plot
TH1D* PlotHitTimeResidualsFitPosition( const std::string& fileName, std::string fitName = "")
TH1D* hHitTimeResiduals = new TH1D( "hHitTimeResidualsFit", "Hit time residuals using the Fit position", 1000, -500.0, 500.0 );
// If this is being done on data that does not require remote database connection
// eg.: a simple simulation with default run number (0)
// We can disable the remote connections:
// NOTE: Don't do this if you are using real data!!!
RAT::DU::DSReader dsReader( fileName );
// RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetLightPathCalculator() must be called *after* the RAT::DU::DSReader constructor.
RAT::DU::LightPathCalculator lightPath = RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetLightPathCalculator(); // To calculate the light's path
const RAT::DU::GroupVelocity& groupVelocity = RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetGroupVelocity(); // To get the group velocity
const RAT::DU::PMTInfo& pmtInfo = RAT::DU::Utility::Get()->GetPMTInfo(); // The PMT positions etc..
for( size_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < dsReader.GetEntryCount(); iEntry++ )
const RAT::DS::Entry& rDS = dsReader.GetEntry( iEntry );
for( size_t iEV = 0; iEV < rDS.GetEVCount(); iEV++ )
const RAT::DS::EV& rEV = rDS.GetEV( iEV );
// grab the fit information
if(fitName == "")
fitName = rEV.GetDefaultFitName();
TVector3 eventPosition;
double eventTime;
const RAT::DS::FitVertex& rVertex = rEV.GetFitResult(fitName).GetVertex(0);
if(!(rVertex.ValidPosition() && rVertex.ValidTime()))
continue; // fit invalid
eventPosition = rVertex.GetPosition();
eventTime = rVertex.GetTime();
catch(const RAT::DS::FitCollection::NoResultError&){
// no fit result by the name of fitName
catch (const RAT::DS::FitResult::NoVertexError&){
// no fit vertex
catch(const RAT::DS::FitVertex::NoValueError&){
// position or time missing
// DataNotFound --> implies no fit results are present, don't catch.
// calculate time residuals
const RAT::DS::CalPMTs& calibratedPMTs = rEV.GetCalPMTs();
for( size_t iPMT = 0; iPMT < calibratedPMTs.GetCount(); iPMT++ )
const RAT::DS::PMTCal& pmtCal = calibratedPMTs.GetPMT( iPMT );
lightPath.CalcByPosition( eventPosition, pmtInfo.GetPosition( pmtCal.GetID() ) );
double distInInnerAV = lightPath.GetDistInInnerAV();
double distInAV = lightPath.GetDistInAV();
double distInWater = lightPath.GetDistInWater();
const double transitTime = groupVelocity.CalcByDistance( distInInnerAV, distInAV, distInWater ); // Assumes a 400nm photon
// Time residuals estimate the photon emission time relative to the event start so subtract off the transit time and eventTime
hHitTimeResiduals->Fill( pmtCal.GetTime() - transitTime - eventTime);
hHitTimeResiduals->GetYaxis()->SetTitle( "Count per 1 ns bin" );
hHitTimeResiduals->GetXaxis()->SetTitle( "Hit time residuals [ns]" );
return hHitTimeResiduals;
/// Plot both the MC and Fitted position residuals
/// @param[in] fileName of the RAT::DS root file to analyse
void PlotHitTimeResiduals( const std::string& fileName )
gStyle->SetFillColor( kWhite );
TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();
TH1D* mc = PlotHitTimeResidualsMCPosition( fileName );
TH1D* fit = PlotHitTimeResidualsFitPosition( fileName );
fit->SetLineColor( kGreen + 2 );
TLegend* t1 = new TLegend( 0.7, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9 );
t1->AddEntry( mc, "MC Position", "l" );
t1->AddEntry( fit, "Fit Position", "l" );