# # author Valeri Fine (fine@bnl.gov) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Qmake include file to add the rules to create RootCint Dictionary #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # $Id: rootcint.pri,v 1.8 2009/03/22 04:58:00 fine Exp $ # # Copyright (C) 2002 by Valeri Fine. All rights reserved. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Usage: # ----- # To link against of the ROOT Qt layer and generate the RootCint dictionary with qmake #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Include this file into your project with QMAKE inlcude statement: # # !exists ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcint.pri){ # message "The Rootcint.pri was not found" # } # exists ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcint.pri){ # include ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcint.pri) # } # # 2. Provide the list of the class header files followed by the appropriated LinkDef.f file # within your prpoject with CREATE_ROOT_DICT_FOR_CLASSES QMAKE variable # ----------------------------------------------- # # For example # # . . . # !exists ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcint.pri){ # message "The Rootcint.pri was not found" # } # exists ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcint.pri){ # include ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcint.pri) # CREATE_ROOT_DICT_FOR_CLASSES = ${HEADERS} MyParticle.h MyDetector.h MyEvent.h ShowerMain.h # CREATE_ROOT_DICT_FOR_CLASSES *= ${HEADERS} RSLinkDef.h # } # . . . # ----------------------------------------------- # # 3. Run "qmake" # 4. Run "make" # # ----------------------------------------------- #-- permanent components to be included into any ".pro" file to build the RootCint dictionary # # -- define the LIBS and INCLUDEPATH variable # # ------- define rootlibs.pri ----------------- ROOTLIBSPRI = ROOTLIBSPRIFILE = rootlibs.pri win32: DEFINES += _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS # Wow !!! Qt exists function for the nested include file applies the relative path exists ($$ROOTLIBSPRIFILE){ # ROOTLIBSPRI = inc/$$ROOTLIBSPRIFILE ROOTLIBSPRI = $$ROOTLIBSPRIFILE } isEmpty(ROOTLIBSPRI) { exists ($$(QTROOTSYSDIR)/include/$$ROOTLIBSPRIFILE){ ROOTLIBSPRI = $$(QTROOTSYSDIR)/include/$$ROOTLIBSPRIFILE } } isEmpty(ROOTLIBSPRI) { exists ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/$$ROOTLIBSPRIFILE){ ROOTLIBSPRI = $$(ROOTSYS)/include/$$ROOTLIBSPRIFILE } } isEmpty(ROOTLIBSPRI){ message ("The $$ROOTLIBSPRIFILE was not found") } !isEmpty(ROOTLIBSPRI){ include ($$ROOTLIBSPRI) } # # ---------- define rootcintrule.pri ----------------- # -- define the RootCint ROOT dictionary building rule # ROOTCINTRULEPRI = ROOTCINTRULEPRIFILE = rootcintrule.pri exists ($$ROOTCINTRULEPRIFILE){ ROOTCINTRULEPRI = $$ROOTCINTRULEPRIFILE } isEmpty(ROOTCINTRULEPRI) { exists ($$(QTROOTSYSDIR)/include/$$ROOTCINTRULEPRIFILE ){ ROOTCINTRULEPRI = $$(QTROOTSYSDIR)/include/$$ROOTCINTRULEPRIFILE } } isEmpty(ROOTCINTRULEPRI) { exists ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/$$ROOTCINTRULEPRIFILE ){ ROOTCINTRULEPRI = $$(ROOTSYS)/include/$$ROOTCINTRULEPRIFILE } } isEmpty(ROOTCINTRULEPRI){ message ("The $$ROOTCINTRULEPRIFILE was not found") } !isEmpty(ROOTCINTRULEPRI){ include ($$ROOTCINTRULEPRI) } # ------------------ Mac OS settings ----------------------- macx|darwin-g++ { QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = $$system(/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d. -f1-2) message( Configuring Qt for Mac OS $$QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET build ! ) }