// @(#)root/proofx:$Id$ // Author: Gerardo Ganis 12/12/2005 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TXProofServ // // // // TXProofServ is the XRD version of the PROOF server. It differs from // // TXProofServ only for the underlying connection technology // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RConfigure.h" #include "RConfig.h" #include "Riostream.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include typedef long off_t; #endif #include #include #include #include "TXProofServ.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TException.h" #include "THashList.h" #include "TInterpreter.h" #include "TParameter.h" #include "TProofDebug.h" #include "TProof.h" #include "TProofPlayer.h" #include "TQueryResultManager.h" #include "TRegexp.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TPluginManager.h" #include "TXSocketHandler.h" #include "TXUnixSocket.h" #include "compiledata.h" #include "TProofNodeInfo.h" #include "XProofProtocol.h" #include #include // debug hook static volatile Int_t gProofServDebug = 1; //----- SigPipe signal handler ------------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ class TXProofServSigPipeHandler : public TSignalHandler { TXProofServ *fServ; public: TXProofServSigPipeHandler(TXProofServ *s) : TSignalHandler(kSigInterrupt, kFALSE) { fServ = s; } Bool_t Notify(); }; //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TXProofServSigPipeHandler::Notify() { fServ->HandleSigPipe(); return kTRUE; } //----- Termination signal handler --------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ class TXProofServTerminationHandler : public TSignalHandler { TXProofServ *fServ; public: TXProofServTerminationHandler(TXProofServ *s) : TSignalHandler(kSigTermination, kFALSE) { fServ = s; } Bool_t Notify(); }; //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TXProofServTerminationHandler::Notify() { Printf("Received SIGTERM: terminating"); fServ->HandleTermination(); return kTRUE; } //----- Seg violation signal handler --------------------------------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ class TXProofServSegViolationHandler : public TSignalHandler { TXProofServ *fServ; public: TXProofServSegViolationHandler(TXProofServ *s) : TSignalHandler(kSigSegmentationViolation, kFALSE) { fServ = s; } Bool_t Notify(); }; //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TXProofServSegViolationHandler::Notify() { Printf("**** "); Printf("**** Segmentation violation: terminating ****"); Printf("**** "); fServ->HandleTermination(); return kTRUE; } //----- Input handler for messages from parent or master ----------------------- //______________________________________________________________________________ class TXProofServInputHandler : public TFileHandler { TXProofServ *fServ; public: TXProofServInputHandler(TXProofServ *s, Int_t fd) : TFileHandler(fd, 1) { fServ = s; } Bool_t Notify(); Bool_t ReadNotify() { return Notify(); } }; //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TXProofServInputHandler::Notify() { fServ->HandleSocketInput(); // This request has been completed: remove the client ID from the pipe ((TXUnixSocket *) fServ->GetSocket())->RemoveClientID(); return kTRUE; } ClassImp(TXProofServ) // Hook to the constructor. This is needed to avoid using the plugin manager // which may create problems in multi-threaded environments. extern "C" { TApplication *GetTXProofServ(Int_t *argc, char **argv, FILE *flog) { return new TXProofServ(argc, argv, flog); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TXProofServ::TXProofServ(Int_t *argc, char **argv, FILE *flog) : TProofServ(argc, argv, flog) { // Main constructor fInterruptHandler = 0; fInputHandler = 0; fTerminated = kFALSE; // TODO: // Int_t useFIFO = 0; /* if (GetParameter(fProof->GetInputList(), "PROOF_UseFIFO", useFIFO) != 0) { if (useFIFO == 1) Info("", "enablig use of FIFO (if allowed by the server)"); else