// @(#)root/gdml:$Id$ // Author: Anton Pytel 15/9/2011 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2011, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class TGDMLWrite \ingroup Geometry_gdml This class contains implementation of converting ROOT's gGeoManager geometry to GDML file. gGeoManager is the instance of TGeoManager class containing tree of geometries creating resulting geometry. GDML is xml based format of file mirroring the tree of geometries according to GDML schema rules. For more information about GDML see http://gdml.web.cern.ch. Each object in ROOT is represented by xml tag (=xml node/element) in GDML. This class is not needed to be instanciated. It should always be called by gGeoManager->Export("xyz.gdml") method. Export is driven by extenstion that is why ".gdml" is important in resulting name. Whenever a new ROOT geometry object is implemented or there is a change in GDML schema this class is needed to be updated to ensure proper mapping between ROOT objects and GDML elements. Current status of mapping ROOT -> GDML is implemented in method called TGDMLWrite::ChooseObject and it contains following "map": #### Solids: ~~~ TGeoBBox -> TGeoParaboloid -> TGeoSphere -> TGeoArb8 -> TGeoConeSeg -> TGeoCone -> TGeoPara -> TGeoTrap -> or - -> TGeoGtra -> or - -> or - -> TGeoTrd1 -> TGeoTrd2 -> TGeoTubeSeg -> TGeoCtub -> TGeoTube -> TGeoPcon -> TGeoTorus -> TGeoPgon -> TGeoEltu -> TGeoHype -> TGeoXtru -> TGeoTessellated -> TGeoCompositeShape -> or - -> or - -> Special cases of solids: TGeoScaledShape -> if scaled TGeoCone or - -> element without scale TGeoCompositeShape -> - intersection of: - scaled TGeoSphere and TGeoBBox ~~~ #### Materials: ~~~ TGeoIsotope -> TGeoElement -> TGeoMaterial -> TGeoMixture -> ~~~ #### Structure ~~~ TGeoVolume -> or - -> TGeoNode -> TGeoPatternFinder -> ~~~ There are options that can be set to change resulting document ##### Options: ~~~ g - is set by default in gGeoManager, this option ensures compatibility - with Geant4. It means: - -> atomic number of material will be changed if <1 to 1 - -> if polycone is set badly it will try to export it correctly - -> if widht * ndiv + offset is more then width of object being divided - (in divisions) then it will be rounded so it will not exceed or - if kPhi divsion then it will keep range of offset in -360 -> 0 f - if this option is set then names of volumes and solids will have - pointer as a suffix to ensure uniqness of names n - if this option is set then names will not have suffix, but uniqness is - of names is not secured - - if none of this two options (f,n) is set then default behaviour is so - that incremental suffix is added to the names. - (eg. TGeoBBox_0x1, TGeoBBox_0x2 ...) ~~~ #### USAGE: ~~~ gGeoManager->Export("output.gdml"); gGeoManager->Export("output.gdml","","vg"); //the same as previous just //options are set explicitly gGeoManager->Export("output.gdml","","vgf"); gGeoManager->Export("output.gdml","","gn"); gGeoManager->Export("output.gdml","","f"); ... ~~~ #### Note: Options discussed above are used only for TGDMLWrite class. There are other options in the TGeoManager::Export(...) method that can be used. See that function for details. */ #include "TGDMLWrite.h" #include "TGeoManager.h" #include "TGeoMaterial.h" #include "TGeoMatrix.h" #include "TXMLEngine.h" #include "TGeoVolume.h" #include "TGeoBBox.h" #include "TGeoParaboloid.h" #include "TGeoArb8.h" #include "TGeoTube.h" #include "TGeoCone.h" #include "TGeoTrd1.h" #include "TGeoTrd2.h" #include "TGeoPcon.h" #include "TGeoPgon.h" #include "TGeoSphere.h" #include "TGeoTorus.h" #include "TGeoPara.h" #include "TGeoHype.h" #include "TGeoEltu.h" #include "TGeoXtru.h" #include "TGeoScaledShape.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TGeoBoolNode.h" #include "TGeoMedium.h" #include "TGeoElement.h" #include "TGeoShape.h" #include "TGeoCompositeShape.h" #include "TGeoOpticalSurface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(TGDMLWrite); TGDMLWrite *TGDMLWrite::fgGDMLWrite = 0; namespace { struct MaterialExtractor { std::set materials; void operator() (const TGeoVolume* v) { materials.insert(v->GetMaterial()); for(Int_t i=0; iGetNdaughters(); ++i) (*this)(v->GetNode(i)->GetVolume()); } }; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Default constructor. TGDMLWrite::TGDMLWrite() : TObject(), fIsotopeList(0), fElementList(0), fAccPatt(0), fRejShape(0), fNameList(0), fgNamingSpeed(0), fgG4Compatibility(0), fGdmlFile(0), fTopVolumeName(0), fGdmlE(0), fDefineNode(0), fMaterialsNode(0), fSolidsNode(0), fStructureNode(0), fVolCnt(0), fPhysVolCnt(0), fActNameErr(0), fSolCnt(0), fFltPrecision(17) // %.17g { if (fgGDMLWrite) delete fgGDMLWrite; fgGDMLWrite = this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TGDMLWrite::~TGDMLWrite() { delete fIsotopeList; delete fElementList; delete fAccPatt; delete fRejShape; delete fNameList; fgGDMLWrite = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set convention of naming solids and volumes void TGDMLWrite::SetNamingSpeed(ENamingType naming) { fgNamingSpeed = naming; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //wrapper of all main methods for extraction void TGDMLWrite::WriteGDMLfile(TGeoManager * geomanager, const char* filename, TString option) { TList* materials = geomanager->GetListOfMaterials(); TGeoNode* node = geomanager->GetTopNode(); if ( !node ) { Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Top volume does not exist!"); return; } fTopVolumeName = ""; WriteGDMLfile(geomanager, node, materials, filename, option); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wrapper to only selectively write one branch of the volume hierarchy to file void TGDMLWrite::WriteGDMLfile(TGeoManager * geomanager, TGeoNode* node, const char* filename, TString option) { TGeoVolume* volume = node->GetVolume(); TList materials, volumes, nodes; MaterialExtractor extract; if ( !volume ) { Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Invalid Volume reference to extract GDML information!"); return; } extract(volume); for(TGeoMaterial* m : extract.materials) materials.Add(m); fTopVolumeName = volume->GetName(); fSurfaceList.clear(); fVolumeList.clear(); fNodeList.clear(); WriteGDMLfile(geomanager, node, &materials, filename, option); materials.Clear("nodelete"); volumes.Clear("nodelete"); nodes.Clear("nodelete"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Wrapper of all exporting methods /// Creates blank GDML file and fills it with gGeoManager structure converted /// to GDML structure of xml nodes void TGDMLWrite::WriteGDMLfile(TGeoManager * geomanager, TGeoNode* node, TList* materialsLst, const char* filename, TString option) { //option processing option.ToLower(); if (option.Contains("g")) { SetG4Compatibility(kTRUE); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Geant4 compatibility mode set"); } else { SetG4Compatibility(kFALSE); } if (option.Contains("f")) { SetNamingSpeed(kfastButUglySufix); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Fast naming convention with pointer suffix set"); } else if (option.Contains("n")) { SetNamingSpeed(kwithoutSufixNotUniq); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Naming without prefix set - be careful uniqness of name is not ensured"); } else { SetNamingSpeed(kelegantButSlow); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Potentially slow with incremental suffix naming convention set"); } //local variables Int_t outputLayout = 1; const char * krootNodeName = "gdml"; const char * knsRefGeneral = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; const char * knsNameGeneral = "xsi"; const char * knsRefGdml = "http://service-spi.web.cern.ch/service-spi/app/releases/GDML/schema/gdml.xsd"; const char * knsNameGdml = "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation"; // First create engine fGdmlE = new TXMLEngine; fGdmlE->SetSkipComments(kTRUE); //create blank GDML file fGdmlFile = fGdmlE->NewDoc(); //create root node and add it to blank GDML file XMLNodePointer_t rootNode = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, krootNodeName, nullptr); fGdmlE->DocSetRootElement(fGdmlFile, rootNode); //add namespaces to root node fGdmlE->NewNS(rootNode, knsRefGeneral, knsNameGeneral); fGdmlE->NewAttr(rootNode, nullptr, knsNameGdml, knsRefGdml); //initialize general lists and , , nodes fIsotopeList = new StructLst; fElementList = new StructLst; fNameList = new NameLst; fDefineNode = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "define", nullptr); fSolidsNode = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "solids", nullptr); fStructureNode = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "structure", nullptr); //======================== //initialize list of accepted patterns for divisions (in ExtractVolumes) fAccPatt = new StructLst; fAccPatt->fLst["TGeoPatternX"] = kTRUE; fAccPatt->fLst["TGeoPatternY"] = kTRUE; fAccPatt->fLst["TGeoPatternZ"] = kTRUE; fAccPatt->fLst["TGeoPatternCylR"] = kTRUE; fAccPatt->fLst["TGeoPatternCylPhi"] = kTRUE; //======================== //initialize list of rejected shapes for divisions (in ExtractVolumes) fRejShape = new StructLst; //this shapes are rejected because, it is not possible to divide trd2 //in Y axis and while only trd2 object is imported from GDML //it causes a problem when TGeoTrd1 is divided in Y axis fRejShape->fLst["TGeoTrd1"] = kTRUE; fRejShape->fLst["TGeoTrd2"] = kTRUE; //========================= //Initialize global counters fActNameErr = 0; fVolCnt = 0; fPhysVolCnt = 0; fSolCnt = 0; //calling main extraction functions (with measuring time) time_t startT, endT; startT = time(nullptr); ExtractMatrices(geomanager->GetListOfGDMLMatrices()); ExtractConstants(geomanager); fMaterialsNode = ExtractMaterials(materialsLst); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Extracting volumes"); ExtractVolumes(node); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "%i solids added", fSolCnt); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "%i volumes added", fVolCnt); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "%i physvolumes added", fPhysVolCnt); ExtractSkinSurfaces(geomanager->GetListOfSkinSurfaces()); ExtractBorderSurfaces(geomanager->GetListOfBorderSurfaces()); ExtractOpticalSurfaces(geomanager->GetListOfOpticalSurfaces()); endT = time(nullptr); // fGdmlE->AddChild(rootNode, fDefineNode); // ... fGdmlE->AddChild(rootNode, fMaterialsNode); // ... fGdmlE->AddChild(rootNode, fSolidsNode); // ... fGdmlE->AddChild(rootNode, fStructureNode); // ... fGdmlE->AddChild(rootNode, CreateSetupN(fTopVolumeName.Data())); // ... // Double_t tdiffI = difftime(endT, startT); TString tdiffS = (tdiffI == 0 ? TString("< 1 s") : TString::Format("%.0lf s", tdiffI)); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Exporting time: %s", tdiffS.Data()); //========================= //Saving document fGdmlE->SaveDoc(fGdmlFile, filename, outputLayout); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "File %s saved", filename); //cleaning fGdmlE->FreeDoc(fGdmlFile); //unset processing bits: UnsetTemporaryBits(geomanager); delete