// @(#)root/x11:$Id$ // Author: O.Couet 17/11/93 #ifndef _XVERTEXT_INCLUDED_ #define _XVERTEXT_INCLUDED_ //______________________________________________________________________________ /* ********************************************************************** * * * xvertext 5.0, Copyright (c) 1993 Alan Richardson (mppa3@uk.ac.sussex.syma) * * Alignment definition modified by O.Couet. * Mods IBM/VM by O.Couet. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. All work developed as a consequence of the use of * this program should duly acknowledge such use. No representations are * made about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * ********************************************************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TMath.h" /* ************************************************************************ * * * Header file for the `xvertext 5.0' routines. * * Copyright (c) 1993 Alan Richardson (mppa3@uk.ac.sussex.syma) * * ************************************************************************ */ #define XV_VERSION 5.0 #define XV_COPYRIGHT \ "xvertext routines Copyright (c) 1993 Alan Richardson" /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* text alignment */ #define NONE 0 #define TLEFT 1 #define TCENTRE 2 #define TRIGHT 3 #define MLEFT 4 #define MCENTRE 5 #define MRIGHT 6 #define BLEFT 7 #define BCENTRE 8 #define BRIGHT 9 #ifdef VAX #define X11R3 #endif #endif /* _XVERTEXT_INCLUDED_ */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Make sure cache size is set */ #ifndef CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT #define CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT 0 #endif /*CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT */ /* Make sure a cache method is specified */ #ifndef CACHE_XIMAGES #ifndef CACHE_BITMAPS #define CACHE_BITMAPS #endif /*CACHE_BITMAPS*/ #endif /*CACHE_XIMAGES*/ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Debugging macros */ #ifdef DEBUG static int gRotatedDebug=1; #else static int gRotatedDebug=0; #endif /*DEBUG*/ #define DEBUG_PRINT1(a) if (gRotatedDebug) printf (a) #define DEBUG_PRINT2(a, b) if (gRotatedDebug) printf (a, b) #define DEBUG_PRINT3(a, b, c) if (gRotatedDebug) printf (a, b, c) #define DEBUG_PRINT4(a, b, c, d) if (gRotatedDebug) printf (a, b, c, d) #define DEBUG_PRINT5(a, b, c, d, e) if (gRotatedDebug) printf (a, b, c, d, e) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* A structure holding everything needed for a rotated string */ typedef struct RotatedTextItemTemplate_t { Pixmap fBitmap; XImage *fXimage; char *fText; char *font_name; Font fid; float fAngle; int fAlign; float fMagnify; int fColsIn; int fRowsIn; int fColsOut; int fRowsOut; int fNl; int fMaxWidth; float *fCornersX; float *fCornersY; long int fSize; int fCached; struct RotatedTextItemTemplate_t *fNext; } RotatedTextItem_t; static RotatedTextItem_t *gFirstTextItem=0; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* A structure holding current magnification and bounding box padding */ static struct StyleTemplate_t { float fMagnify; int fBbxPadl; } gRotStyle={ 1., 0 }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static char *my_strdup(char *); static char *my_strtok(char *, char *); float XRotVersion(char*, int); void XRotSetMagnification(float); void XRotSetBoundingBoxPad(int); int XRotDrawString(Display*, XFontStruct*, float,Drawable, GC, int, int, char*); int XRotDrawImageString(Display*, XFontStruct*, float,Drawable, GC, int, int, char*); int XRotDrawAlignedString(Display*, XFontStruct*, float,Drawable, GC, int, int, char*, int); int XRotDrawAlignedImageString(Display*, XFontStruct*, float,Drawable, GC, int, int, char*, int); XPoint *XRotTextExtents(Display*, XFontStruct*, float,int, int, char*, int); static XImage *MakeXImage(Display *dpy,int w, int h); static int XRotPaintAlignedString(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font, float angle, Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x,int y, char *text,int align, int bg); static int XRotDrawHorizontalString(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font, Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, char *text,int align, int bg); static RotatedTextItem_t *XRotRetrieveFromCache(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font, float angle, char *text, int align); static RotatedTextItem_t *XRotCreateTextItem(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font, float angle, char *text, int align); static void XRotAddToLinkedList(Display *dpy, RotatedTextItem_t *item); static void XRotFreeTextItem(Display *dpy, RotatedTextItem_t *item); static XImage *XRotMagnifyImage(Display *dpy, XImage *ximage); //______________________________________________________________________________ static char *my_strdup(char *str) { // Routine to mimic `strdup()' (some machines don't have it) char *s; if(str==0) return 0; s=(char *)malloc((unsigned)(strlen(str)+1)); if(s!