Warning("", "unsupported strategy index (%d): ignore", strategy); } */ } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TXProofServ::CreateServer() { // Finalize the server setup. If master, create the TProof instance to talk // the worker or submaster nodes. // Return 0 on success, -1 on error Bool_t xtest = (Argc() > 3 && !strcmp(Argv(3), "test")) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (gProofDebugLevel > 0) Info("CreateServer", "starting%s server creation", (xtest ? " test" : "")); // Get file descriptor for log file if (fLogFile) { // Use the file already open by pmain if ((fLogFileDes = fileno(fLogFile)) < 0) { Error("CreateServer", "resolving the log file description number"); return -1; } // Hide the session start-up logs unless we are in verbose mode if (gProofDebugLevel <= 0) lseek(fLogFileDes, (off_t) 0, SEEK_END); } // Global location string in TXSocket TXSocket::SetLocation((IsMaster()) ? "master" : "slave"); // Set debug level in XrdClient EnvPutInt(NAME_DEBUG, gEnv->GetValue("XNet.Debug", 0)); // Get socket to be used to call back our xpd if (xtest) { // test session, just send the protocol version on the open pipe // and exit if (!(fSockPath = gSystem->Getenv("ROOTOPENSOCK"))) { Error("CreateServer", "test: socket setup by xpd undefined"); return -1; } Int_t fpw = (Int_t) strtol(fSockPath.Data(), 0, 10); int proto = htonl(kPROOF_Protocol); fSockPath = ""; if (write(fpw, &proto, sizeof(proto)) != sizeof(proto)) { Error("CreateServer", "test: sending protocol number"); return -1; } exit(0); } else { fSockPath = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.OpenSock", ""); if (fSockPath.Length() <= 0) { Error("CreateServer", "socket setup by xpd undefined"); return -1; } TString entity = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.Entity", ""); if (entity.Length() > 0) fSockPath.Insert(0,Form("%s/", entity.Data())); } // Get open socket descriptor, if any Int_t sockfd = -1; const char *opensock = gSystem->Getenv("ROOTOPENSOCK"); if (opensock && strlen(opensock) > 0) { TSystem::ResetErrno(); sockfd = (Int_t) strtol(opensock, 0, 10); if (TSystem::GetErrno() == ERANGE) { sockfd = -1; Warning("CreateServer", "socket descriptor: wrong conversion from '%s'", opensock); } if (sockfd > 0 && gProofDebugLevel > 0) Info("CreateServer", "using open connection (descriptor %d)", sockfd); } // Get the sessions ID Int_t psid = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.SessionID", -1); if (psid < 0) { Error("CreateServer", "Session ID undefined"); return -1; } // Call back the server fSocket = new TXUnixSocket(fSockPath, psid, -1, this, sockfd); if (!fSocket || !(fSocket->IsValid())) { Error("CreateServer", "Failed to open connection to XrdProofd coordinator"); return -1; } // Set compression level, if any fSocket->SetCompressionSettings(fCompressMsg); // Set the title for debugging TString tgt("client"); if (fOrdinal != "0") { tgt = fOrdinal; if (tgt.Last('.') != kNPOS) tgt.Remove(tgt.Last('.')); } fSocket->SetTitle(tgt); // Set the this as reference of this socket ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->fReference = this; // Get socket descriptor Int_t sock = fSocket->GetDescriptor(); // Install message input handlers fInputHandler = TXSocketHandler::GetSocketHandler(new TXProofServInputHandler(this, sock), fSocket); gSystem->AddFileHandler(fInputHandler); // Get the client ID Int_t cid = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.ClientID", -1); if (cid < 0) { Error("CreateServer", "Client ID undefined"); SendLogFile(); return -1; } ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->SetClientID(cid); // debug hooks if (IsMaster()) { // wait (loop) in master to allow debugger to connect if (gEnv->GetValue("Proof.GdbHook",0) == 1) { while (gProofServDebug) ; } } else { // wait (loop) in slave to allow debugger to connect if (gEnv->GetValue("Proof.GdbHook",0) == 2) { while (gProofServDebug) ; } } if (gProofDebugLevel > 0) Info("CreateServer", "Service: %s, ConfDir: %s, IsMaster: %d", fService.Data(), fConfDir.Data(), (Int_t)fMasterServ); if (Setup() == -1) { // Setup failure LogToMaster(); SendLogFile(); Terminate(0); return -1; } if (!fLogFile) { RedirectOutput(); // If for some reason we failed setting a redirection file for the logs // we cannot continue if (!fLogFile || (fLogFileDes = fileno(fLogFile)) < 0) { LogToMaster(); SendLogFile(-98); Terminate(0); return -1; } } // Send message of the day to the client if (IsMaster()) { if (CatMotd() == -1) { LogToMaster(); SendLogFile(-99); Terminate(0); return -1; } } // Everybody expects iostream to be available, so load it... ProcessLine("#include ", kTRUE); ProcessLine("#include ",kTRUE); // for std::string iostream. // Load user functions const char *logon; logon = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.Load", (char *)0); if (logon) { char *mac = gSystem->Which(TROOT::GetMacroPath(), logon, kReadPermission); if (mac) ProcessLine(Form(".L %s", logon), kTRUE); delete [] mac; } // Execute logon macro logon = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.Logon", (char *)0); if (logon && !NoLogOpt()) { char *mac = gSystem->Which(TROOT::GetMacroPath(), logon, kReadPermission); if (mac) ProcessFile(logon); delete [] mac; } // Save current interpreter context gInterpreter->SaveContext(); gInterpreter->SaveGlobalsContext(); // if master, start slave servers if (IsMaster()) { TString master = Form("proof://%s@__master__", fUser.Data()); // Add port, if defined Int_t port = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.XpdPort", -1); if (port > -1) { master += ":"; master += port; } // Make sure that parallel startup via threads is not active // (it is broken for xpd because of the locks on gCINTMutex) gEnv->SetValue("Proof.ParallelStartup", 0); // Get plugin manager to load appropriate TProof from TPluginManager *pm = gROOT->GetPluginManager(); if (!pm) { Error("CreateServer", "no plugin manager found"); SendLogFile(-99); Terminate(0); return -1; } // Find the appropriate handler TPluginHandler *h = pm->FindHandler("TProof", fConfFile); if (!h) { Error("CreateServer", "no plugin found for TProof with a" " config file of '%s'", fConfFile.Data()); SendLogFile(-99); Terminate(0); return -1; } // load the plugin if (h->LoadPlugin() == -1) { Error("CreateServer", "plugin for TProof could not be loaded"); SendLogFile(-99); Terminate(0); return -1; } // make instance of TProof fProof = reinterpret_cast(h->ExecPlugin(5, master.Data(), fConfFile.Data(), fConfDir.Data(), fLogLevel, fTopSessionTag.Data())); // Save worker info if (fProof) fProof->SaveWorkerInfo(); if (!fProof || (fProof && !fProof->IsValid())) { Error("CreateServer", "plugin for TProof could not be executed"); FlushLogFile(); delete fProof; fProof = 0; SendLogFile(-99); Terminate(0); return -1; } // Find out if we are a master in direct contact only with workers fEndMaster = fProof->IsEndMaster(); SendLogFile(); } // Setup the shutdown timer if (!fShutdownTimer) { // Check activity on socket every 5 mins fShutdownTimer = new TShutdownTimer(this, 300000); fShutdownTimer->Start(-1, kFALSE); } // Check if schema evolution is effective: clients running versions <=17 do not // support that: send a warning message if (fProtocol <= 17) { TString msg; msg.Form("Warning: client version is too old: automatic schema evolution is ineffective.\n" " This may generate compatibility problems between streamed objects.