// Author: Valeri Fine 21/01/2002 /**************************************************************************** ** $Id$ ** ** Copyright (C) 2002 by Valeri Fine. Brookhaven National Laboratory. ** All rights reserved. ** ** *****************************************************************************/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TQtPadFont class is Qt QFont class with TAttText ROOT class interface // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TQtPadFont.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TMath.h" #include #include TString TQtPadFont::fgRomanFontName = "Times New Roman"; TString TQtPadFont::fgArialFontName = "Arial"; TString TQtPadFont::fgCourierFontName = "Courier New"; TString TQtPadFont::fgSymbolFontFamily= "Symbol"; //______________________________________________________________________________ static float CalibrateFont() { // Use the ROOT font with ID=1 to calibrate the current font on fly; // Environment variable ROOTFONTFACTOR allows to set the factor manually static float fontCalibFactor = -1; if (fontCalibFactor < 0 ) { const char * envFactor = gSystem->Getenv("ROOTFONTFACTOR"); bool ok=false; if (envFactor && envFactor[0]) fontCalibFactor= QString(envFactor).toFloat(&ok); if (!ok) { TQtPadFont pattern; pattern.SetTextFont(62); int w,h; QFontMetrics metrics(pattern); w = metrics.width("This is a PX distribution"); h = metrics.height(); // X11 returns h = 12 // XFT returns h = 14 // WIN32 TTF returns h = 16 // Nimbus Roman returns h = 18 // Qt4 XFT h = 21 qDebug() << " Font metric w = " << w <<" h = "<< h << "points=" << pattern.pointSize() << "pixels=" << pattern.pixelSize() << pattern; // graf2d/graf/src/TTF.cxx:const Float_t kScale = 0.93376068 const Float_t kScale = 0.95; //0.93376068; float f; switch (h) { case 12: f = 1.10; break;// it was f = 1.13 :-(; case 14: f = 0.915; break;// it was f = 0.94 :-(; case 16: f = 0.965; break;// to be tested yet case 18: f = 0.92; break;// to be tested yet case 20: f = 0.99; break;// to be tested yet case 21: f = 0.90; break;// to be tested yet default: f = kScale; break; } fontCalibFactor = f; } } return fontCalibFactor; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static inline float FontMagicFactor(float size) { // Adjust the font size to match that for Postscipt format static float calibration =0; if (calibration == 0) calibration = CalibrateFont(); return TMath::Max(calibration*size,Float_t(1.0)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ TQtPadFont::TQtPadFont(): TAttText() {fTextFont = -1;fTextSize = -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TQtPadFont::SetTextFont(const char *fontname, int italic_, int bold_) { //*-* mode : Option message //*-* italic : Italic attribut of the TTF font //*-* bold : Weight attribute of the TTF font //*-* fontname : the name of True Type Font (TTF) to draw text. //*-* //*-* Set text font to specified name. This function returns 0 if //*-* the specified font is found, 1 if not. this->setWeight((long) bold_*10); this->setItalic((Bool_t)italic_); this->setFamily(fontname); if (!strcmp(fontname,RomanFontName())) { this->setStyleHint(QFont::Serif); } else if (!strcmp(fontname,ArialFontName())) { this->setStyleHint(QFont::SansSerif); } else if (!strcmp(fontname,CourierFontName())){ this->setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter); } this->setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferDevice); #if 0 qDebug() << "TQtPadFont::SetTextFont:" << fontname << this->lastResortFamily () << this->lastResortFont () << this->substitute (fontname) << "ROOT font number=" << fTextFont; #endif #if 0 qDebug() << "TGQt::SetTextFont font:" << fontname << " bold=" << bold_ << " italic="<< italic_; #endif } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TQtPadFont::SetTextFont(Font_t fontnumber) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set current text font