// @(#)root/qt:$Id$ // Author: Valeri Fine 23/01/2003 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * Copyright (C) 2003 by Valeri Fine. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include "TGQt.h" #include "TQUserEvent.h" #include "TQtClientFilter.h" #include "TQtWidget.h" #include "TQtClientWidget.h" #include "TQtEventQueue.h" #include "TQtEventQueue.h" #include "TGWindow.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if QT_VERSION < 0x40000 # include # include # include #else /* QT_VERSION */ # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include #ifdef R__QTX11 # include #endif #endif /* QT_VERSION */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TMath.h" #include "TQtBrush.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "KeySymbols.h" #ifdef R__QTWIN32 # include "TWinNTSystem.h" #else # ifdef R__QTX11 # include # endif #endif #include "TError.h" #include "TGFrame.h" #include "TQtClientWidget.h" static Window_t fgDefaultRootWindows = Window_t(-1); // static const unsigned int kDefault=2; static TQtClientWidget* cwid(Window_t id) { return ((TQtClientWidget*)TGQt::wid(id)); } //static int GetRValue(ULong_t color){return (int)color;} //static int GetGValue(ULong_t color){return (int)color;} //static int GetBValue(ULong_t color){return (int)color;} //______________________________________________________________________________ // // class QtGContext // class QtGContext : public QWidget { friend class TGQt; friend class TQtPainter; QtGContext(const QtGContext & /*src*/); protected: Mask_t fMask; // mask the active values #if QT_VERSION < 0x40000 Qt::RasterOp fROp; // raster operation #else /* QT_VERSION */ QPainter::CompositionMode fROp; // composition mode #endif /* QT_VERSION */ QPen fPen; // line styles QBrush fBrush; // fill styles QPixmap *fTilePixmap; // tile pixmap for tiling operations QPixmap *fStipple; // tile pixmap for tiling operations QPoint fTileRect; // The origin for the tile operation QPoint fClipOrigin; // The origin for clipping QBitmap *fClipMask; // bitmap clipping; other calls for rects QRegion fClipRegion; // Clip region QFont *fFont; // A copy of the font pointer public: enum EContext { kROp =1, kPen, kBrush, kTilePixmap , kStipple, kTileRect,kClipOrigin,kClipMask,kClipRegion , kFont , kAllFields }; QtGContext() : QWidget(0) ,fMask(0),fROp(), fPen(), fBrush(Qt::SolidPattern), fTilePixmap(0),fStipple(0),fClipMask(0),fFont(0) {} QtGContext(const GCValues_t &gval) : QWidget(0) ,fMask(0),fROp(), fPen(), fBrush(),fTilePixmap(0),fStipple(0),fClipMask(0),fFont(0){Copy(gval);} void Copy(const QtGContext &dst,Mask_t rootMask = 0xff); const QtGContext &Copy(const GCValues_t &gval); void DumpMask() const; bool HasValid(EContext bit) const { return TESTBIT (fMask , bit); } Mask_t Mask() const { return fMask; } void SetBackground(ULong_t background); void SetMask(Mask_t rootMask){ fMask = rootMask;} void SetForeground(ULong_t foreground); GContext_t gc() const { return (GContext_t)this; } operator GContext_t() const { return gc(); } const QtGContext &operator=(const GCValues_t &gval){ return Copy(gval);} QColor QtColor(ULong_t pixel) {return gQt->QtColor(pixel);} }; //______________________________________________________________________________ static QtGContext &qtcontext(GContext_t context) { return *(QtGContext *)context;} //______________________________________________________________________________ QColor TGQt::QtColor(ULong_t pixel) { // Return the QColor object by platform depended "pixel" value // (see: TGQt::AllocColor and QColormap::pixel ) // Add the special treatment for the pixel "0" static QColor black("black"); #ifndef OLD return pixel ? QColormap::instance().colorAt(pixel) : black; #else if (pixel == 0) { QColormap cmap = QColormap::instance(); pixel = cmap.pixel(black); } COLORMAP::iterator colorIterator; // QColor *color = fColorMap[pixel]; if ((colorIterator = fColorMap.find(pixel)) != fColorMap.end()) { QColor *c = (*colorIterator).second; return *c; } else { // this is a new color (red x green x blue) // this is a new color (blue x green x red) ColorStruct_t newColor; #ifdef R__WIN32 newColor.fRed = (pixel & 255); pixel = pixel >> 8; newColor.fGreen = (pixel & 255); pixel = pixel >> 8; newColor.fBlue = (pixel & 255); #else newColor.fBlue = (pixel & 255); pixel = pixel >> 8; newColor.fGreen = (pixel & 255); pixel = pixel >> 8; newColor.fRed = (pixel & 255); #endif Colormap_t cmap=0; // fake map gVirtualX->AllocColor(cmap, newColor); return QtColor(newColor.fPixel); } #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ #ifdef CopyQTContext #define __saveCopyQTContext__ CopyQTContext #undef CopyQTContext #endif #define CopyQTContext(member) \ if (dst.HasValid(_NAME2_(k,member))&&TESTBIT(rootMask, _NAME2_(k,member))) { \ SETBIT( fMask, _NAME2_(k,member)); \ _NAME2_(f,member) = dst._NAME2_(f,member); \ } //______________________________________________________________________________ #if QT_VERSION < 0x40000 void DumpROp(Qt::RasterOp op) { #else /* QT_VERSION */ void DumpROp(QPainter::CompositionMode op) { #endif /* QT_VERSION */ // Dump QT Raster Operation Code QString s; switch (op) { #if QT_VERSION < 0x40000 case Qt::ClearROP: s = "Qt::ClearROP -> dst = 0 "; break; case Qt::AndROP: s = "Qt::AndROP dst = src AND dst "; break; case Qt::AndNotROP: s = "Qt::AndNotROP dst = src AND (NOT dst) "; break; case Qt::CopyROP: s = "Qt::CopyROP dst = src "; break; case Qt::NotAndROP: s = "Qt::NotAndROP dst = (NOT src) AND dst"; break; case Qt::NorROP: s = "Qt::NorROP dst = NOT (src OR dst) "; break; case Qt::NopROP: s = "Qt::NopROP dst = dst "; break; case Qt::XorROP: s = "Qt::XorROP dst = src XOR dst "; break; case Qt::OrROP: s = "Qt::OrROP dst = src OR dst "; break; case Qt::NotXorROP: s = "Qt::NotXorROP dst = (NOT src) XOR dst // Qt::NotOrROP); // !!! This is not a GDK_EQUIV; !!!"; break; case Qt::NotROP: s = "Qt::NotROP dst = NOT dst "; break; case Qt::OrNotROP: s = "Qt::OrNotROP dst = src OR (NOT dst) "; break; case Qt::NotCopyROP:s = "Qt::NotCopyROP dst = NOT src "; break; case Qt::NotOrROP: s = "Qt::NotOrROP dst = (NOT src) OR dst "; break; case Qt::NandROP: s = "Qt::NandROP dst = NOT (src AND dst)"; break; case Qt::SetROP: s = "Qt::SetROP dst = 1"; break; default: s = "UNKNOWN"; break; #else /* QT_VERSION */ case QPainter::CompositionMode_Clear: s = "Qt::ClearROP dst = 0 "; break; // ClearROP // case QPainter::CompositionMode_AndROP: s = "Qt::AndROP dst = src AND dst "; break; // case QPainter::CompositionMode_AndNotROP: s = "Qt::AndNotROP dst = src AND (NOT dst) ";break; case QPainter::CompositionMode_Source: s = "Qt::CopyROP dst = src "; break; // CopyROP // case QPainter::CompositionMode_NotAndROP: s = "Qt::NotAndROP dst = (NOT src) AND dst"; break; // case QPainter::CompositionMode_NorROP: s = "Qt::NorROP dst = NOT (src OR dst) "; break; case QPainter::CompositionMode_Destination:s= "Qt::NopROP dst = dst "; break; // NopROP case QPainter::CompositionMode_Xor: s = "Qt::XorROP dst = src XOR dst "; break; // Qt::XorROP // case QPainter::CompositionMode_OrROP: s = "Qt::OrROP dst = src OR dst "; break; // case QPainter::CompositionMode_NotXorROP: s = "Qt::NotXorROP dst = (NOT src) XOR dst // Qt::NotOrROP); // !!! This is not a GDK_EQUIV; !!!"; break; // case QPainter::CompositionMode_NotROP: s = "Qt::NotROP dst = NOT dst "; break; // case QPainter::CompositionMode_OrNotROP: s = "Qt::OrNotROP dst = src OR (NOT dst) "; break; // case QPainter::CompositionMode_NotCopyROP:s = "Qt::NotCopyROP dst = NOT src "; break; // case QPainter::CompositionMode_NotOrROP: s = "Qt::NotOrROP dst = (NOT src) OR dst "; break; // case QPainter::CompositionMode_NandROP: s = "Qt::NandROP dst = NOT (src AND dst)"; break; // case QPainter::CompositionMode_SetROP: s = "Qt::SetROP dst = 1"; break; default: s = "UNKNOWN"; break; #endif /* QT_VERSION */ } qDebug() << " Dump QT Composition mode Code: " <devType() != QInternal::Widget ) if (pd->devType() == QInternal::Image ) setCompositionMode(rootContext.fROp); #endif /* QT_VERSION */ } if (rootContext.HasValid(QtGContext::kPen)) { setPen(rootContext.fPen); } if (rootContext.HasValid(QtGContext::kBrush)) { setBrush(rootContext.fBrush); } if (rootContext.HasValid(QtGContext::kTilePixmap)) { setBrush(rootContext.fBrush); #ifdef QTDEBUG fprintf(stderr," NO special painter Qt implementation for TilePixmap option yet\n"); #endif } if (rootContext.HasValid(QtGContext::kStipple)) { setBrush(rootContext.fBrush); } if (rootContext.HasValid(QtGContext::kTileRect)) { setBrush(rootContext.fBrush); #ifdef QTDEBUG fprintf(stderr," NO special painter Qt implementation for TileRect option yet\n"); #endif } if (rootContext.HasValid(QtGContext::kClipOrigin)) { // fprintf(stderr," NO special painter Qt implementation for ClipOrigin option yet\n"); // setClipRect ( fClipOrigin , int w, int h, CoordinateMode m = CoordDevice ) } if (rootContext.HasValid(QtGContext::kClipMask)) { // fprintf(stderr," NO special painter Qt implementation for ClipMask option yet\n"); } if (rootContext.HasValid(QtGContext::kClipRegion)) { setClipRegion (rootContext.fClipRegion); } } }; //______________________________________________________________________________ // // class TQtGrabPointerFilter // class TQtGrabPointerFilter : public QObject { protected: bool eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ); }; //______________________________________________________________________________ bool TQtGrabPointerFilter::eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent *e) { // if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { // special processing for key press QKeyEvent *k = (QKeyEvent *)e; qDebug( "Ate key press %d", k->key() ); return TRUE; // eat event } // standard event processing return FALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ class TXlfd { // Naive parsing and comparision of XLDF font descriptors public: QString fFontFoundry; QString fFontFamily; Int_t fIsFontBold; Int_t fIsFontItalic; Int_t fPointSize; Int_t fPixelSize; //______________________________________________________________________________ TXlfd (const char* fontName) { Init(QString(fontName)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TXlfd (const char* fontFamily, Int_t isFontBold, Int_t isFontItalic=-1) { Init(QString(fontFamily), isFontBold, isFontItalic); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TXlfd (const QString &fontFamily, Int_t isFontBold, Int_t isFontItalic) { Init(fontFamily, isFontBold, isFontItalic); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TXlfd (const QString &fontName) { Init(fontName); } //______________________________________________________________________________ inline void Init(const QString &fontName) { // Undefine all values; fIsFontBold = fIsFontItalic = fPointSize = fPixelSize = -1; fFontFoundry = "*"; fFontFamily = fontName.section('-',2,2); QString fontWeight = fontName.section('-',3,3); if (fontWeight != "*") fIsFontBold = fontWeight.startsWith("bold") ? 1 : 0; QString fontSlant = fontName.section('-',4,4); if (fontSlant != "*" ) fIsFontItalic = ((fontSlant[0] == 'i') || (fontSlant[0] == 'o')) ? 1 : 0; bool ok=true; QString fontPointSize = fontName.section('-',8,8); if (fontPointSize != "*") fPointSize = fontPointSize.