\n" " The advise is to move to ROOT >= 5.21/02 ."); SendAsynMessage(msg.Data()); } // Setup the idle timer if (IsMaster() && !fIdleTOTimer) { // Check activity on socket every 5 mins Int_t idle_to = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.IdleTimeout", -1); if (idle_to > 0) { fIdleTOTimer = new TIdleTOTimer(this, idle_to * 1000); fIdleTOTimer->Start(-1, kTRUE); if (gProofDebugLevel > 0) Info("CreateServer", " idle timer started (%d secs)", idle_to); } else if (gProofDebugLevel > 0) { Info("CreateServer", " idle timer not started (no idle timeout requested)"); } } // Done return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TXProofServ::~TXProofServ() { // Cleanup. Not really necessary since after this dtor there is no // live anyway. delete fSocket; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXProofServ::HandleUrgentData() { // Handle high priority data sent by the master or client. // Real-time notification of messages TProofServLogHandlerGuard hg(fLogFile, fSocket, "", fRealTimeLog); // Get interrupt Bool_t fw = kFALSE; Int_t iLev = ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->GetInterrupt(fw); if (iLev < 0) { Error("HandleUrgentData", "error receiving interrupt"); return; } PDB(kGlobal, 2) Info("HandleUrgentData", "got interrupt: %d\n", iLev); if (fProof) fProof->SetActive(); switch (iLev) { case TProof::kPing: PDB(kGlobal, 2) Info("HandleUrgentData", "*** Ping"); // If master server, propagate interrupt to slaves if (fw && IsMaster()) { Int_t nbad = fProof->fActiveSlaves->GetSize() - fProof->Ping(); if (nbad > 0) { Info("HandleUrgentData","%d slaves did not reply to ping",nbad); } } // Touch the admin path to show we are alive if (fAdminPath.IsNull()) { fAdminPath = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.AdminPath", ""); } if (!fAdminPath.IsNull()) { if (!fAdminPath.EndsWith(".status")) { // Update file time stamps if (utime(fAdminPath.Data(), 0) != 0) Info("HandleUrgentData", "problems touching path: %s", fAdminPath.Data()); else PDB(kGlobal, 2) Info("HandleUrgentData", "touching path: %s", fAdminPath.Data()); } else { // Update the status in the file // 0 idle // 1 running // 2 being terminated (currently unused) // 3 queued // 4 idle timed-out Int_t uss_rc = UpdateSessionStatus(-1); if (uss_rc != 0) Error("HandleUrgentData", "problems updating status path: %s (errno: %d)", fAdminPath.Data(), -uss_rc); } } else { Info("HandleUrgentData", "admin path undefined"); } break; case TProof::kHardInterrupt: Info("HandleUrgentData", "*** Hard Interrupt"); // If master server, propagate interrupt to slaves if (fw && IsMaster()) fProof->Interrupt(TProof::kHardInterrupt); // Flush input socket ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->Flush(); if (IsMaster()) SendLogFile(); break; case TProof::kSoftInterrupt: Info("HandleUrgentData", "Soft Interrupt"); // If master server, propagate interrupt to slaves if (fw && IsMaster()) fProof->Interrupt(TProof::kSoftInterrupt); Interrupt(); if (IsMaster()) SendLogFile(); break; case TProof::kShutdownInterrupt: Info("HandleUrgentData", "Shutdown Interrupt"); // When returning for here connection are closed HandleTermination(); break; default: Error("HandleUrgentData", "unexpected type: %d", iLev); break; } if (fProof) fProof->SetActive(kFALSE); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXProofServ::HandleSigPipe() { // Called when the client is not alive anymore; terminate the session. // Real-time notification of messages Info("HandleSigPipe","got sigpipe ... do nothing"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXProofServ::HandleTermination() { // Called when the client is not alive anymore; terminate the session. // If master server, propagate interrupt to slaves // (shutdown interrupt send internally). if (IsMaster()) { // If not idle, try first to stop processing if (!fIdle) { // Remove pending requests fWaitingQueries->Delete(); // Interrupt the current monitor fProof->InterruptCurrentMonitor(); // Do not wait for ever, but al least 20 seconds Long_t timeout = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.ShutdownTimeout", 60); timeout = (timeout > 20) ? timeout : 20; // Processing will be aborted fProof->StopProcess(kTRUE, (Long_t) (timeout / 2)); // Receive end-of-processing messages, but do not wait for ever fProof->Collect(TProof::kActive, timeout); // Still