// @(#)root/graf2d:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov, 14/8/2011 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TVirtualX.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "IOSTextOperations.h" #include "IOSGraphicUtils.h" namespace ROOT { namespace iOS { const CFStringRef fixedFontNames[FontManager::fmdNOfFonts] = { CFSTR("TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT"), CFSTR("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT"), CFSTR("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT"), CFSTR("Helvetica"), CFSTR("Helvetica-Oblique"), CFSTR("Helvetica-Bold"), CFSTR("Helvetica-BoldOblique"), CFSTR("Courier"), CFSTR("Courier-Oblique"), CFSTR("Courier-Bold"), CFSTR("Courier-BoldOblique"), CFSTR("Helvetica"), CFSTR("TimesNewRomanPSMT") }; const char *cStrFontNames[FontManager::fmdNOfFonts] = { "TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT", "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT", "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT", "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Oblique", "Helvetica-Bold", "Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Courier", "Courier-Oblique", "Courier-Bold", "Courier-BoldOblique", "Helvetica", "TimesNewRomanPSMT" }; //_________________________________________________________________ CTLineGuard::CTLineGuard(const char *textLine, CTFontRef font) : fCTLine(0) { //Create attributed string with one attribue: the font. CFStringRef keys[] = {kCTFontAttributeName}; CFTypeRef values[] = {font}; Init(textLine, 1, keys, values); } //_________________________________________________________________ CTLineGuard::CTLineGuard(const char *textLine, CTFontRef font, Color_t /*color*/) : fCTLine(0) { //Create attributed string with font and color. Util::RefGuardGeneric rgbColorSpace(CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()); if (!rgbColorSpace.Get()) throw std::runtime_error("CTLineGuard: color space"); CGFloat rgba[] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}; Float_t r = 0.f, g = 0.f, b = 0.f; GraphicUtils::GetColorForIndex(gVirtualX->GetTextColor(), r, g, b); rgba[0] = r; rgba[1] = g; rgba[2] = b; Util::RefGuardGeneric textColor(CGColorCreate(rgbColorSpace.Get(), rgba)); //Not clear from docs, if textColor.Get() can be 0. CFStringRef keys[] = {kCTFontAttributeName, kCTForegroundColorAttributeName}; CFTypeRef values[] = {font, textColor.Get()}; Init(textLine, 2, keys, values); } //_________________________________________________________________ CTLineGuard::CTLineGuard(const char *textLine, CTFontRef font, const std::vector &symbolMap) : fCTLine(0) { //Create attributed string with font and color. Util::RefGuardGeneric rgbColorSpace(CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()); if (!rgbColorSpace.Get()) throw std::runtime_error("CTLineGuard: color space"); CGFloat rgba[] = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f}; Float_t r = 0.f, g = 0.f, b = 0.f; GraphicUtils::GetColorForIndex(gVirtualX->GetTextColor(), r, g, b); rgba[0] = r; rgba[1] = g; rgba[2] = b; Util::RefGuardGeneric textColor(CGColorCreate(rgbColorSpace.Get(), rgba)); const unsigned length = std::strlen(textLine); std::vector convertedLine(length); for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) convertedLine[i] = symbolMap[(unsigned char)textLine[i]]; CFStringRef keys[] = {kCTFontAttributeName, kCTForegroundColorAttributeName}; CFTypeRef values[] = {font, textColor.Get()}; Init(convertedLine, 2, keys, values); } //_________________________________________________________________ CTLineGuard::~CTLineGuard() { CFRelease(fCTLine); } //_________________________________________________________________ void CTLineGuard::GetBounds(UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h)const { CGFloat ascent = 0.f, descent = 0.f, leading = 0.f; w = UInt_t(CTLineGetTypographicBounds(fCTLine, &ascent, &descent, &leading)); h = UInt_t(ascent);// + descent + leading); } //_________________________________________________________________ void CTLineGuard::Init(const char *textLine, UInt_t