// @(#)root/proofx:$Id$ // Author: Gerardo Ganis 12/12/2005 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TXUnixSocket // // // // Implementation of TXSocket using PF_UNIX sockets. // // Used for the internal connection between coordinator and proofserv. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "XpdSysPthread.h" #include "TXUnixSocket.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "XrdProofPhyConn.h" ClassImp(TXUnixSocket) //_____________________________________________________________________________ TXUnixSocket::TXUnixSocket(const char *url, Int_t psid, Char_t capver, TXHandler *handler, int fd) : TXSocket(0,'i',psid,capver,0,-1,handler) { // Constructor // Initialization if (url) { // Create connection fConn = new XrdProofPhyConn(url, psid, capver, this, 0, fd); if (!(fConn->IsValid())) { Error("TXUnixSocket", "severe error occurred while opening a connection" " to server [%s]", fUrl.Data()); return; } // Fill some info fUser = fConn->fUser.c_str(); fHost = fConn->fHost.c_str(); fPort = fConn->fPort; fXrdProofdVersion = fConn->fRemoteProtocol; fRemoteProtocol = fConn->fRemoteProtocol; // Save also updated url TSocket::fUrl = fConn->fUrl.GetUrl().c_str(); // This is needed for the reader thread to signal an interrupt fPid = gSystem->GetPid(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TXUnixSocket::Reconnect() { // Try reconnection after failure if (gDebug > 0) { Info("Reconnect", "%p: %p: %d: trying to reconnect on %s", this, fConn, (fConn ? fConn->IsValid() : 0), fUrl.Data()); } Int_t tryreconnect = gEnv->GetValue("TXSocket.Reconnect", 0); if (tryreconnect == 0 || fXrdProofdVersion < 1005) { if (tryreconnect == 0) Info("Reconnect","%p: reconnection attempts explicitly disabled!", this); else Info("Reconnect","%p: server does not support reconnections (protocol: %d < 1005)", this, fXrdProofdVersion); return -1; } if (fConn && !fConn->IsValid()) { // Block any other attempt to use this connection XrdSysMutexHelper l(fConn->fMutex); fConn->Close(); int maxtry, timewait; XrdProofConn::GetRetryParam(maxtry, timewait); XrdProofConn::SetRetryParam(300, 1); fConn->Connect(); XrdProofConn::SetRetryParam(); } if (gDebug > 0) { Info("Reconnect", "%p: %p: attempt %s", this, fConn, ((fConn && fConn->IsValid()) ? "succeeded!" : "failed")); } // Done return ((fConn && fConn->IsValid()) ? 0 : -1); }