fGdmlE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method exporting GDML matrices void TGDMLWrite::ExtractMatrices(TObjArray* matrixList) { if (!matrixList->GetEntriesFast()) return; XMLNodePointer_t matrixN; TIter next(matrixList); TGDMLMatrix *matrix; while ((matrix = (TGDMLMatrix*)next())) { matrixN = CreateMatrixN(matrix); fGdmlE->AddChild(fDefineNode, matrixN); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method exporting GDML matrices void TGDMLWrite::ExtractConstants(TGeoManager *geom) { if (!geom->GetNproperties()) return; XMLNodePointer_t constantN; TString property; Double_t value; for (Int_t i = 0; i < geom->GetNproperties(); ++i) { value = geom->GetProperty(i, property); constantN = CreateConstantN(property.Data(), value); fGdmlE->AddChild(fDefineNode, constantN); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method exporting optical surfaces void TGDMLWrite::ExtractOpticalSurfaces(TObjArray *surfaces) { if (!surfaces->GetEntriesFast()) return; XMLNodePointer_t surfaceN; TIter next(surfaces); TGeoOpticalSurface *surf; while ((surf = (TGeoOpticalSurface*)next())) { if ( fSurfaceList.find(surf) == fSurfaceList.end() ) continue; surfaceN = CreateOpticalSurfaceN(surf); fGdmlE->AddChild(fSolidsNode, surfaceN); // Info("ExtractSkinSurfaces", "Extracted optical surface: %s",surf->GetName()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method exporting skin surfaces void TGDMLWrite::ExtractSkinSurfaces(TObjArray *surfaces) { if (!surfaces->GetEntriesFast()) return; XMLNodePointer_t surfaceN; TIter next(surfaces); TGeoSkinSurface *surf; while ((surf = (TGeoSkinSurface*)next())) { if ( fVolumeList.find(surf->GetVolume()) == fVolumeList.end() ) continue; surfaceN = CreateSkinSurfaceN(surf); fGdmlE->AddChild(fStructureNode, surfaceN); fSurfaceList.insert(surf->GetSurface()); // Info("ExtractSkinSurfaces", "Extracted skin surface: %s",surf->GetName()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method exporting border surfaces void TGDMLWrite::ExtractBorderSurfaces(TObjArray *surfaces) { if (!surfaces->GetEntriesFast()) return; XMLNodePointer_t surfaceN; TIter next(surfaces); TGeoBorderSurface *surf; while ((surf = (TGeoBorderSurface*)next())) { auto ia = fNodeList.find(surf->GetNode1()); auto ib = fNodeList.find(surf->GetNode2()); if ( ia == fNodeList.end() && ib == fNodeList.end() ) { continue; } else if ( ia == fNodeList.end() && ib != fNodeList.end() ) { Warning("ExtractBorderSurfaces", "Inconsistent border surface extraction %s: Node %s" " is not part of GDML!",surf->GetName(), surf->GetNode1()->GetName()); continue; } else if ( ia != fNodeList.end() && ib == fNodeList.end() ) { Warning("ExtractBorderSurfaces", "Inconsistent border surface extraction %s: Node %s" " is not part of GDML!",surf->GetName(), surf->GetNode2()->GetName()); continue; } surfaceN = CreateBorderSurfaceN(surf); fGdmlE->AddChild(fStructureNode, surfaceN); fSurfaceList.insert(surf->GetSurface()); // Info("ExtractBorderSurfaces", "Extracted border surface: %s",surf->GetName()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method exporting materials XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::ExtractMaterials(TList* materialsLst) { Info("ExtractMaterials", "Extracting materials"); //crate main node XMLNodePointer_t materialsN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "materials", nullptr); Int_t matcnt = 0; //go through materials - iterator and object declaration TIter next(materialsLst); TGeoMaterial *lmaterial; while ((lmaterial = (TGeoMaterial *)next())) { //generate uniq name TString lname = GenName(lmaterial->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", lmaterial)); if (lmaterial->IsMixture()) { TGeoMixture *lmixture = (TGeoMixture *)lmaterial; XMLNodePointer_t mixtureN = CreateMixtureN(lmixture, materialsN, lname); fGdmlE->AddChild(materialsN, mixtureN); } else { XMLNodePointer_t materialN = CreateMaterialN(lmaterial, lname); fGdmlE->AddChild(materialsN, materialN); } matcnt++; } Info("ExtractMaterials", "%i materials added", matcnt); return materialsN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method creating solid to xml file and returning its name TString TGDMLWrite::ExtractSolid(TGeoShape* volShape) { XMLNodePointer_t solidN; TString solname = ""; solidN = ChooseObject(volShape); //volume->GetShape() fGdmlE->AddChild(fSolidsNode, solidN); if (solidN != nullptr) fSolCnt++; solname = fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", volShape)]; if (solname.Contains("missing_")) { solname = "-1"; } return solname; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method extracting geometry structure recursively void TGDMLWrite::ExtractVolumes(TGeoNode* node) { XMLNodePointer_t volumeN, childN; TGeoVolume * volume = node->GetVolume(); TString volname, matname, solname, pattClsName, nodeVolNameBak; TGeoPatternFinder *pattFinder = 0; Bool_t isPattern = kFALSE; const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); fNodeList.insert(node); fVolumeList.insert(volume); //create the name for volume/assembly if (volume->IsTopVolume()) { //not needed a special function for generating name volname = volume->GetName(); fTopVolumeName = volname; //register name to the pointer fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", volume)] = volname; } else { volname = GenName(volume->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", volume)); } //start to create main volume/assembly node if (volume->IsAssembly()) { volumeN = StartAssemblyN(volname); } else { //get reference material and add solid to + get name matname = fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", volume->GetMaterial())]; solname = ExtractSolid(volume->GetShape()); //If solid is not supported or corrupted if (solname == "-1") { Info("ExtractVolumes", "ERROR! %s volume was not added, because solid is either not supported or corrupted", volname.Data()); //set volume as missing volume fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", volume)] = "missing_" + volname; return; } volumeN = StartVolumeN(volname, solname, matname); //divisionvol can't be in assembly pattFinder = volume->GetFinder(); //if found pattern if (pattFinder) { pattClsName = TString::Format("%s", pattFinder->ClassName()); TString shapeCls = TString::Format("%s", volume->GetShape()->ClassName()); //if pattern in accepted pattern list and not in shape rejected list if ((fAccPatt->fLst[pattClsName] == kTRUE) && (fRejShape->fLst[shapeCls] != kTRUE)) { isPattern = kTRUE; } } } //get all nodes in volume TObjArray *nodeLst = volume->GetNodes(); TIter next(nodeLst); TGeoNode *geoNode; Int_t nCnt = 0; //loop through all nodes while ((geoNode = (TGeoNode *) next())) { //get volume of current node and if not processed then process it TGeoVolume * subvol = geoNode->GetVolume(); fNodeList.insert(geoNode); if (subvol->TestAttBit(fgkProcBitVol) == kFALSE) { subvol->SetAttBit(fgkProcBitVol); ExtractVolumes(geoNode); } //volume of this node has to exist because it was processed recursively TString nodevolname = fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", geoNode->GetVolume())]; if (nodevolname.Contains("missing_")) { continue; } if (nCnt == 0) { //save name of the first node for divisionvol nodeVolNameBak = nodevolname; } if (isPattern == kFALSE) { //create name for node TString nodename, posname, rotname; nodename = GenName(geoNode->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoNode)); nodename = nodename + "in" + volname; //create name for position and clear rotation posname = nodename + "pos"; rotname = ""; //position const Double_t * pos = geoNode->GetMatrix()->GetTranslation(); Xyz nodPos; nodPos.x = pos[0]; nodPos.y = pos[1]; nodPos.z = pos[2]; childN = CreatePositionN(posname.Data(), nodPos); fGdmlE->AddChild(fDefineNode, childN); //adding node to node //Deal with reflection XMLNodePointer_t scaleN = nullptr; Double_t lx, ly, lz; Double_t xangle = 0; Double_t zangle = 0; lx = geoNode->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix()[0]; ly = geoNode->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix()[4]; lz = geoNode->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix()[8]; if (geoNode->GetMatrix()->IsReflection() && TMath::Abs(lx) == 1 && TMath::Abs(ly) == 1 && TMath::Abs(lz) == 1) { scaleN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "scale", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(scaleN, nullptr, "name", (nodename + "scl").Data()); fGdmlE->NewAttr(scaleN, nullptr, "x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), lx)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(scaleN, nullptr, "y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), ly)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(scaleN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), lz)); //experimentally found out, that rotation should be updated like this if (lx == -1) { zangle = 180; } if (lz == -1) { xangle = 180; } } //rotation TGDMLWrite::Xyz lxyz = GetXYZangles(geoNode->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix()); lxyz.x -= xangle; lxyz.z -= zangle; if ((lxyz.x != 0.0) || (lxyz.y != 0.0) || (lxyz.z != 0.0)) { rotname = nodename + "rot"; childN = CreateRotationN(rotname.Data(), lxyz); fGdmlE->AddChild(fDefineNode, childN); //adding node to node } //create physvol for main volume/assembly node childN = CreatePhysVolN(geoNode->GetName(), geoNode->GetNumber(), nodevolname.Data(), posname.Data(), rotname.Data(), scaleN); fGdmlE->AddChild(volumeN, childN); } nCnt++; } //create only one divisionvol node if (isPattern && pattFinder) { //retrieve attributes of division Int_t ndiv, divaxis; Double_t offset, width, xlo, xhi; TString axis, unit; ndiv = pattFinder->GetNdiv(); width = pattFinder->GetStep(); divaxis = pattFinder->GetDivAxis(); volume->GetShape()->GetAxisRange(divaxis, xlo, xhi); //compute relative start (not positional) offset = pattFinder->GetStart() - xlo; axis = GetPattAxis(divaxis, pattClsName, unit); //create division node childN = CreateDivisionN(offset, width, ndiv, axis.Data(), unit.Data(), nodeVolNameBak.Data()); fGdmlE->AddChild(volumeN, childN); } fVolCnt++; //add volume/assembly node into the node fGdmlE->AddChild(fStructureNode, volumeN); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "atom" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateAtomN(Double_t atom, const char * unit) { const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); XMLNodePointer_t atomN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "atom", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(atomN, nullptr, "unit", unit); fGdmlE->NewAttr(atomN, nullptr, "value", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), atom)); return atomN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "D" density node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateDN(Double_t density, const char * unit) { const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); XMLNodePointer_t densN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "D", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(densN, nullptr, "unit", unit); fGdmlE->NewAttr(densN, nullptr, "value", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), density)); return