// @(#)root/postscript:$Id$ // Author: Olivier Couet /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifdef WIN32 #pragma optimize("",off) #endif #include #include #include #include "Riostream.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TPoints.h" #include "TTeXDump.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TClass.h" ClassImp(TTeXDump) //______________________________________________________________________________ /*Begin_Html

TTeXDump: Graphics interface to TeX

This class allow to generate PGF/TikZ vector graphics output which can be included in TeX and LaTeX documents.

PGF is a TeX macro package for generating graphics. It is platform and format-independent and works together with the most important TeX backend drivers, including pdftex and dvips. It comes with a user-friendly syntax layer called TikZ.

To generate a such file it is enough to do:


Then, the generated file (hpx.tex) can be included in a LaTeX document (simple.tex) in the following way:

\title{A simple LaTeX example}
\date{July 2013}
The following image as been generated using the TTeXDump class:
Note the three directives needed at the top of the LaTeX file:
Then including the picture in the document is done with the \input<\tt> directive.

The command pdflatex simple.tex will generate the corresponding pdf file simple.pdf. End_Html */ //______________________________________________________________________________ TTeXDump::TTeXDump() : TVirtualPS() { // Default TeX constructor fStream = 0; fType = 0; gVirtualPS = this; fBoundingBox = kFALSE; fRange = kFALSE; fXsize = 0.; fYsize = 0.; fCurrentRed = -1.; fCurrentGreen = -1.; fCurrentBlue = -1.; fCurrentAlpha = 1.; fLineScale = 0.; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TTeXDump::TTeXDump(const char *fname, Int_t wtype) : TVirtualPS(fname, wtype) { // Initialize the TeX interface // // fname : TeX file name // wtype : TeX workstation type. Not used in the TeX driver. But as TTeXDump // inherits from TVirtualPS it should be kept. Anyway it is not // necessary to specify this parameter at creation time because it // has a default value (which is ignore in the TeX case). fStream = 0; fType = 0; gVirtualPS = this; fBoundingBox = kFALSE; fRange = kFALSE; fXsize = 0.; fYsize = 0.; fCurrentRed = -1.; fCurrentGreen = -1.; fCurrentBlue = -1.; fCurrentAlpha = 1.; fLineScale = 0.; Open(fname, wtype); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::Open(const char *fname, Int_t wtype) { // Open a TeX file if (fStream) { Warning("Open", "TeX file already open"); return; } SetLineScale(gStyle->GetLineScalePS()); fLenBuffer = 0; fType = abs(wtype); gStyle->GetPaperSize(fXsize, fYsize); Float_t xrange, yrange; if (gPad) { Double_t ww = gPad->GetWw(); Double_t wh = gPad->GetWh(); ww *= gPad->GetWNDC(); wh *= gPad->GetHNDC(); Double_t ratio = wh/ww; xrange = fXsize; yrange = fXsize*ratio; if (yrange > fYsize) { yrange = fYsize; xrange = yrange/ratio;} fXsize = xrange; fYsize = yrange; } // Open OS file fStream = new std::ofstream(fname,std::ios::out); if (fStream == 0 || !fStream->good()) { printf("ERROR in TTeXDump::Open: Cannot open file:%s\n",fname); if (fStream == 0) return; } gVirtualPS = this; for (Int_t i=0;iUpdate(); PrintStr("@"); PrintStr("\\end{tikzpicture}@"); // Close file stream if (fStream) { fStream->close(); delete fStream; fStream = 0;} gVirtualPS = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::On() { // Activate an already open TeX file // fType is used to know if the TeX file is open. Unlike TPostScript, TTeXDump // has no "workstation type". In fact there is only one TeX type. if (!fType) { Error("On", "no TeX file open"); Off(); return; } gVirtualPS = this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::Off() { // Deactivate an already open TeX file gVirtualPS = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::DrawBox(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2) { // Draw a Box Float_t x1c = XtoTeX(x1); Float_t y1c = YtoTeX(y1); Float_t x2c = XtoTeX(x2); Float_t y2c = YtoTeX(y2); Int_t fillis = fFillStyle/1000; Int_t fillsi = fFillStyle%1000; if (fillis==1) { SetColor(fFillColor); PrintStr("@"); PrintStr("\\draw [color=c, fill=c"); if (fCurrentAlpha != 1.) { PrintStr(", fill opacity="); WriteReal(fCurrentAlpha, kFALSE); } PrintStr("] ("); WriteReal(x1c, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y1c, kFALSE); PrintStr(") rectangle ("); WriteReal(x2c, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y2c, kFALSE); PrintStr(");"); } if (fillis>1 && fillis<4) { SetColor(fFillColor); PrintStr("@"); PrintStr("\\draw [pattern="); if (fillsi==1) PrintStr("crosshatch dots"); if (fillsi==2) PrintStr("dots"); if (fillsi==4) PrintStr("north east lines"); if (fillsi==5) PrintStr("north west lines"); if (fillsi==6) PrintStr("vertical lines"); if (fillsi==7) PrintStr("horizontal lines"); if (fillsi==10) PrintStr("bricks"); if (fillsi==13) PrintStr("crosshatch"); PrintStr(", pattern color=c"); if (fCurrentAlpha != 1.) { PrintStr(", fill opacity="); WriteReal(fCurrentAlpha, kFALSE); } PrintStr("] ("); WriteReal(x1c, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y1c, kFALSE); PrintStr(") rectangle ("); WriteReal(x2c, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y2c, kFALSE); PrintStr(");"); } if (fillis == 0) { SetColor(fLineColor); PrintStr("@"); PrintStr("\\draw [c"); PrintStr(",line width="); WriteReal(0.3*fLineScale*fLineWidth, kFALSE); if (fCurrentAlpha != 1.) { PrintStr(", opacity="); WriteReal(fCurrentAlpha, kFALSE); } PrintStr("] ("); WriteReal(x1c, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y1c, kFALSE); PrintStr(") -- ("); WriteReal(x1c, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y2c, kFALSE); PrintStr(") -- ("); WriteReal(x2c, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y2c, kFALSE); PrintStr(") -- ("); WriteReal(x2c, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y1c, kFALSE); PrintStr(") -- ("); WriteReal(x1c, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y1c, kFALSE); PrintStr(");"); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::DrawFrame(Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t) { // Draw a Frame around a box // // mode = -1 the box looks as it is behind the screen // mode = 1 the box looks as it is in front of the screen // border is the border size in already pre-computed TeX units dark is the // color for the dark part of the frame light is the color for the light // part of the frame Warning("DrawFrame", "not yet implemented"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::DrawPolyLine(Int_t, TPoints *) { // Draw a PolyLine // // Draw a polyline through the points xy. // If NN=1 moves only to point x,y. // If NN=0 the x,y are written in the TeX file // according to the current transformation. // If NN>0 the line is clipped as a line. // If NN<0 the line is clipped as a fill area. Warning("DrawPolyLine", "not yet implemented"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::DrawPolyLineNDC(Int_t, TPoints *) { // Draw a PolyLine in NDC space // // Draw a polyline through the points xy. // If NN=1 moves only to point x,y. // If NN=0 the x,y are written in the TeX file // according to the current transformation. // If NN>0 the line is clipped as a line. // If NN<0 the line is clipped as a fill area. Warning("DrawPolyLineNDC", "not yet implemented"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::DrawPolyMarker(Int_t, Float_t *, Float_t *) { // Paint PolyMarker Warning("DrawPolyMarker", "not yet implemented"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::DrawPolyMarker(Int_t n, Double_t *xw, Double_t *yw) { // Paint PolyMarker Float_t x, y; SetColor(fMarkerColor); PrintStr("@"); PrintStr("\\foreach \\P in {"); x = XtoTeX(xw[0]); y = YtoTeX(yw[0]); PrintStr("("); WriteReal(x, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y, kFALSE); PrintStr(")"); for (Int_t i=1;i0 a line is drawn. // If nn<0 a closed polygon is drawn. Int_t n = TMath::Abs(nn);; Float_t x, y; if( n <= 1) { Error("DrawPS", "Two points are needed"); return; } x = XtoTeX(xw[0]); y = YtoTeX(yw[0]); Int_t fillis = fFillStyle/1000; Int_t fillsi = fFillStyle%1000; if (nn>0) { SetColor(fLineColor); PrintStr("@"); PrintStr("\\draw [c"); switch(fLineStyle) { case 1: break; case 2: PrintStr(",dashed"); break; case 3: PrintStr(",dotted"); break; case 4: PrintStr(",dash pattern=on 2.4pt off 3.2pt on 0.8pt off 3.2pt"); break; case 5: PrintStr(",dash pattern=on 4pt off 2.4pt on 0.8pt off 2.4pt"); break; case 6: PrintStr(",dash pattern=on 4pt off 2.4pt on 0.8pt off 2.4pt on 0.8pt off 2.4pt on 0.8pt off 2.4pt"); break; case 7: PrintStr(",dash pattern=on 4pt off 4pt"); break; case 8: PrintStr(",dash pattern=on 4pt off 2.4pt on 0.8pt off 2.4pt on 0.8pt off 2.4pt"); break; case 9: PrintStr(",dash pattern=on 16pt off 4pt"); break; case 10: PrintStr(",dash pattern=on 16pt off 8pt on 0.8pt off 8pt"); break; } PrintStr(",line width="); WriteReal(0.3*fLineScale*fLineWidth, kFALSE); } else { SetColor(fFillColor); if (fillis==1) { PrintStr("@"); PrintStr("\\draw [c, fill=c"); } else if (fillis==0) { PrintStr("@"); PrintStr("\\draw [c"); } else { PrintStr("\\draw [pattern="); if (fillsi==1) PrintStr("crosshatch dots"); if (fillsi==2) PrintStr("dots"); if (fillsi==4) PrintStr("north east lines"); if (fillsi==5) PrintStr("north west lines"); if (fillsi==6) PrintStr("vertical lines"); if (fillsi==7) PrintStr("horizontal lines"); if (fillsi==10) PrintStr("bricks"); if (fillsi==13) PrintStr("crosshatch"); PrintStr(", pattern color=c"); } if (fCurrentAlpha != 1.) { PrintStr(", fill opacity="); WriteReal(fCurrentAlpha, kFALSE); } } PrintStr("] ("); WriteReal(x, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(y, kFALSE); PrintStr(") -- "); for (Int_t i=1;iGetWw(); Double_t wh = gPad->GetWh(); fYsize = fXsize*wh/ww; } else { fYsize = 27; } if(!fBoundingBox) { PrintStr("\\begin{tikzpicture}@"); DefineMarkers(); fBoundingBox = kTRUE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::Range(Float_t xsize, Float_t ysize) { // Set the range for the paper in centimetres fXsize = xsize; fYsize = ysize; fRange = kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::SetFillColor( Color_t cindex ) { // Set color index for fill areas fFillColor = cindex; if (gStyle->GetFillColor() <= 0) cindex = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::SetLineColor( Color_t cindex ) { // Set color index for lines fLineColor = cindex; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::SetLineStyle(Style_t linestyle) { // Change the line style // // linestyle = 2 dashed // = 3 dotted // = 4 dash-dotted // = else solid (1 in is used most of the time) fLineStyle = linestyle; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::SetLineWidth(Width_t linewidth) { // Set the lines width. fLineWidth = linewidth; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::SetMarkerSize( Size_t msize) { // Set size for markers. fMarkerSize = msize; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::SetMarkerColor( Color_t cindex) { // Set color index for markers. fMarkerColor = cindex; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::SetColor(Int_t color) { // Set color with its color index if (color < 0) color = 0; TColor *col = gROOT->GetColor(color); if (col) SetColor(col->GetRed(), col->GetGreen(), col->GetBlue()); else SetColor(1., 1., 1.); fCurrentAlpha = col->GetAlpha(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::SetColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b) { // Set color with its R G B components // // r: % of red in [0,1] // g: % of green in [0,1] // b: % of blue in [0,1] if (fCurrentRed == r && fCurrentGreen == g && fCurrentBlue == b) return; fCurrentRed = r; fCurrentGreen = g; fCurrentBlue = b; PrintStr("@"); PrintStr("\\definecolor{c}{rgb}{"); WriteReal(r, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(g, kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(b, kFALSE); PrintFast(2,"};"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::SetTextColor( Color_t cindex ) { // Set color index for text fTextColor = cindex; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::Text(Double_t x, Double_t y, const char *chars) { // Draw text // // xx: x position of the text // yy: y position of the text // chars: text to be drawn Double_t wh = (Double_t)gPad->XtoPixel(gPad->GetX2()); Double_t hh = (Double_t)gPad->YtoPixel(gPad->GetY1()); Float_t tsize, ftsize; if (wh < hh) { tsize = fTextSize*wh; Int_t sizeTTF = (Int_t)(tsize+0.5); ftsize = (sizeTTF*fXsize*gPad->GetAbsWNDC())/wh; } else { tsize = fTextSize*hh; Int_t sizeTTF = (Int_t)(tsize+0.5); ftsize = (sizeTTF*fYsize*gPad->GetAbsHNDC())/hh; } ftsize *= 2.22097; if (ftsize <= 0) return; TString t(chars); if (t.Index("\\")>=0 || t.Index("^{")>=0 || t.Index("_{")>=0) { t.Prepend("$"); t.Append("$"); } else { t.ReplaceAll("<","$<$"); t.ReplaceAll(">","$>$"); t.ReplaceAll("_","\\_"); } t.ReplaceAll("&","\\&"); t.ReplaceAll("#","\\#"); t.ReplaceAll("%","\\%"); Int_t txalh = fTextAlign/10; if (txalh <1) txalh = 1; if (txalh > 3) txalh = 3; Int_t txalv = fTextAlign%10; if (txalv <1) txalv = 1; if (txalv > 3) txalv = 3; SetColor(fTextColor); PrintStr("@"); PrintStr("\\draw"); if (txalh!=2 || txalv!=2) { PrintStr(" [anchor="); if (txalv==1) PrintStr("base"); if (txalv==3) PrintStr("north"); if (txalh==1) PrintStr(" west"); if (txalh==3) PrintStr(" east"); PrintFast(1,"]"); } PrintFast(2," ("); WriteReal(XtoTeX(x), kFALSE); PrintFast(1,","); WriteReal(YtoTeX(y), kFALSE); PrintStr(") node[scale="); WriteReal(ftsize, kFALSE); PrintStr(", color=c, rotate="); WriteReal(fTextAngle, kFALSE); PrintFast(2,"]{"); PrintStr(t.Data()); PrintFast(2,"};"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::TextNDC(Double_t u, Double_t v, const char *chars) { // Write a string of characters in NDC Double_t x = gPad->GetX1() + u*(gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1()); Double_t y = gPad->GetY1() + v*(gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1()); Text(x, y, chars); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TTeXDump::UtoTeX(Double_t