=0) strcpy(s, str); return s; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static char *my_strtok(char *str1, char *str2) { // Routine to replace `strtok' : this one returns a zero length string if // it encounters two consecutive delimiters char *ret; int i, j, stop; static int start, len; static char *stext; if(str2==0) return 0; /* initialise if str1 not 0 */ if(str1!=0) { start=0; stext=str1; len=strlen(str1); } /* run out of tokens ? */ if(start>=len) return 0; /* loop through characters */ for(i=start; i0.) gRotStyle.fMagnify=m; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void XRotSetBoundingBoxPad(int p) { // Set the padding used when calculating bounding boxes if(p>=0) gRotStyle.fBbxPadl=p; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static XImage *MakeXImage(Display *dpy,int w, int h) { // Create an XImage structure and allocate memory for it XImage *image; char *data; /* reserve memory for image */ data=(char *)calloc((unsigned)(((w-1)/8+1)*h), 1); if( data==0) return 0; /* create the XImage */ image=XCreateImage(dpy, DefaultVisual(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)), 1, XYBitmap, 0, data, w, h, 8, 0); if (image==0) { free(data); return 0; } image->byte_order=image->bitmap_bit_order=MSBFirst; free(data); return image; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int XRotDrawString(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font,float angle,Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, char *str) { // A front end to XRotPaintAlignedString: // -no alignment, no background return (XRotPaintAlignedString(dpy, font, angle, drawable, gc, x, y, str, NONE, 0)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int XRotDrawImageString(Display *dpy,XFontStruct *font, float angle, Drawable drawable,GC gc, int x, int y, char *str) { // A front end to XRotPaintAlignedString: // -no alignment, paints background return(XRotPaintAlignedString(dpy, font, angle, drawable, gc, x, y, str, NONE, 1)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int XRotDrawAlignedString(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font, float angle, Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, char *text,int align) { // A front end to XRotPaintAlignedString: // -does alignment, no background return(XRotPaintAlignedString(dpy, font, angle, drawable, gc, x, y, text, align, 0)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ int XRotDrawAlignedImageString(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font, float angle, Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, char *text, int align) { // A front end to XRotPaintAlignedString: // -does alignment, paints background return(XRotPaintAlignedString(dpy, font, angle, drawable, gc, x, y, text, align, 1)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ static int XRotPaintAlignedString(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font, float angle, Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, char *text, int align, int bg) { // Aligns and paints a rotated string int i; GC my_gc; int xp, yp; float hot_x, hot_y; float hot_xp, hot_yp; float sin_angle, cos_angle; RotatedTextItem_t *item; Pixmap bitmap_to_paint; /* return early for 0/empty strings */ if(text==0) return 0; if(strlen(text)==0) return 0; /* manipulate angle to 0<=angle<360 degrees */ while(angle<0) angle+=360; while(angle>=360) angle-=360; angle*=M_PI/180; /* horizontal text made easy */ if(angle==0. && gRotStyle.fMagnify==1.) return(XRotDrawHorizontalString(dpy, font, drawable, gc, x, y, text, align, bg)); /* get a rotated bitmap */ item=XRotRetrieveFromCache(dpy, font, angle, text, align); if(item==0) return 0; /* this gc has similar properties to the user's gc */ my_gc=XCreateGC(dpy, drawable, 0, 0); XCopyGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFunction|GCPlaneMask, my_gc); /* alignment : which point (hot_x, hot_y) relative