densN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "fraction" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateFractionN(Double_t percentage, const char * refName) { const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); XMLNodePointer_t fractN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "fraction", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(fractN, nullptr, "n", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), percentage)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(fractN, nullptr, "ref", refName); return fractN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "property" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreatePropertyN(TNamed const &property) { XMLNodePointer_t propertyN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "property", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(propertyN, nullptr, "name", property.GetName()); fGdmlE->NewAttr(propertyN, nullptr, "ref", property.GetTitle()); return propertyN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "isotope" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateIsotopN(TGeoIsotope * isotope, const char * name) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "isotope", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", name); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "N", TString::Format("%i", isotope->GetN())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "Z", TString::Format("%i", isotope->GetZ())); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateAtomN(isotope->GetA())); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "element" node for GDML ///element node and attribute XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateElementN(TGeoElement * element, XMLNodePointer_t materials, const char * name) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "element", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", name); //local associative arrays for saving isotopes and their weight //inside element NameListF wPercentage; NameListI wCounter; if (element->HasIsotopes()) { Int_t nOfIso = element->GetNisotopes(); //go through isotopes for (Int_t idx = 0; idx < nOfIso; idx++) { TGeoIsotope *myIsotope = element->GetIsotope(idx); if (!myIsotope) { Fatal("CreateElementN", "Missing isotopes for element %s", element->GetName()); return mainN; } //Get name of the Isotope ( TString lname = myIsotope->GetName(); //_iso suffix is added to avoid problems with same names //for material, element and isotopes lname = TString::Format("%s_iso", lname.Data()); //cumulates abundance, in case 2 isotopes with same names //within one element wPercentage[lname] += element->GetRelativeAbundance(idx); wCounter[lname]++; //check whether isotope name is not in list of isotopes if (IsInList(fIsotopeList->fLst, lname)) { continue; } //add isotope to list of isotopes and to main node fIsotopeList->fLst[lname] = kTRUE; XMLNodePointer_t isoNode = CreateIsotopN(myIsotope, lname); fGdmlE->AddChild(materials, isoNode); } //loop through asoc array of isotopes for (NameListI::iterator itr = wCounter.begin(); itr != wCounter.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->second > 1) { Info("CreateMixtureN", "WARNING! 2 equal isotopes in one element. Check: %s isotope of %s element", itr->first.Data(), name); } //add fraction child to element with reference to isotope fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateFractionN(wPercentage[itr->first], itr->first.Data())); } } else { fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "formula", element->GetName()); Int_t valZ = element->Z(); // Z can't be <1 in Geant4 and Z is optional parameter if (valZ >= 1) { fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "Z", TString::Format("%i", valZ)); } fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateAtomN(element->A())); } return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "material" node for GDML with references to other sub elements XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateMixtureN(TGeoMixture * mixture, XMLNodePointer_t materials, TString mname) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "material", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", mname); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateDN(mixture->GetDensity())); //local associative arrays for saving elements and their weight //inside mixture NameListF wPercentage; NameListI wCounter; Int_t nOfElm = mixture->GetNelements(); //go through elements for (Int_t idx = 0; idx < nOfElm; idx++) { TGeoElement *myElement = mixture->GetElement(idx); //Get name of the element //NOTE: that for element - GetTitle() returns the "name" tag //and GetName() returns "formula" tag (see createElementN) TString lname = myElement->GetTitle(); //_elm suffix is added to avoid problems with same names //for material and element lname = TString::Format("%s_elm", lname.Data()); //cumulates percentage, in case 2 elements with same names within one mixture wPercentage[lname] += mixture->GetWmixt()[idx]; wCounter[lname]++; //check whether element name is not in list of elements already created if (IsInList(fElementList->fLst, lname)) { continue; } //add element to list of elements and to main node fElementList->fLst[lname] = kTRUE; XMLNodePointer_t elmNode = CreateElementN(myElement, materials, lname); fGdmlE->AddChild(materials, elmNode); } //loop through asoc array for (NameListI::iterator itr = wCounter.begin(); itr != wCounter.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->second > 1) { Info("CreateMixtureN", "WARNING! 2 equal elements in one material. Check: %s element of %s material", itr->first.Data(), mname.Data()); } //add fraction child to material with reference to element fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateFractionN(wPercentage[itr->first], itr->first.Data())); } // Write properties TList const &properties = mixture->GetProperties(); if (properties.GetSize()) { TIter next(&properties); TNamed *property; while ((property = (TNamed*)next())) fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreatePropertyN(*property)); } // Write CONST properties TList const &const_properties = mixture->GetConstProperties(); if (const_properties.GetSize()) { TIter next(&const_properties); TNamed *property; while ((property = (TNamed*)next())) fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreatePropertyN(*property)); } return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "material" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateMaterialN(TGeoMaterial * material, TString mname) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "material", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", mname); Double_t valZ = material->GetZ(); //Z can't be zero in Geant4 so this is workaround for vacuum TString tmpname = mname; const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); tmpname.ToLower(); if (valZ < 1) { if (tmpname == "vacuum") { valZ = 1; } else { if (fgG4Compatibility == kTRUE) { Info("CreateMaterialN", "WARNING! value of Z in %s material can't be < 1 in Geant4, that is why it was changed to 1, please check it manually! ", mname.Data()); valZ = 1; } else { Info("CreateMaterialN", "WARNING! value of Z in %s material can't be < 1 in Geant4", mname.Data()); } } } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "Z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), valZ)); //material->GetZ())); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateDN(material->GetDensity())); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateAtomN(material->GetA())); // Create properties if any TList const &properties = material->GetProperties(); if (properties.GetSize()) { TIter next(&properties); TNamed *property; while ((property = (TNamed*)next())) fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreatePropertyN(*property)); } // Write CONST properties TList const &const_properties = material->GetConstProperties(); if (const_properties.GetSize()) { TIter next(&const_properties); TNamed *property; while ((property = (TNamed*)next())) fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreatePropertyN(*property)); } return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "box" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateBoxN(TGeoBBox * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "box", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDX(), "DX", lname) || IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDY(), "DY", lname) || IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDZ(), "DZ", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDX())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDY())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDZ())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "paraboloid" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateParaboloidN(TGeoParaboloid * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "paraboloid", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetRhi(), "Rhi", lname) || IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rlo", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRlo())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rhi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRhi())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "dz", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "sphere" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateSphereN(TGeoSphere * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "sphere", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetRmax(), "Rmax", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmin())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmax())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "startphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "deltaphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi2() - geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "starttheta", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetTheta1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "deltatheta", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetTheta2() - geoShape->GetTheta1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "arb8" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateArb8N(TGeoArb8 * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "arb8", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v1x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[0])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v1y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[1])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v2x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[2])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v2y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[3])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v3x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[4])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v3y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[5])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v4x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[6])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v4y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[7])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v5x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[8])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v5y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[9])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v6x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[10])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v6y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[11])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v7x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[12])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v7y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[13])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v8x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[14])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "v8y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetVertices()[15])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "dz", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "cone" node for GDML from TGeoConeSeg object XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateConeN(TGeoConeSeg * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "cone", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmin1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmin2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmax1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmax2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "startphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "deltaphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi2() - geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "cone" node for GDML from TGeoCone object XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateConeN(TGeoCone * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "cone", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmin1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmin2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmax1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmax2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "startphi", TString::Format("%i", 0)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "deltaphi", TString::Format("%i", 360)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "para" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateParaN(TGeoPara * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "para", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape))); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetX())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetY())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetZ())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "alpha", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetAlpha())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "theta", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetTheta())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "phi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "trap" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateTrapN(TGeoTrap * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN; const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); //if one base equals 0 create Arb8 instead of trap if ((geoShape->GetBl1() == 0 || geoShape->GetTl1() == 0 || geoShape->GetH1() == 0) || (geoShape->GetBl2() == 0 || geoShape->GetTl2() == 0 || geoShape->GetH2() == 0)) { mainN = CreateArb8N(geoShape); return mainN; } //if is twisted then create arb8 if (geoShape->IsTwisted()) { mainN = CreateArb8N((TGeoArb8 *) geoShape); return mainN; } mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "trap", nullptr); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "theta", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetTheta())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "phi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetBl1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetTl1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x3", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetBl2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x4", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetTl2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetH1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetH2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "alpha1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetAlpha1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "alpha2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetAlpha2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "twistedtrap" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateTwistedTrapN(TGeoGtra * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN; const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); //if one base equals 0 create Arb8 instead of twisted trap if ((geoShape->GetBl1() == 0 && geoShape->GetTl1() == 0 && geoShape->GetH1() == 0) || (geoShape->GetBl2() == 0 && geoShape->GetTl2() == 0 && geoShape->GetH2() == 0)) { mainN = CreateArb8N((TGeoArb8 *) geoShape); return mainN; } //if is twisted then create arb8 if (geoShape->IsTwisted()) { mainN = CreateArb8N((TGeoArb8 *) geoShape); return mainN; } //if parameter twistAngle (PhiTwist) equals zero create trap node if (geoShape->GetTwistAngle() == 0) { mainN = CreateTrapN((TGeoTrap *) geoShape); return mainN; } mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "twistedtrap", nullptr); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "Theta", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetTheta())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "Phi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetBl1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetTl1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x3", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetBl2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x4", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetTl2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetH1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetH2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "Alph", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetAlpha1())); //check if alpha1 equals to alpha2 (converting to string - to avoid problems with floats) if (TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetAlpha1()) != TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetAlpha2())) { Info("CreateTwistedTrapN", "ERROR! Object %s is not exported correctly because parameter Alpha2 is not declared in GDML schema", lname.Data()); } //fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN,0, "alpha2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetAlpha2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "PhiTwist", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetTwistAngle())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "trd" node for GDML from object TGeoTrd1 XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateTrdN(TGeoTrd1 * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "trd", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDx1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDx2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDy())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDy())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "trd" node for GDML from object TGeoTrd2 XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateTrdN(TGeoTrd2 * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "trd", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDx1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDx2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDy1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDy2())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "tube" node for GDML from object TGeoTubeSeg XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateTubeN(TGeoTubeSeg * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "tube", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetRmax(), "Rmax", lname) || IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmin())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmax())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "startphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "deltaphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi2() - geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "cutTube" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateCutTubeN(TGeoCtub * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN; const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "cutTube", nullptr); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetRmax(), "Rmax", lname) || IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } //This is not needed, because cutTube is already supported by Geant4 9.5 if (fgG4Compatibility == kTRUE && kFALSE) { TGeoShape * fakeCtub = CreateFakeCtub(geoShape); mainN = ChooseObject(fakeCtub); //register name for cuttube shape (so it will be found during volume export) lname = fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", fakeCtub)]; fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", geoShape)] = lname; Info("CreateCutTubeN", "WARNING! %s - CutTube was replaced by intersection of TGeoTubSeg and two TGeoBBoxes", lname.Data()); return mainN; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmin())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmax())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "startphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "deltaphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi2() - geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lowX", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetNlow()[0])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lowY", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetNlow()[1])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lowZ", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetNlow()[2])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "highX", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetNhigh()[0])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "highY", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetNhigh()[1])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "highZ", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetNhigh()[2])); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "tube" node for GDML from object TGeoTube XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateTubeN(TGeoTube * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "tube", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetRmax(), "Rmax", lname) || IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmin())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmax())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "startphi", TString::Format("%i", 0)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "deltaphi", TString::Format("%i", 360)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "zplane" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateZplaneN(Double_t z, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "zplane", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), z)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), rmin)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), rmax)); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "polycone" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreatePolyconeN(TGeoPcon * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "polycone", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "startphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "deltaphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetDphi())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); Int_t nZPlns = geoShape->GetNz(); for (Int_t it = 0; it < nZPlns; it++) { //add zplane child node fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateZplaneN(geoShape->GetZ(it), geoShape->GetRmin(it), geoShape->GetRmax(it))); //compare actual plane and next plane if ((it < nZPlns - 1) && (geoShape->GetZ(it) == geoShape->GetZ(it + 1))) { //rmin of actual is greater then rmax of next one // | |rmax next // __ ...