number*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* =========================== //*-* List of the currently supported fonts (screen and PostScript) //*-* ============================================================= //*-* Font ID X11 Win32 TTF lfItalic lfWeight x 10 //*-* 1 : times-medium-i-normal "Times New Roman" 1 5 //*-* 2 : times-bold-r-normal "Times New Roman" 0 8 //*-* 3 : times-bold-i-normal "Times New Roman" 1 8 //*-* 4 : helvetica-medium-r-normal "Arial" 0 5 //*-* 5 : helvetica-medium-o-normal "Arial" 1 5 //*-* 6 : helvetica-bold-r-normal "Arial" 0 8 //*-* 7 : helvetica-bold-o-normal "Arial" 1 8 //*-* 8 : courier-medium-r-normal "Courier New" 0 5 //*-* 9 : courier-medium-o-normal "Courier New" 1 5 //*-* 10 : courier-bold-r-normal "Courier New" 0 8 //*-* 11 : courier-bold-o-normal "Courier New" 1 8 //*-* 12 : symbol-medium-r-normal "Symbol" 0 6 //*-* 13 : times-medium-r-normal "Times New Roman" 0 5 //*-* 14 : "Wingdings" 0 5 if ( (fTextFont == fontnumber) || (fontnumber <0) ) return; TAttText::SetTextFont(fontnumber); int it, bld; const char *fontName; switch(fTextFont/10) { case 1: it = 1; bld = 5; fontName = RomanFontName(); break; case 2: it = 0; bld = 8; fontName = RomanFontName(); break; case 3: it = 1; bld = 8; fontName = RomanFontName(); break; case 4: it = 0; bld = 5; fontName = ArialFontName(); break; case 5: it = 1; bld = 5; fontName = ArialFontName(); break; case 6: it = 0; bld = 8; fontName = ArialFontName(); break; case 7: it = 1; bld = 8; fontName = ArialFontName(); break; case 8: it = 0; bld = 5; fontName = CourierFontName(); break; case 9: it = 1; bld = 5; fontName = CourierFontName(); break; case 10: it = 0; bld = 8; fontName = CourierFontName(); break; case 11: it = 1; bld = 8; fontName = CourierFontName(); break; case 12: it = 0; bld = 5; fontName = SymbolFontFamily(); break; case 13: it = 0; bld = 5; fontName = RomanFontName(); break; case 14: it = 0; bld = 5; fontName = "Wingdings"; break; default: it = 0; bld = 5; fontName = RomanFontName(); break; } SetTextFont(fontName, it, bld); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TQtPadFont::SetTextSize(Float_t textsize) { //*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set current text size*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* //*-* ===================== if ( fTextSize != textsize ) { TAttText::SetTextSize(textsize); if (fTextSize > 0) { Int_t tsize =(Int_t)( textsize+0.5); this->setPixelSize(static_cast(FontMagicFactor(tsize))); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TQtPadFont::SetTextSizePixels(Int_t npixels) { // Set the text pixel size SetTextSize(static_cast(npixels)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TQtPadFont::RomanFontName() { // Get the system name for the "Roman" font return fgRomanFontName; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TQtPadFont::ArialFontName() { // Get the system name for the "Arial" font return fgArialFontName; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TQtPadFont::CourierFontName() { // Get the system name for the "Courier" font return fgCourierFontName; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TQtPadFont::SymbolFontFamily() { // Get the system name for the "Symbol" font return fgSymbolFontFamily; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TQtPadFont::SetSymbolFontFamily(const char *symbolFnName) { // Set the system name for the "Symbol" font fgSymbolFontFamily = symbolFnName; // we need the TString here !!! } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TQtPadFont::SetTextMagnify(Float_t mgn) { // // Scale the font accroding the inout mgn magnification factor // mgn : magnification factor // ------- // see: TVirtualX::DrawText(int x, int y, float angle, float mgn, const char *text, TVirtualX::ETextMode /*mode*/) // Int_t tsize = (Int_t)(fTextSize+0.5); if (TMath::Abs(mgn-1) >0.05) { int pxSize = int(mgn*FontMagicFactor(tsize)); if(pxSize<=0) pxSize=1; this->setPixelSize(pxSize); } }