not idle if (!fIdle) Warning("HandleTermination","processing could not be stopped"); } // Close the session if (fProof) fProof->Close("S"); } Terminate(0); // will not return from here.... } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TXProofServ::Setup() { // Print the ProofServ logo on standard output. // Return 0 on success, -1 on error char str[512]; if (IsMaster()) { snprintf(str, 512, "**** Welcome to the PROOF server @ %s ****", gSystem->HostName()); } else { snprintf(str, 512, "**** PROOF worker server @ %s started ****", gSystem->HostName()); } if (fSocket->Send(str) != 1+static_cast(strlen(str))) { Error("Setup", "failed to send proof server startup message"); return -1; } // Get client protocol if ((fProtocol = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.ClientVersion", -1)) < 0) { Error("Setup", "remote proof protocol missing"); return -1; } // The local user fUser = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.Entity", ""); if (fUser.Length() >= 0) { if (fUser.Contains(":")) fUser.Remove(fUser.Index(":")); if (fUser.Contains("@")) fUser.Remove(fUser.Index("@")); } else { UserGroup_t *pw = gSystem->GetUserInfo(); if (pw) { fUser = pw->fUser; delete pw; } } // Work dir and ... if (IsMaster()) { TString cf = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.ProofConfFile", ""); if (cf.Length() > 0) fConfFile = cf; } fWorkDir = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.Sandbox", Form("~/%s", kPROOF_WorkDir)); // Get Session tag if ((fSessionTag = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.SessionTag", "-1")) == "-1") { Error("Setup", "Session tag missing"); return -1; } // Get top session tag, i.e. the tag of the PROOF session if ((fTopSessionTag = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.TopSessionTag", "-1")) == "-1") { fTopSessionTag = ""; // Try to extract it from log file path (for backward compatibility) if (gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFLOGFILE")) { fTopSessionTag = gSystem->DirName(gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFLOGFILE")); Ssiz_t lstl; if ((lstl = fTopSessionTag.Last('/')) != kNPOS) fTopSessionTag.Remove(0, lstl + 1); if (fTopSessionTag.BeginsWith("session-")) { fTopSessionTag.Remove(0, strlen("session-")); } else { fTopSessionTag = ""; } } if (fTopSessionTag.IsNull()) { Error("Setup", "top session tag missing"); return -1; } } // Make sure the process ID is in the tag TString spid = Form("-%d", gSystem->GetPid()); if (!fSessionTag.EndsWith(spid)) { Int_t nd = 0; if ((nd = fSessionTag.CountChar('-')) >= 2) { Int_t id = fSessionTag.Index("-", fSessionTag.Index("-") + 1); if (id != kNPOS) fSessionTag.Remove(id); } else if (nd != 1) { Warning("Setup", "Wrong number of '-' in session tag: protocol error? %s", fSessionTag.Data()); } // Add this process ID fSessionTag += spid; } if (gProofDebugLevel > 0) Info("Setup", "session tags: %s, %s", fTopSessionTag.Data(), fSessionTag.Data()); // Get Session dir (sandbox) if ((fSessionDir = gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.SessionDir", "-1")) == "-1") { Error("Setup", "Session dir missing"); return -1; } // Goto to the main PROOF working directory char *workdir = gSystem->ExpandPathName(fWorkDir.Data()); fWorkDir = workdir; delete [] workdir; if (gProofDebugLevel > 0) Info("Setup", "working directory set to %s", fWorkDir.Data()); // Common setup if (SetupCommon() != 0) { Error("Setup", "common setup failed"); return -1; } // Send packages off immediately to reduce latency fSocket->SetOption(kNoDelay, 1); // Check every two hours if client is still alive fSocket->SetOption(kKeepAlive, 1); // Install SigPipe handler to handle kKeepAlive failure gSystem->AddSignalHandler(new TXProofServSigPipeHandler(this)); // Install Termination handler gSystem->AddSignalHandler(new TXProofServTerminationHandler(this)); // Install seg violation handler gSystem->AddSignalHandler(new