/** * @file SolidUtils.cc * @author: Ibrahin Pinera * @date 2017 SoLid - University of Antwerp */ #include "SolidUtils.hh" #include "SolidMassComputation.hh" #include "G4Material.hh" #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh" #include "G4PhysicalVolumeStore.hh" #include "G4TransportationManager.hh" #include "G4Box.hh" #include "G4Tubs.hh" #include "G4Trd.hh" #include "G4PVPlacement.hh" #include "G4IntersectionSolid.hh" #include "G4UnionSolid.hh" #include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh" #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh" // Method to check if given volume exist in the geometry G4bool FindVolume(G4String VolName) { G4VPhysicalVolume *tempPV = NULL; G4PhysicalVolumeStore *PVStore = 0; G4String theRequiredVolumeName = VolName; PVStore = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); G4int i = 0; G4bool found = false; while (!found && isize())) { tempPV = (*PVStore)[i]; found = tempPV->GetName() == theRequiredVolumeName; if (!found) {i++;} } // found = true then the volume exists else it doesnt. if(found == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Method to get the process Id G4int GetProcessID(G4String procname) { if (procname == "Generator") return 0; //neutron/anti-neutron else if (procname == "nCapture") return 1; else if (procname == "nFission") return 2; else if (procname == "neutronInelastic") return 3; else if (procname == "anti_neutronInelastic") return 4; //e+/e- else if (procname == "eIoni") return 10; else if (procname == "eBrem") return 11; else if (procname == "annihil") return 12; else if (procname == "electronNuclear") return 13; else if (procname == "positronNuclear") return 14; //phot else if (procname == "conv") return 20; else if (procname == "phot") return 21; else if (procname == "compt") return 22; //muons else if (procname == "muIoni") return 30; else if (procname == "muPairProd") return 31; else if (procname == "muonNuclear") return 32; else if (procname == "muBrems") return 33; else if (procname == "muMinusCaptureAtRest") return 34; //hadrons else if (procname == "hIoni") return 40; else if (procname == "ionIoni") return 41; else if (procname == "hadElastic") return 42; else if (procname == "hBertiniCaptureAtRest") return 43; else if (procname == "hFritiofCaptureAtRest") return 44; else if (procname == "hBertiniCaptureAtRest") return 45; else if (procname == "hBrems") return 46; else if (procname == "hPairProd") return 47; //inelastic else if (procname == "protonInelastic") return 50; else if (procname == "anti_protonInelastic") return 51; else if (procname == "pi-Inelastic") return 52; else if (procname == "pi+Inelastic") return 53; else if (procname == "kaon0SInelastic") return 54; else if (procname == "kaon0LInelastic") return 55; else if (procname == "kaon+Inelastic") return 56; else if (procname == "kaon-Inelastic") return 57; else if (procname == "tInelastic") return 58; else if (procname == "anti_tritonInelastic") return 59; else if (procname == "dInelastic") return 60; else if (procname == "anti_deuteronInelastic") return 61; else if (procname == "sigma+Inelastic") return 62; else if (procname == "anti_sigma+Inelastic") return 63; else if (procname == "sigma-Inelastic") return 64; else if (procname == "anti_sigma-Inelastic") return 65; else if (procname == "xi-Inelastic") return 66; else if (procname == "anti_xi-Inelastic") return 67; else if (procname == "xi0Inelastic") return 68; else if (procname == "anti_xi0Inelastic") return 69; else if (procname == "omega-Inelastic") return 70; else if (procname == "anti_omega-Inelastic") return 71; else if (procname == "lambdaInelastic") return 72; else if (procname == "anti-lambdaInelastic") return 73; else if (procname == "alphaInelastic") return 74; else if (procname == "anti_alphaInelastic") return 75; else if (procname == "He3Inelastic") return 76; else if (procname == "anti_He3Inelastic") return 77; else if (procname == "ionInelastic") return 78; //others else if (procname == "CoulombScat") return 80; else if (procname == "msc") return 81; //radioactive else if (procname == "RadioactiveDecay") return 90; else if (procname == "Decay") return 91; else if (procname == "Transportation") return 100; else if (procname == "unknown") return 900; else return 1000; } // Method to check if given point is within the given volume //G4bool IsPointInsideVolume(G4ThreeVector& point, G4String VolName) //{ // G4ThreeVector null(0.,0.,0.); // G4ThreeVector *ptr; // ptr = &null; // // Check position is within VolName, if so true, else false // G4VPhysicalVolume *theVolume; // G4Navigator *gNavigator =G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking(); // theVolume=gNavigator->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(point,ptr,true); // if(!theVolume) return(false); // G4String theVolName = theVolume->GetName(); // if(theVolName == VolName) // { // return(true); // } // else // return(false); //} // Method to get the volume name to which a given point belongs G4String IsPointInsideVolume(G4ThreeVector& point) { G4ThreeVector null(0.,0.,0.); G4ThreeVector *ptr; ptr = &null; // Check position is within VolName, if so true, else false G4VPhysicalVolume *theVolume; G4Navigator *gNavigator =G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager()->GetNavigatorForTracking(); theVolume=gNavigator->LocateGlobalPointAndSetup(point,ptr,true); if(!theVolume){ G4cout << "Particle is not in any volume" << G4endl; return " "; }else{ return theVolume->GetName(); } } // Method to sample the IBD volume selection //G4int SelectIBDVol(std::vector choice_weight) //{ // G4int num_choices = choice_weight.size(); // G4double sum_of_weight = 0.; // for(int i=0; i no choice selected !!!" << G4endl; // return -1; //} //G4VPhysicalVolume* GetPhysVolume(G4String VolName) //{ // G4VPhysicalVolume *tempPV = NULL; // G4PhysicalVolumeStore *PVStore = 0; // G4String theRequiredVolumeName = VolName; // PVStore = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); // G4int i = 0; // G4bool found = false; // while (!found && isize())) { // tempPV = (*PVStore)[i]; // found = tempPV->GetName() == theRequiredVolumeName; // if (!found) // {i++;} // } // // found = true then the volume exists else it doesnt. // if(found == true) // { // return tempPV; // } // else // { // G4cout << " **** Error: Volume does not exist **** " << G4endl; // return NULL; // } //} //==================================================== // List of all logVolumes in th geometry // Mass computation of each selected volume //==================================================== void ListOfLogVolumes() { G4cout << G4endl << "**************Volumes in the geometry****************" << G4endl; SolidMassComputation * MassComputation = new SolidMassComputation(1); G4VPhysicalVolume *tempPV = NULL; G4PhysicalVolumeStore *PVStore = 0; PVStore = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance(); for (G4int i = 0 ; i < G4int(PVStore->size()) ; i++) { tempPV = (*PVStore)[i]; G4LogicalVolume * logToCheck = tempPV->GetLogicalVolume(); if (logToCheck == NULL) { G4cerr << "ERROR !! : " << tempPV->GetName() << " doesn't exist. Mass check aborted." << G4endl; } else { G4cout << tempPV->GetName() << G4endl; MassComputation->ComputeMassForLogical(logToCheck); } } G4cout << G4endl << "**************END Volumes in the geometry****************" << G4endl << G4endl; } // check if the volume is insed the full detector volume // (everithing inside the Modules array) bool IsVolInsideDetector(G4String volName) { if ( IsVolInsideCubeMod(volName) // cubes || IsVolInsideFibre(volName) // fibres /// other parts attached to fibres || volName=="physFibreGrease" || volName=="physFibreMirror" || volName=="physFibreMPPC" /// modules || volName=="physDetector" || volName=="physModule" || volName=="physModuleSupport" || volName=="physTopPost" || volName=="physVerPost" || volName=="physBottomPostX" || volName=="physBottomPostZin" || volName=="physBottomPostZout" || volName=="physSupportFoot" /// Al Frames || volName=="physAlFrame" || volName=="physFrameAlBars" || volName=="physFrameAlCovers" /// Full Plane || volName=="physPlane" || volName=="physPlanePEReflector" || volName=="physPlaneCoverFront" || volName=="physPlaneCoverBack" /// Al electronic box || volName=="physElectronicBox" || volName=="physEBSupport" || volName=="physEBSideVertExt" || volName=="physEBSideVertInt" || volName=="physEBHorSideBox" || volName=="physEBCover" ) return true; else return false; } // check if the volume is insed the DetMod (PVT + LiF:ZnS + Tyvek + air gaps) bool IsVolInsideCubeMod(G4String volName) { if ( volName=="physDetMod" || volName=="physPVT" || volName=="physLi" || volName=="physBacking" || volName=="physTyvek" ) return true; else return false; } // check if the volume is insed the fibres bool IsVolInsideFibre(G4String volName) { if ( volName=="physFibreCore" || volName=="physFibreClad" || volName=="physFibreClad2" // || volName=="physFibreGrease" // || volName=="physFibreMirror" // || volName=="physFibreMPPC" ) return true; else return false; } int GetVolID(G4String volName, G4int LiID) { std::map volNamesID = { { "physWorld" , 1 } , { "physLab" , 2 } , /// DetMod (PVT + Tyvek + ZnS) { "physDetMod" , 10 } , { "physPVT" , 15 } , { "physLi" , 20 } , { "physBacking" , 30 } , { "physTyvek" , 40 } , /// Fibers { "physFibreCore" , 50 } , { "physFibreClad" , 51 } , { "physFibreClad2" , 52 } , { "physFibreGrease" , 53 } , { "physFibreMirror" , 54 } , { "physFibreMPPC" , 55 } , /// Al Frames { "physAlFrame" , 61 } , { "physFrameAlBars" , 61 } , { "physFrameAlCovers" , 61 } , /// Full Plane { "physPlane" , 60 } , { "physPlanePEReflector" , 62 } , { "physPlaneCoverFront" , 63 } , { "physPlaneCoverBack" , 63 } , /// Al electronic box { "physElectronicBox" , 65 } , { "physEBSupport" , 65 } , { "physEBSideVertExt" , 65 } , { "physEBSideVertInt" , 65 } , { "physEBHorSideBox" , 65 } , { "physEBCover" , 65 } , /// module { "physModule" , 70 } , { "physModuleSupport" , 71 } , { "physTopPost" , 72 } , { "physVerPost" , 72 } , { "physBottomPostX" , 72 } , { "physBottomPostZin" , 72 } , { "physBottomPostZout" , 72 } , { "physSupportFoot" , 72 } , /// detector virtual volume { "physDetector" , 75 } , /// PE neutron reflectors { "physNeutronReflectorBack" , 80 } , { "physNeutronReflectorFront" , 81 } , /// Support rail system { "physSupportRails" , 85 } , { "physSupportRailsZ" , 86 } , { "physSupportRailsX" , 86 } , { "physSupportCover" , 86 } , { "physSupportTube" , 86 } , { "physSupportTubeBase" , 86 } , /// Container { "physContainer" , 90 } , { "physContainerISOFrame" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameBackPost" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameFrontPost" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameTopBackPost" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameBottomFrontBackPost" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameBackWall" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameTopFrontPost" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameFrontWall" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameSideStruct" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameSideWall" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameFloorBar" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameFloorPanel" , 91 } , { "physISOFrameRoofPanel" , 91 } , { "physContainerInsulationAlcover" , 92 } , { "physContainerInsulation" , 93 } , { "physContainerAlFoil" , 94 } , { "physContainerTopPanel" , 95 } , { "physContainerBottomPanel" , 96 } , { "physContainerFoot" , 97 } , /// Shielding { "physShielding" , 100 } , { "physShieldingExternalSupport" , 101 } , { "physShieldingInternalSupport" , 102 } , { "physShieldingWaterTank" , 103 } , { "physShieldingWater" , 104 } , { "physShieldingTopPlane" , 105 } , { "physShieldingBottomPlane" , 106 } , { "physShieldingBottomCd" , 107 } , { "physShieldingTopCd" , 108 } , { "physShieldingBackCd" , 109 } , { "physShieldingTopSupport" , 110 } , { "physShieldingSteelGutter" , 111 } , { "physShieldingFloorPlateBig" , 112 } , { "physShieldingFloorPlateSmall" , 113 } , /// BR2 { "physBR2CB" , 200 } , { "physBR2CBDome" , 201 } , { "physBR2ExternalWall" , 202 } , { "physBR2InternalWall" , 203 } , { "physBR2ConcreteWall" , 204 } , { "physBR2Level2Floor" , 205 } , { "physBR2Level3Floor" , 206 } , { "physBR2Level3FloorEnforced", 206 } , { "physBR2Level4Floor" , 207 } , { "physBR2Level5Floor" , 208 } , { "physBR2Level6Floor" , 209 } , { "physBR2Level7Floor" , 210 } , { "physBR2Level8Floor" , 211 } , { "physBR2PillarC9" , 212 } , { "physBR2ReactorCore" , 213 } , { "physBR2WaterPool" , 214 } , { "physBR2LeadWallR1" , 215 } , { "physBR2LeadWallT2" , 216 } , { "physBR2LeadWallT3" , 217 } , { "physBR2AlWall" , 218 } , { "physBR2ParaffinBlock" , 219 } , /// CROSS structures { "physCrossPiece0" , 230 } , { "physCrossPiece1" , 230 } , { "physCrossPiece2" , 230 } , { "physCrossPiece3" , 230 } , { "physCrossPiece4" , 230 } , { "physCrossPiece5" , 230 } , { "physCrossPiece6" , 230 } , { "physCrossPiece7" , 230 } , { "physCrossPiece8" , 230 } , { "physCrossPiece9" , 230 } , { "physCrossPiece10" , 230 } , { "physCrossGutter" , 230 } , /// CROSS Carrier structures { "physCrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physSideTube1CrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physSideTube2CrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physCentralRackCrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physSupportTube1CrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physSupportTube2CrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physSupportTube3CrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physSupportTube4CrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physSupportBarCrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physSupportRackCrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physCentralFinalSupportCrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physSideSupportCrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physSide2SupportCrossCarrier" , 231 } , { "physCrossPiece4" , 231 } , { "physCrossPiece5" , 231 } , { "physCrossPiece6" , 231 } , { "physCrossCarrierHead" , 232 } , { "physCrossCarrierHeadSource" , 232 } , { "physCrossSourceCapsule" , 233 } , { "physCrossSystem" , 234 } , ///EXTRUDED or OTHERS { "physPiece" , 250 } , }; if( !volNamesID[volName] ) return -999999; else return volNamesID[volName] + LiID; } double CubesDistance(int cube1, int cube2) { int cube1z = cube1/10000; int cube1x = (cube1%10000)/100; int cube1y = cube1%100; int cube2z = cube2/10000; int cube2x = (cube2%10000)/100; int cube2y = cube2%100; int distx = abs(cube2x - cube1x); int disty = abs(cube2y - cube1y); int distz = abs(cube2z - cube1z); return sqrt(distx*distx + disty*disty + distz*distz); } // Extruded piece (used for Modules support in Phase1) // type parameter indicates the number of repetition in X of the basic unit G4LogicalVolume* AlExtrusionConstruction(G4int type, G4double length, G4double width, G4VisAttributes* vis) { G4Material* mate; G4double holeThickness = 2.