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) fPointSize = -1; QString fontPixelSize = fontName.section('-',7,7); if (fontPixelSize != "*") fPixelSize = fontPixelSize .toInt(&ok); if (!ok) fPixelSize = -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ inline void Init(const QString &fontFamily, Int_t isFontBold ,Int_t isFontItalic=-1, Int_t pointSize=-1, Int_t pixelSize=-1) { fFontFoundry = "*"; fFontFamily = fontFamily; fIsFontBold = isFontBold; fIsFontItalic = isFontItalic; fPointSize = pointSize; fPixelSize = pixelSize; // ROOT doesn't want to see the point size. // To make it happy let calculate it fPixelSize = SetPointSize(pointSize); if (fPixelSize == -1) fPixelSize = pixelSize; } //______________________________________________________________________________ inline Int_t SetPointSize(Int_t pointSize) { // Set the point size and return the pixel size of the font Int_t pixelSize = -1; fPointSize = pointSize; if (fPointSize > 0) { QFont sizeFont( fFontFamily, fPointSize, QFont::Normal, FALSE ); pixelSize = sizeFont.pixelSize(); } return pixelSize; } //______________________________________________________________________________ inline bool operator==(const TXlfd &xlfd) const { return ( (fFontFamily == "*") || (xlfd.fFontFamily == "*") || ( fFontFamily == xlfd.fFontFamily) ) && ( (fFontFoundry == "*") || (xlfd.fFontFoundry == "*") || ( fFontFoundry == xlfd.fFontFoundry) ) && ( (fIsFontBold == -1 ) || (xlfd.fIsFontBold == -1 ) || ( fIsFontBold == xlfd.fIsFontBold) ) && ( (fIsFontItalic== -1 ) || (xlfd.fIsFontItalic== -1 ) || ( fIsFontItalic == xlfd.fIsFontItalic)) && ( (fPointSize == -1 ) || (xlfd.fPointSize == -1 ) || ( fPointSize == xlfd.fPointSize) ) && ( (fPixelSize == -1 ) || (xlfd.fPixelSize == -1 ) || ( fPixelSize == xlfd.fPixelSize) ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ inline bool operator!=(const TXlfd &xlfd) const { return !operator==(xlfd); } //______________________________________________________________________________ inline QString ToString() const { QString xLDF = "-"; xLDF += fFontFoundry + "-"; // text name of font creator xLDF += fFontFamily + "-"; // name of the font. // Related fonts generally have the same base names; // i.e. helvetica, helvetica narrow , etc. QString weight_name = "*"; // usually one of [light|medium|demibold|bold] but other types may exist if (fIsFontBold > -1) weight_name = fIsFontBold ? "bold" : "medium"; xLDF += weight_name + "-"; QString slant_name = "*"; // one of [r|i|o]. i and o are used similarly, AFAIK if (fIsFontItalic > -1) slant_name = fIsFontItalic ? "i" : "r"; xLDF += slant_name + "-"; // SETWIDTH_NAME - [normal|condensed|narrow|double wide] // ADD_STYLE_NAME - not a classification field, used only for additional differentiation xLDF += "*-*-"; // we do not crae (yet) about SETWIDTH and ADD_STYLE QString pixelsize = "*"; // 0 = scalable font; integer typicially height of bounding box if (fPixelSize > -1) pixelsize = QString::number(fPixelSize); xLDF += pixelsize + "-"; QString pointsize = "*"; // 0 = scalable font; integer typicially height of bounding box if (fPointSize > -1) pointsize = QString::number(fPointSize); xLDF += pointsize + "-"; // RESOLUTION_X - horizontal dots per inch // RESOLUTION_Y - vertical dots per inch // SPACING - [p|m|c] p = proportional, m = monospaced, c = charcell. Charcell is // a special case of monospaced where no glyphs have pixels outside // the character cell; i.e. there is no kerning (no negative metrics). // AVERAGE_WIDTH - unweighted arithmetic mean of absolute value of width of each glyph // in tenths of pixels xLDF += "*-*-*-*-"; // we do not create (yet) about RESOLUTION_X RESOLUTION_Y SPACING AVERAGE_WIDTH // CHARSET_REGISTRY and CHARSET_ENCODING // the chararterset used to encode the font; ISO8859-1 for Latin 1 fonts xLDF += "ISO8859-1"; return xLDF; } }; //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetOpacity(Int_t) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ Window_t TGQt::GetWindowID(Int_t id) { // Create a "client" wrapper for the "canvas" widget to make Fons happy QPaintDevice *widDev = iwid(id); TQtWidget *canvasWidget = dynamic_cast(iwid(id)); if (widDev && !canvasWidget) { // The workaround for V.Onuchine ASImage - extremely error prone and dangerous // MUST be fixed later return rootwid(widDev); } assert(canvasWidget); TQtClientWidget *client = 0; // Only one wrapper per "Canvas Qt Widget" is allowed if (! (client = (TQtClientWidget *)canvasWidget->GetRootID() ) ) { // QWidget *canvasWidget = (QWidget *)wid(id); QWidget *parent = canvasWidget->parentWidget(); client = (TQtClientWidget *)wid(CreateWindow(rootwid(parent) ,0,0,canvasWidget->width(),canvasWidget->height() ,0,0,0,0,0,0)); // reparent the canvas canvasWidget->setParent(client); QBoxLayout * l = new QVBoxLayout( client ); l->addWidget( canvasWidget ); l->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); canvasWidget->SetRootID(client); client->SetCanvasWidget(canvasWidget); canvasWidget->setMouseTracking(kFALSE); } return rootwid(client); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Window_t TGQt::GetDefaultRootWindow() const { return kDefault; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::GetWindowAttributes(Window_t id, WindowAttributes_t &attr) { // Get window attributes and return filled in attributes structure. if (id == kNone) return; const QWidget &thisWindow = *wid(id); // const QWidget &thisWindow = *(QWidget *)(TGQt::iwid(id)); assert(&thisWindow); memset(&attr,0,sizeof(WindowAttributes_t)); attr.fX = thisWindow.x(); attr.fY = thisWindow.y(); attr.fWidth = thisWindow.width (); attr.fHeight = thisWindow.height (); attr.fBorderWidth = (thisWindow.frameGeometry().width() - thisWindow.width())/2; attr.fClass = kInputOutput; attr.fRoot = Window_t(thisWindow.topLevelWidget () ); #ifdef R__QTX11 const QX11Info &info = thisWindow.x11Info(); attr.fVisual = info.visual(); // = gdk_window_get_visual((GdkWindow *) id); #else attr.fVisual = 0; // = gdk_window_get_visual((GdkWindow *) id); #endif // QPaintDeviceMetrics pdm(&thisWindow); attr.fDepth = QPixmap::defaultDepth(); attr.fColormap = 0; // (Colormap_t)&thisWindow.palette (); if (!thisWindow.isHidden()) { attr.fMapState = thisWindow.isVisible() ? kIsViewable : kIsUnviewable; } else { attr.fMapState = kIsUnmapped; } attr.fBackingStore = kNotUseful; attr.fSaveUnder = kFALSE; attr.fMapInstalled = kTRUE; attr.fOverrideRedirect = kFALSE; // boolean value for override-redirect attr.fScreen = QApplication::desktop()->screen() ; //fprintf(stderr, "GetWindowAttributes: %s: w=%d h=%d\n" // ,(const char *)thisWindow.name() // ,attr.fWidth ,attr.fHeight); attr.fYourEventMask = 0; // I have no idea what these bits mean attr.fBitGravity = 0; // one of bit gravity values attr.fWinGravity = 0; // one of the window gravity values attr.fAllEventMasks = 0; // set of events all people have interest in attr.fDoNotPropagateMask = 0; // set of events that should not propagate } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQt::ParseColor(Colormap_t /*cmap*/, const char *cname, ColorStruct_t &color) { // Parse string cname containing color name, like "green" or "#00FF00". // It returns a filled in ColorStruct_t. Returns kFALSE in case parsing // failed, kTRUE in case of success. On success, the ColorStruct_t // fRed, fGreen and fBlue fields are all filled in and the mask is set // for all three colors, but fPixel is not set. // Set ColorStruct_t structure to default. Let system think we could // parse color. color.fPixel = 0; color.fRed = 0; color.fGreen = 0; color.fBlue = 0; color.fMask = kDoRed | kDoGreen | kDoBlue; QColor thisColor(cname); if (thisColor.isValid() ) { QColormap cmap = QColormap::instance(); color.fPixel = cmap.pixel(thisColor); color.fRed = thisColor.red(); color.fGreen = thisColor.green(); color.fBlue = thisColor.blue(); } return thisColor.isValid(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQt::AllocColor(Colormap_t /*cmap*/, ColorStruct_t &color) { // Find and allocate a color cell according to the color values specified // in the ColorStruct_t. If no cell could be allocated it returns kFALSE, // otherwise kTRUE. // Set pixel value. Let system think we could allocate color. // Fons thinks they must be 65535 (see TColor::RGB2Pixel and TColor::RGB2Pixel) int cFactor=1; if (color.fRed>256 || color.fGreen>256 || color.fBlue>256 ){ cFactor = 257; } QColor *thisColor = new QColor( (color.fRed >> (cFactor > 1? 8:0)) & 255 ,(color.fGreen >> (cFactor > 1? 8:0)) & 255 // /cFactor ,(color.fBlue >> (cFactor > 1? 8:0)) & 255); // /cFactor); QColormap cmap = QColormap::instance(); color.fPixel = cmap.pixel(*thisColor); // color.fPixel = (ULong_t)new QColor(color.fRed/257,color.fGreen,color.fBlue); // Add the color to the cash #ifdef OLD fColorMap[color.fPixel] = thisColor; #endif return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::QueryColor(Colormap_t /*cmap*/, ColorStruct_t &color) { // Fill in the primary color components for a specific pixel value. // On input fPixel the pointer to the QColor object should be set // on return the fRed, fGreen and fBlue components will be set. // Thsi method should not be called (vf 16/01/2003) at all. // Set color components to default. // fprintf(stderr,"QueryColor(Colormap_t cmap, ColorStruct_t &color)\n"); QColor c = QtColor(color.fPixel); // Fons thinks they must be 65535 (see TColor::RGB2Pixel and TColor::RGB2Pixel) color.fRed = c.red() <<8; color.fGreen = c.green()<<8; color.fBlue = c.blue() <<8; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::NextEvent(Event_t &event) { // Copies first pending event from event queue to Event_t structure // and removes event from queue. Not all of the event fields are valid // for each event type, except fType and fWindow. // Map the accumulated Qt events to the ROOT one to process: qApp->processEvents (); if (qApp->hasPendingEvents ()) QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(); fQtEventHasBeenProcessed = 1; memset(&event,0,sizeof(Event_t)); event.fType = kOtherEvent; #ifndef R__QTGUITHREAD if (!fQClientFilterBuffer) fQClientFilterBuffer = fQClientFilter->Queue(); // qApp->processEvents (); #endif //-- // if (qApp->hasPendingEvents()) qApp->processOneEvent (); // qApp->processEvents (5000); if (fQClientFilterBuffer) { const Event_t *ev = fQClientFilterBuffer->dequeue (); if (ev) { // There is a danger of artifacts at this point. // For example the mouse pointer had left some screen area but // event keeps reporting it is still there event = *ev; delete ev; if (gDebug > 3) fprintf(stderr," TGQt::NextEvent event type=%d win=%p\n", event.fType,(void *)event.fWindow); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::GetPasteBuffer(Window_t /*id*/, Atom_t /*atom*/, TString &text, Int_t &nchar, Bool_t del) { // Get contents of paste buffer atom into string. If del is true delete // the paste buffer afterwards. // Get paste buffer. By default always empty. text = ""; nchar = 0; QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard(); QClipboard::Mode mode = cb->supportsSelection() ? QClipboard::Selection :QClipboard::Clipboard; text = cb->text(mode).toStdString().c_str(); nchar = text.Length(); if (del) cb->clear(mode); } // ---- Methods used for GUI ----- //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::MapWindow(Window_t id) { // Map window on screen. if (id == kNone || wid(fgDefaultRootWindows) == wid(id) || id == kDefault ) return; // QWidget *nextWg = 0; QWidget *wg = wid(id); if ( wg ) { if ( wg->isTopLevel () ){ wg->showNormal(); } else wg->show(); // wg->update(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::MapSubwindows(Window_t id) { // Map sub (unhide) windows. // The XMapSubwindows function maps all subwindows for a specified window // in top-to-bottom stacking order. // In other words this method does reverese the Z-order of the child widgets if (id == kNone || id == kDefault) return; // return; const QObjectList &childList = wid(id)->children(); int nSubWindows = 0; int nChild = 0; if (!childList.isEmpty () ) { nChild = childList.count(); QListIterator next(childList); QObject *widget = 0; int childCounter = 0; // to debug; // while ( (widget = *next) ) Bool_t updateUnable; if ( (updateUnable = wid(id)->updatesEnabled()) && nChild >0 ) wid(id)->setUpdatesEnabled(FALSE); next.toBack(); while (next.hasPrevious()) { widget = next.previous(); childCounter++; if (widget->isWidgetType ()) { ((QWidget *)widget)->show(); nSubWindows++; } else { // It is "QVBoxLayout" instantiated by TGQt::GetWindowID method. it is Ok. // fprintf(stderr," ***** TGQt::MapSubwindow the object %d is NOT a widget !!! %p %p %s \n" // , childCounter, id, widget, (const char *)widget->name(),(const char *)widget->className()); } } if (updateUnable && nChild >0 ) wid(id)->setUpdatesEnabled(TRUE); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::MapRaised(Window_t id) { // Map window on screen and put on top of all windows. // // Here we have to mimic the XMapRaised X11 function // The XMapRaised function essentially is similar to XMapWindow in that it // maps the window and all of its subwindows that have had map requests. // However, it also raises the specified window to the top of the stack. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault) return; #ifndef OLDQT25042003 // fprintf(stderr, " TGQt::MapRaised id = %p \n", id); QWidget *wg = wid(id); Bool_t updateUnable; if ( (updateUnable = wg->updatesEnabled()) ) wg->setUpdatesEnabled(FALSE); RaiseWindow(id); MapWindow(id); do { //// wg->show(); wg->setHidden (false); wg = wg->parentWidget(); } while ( wg && (!wg->isVisible()) ); if (updateUnable) wid(id)->setUpdatesEnabled(TRUE); if (wid(id)->isTopLevel()) { // fprintf(stderr, " TGQt::MapRaised top level id = %p \n", id); // wid(id)->update(); } #else #if 0 QWidget *wg = winid(id); wg->setHidden(false); wg->raise(); wg->show(); #ifdef R__QTWIN32 // raising the window under MS Windows needs some extra effort. HWND h = wg->winId(); SetWindowPos(h,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SetWindowPos(h,HWND_NOTOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE ); #endif wg->showNormal(); MapSubwindows(id); #else // Put the top window on the top top of desktop // fprintf(stderr, "\n -1- TGQt::MapRaised id = %p vis=%d\n", id, wid(id)->isVisible()); MapWindow(id); // fprintf(stderr, " -2- TGQt::MapRaised id = %p vis=%d \n", id, wid(id)->isVisible()); QWidget *wg = wid(id); if ( wg->isTopLevel() ) { // wg->setHidden(false); #ifdef R__QTWIN32 // raising the window under MS Windows needs some extra effort. HWND h = wg->winId(); SetWindowPos(h,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SetWindowPos(h,HWND_NOTOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE ); #endif wg->showNormal(); } else { do { wg->raise(); // fprintf(stderr, " -%d- TGQt::MapRaised visible = %d x=%d, y=%d w=%d; counter = %d \n", ii++, wg->isVisible(),wg->x(),wg->y(),wg->width(),fileCounter); } while ( (! wg->isVisible() ) && (wg = wg->parentWidget()) ); } #endif #endif // wg->showNormal(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::UnmapWindow(Window_t id) { // Unmap window from screen. if (id == kNone) return; // fprintf(stderr, "\n 1. TGQt::%s %d %p visible = %d \n", __FUNCTION__, id, id, wid(id)->isVisible()); if (!wid(id)->isHidden()) wid(id)->hide(); // fprintf(stderr, " 2. TGQt::%s %d %p visible = %d \n", __FUNCTION__, id, id, wid(id)->isVisible()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DestroyWindow(Window_t id) { // Destroy the window if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; fQClientGuard.Delete(wid(id)); // wid(id)->close(true); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::LowerWindow(Window_t id) { // Lower window so it lays below all its siblings. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; wid(id)-> lower(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::MoveWindow(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y) { // Move a window. // fprintf(stderr," TGQt::MoveWindow %d %d \n",x,y); if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; wid(id)->move(x,y); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::MoveResizeWindow(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { // Move and resize a window. // fprintf(stderr," TGQt::MoveResizeWindow %d %d %d %d\n",x,y,w,h); if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; // if (0 <= x < 3000 && 0 <= y < 3000 && w < 3000 && h < 3000) { wid(id)->setGeometry(x,y,w,h); //wid(id)->setFixedSize(w,h); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::ResizeWindow(Window_t id, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { // Resize the window. // fprintf(stderr," TGQt::ResizeWindow w,h=%d %d\n",w,h); if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; // if ( w < 3000 && h < 3000) { wid(id)->resize(w,h); // wid(id)->setFixedSize(w,h); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::IconifyWindow(Window_t id) { // Shows the widget minimized, as an icon if ( id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; wid(id)->showMinimized(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQt::NeedRedraw(ULong_t w, Bool_t force) { // Notify the low level GUI layer ROOT requires "w" to be updated // Return kTRUE if the notification was desirable and it was sent // // At the moment only Qt4 layer needs that // // One needs to process the notification to confine // all paint operations within "expose" / "paint" like low level event // or equivalent #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(9,15,9) if (!force) { assert(0); TGWindow *www =(TGWindow *)w; Window_t id = www->GetId(); if (id) wid(id)->update(); } return !force; #else if (w||force) {} return kFALSE; #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::RaiseWindow(Window_t id) { // Put window on top of window stack. //X11 says: The XRaiseWindow function raises the specified window to the top of the // stack so that no sibling window obscures it. // OLD: Put the top window on the top top of desktop if ( id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; #ifndef OLDQT23042004 QWidget *wg = wid(id); wg->raise(); #else MapWindow(id); QWidget *wg = wid(id); // fprintf(stderr, " 1. TGQt::RaiseWindow id = %p IsTop=%d; parent = %p visible = %d \n", id,wg->isTopLevel(),iwid(wg->parentWidget()),wg->isVisible()); if ( wg->isTopLevel() ) { QWidget *wg = ((TQtClientWidget *)wid(id))->topLevelWidget(); #ifdef R__QTWIN32 // raising the window under MS Windows needs some extra effort. HWND h = wg->winId(); SetWindowPos(h,HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); SetWindowPos(h,HWND_NOTOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE ); #endif wg->showNormal(); } else { do { wg->raise(); } while ( (!wg->isVisible()) && (wg = wg->parentWidget()) ); wid(id)->show(); // fprintf(stderr, " 2. TGQt::RaiseWindow id = %p visible = %d \n", id,wid(id)->isVisible()); } #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetIconPixmap(Window_t id, Pixmap_t pix) { // Set pixmap the WM can use when the window is iconized. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault || (pix==0) ) return; wid(id)->setWindowIcon(QIcon(*fQPixmapGuard.Pixmap(pix))); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::ReparentWindow(Window_t id, Window_t pid, Int_t x, Int_t y) { // If the specified window is mapped, ReparentWindow automatically // performs an UnmapWindow request on it, removes it from its current // position in the hierarchy, and inserts it as the child of the specified // parent. The window is placed in the stacking order on top with respect // to sibling windows. wid(id)->setParent(wid(pid)); if (x || y) wid(id)->move(x,y); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetWindowBackground(Window_t id, ULong_t color) { // Set the window background color. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; TQtClientWidget *wd = dynamic_cast(wid(id)); if (wd) wd->setEraseColor(QtColor(color)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetWindowBackgroundPixmap(Window_t id, Pixmap_t pxm) { // Set pixmap as window background. if (pxm != kNone && id != kNone && id != kDefault ) { TQtClientWidget *wd = dynamic_cast(wid(id)); if (wd) wd->setErasePixmap (*fQPixmapGuard.Pixmap(pxm)); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Window_t TGQt::CreateWindow(Window_t parent, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t border, Int_t , UInt_t , void *, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr, UInt_t wtype) { // Create QWidget to back TGWindow ROOT GUI object QWidget *pWidget = parent ? wid(parent):0; // if ( !pWidget) pWidget = QApplication::desktop(); if (pWidget == QApplication::desktop()) pWidget = 0; TQtClientWidget *win = 0; // we don't want to introduce the high level class depedency at this point yet. // Alas ROOT design does require us to do the dirt thing if ( wtype & kTransientFrame) { win = fQClientGuard.Create(pWidget,"TransientFrame"); #if QT_VERSION < 0x40000 win->setFrameShape(QFrame::Box); // xattr.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_DIALOG; } else if (wtype & kMainFrame) { win = fQClientGuard.Create(pWidget,"MainFrame"); //,Qt::WDestructiveClose); win->setFrameShape(QFrame::WinPanel); // xattr.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL; } else if (wtype & kTempFrame) { win = fQClientGuard.Create(pWidget,"tooltip", Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop | Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WStyle_NoBorder | Qt::WStyle_Tool | Qt::WX11BypassWM ); win->setFrameStyle(QFrame::PopupPanel | QFrame::Plain); } else { win = fQClientGuard.Create(pWidget,"Other", Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop | Qt::WStyle_Customize | Qt::WX11BypassWM | (wtype & kOwnBackground ? Qt::WNoAutoErase : 0)); if (!pWidget) { win->setFrameStyle( QFrame::PopupPanel | QFrame::Plain ); // printf(" 2 TGQt::CreateWindow %p parent = %p \n", win,pWidget); } #else win->setFrameShape(QFrame::Box); // xattr.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_DIALOG; } else if (wtype & kMainFrame) { win = fQClientGuard.Create(pWidget,"MainFrame"); //,Qt::WDestructiveClose); win->setFrameShape(QFrame::WinPanel); // xattr.window_type = GDK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL; } else if (wtype & kTempFrame) { win = fQClientGuard.Create(pWidget,"tooltip" , Qt::ToolTip | Qt::Tool | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint ); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040400 win->setAttribute(Qt::WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeToolTip); #endif win->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain); } else { win = fQClientGuard.Create(pWidget,"Other" , Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint ); if (!pWidget) { win->setFrameStyle(QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Plain); // printf(" TGQt::CreateWindow %p parent = %p \n", win,pWidget); } #endif } // fprintf(stderr," TQt::CreateWindow %p parent = %p %s \n", win,pWidget,(const char*)win->name()); if (QClientFilter()) { win->installEventFilter(QClientFilter()); } if (border > 0) win->setContentsMargins((int)border,(int)border,(int)border,(int)border); if (attr) { if ((attr->fMask & kWABackPixmap)) if (attr->fBackgroundPixmap != kNone && attr->fBackgroundPixmap != kParentRelative ) { QPalette palette= win->palette(); palette.setBrush(QPalette::Window, QBrush(*(QPixmap *)attr->fBackgroundPixmap)); win->setErasePixmap(*(QPixmap *)attr->fBackgroundPixmap); win->setPalette(palette); win->setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Window); } if ((attr->fMask & kWABackPixel)) { QPalette palette= win->palette(); palette.setColor(QPalette::Window, QtColor(attr->fBackgroundPixel)); win->setEraseColor(QtColor(attr->fBackgroundPixel)); win->setPalette(palette); win->setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Window); } if ( attr->fMask & kWAEventMask) { // Long_t fEventMask; // set of events that should be saved win->SetAttributeEventMask(attr->fEventMask); } } MoveResizeWindow(rootwid(win),x,y,w,h); return rootwid(win); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQt::OpenDisplay(const char *dpyName) { // The dummy method to fit the X11-like interface if (dpyName){} #ifdef R__QTX11 return ConnectionNumber( GetDisplay() ); #else