TXProofServSegViolationHandler(this)); if (gProofDebugLevel > 0) Info("Setup", "successfully completed"); // Done return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ TProofServ::EQueryAction TXProofServ::GetWorkers(TList *workers, Int_t & /* prioritychange */, Bool_t resume) { // Get list of workers to be used from now on. // The list must be provided by the caller. TProofServ::EQueryAction rc = kQueryStop; // User config files, when enabled, override cluster-wide configuration if (gEnv->GetValue("ProofServ.UseUserCfg", 0) != 0) { Int_t pc = 1; return TProofServ::GetWorkers(workers, pc); } // seqnum of the query for which we call getworkers Bool_t dynamicStartup = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.DynamicStartup", kFALSE); TString seqnum = (dynamicStartup) ? "" : XPD_GW_Static; if (!fWaitingQueries->IsEmpty()) { if (resume) { seqnum += ((TProofQueryResult *)(fWaitingQueries->First()))->GetSeqNum(); } else { seqnum += ((TProofQueryResult *)(fWaitingQueries->Last()))->GetSeqNum(); } } // Send request to the coordinator TObjString *os = 0; if (dynamicStartup) { // We wait dynto seconds for the first worker to come; -1 means forever Int_t dynto = gEnv->GetValue("Proof.DynamicStartupTimeout", -1); Bool_t doto = (dynto > 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; while (!(os = ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->SendCoordinator(kGetWorkers, seqnum.Data()))) { if (doto > 0 && --dynto < 0) break; // Another second gSystem->Sleep(1000); } } else { os = ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->SendCoordinator(kGetWorkers, seqnum.Data()); } // The reply contains some information about the master (image, workdir) // followed by the information about the workers; the tokens for each node // are separated by '&' if (os) { TString fl(os->GetName()); if (fl.BeginsWith(XPD_GW_QueryEnqueued)) { SendAsynMessage("+++ Query cannot be processed now: enqueued"); return kQueryEnqueued; } // Honour a max number of workers request (typically when running in valgrind) Int_t nwrks = -1; Bool_t pernode = kFALSE; if (gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_NWORKERS")) { TString s(gSystem->Getenv("PROOF_NWORKERS")); if (s.EndsWith("x")) { pernode = kTRUE; s.ReplaceAll("x", ""); } if (s.IsDigit()) { nwrks = s.Atoi(); if (!dynamicStartup && (nwrks > 0)) { // Notify, except in dynamic workers mode to avoid flooding TString msg; if (pernode) { msg.Form("+++ Starting max %d workers per node following the setting of PROOF_NWORKERS", nwrks); } else { msg.Form("+++ Starting max %d workers following the setting of PROOF_NWORKERS", nwrks); } SendAsynMessage(msg); } else { nwrks = -1; } } else { pernode = kFALSE; } } TString tok; Ssiz_t from = 0; TList *nodecnt = (pernode) ? new TList : 0 ; if (fl.Tokenize(tok, from, "&")) { if (!tok.IsNull()) { TProofNodeInfo *master = new TProofNodeInfo(tok); if (!master) { Error("GetWorkers", "no appropriate master line got from coordinator"); return kQueryStop; } else { // Set image if not yet done and available if (fImage.IsNull() && strlen(master->GetImage()) > 0) fImage = master->GetImage(); SafeDelete(master); } // Now the workers while (fl.Tokenize(tok, from, "&")) { if (!tok.IsNull()) { if (nwrks == -1 || nwrks > 0) { // We have the minimal set of information to start rc = kQueryOK; if (pernode && nodecnt) { TProofNodeInfo *ni = new TProofNodeInfo(tok); TParameter *p = 0; Int_t nw = 0; if (!