| |... __ < rmin actual // | | | | if (geoShape->GetRmin(it) > geoShape->GetRmax(it + 1)) { //adding plane from rmax next to rmin actual at the same z position if (fgG4Compatibility == kTRUE) { fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateZplaneN(geoShape->GetZ(it), geoShape->GetRmax(it + 1), geoShape->GetRmin(it))); Info("CreatePolyconeN", "WARNING! One plane was added to %s solid to be compatible with Geant4", lname.Data()); } else { Info("CreatePolyconeN", "WARNING! Solid %s definition seems not contiguous may cause problems in Geant4", lname.Data()); } } //rmin of next is greater then rmax of actual // | | | | // | |...___...| | rmin next // | | > rmax act if (geoShape->GetRmin(it + 1) > geoShape->GetRmax(it)) { //adding plane from rmax act to rmin next at the same z position if (fgG4Compatibility == kTRUE) { fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateZplaneN(geoShape->GetZ(it), geoShape->GetRmax(it), geoShape->GetRmin(it + 1))); Info("CreatePolyconeN", "WARNING! One plane was added to %s solid to be compatible with Geant4", lname.Data()); } else { Info("CreatePolyconeN", "WARNING! Solid %s definition seems not contiguous may cause problems in Geant4", lname.Data()); } } } } return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "torus" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateTorusN(TGeoTorus * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "torus", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetRmax(), "Rmax", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rtor", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetR())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmin())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmax())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "startphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "deltaphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetDphi())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "polyhedra" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreatePolyhedraN(TGeoPgon * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "polyhedra", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape))); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "startphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetPhi1())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "deltaphi", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetDphi())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "numsides", TString::Format("%i", geoShape->GetNedges())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); for (Int_t it = 0; it < geoShape->GetNz(); it++) { //add zplane child node fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreateZplaneN(geoShape->GetZ(it), geoShape->GetRmin(it), geoShape->GetRmax(it))); } return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "eltube" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateEltubeN(TGeoEltu * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "eltube", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetA(), "A", lname) || IsNullParam(geoShape->GetB(), "B", lname) || IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "dx", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetA())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "dy", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetB())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "dz", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "hype" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateHypeN(TGeoHype * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "hype", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); if (IsNullParam(geoShape->GetDz(), "Dz", lname)) { return nullptr; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmin", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmin())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "rmax", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetRmax())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "inst", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetStIn())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "outst", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetStOut())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), 2 * geoShape->GetDz())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "aunit", "deg"); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "xtru" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateXtrusionN(TGeoXtru * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "xtru", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TString lname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", lname); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); XMLNodePointer_t childN; Int_t vertNum = geoShape->GetNvert(); Int_t secNum = geoShape->GetNz(); if (vertNum < 3 || secNum < 2) { Info("CreateXtrusionN", "ERROR! TGeoXtru %s has only %i vertices and %i sections. It was not exported", lname.Data(), vertNum, secNum); mainN = nullptr; return mainN; } for (Int_t it = 0; it < vertNum; it++) { //add twoDimVertex child node childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "twoDimVertex", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetX(it))); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetY(it))); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); } for (Int_t it = 0; it < secNum; it++) { //add section child node childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "section", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "zOrder", TString::Format("%i", it)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "zPosition", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetZ(it))); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "xOffset", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetXOffset(it))); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "yOffset", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetYOffset(it))); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "scalingFactor", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoShape->GetScale(it))); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); } return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "ellipsoid" node for GDML /// this is a special case, because ellipsoid is not defined in ROOT /// so when intersection of scaled sphere and TGeoBBox is found, /// it is considered as an ellipsoid XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateEllipsoidN(TGeoCompositeShape * geoShape, TString elName) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "ellipsoid", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); TGeoScaledShape *leftS = (TGeoScaledShape *)geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetLeftShape(); //ScaledShape TGeoBBox *rightS = (TGeoBBox *)geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetRightShape(); //BBox fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", elName.Data()); Double_t sx = leftS->GetScale()->GetScale()[0]; Double_t sy = leftS->GetScale()->GetScale()[1]; Double_t radius = ((TGeoSphere *) leftS->GetShape())->GetRmax(); Double_t ax, by, cz; cz = radius; ax = sx * radius; by = sy * radius; Double_t dz = rightS->GetDZ(); Double_t zorig = rightS->GetOrigin()[2]; Double_t zcut2 = dz + zorig; Double_t zcut1 = 2 * zorig - zcut2; fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "ax", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), ax)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "by", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), by)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "cz", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), cz)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "zcut1", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), zcut1)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "zcut2", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), zcut2)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "elcone" (elliptical cone) node for GDML /// this is a special case, because elliptical cone is not defined in ROOT /// so when scaled cone is found, it is considered as a elliptical cone XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateElConeN(TGeoScaledShape * geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "elcone", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape))); Double_t zcut = ((TGeoCone *) geoShape->GetShape())->GetDz(); Double_t rx1 = ((TGeoCone *) geoShape->GetShape())->GetRmax1(); Double_t rx2 = ((TGeoCone *) geoShape->GetShape())->GetRmax2(); Double_t zmax = zcut * ((rx1 + rx2) / (rx1 - rx2)); Double_t z = zcut + zmax; Double_t sy = geoShape->GetScale()->GetScale()[1]; Double_t ry1 = sy * rx1; std::string format(TString::Format("%s/%s", fltPrecision.Data(), fltPrecision.Data()).Data()); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "dx", TString::Format(format.c_str(), rx1, z)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "dy", TString::Format(format.c_str(), ry1, z)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "zmax", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), zmax)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "zcut", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), zcut)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "lunit", "cm"); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "tessellated" (tessellated shape) node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateTessellatedN(TGeoTessellated * geoShape) { // add all vertices to the define section TString genname = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); for (int i = 0; i < geoShape->GetNvertices(); ++i) { auto vertex = geoShape->GetVertex(i); TString posName = TString::Format("%s_%d", genname.Data(), i); Xyz nodPos; nodPos.x = vertex[0]; nodPos.y = vertex[1]; nodPos.z = vertex[2]; auto childN = CreatePositionN(posName.Data(), nodPos); fGdmlE->AddChild(fDefineNode, childN); //adding node to node } XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "tessellated", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", genname.Data()); XMLNodePointer_t childN; for (Int_t it = 0; it < geoShape->GetNfacets(); it++) { //add section child node auto facet = geoShape->GetFacet(it); bool triangular = facet.GetNvert() == 3; TString ntype = (triangular) ? "triangular" : "quadrangular"; childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, ntype.Data(), nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "vertex1", TString::Format("%s_%d", genname.Data(), facet.GetVertexIndex(0))); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "vertex2", TString::Format("%s_%d", genname.Data(), facet.GetVertexIndex(1))); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "vertex3", TString::Format("%s_%d", genname.Data(), facet.GetVertexIndex(2))); if (!triangular) fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "vertex4", TString::Format("%s_%d", genname.Data(), facet.GetVertexIndex(3))); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "type", "ABSOLUTE"); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); } return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates common part of union intersection and subtraction nodes XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateCommonBoolN(TGeoCompositeShape *geoShape) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN, ndR, ndL, childN; TString nodeName = GenName(geoShape->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); TString lboolType; TGeoBoolNode::EGeoBoolType boolType = geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetBooleanOperator(); switch (boolType) { case TGeoBoolNode::kGeoUnion: lboolType = "union"; break; case TGeoBoolNode::kGeoSubtraction: lboolType = "subtraction"; break; case TGeoBoolNode::kGeoIntersection: lboolType = "intersection"; break; } TGDMLWrite::Xyz lrot = GetXYZangles(geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetLeftMatrix()->Inverse().GetRotationMatrix()); const Double_t *ltr = geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetLeftMatrix()->GetTranslation(); TGDMLWrite::Xyz rrot = GetXYZangles(geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetRightMatrix()->Inverse().GetRotationMatrix()); const Double_t *rtr = geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetRightMatrix()->GetTranslation(); //specific case! //Ellipsoid tag preparing //if left == TGeoScaledShape AND right == TGeoBBox // AND if TGeoScaledShape->GetShape == TGeoSphere TGeoShape *leftS = geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetLeftShape(); TGeoShape *rightS = geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetRightShape(); if (strcmp(leftS->ClassName(), "TGeoScaledShape") == 0 && strcmp(rightS->ClassName(), "TGeoBBox") == 0) { if (strcmp(((TGeoScaledShape *)leftS)->GetShape()->ClassName(), "TGeoSphere") == 0) { if (lboolType == "intersection") { mainN = CreateEllipsoidN(geoShape, nodeName); return mainN; } } } Xyz translL, translR; //translation translL.x = ltr[0]; translL.y = ltr[1]; translL.z = ltr[2]; translR.x = rtr[0]; translR.y = rtr[1]; translR.z = rtr[2]; //left and right nodes are created here also their names are created ndL = ChooseObject(geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetLeftShape()); ndR = ChooseObject(geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetRightShape()); //retrieve left and right node names by their pointer to make reference TString lname = fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetLeftShape())]; TString rname = fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", geoShape->GetBoolNode()->GetRightShape())]; //left and right nodes appended to main structure of nodes (if they are not already there) if (ndL != nullptr) { fGdmlE->AddChild(fSolidsNode, ndL); fSolCnt++; } else { if (lname.Contains("missing_") || lname == "") { Info("CreateCommonBoolN", "ERROR! Left node is NULL - Boolean Shape will be skipped"); return nullptr; } } if (ndR != nullptr) { fGdmlE->AddChild(fSolidsNode, ndR); fSolCnt++; } else { if (rname.Contains("missing_") || rname == "") { Info("CreateCommonBoolN", "ERROR! Right node is NULL - Boolean Shape will be skipped"); return nullptr; } } //create union node and its child nodes (or intersection or subtraction) /* * * * * * * * */ mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, lboolType.Data(), nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", nodeName); // (left) childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "first", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", lname); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); // (right) childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "second", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", rname); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); // (left) if ((translL.x != 0.0) || (translL.y != 0.0) || (translL.z != 0.0)) { childN = CreatePositionN((nodeName + lname + "pos").Data(), translL, "firstposition"); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); } // (left) if ((lrot.x != 0.0) || (lrot.y != 0.0) || (lrot.z != 0.0)) { childN = CreateRotationN((nodeName + lname + "rot").Data(), lrot, "firstrotation"); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); } // (right) if ((translR.x != 0.0) || (translR.y != 0.0) || (translR.z != 0.0)) { childN = CreatePositionN((nodeName + rname + "pos").Data(), translR, "position"); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); } // (right) if ((rrot.x != 0.0) || (rrot.y != 0.0) || (rrot.z != 0.0)) { childN = CreateRotationN((nodeName + rname + "rot").Data(), rrot, "rotation"); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); } return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "opticalsurface" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateOpticalSurfaceN(TGeoOpticalSurface * geoSurf) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "opticalsurface", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", geoSurf->GetName()); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "model", TGeoOpticalSurface::ModelToString(geoSurf->GetModel())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "finish", TGeoOpticalSurface::FinishToString(geoSurf->GetFinish())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "type", TGeoOpticalSurface::TypeToString(geoSurf->GetType())); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "value", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), geoSurf->GetValue())); // Write properties TList const &properties = geoSurf->GetProperties(); if (properties.GetSize()) { TIter next(&properties); TNamed *property; while ((property = (TNamed*)next())) fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, CreatePropertyN(*property)); } return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "skinsurface" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateSkinSurfaceN(TGeoSkinSurface * geoSurf) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "skinsurface", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", geoSurf->GetName()); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "surfaceproperty", geoSurf->GetTitle()); // Cretate the logical volume reference node auto childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "volumeref", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", geoSurf->GetVolume()->GetName()); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "bordersurface" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateBorderSurfaceN(TGeoBorderSurface * geoSurf) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "bordersurface", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", geoSurf->GetName()); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "surfaceproperty", geoSurf->GetTitle()); // Cretate the logical volume reference node auto childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "physvolref", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", geoSurf->GetNode1()->GetName()); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", geoSurf->GetNode2()->GetName()); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "position" kind of node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreatePositionN(const char * name, Xyz position, const char * type, const char * unit) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, type, nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", name); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), position.x)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), position.y)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), position.z)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "unit", unit); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "rotation" kind of node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateRotationN(const char * name, Xyz rotation, const char * type, const char * unit) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, type, nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", name); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), rotation.x)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), rotation.y)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), rotation.z)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "unit", unit); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "matrix" kind of node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateMatrixN(TGDMLMatrix const *matrix) { std::stringstream vals; size_t cols = matrix->GetCols(); size_t rows = matrix->GetRows(); XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "matrix", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", matrix->GetName()); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "coldim", TString::Format("%zu", cols)); for(size_t i=0; iGet(i,j); if ( j < cols-1 ) vals << ' '; } if ( i < rows-1 ) vals << '\n'; } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "values", vals.str().c_str()); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "constant" kind of node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateConstantN(const char *name, Double_t value) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "constant", nullptr); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", name); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "value", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), value)); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "setup" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateSetupN(const char * topVolName, const char * name, const char * version) { XMLNodePointer_t