nAttribs, CFStringRef *keys, CFTypeRef *values) { Util::RefGuard stringAttribs( CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)keys, (const void **)values, nAttribs, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks) ); if (!stringAttribs.Get()) throw std::runtime_error("CTLineGuard: null attribs"); Util::RefGuard wrappedCString(CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, textLine, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)); if (!wrappedCString.Get()) throw std::runtime_error("CTLineGuard: cstr wrapper"); Util::RefGuard attributedString(CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, wrappedCString.Get(), stringAttribs.Get())); fCTLine = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attributedString.Get()); if (!fCTLine) throw std::runtime_error("CTLineGuard: attrib string"); } //_________________________________________________________________ void CTLineGuard::Init(const std::vector &textLine, UInt_t nAttribs, CFStringRef *keys, CFTypeRef *values) { Util::RefGuard stringAttribs( CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)keys, (const void **)values, nAttribs, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks) ); if (!stringAttribs.Get()) throw std::runtime_error("CTLineGuard: null attribs"); Util::RefGuard wrappedCString(CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, &textLine[0], textLine.size())); if (!wrappedCString.Get()) throw std::runtime_error("CTLineGuard: cstr wrapper"); Util::RefGuard attributedString(CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, wrappedCString.Get(), stringAttribs.Get())); fCTLine = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attributedString.Get()); if (!fCTLine) throw std::runtime_error("CTLineGuard: attrib string"); } //_________________________________________________________________ FontManager::FontManager() : fSelectedFont(0) { } //_________________________________________________________________ FontManager::~FontManager() { for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fmdNOfFonts; ++i) for (FontMapIter_t it = fFonts[i].begin(); it != fFonts[i].end(); ++it) CFRelease(it->second); } //_________________________________________________________________ CTFontRef FontManager::SelectFont(Font_t fontIndex, Float_t fontSize) { fontIndex /= 10; if (fontIndex > fmdNOfFonts || !fontIndex) throw std::runtime_error("SelectFont: index"); fontIndex -= 1; if (fontIndex == 11 && !fSymbolMap.size()) InitSymbolMap(); const UInt_t fixedSize = UInt_t(fontSize); FontMapIter_t it = fFonts[fontIndex].find(fixedSize); if (it == fFonts[fontIndex].end()) { //Insert the new font. Util::RefGuard font(CTFontCreateWithName(fixedFontNames[fontIndex], fixedSize, 0)); if (!font.Get()) //With Apple's lame documentation it's not clear, if function can return 0. throw std::runtime_error(std::string("SelectFont: create") + cStrFontNames[fontIndex]); fFonts[fontIndex][fixedSize] = font.Get(); return fSelectedFont = font.Release(); } return fSelectedFont = it->second; } //_________________________________________________________________ void FontManager::GetTextBounds(UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h, const char *text)const { if (!fSelectedFont) throw std::runtime_error("GetTextBounds: font not selected"); Font_t fontIndex = gVirtualX->GetTextFont() / 10 - 1; if (fontIndex == 11) { CTLineGuard ctLine(text, fSelectedFont, fSymbolMap); ctLine.GetBounds(w, h); } else { CTLineGuard ctLine(text, fSelectedFont); ctLine.GetBounds(w, h); } } //_________________________________________________________________ Double_t FontManager::GetAscent()const { if (!fSelectedFont) throw std::runtime_error("GetAscent"); return CTFontGetAscent(fSelectedFont); } //_________________________________________________________________ Double_t FontManager::GetDescent()const { if (!fSelectedFont) throw std::runtime_error("GetDescent"); return CTFontGetDescent(fSelectedFont); } //_________________________________________________________________ Double_t FontManager::GetLeading()const { if (!fSelectedFont) throw