return 1; #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::CloseDisplay() { // The close all remaining QWidgets qApp->closeAllWindows(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Display_t TGQt::GetDisplay() const { // Returns handle to display (might be usefull in some cases where // direct X11 manipulation outside of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL // interface). // Calling implies the direct X11 manipulation // Using this method makes the rest of the ROOT X11 depended #ifdef R__QTX11 return (Display_t)QX11Info::display(); #else // The dummy method to fit the X11-like interface return 0; #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ Visual_t TGQt::GetVisual() const { // Returns handle to visual (might be usefull in some cases where // direct X11 manipulation outside of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL // interface). // Calling implies the direct X11 manipulation // Using this method makes the rest of the ROOT X11 depended #ifdef R__QTX11 return (Visual_t) QX11Info::appVisual(); #else // The dummy method to fit the X11-like interface return 0; #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQt::GetScreen() const { // Returns screen number (might be usefull in some cases where // direct X11 manipulation outside of TVirtualX is needed, e.g. GL // interface). // Calling implies the direct X11 manipulation // Using this method makes the rest of the ROOT X11 depended #ifdef R__QTX11 return QX11Info::appScreen(); #else // The dummy method to fit the X11-like interface return 0; #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQt::GetDepth() const { // Returns depth of screen (number of bit planes). #ifdef R__QTX11 return QX11Info::appDepth(); #else return QPixmap::defaultDepth(); #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ Colormap_t TGQt::GetColormap() const { return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Atom_t TGQt::InternAtom(const char *atom_name, Bool_t /*only_if_exist*/) { // Return atom handle for atom_name. If it does not exist // create it if only_if_exist is false. Atoms are used to communicate // between different programs (i.e. window manager) via the X server. const char *rootAtoms[] = { "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" , "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS" , "_ROOT_MESSAGE" , "_ROOT_CLIPBOARD" , "CLIPBOARD" , "" }; int nSize = sizeof(rootAtoms)/sizeof(char *); nSize --; int i; for (i=0; (i:<%s> \n",i, rootAtoms[i],atom_name ); return i; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Window_t TGQt::GetParent(Window_t id) const { // Return the parent of the window. if ( id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return id; QWidget *dadWidget = wid(id)->parentWidget(); assert(dynamic_cast(dadWidget)); return rootwid(dadWidget); } //______________________________________________________________________________ FontStruct_t TGQt::LoadQueryFont(const char *font_name) { // Load font and query font. If font is not found 0 is returned, // otherwise a opaque pointer to the FontStruct_t. // Parse X11-like font definition to QFont parameters: // -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 // -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 QString fontName(QString(font_name).trimmed()); QFont *newFont = 0; if (fontName.toLower() == "qt-default") newFont = new QFont(QApplication::font()); else { #ifdef R__UNIX newFont = new QFont(); newFont->setRawName(fontName); #else QString fontFamily = fontName.section('-',1,2); int weight = QFont::Normal; QString fontWeight = fontName.section('-',3,3); if (fontWeight.startsWith("bold")) weight = QFont::Bold; bool italic = (fontName.section('-',4,4)[0] == 'i'); bool ok; int fontSize=12; int fontPointSize = fontName.section('-',8,8).toInt(&ok); if (ok) fontSize = fontPointSize; newFont = new QFont(fontFamily,fontSize,weight,italic); if (!ok) { int fontPixelSize = fontName.section('-',7,7).toInt(&ok); if (ok) newFont->setPixelSize(int(TMath::Max(fontPixelSize,1))); } #endif newFont->setStyleHint(QFont::System,QFont::PreferDevice); } //fprintf(stderr, " 0x%p = LoadQueryFont(const char *%s) = family=%s, w=%s, size=%d (pt), pixel size=%d\n", // newFont, font_name,(const char *)fontFamily,(const char *)fontWeight,fontSize,newFont->pixelSize()); return FontStruct_t(newFont); } //______________________________________________________________________________ FontH_t TGQt::GetFontHandle(FontStruct_t fs) { // Return handle to font described by font structure. // This is adummy operation. // There is no reason to use any handle // fprintf(stderr," TGQt::GetFontHandle(FontStruct_t fs) %s\n",(const char *) ((QFont *)fs)->toString()); return (FontH_t)fs; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DeleteFont(FontStruct_t fs) { // Explicitely delete font structure. delete (QFont *)fs; } //______________________________________________________________________________ GContext_t TGQt::CreateGC(Drawable_t /*id*/, GCValues_t *gval) { // Create a graphics context using the values set in gval (but only for // those entries that are in the mask). QtGContext *context = 0; if (gval) context = new QtGContext(*gval); else context = new QtGContext(); // MapGCValues(*gval, context) return GContext_t(context); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::ChangeGC(GContext_t gc, GCValues_t *gval) { // Change entries in an existing graphics context, gc, by values from gval. qtcontext(gc) = *gval; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::CopyGC(GContext_t org, GContext_t dest, Mask_t mask) { // Copies graphics context from org to dest. Only the values specified // in mask are copied. Both org and dest must exist. qtcontext(dest).Copy(qtcontext(org),mask); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DeleteGC(GContext_t gc) { // Explicitely delete a graphics context. delete &qtcontext(gc); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Cursor_t TGQt::CreateCursor(ECursor cursor) { // Create cursor handle (just return cursor from cursor pool fCursors). return Cursor_t(fCursors[cursor]); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetCursor(Window_t id, Cursor_t curid) { // Set the specified cursor. if (id && id != Window_t(-1)) cwid(id)->SetCursor(curid); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Pixmap_t TGQt::CreatePixmap(Drawable_t /*id*/, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { // Creates a pixmap of the width and height you specified // and returns a pixmap ID that identifies it. QPixmap *p = fQPixmapGuard.Create(w, h); return Pixmap_t(rootwid(p)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Pixmap_t TGQt::CreatePixmap(Drawable_t /*id*/, const char *bitmap, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, ULong_t forecolor, ULong_t backcolor, Int_t depth) { // Create a pixmap from bitmap data. Ones will get foreground color and // zeroes background color. QPixmap *p = 0; if (depth >1) { QBitmap bp = QBitmap::fromData(QSize(width, height),(const uchar*)bitmap); QBrush fillBrush(QtColor(backcolor), bp); p = fQPixmapGuard.Create(width,height,depth); QPainter pixFill(p); pixFill.setBackground(QtColor(backcolor)); pixFill.setPen(QtColor(forecolor)); pixFill.fillRect(0,0,width, height,fillBrush); } else { p = fQPixmapGuard.Create(width, height,(const uchar*)bitmap); } return Pixmap_t(rootwid(p)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Pixmap_t TGQt::CreateBitmap(Drawable_t id, const char *bitmap, UInt_t width, UInt_t height) { // Create a bitmap (i.e. pixmap with depth 1) from the bitmap data. return CreatePixmap(id,bitmap,width,height, 1,0,1); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DeletePixmap(Pixmap_t pmap) { // Explicitely delete pixmap resource. if (pmap != kNone ) fQPixmapGuard.Delete((QPixmap *)iwid(pmap)); // delete (QPixmap *)pmap; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static inline void FillPixmapAttribute(QPixmap &pixmap, Pixmap_t &pict_mask , PictureAttributes_t & attr,TQtPixmapGuard &guard) { // static method to avoid a access to the died objects attr.fWidth = pixmap.width(); attr.fHeight = pixmap.height(); // Let's see whether the file brought us any mask. if ( !pixmap.mask().isNull() ) { QBitmap *pixmask = (QBitmap *)guard.Pixmap(pict_mask,kTRUE); if (pixmask) { // fill it with the new value *pixmask = pixmap.mask(); } else { pixmask = guard.Create(pixmap.mask()); pict_mask = Pixmap_t(TGQt::rootwid(pixmask)); } } else { pict_mask = kNone; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQt::CreatePictureFromFile( Drawable_t /*id*/, const char *filename, Pixmap_t & pict, Pixmap_t &pict_mask, PictureAttributes_t & attr) { // Create a picture pixmap from data on file. The picture attributes // are used for input and output. Returns kTRUE in case of success, // kFALSE otherwise. If mask does not exist it is set to kNone. QPixmap *pixmap = 0; if (pict != kNone ) pixmap = fQPixmapGuard.Pixmap(pict); if (!pixmap) { // Create the new pixmap pixmap = fQPixmapGuard.Create(QString(filename)); // pixmap = new QPixmap (QString(filename)); pict = Pixmap_t(rootwid(pixmap)); } else { // reload the old one pixmap->load(QString(filename)); } if (! pixmap->isNull() ) { FillPixmapAttribute(*pixmap,pict_mask,attr,fQPixmapGuard); } else { fQPixmapGuard.Delete(pixmap); pict= kNone; pixmap = 0; } return pixmap; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQt::CreatePictureFromData(Drawable_t /*id*/, char **data, Pixmap_t & pict, Pixmap_t &pict_mask, PictureAttributes_t & attr) { // Create a pixture pixmap from data. The picture attributes // are used for input and output. Returns kTRUE in case of success, // kFALSE otherwise. If mask does not exist it is set to kNone. QPixmap *pixmap = fQPixmapGuard.Pixmap(pict); if (!pixmap) { pixmap = fQPixmapGuard.Create((const char **)data); pict = Pixmap_t(rootwid(pixmap)); } else { *pixmap = QPixmap ( (const char **)data); } if (! pixmap->isNull() ) { FillPixmapAttribute(*pixmap,pict_mask,attr,fQPixmapGuard); } else { fQPixmapGuard.Delete(pixmap); pict= kNone; pixmap = 0; } return pixmap; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQt::ReadPictureDataFromFile(const char *fileName, char ***data) { // Read picture data from file and store in ret_data. Returns kTRUE in // case of success, kFALSE otherwise. QPixmap *pictureBuffer = fQPixmapGuard.Create(QString(fileName)); if (pictureBuffer->isNull()){ fQPixmapGuard.Delete(pictureBuffer); } else { // &data = (char **)pictureBuffer; } if (!data) return gSystem->Load(fileName); else { fprintf(stderr, "I got no idea why do we need this trick yet!