# # author Valeri Fine (fine@bnl.gov) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Qmake include file to add the rules to create RootCint Dictionary #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # $Id: rootcintrule.pri,v 1.20 2008/09/25 22:19:24 fine Exp $ # # Copyright (C) 2002 by Valeri Fine. All rights reserved. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## # Usage: (aux file for rootcint.pri qmake include file) # ----- # Defines the qmake rule generate the RootCint dictionary with qmake # # This is the "private" qmake include file. # It should NOT be used alone. # # USE "rootcint.pri" instead #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Include this file into your project with QMAKE include statement: # # !exists ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcintrule.pri){ # message "The rootcintrules.pri was not found" # } # exists ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcintrule.pri){ # include ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcintrule.pri) # } # # 2. Provide the list of the class header files followed by the appropriated LinkDef.h file # within your prpoject with CREATE_ROOT_DICT_FOR_CLASSES QMAKE variable # ----------------------------------------------- # # For example # # . . . # !exists ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcintrule.pri){ # message "The rootcintrule.pri was not found" # } # exists ($$(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcintrule.pri){ # include ($(ROOTSYS)/include/rootcintrule.pri) # CREATE_ROOT_DICT_FOR_CLASSES = ${HEADERS} MyParticle.h MyDetector.h MyEvent.h ShowerMain.h # CREATE_ROOT_DICT_FOR_CLASSES *= ${HEADERS} RSLinkDef.h # } # . . . # ----------------------------------------------- # # 3. Run "qmake" # 4. Run "make" # # ----------------------------------------------- # define whether the current QMake is from Qt4 distribution MYVERSION = $$[QMAKE_VERSION] ISQT4 = $$find(MYVERSION, ^[2-9]) win32 { # Required to use dynamic_cast CONFIG *= rtti } include__File = $$(QTROOTSYSDIR)/include exists ( $$include__File ){ DEPENDPATH *= $(QTROOTSYSDIR)/include win32 { INCLUDEPATH *= "%QTROOTSYSDIR%/include" } unix { INCLUDEPATH *= "$(QTROOTSYSDIR)/include" } } include__File = $$(ROOTSYS)/include exists ($$include__File){ DEPENDPATH *= $(ROOTSYS)/include win32 { INCLUDEPATH *= "%ROOTSYS%/include" } unix { INCLUDEPATH *= "$(ROOTSYS)/include" } } !isEmpty( CREATE_ROOT_DICT_FOR_CLASSES ) { DICTDEFINES += -DQT_VERSION=0x30000 QT_VERSION=$$[QT_VERSION] contains( QT_VERSION, "^4.*" ) { DICTDEFINES -= -DQT_VERSION=0x30000 DICTDEFINES *= -DQT_VERSION=0x40000 } ROOT_CINT_TARGET = $${TARGET} SOURCES *= $${ROOT_CINT_TARGET}Dict.cxx rootcint.target = $${ROOT_CINT_TARGET}Dict.cxx win32: rootcint.commands +="$$(ROOTSYS)\bin\rootcint.exe" unix: rootcint.commands +=$(ROOTSYS)/bin/rootcint rootcint.commands += -f $$rootcint.target -c -p $$DICTDEFINES $(INCPATH) $$CREATE_ROOT_DICT_FOR_CLASSES rootcint.depends = $$CREATE_ROOT_DICT_FOR_CLASSES rootcintecho.commands = @echo "Generating dictionary $$rootcint.target for $$CREATE_ROOT_DICT_FOR_CLASSES classes" unix: QMAKE_EXTRA_UNIX_TARGETS += rootcintecho rootcint win32: QMAKE_EXTRA_WIN_TARGETS += rootcintecho rootcint QMAKE_CLEAN += $${ROOT_CINT_TARGET}Dict.cxx $${ROOT_CINT_TARGET}Dict.h }