setupN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "setup", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(setupN, nullptr, "name", name); fGdmlE->NewAttr(setupN, nullptr, "version", version); XMLNodePointer_t fworldN = fGdmlE->NewChild(setupN, nullptr, "world", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(fworldN, nullptr, "ref", topVolName); return setupN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "volume" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::StartVolumeN(const char * name, const char * solid, const char * material) { XMLNodePointer_t childN; XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "volume", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", name); childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "materialref", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", material); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "solidref", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", solid); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "assembly" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::StartAssemblyN(const char * name) { XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "assembly", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", name); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "physvol" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreatePhysVolN(const char *name, Int_t copyno, const char * volref, const char * posref, const char * rotref, XMLNodePointer_t scaleN) { fPhysVolCnt++; XMLNodePointer_t childN; XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "physvol", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "name", name); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "copynumber", TString::Format("%d",copyno)); childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "volumeref", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", volref); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "positionref", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", posref); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); //if is not empty string add this node if (strcmp(rotref, "") != 0) { childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "rotationref", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", rotref); fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); } if (scaleN != nullptr) { fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, scaleN); } return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates "divisionvol" node for GDML XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::CreateDivisionN(Double_t offset, Double_t width, Int_t number, const char * axis, const char * unit, const char * volref) { XMLNodePointer_t childN = 0; XMLNodePointer_t mainN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "divisionvol", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "axis", axis); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "number", TString::Format("%i", number)); const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); if (fgG4Compatibility == kTRUE) { //if eg. full length is 20 and width * number = 20,0001 problem in geant4 //unit is either in cm or degrees nothing else width = (floor(width * 1E4)) * 1E-4; if ((offset >= 0.) && (strcmp(axis, "kPhi") == 0)) { Int_t offsetI = (Int_t) offset; Double_t decimals = offset - offsetI; //put to range from 0 to 360 add decimals and then put to range 0 -> -360 offset = (offsetI % 360) + decimals - 360; } } fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "width", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), width)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "offset", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), offset)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(mainN, nullptr, "unit", unit); if (strcmp(volref, "") != 0) { childN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "volumeref", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(childN, nullptr, "ref", volref); } fGdmlE->AddChild(mainN, childN); return mainN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Chooses the object and method that should be used for processing object XMLNodePointer_t TGDMLWrite::ChooseObject(TGeoShape *geoShape) { const char * clsname = geoShape->ClassName(); XMLNodePointer_t solidN; if (CanProcess((TObject *)geoShape) == kFALSE) { return nullptr; } //process different shapes if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoBBox") == 0) { solidN = CreateBoxN((TGeoBBox*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoParaboloid") == 0) { solidN = CreateParaboloidN((TGeoParaboloid*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoSphere") == 0) { solidN = CreateSphereN((TGeoSphere*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoArb8") == 0) { solidN = CreateArb8N((TGeoArb8*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoConeSeg") == 0) { solidN = CreateConeN((TGeoConeSeg*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoCone") == 0) { solidN = CreateConeN((TGeoCone*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoPara") == 0) { solidN = CreateParaN((TGeoPara*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoTrap") == 0) { solidN = CreateTrapN((TGeoTrap*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoGtra") == 0) { solidN = CreateTwistedTrapN((TGeoGtra*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoTrd1") == 0) { solidN = CreateTrdN((TGeoTrd1*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoTrd2") == 0) { solidN = CreateTrdN((TGeoTrd2*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoTubeSeg") == 0) { solidN = CreateTubeN((TGeoTubeSeg*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoCtub") == 0) { solidN = CreateCutTubeN((TGeoCtub*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoTube") == 0) { solidN = CreateTubeN((TGeoTube*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoPcon") == 0) { solidN = CreatePolyconeN((TGeoPcon*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoTorus") == 0) { solidN = CreateTorusN((TGeoTorus*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoPgon") == 0) { solidN = CreatePolyhedraN((TGeoPgon*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoEltu") == 0) { solidN = CreateEltubeN((TGeoEltu*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoHype") == 0) { solidN = CreateHypeN((TGeoHype*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoXtru") == 0) { solidN = CreateXtrusionN((TGeoXtru*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoTessellated") == 0) { solidN = CreateTessellatedN((TGeoTessellated*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoScaledShape") == 0) { TGeoScaledShape * geoscale = (TGeoScaledShape *) geoShape; TString scaleObjClsName = geoscale->GetShape()->ClassName(); if (scaleObjClsName == "TGeoCone") { solidN = CreateElConeN((TGeoScaledShape*) geoShape); } else { Info("ChooseObject", "ERROR! TGeoScaledShape object is not possible to process correctly. %s object is processed without scale", scaleObjClsName.Data()); solidN = ChooseObject(geoscale->GetShape()); //Name has to be propagated to geoscale level pointer fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", geoscale)] = fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", geoscale->GetShape())]; } } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoCompositeShape") == 0) { solidN = CreateCommonBoolN((TGeoCompositeShape*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoUnion") == 0) { solidN = CreateCommonBoolN((TGeoCompositeShape*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoIntersection") == 0) { solidN = CreateCommonBoolN((TGeoCompositeShape*) geoShape); } else if (strcmp(clsname, "TGeoSubtraction") == 0) { solidN = CreateCommonBoolN((TGeoCompositeShape*) geoShape); } else { Info("ChooseObject", "ERROR! %s Solid CANNOT be processed, solid is NOT supported", clsname); solidN = nullptr; } if (solidN == nullptr) { if (fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", geoShape)] == "") { TString missingName = geoShape->GetName(); GenName("missing_" + missingName, TString::Format("%p", geoShape)); } else { fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", geoShape)] = "missing_" + fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", geoShape)]; } } return solidN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Retrieves X Y Z angles from rotation matrix TGDMLWrite::Xyz TGDMLWrite::GetXYZangles(const Double_t * rotationMatrix) { TGDMLWrite::Xyz lxyz; Double_t a, b, c; Double_t rad = 180.0 / TMath::ACos(-1.0); const Double_t *r = rotationMatrix; Double_t cosb = TMath::Sqrt(r[0] * r[0] + r[1] * r[1]); if (cosb > 0.00001) { a = TMath::ATan2(r[5], r[8]) * rad; b = TMath::ATan2(-r[2], cosb) * rad; c = TMath::ATan2(r[1], r[0]) * rad; } else { a = TMath::ATan2(-r[7], r[4]) * rad; b = TMath::ATan2(-r[2], cosb) * rad; c = 0; } lxyz.x = a; lxyz.y = b; lxyz.z = c; return lxyz; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method creating cutTube as an intersection of tube and two boxes /// - not used anymore because cutube is supported in Geant4 9.5 TGeoCompositeShape* TGDMLWrite::CreateFakeCtub(TGeoCtub* geoShape) { Double_t rmin = geoShape->GetRmin(); Double_t rmax = geoShape->GetRmax(); Double_t z = geoShape->GetDz(); Double_t startphi = geoShape->GetPhi1(); Double_t deltaphi = geoShape->GetPhi2(); Double_t x1 = geoShape->GetNlow()[0]; Double_t y1 = geoShape->GetNlow()[1]; Double_t z1 = geoShape->GetNlow()[2]; Double_t x2 = geoShape->GetNhigh()[0]; Double_t y2 = geoShape->GetNhigh()[1]; Double_t z2 = geoShape->GetNhigh()[2]; TString xname = geoShape->GetName(); Double_t h0 = 2.