to bitmap centre coincides with user's specified point? */ /* y position */ if(align==TLEFT || align==TCENTRE || align==TRIGHT) hot_y=(float)item->fRowsIn/2*gRotStyle.fMagnify; else if(align==MLEFT || align==MCENTRE || align==MRIGHT) { /* Modify by O.Couet to have Bottom alignment without font->descent */ hot_y=0; /* hot_y=-((float)item->fRowsIn/4-(float)font->descent)*gRotStyle.fMagnify; */ } else if(align==BLEFT || align==BCENTRE || align==BRIGHT) { /* Modify by O.Couet to have Bottom alignment without font->descent */ /* hot_y=-(float)item->fRowsIn/2*gRotStyle.fMagnify; */ hot_y=-((float)item->fRowsIn/2-(float)font->descent)*gRotStyle.fMagnify; } else hot_y=-((float)item->fRowsIn/2-(float)font->descent)*gRotStyle.fMagnify; /* x position */ if(align==TLEFT || align==MLEFT || align==BLEFT || align==NONE) hot_x=-(float)item->fMaxWidth/2*gRotStyle.fMagnify; else if(align==TCENTRE || align==MCENTRE || align==BCENTRE) hot_x=0; else hot_x=(float)item->fMaxWidth/2*gRotStyle.fMagnify; /* pre-calculate sin and cos */ sin_angle=TMath::Sin(angle); cos_angle=TMath::Cos(angle); /* rotate hot_x and hot_y around bitmap centre */ hot_xp= hot_x*cos_angle - hot_y*sin_angle; hot_yp= hot_x*sin_angle + hot_y*cos_angle; /* text background will be drawn using XFillPolygon */ if(bg) { GC depth_one_gc; XPoint *xpoints; Pixmap empty_stipple; /* reserve space for XPoints */ xpoints=(XPoint *)malloc((unsigned)(4*item->fNl*sizeof(XPoint))); if(!xpoints) return 1; /* rotate corner positions */ for(i=0; i<4*item->fNl; i++) { xpoints[i].x=int((float)x + ( (item->fCornersX[i]-hot_x)*cos_angle + (item->fCornersY[i]+hot_y)*sin_angle)); xpoints[i].y=int((float)y + (-(item->fCornersX[i]-hot_x)*sin_angle + (item->fCornersY[i]+hot_y)*cos_angle)); } /* we want to swap foreground and background colors here; XGetGCValues() is only available in R4+ */ empty_stipple=XCreatePixmap(dpy, drawable, 1, 1, 1); depth_one_gc=XCreateGC(dpy, empty_stipple, 0, 0); XSetForeground(dpy, depth_one_gc, 0); XFillRectangle(dpy, empty_stipple, depth_one_gc, 0, 0, 2, 2); XSetStipple(dpy, my_gc, empty_stipple); XSetFillStyle(dpy, my_gc, FillOpaqueStippled); XFillPolygon(dpy, drawable, my_gc, xpoints, 4*item->fNl, Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin); /* free our resources */ free((char *)xpoints); XFreeGC(dpy, depth_one_gc); XFreePixmap(dpy, empty_stipple); } /* where should top left corner of bitmap go ? */ xp=int((float)x-((float)item->fColsOut/2 +hot_xp)); yp=int((float)y-((float)item->fRowsOut/2 -hot_yp)); /* by default we draw the rotated bitmap, solid */ bitmap_to_paint=item->fBitmap; /* handle user stippling */ #ifndef X11R3 { GC depth_one_gc; XGCValues values; Pixmap new_bitmap, inverse; /* try and get some GC properties */ if(XGetGCValues(dpy, gc, GCStipple|GCFillStyle|GCForeground|GCBackground| GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin, &values)) { /* only do this if stippling requested */ if((values.fill_style==FillStippled || values.fill_style==FillOpaqueStippled) && !bg) { /* opaque stipple: draw rotated text in background colour */ if(values.fill_style==FillOpaqueStippled) { XSetForeground(dpy, my_gc, values.background); XSetFillStyle(dpy, my_gc, FillStippled); XSetStipple(dpy, my_gc, item->fBitmap); XSetTSOrigin(dpy, my_gc, xp, yp); XFillRectangle(dpy, drawable, my_gc, xp, yp, item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut); XSetForeground(dpy, my_gc, values.foreground); } /* this will merge the rotated text and the user's stipple */ new_bitmap=XCreatePixmap(dpy, drawable, item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut, 1); /* create a GC */ depth_one_gc=XCreateGC(dpy, new_bitmap, 0, 0); XSetForeground(dpy, depth_one_gc, 1); XSetBackground(dpy, depth_one_gc, 0); /* set the relative stipple origin */ XSetTSOrigin(dpy, depth_one_gc, values.ts_x_origin-xp, values.ts_y_origin-yp); /* fill the whole bitmap with the user's stipple */ XSetStipple(dpy, depth_one_gc, values.stipple); XSetFillStyle(dpy, depth_one_gc, FillOpaqueStippled); XFillRectangle(dpy, new_bitmap, depth_one_gc, 0, 0, item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut); /* set stipple origin back to normal */ XSetTSOrigin(dpy, depth_one_gc, 0, 0); /* this will contain an inverse copy of the rotated text */ inverse=XCreatePixmap(dpy, drawable, item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut, 1); /* invert text */ XSetFillStyle(dpy, depth_one_gc, FillSolid); XSetFunction(dpy, depth_one_gc, GXcopyInverted); XCopyArea(dpy, item->fBitmap, inverse, depth_one_gc, 0, 0, item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut, 0, 0); /* now delete user's stipple everywhere EXCEPT on text */ XSetForeground(dpy, depth_one_gc, 0); XSetBackground(dpy, depth_one_gc, 1); XSetStipple(dpy, depth_one_gc, inverse); XSetFillStyle(dpy, depth_one_gc, FillStippled); XSetFunction(dpy, depth_one_gc, GXcopy); XFillRectangle(dpy, new_bitmap, depth_one_gc, 0, 0, item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut); /* free resources */ XFreePixmap(dpy, inverse); XFreeGC(dpy, depth_one_gc); /* this is the new bitmap */ bitmap_to_paint=new_bitmap; } } } #endif /*X11R3*/ /* paint text using stipple technique */ XSetFillStyle(dpy, my_gc, FillStippled); XSetStipple(dpy, my_gc, bitmap_to_paint); XSetTSOrigin(dpy, my_gc, xp, yp); XFillRectangle(dpy, drawable, my_gc, xp, yp, item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut); /* free our resources */ XFreeGC(dpy, my_gc); /* stippled bitmap no longer needed */ if(bitmap_to_paint!=item->fBitmap) XFreePixmap(dpy, bitmap_to_paint); #ifdef CACHE_XIMAGES XFreePixmap(dpy, item->fBitmap); #endif /*CACHE_XIMAGES*/ /* if item isn't cached, destroy it completely */ if(!item->fCached) XRotFreeTextItem(dpy,item); /* we got to the end OK! */ return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static int XRotDrawHorizontalString(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font, Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, char *text, int align, int bg) { // Draw a horizontal string in a quick fashion GC my_gc; int nl=1, i; int height; int xp, yp; char *str1, *str2, *str3; const char *str2_a="\0", *str2_b="\n\0"; int dir, asc, desc; XCharStruct overall; DEBUG_PRINT1("**\nHorizontal text.\n"); /* this gc has similar properties to the user's gc (including stipple) */ my_gc=XCreateGC(dpy, drawable, 0, 0); XCopyGC(dpy, gc, GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFunction|GCStipple|GCFillStyle| GCTileStipXOrigin|GCTileStipYOrigin|GCPlaneMask, my_gc); XSetFont(dpy, my_gc, font->fid); /* count number of sections in string */ if(align!=NONE) for(i=0; i<(int)strlen(text)-1; i++) if(text[i]=='\n') nl++; /* ignore newline characters if not doing alignment */ if(align==NONE) str2=(char *)str2_a; else str2=(char *)str2_b; /* overall font height */ height=font->ascent+font->descent; /* y position */ if(align==TLEFT || align==TCENTRE || align==TRIGHT) yp=y+font->ascent; else if(align==MLEFT || align==MCENTRE || align==MRIGHT) { /* Modify by O.Couet to have Middle alignment without font->descent */ /* yp=y-nl*height/2+font->ascent; */ yp=y-nl*(height-font->descent)/2+font->ascent; } else if(align==BLEFT || align==BCENTRE || align==BRIGHT) { /* Modify by O.Couet to have Bottom alignment without font->descent */ /* yp=y-nl*height+font->ascent; */ yp=y-nl*(height-font->descent)+font->ascent; } else yp=y; str1=my_strdup(text); if(str1==0) return 1; str3=my_strtok(str1, str2); if (!str3) return 0; /* loop through each section in the string */ do { XTextExtents(font, str3, strlen(str3), &dir, &asc, &desc, &overall); /* where to draw section in x ? */ if(align==TLEFT || align==MLEFT || align==BLEFT || align==NONE) xp=x; else if(align==TCENTRE || align==MCENTRE || align==BCENTRE) xp=x-overall.rbearing/2; else xp=x-overall.rbearing; /* draw string onto bitmap */ if(!bg) XDrawString(dpy, drawable, my_gc, xp, yp, str3, strlen(str3)); else XDrawImageString(dpy, drawable, my_gc, xp, yp, str3, strlen(str3)); /* move to next line */ yp+=height; str3=my_strtok((char *)0, str2); } while(str3!=0); free(str1); XFreeGC(dpy, my_gc); return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static RotatedTextItem_t *XRotRetrieveFromCache(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font, float angle, char *text, int align) { // Query cache for a match with this font/text/angle/alignment // request, otherwise arrange for its creation Font fid; char *font_name; unsigned long name_value; RotatedTextItem_t *item=0; RotatedTextItem_t *i1=gFirstTextItem; /* get font name, if it exists */ if(XGetFontProperty(font, XA_FONT, &name_value)) { DEBUG_PRINT1("got font name OK\n"); font_name=XGetAtomName(dpy, name_value); fid=0; } #ifdef CACHE_FID /* otherwise rely (unreliably?) on font ID */ else { DEBUG_PRINT1("can't get fontname, caching FID\n"); font_name=0; fid=font->fid; } #else /* not