*mm; // construct log volume box G4Box* volBox = new G4Box("volBox", 0.5*width*type, 0.5*width, 0.5*length); mate = G4Material::GetMaterial("Air"); G4LogicalVolume* logVolPiece = new G4LogicalVolume(volBox, mate, "logVolPiece", 0, 0, 0); logVolPiece->SetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::Invisible); // construct piece box G4Box* pieceBox = new G4Box("pieceBox", 0.5*width, 0.5*width, 0.5*length); // construct hole in the center G4double tubeDiam = 7.*mm; G4Tubs* tube = new G4Tubs("tube", 0, 0.5*tubeDiam, 0.5*length+1.*mm, 0, 360.*deg); G4SubtractionSolid* piece = new G4SubtractionSolid("piece", pieceBox, tube, 0, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0)); // construct square holes in the corners G4double hole1 = 12.*mm; G4double pos = 0.5*width - holeThickness - 0.5*hole1; G4Box* hole1Box = new G4Box("hole1Box", 0.5*hole1, 0.5*hole1, 0.5*length+1.*mm); piece = new G4SubtractionSolid("piece", piece, hole1Box, 0, G4ThreeVector( pos, pos, 0)); piece = new G4SubtractionSolid("piece", piece, hole1Box, 0, G4ThreeVector( pos, -pos, 0)); piece = new G4SubtractionSolid("piece", piece, hole1Box, 0, G4ThreeVector(-pos, pos, 0)); piece = new G4SubtractionSolid("piece", piece, hole1Box, 0, G4ThreeVector(-pos, -pos, 0)); // construct holes in the sides // as intersection of triangle & rectangle // and the result in union with another small rectangle in the bottom /* /\ / \ / \ / \ ________ _______ _______ / \ ∩ | | = / \ U = / \ / \ | | | | | | / Hole21 \ |Hole22 | |Hole2 | Hole23 |Hole3 | /______________\ |________| |_______| ____ |_______| |___| |___| */ G4double hole21Base = 32.*mm; G4double hole21Height = 16.*mm; G4double hole22Width = 13.*mm; G4double hole22Height = 12.*mm; G4double hole23Width = 7.*mm; G4double hole23Height = 4.5*mm; G4Trd* hole21Box = new G4Trd("hole21Box", 0.5*hole21Base, 0, 0.5*length+1.*mm, 0.5*length+1.*mm, 0.5*hole21Height); G4Box* hole22Box = new G4Box("hole22Box", 0.5*hole22Width, 0.5*hole22Height, 0.5*length+1.*mm); G4Box* hole23Box = new G4Box("hole23Box", 0.5*hole23Width, 0.5*hole23Height+1.*mm, 0.5*length+1.*mm); G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix(); rot->rotateX(90*deg); G4IntersectionSolid* hole2 = new G4IntersectionSolid("hole2", hole22Box, hole21Box, rot, G4ThreeVector(0, 0.5*(hole21Height - hole22Height), 0)); G4UnionSolid* hole3 = new G4UnionSolid("hole3", hole2, hole23Box, 0, G4ThreeVector(0, -0.5*(hole22Height + hole23Height) + 0.5*mm, 0)); pos = 0.5*width - 0.5*(hole22Height + hole23Height) - 2.*mm; piece = new G4SubtractionSolid("piece", piece, hole3, 0, G4ThreeVector(0, -pos, 0)); rot = new G4RotationMatrix(); rot->rotateZ(180*deg); piece = new G4SubtractionSolid("piece", piece, hole3, rot, G4ThreeVector(0, pos, 0)); rot = new G4RotationMatrix(); rot->rotateZ(90*deg); piece = new G4SubtractionSolid("piece", piece, hole3, rot, G4ThreeVector(-pos, 0, 0)); rot = new G4RotationMatrix(); rot->rotateZ(270*deg); piece = new G4SubtractionSolid("piece", piece, hole3, rot, G4ThreeVector(pos, 0, 0)); mate = G4Material::GetMaterial("Aluminium_6061"); G4LogicalVolume* logPiece = new G4LogicalVolume(piece, mate, "logPiece", 0, 0, 0); logPiece->SetVisAttributes(vis); for(int i=0; iSetVisAttributes(G4VisAttributes::Invisible); // construct piece box G4Box* pieceOuterBox = new G4Box("pieceOuterBox", 0.5*width, 0.5*width, 0.5*length); G4Box* pieceInnerBox = new G4Box("pieceInnerBox", 0.5*width - thickness, 0.5*width - thickness, 0.5*length+0.5*mm); // make hole in the center G4SubtractionSolid* piece = new G4SubtractionSolid("piece", pieceOuterBox, pieceInnerBox, 0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0)); mate = G4Material::GetMaterial("Aluminium_6061"); G4LogicalVolume* logPiece = new G4LogicalVolume(piece, mate, "logPiece", 0, 0, 0); logPiece->SetVisAttributes(vis); for(int i=0; i