std::runtime_error("GetLeading"); return CTFontGetLeading(fSelectedFont); } //_________________________________________________________________ void FontManager::InitSymbolMap() { fSymbolMap.clear(); fSymbolMap.resize(1 << std::numeric_limits::digits, 0); fSymbolMap[97] = 0x3B1; //alpha fSymbolMap[98] = 0x3B2; //beta fSymbolMap[103] = 0x3B3; //gamma fSymbolMap[100] = 0x3B4; //delta fSymbolMap[206] = 0x3F5; //epsilon fSymbolMap[122] = 0x3B6; //zeta fSymbolMap[104] = 0x3B7; //eta fSymbolMap[113] = 0x3B8; //theta fSymbolMap[105] = 0x3B9; //iota fSymbolMap[107] = 0x3BA; //kappa fSymbolMap[108] = 0x3BB; //lambda fSymbolMap[109] = 0x3BC; //mu fSymbolMap[110] = 0x3BD; //nu fSymbolMap[120] = 0x3BE; //xi fSymbolMap[111] = 0x3BF; //omicron fSymbolMap[112] = 0x3C0; //pi fSymbolMap[114] = 0x3C1; //rho fSymbolMap[115] = 0x3C3; //sigma fSymbolMap[116] = 0x3C4; //tau fSymbolMap[117] = 0x3C5; //upsilon fSymbolMap[102] = 0x3C6; //phi fSymbolMap[99] = 0x3C7; //chi fSymbolMap[121] = 0x3C8; //psi fSymbolMap[119] = 0x3C9; //omega fSymbolMap[65] = 0x391; //Alpha fSymbolMap[66] = 0x392; //Beta fSymbolMap[71] = 0x393; //Gamma fSymbolMap[68] = 0x394; //Delta fSymbolMap[69] = 0x395; //Epsilon fSymbolMap[90] = 0x396; //Zeta fSymbolMap[72] = 0x397; //Eta fSymbolMap[81] = 0x398; //Theta fSymbolMap[73] = 0x399; //Iota fSymbolMap[75] = 0x39A; //Kappa fSymbolMap[76] = 0x39B; //Lambda fSymbolMap[77] = 0x39C; //Mu fSymbolMap[78] = 0x39D; //Nu fSymbolMap[88] = 0x39E; //Xi fSymbolMap[79] = 0x39F; //Omicron fSymbolMap[80] = 0x3A0; //Pi fSymbolMap[82] = 0x3A1; //Rho fSymbolMap[83] = 0x3A3; //Sigma fSymbolMap[84] = 0x3A4; //Tau fSymbolMap[85] = 0x3A5; //Upsilon fSymbolMap[70] = 0x3A6; //Phi fSymbolMap[67] = 0x3A7; //Chi fSymbolMap[89] = 0x3A8; //Psi fSymbolMap[87] = 0x3A9; //Omega fSymbolMap[101] = 0x3B5; //varepsilon fSymbolMap[74] = 0x3D1; //vartheta fSymbolMap[86] = 0x3C2; //varsigma fSymbolMap[161] = 0x3D2; //varUpsilon fSymbolMap[106] = 0x3D5; //varphi??? fSymbolMap[118] = 0x3D6; //varomega? fSymbolMap[167] = 0x2663; fSymbolMap[195] = 0x2118; fSymbolMap[163] = 0x2264; fSymbolMap[187] = 0x2248; fSymbolMap[206] = 0x2208; fSymbolMap[201] = 0x2283; fSymbolMap[199] = 0x2229; fSymbolMap[211] = 0xA9; fSymbolMap[212] = 0x2122; fSymbolMap[180] = 0xD7; fSymbolMap[183] = 0x2022; fSymbolMap[166] = 0x192; fSymbolMap[178] = 0x2033; fSymbolMap[231] = 0x7C; fSymbolMap[232] = 0x23A9; fSymbolMap[175] = 0x2193; fSymbolMap[171] = 0x2194; fSymbolMap[223] = 0x21D3; fSymbolMap[219] = 0x21D4; fSymbolMap[234] = 0x23AA; fSymbolMap[104] = 0x127; fSymbolMap[168] = 0x2666; fSymbolMap[192] = 0x2135; fSymbolMap[179] = 0x2265; fSymbolMap[185] = 0x2260; fSymbolMap[207] = 0x2209; fSymbolMap[205] = 0x2286; fSymbolMap[200] = 0x222A; fSymbolMap[227] = 0xA9; fSymbolMap[228] = 0x2122; fSymbolMap[184] = 0xF7; fSymbolMap[176] = 0xB0; fSymbolMap[165] = 0x221E; fSymbolMap[208] = 0x2220; fSymbolMap[189] = 0x7C; fSymbolMap[230] = 0x23A7; fSymbolMap[172] = 0x2190; fSymbolMap[196] = 0x2297; fSymbolMap[220] = 0x21D0; fSymbolMap[213] = 0x220F; fSymbolMap[169] = 0x2665; fSymbolMap[193] = 0x2111; fSymbolMap[225] = 0x3008; fSymbolMap[186] = 0x2261; fSymbolMap[204] = 0x2282; fSymbolMap[202] = 0x2287; fSymbolMap[217] = 0x2227; fSymbolMap[210] = 0xAE; fSymbolMap[197] = 0xC5; //no need fSymbolMap[177] = 0xB1; fSymbolMap[188] = 0x2026; fSymbolMap[209] = 0x2207; fSymbolMap[191] = 0x21B5; fSymbolMap[190] = 0x2015;//WRONG fSymbolMap[236] = 0x23A7; fSymbolMap[173] = 0x2191; fSymbolMap[197] = 0x2295; fSymbolMap[221] = 0x21D1; fSymbolMap[229] = 0x2211; fSymbolMap[34] = 0x2200; fSymbolMap[170] = 0x2660; fSymbolMap[194] = 0x211C; fSymbolMap[241] = 0x3009; fSymbolMap[181] = 0x221D; fSymbolMap[203] = 0x2284; fSymbolMap[198] = 0x2205; fSymbolMap[218] = 0x2228; fSymbolMap[226] = 0xAE; fSymbolMap[229] = 0xE5; //no need fSymbolMap[164] = 0x2044; fSymbolMap[215] = 0x22C5; fSymbolMap[182] = 0x2202; fSymbolMap[216] = 0xAC; fSymbolMap[237] = 0x23A8; fSymbolMap[235] = 0x23A3; fSymbolMap[174] = 0x2192; fSymbolMap[214] = 0x221A; fSymbolMap[222] = 0x21D2; fSymbolMap[242] = 0x222B; fSymbolMap[36] = 0x2203; } }//namespace iOS }//namespace ROOT