allowed to cache font ID's */ else { DEBUG_PRINT1("can't get fontname, can't cache\n"); font_name=0; fid=0; } #endif /*CACHE_FID*/ /* look for a match in cache */ /* matching formula: identical text; identical fontname (if defined, font ID's if not); angles close enough (<0.00001 here, could be smaller); HORIZONTAL alignment matches, OR it's a one line string; magnifications the same */ while(i1 && !item) { /* match everything EXCEPT fontname/ID */ if(strcmp(text, i1->fText)==0 && TMath::Abs(angle-i1->fAngle)<0.00001 && gRotStyle.fMagnify==i1->fMagnify && (i1->fNl==1 || ((align==0)?9:(align-1))%3== ((i1->fAlign==0)?9:(i1->fAlign-1))%3)) { /* now match fontname/ID */ if(font_name!=0 && i1->font_name!=0) { if(strcmp(font_name, i1->font_name)==0) { item=i1; DEBUG_PRINT1("Matched against font names\n"); } else i1=i1->fNext; } #ifdef CACHE_FID else if(font_name==0 && i1->font_name==0) { if(fid==i1->fid) { item=i1; DEBUG_PRINT1("Matched against FID's\n"); } else i1=i1->fNext; } #endif /*CACHE_FID*/ else i1=i1->fNext; } else i1=i1->fNext; } if(item) DEBUG_PRINT1("**\nFound target in cache.\n"); if(!item) DEBUG_PRINT1("**\nNo match in cache.\n"); /* no match */ if(!item) { /* create new item */ item=XRotCreateTextItem(dpy, font, angle, text, align); if(!item) return 0; /* record what it shows */ item->fText=my_strdup(text); /* fontname or ID */ if(font_name!=0) { item->font_name=my_strdup(font_name); item->fid=0; } else { item->font_name=0; item->fid=fid; } item->fAngle=angle; item->fAlign=align; item->fMagnify=gRotStyle.fMagnify; /* cache it */ XRotAddToLinkedList(dpy, item); } if(font_name) XFree(font_name); /* if XImage is cached, need to recreate the bitmap */ #ifdef CACHE_XIMAGES { GC depth_one_gc; /* create bitmap to hold rotated text */ item->fBitmap=XCreatePixmap(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut, 1); /* depth one gc */ depth_one_gc=XCreateGC(dpy, item->fBitmap, 0, 0); XSetBackground(dpy, depth_one_gc, 0); XSetForeground(dpy, depth_one_gc, 1); /* make the text bitmap from XImage */ XPutImage(dpy, item->fBitmap, depth_one_gc, item->fXimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut); XFreeGC(dpy, depth_one_gc); } #endif /*CACHE_XIMAGES*/ return item; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static RotatedTextItem_t *XRotCreateTextItem(Display *dpy, XFontStruct *font, float angle, char *text, int align) { // Create a rotated text item RotatedTextItem_t *item; Pixmap canvas; GC font_gc; XImage *imageIn; int i, j; char *str1, *str2, *str3; const char *str2_a="\0", *str2_b="\n\0"; int height; int byte_w_in, byte_w_out; int xp, yp; float sin_angle, cos_angle; int it, jt; float di, dj; int ic=0; float xl, xr, xinc; int byte_out; int dir, asc, desc; XCharStruct overall; int old_cols_in=0, old_rows_in=0; /* allocate memory */ item=(RotatedTextItem_t *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(RotatedTextItem_t)); if(!item) return 0; /* count number of sections in string */ item->fNl=1; if(align!=NONE) for(i=0; i<(int)strlen(text)-1; i++) if(text[i]=='\n') item->fNl++; /* ignore newline characters if not doing alignment */ if(align==NONE) str2=(char *)str2_a; else str2=(char *)str2_b; /* find width of longest section */ str1=my_strdup(text); if(str1==0) { free(item); return 0; } str3=my_strtok(str1, str2); if (!str3) { free(item); return 0; } XTextExtents(font, str3, strlen(str3), &dir, &asc, &desc, &overall); item->fMaxWidth=overall.rbearing; /* loop through each section */ do { str3=my_strtok((char *)0, str2); if(str3!=0) { XTextExtents(font, str3, strlen(str3), &dir, &asc, &desc, &overall); if(overall.rbearing>item->fMaxWidth) item->fMaxWidth=overall.rbearing; } } while(str3!=0); free(str1); /* overall font height */ height=font->ascent+font->descent; /* dimensions horizontal text will have */ item->fColsIn=item->fMaxWidth; item->fRowsIn=item->fNl*height; /* bitmap for drawing on */ canvas=XCreatePixmap(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), item->fColsIn, item->fRowsIn, 1); /* create a GC for the bitmap */ font_gc=XCreateGC(dpy, canvas, 0, 0); XSetBackground(dpy, font_gc, 0); XSetFont(dpy, font_gc, font->fid); /* make sure the bitmap is blank */ XSetForeground(dpy, font_gc, 0); XFillRectangle(dpy, canvas, font_gc, 0, 0, item->fColsIn+1, item->fRowsIn+1); XSetForeground(dpy, font_gc, 1); /* pre-calculate sin and cos */ sin_angle=TMath::Sin(angle); cos_angle=TMath::Cos(angle); /* text background