\n"); } return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DeletePictureData(void *data) { // Delete the QPixmap fQPixmapGuard.Delete((QPixmap *)data); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetDashes(GContext_t /*gc*/, Int_t /*offset*/, const char * /*dash_list*/, Int_t /*n*/) { // Specify a dash pattertn. Offset defines the phase of the pattern. // Each element in the dash_list array specifies the length (in pixels) // of a segment of the pattern. N defines the length of the list. // QT has no built-in "user defined dashes" } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQt::EventsPending() { #ifndef R__QTGUITHREAD // to avoid the race condition Int_t retCode = fQClientFilterBuffer ? fQClientFilterBuffer->count(): 0; if (fQtEventHasBeenProcessed) { fQtEventHasBeenProcessed++; if (fQtEventHasBeenProcessed > 2) fQtEventHasBeenProcessed = 0; } else retCode = qApp->hasPendingEvents(); return retCode; #endif if (fQClientFilterBuffer && fQClientFilterBuffer->isEmpty()) { // We do not need the empty buffer, Let's delete it #ifndef R__QTGUITHREAD if (qApp->hasPendingEvents ()) qApp->processEvents (); #else delete fQClientFilterBuffer; fQClientFilterBuffer = 0; #endif // return 0; } if (!fQClientFilterBuffer) fQClientFilterBuffer = fQClientFilter->Queue(); return fQClientFilterBuffer ? fQClientFilterBuffer->count(): 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::Bell(Int_t percent) { // Sound bell #ifdef R__QTWIN32 DWORD dwFreq = 1000L; // sound frequency, in hertz DWORD dwDuration = 100L+percent; // sound frequency, in hertz Beep(dwFreq,dwDuration); #else if (percent) {} QApplication::beep (); #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::CopyArea(Drawable_t src, Drawable_t dest, GContext_t gc, Int_t src_x, Int_t src_y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, Int_t dest_x, Int_t dest_y) { // Copy a drawable (i.e. QPaintDevice ) to another drawable (pixmap, widget). // The graphics context gc will be used and the source will be copied // from src_x,src_y,src_x+width,src_y+height to dest_x,dest_y. assert(qtcontext(gc).HasValid(QtGContext::kROp)); // fprintf(stderr," TQt::CopyArea this=%p, fROp=%x\n", this, qtcontext(gc).fROp); if ( dest && src) { // QtGContext qgc = qtcontext(gc); QPixmap *pix = dynamic_cast(iwid(src)); QBitmap *mask = qtcontext(gc).fClipMask; if (pix && mask && (qtcontext(gc).fMask & QtGContext::kClipMask)) { if ((pix->width() != mask->width()) || (pix->height() != mask->height())) { // TASImage::GetMask() creates mask with the width rounded to 8 // pix->resize(mask->width(), mask->height()); QBitmap rightMask = mask->copy(pix->rect()); pix->setMask(rightMask); } else { pix->setMask(*mask); } TQtPainter copyArea(iwid(dest),qtcontext(gc)); if (src==dest) { QPixmap tmp = pix->copy(src_x,src_y,width,height); copyArea.drawPixmap(dest_x,dest_y, tmp); } else { copyArea.drawPixmap(dest_x,dest_y, *pix, src_x,src_y,width,height); } } else { if (pix) { TQtPainter copyArea(iwid(dest),qtcontext(gc)); if (src==dest) { QPixmap tmp = pix->copy(src_x,src_y,width,height); copyArea.drawPixmap(dest_x,dest_y, tmp); } else { copyArea.drawPixmap(dest_x,dest_y,*pix, src_x,src_y,width,height); } } else { QImage *im = dynamic_cast(iwid(src)); if (im) { TQtPainter copyArea(iwid(dest),qtcontext(gc)); copyArea.drawImage(dest_x,dest_y,*im, src_x,src_y,width,height); } else { QWidget *qw = dynamic_cast(iwid(src)); if (qw) { QPixmap pixw = QPixmap::grabWidget(qw, QRect(src_x,src_y,width,height)); TQtPainter copyArea(iwid(dest),qtcontext(gc)); copyArea.drawPixmap(dest_x,dest_y,pixw, src_x,src_y,width,height); } else { qDebug() << " TGQt::CopyArea: illegal image source. Should be either QPixmap or QImage"; } } } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::ChangeWindowAttributes(Window_t id, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr) { // Change window attributes. if (!attr || (id == kNone) || (id == kDefault) ) return; TQtClientWidget *p = dynamic_cast(wid(id)); assert(p); TQtClientWidget &f = *p; // fMask; // bit mask specifying which fields are valid if ( attr->fMask & kWABackPixmap) { switch (attr->fBackgroundPixmap) { case kNone: case kParentRelative: break; default: f.setErasePixmap (*(QPixmap *)attr->fBackgroundPixmap); break; }; } if ( attr->fMask & kWABackPixel) { // background pixel f.setEraseColor(QtColor(attr->fBackgroundPixel)); } if ( attr->fMask & kWABorderPixmap) { // fBorderPixmap; // border of the window } if ( attr->fMask & kWABorderPixel) { // ULong_t fBorderPixel; // border pixel value // f.setFrameShape( QFrame::PopupPanel ); #if QT_VERSION < 0x40000 f.setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain ); #else /* QT_VERSION */ f.setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box ); #endif /* QT_VERSION */ // printf("TGQt::ChangeWindowAttributes kWABorderPixel %p name = %s; shape = %d; margin = %d width=%d \n",&f,(const char*)f.name(),f.frameShape(),f.margin(),f.lineWidth() ); } if ( attr->fMask & kWABorderWidth) { // border width in pixels) f.setLineWidth(attr->fBorderWidth); // printf("TGQt::ChangeWindowAttributes kWABorderWidth %p %d margin=%d\n",&f, attr->fBorderWidth,f.margin()); } if ( attr->fMask & kWABitGravity) { // Int_t fBitGravity; // one of bit gravity values } if ( attr->fMask & kWAWinGravity) { // Int_t fWinGravity; // one of the window gravity values } if ( attr->fMask & kWABackingStore) { // Int_t fBackingStore; // kNotUseful, kWhenMapped, kAlways } if ( attr->fMask & kWABackingPlanes) { // ULong_t fBackingPlanes; // planes to be preseved if possible } if ( attr->fMask & kWABackingPixel) { // ULong_t fBackingPixel; // value to use in restoring planes } if ( attr->fMask & kWAOverrideRedirect) { // Bool_t fOverrideRedirect; // boolean value for override-redirect } if ( attr->fMask & kWASaveUnder) { // Bool_t fSaveUnder; // should bits under be saved (popups)? } if ( attr->fMask & kWAEventMask) { // Long_t fEventMask; // set of events that should be saved f.SetAttributeEventMask(attr->fEventMask); } if ( attr->fMask & kWADontPropagate) { // Long_t fDoNotPropagateMask; // set of events that should not propagate } if ( attr->fMask & kWAColormap) { // Colormap_t fColormap; // color map to be associated with window } if ( attr->fMask & kWACursor) { // cursor to be displayed (or kNone) if (fCursor != kNone) f.setCursor(*fCursors[fCursor]); else f.setCursor(QCursor(Qt::BlankCursor)); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::ChangeProperty(Window_t, Atom_t, Atom_t, UChar_t *, Int_t) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DrawLine(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x1, Int_t y1, Int_t x2, Int_t y2) { // Draw a line. TQtPainter p(iwid(id),qtcontext(gc)); p.drawLine ( x1, y1, x2, y2 ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::ClearArea(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { // Clear a window area to the background color. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; QPainter paint(iwid(id)); paint.setBackgroundMode( Qt::OpaqueMode); // Qt::TransparentMode TQtClientWidget *wd = dynamic_cast(wid(id)); if (!wd) { qDebug() << "TGQt::ClearArea: *** wd = 0"; return; } const QColor *c = 0; const QPixmap *p = 0; #if QT_VERSION < 0x50000 c = wd->fEraseColor; p = wd->fErasePixmap; const QColor &cr = *c; const QPixmap &pr = *p; #else const QColor &cr = wd->palette().color(QPalette::Window); c = &cr; if (!p) { qDebug() << "TGQt::ClearArea: *** p = 0, code needs fixing"; return; } const QPixmap &pr = *p; #endif if (int(w) <=0) { qDebug() << "TGQt::ClearArea: *** wrong client are size: " << w <<" : " << Int_t(w); return; } if (p && c) paint.fillRect ( x, y, w, h, QBrush(cr,pr)); else if (p) paint.fillRect ( x, y, w, h, QBrush(pr)); else if (c) paint.fillRect ( x, y, w, h, cr); else { const QBrush &crw = wd->palette().brush(QPalette::Window); paint.fillRect ( x, y, w, h, crw); } // qDebug() << " TGQt::ClearArea " << (void *)id << p << c; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQt::CheckEvent(Window_t, EGEventType, Event_t &) { // Check if there is for window "id" an event of type "type". If there // is fill in the event structure and return true. If no such event // return false. return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SendEvent(Window_t id, Event_t *ev) { // Send event ev to window id. if (ev && (ev->fType == kClientMessage || ev->fType == kDestroyNotify) && id != kNone ) { TQUserEvent qEvent(*ev); static TQtClientWidget *gMessageDispatcherWidget = 0; if (!gMessageDispatcherWidget) { gMessageDispatcherWidget = fQClientGuard.Create(0,"messager"); if (QClientFilter()) { gMessageDispatcherWidget->installEventFilter(QClientFilter()); } } QObject * receiver = 0; if ( id != kDefault) { receiver = wid(id); } else { receiver = gMessageDispatcherWidget; // fprintf(stderr, " TGQt::SendEvent(Window_t id=%d, Event_t *ev=%d) to %p\n", id, ev->fType, receiver); } // fprintf(stderr, " TGQt::SendEvent(Window_t id, Event_t *ev) %p type=%d\n", wid(id), ev->fType); QApplication::postEvent(receiver,new TQUserEvent(*ev)); } else { if (ev) fprintf(stderr,"TQt::SendEvent:: unknown event %d for widget: %p\n",ev->fType,wid(id)); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::WMDeleteNotify(Window_t id) { // WMDeleteNotify causes the filter to treat QEventClose event if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; ((TQtClientWidget *)wid(id))->SetDeleteNotify(); // fprintf(stderr,"TGQt::WMDeleteNotify %p\n",id); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetKeyAutoRepeat(Bool_t) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::GrabKey(Window_t id, Int_t keycode, UInt_t modifier, Bool_t grab) { // Establish passive grab on a certain key. That is, when a certain key // keycode is hit while certain modifier's (Shift, Control, Meta, Alt) // are active then the keyboard will be grabed for window id. // When grab is false, ungrab the keyboard for this key and modifier. // A modifiers argument of AnyModifier is equivalent to issuing the // request for all possible modifier combinations (including the combination of no modifiers). if (id == kNone) return; if (grab ) { ((TQtClientWidget*)wid(id))->SetKeyMask(keycode,modifier); } else { ((TQtClientWidget*)wid(id))->UnSetKeyMask(keycode,modifier); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::GrabButton(Window_t id, EMouseButton button, UInt_t modifier, UInt_t evmask, Window_t confine, Cursor_t cursor, Bool_t grab) { // Establish passive grab on a certain mouse button. That is, when a // certain mouse button is hit while certain modifier's (Shift, Control, // Meta, Alt) are active then the mouse will be grabed for window id. // When grab is false, ungrab the mouse button for this button and modifier. //X11: ButtonPress event is reported if all of the following conditions are true: // · The pointer is not grabbed, and the specified button is logically // pressed when the specified modifier keys are logically down, // and no other buttons or modifier keys are logically down. // · The grab_window contains the pointer. // · The confine_to window (if any) is viewable. // · A passive grab on the same button/key combination does not exist // on any ancestor of grab_window. // fprintf(stderr,"TGQt::GrabButton \"0x%x\" id=%x QWidget = %p\n" // ,evmask,id,((TQtClientWidget*)wid(id))); if (id == kNone) return; (void)confine; assert(confine==kNone); if (grab ) { // if (cursor == kNone) { ((TQtClientWidget*)wid(id))->SetButtonMask(modifier,button); ((TQtClientWidget*)wid(id))->SetButtonEventMask(evmask,cursor); } else { ((TQtClientWidget*)wid(id))->UnSetButtonMask(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::GrabPointer(Window_t id, UInt_t evmask, Window_t confine, Cursor_t cursor, Bool_t grab, Bool_t owner_events) { // Establish an active pointer grab. While an active pointer grab is in // effect, further pointer events are only reported to the grabbing // client window. // XGrabPointer(3X11): // The XGrabPointer function actively grabs control of the // pointer and returns GrabSuccess if the grab was success­ // ful. Further pointer events are reported only to the // grabbing client. XGrabPointer overrides any active // pointer grab by this client. If owner_events is False, // all generated pointer events are reported with respect to // grab_window and are reported only if selected by // event_mask. If owner_events is True and if a generated // pointer event would normally be reported to this client, // it is reported as usual. Otherwise, the event is reported // with respect to the grab_window and is reported only if // selected by event_mask. //------------------------------------------------------------------- // For either value of owner_events, unreported events are discarded. //------------------------------------------------------------------- (void)confine; assert(confine==kNone); TQtClientWidget *gw = (id == kNone) ? 