// @(#)root/sqlite:$Id$ // Author: o.freyermuth , 01/06/2013 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2013, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SQL statement class for SQLite. // // // // See TSQLStatement class documentation for more details. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TSQLiteStatement.h" #include "TDataType.h" #include "TDatime.h" #include "TTimeStamp.h" #include ClassImp(TSQLiteStatement) //______________________________________________________________________________ TSQLiteStatement::TSQLiteStatement(SQLite3_Stmt_t* stmt, Bool_t errout): TSQLStatement(errout), fStmt(stmt), fWorkingMode(0), fNumPars(0), fIterationCount(0) { // Normal constructor. // Checks if statement contains parameters tags. unsigned long bindParamcount = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(fStmt->fRes); if (bindParamcount > 0) { fWorkingMode = 1; fNumPars = bindParamcount; } else { fWorkingMode = 2; fNumPars = sqlite3_column_count(fStmt->fRes); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TSQLiteStatement::~TSQLiteStatement() { // Destructor. Close(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TSQLiteStatement::Close(Option_t *) { // Close statement. if (fStmt->fRes) { sqlite3_finalize(fStmt->fRes); } fStmt->fRes = 0; fStmt->fConn = 0; delete fStmt; } // Reset error and check that statement exists #define CheckStmt(method, res) \ { \ ClearError(); \ if (fStmt==0) { \ SetError(-1,"Statement handle is 0",method); \ return res; \ } \ } #define CheckErrNo(method, force, res) \ { \ int stmterrno = sqlite3_errcode(fStmt->fConn); \ if ((stmterrno!=0) || force) { \ const char* stmterrmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(fStmt->fConn); \ if (stmterrno==0) { stmterrno = -1; stmterrmsg = "SQLite statement error"; } \ SetError(stmterrno, stmterrmsg, method); \ return res; \ } \ } #define CheckGetField(method, res) \ { \ ClearError(); \ if (!IsResultSetMode()) { \ SetError(-1,"Cannot get statement parameters",method); \ return res; \ } \ if ((npar<0) || (npar>=fNumPars)) { \ SetError(-1,Form("Invalid parameter number %d", npar),method); \ return res; \ } \ } Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::CheckBindError(const char *method, int res) { if (res == SQLITE_RANGE) { SetError(-1, Form("SQLite parameter out of bounds, error: %d %s", res, sqlite3_errmsg(fStmt->fConn)), method); return kFALSE; } if (res != SQLITE_OK) { SetError(-1, Form("SQLite error code during parameter binding, error: %d %s", res, sqlite3_errmsg(fStmt->fConn)), method); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::Process() { // Process statement. CheckStmt("Process", kFALSE); int res = sqlite3_step(fStmt->fRes); if ((res != SQLITE_DONE) && (res != SQLITE_ROW)) { SetError(-1, Form("SQLite error code during statement-stepping: %d %s", res, sqlite3_errmsg(fStmt->fConn)), "Process"); return kFALSE; } // After a DONE-step, we have to reset, note this still KEEPS the parameters bound in SQLite, // real reset happens in finalize, but user can still reuse the query! if (res == SQLITE_DONE) { sqlite3_reset(fStmt->fRes); // If IsResultSetMode then this means we are done and should return kFALSE: if (IsResultSetMode()) { return kFALSE; } // If IsSetParsMode then this means we just stepped and should return kTRUE: if (IsSetParsMode()) { return kTRUE; } } if (res == SQLITE_ROW) { // Next row data retrieved, return kTRUE. return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSQLiteStatement::GetNumAffectedRows() { // Return number of affected rows after statement is processed. // Indirect changes e.g. by triggers are not counted, only direct changes // from last completed statement are taken into account. CheckStmt("GetNumAffectedRows", kFALSE); return (Int_t) sqlite3_changes(fStmt->fConn); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSQLiteStatement::GetNumParameters() { // Return number of statement parameters. CheckStmt("GetNumParameters", -1); Int_t res = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(fStmt->fRes); CheckErrNo("GetNumParameters", kFALSE, -1); return res; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::StoreResult() { // Store result of statement processing to access them // via GetInt(), GetDouble() and so on methods. // For SQLite, this is a NO-OP. fWorkingMode = 2; CheckStmt("StoreResult", kFALSE); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSQLiteStatement::GetNumFields() { // Return number of fields in result set. return fNumPars; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TSQLiteStatement::GetFieldName(Int_t nfield) { // Returns field name in result set. if (!IsResultSetMode() || (nfield < 0) || (nfield >= sqlite3_column_count(fStmt->fRes))) { return 0; } return sqlite3_column_name(fStmt->fRes, nfield); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::NextResultRow() { // Shift cursor to next row in result set. ClearError(); if ((fStmt == 0) || !IsResultSetMode()) return kFALSE; if (fIterationCount == 0) { // The interface says user should call NextResultRow() before getting any data, // this makes no sense at least for SQLite. // We just return kTRUE here and only do something on second