will be drawn using XFillPolygon */ item->fCornersX = (float *)malloc((unsigned)(4*item->fNl*sizeof(float))); if(!item->fCornersX) { free(item); return 0; } item->fCornersY = (float *)malloc((unsigned)(4*item->fNl*sizeof(float))); if(!item->fCornersY) { free(item->fCornersX); free(item); return 0; } /* draw text horizontally */ /* start at top of bitmap */ yp=font->ascent; str1=my_strdup(text); if (str1==0) { free(item->fCornersX); free(item->fCornersY); free(item); return 0; } str3=my_strtok(str1, str2); if (!str3) { free(item->fCornersX); free(item->fCornersY); free(item); return 0; } /* loop through each section in the string */ do { XTextExtents(font, str3, strlen(str3), &dir, &asc, &desc, &overall); /* where to draw section in x ? */ if(align==TLEFT || align==MLEFT || align==BLEFT || align==NONE) xp=0; else if(align==TCENTRE || align==MCENTRE || align==BCENTRE) xp=(item->fMaxWidth-overall.rbearing)/2; else xp=item->fMaxWidth-overall.rbearing; /* draw string onto bitmap */ XDrawString(dpy, canvas, font_gc, xp, yp, str3, strlen(str3)); /* keep a note of corner positions of this string */ item->fCornersX[ic]=((float)xp-(float)item->fColsIn/2)*gRotStyle.fMagnify; item->fCornersY[ic]=((float)(yp-font->ascent)-(float)item->fRowsIn/2) *gRotStyle.fMagnify; item->fCornersX[ic+1]=item->fCornersX[ic]; item->fCornersY[ic+1]=item->fCornersY[ic]+(float)height*gRotStyle.fMagnify; item->fCornersX[item->fNl*4-1-ic]=item->fCornersX[ic]+ (float)overall.rbearing*gRotStyle.fMagnify; item->fCornersY[item->fNl*4-1-ic]=item->fCornersY[ic]; item->fCornersX[item->fNl*4-2-ic]= item->fCornersX[item->fNl*4-1-ic]; item->fCornersY[item->fNl*4-2-ic]=item->fCornersY[ic+1]; ic+=2; /* move to next line */ yp+=height; str3=my_strtok((char *)0, str2); } while(str3!=0); free(str1); /* create image to hold horizontal text */ imageIn=MakeXImage(dpy, item->fColsIn, item->fRowsIn); if(imageIn==0) { free(item->fCornersX); free(item->fCornersY); free(item); return 0; } /* extract horizontal text */ XGetSubImage(dpy, canvas, 0, 0, item->fColsIn, item->fRowsIn, 1, XYPixmap, imageIn, 0, 0); imageIn->format=XYBitmap; /* magnify horizontal text */ if(gRotStyle.fMagnify!=1.) { imageIn=XRotMagnifyImage(dpy, imageIn); old_cols_in=item->fColsIn; old_rows_in=item->fRowsIn; item->fColsIn=int((float)item->fColsIn*gRotStyle.fMagnify); item->fRowsIn=int((float)item->fRowsIn*gRotStyle.fMagnify); } /* how big will rotated text be ? */ item->fColsOut=int(TMath::Abs((float)item->fRowsIn*sin_angle) + TMath::Abs((float)item->fColsIn*cos_angle) +0.99999 +2); item->fRowsOut=int(TMath::Abs((float)item->fRowsIn*cos_angle) + TMath::Abs((float)item->fColsIn*sin_angle) +0.99999 +2); if(item->fColsOut%2==0) item->fColsOut++; if(item->fRowsOut%2==0) item->fRowsOut++; /* create image to hold rotated text */ item->fXimage=MakeXImage(dpy, item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut); if(item->fXimage==0) { free(item->fCornersX); free(item->fCornersY); free(item); return 0; } byte_w_in=(item->fColsIn-1)/8+1; byte_w_out=(item->fColsOut-1)/8+1; /* we try to make this bit as fast as possible - which is why it looks a bit over-the-top */ /* vertical distance from centre */ dj=0.5-(float)item->fRowsOut/2; /* where abouts does text actually lie in rotated image? */ if(angle==0 || angle==M_PI/2 || angle==M_PI || angle==3*M_PI/2) { xl=0; xr=(float)item->fColsOut; xinc=0; } else if(anglefColsOut/2+ (dj-(float)item->fRowsIn/(2*cos_angle))/ TMath::Tan(angle)-2; xr=(float)item->fColsOut/2+ (dj+(float)item->fRowsIn/(2*cos_angle))/ TMath::Tan(angle)+2; xinc=1./TMath::Tan(angle); } else { xl=(float)item->fColsOut/2+ (dj+(float)item->fRowsIn/(2*cos_angle))/ TMath::Tan(angle)-2; xr=(float)item->fColsOut/2+ (dj-(float)item->fRowsIn/(2*cos_angle))/ TMath::Tan(angle)+2; xinc=1./TMath::Tan(angle); } /* loop through all relevent bits in rotated image */ if (imageIn) { for(j=0; jfRowsOut; j++) { /* no point re-calculating these every pass */ di=(float)((xl<0)?0:(int)xl)+0.5-(float)item->fColsOut/2; byte_out=(item->fRowsOut-j-1)*byte_w_out; /* loop through meaningful columns */ for(i=((xl<0)?0:(int)xl); i<((xr>=item->fColsOut)?item->fColsOut:(int)xr); i++) { /* rotate coordinates */ it=int((float)item->fColsIn/2 + ( di*cos_angle + dj*sin_angle)); jt=int((float)item->fRowsIn/2 - (-di*sin_angle + dj*cos_angle)); /* set pixel if required */ if(it>=0 && itfColsIn && jt>=0 && jtfRowsIn) if((imageIn->data[jt*byte_w_in+it/8] & 128>>(it%8))>0) item->fXimage->data[byte_out+i/8]|=128>>i%8; di+=1; } dj+=1; xl+=xinc; xr+=xinc; } XDestroyImage(imageIn); } if(gRotStyle.fMagnify!