# Copyright (C) 1995-2019, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. # All rights reserved. # # For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. # For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. # - Locate pythia6 library # Defines: # # PYTHIA6_FOUND # PYTHIA6_INCLUDE_DIR # PYTHIA6_INCLUDE_DIRS (not cached) # PYTHIA6_LIBRARY # PYTHIA6_LIBRARY_DIR (not cached) # PYTHIA6_LIBRARIES (not cached) set(_pythia6dirs ${PYTHIA6} $ENV{PYTHIA6} ${PYTHIA6_DIR} $ENV{PYTHIA6_DIR} /cern/pro/lib /opt/pythia /opt/pythia6 /usr/lib/pythia /usr/local/lib/pythia /usr/lib/pythia6 /usr/local/lib/pythia6) find_path(PYTHIA6_INCLUDE_DIR general_pythia.inc HINTS ${_pythia6dirs} PATH_SUFFIXES include DOC "Specify the Pythia6 include dir here.") if(PYTHIA6_INCLUDE_DIR) set(PYTHIA6_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PYTHIA6_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() find_library(PYTHIA6_LIBRARY NAMES pythia6 Pythia6 HINTS ${_pythia6dirs} PATH_SUFFIXES lib DOC "Specify the Pythia6 library here.") set(PYTHIA6_LIBRARIES ${PYTHIA6_LIBRARY}) foreach(lib rootinterface pythia6_dummy) find_library(PYTHIA6_${lib}_LIBRARY NAMES ${lib} HINTS ${_pythia6dirs} PATH_SUFFIXES lib DOC "Specify the Pythia rootinterface library here.") if(PYTHIA6_${lib}_LIBRARY) list(APPEND PYTHIA6_LIBRARIES ${PYTHIA6_${lib}_LIBRARY}) endif() endforeach() get_filename_component(PYTHIA6_LIBRARY_DIR ${PYTHIA6_LIBRARY} PATH) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set PHOTOS_FOUND to TRUE if # all listed variables are TRUE include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(Pythia6 DEFAULT_MSG PYTHIA6_LIBRARY) mark_as_advanced(PYTHIA6_INCLUDE_DIR PYTHIA6_LIBRARY PYTHIA6_rootinterface_LIBRARY)