(p = (TParameter *) nodecnt->FindObject(ni->GetNodeName().Data()))) { p = new TParameter(ni->GetNodeName().Data(), nw); nodecnt->Add(p); } nw = p->GetVal(); if (gDebug > 0) Info("GetWorkers","%p: name: %s (%s) val: %d (nwrks: %d)", p, p->GetName(), ni->GetNodeName().Data(), nw, nwrks); if (nw < nwrks) { if (workers) workers->Add(ni); nw++; p->SetVal(nw); } else { // Two many workers on this machine already SafeDelete(ni); } } else { if (workers) workers->Add(new TProofNodeInfo(tok)); // Count down if (nwrks != -1) nwrks--; } } else { // Release this worker (to cleanup the session list in the coordinator and get a fresh // and correct list next call) TProofNodeInfo *ni = new TProofNodeInfo(tok); ReleaseWorker(ni->GetOrdinal().Data()); } } } } } // Cleanup if (nodecnt) { nodecnt->SetOwner(kTRUE); SafeDelete(nodecnt); } } // We are done return rc; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TXProofServ::HandleError(const void *) { // Handle error on the input socket // Try reconnection if (fSocket && !fSocket->IsValid()) { fSocket->Reconnect(); if (fSocket && fSocket->IsValid()) { if (gDebug > 0) Info("HandleError", "%p: connection to local coordinator re-established", this); FlushLogFile(); return kFALSE; } } Printf("TXProofServ::HandleError: %p: got called ...", this); // If master server, propagate interrupt to slaves // (shutdown interrupt send internally). if (IsMaster()) fProof->Close("S"); // Avoid communicating back anything to the coordinator (it is gone) if (fSocket) ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->SetSessionID(-1); Terminate(0); Printf("TXProofServ::HandleError: %p: DONE ... ", this); // We are done return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TXProofServ::HandleInput(const void *in) { // Handle asynchronous input on the input socket if (gDebug > 2) Printf("TXProofServ::HandleInput %p, in: %p", this, in); XHandleIn_t *hin = (XHandleIn_t *) in; Int_t acod = (hin) ? hin->fInt1 : kXPD_msg; // Act accordingly if (acod == kXPD_ping || acod == kXPD_interrupt) { // Interrupt or Ping HandleUrgentData(); } else if (acod == kXPD_flush) { // Flush stdout, so that we can access the full log file Info("HandleInput","kXPD_flush: flushing log file (stdout)"); fflush(stdout); } else if (acod == kXPD_urgent) { // Get type Int_t type = hin->fInt2; switch (type) { case TXSocket::kStopProcess: { // Abort or Stop ? Bool_t abort = (hin->fInt3 != 0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; // Timeout Int_t timeout = hin->fInt4; // Act now if (fProof) fProof->StopProcess(abort, timeout); else if (fPlayer) fPlayer->StopProcess(abort, timeout); } break; default: Info("HandleInput","kXPD_urgent: unknown type: %d", type); } } else if (acod == kXPD_inflate) { // Set inflate factor fInflateFactor = (hin->fInt2 >= 1000) ? hin->fInt2 : fInflateFactor; // Notify Info("HandleInput", "kXPD_inflate: inflate factor set to %f", (Float_t) fInflateFactor / 1000.); } else if (acod == kXPD_priority) { // The factor is the priority to be propagated fGroupPriority = hin->fInt2; if (fProof) fProof->BroadcastGroupPriority(fGroup, fGroupPriority); // Notify Info("HandleInput", "kXPD_priority: group %s priority set to %f", fGroup.Data(), (Float_t) fGroupPriority / 100.); } else if (acod == kXPD_clusterinfo) { // Information about the cluster status fTotSessions = hin->fInt2; fActSessions = hin->fInt3; fEffSessions = (hin->fInt4)/1000.; // Notify Info("HandleInput", "kXPD_clusterinfo: tot: %d, act: %d, eff: %f", fTotSessions, fActSessions, fEffSessions); } else { // Standard socket input HandleSocketInput(); // This request has been completed: remove the client ID from the pipe ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->RemoveClientID(); } // We are done return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXProofServ::DisableTimeout() { // Disable read timeout on the underlying socket if (fSocket) ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->DisableTimeout(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXProofServ::EnableTimeout() { // Enable read timeout on the underlying socket if (fSocket) ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->EnableTimeout(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXProofServ::Terminate(Int_t status) { // Terminate the proof server. if (fTerminated) // Avoid doubling the exit operations exit(1); fTerminated = kTRUE; // Notify Info("Terminate", "starting session termination operations ..."); if (fgLogToSysLog > 0) { TString s; s.Form("%s -1 %.3f %.3f", fgSysLogEntity.Data(), fRealTime, fCpuTime); gSystem->Syslog(kLogNotice, s.Data()); } // Notify the memory footprint ProcInfo_t pi; if (!gSystem->GetProcInfo(&pi)){ Info("Terminate", "process memory footprint: %ld/%ld kB virtual, %ld/%ld kB resident ", pi.fMemVirtual, fgVirtMemMax, pi.fMemResident, fgResMemMax); } // Deactivate current monitor, if any if (fProof) fProof->SetMonitor(0, kFALSE); // Cleanup session directory if (status == 0) { // make sure we remain in a "connected" directory gSystem->ChangeDirectory("/"); // needed in case fSessionDir is on NFS ?! gSystem->MakeDirectory(fSessionDir+"/.delete"); gSystem->Exec(Form("%s %s", kRM, fSessionDir.Data())); } // Cleanup queries directory if empty if (IsMaster()) { if (!(fQMgr && fQMgr->Queries() && fQMgr->Queries()->GetSize())) { // make sure we remain in a "connected" directory gSystem->ChangeDirectory("/"); // needed in case fQueryDir is on NFS ?! gSystem->MakeDirectory(fQueryDir+"/.delete"); gSystem->Exec(Form("%s %s", kRM, fQueryDir.Data())); // Remove lock file if (fQueryLock) gSystem->Unlink(fQueryLock->GetName()); } // Unlock the query dir owned by this session if (fQueryLock) fQueryLock->Unlock(); } else { // Try to stop processing if any Bool_t abort = (status == 0) ? kFALSE : kTRUE; if (!fIdle && fPlayer) fPlayer->StopProcess(abort,1); gSystem->Sleep(2000); } // Cleanup data directory if empty if (!fDataDir.IsNull() && !gSystem->AccessPathName(fDataDir, kWritePermission)) { if (UnlinkDataDir(fDataDir)) Info("Terminate", "data directory '%s' has been removed", fDataDir.Data()); } // Remove input and signal handlers to avoid spurious "signals" // for closing activities executed upon exit() gSystem->RemoveFileHandler(fInputHandler); // Stop processing events (set a flag to exit the event loop) gSystem->ExitLoop(); // We post the pipe once to wake up the main thread which is waiting for // activity on this socket; this fake activity will make it return and // eventually exit the loop. TXSocket::fgPipe.Post((TXSocket *)fSocket); // Notify Printf("Terminate: termination operations ended: quitting!"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TXProofServ::LockSession(const char *sessiontag, TProofLockPath **lck) { // Try locking query area of session tagged sessiontag. // The id of the locking file is returned in fid and must be // unlocked via UnlockQueryFile(fid). // We do not need to lock our own session if (strstr(sessiontag, fTopSessionTag)) return 0; if (!lck) { Info("LockSession","locker space undefined"); return -1; } *lck = 0; // Check the format TString stag = sessiontag; TRegexp re("session-.*-.*-.*"); Int_t i1 = stag.Index(re); if (i1 == kNPOS) { Info("LockSession","bad format: %s", sessiontag); return -1; } stag.ReplaceAll("session-",""); // Drop query number, if any Int_t i2 = stag.Index(":q"); if (i2 != kNPOS) stag.Remove(i2); // Make sure that parent process does not exist anylonger TString parlog = fSessionDir; parlog = parlog.Remove(parlog.Index("master-")+strlen("master-")); parlog += stag; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(parlog)) { Info("LockSession","parent still running: do nothing"); return -1; } // Lock the query lock file TString qlock = fQueryLock->GetName(); qlock.ReplaceAll(fTopSessionTag, stag); if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(qlock)) { *lck = new TProofLockPath(qlock); if (((*lck)->Lock()) < 0) { Info("LockSession","problems locking query lock file"); SafeDelete(*lck); return -1; } } // We are done return 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TXProofServ::ReleaseWorker(const char *ord) { // Send message to intermediate coordinator to release worker of last ordinal // ord. if (gDebug > 2) Info("ReleaseWorker","releasing: %s", ord); ((TXSocket *)fSocket)->SendCoordinator(kReleaseWorker, ord); }