=1.) { item->fColsIn=old_cols_in; item->fRowsIn=old_rows_in; } #ifdef CACHE_BITMAPS /* create a bitmap to hold rotated text */ item->fBitmap=XCreatePixmap(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut, 1); /* make the text bitmap from XImage */ XPutImage(dpy, item->fBitmap, font_gc, item->fXimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, item->fColsOut, item->fRowsOut); XDestroyImage(item->fXimage); #endif /*CACHE_BITMAPS*/ XFreeGC(dpy, font_gc); XFreePixmap(dpy, canvas); return item; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static void XRotAddToLinkedList(Display *dpy, RotatedTextItem_t *item) { // Adds a text item to the end of the cache, removing as many items // from the front as required to keep cache size below limit static long int current_size=0; static RotatedTextItem_t *last=0; RotatedTextItem_t *i1=gFirstTextItem, *i2; #ifdef CACHE_BITMAPS /* I don't know how much memory a pixmap takes in the server - probably this + a bit more we can't account for */ item->fSize=((item->fColsOut-1)/8+1)*item->fRowsOut; #else /* this is pretty much the size of a RotatedTextItem_t */ item->fSize=((item->fColsOut-1)/8+1)*item->fRowsOut + sizeof(XImage) + strlen(item->text) + item->fNl*8*sizeof(float) + sizeof(RotatedTextItem_t); if(item->font_name!=0) item->fSize+=strlen(item->font_name); else item->fSize+=sizeof(Font); #endif /*CACHE_BITMAPS */ #ifdef DEBUG /* count number of items in cache, for debugging */ { int i=0; while(i1) { i++; i1=i1->fNext; } DEBUG_PRINT2("Cache has %d items.\n", i); i1=gFirstTextItem; } #endif DEBUG_PRINT4("current cache size=%ld, new item=%ld, limit=%d\n", current_size, item->fSize, CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT*1024); /* if this item is bigger than whole cache, forget it */ if(item->fSize>CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT*1024) { DEBUG_PRINT1("Too big to cache\n\n"); item->fCached=0; return; } /* remove elements from cache as needed */ while(i1 && current_size+item->fSize>CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT*1024) { DEBUG_PRINT2("Removed %ld bytes\n", i1->fSize); if(i1->font_name!=0) DEBUG_PRINT5(" (`%s'\n %s\n angle=%f align=%d)\n", i1->fText, i1->font_name, i1->fAngle, i1->fAlign); #ifdef CACHE_FID if(i1->font_name==0) DEBUG_PRINT5(" (`%s'\n FID=%ld\n angle=%f align=%d)\n", i1->fText, i1->fid, i1->angle, i1->align); #endif /*CACHE_FID*/ current_size-=i1->fSize; i2=i1->fNext; /* free resources used by the unlucky item */ XRotFreeTextItem(dpy, i1); /* remove it from linked list */ gFirstTextItem=i2; i1=i2; } /* add new item to end of linked list */ if(gFirstTextItem==0) { item->fNext=0; gFirstTextItem=item; last=item; } else { item->fNext=0; last->fNext=item; last=item; } /* new cache size */ current_size+=item->fSize; item->fCached=1; DEBUG_PRINT1("Added item to cache.\n"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ static void XRotFreeTextItem(Display *dpy, RotatedTextItem_t *item) { // Free the resources used by a text item free(item->fText); if(item->font_name!=0) free(item->font_name); free((char *)item->fCornersX); free((char *)item->fCornersY); #ifdef CACHE_BITMAPS XFreePixmap(dpy, item->fBitmap); #else XDestroyImage(item->fXimage); #endif /* CACHE_BITMAPS */ free((char *)item); } //______________________________________________________________________________ static XImage *XRotMagnifyImage(Display *dpy, XImage *ximage) { // Magnify an XImage using bilinear interpolation int i, j; float x, y; float u,t; XImage *imageOut; int cols_in, rows_in; int cols_out, rows_out; int i2, j2; float z1, z2, z3, z4; int byte_width_in, byte_width_out; float mag_inv; /* size of input image */ cols_in=ximage->width; rows_in=ximage->height; /* size of final image */ cols_out=int((float)cols_in*gRotStyle.fMagnify); rows_out=int((float)rows_in*gRotStyle.fMagnify); /* this will hold final image */ imageOut=MakeXImage(dpy, cols_out, rows_out); if(imageOut==0) return 0; /* width in bytes of input, output images */ byte_width_in=(cols_in-1)/8+1; byte_width_out=(cols_out-1)/8+1; /* for speed */ mag_inv=1./gRotStyle.fMagnify; y=0.; /* loop over magnified image */ for(j2=0; j2data[j*byte_width_in+i/8] & 128>>(i%8))>0; z2=z1; z3=(ximage->data[(j+1)*byte_width_in+i/8] & 128>>(i%8))>0; z4=z3; } /* top edge */ else if(i!