0: cwid(id); // Do we still grabbing anything ? if (grab) { if ( !gw ) return; fPointerGrabber = gw; // fprintf(stderr,"TGQt::GrabPointer grabbing with the cursor: owner=%d wid = %x %p\n", owner_events, id, gw); } else { if (!gw) gw = fPointerGrabber; // fprintf(stderr,"TGQt::GrabPointer ungrabbing with the cursor: owner=%d wid = %x grabber =%p \n" // , owner_events, id, gw ); fPointerGrabber = 0; } TQtClientFilter *f = QClientFilter(); if (f) f->GrabPointer(gw, evmask,0,(QCursor *)cursor, grab, owner_events); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetWindowName(Window_t id, char *name) { // Set window name. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; winid(id)->setWindowTitle(name); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetIconName(Window_t id, char *name) { // Set window icon name. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; winid(id)-> setWindowIconText(name); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::Warp(Int_t ix, Int_t iy, Window_t id) { // Set pointer position. // ix : New X coordinate of pointer // iy : New Y coordinate of pointer // Coordinates are relative to the origin of the window id // or to the origin of the current window if id == 0. if (id == kNone) {} else { QCursor::setPos(wid(id)->mapToGlobal(QPoint(ix,iy))); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetClassHints(Window_t, char *, char *) { // Sets the windows class and resource name. #ifdef QTDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"No implementation: TGQt::SetClassHints(Window_t, char *, char *)\n"); #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetMWMHints(Window_t id, UInt_t /*value*/, UInt_t /*funcs*/, UInt_t /*input*/) { // Sets decoration style. // Set decoration style for MWM-compatible wm (mwm, ncdwm, fvwm?). //---- MWM hints stuff // These constants were borowed from TGFrame.h to avoid circular dependency. // The right place for them is somewhere in "base" (guitype.h for example) // enum EMWMHints { // // functions // kMWMFuncAll = BIT(0), // kMWMFuncResize = BIT(1), // kMWMFuncMove = BIT(2), // kMWMFuncMinimize = BIT(3), // kMWMFuncMaximize = BIT(4), // kMWMFuncClose = BIT(5), // input mode // kMWMInputModeless = 0, // kMWMInputPrimaryApplicationModal = 1, // kMWMInputSystemModal = 2, // kMWMInputFullApplicationModal = 3, // decorations // kMWMDecorAll = BIT(0), // kMWMDecorBorder = BIT(1), // kMWMDecorResizeH = BIT(2), // kMWMDecorTitle = BIT(3), // kMWMDecorMenu = BIT(4), // kMWMDecorMinimize = BIT(5), // kMWMDecorMaximize = BIT(6) // }; //MWMHintsProperty_t prop; //prop.fDecorations = value; //prop.fFunctions = funcs; //prop.fInputMode = input; //prop.fFlags = kMWMHintsDecorations | // kMWMHintsFunctions | // kMWMHintsInputMode; //XChangeProperty(fDisplay, (Window) id, gMOTIF_WM_HINTS, gMOTIF_WM_HINTS, 32, // PropModeReplace, (UChar_t *)&prop, kPropMWMHintElements); if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; // QSizePolicy thisPolicy = wid(id)->sizePolicy (); // wid(id)->setSizePolicy ( thisPolicy ); #ifdef QTDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"No implementation: TGQt::SetMWMHints(Window_t, UInt_t, UInt_t, UInt_t)\n"); #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetWMPosition(Window_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y) { // Tells the window manager the desired position [x,y] of window "id". if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; #ifdef QTDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"No implementation: TGQt::SetWMPosition(Window_t id, Int_t x=%d, Int_t y=%d\n",x,y); #endif wid(id)->move(x,y); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetWMSize(Window_t id, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { // Tells window manager the desired size of window "id". // // w - the width // h - the height if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; // vf to review QSizePolicy thisPolicy = wid(id)->sizePolicy (); wid(id)->setBaseSize(int(w),int(h)); // fprintf(stderr,"No implementation: TGQt::SetWMSize(Window_t id, UInt_t w=%d, UInt_t h=%d\n",w,h); // SafeCallW32(id)->W32_Rescale(id,w, h); // wid(id)->setSizePolicy(thisPolicy); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetWMSizeHints(Window_t id, UInt_t wmin, UInt_t hmin, UInt_t wmax, UInt_t hmax, UInt_t winc, UInt_t hinc) { // Gives the window manager minimum and maximum size hints of the window // "id". Also specify via "winc" and "hinc" the resize increments. // // wmin, hmin - specify the minimum window size // wmax, hmax - specify the maximum window size // winc, hinc - define an arithmetic progression of sizes into which // the window to be resized (minimum to maximum) if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; QWidget &w = *wid(id); w.setMinimumSize ( int(wmin), int(hmin) ); w.setMaximumSize ( int(wmax), int(hmax) ); w.setSizeIncrement( int(winc), int(hinc) ); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetWMState(Window_t id, EInitialState /*state*/) { // Sets the initial state of the window "id": either kNormalState // or kIconicState. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; #ifdef QTDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"No implementation: TGQt::SetWMState( . . . )\n"); #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetWMTransientHint(Window_t id, Window_t /*main_id*/ ) { // Tells window manager that the window "id" is a transient window // of the window "main_id". A window manager may decide not to decorate // a transient window or may treat it differently in other ways. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; #ifdef QTDEBUG fprintf(stderr,"No implementation: TGQt::SetWMTransientHint( . . . )\n"); #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DrawString(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, const char *s, Int_t len) { // Draw a string using a specific graphics context in position (x,y) if (id == kNone) return; if (s && s[0] && len) { TQtPainter paint(iwid(id),qtcontext(gc)); // Pick the font from the context QPalette pl = qtcontext(gc).palette(); const QColor &fontColor = pl.color(QPalette::WindowText); paint.setPen(fontColor); paint.setBrush(fontColor); if (qtcontext(gc).fFont) paint.setFont(*qtcontext(gc).fFont); // fprintf(stderr,"TGQt::DrawString \"%s\":%d with color %s\n",s,len,(const char *)fontColor.name()); paint.drawText (x, y, GetTextDecoder()->toUnicode(s).left(len)); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQt::TextWidth(FontStruct_t font, const char *s, Int_t len) { // Return length of string in pixels. Size depends on font. Int_t textWidth = 0; if (len >0 && s && s[0] != 0 ) { QFontMetrics metric(*(QFont *)font); char* str = new char[len+1]; memcpy(str,s,len); str[len]=0; QString qstr(s); delete [] str; textWidth = metric.width(qstr,len); // fprintf(stderr," TGQt::TextWidth %d %d <%s> \n", textWidth, len, (const char *)qstr); } return textWidth; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::GetFontProperties(FontStruct_t fs, Int_t &max_ascent, Int_t &max_descent) { // The ascent of a font is the distance from the baseline // to the highest position characters extend to. // The descent is the distance from the base line to the // lowest point characters extend to // (Note that this is different from X, which adds 1 pixel.) QFontMetrics metrics(*(QFont *)fs); max_ascent = metrics.ascent (); max_descent = metrics.descent(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::GetGCValues(GContext_t gc, GCValues_t &gval) { // Get current values from graphics context gc. Which values of the // context to get is encoded in the GCValues::fMask member. If fMask = 0 // then copy all fields. assert(gval.fMask == kGCFont); gval.fFont = (FontStruct_t)qtcontext(gc).fFont; } //______________________________________________________________________________ FontStruct_t TGQt::GetFontStruct(FontH_t fh) { return (FontStruct_t)fh; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::ClearWindow(Window_t id) { // Clear window. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; QPainter paint(iwid(id)); paint.setBackgroundMode( Qt::OpaqueMode); // Qt::TransparentMode TQtClientWidget *wd = dynamic_cast(wid(id)); const QColor *c = 0; const QPixmap *p = 0; #if QT_VERSION < 0x50000 c = wd ? wd->fEraseColor : 0; p = wd ? wd->fErasePixmap : 0; const QColor &cr = *c; const QPixmap &pr = *p; #else const QColor &cr = wd ? wd->palette().color(QPalette::Window) : *c; c = wd ? &cr : 0; const QPixmap &pr = *p; #endif if (p && c ) paint.fillRect(wd->rect(),QBrush(cr,pr)); else if (p) paint.fillRect(wd->rect(),QBrush(pr)); else if (c) paint.fillRect(wd->rect(), cr); else { const QBrush &brw = wd->palette().brush(QPalette::Window); paint.fillRect ( wd->rect(), brw); } } //---- Key symbol mapping struct KeyQSymbolMap_t { Qt::Key fQKeySym; EKeySym fKeySym; }; //---- Mapping table of all non-trivial mappings (the ASCII keys map //---- one to one so are not included) static KeyQSymbolMap_t gKeyQMap[] = { {Qt::Key_Escape, kKey_Escape}, {Qt::Key_Tab, kKey_Tab}, {Qt::Key_Backtab, kKey_Backtab}, {Qt::Key_Backspace, kKey_Backspace}, {Qt::Key_Return, kKey_Return}, {Qt::Key_Insert, kKey_Insert}, {Qt::Key_Delete, kKey_Delete}, {Qt::Key_Pause, kKey_Pause}, {Qt::Key_Print, kKey_Print}, {Qt::Key_SysReq, kKey_SysReq}, {Qt::Key_Home, kKey_Home}, // cursor movement {Qt::Key_End, kKey_End}, {Qt::Key_Left, kKey_Left}, {Qt::Key_Up, kKey_Up}, {Qt::Key_Right, kKey_Right}, {Qt::Key_Down, kKey_Down}, {Qt::Key_PageUp, kKey_Prior}, {Qt::Key_PageDown, kKey_Next}, {Qt::Key_Shift, kKey_Shift}, {Qt::Key_Control, kKey_Control}, {Qt::Key_Meta, kKey_Meta}, {Qt::Key_Alt, kKey_Alt}, {Qt::Key_CapsLock, kKey_CapsLock}, {Qt::Key_NumLock , kKey_NumLock}, {Qt::Key_ScrollLock, kKey_ScrollLock}, {Qt::Key_Space, kKey_Space}, // numeric keypad {Qt::Key_Tab, kKey_Tab}, {Qt::Key_Enter, kKey_Enter}, {Qt::Key_Equal, kKey_Equal}, {Qt::Key_F1, kKey_F1 }, {Qt::Key_F2, kKey_F2 }, {Qt::Key_F3, kKey_F3 }, {Qt::Key_F4, kKey_F4 }, {Qt::Key_PageUp, kKey_PageUp }, {Qt::Key_PageDown, kKey_PageDown }, {Qt::Key(0), (EKeySym) 0} }; //______________________________________________________________________________________ static inline Int_t MapKeySym(int key, bool toQt=true) { for (int i = 0; gKeyQMap[i].fKeySym; i++) { // any other keys if (toQt) { if (key == gKeyQMap[i].fKeySym ) { return UInt_t(gKeyQMap[i].fQKeySym); } } else { // coverity[mixed_enums]: ignore if (key == gKeyQMap[i].fQKeySym) { return UInt_t(gKeyQMap[i].fKeySym); } } } #if 0 UInt_t text; QByteArray r = gQt->GetTextDecoder()->fromUnicode(qev.text()); qstrlcpy((char *)&text, (const char *)r,1); return text; #else return key; #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQt::KeysymToKeycode(UInt_t keysym) { // Convert a keysym to the appropriate keycode. For example keysym is // a letter and keycode is the matching keyboard key (which is dependend // on the current keyboard mapping). return Int_t(MapKeySym(keysym)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::FillRectangle(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { if (id == kNone) return; // Draw a filled rectangle. Filling is done according to the gc. TQtPainter paint(iwid(id),qtcontext(gc)); if (qtcontext(gc).HasValid(QtGContext::kTileRect) ) { paint.drawTiledPixmap(x,y,w,h,*qtcontext(gc).fTilePixmap); } else { if (qtcontext(gc).HasValid(QtGContext::kStipple)) { // qtcontext(gc).fBrush.setStyle(Qt::FDiagPattern); if (qtcontext(gc).HasValid(QtGContext::kBrush) ) { // paint.setPen(Qt::black); //paint.setBackgroundColor(qtcontext(gc).paletteBackgroundColor()); QPalette pl = qtcontext(gc).palette(); const QColor &fontColor = pl.color(QPalette::WindowText); paint.setPen(fontColor); } else { paint.setBackground(Qt::white); paint.setPen(Qt::black); } paint.setBackgroundMode( Qt::OpaqueMode); // Qt::TransparentMode } // Workaround of the bug in the TGContainer::DrawRegion if (qtcontext(gc).fBrush.style() == Qt::NoBrush) qtcontext(gc).fBrush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); paint.fillRect ( x, y, w, h, qtcontext(gc).fBrush ); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DrawRectangle(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { if (id == kNone) return; // Draw a rectangle outline. TQtPainter paint(iwid(id),qtcontext(gc)); paint.