#                                                                             #
# ibdSoLO.mac                                                                 #
# Example macro utilising the inverse beta decay (IBD) from SoLO   			  #
#																			  # 
# Jul, 2018															          #
#                                                                             #
#uncomment below if you want to activate T6 (all particle steps, huge file size)
#/Solid/storeT6 true  
#uncomment below if you want to set T9 off
#/Solid/storeT9 false 
#if T9 is activate (default), you can set the cut level. Range 0-3.Default is 1.
# Uncomment if you want to change this value
#/Solid/T9cut 1
# Use (true) or not (false) a light version of the output. If true only events which produces a signal in the detector will be stored/.  True is by default
# Uncomment if you want to change this value
#/Solid/LightOutput 0

/IBDSolO/on true

#uncomment line below for defining the IBD SoLO generator file. Full path and relative file path can be used
#Note: Test file with IBD vertex only on PVT
/IBDSolO/file ./properties/PhaseI-IBDEvents-SoLO-G4-PVT.root

#Note: Test file with IBD vertex on all proton rich materials in the SoLid detector area
#/IBDSolO/file ./properties/PhaseI-IBDEvents-SoLO-G4-PVT.root

#/run/verbose 1

/Solid/beamOn 1000