=cols_in-1 && j==rows_in-1) { t=x-(float)i; u=0; z1=(ximage->data[j*byte_width_in+i/8] & 128>>(i%8))>0; z2=(ximage->data[j*byte_width_in+(i+1)/8] & 128>>((i+1)%8))>0; z3=z2; z4=z1; } /* top right corner */ else if(i==cols_in-1 && j==rows_in-1) { u=0; t=0; z1=(ximage->data[j*byte_width_in+i/8] & 128>>(i%8))>0; z2=z1; z3=z1; z4=z1; } /* somewhere `safe' */ else { t=x-(float)i; u=y-(float)j; z1=(ximage->data[j*byte_width_in+i/8] & 128>>(i%8))>0; z2=(ximage->data[j*byte_width_in+(i+1)/8] & 128>>((i+1)%8))>0; z3=(ximage->data[(j+1)*byte_width_in+(i+1)/8] & 128>>((i+1)%8))>0; z4=(ximage->data[(j+1)*byte_width_in+i/8] & 128>>(i%8))>0; } /* if interpolated value is greater than 0.5, set bit */ if(((1-t)*(1-u)*z1 + t*(1-u)*z2 + t*u*z3 + (1-t)*u*z4)>0.5) imageOut->data[j2*byte_width_out+i2/8]|=128>>i2%8; x+=mag_inv; } y+=mag_inv; } /* destroy original */ XDestroyImage(ximage); /* return big image */ return imageOut; } //______________________________________________________________________________ XPoint *XRotTextExtents(Display *, XFontStruct *font, float angle, int x, int y, char *text,int align) { // Calculate the bounding box some text will have when painted int i; char *str1, *str2, *str3; const char *str2_a="\0", *str2_b="\n\0"; int height; float sin_angle, cos_angle; int nl, max_width; int cols_in, rows_in; float hot_x, hot_y; XPoint *xp_in, *xp_out; int dir, asc, desc; XCharStruct overall; /* manipulate angle to 0<=angle<360 degrees */ while(angle<0) angle+=360; while(angle>360) angle-=360; angle*=M_PI/180; /* count number of sections in string */ nl=1; if(align!=NONE) for(i=0; i<(int)strlen(text)-1; i++) if(text[i]=='\n') nl++; /* ignore newline characters if not doing alignment */ if(align==NONE) str2=(char *)str2_a; else str2=(char *)str2_b; /* find width of longest section */ str1=my_strdup(text); if(str1==0) return 0; str3=my_strtok(str1, str2); if(str3==0) { XTextExtents(font, str1, strlen(str1), &dir, &asc, &desc, &overall); } else { XTextExtents(font, str3, strlen(str3), &dir, &asc, &desc, &overall); } max_width=overall.rbearing; /* loop through each section */ do { str3=my_strtok((char *)0, str2); if(str3!=0) { XTextExtents(font, str3, strlen(str3), &dir, &asc, &desc, &overall); if(overall.rbearing>max_width) max_width=overall.rbearing; } } while(str3!=0); free(str1); /* overall font height */ height=font->ascent+font->descent; /* dimensions horizontal text will have */ cols_in=max_width; rows_in=nl*height; /* pre-calculate sin and cos */ sin_angle=TMath::Sin(angle); cos_angle=TMath::Cos(angle); /* y position */ if(align==TLEFT || align==TCENTRE || align==TRIGHT) hot_y=(float)rows_in/2*gRotStyle.fMagnify; else if(align==MLEFT || align==MCENTRE || align==MRIGHT) hot_y=0; else if(align==BLEFT || align==BCENTRE || align==BRIGHT) hot_y=-(float)rows_in/2*gRotStyle.fMagnify; else hot_y=-((float)rows_in/2-(float)font->descent)*gRotStyle.fMagnify; /* x position */ if(align==TLEFT || align==MLEFT || align==BLEFT || align==NONE) hot_x=-(float)max_width/2*gRotStyle.fMagnify; else if(align==TCENTRE || align==MCENTRE || align==BCENTRE) hot_x=0; else hot_x=(float)max_width/2*gRotStyle.fMagnify; /* reserve space for XPoints */ xp_in=(XPoint *)malloc((unsigned)(5*sizeof(XPoint))); if(!xp_in) return 0; xp_out=(XPoint *)malloc((unsigned)(5*sizeof(XPoint))); if(!xp_out) { free(xp_in); return 0; } /* bounding box when horizontal, relative to bitmap centre */ xp_in[0].x=(short int)(-(float)cols_in*gRotStyle.fMagnify/2-gRotStyle.fBbxPadl); xp_in[0].y=(short int)( (float)rows_in*gRotStyle.fMagnify/2+gRotStyle.fBbxPadl); xp_in[1].x=(short int)( (float)cols_in*gRotStyle.fMagnify/2+gRotStyle.fBbxPadl); xp_in[1].y=(short int)( (float)rows_in*gRotStyle.fMagnify/2+gRotStyle.fBbxPadl); xp_in[2].x=(short int)( (float)cols_in*gRotStyle.fMagnify/2+gRotStyle.fBbxPadl); xp_in[2].y=(short int)(-(float)rows_in*gRotStyle.fMagnify/2-gRotStyle.fBbxPadl); xp_in[3].x=(short int)(-(float)cols_in*gRotStyle.fMagnify/2-gRotStyle.fBbxPadl); xp_in[3].y=(short int)(-(float)rows_in*gRotStyle.fMagnify/2-gRotStyle.fBbxPadl); xp_in[4].x=xp_in[0].x; xp_in[4].y=xp_in[0].y; /* rotate and translate bounding box */ for(i=0; i<5; i++) { xp_out[i].x=(short int)((float)x + ( ((float)xp_in[i].x-hot_x)*cos_angle + ((float)xp_in[i].y+hot_y)*sin_angle)); xp_out[i].y=(short int)((float)y + (-((float)xp_in[i].x-hot_x)*sin_angle + ((float)xp_in[i].y+hot_y)*cos_angle)); } free((char *)xp_in); return xp_out; }