request. fIterationCount++; return kTRUE; } return Process(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::NextIteration() { // Increment iteration counter for statement, where parameter can be set. // Statement with parameters of previous iteration // automatically will be applied to database. // Actually a NO-OP for SQLite, as parameters stay bound when step-ping. ClearError(); if (!IsSetParsMode()) { SetError(-1, "Cannot call for that statement", "NextIteration"); return kFALSE; } if (fIterationCount == 0) { // The interface says user should call NextIteration() before binding any parameters, // this makes no sense at least for SQLite. // We just return kTRUE here and wait for data to really do something. fIterationCount++; return kTRUE; } fIterationCount++; return Process(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char* TSQLiteStatement::ConvertToString(Int_t npar) { // Convert field value to string. CheckGetField("ConvertToString", ""); return reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(fStmt->fRes, npar)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ long double TSQLiteStatement::ConvertToNumeric(Int_t npar) { // Convert field to numeric. CheckGetField("ConvertToNumeric", -1); return (long double) sqlite3_column_double(fStmt->fRes, npar); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::IsNull(Int_t npar) { // Checks if field value is null. CheckGetField("IsNull", kFALSE); return (sqlite3_column_type(fStmt->fRes, npar) == SQLITE_NULL); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t TSQLiteStatement::GetInt(Int_t npar) { // Get integer. CheckGetField("GetInt", -1); return (Int_t) sqlite3_column_int(fStmt->fRes, npar); } //______________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t TSQLiteStatement::GetUInt(Int_t npar) { // Get unsigned integer. CheckGetField("GetUInt", 0); return (UInt_t) sqlite3_column_int(fStmt->fRes, npar); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long_t TSQLiteStatement::GetLong(Int_t npar) { // Get long. CheckGetField("GetLong", -1); return (Long_t) sqlite3_column_int64(fStmt->fRes, npar); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Long64_t TSQLiteStatement::GetLong64(Int_t npar) { // Get long64. CheckGetField("GetLong64", -1); return (Long64_t) sqlite3_column_int64(fStmt->fRes, npar); } //______________________________________________________________________________ ULong64_t TSQLiteStatement::GetULong64(Int_t npar) { // Return field value as unsigned 64-bit integer CheckGetField("GetULong64", 0); return (ULong64_t) sqlite3_column_int64(fStmt->fRes, npar); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Double_t TSQLiteStatement::GetDouble(Int_t npar) { // Return field value as double. CheckGetField("GetDouble", -1); return (Double_t) sqlite3_column_double(fStmt->fRes, npar); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *TSQLiteStatement::GetString(Int_t npar) { // Return field value as string. CheckGetField("GetString", ""); return reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(fStmt->fRes, npar)); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::GetBinary(Int_t npar, void* &mem, Long_t& size) { // Return field value as binary array. // Memory at 'mem' will be reallocated and size updated // to fit the data if not large enough. CheckGetField("GetBinary", kFALSE); // As we retrieve "as blob", we do NOT call sqlite3_column_text() before // sqlite3_column_bytes(), which might leave us with a non-zero terminated // data struture, but this should be okay for BLOB. size_t sz = sqlite3_column_bytes(fStmt->fRes, npar); if ((Long_t)sz > size) { delete [](unsigned char*) mem; mem = (void*) new unsigned char[sz]; } size = sz; memcpy(mem, sqlite3_column_blob(fStmt->fRes, npar), sz); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::GetDate(Int_t npar, Int_t& year, Int_t& month, Int_t& day) { // Return field value as date. CheckGetField("GetDate", kFALSE); TString val = reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(fStmt->fRes, npar)); TDatime d = TDatime(val.Data()); year = d.GetYear(); month = d.GetMonth(); day = d.GetDay(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::GetTime(Int_t npar, Int_t& hour, Int_t& min, Int_t& sec) { // Return field as time. CheckGetField("GetTime", kFALSE); TString val = reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(fStmt->fRes, npar)); TDatime d = TDatime(val.Data()); hour = d.GetHour(); min = d.GetMinute(); sec = d.GetSecond(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::GetDatime(Int_t npar, Int_t& year, Int_t& month, Int_t& day, Int_t& hour, Int_t& min, Int_t& sec) { // Return field value as date & time. CheckGetField("GetDatime", kFALSE); TString val = reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(fStmt->fRes, npar)); TDatime d = TDatime(val.Data()); year = d.GetYear(); month = d.GetMonth(); day = d.GetDay(); hour = d.GetHour(); min = d.GetMinute(); sec = d.GetSecond(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::GetTimestamp(Int_t npar, Int_t& year, Int_t& month, Int_t& day, Int_t& hour, Int_t& min, Int_t& sec, Int_t& frac) { // Return field as timestamp. // Second fraction is in milliseconds, which is also the precision all date and time functions of sqlite use. CheckGetField("GetTimestamp", kFALSE); TString val = reinterpret_cast(sqlite3_column_text(fStmt->fRes, npar)); Ssiz_t p = val.Last('.'); TSubString ts_part = val(0, p); TDatime d(ts_part.Data()); year = d.GetYear(); month = d.GetMonth(); day = d.GetDay(); hour = d.GetHour(); min = d.GetMinute(); sec = d.GetSecond(); TSubString s_frac = val(p, val.Length() - p+1); frac=(Int_t) (atof(s_frac.Data())*1.E3); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetNull(Int_t npar) { // Set NULL as parameter value. int res = sqlite3_bind_null(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1); return CheckBindError("SetNull", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetInt(Int_t npar, Int_t value) { // Set parameter value as integer. int res = sqlite3_bind_int(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, value); return CheckBindError("SetInt", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetUInt(Int_t npar, UInt_t value) { // Set parameter value as unsigned integer. // Actually casted to signed integer, has to be re-casted upon read! int res = sqlite3_bind_int(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, (Int_t)value); return CheckBindError("SetUInt", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetLong(Int_t npar, Long_t value) { // Set parameter value as long. int res = sqlite3_bind_int64(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, value); return CheckBindError("SetLong", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetLong64(Int_t npar, Long64_t value) { // Set parameter value as 64-bit integer. int res = sqlite3_bind_int64(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, value); return CheckBindError("SetLong64", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetULong64(Int_t npar, ULong64_t value) { // Set parameter value as unsigned 64-bit integer. // Actually casted to signed integer, has to be re-casted upon read! int res = sqlite3_bind_int64(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, (Long64_t)value); return CheckBindError("SetULong64", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetDouble(Int_t npar, Double_t value) { // Set parameter value as double value. int res = sqlite3_bind_double(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, value); return CheckBindError("SetDouble", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetString(Int_t npar, const char* value, Int_t maxsize) { // Set parameter value as string. int res = sqlite3_bind_text(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, value, maxsize, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return CheckBindError("SetString", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetBinary(Int_t npar, void* mem, Long_t size, Long_t /*maxsize*/) { // Set parameter value as binary data. // Maxsize is ignored for SQLite, we directly insert BLOB of size 'size'. // Negative size would cause undefined behaviour, so we refuse that. if (size < 0) { SetError(-1, "Passing negative value to size for BLOB to SQLite would cause undefined behaviour, refusing it!", "SetBinary"); return kFALSE; } int res = sqlite3_bind_blob(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, mem, (size_t)size, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return CheckBindError("SetBinary", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetDate(Int_t npar, Int_t year, Int_t month, Int_t day) { // Set parameter value as date. TDatime d = TDatime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0); int res = sqlite3_bind_text(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, (char*)d.AsSQLString(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return CheckBindError("SetDate", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetTime(Int_t npar, Int_t hour, Int_t min, Int_t sec) { // Set parameter value as time. TDatime d = TDatime(2000, 1, 1, hour, min, sec); int res = sqlite3_bind_text(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, (char*)d.AsSQLString(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return CheckBindError("SetTime", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetDatime(Int_t npar, Int_t year, Int_t month, Int_t day, Int_t hour, Int_t min, Int_t sec) { // Set parameter value as date & time. TDatime d = TDatime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec); int res = sqlite3_bind_text(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, (char*)d.AsSQLString(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return CheckBindError("SetDatime", res); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TSQLiteStatement::SetTimestamp(Int_t npar, Int_t year, Int_t month, Int_t day, Int_t hour, Int_t min, Int_t sec, Int_t frac) { // Set parameter value as timestamp. // The second fraction has to be in milliseconds, // as all SQLite functions for date and time assume 3 significant digits. TDatime d(year,month,day,hour,min,sec); TString value; value.Form("%s.%03d", (char*)d.AsSQLString(), frac); int res = sqlite3_bind_text(fStmt->fRes, npar + 1, value.Data(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return CheckBindError("SetTimestamp", res); }