u) { // Convert U from NDC coordinate to TeX Double_t cm = fXsize*(gPad->GetAbsXlowNDC() + u*gPad->GetAbsWNDC()); return cm; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TTeXDump::VtoTeX(Double_t v) { // Convert V from NDC coordinate to TeX Double_t cm = fYsize*(gPad->GetAbsYlowNDC() + v*gPad->GetAbsHNDC()); return cm; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TTeXDump::XtoTeX(Double_t x) { // Convert X from world coordinate to TeX Double_t u = (x - gPad->GetX1())/(gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1()); return UtoTeX(u); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t TTeXDump::YtoTeX(Double_t y) { // Convert Y from world coordinate to TeX Double_t v = (y - gPad->GetY1())/(gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1()); return VtoTeX(v); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::CellArrayBegin(Int_t, Int_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t) { // Begin the Cell Array painting Warning("CellArrayBegin", "not yet implemented"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::CellArrayFill(Int_t, Int_t, Int_t) { // Paint the Cell Array Warning("CellArrayFill", "not yet implemented"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::CellArrayEnd() { // End the Cell Array painting Warning("CellArrayEnd", "not yet implemented"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::DrawPS(Int_t, Float_t *, Float_t *) { // Not needed in TeX case Warning("DrawPS", "not yet implemented"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TTeXDump::DefineMarkers() { // add additional pgfplotmarks // open cross PrintStr("\\pgfdeclareplotmark{cross} {@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathmoveto{\\pgfpoint{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+1\\pgfplotmarksize}{0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+1\\pgfplotmarksize}{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{-1.\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{-1.\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{-1.\\pgfplotmarksize}{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{-1.\\pgfplotmarksize}{0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathclose@"); PrintStr("\\pgfusepathqstroke@"); PrintStr("}@"); // filled cross PrintStr("\\pgfdeclareplotmark{cross*} {@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathmoveto{\\pgfpoint{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+1\\pgfplotmarksize}{0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+1\\pgfplotmarksize}{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{+0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{-1.\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{-1.\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{-1.\\pgfplotmarksize}{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{-1.\\pgfplotmarksize}{0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfpoint{-0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}{0.3\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathclose@"); PrintStr("\\pgfusepathqfillstroke@"); PrintStr("}@"); // open star PrintStr("\\pgfdeclareplotmark{newstar} {@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathmoveto{\\pgfqpoint{0pt}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{44}{0.5\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{18}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{-20}{0.5\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{-54}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{-90}{0.5\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{234}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{198}{0.5\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{162}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{134}{0.5\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathclose@"); PrintStr("\\pgfusepathqstroke@"); PrintStr("}@"); // filled star PrintStr("\\pgfdeclareplotmark{newstar*} {@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathmoveto{\\pgfqpoint{0pt}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{44}{0.5\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{18}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{-20}{0.5\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{-54}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{-90}{0.5\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{234}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{198}{0.5\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{162}{\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpointpolar{134}{0.5\\pgfplotmarksize}}@"); PrintStr("\\pgfpathclose@"); PrintStr("\\pgfusepathqfillstroke@"); PrintStr("}@"); }