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); paint.drawRect ( x, y, w, h); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DrawSegments(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc, Segment_t * seg, Int_t nseg) { // Draws multiple line segments. Each line is specified by a pair of points. if (id == kNone) return; TQtPainter paint(iwid(id),qtcontext(gc)); QVector segments(nseg); for (int i=0;iRemovePointerGrab(0); ((TQtClientWidget*)wid(id))->SelectInput(evmask); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Window_t TGQt::GetInputFocus() { // Returns the window id of the window having the input focus. TQtClientWidget *focus = 0; QWidget *f = qApp->focusWidget (); if (f) { focus = dynamic_cast(f); if (!focus) return 0; } return wid(focus); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetInputFocus(Window_t id) { // Set keyboard input focus to window id. if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) return; wid(id)->setFocus (); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::LookupString(Event_t *ev, char *tmp, Int_t /*n*/, UInt_t &keysym) { // Convert the keycode from the event structure to a key symbol (according // to the modifiers specified in the event structure and the current // keyboard mapping). In buf a null terminated ASCII string is returned // representing the string that is currently mapped to the key code. keysym = ev->fCode; // we have to accomodate the new ROOT GUI logic. // the information about the "ctrl" key should provided TWICE nowadays 12.04.2005 vf. if (ev->fState & kKeyControlMask) keysym -= keysym > 'Z' ? 96 :64; // if (ev->fState & kKeyControlMask) if (isupper(keysym)) keysym += 32; *tmp = keysym; tmp++; *tmp = '\0'; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::TranslateCoordinates(Window_t src, Window_t dest, Int_t src_x, Int_t src_y, Int_t & dest_x, Int_t & dest_y, Window_t & child) { // TranslateCoordinates translates coordinates from the frame of // reference of one window to another. If the point is contained // in a mapped child of the destination, the id of that child is // returned as well. QWidget *wSrc = wid(src); QWidget *wDst = wid(dest); child = kNone; //Local variables to keep the dest coordinates Int_t destX; Int_t destY; if (!wSrc) wSrc = QApplication::desktop(); if (!wDst) wDst = QApplication::desktop(); assert(wSrc && wDst); if (src == dest) { destX = src_x; destY= src_y; } else { QPoint mapped = wDst->mapFromGlobal(wSrc->mapToGlobal(QPoint(src_x,src_y))); destX = mapped.x(); destY = mapped.y(); } TQtClientWidget* tmpW = dynamic_cast(wDst->childAt ( destX, destY)); if (tmpW) { child = wid(tmpW); } dest_x = destX; dest_y = destY; // fprintf(stderr," Translate the coordinate src %d %d, dst %d %d; child = %d \n", src_x, src_y, dest_x, dest_y, child); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::GetWindowSize(Drawable_t id, Int_t &x, Int_t &y, UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h) { // Return geometry of window (should be called GetGeometry but signature // already used). x = y = 0; if (id == kNone || id == kDefault ) { QDesktopWidget *d = QApplication::desktop(); w = d->width(); // returns desktop width h = d->height(); // returns desktop height } else { QPixmap *thePix = dynamic_cast(iwid(id) ); if (thePix) { // *fQPixmapGuard.Pixmap(pix) w = thePix->width(); // returns pixmap width h = thePix->height(); // returns pixmap height } else { TQtClientWidget* theWidget = dynamic_cast( wid(id) ); if (theWidget) { const QRect &gWidget=theWidget->frameGeometry (); // theWidget->dumpObjectInfo () ; x = gWidget.x(); y = gWidget.y(); w = gWidget.width(); h = gWidget.height(); } else { QDesktopWidget *d = QApplication::desktop(); w = d->width(); // returns desktop width h = d->height(); // returns desktop height } } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::FillPolygon(Window_t id, GContext_t gc, Point_t *points, Int_t npnt) { // FillPolygon fills the region closed by the specified path. // The path is closed automatically if the last point in the list does // not coincide with the first point. All point coordinates are // treated as relative to the origin. For every pair of points // inside the polygon, the line segment connecting them does not // intersect the path. if (id == kNone) return; if (npnt > 1) { TQtPainter paint(iwid(id),qtcontext(gc)); #if QT_VERSION < 0x40000 QPointArray pa(npnt); #else /* QT_VERSION */ QPolygon pa(npnt); #endif /* QT_VERSION */ Int_t x = points[0].fX; Int_t y = points[0].fY; pa.setPoint(0,x,y); for (int i=1;itopLevelWidget(); // Returns the root window the pointer is logically on and the pointer // coordinates relative to the root window's origin. QPoint rootPosition = topWiget->mapFromGlobal( position ); root_x = rootPosition.x(); root_y = rootPosition.y(); rootw = rootwid(topWiget); // The pointer coordinates returned to win_x and win_y are relative to // the origin of the specified window. QPoint win_pos = thisWidget->mapFromGlobal( position ); win_x = win_pos.x(); win_y = win_pos.y(); TQtClientWidget *ch = (TQtClientWidget * )thisWidget->childAt (win_x,win_y); childw = ch ? wid(ch): kNone; // QueryPointer returns the current logical state of the // keyboard buttons and the modifier keys in mask. //> Can you say whether it is possible to query the current button state //> (Qt::ButtonState ) with no QMouseEvent? // //I am afraid that this is not possible using Qt, you will need to use //platform dependent code to do this I am afraid. // //Have a nice day! // //Andy //-- //Technicial Support Technician //Trolltech AS, Waldemar Thranes gate 98, NO-0175 Oslo, Norway mask = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetBackground(GContext_t gc, ULong_t background) { // Set foreground color in graphics context (shortcut for ChangeGC with // only foreground mask set). // The interface is confusing . This function MUST be not here (VF 07/07/2003) qtcontext(gc).SetBackground(background); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetForeground(GContext_t gc, ULong_t foreground) { // Set foreground color in graphics context (shortcut for ChangeGC with // only foreground mask set). // The interface is confusing . This function MUST be not here (VF 07/07/2003) qtcontext(gc).SetForeground(foreground); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetClipRectangles(GContext_t gc, Int_t x, Int_t y, Rectangle_t * recs, Int_t n) { // Set clipping rectangles in graphics context. X, Y specify the origin // of the rectangles. Recs specifies an array of rectangles that define // the clipping mask and n is the number of rectangles. // Rectangle structure (maps to the X11 XRectangle structure) if (n <=0 ) return; Region_t clip = CreateRegion(); for (int i=0;itranslate(x,y); qtcontext(gc).fClipRegion = *(QRegion *)clip; SETBIT(qtcontext(gc).fMask,QtGContext::kClipRegion); DestroyRegion(clip); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::Update(Int_t mode) { // Flush (mode = 0, default) or synchronize (mode = 1) X output buffer. // Flush flushes output buffer. Sync flushes buffer and waits till all // requests have been processed by X server. if (mode) #ifdef R__QTX11 QApplication::syncX (); else #else {} #endif QApplication::flush (); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Region functions. Using QRegion instead of X-Window regions. // Event though they are static "by nature". // We can not make them static because they are virtual ones. // Written by Yuri //______________________________________________________________________________ Region_t TGQt::CreateRegion() { // Create a new empty region. QRegion *reg = new QRegion(); return (Region_t) reg; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DestroyRegion(Region_t reg) { // Destroy region. delete (QRegion*) reg; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::UnionRectWithRegion(Rectangle_t *rect, Region_t src, Region_t dest) { // Union of rectangle with a region. if( !rect || src == 0 || dest == 0 ) return; QRegion rc(QRect( rect->fX, rect->fY, rect->fWidth, rect->fHeight )); QRegion &rSrc = *(QRegion*) src; QRegion &rDest = *(QRegion*) dest; rDest = rSrc + rc; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Region_t TGQt::PolygonRegion(Point_t *points, Int_t np, Bool_t winding) { // Create region for the polygon defined by the points array. // If winding is true use WindingRule else EvenOddRule as fill rule. if( np<0 || !points ) return 0; QPolygon pa; pa.resize( np ); for(int i=0; ifX = rc.x(); rect->fY = rc.y(); rect->fWidth = rc.width(); rect->fHeight = rc.height(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ char **TGQt::ListFonts(const char *fontname, Int_t max, Int_t &count) { // Returns list of font names matching fontname regexp, like "-*-times-*". // The pattern string can contain any characters, but each asterisk (*) // is a wildcard for any number of characters, and each question mark (?) // is a wildcard for a single character. If the pattern string is not in // the Host Portable Character Encoding, the result is implementation // dependent. Use of uppercase or lowercase does not matter. Each returned // string is null-terminated. // // fontname - specifies the null-terminated pattern string that can // contain wildcard characters // max - specifies the maximum number of names to be returned // count - returns the actual number of font names // ------------------------------------------------------ // ROOT uses non-portable XLDF font description: // XLFD // ------------------------------------------------------ // The X Logical Font Descriptor (XLFD) is a text string made up of 13 parts // separated by a minus sign, i.e.: // // -Misc -Fixed -Medium-R-Normal-13-120-75-75-C-70-ISO8859-1 // -Adobe-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-12-120-75-75-P-67-ISO8859-1 // ------------------------------------------------------------ // // FOUNDRY // text name of font creator // // FAMILY_NAME // name of the font. Related fonts generally have the same base names; i.e. helvetica, helvetica narrow , etc. // WEIGHT_NAME // usually one of [light|medium|demibold|bold] but other types may exist // // SLANT // one of [r|i|o]. i and o are used similarly, AFAIK // // SETWIDTH_NAME // [normal|condensed|narrow|double wide] // // ADD_STYLE_NAME // not a classification field, used only for additional differentiation // // PIXEL_SIZE // 0 = scalable font; integer typicially height of bounding box // // POINT_SIZE // typically height of bounding box in tenths of pixels // // RESOLUTION_X // horizontal dots per inch // // RESOLUTION_Y // vertical dots per inch // // SPACING // [p|m|c] p = proportional, m = monospaced, c = charcell. Charcell is a special case of monospaced where no glyphs have pixels outside the character cell; i.e. there is no kerning (no negative metrics). // // AVERAGE_WIDTH // unweighted arithmetic mean of absolute value of width of each glyph in tenths of pixels // CHARSET_REGISTRY and CHARSET_ENCODING // the chararterset used to encode the font; ISO8859-1 for Latin 1 fonts // Check whether "Symbol" font is available count = 0; TXlfd patternFont(fontname); QFontDatabase fdb; QStringList xlFonts; QStringList families = fdb.families(); for ( QStringList::Iterator f = families.begin(); f != families.end(); ++f ) { QString family = *f; QStringList styles = fdb.styles( family ); for ( QStringList::Iterator s = styles.begin(); s != styles.end(); ++s ) { QString style = *s; // fprintf(stderr," family %s style = %s\n", (const char *)family, (const char *) style); Int_t bold = fdb.bold (family, style); Int_t italic = fdb.italic(family, style); TXlfd currentFont(family,bold,italic); if (currentFont != patternFont) continue; QList sizes = fdb.pointSizes( family, style ); for ( int points=0 ; points < sizes.size() && (Int_t)xlFonts.size() < max; ++points ) { currentFont.SetPointSize(sizes[points]); if (currentFont == patternFont ) xlFonts.push_back(currentFont.ToString()); } } } count = xlFonts.size(); char **listFont = 0; if (count) { char **list = listFont = new char*[count+1]; list[count] = 0; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = xlFonts.begin(); it != xlFonts.end(); ++it ) { int fntln = (*it).length(); char *nextFont = new char[fntln+1]; *list = nextFont; list++; memcpy(nextFont,(*it).toStdString().c_str(),fntln); nextFont[fntln]=0; } } return listFont; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::FreeFontNames(char ** fontlist) { // Frees the specified the array of strings "fontlist". // fprintf(stderr,"No implementation: TGQt::FreeFontNames\n"); char ** list = fontlist; while (*list) { delete [] *list; list++; } delete [] fontlist; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Drawable_t TGQt::CreateImage(UInt_t width, UInt_t height) { // Allocates the memory needed for an drawable. // // width - the width of the image, in pixels // height - the height of the image, in pixels QImage *image = new QImage(width,height,QImage::Format_ARGB32); return Drawable_t(image); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::GetImageSize(Drawable_t id, UInt_t &width, UInt_t &height) { // Returns the width and height of the image id QImage *image = (QImage *)id; if (image) { width = image->width(); height = image->height(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::PutPixel(Drawable_t id, Int_t x, Int_t y, ULong_t pixel) { // Overwrites the pixel in the image with the specified pixel value. // The image must contain the x and y coordinates. // // id - specifies the image // x, y - coordinates // pixel - the new pixel value // QImage *image = (QImage *)id; if (image) image->setPixel(x,y,QtColor(pixel).rgb()); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::PutImage(Drawable_t id, GContext_t gc,Drawable_t img, Int_t dx, Int_t dy, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { // Combines an image with a rectangle of the specified drawable. The // section of the image defined by the x, y, width, and height arguments // is drawn on the specified part of the drawable. // // id - the drawable // gc - the GC // img - the image you want combined with the rectangle // dx - the offset in X from the left edge of the image // dy - the offset in Y from the top edge of the image // x, y - coordinates, which are relative to the origin of the // drawable and are the coordinates of the subimage // w, h - the width and height of the subimage, which define the // rectangle dimensions // // GC components in use: function, plane-mask, subwindow-mode, // clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, and clip-mask. // GC mode-dependent components: foreground and background. // (see also the GCValues_t structure) const QImage *image = (QImage *)img; if (image) { TQtPainter pnt(iwid(id),qtcontext(gc)); Qt::ImageConversionFlag conversionFlags=Qt::AutoColor; pnt.drawImage(dx,dy, *image, x,y,w,h,conversionFlags); // Qt::ImageConversionFlags // The conversion flag is a bitwise-OR of the following values. // The options marked "(default)" are set if no other values // from the list are included (since the defaults are zero): // -- Color/Mono preference (ignored for QBitmap) -- // Qt::AutoColor - (default) - If the image has depth 1 and // contains only black and white pixels, the // pixmap becomes monochrome. // Qt::ColorOnly - The pixmap is dithered/converted to the native // display depth. // Qt::MonoOnly - The pixmap becomes monochrome. If necessary, it // is dithered using the chosen dithering algorithm. // // -- Dithering mode preference for RGB channels -- // Qt::DiffuseDither - (default) - A high-quality dither. // Qt::OrderedDither - A faster, more ordered dither. // Qt::ThresholdDither - No dithering; closest color is used. // // -- Dithering mode preference for alpha channel // Qt::ThresholdAlphaDither - (default) - No dithering. // Qt::OrderedAlphaDither - A faster, more ordered dither. // Qt::DiffuseAlphaDither - A high-quality dither. // Qt::NoAlpha - Not supported. // // -- Color matching versus dithering preference // Qt::PreferDither - (default when converting to a pixmap) // - Always dither 32-bit images when the image // is converted to 8 bits. // Qt::AvoidDither - (default when converting for the purpose of saving to file) // - Dither 32-bit images only if the image // has more than 256 colors and it is being converted to 8 bits. // Qt::AutoDither - Not supported. // // -- The following are not values that are used directly, but masks for the above classes: // Qt::ColorMode_Mask - Mask for the color mode. // Qt::Dither_Mask - Mask for the dithering mode for RGB channels. // Qt::AlphaDither_Mask - Mask for the dithering mode for the alpha channel. // Qt::DitherMode_Mask - Mask for the mode that determines the preference of color // matching versus dithering. // //Using 0 as the conversion flag sets all the default options. } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DeleteImage(Drawable_t img) { // Deallocates the memory associated with the image img delete (QImage *)img; } #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(4,01,02) //______________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t TGQt::GetWinDC(Window_t wind) { // Returns HDC. return (wind == kNone) ? 0 : ULong_t(wid(wind)->handle()); } #endif //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQt::IsHandleValid(Window_t /*id*/) { return true; // Bool_t ok = (id == 0) || (id == kDefault) || (Bool_t)fQClientGuard.Find(id); // if (!ok) fprintf(stderr,"TGObject::GetId() = %ld\n",id); // return ok; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SendDestroyEvent(TQtClientWidget *widget) const { // Send the ROOT kDestroyEvent via Qt event loop Event_t destroyEvent; memset(&destroyEvent,0,sizeof(Event_t)); destroyEvent.fType = kDestroyNotify; destroyEvent.fWindow = rootwid(widget); destroyEvent.fSendEvent = kTRUE; destroyEvent.fTime = QTime::currentTime().msec(); // fprintf(stderr,"---- - - > TGQt::SendDestroyEvent %p %ld \n", widget, wid(widget) ); ((TGQt *)this)->SendEvent(TGQt::kDefault,&destroyEvent); } // -- V.Onuchine's method to back ASIMage //______________________________________________________________________________ unsigned char *TGQt::GetColorBits(Drawable_t rootWid, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h) { // Returns an array of pixels created from a part of drawable (defined by x, y, w, h) // in format: // b1, g1, r1, 0, b2, g2, r2, 0 ... bn, gn, rn, 0 .. // // Pixels are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom. // By default all pixels from the whole drawable are returned. // // Note that return array is 32-bit aligned if (!rootWid || (int(rootWid) == -1) ) return 0; QPaintDevice &dev = *iwid(rootWid); QPixmap *pix=0; switch (dev.devType()) { case QInternal::Widget: pix = ((TQtWidget*)&dev)->GetOffScreenBuffer(); break; case QInternal::Pixmap: { pix = (QPixmap *)&dev; break; } case QInternal::Picture: case QInternal::Printer: // case QInternal::UndefinedDevice: default: assert(0); break; }; if (pix) { // Create intermediate pixmap to stretch the original one if any QSize imageSize; if ( (h == w) && (w == UInt_t(-1) ) ) { w = pix->size().width(); h = pix->size().height(); } imageSize.setWidth(w); imageSize.setHeight(h); QImage img(w,h,QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPainter p(&img); p.drawPixmap(QPoint(0,0),*pix,QRect(x,y,w,h)); if (!img.isNull()) { UInt_t *bits = new UInt_t[w*h]; UInt_t *ibits = (UInt_t *)img.bits(); int idx = y; int iii = 0; for (UInt_t j = 0; j < h; j++) { for (UInt_t i = 0; i < w; i++) { bits[iii + i] = ibits[idx + x + i]; } idx += w; iii += w; } return (unsigned char *)bits; } } return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Pixmap_t TGQt::CreatePixmapFromData(unsigned char * bits, UInt_t width, UInt_t height) { // create pixmap from RGB data. RGB data is in format : // b1, g1, r1, 0, b2, g2, r2, 0 ... bn, gn, rn, 0 .. // // Pixels are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom. // Note that data must be 32-bit aligned QImage img(bits, width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QPixmap *p = new QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage (img)); fQPixmapGuard.Add(p); return Pixmap_t(rootwid(p)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Window_t TGQt::GetCurrentWindow() const { // Return current/selected window pointer. fprintf(stderr, " Qt layer is not ready for GetCurrentWindow \n"); assert(0); return (Window_t)(fSelectedWindow); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQt::SupportsExtension(const char *extensionName) const { // Returns 1 if window system server supports extension given by the // argument, returns 0 in case extension is not supported and returns -1 // in case of error (like server not initialized). #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(5,27,1) return TVirtualX::SupportsExtension(extensionName); #else if (extensionName) {} return -1; #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::DeleteProperty(Window_t, Atom_t&) { // Deletes the specified property only if the property was defined on the // specified window and causes the X server to generate a PropertyNotify // event on the window unless the property does not exist. } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TGQt::GetProperty(Window_t, Atom_t, Long_t, Long_t, Bool_t, Atom_t, Atom_t*, Int_t*, ULong_t*, ULong_t*, unsigned char**) { // Returns the actual type of the property; the actual format of the property; // the number of 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit items transferred; the number of // bytes remaining to be read in the property; and a pointer to the data // actually returned. return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::ChangeActivePointerGrab(Window_t, UInt_t, Cursor_t) { // Changes the specified dynamic parameters if the pointer is actively // grabbed by the client and if the specified time is no earlier than the // last-pointer-grab time and no later than the current X server time. } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::ConvertSelection(Window_t, Atom_t&, Atom_t&, Atom_t&, Time_t&) { // Requests that the specified selection be converted to the specified // target type. } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQt::SetSelectionOwner(Window_t, Atom_t&) { // Changes the owner and last-change time for the specified selection. return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::ChangeProperties(Window_t, Atom_t, Atom_t, Int_t, UChar_t *, Int_t) { // Alters the property for the specified window and causes the X server // to generate a PropertyNotify event on that window. } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetDNDAware(Window_t, Atom_t *) { // Add XdndAware property and the list of drag and drop types to the // Window win. } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGQt::SetTypeList(Window_t, Atom_t, Atom_t *) { // Add the list of drag and drop types to the Window win. } //______________________________________________________________________________ Window_t TGQt::FindRWindow(Window_t, Window_t, Window_t, int, int, int) { // Recursively search in the children of Window for a Window which is at // location x, y and is DND aware, with a maximum depth of maxd. return kNone; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGQt::IsDNDAware(Window_t, Atom_t *) { // Checks if the Window is DND aware, and knows any of the DND formats // passed in argument. return kFALSE; }