symbol #tilde
, was misplaced.TASImage::DrawtText
, TTF::SetTextSize
was called with a
rounded value (to pixel). This cause some misplacements of character in TLatex formulae.TColor *col26 = gROOT->GetColor(26); col26->SetAlpha(0.01);A new color can be created transparent the following way:
Int_t ci = 1756; TColor *color = new TColor(ci, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5); // alpha = 0.5An example of tranparency usage with parallel coordinates can be found in $ROOTSYS/tutorials/tree/parallelcoordtrans.C
clipping issue.{ { TMathText l; l.SetTextAlign(23); l.SetTextSize(0.06); l.DrawMathText(0.50, 1.000, "\\prod_{j\\ge0} \\left(\\sum_{k\\ge0} a_{jk}z^k\\right) = \\sum_{n\\ge0} z^n \\left(\\sum_{k_0,k_1,\\ldots\\ge0\\atop k_0+k_1+\\cdots=n} a_{0k_0}a_{1k_1} \\cdots \\right)"); l.DrawMathText(0.50, 0.800, "W_{\\delta_1\\rho_1\\sigma_2}^{3\\beta} = U_{\\delta_1\\rho_1\\sigma_2}^{3\\beta} + {1\\over 8\\pi^2} \\int_{\\alpha_1}^{\\alpha_2} d\\alpha_2^\\prime \\left[ {U_{\\delta_1\\rho_1}^{2\\beta} - \\alpha_2^\\prime U_{\\rho_1\\sigma_2}^{1\\beta} \\over U_{\\rho_1\\sigma_2}^{0\\beta}} \\right]"); l.DrawMathText(0.50, 0.600, "d\\Gamma = {1\\over 2m_A} \\left( \\prod_f {d^3p_f\\over (2\\pi)^3} {1\\over 2E_f} \\right) \\left| \\mathscr{M} \\left(m_A - \\left\\{p_f\\right\\} \\right) \\right|^2 (2\\pi)^4 \\delta^{(4)} \\left(p_A - \\sum p_f \\right)"); l.DrawMathText(0.50, 0.425, "4\\mathrm{Re}\\left\\{{2\\over 1-\\Delta\\alpha} \\chi(s) \\left[ \\^{g}_\\nu^e \\^{g}_\\nu^f (1 + \\cos^2\\theta) + \\^{g}_a^e \\^{g}_a^f \\cos\\theta \\right] \\right\\}"); l.DrawMathText(0.50, 0.330, "p(n) = {1\\over\\pi\\sqrt{2}} \\sum_{k = 1}^\\infty \\sqrt{k} A_k(n) {d\\over dn} {\\sinh \\left\\{ {\\pi\\over k} \\sqrt{2\\over 3} \\sqrt{n - {1\\over 24}} \\right\\} \\over \\sqrt{n - {1\\over 24}}}"); l.DrawMathText(0.13, 0.150, "{(\\ell+1)C_{\\ell}^{TE} \\over 2\\pi}"); l.DrawMathText(0.27, 0.110, "\\mathbb{N} \\subset \\mathbb{R}"); l.DrawMathText(0.63, 0.100, "\\hbox{RHIC スピン物理 Нью-Йорк}"); }
TMathText example
using \\over
as \\hbox
to improve the compatibility with TTexDump.SetNDC
etc ... for TPave
and inherited classes to make sure the
NDC coordinates are also defined.TMathText
is a TeX math formulae interpreter. It uses plain
TeX syntax and uses "\" as control instead of "#". If a piece of
text containing "\" is given to TLatex
then TMathText
is automatically invoked. Therefore, as histograms' titles, axis titles, labels etc ... are
drawn using TLatex
, the TMathText
syntax can be used for them also.TTF.cxx
since the beginning). With the following code
the spaces between "text" and #lambda were ignored.TLatex t; t.DrawLatex( 0.1,0.1,"text #Lambda" )
and #plus
typographically better than the standard
and "+"
and #hbox
to improve the compatibility
between TLatex
, TMathText
and TTexDump
, #plus
, #mp
, #hbar
etc ... ignored the color defined by the operator #color
.void divsquare(int w, int h, int n) { TCanvas *c = new TCanvas ("c","c",0,0,w,h); c->DivideSquare(n); for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { c->cd(i); gPad->DrawFrame(0,0,1,1); } }
function RequestString
. Now the
text appears directly as it will show and it is possible to enter several text string.
The input is not block in the RequestString
event loop.TAxis
in order to keep the
class small. Adding two floating point numbers in that class (in fact in TAttAxis
would have a none negligible effect on the Root files' sizes as there is at least two axis per histogram
and that there is often 1000th histograms in a single file. So we choose to follow the same mechanism as
for the SetMaxDigits
static method. The new function is: SetExponentOffset
... TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(2); TGaxis::SetExponentOffset(-0.01, 0.01, "y"); // X and Y offset for Y axis TGaxis::SetExponentOffset(-0.05, 0.01, "x"); // Y and Y offset for X axis ... hist->Draw();
was not acitve on standalone TGaxis
.This class allow to generate PGF/TikZ
vector graphics output which
can be included in TeX and LaTeX documents.
is a TeX macro package for generating graphics. It is platform and
format-independent and works together with the most important TeX backend drivers,
including pdftex and dvips. It comes with a user-friedly syntax layer called TikZ
To generate a such file it is enough to do:
Then, the generated file (hpx.tex) can be included in a LaTeX document
) in the following way:
\title{A simple LaTeX example}
\date{July 2013}
The following image as been generated using the TTeXDump class:
Note the two directive needed at the top of the LaTeX file:
Then including the picture in the document is done with the
The command pdflatex simple.tex
will generate the corresponding
pdf file simple.pdf
had a side effect on rotated text drawn with X11 fonts.TGCocoa/TGQuartz classes are the implementation of TVirtualX based on Cocoa and Quartz 2D. They let to use ROOT's GUI and graphics on MacOS X without installing and also give an access to Apple's native graphics and GUI frameworks. Window management, event loop, event dispatching, etc. are implemented on top of Cocoa. Graphics (GUI rendering and non-GUI) is done by Quartz 2D (Core Grapchis). An example of a TCanvas with a THStack object, transparency, anti-aliasing, gradient fill, shadows: