// @(#)root/tmva $Id$ // Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss, Eckhard von Toerne /********************************************************************************** * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis * * Package: TMVA * * Class : TMVA::DecisionTreeNode * * Web : http://tmva.sourceforge.net * * * * Description: * * Implementation of a Decision Tree Node * * * * Authors (alphabetical): * * Andreas Hoecker - CERN, Switzerland * * Helge Voss - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * Kai Voss - U. of Victoria, Canada * * Eckhard von Toerne - U. of Bonn, Germany * * * * CopyRight (c) 2009: * * CERN, Switzerland * * U. of Victoria, Canada * * MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany * * U. of Bonn, Germany * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE * * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE) * **********************************************************************************/ //_______________________________________________________________________ // // Node for the Decision Tree // // The node specifies ONE variable out of the given set of selection variable // that is used to split the sample which "arrives" at the node, into a left // (background-enhanced) and a right (signal-enhanced) sample. //_______________________________________________________________________ #include #include #include #include #include "TMVA/MsgLogger.h" #include "TMVA/DecisionTreeNode.h" #include "TMVA/Tools.h" #include "TMVA/Event.h" using std::string; ClassImp(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode) TMVA::MsgLogger* TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::fgLogger = 0; bool TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::fgIsTraining = false; UInt_t TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::fgTmva_Version_Code = 0; //_______________________________________________________________________ TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::DecisionTreeNode() : TMVA::Node(), fCutValue(0), fCutType ( kTRUE ), fSelector ( -1 ), fResponse(-99 ), fRMS(0), fNodeType (-99 ), fPurity (-99), fIsTerminalNode( kFALSE ) { // constructor of an essentially "empty" node floating in space if (!fgLogger) fgLogger = new TMVA::MsgLogger( "DecisionTreeNode" ); if (DecisionTreeNode::fgIsTraining){ fTrainInfo = new DTNodeTrainingInfo(); //std::cout << "Node constructor with TrainingINFO"<SetParent( parent ); if (n.GetLeft() == 0 ) this->SetLeft(NULL); else this->SetLeft( new DecisionTreeNode( *((DecisionTreeNode*)(n.GetLeft())),this)); if (n.GetRight() == 0 ) this->SetRight(NULL); else this->SetRight( new DecisionTreeNode( *((DecisionTreeNode*)(n.GetRight())),this)); if (DecisionTreeNode::fgIsTraining){ fTrainInfo = new DTNodeTrainingInfo(*(n.fTrainInfo)); //std::cout << "Node constructor with TrainingINFO"<GetSelector()) >= this->GetCutValue() ); }else{ Double_t fisher = this->GetFisherCoeff(fFisherCoeff.size()-1); // the offset for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivarGetFisherCoeff(ivar)*(e.GetValue(ivar)); result = fisher > this->GetCutValue(); } if (fCutType == kTRUE) return result; //the cuts are selecting Signal ; else return !result; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::GoesLeft(const TMVA::Event & e) const { // test event if it decends the tree at this node to the left if (!this->GoesRight(e)) return kTRUE; else return kFALSE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::SetPurity( void ) { // return the S/(S+B) (purity) for the node // REM: even if nodes with purity 0.01 are very PURE background nodes, they still // get a small value of the purity. if ( ( this->GetNSigEvents() + this->GetNBkgEvents() ) > 0 ) { fPurity = this->GetNSigEvents() / ( this->GetNSigEvents() + this->GetNBkgEvents()); } else { *fgLogger << kINFO << "Zero events in purity calcuation , return purity=0.5" << Endl; this->Print(*fgLogger); fPurity = 0.5; } return; } // print a node //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::Print(std::ostream& os) const { //print the node os << "< *** " << std::endl; os << " d: " << this->GetDepth() << std::setprecision(6) << "NCoef: " << this->GetNFisherCoeff(); for (Int_t i=0; i< (Int_t) this->GetNFisherCoeff(); i++) { os << "fC"<GetFisherCoeff(i);} os << " ivar: " << this->GetSelector() << " cut: " << this->GetCutValue() << " cType: " << this->GetCutType() << " s: " << this->GetNSigEvents() << " b: " << this->GetNBkgEvents() << " nEv: " << this->GetNEvents() << " suw: " << this->GetNSigEvents_unweighted() << " buw: " << this->GetNBkgEvents_unweighted() << " nEvuw: " << this->GetNEvents_unweighted() << " sepI: " << this->GetSeparationIndex() << " sepG: " << this->GetSeparationGain() << " nType: " << this->GetNodeType() << std::endl; os << "My address is " << long(this) << ", "; if (this->GetParent() != NULL) os << " parent at addr: " << long(this->GetParent()) ; if (this->GetLeft() != NULL) os << " left daughter at addr: " << long(this->GetLeft()); if (this->GetRight() != NULL) os << " right daughter at addr: " << long(this->GetRight()) ; os << " **** > " << std::endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::PrintRec(std::ostream& os) const { //recursively print the node and its daughters (--> print the 'tree') os << this->GetDepth() << std::setprecision(6) << " " << this->GetPos() << "NCoef: " << this->GetNFisherCoeff(); for (Int_t i=0; i< (Int_t) this->GetNFisherCoeff(); i++) {os << "fC"<GetFisherCoeff(i);} os << " ivar: " << this->GetSelector() << " cut: " << this->GetCutValue() << " cType: " << this->GetCutType() << " s: " << this->GetNSigEvents() << " b: " << this->GetNBkgEvents() << " nEv: " << this->GetNEvents() << " suw: " << this->GetNSigEvents_unweighted() << " buw: " << this->GetNBkgEvents_unweighted() << " nEvuw: " << this->GetNEvents_unweighted() << " sepI: " << this->GetSeparationIndex() << " sepG: " << this->GetSeparationGain() << " res: " << this->GetResponse() << " rms: " << this->GetRMS() << " nType: " << this->GetNodeType(); if (this->GetCC() > 10000000000000.) os << " CC: " << 100000. << std::endl; else os << " CC: " << this->GetCC() << std::endl; if (this->GetLeft() != NULL) this->GetLeft() ->PrintRec(os); if (this->GetRight() != NULL) this->GetRight()->PrintRec(os); } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::ReadDataRecord( std::istream& is, UInt_t tmva_Version_Code ) { // Read the data block fgTmva_Version_Code=tmva_Version_Code; string tmp; Float_t cutVal, cutType, nsig, nbkg, nEv, nsig_unweighted, nbkg_unweighted, nEv_unweighted; Float_t separationIndex, separationGain, response(-99), cc(0); Int_t depth, ivar, nodeType; ULong_t lseq; char pos; is >> depth; // 2 if ( depth==-1 ) { return kFALSE; } // if ( depth==-1 ) { delete this; return kFALSE; } is >> pos ; // r this->SetDepth(depth); this->SetPos(pos); if (tmva_Version_Code < TMVA_VERSION(4,0,0)) { is >> tmp >> lseq >> tmp >> ivar >> tmp >> cutVal >> tmp >> cutType >> tmp >> nsig >> tmp >> nbkg >> tmp >> nEv >> tmp >> nsig_unweighted >> tmp >> nbkg_unweighted >> tmp >> nEv_unweighted >> tmp >> separationIndex >> tmp >> separationGain >> tmp >> nodeType; } else { is >> tmp >> lseq >> tmp >> ivar >> tmp >> cutVal >> tmp >> cutType >> tmp >> nsig >> tmp >> nbkg >> tmp >> nEv >> tmp >> nsig_unweighted >> tmp >> nbkg_unweighted >> tmp >> nEv_unweighted >> tmp >> separationIndex >> tmp >> separationGain >> tmp >> response >> tmp >> nodeType >> tmp >> cc; } this->SetSelector((UInt_t)ivar); this->SetCutValue(cutVal); this->SetCutType(cutType); this->SetNodeType(nodeType); if (fTrainInfo){ this->SetNSigEvents(nsig); this->SetNBkgEvents(nbkg); this->SetNEvents(nEv); this->SetNSigEvents_unweighted(nsig_unweighted); this->SetNBkgEvents_unweighted(nbkg_unweighted); this->SetNEvents_unweighted(nEv_unweighted); this->SetSeparationIndex(separationIndex); this->SetSeparationGain(separationGain); this->SetPurity(); // this->SetResponse(response); old .txt weightfiles don't know regression yet this->SetCC(cc); } return kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::ClearNodeAndAllDaughters() { // clear the nodes (their S/N, Nevents etc), just keep the structure of the tree SetNSigEvents(0); SetNBkgEvents(0); SetNEvents(0); SetNSigEvents_unweighted(0); SetNBkgEvents_unweighted(0); SetNEvents_unweighted(0); SetSeparationIndex(-1); SetSeparationGain(-1); SetPurity(); if (this->GetLeft() != NULL) ((DecisionTreeNode*)(this->GetLeft()))->ClearNodeAndAllDaughters(); if (this->GetRight() != NULL) ((DecisionTreeNode*)(this->GetRight()))->ClearNodeAndAllDaughters(); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::ResetValidationData( ) { // temporary stored node values (number of events, etc.) that originate // not from the training but from the validation data (used in pruning) SetNBValidation( 0.0 ); SetNSValidation( 0.0 ); SetSumTarget( 0 ); SetSumTarget2( 0 ); if(GetLeft() != NULL && GetRight() != NULL) { GetLeft()->ResetValidationData(); GetRight()->ResetValidationData(); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::PrintPrune( std::ostream& os ) const { // printout of the node (can be read in with ReadDataRecord) os << "----------------------" << std::endl << "|~T_t| " << GetNTerminal() << std::endl << "R(t): " << GetNodeR() << std::endl << "R(T_t): " << GetSubTreeR() << std::endl << "g(t): " << GetAlpha() << std::endl << "G(t): " << GetAlphaMinSubtree() << std::endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::PrintRecPrune( std::ostream& os ) const { // recursive printout of the node and its daughters this->PrintPrune(os); if(this->GetLeft() != NULL && this->GetRight() != NULL) { ((DecisionTreeNode*)this->GetLeft())->PrintRecPrune(os); ((DecisionTreeNode*)this->GetRight())->PrintRecPrune(os); } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::SetCC(Double_t cc) { if (fTrainInfo) fTrainInfo->fCC = cc; else *fgLogger << kFATAL << "call to SetCC without trainingInfo" << Endl; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Float_t TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::GetSampleMin(UInt_t ivar) const { // return the minimum of variable ivar from the training sample // that pass/end up in this node if (fTrainInfo && ivar < fTrainInfo->fSampleMin.size()) return fTrainInfo->fSampleMin[ivar]; else *fgLogger << kFATAL << "You asked for Min of the event sample in node for variable " << ivar << " that is out of range" << Endl; return -9999; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Float_t TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::GetSampleMax(UInt_t ivar) const { // return the maximum of variable ivar from the training sample // that pass/end up in this node if (fTrainInfo && ivar < fTrainInfo->fSampleMin.size()) return fTrainInfo->fSampleMax[ivar]; else *fgLogger << kFATAL << "You asked for Max of the event sample in node for variable " << ivar << " that is out of range" << Endl; return 9999; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::SetSampleMin(UInt_t ivar, Float_t xmin){ // set the minimum of variable ivar from the training sample // that pass/end up in this node if ( fTrainInfo) { if ( ivar >= fTrainInfo->fSampleMin.size()) fTrainInfo->fSampleMin.resize(ivar+1); fTrainInfo->fSampleMin[ivar]=xmin; } } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::SetSampleMax(UInt_t ivar, Float_t xmax){ // set the maximum of variable ivar from the training sample // that pass/end up in this node if( ! fTrainInfo ) return; if ( ivar >= fTrainInfo->fSampleMax.size() ) fTrainInfo->fSampleMax.resize(ivar+1); fTrainInfo->fSampleMax[ivar]=xmax; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::ReadAttributes(void* node, UInt_t /* tmva_Version_Code */ ) { Float_t tempNSigEvents,tempNBkgEvents; Int_t nCoef; if (gTools().HasAttr(node, "NCoef")){ gTools().ReadAttr(node, "NCoef", nCoef ); this->SetNFisherCoeff(nCoef); Double_t tmp; for (Int_t i=0; i< (Int_t) this->GetNFisherCoeff(); i++) { gTools().ReadAttr(node, Form("fC%d",i), tmp ); this->SetFisherCoeff(i,tmp); } }else{ this->SetNFisherCoeff(0); } gTools().ReadAttr(node, "IVar", fSelector ); gTools().ReadAttr(node, "Cut", fCutValue ); gTools().ReadAttr(node, "cType", fCutType ); if (gTools().HasAttr(node,"res")) gTools().ReadAttr(node, "res", fResponse); if (gTools().HasAttr(node,"rms")) gTools().ReadAttr(node, "rms", fRMS); // else { if( gTools().HasAttr(node, "purity") ) { gTools().ReadAttr(node, "purity",fPurity ); } else { gTools().ReadAttr(node, "nS", tempNSigEvents ); gTools().ReadAttr(node, "nB", tempNBkgEvents ); fPurity = tempNSigEvents / (tempNSigEvents + tempNBkgEvents); } // } gTools().ReadAttr(node, "nType", fNodeType ); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::AddAttributesToNode(void* node) const { // add attribute to xml gTools().AddAttr(node, "NCoef", GetNFisherCoeff()); for (Int_t i=0; i< (Int_t) this->GetNFisherCoeff(); i++) gTools().AddAttr(node, Form("fC%d",i), this->GetFisherCoeff(i)); gTools().AddAttr(node, "IVar", GetSelector()); gTools().AddAttr(node, "Cut", GetCutValue()); gTools().AddAttr(node, "cType", GetCutType()); //UInt_t analysisType = (dynamic_cast(GetParentTree()) )->GetAnalysisType(); // if ( analysisType == TMVA::Types:: kRegression) { gTools().AddAttr(node, "res", GetResponse()); gTools().AddAttr(node, "rms", GetRMS()); //} else if ( analysisType == TMVA::Types::kClassification) { gTools().AddAttr(node, "purity",GetPurity()); //} gTools().AddAttr(node, "nType", GetNodeType()); } //_______________________________________________________________________ void TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::SetFisherCoeff(Int_t ivar, Double_t coeff) { // set fisher coefficients if ((Int_t) fFisherCoeff.size()