*((TGeoBBox*)geoShape)->GetDZ(); Double_t h1 = 2 * z; Double_t h2 = 2 * z; Double_t boxdx = 1E8 * (2 * rmax) + (2 * z); TGeoTubeSeg *T = new TGeoTubeSeg((xname + "T").Data(), rmin, rmax, h0, startphi, deltaphi); TGeoBBox *B1 = new TGeoBBox((xname + "B1").Data(), boxdx, boxdx, h1); TGeoBBox *B2 = new TGeoBBox((xname + "B2").Data(), boxdx, boxdx, h2); //first box position parameters Double_t phi1 = 360 - TMath::ATan2(x1, y1) * TMath::RadToDeg(); Double_t theta1 = 360 - TMath::ATan2(sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1), z1) * TMath::RadToDeg(); Double_t phi11 = TMath::ATan2(y1, x1) * TMath::RadToDeg() ; Double_t theta11 = TMath::ATan2(z1, sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1)) * TMath::RadToDeg() ; Double_t xpos1 = h1 * TMath::Cos((theta11) * TMath::DegToRad()) * TMath::Cos((phi11) * TMath::DegToRad()) * (-1); Double_t ypos1 = h1 * TMath::Cos((theta11) * TMath::DegToRad()) * TMath::Sin((phi11) * TMath::DegToRad()) * (-1); Double_t zpos1 = h1 * TMath::Sin((theta11) * TMath::DegToRad()) * (-1); //second box position parameters Double_t phi2 = 360 - TMath::ATan2(x2, y2) * TMath::RadToDeg(); Double_t theta2 = 360 - TMath::ATan2(sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2), z2) * TMath::RadToDeg(); Double_t phi21 = TMath::ATan2(y2, x2) * TMath::RadToDeg() ; Double_t theta21 = TMath::ATan2(z2, sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2)) * TMath::RadToDeg() ; Double_t xpos2 = h2 * TMath::Cos((theta21) * TMath::DegToRad()) * TMath::Cos((phi21) * TMath::DegToRad()) * (-1); Double_t ypos2 = h2 * TMath::Cos((theta21) * TMath::DegToRad()) * TMath::Sin((phi21) * TMath::DegToRad()) * (-1); Double_t zpos2 = h2 * TMath::Sin((theta21) * TMath::DegToRad()) * (-1); //positioning TGeoTranslation *t0 = new TGeoTranslation(0, 0, 0); TGeoTranslation *t1 = new TGeoTranslation(0 + xpos1, 0 + ypos1, 0 + (zpos1 - z)); TGeoTranslation *t2 = new TGeoTranslation(0 + xpos2, 0 + ypos2, 0 + (zpos2 + z)); TGeoRotation *r0 = new TGeoRotation((xname + "r0").Data()); TGeoRotation *r1 = new TGeoRotation((xname + "r1").Data()); TGeoRotation *r2 = new TGeoRotation((xname + "r2").Data()); r1->SetAngles(phi1, theta1, 0); r2->SetAngles(phi2, theta2, 0); TGeoMatrix* m0 = new TGeoCombiTrans(*t0, *r0); TGeoMatrix* m1 = new TGeoCombiTrans(*t1, *r1); TGeoMatrix* m2 = new TGeoCombiTrans(*t2, *r2); TGeoCompositeShape *CS1 = new TGeoCompositeShape((xname + "CS1").Data(), new TGeoIntersection(T, B1, m0, m1)); TGeoCompositeShape *cs = new TGeoCompositeShape((xname + "CS").Data(), new TGeoIntersection(CS1, B2, m0, m2)); delete t0; delete t1; delete t2; delete r0; delete r1; delete r2; return cs; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Checks whether name2check is in (NameList) list Bool_t TGDMLWrite::IsInList(NameList list, TString name2check) { Bool_t isIN = list[name2check]; return isIN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///NCNAME basic restrictions ///Replace "$" character with empty character etc. TString TGDMLWrite::GenName(TString oldname) { TString newname = oldname.ReplaceAll("$", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll(" ", "_"); // :, @, $, %, &, /, +, ,, ;, whitespace characters or different parenthesis newname = newname.ReplaceAll(":", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("@", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("%", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("&", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("/", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("+", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll(";", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("{", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("}", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("(", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll(")", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("[", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("]", ""); newname = newname.ReplaceAll("_refl", ""); //workaround if first letter is digit than replace it to "O" (ou character) TString fstLet = newname(0, 1); if (fstLet.IsDigit()) { newname = "O" + newname(1, newname.Length()); } return newname; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Important function which is responsible for naming volumes, solids and materials TString TGDMLWrite::GenName(TString oldname, TString objPointer) { TString newname = GenName(oldname); if (newname != oldname) { if (fgkMaxNameErr > fActNameErr) { Info("GenName", "WARNING! Name of the object was changed because it failed to comply with NCNAME xml datatype restrictions."); } else if ((fgkMaxNameErr == fActNameErr)) { Info("GenName", "WARNING! Probably more names are going to be changed to comply with NCNAME xml datatype restriction, but it will not be displayed on the screen."); } fActNameErr++; } TString nameIter; Int_t iter = 0; switch (fgNamingSpeed) { case kfastButUglySufix: newname = newname + "0x" + objPointer; break; case kelegantButSlow: //0 means not in the list iter = fNameList->fLstIter[newname]; if (iter == 0) { nameIter = ""; } else { nameIter = TString::Format("0x%i", iter); } fNameList->fLstIter[newname]++; newname = newname + nameIter; break; case kwithoutSufixNotUniq: //no change break; } //store the name (mapped to pointer) fNameList->fLst[objPointer] = newname; return newname; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method which tests whether solids can be processed Bool_t TGDMLWrite::CanProcess(TObject *pointer) { Bool_t isProcessed = kFALSE; isProcessed = pointer->TestBit(fgkProcBit); pointer->SetBit(fgkProcBit, kTRUE); return !(isProcessed); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method that retrieves axis and unit along which object is divided TString TGDMLWrite::GetPattAxis(Int_t divAxis, const char * pattName, TString& unit) { TString resaxis; unit = "cm"; switch (divAxis) { case 1: if (strcmp(pattName, "TGeoPatternX") == 0) { return "kXAxis"; } else if (strcmp(pattName, "TGeoPatternCylR") == 0) { return "kRho"; } break; case 2: if (strcmp(pattName, "TGeoPatternY") == 0) { return "kYAxis"; } else if (strcmp(pattName, "TGeoPatternCylPhi") == 0) { unit = "deg"; return "kPhi"; } break; case 3: if (strcmp(pattName, "TGeoPatternZ") == 0) { return "kZAxis"; } break; default: return "kUndefined"; break; } return "kUndefined"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check for null parameter to skip the NULL objects Bool_t TGDMLWrite::IsNullParam(Double_t parValue, TString parName, TString objName) { if (parValue == 0.) { Info("IsNullParam", "ERROR! %s is NULL due to %s = %.12g, Volume based on this shape will be skipped", objName.Data(), parName.Data(), parValue); return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Unsetting bits that were changed in gGeoManager during export so that export /// can be run more times with the same instance of gGeoManager. void TGDMLWrite::UnsetTemporaryBits(TGeoManager * geoMng) { TIter next(geoMng->GetListOfVolumes()); TGeoVolume *vol; while ((vol = (TGeoVolume *)next())) { ((TObject *)vol->GetShape())->SetBit(fgkProcBit, kFALSE); vol->SetAttBit(fgkProcBitVol, kFALSE); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Backwards compatibility for old DD4hep version (to be removed in the future) // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Backwards compatibility (to be removed in the future): Wrapper to only selectively write one branch void TGDMLWrite::WriteGDMLfile(TGeoManager * geomanager, TGeoVolume* volume, const char* filename, TString option) { TList materials, volumes, nodes; MaterialExtractor extract; if ( !volume ) { Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Invalid Volume reference to extract GDML information!"); return; } extract(volume); for(TGeoMaterial* m : extract.materials) materials.Add(m); fTopVolumeName = volume->GetName(); fSurfaceList.clear(); fVolumeList.clear(); fNodeList.clear(); WriteGDMLfile(geomanager, volume, &materials, filename, option); materials.Clear("nodelete"); volumes.Clear("nodelete"); nodes.Clear("nodelete"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Wrapper of all exporting methods /// Creates blank GDML file and fills it with gGeoManager structure converted /// to GDML structure of xml nodes void TGDMLWrite::WriteGDMLfile(TGeoManager * geomanager, TGeoVolume* volume, TList* materialsLst, const char* filename, TString option) { //option processing option.ToLower(); if (option.Contains("g")) { SetG4Compatibility(kTRUE); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Geant4 compatibility mode set"); } else { SetG4Compatibility(kFALSE); } if (option.Contains("f")) { SetNamingSpeed(kfastButUglySufix); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Fast naming convention with pointer suffix set"); } else if (option.Contains("n")) { SetNamingSpeed(kwithoutSufixNotUniq); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Naming without prefix set - be careful uniqness of name is not ensured"); } else { SetNamingSpeed(kelegantButSlow); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Potentially slow with incremental suffix naming convention set"); } //local variables Int_t outputLayout = 1; const char * krootNodeName = "gdml"; const char * knsRefGeneral = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; const char * knsNameGeneral = "xsi"; const char * knsRefGdml = "http://service-spi.web.cern.ch/service-spi/app/releases/GDML/schema/gdml.xsd"; const char * knsNameGdml = "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation"; // First create engine fGdmlE = new TXMLEngine; fGdmlE->SetSkipComments(kTRUE); //create blank GDML file fGdmlFile = fGdmlE->NewDoc(); //create root node and add it to blank GDML file XMLNodePointer_t rootNode = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, krootNodeName, nullptr); fGdmlE->DocSetRootElement(fGdmlFile, rootNode); //add namespaces to root node fGdmlE->NewNS(rootNode, knsRefGeneral, knsNameGeneral); fGdmlE->NewAttr(rootNode, nullptr, knsNameGdml, knsRefGdml); //initialize general lists and , , nodes fIsotopeList = new StructLst; fElementList = new StructLst; fNameList = new NameLst; fDefineNode = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "define", nullptr); fSolidsNode = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "solids", nullptr); fStructureNode = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "structure", nullptr); //======================== //initialize list of accepted patterns for divisions (in ExtractVolumes) fAccPatt = new StructLst; fAccPatt->fLst["TGeoPatternX"] = kTRUE; fAccPatt->fLst["TGeoPatternY"] = kTRUE; fAccPatt->fLst["TGeoPatternZ"] = kTRUE; fAccPatt->fLst["TGeoPatternCylR"] = kTRUE; fAccPatt->fLst["TGeoPatternCylPhi"] = kTRUE; //======================== //initialize list of rejected shapes for divisions (in ExtractVolumes) fRejShape = new StructLst; //this shapes are rejected because, it is not possible to divide trd2 //in Y axis and while only trd2 object is imported from GDML //it causes a problem when TGeoTrd1 is divided in Y axis fRejShape->fLst["TGeoTrd1"] = kTRUE; fRejShape->fLst["TGeoTrd2"] = kTRUE; //========================= //Initialize global counters fActNameErr = 0; fVolCnt = 0; fPhysVolCnt = 0; fSolCnt = 0; //calling main extraction functions (with measuring time) time_t startT, endT; startT = time(nullptr); ExtractMatrices(geomanager->GetListOfGDMLMatrices()); ExtractConstants(geomanager); fMaterialsNode = ExtractMaterials(materialsLst); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Extracting volumes"); ExtractVolumes(volume); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "%i solids added", fSolCnt); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "%i volumes added", fVolCnt); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "%i physvolumes added", fPhysVolCnt); ExtractSkinSurfaces(geomanager->GetListOfSkinSurfaces()); ExtractBorderSurfaces(geomanager->GetListOfBorderSurfaces()); ExtractOpticalSurfaces(geomanager->GetListOfOpticalSurfaces()); endT = time(nullptr); // fGdmlE->AddChild(rootNode, fDefineNode); // ... fGdmlE->AddChild(rootNode, fMaterialsNode); // ... fGdmlE->AddChild(rootNode, fSolidsNode); // ... fGdmlE->AddChild(rootNode, fStructureNode); // ... fGdmlE->AddChild(rootNode, CreateSetupN(fTopVolumeName.Data())); // ... // Double_t tdiffI = difftime(endT, startT); TString tdiffS = (tdiffI == 0 ? TString("< 1 s") : TString::Format("%.0lf s", tdiffI)); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "Exporting time: %s", tdiffS.Data()); //========================= //Saving document fGdmlE->SaveDoc(fGdmlFile, filename, outputLayout); Info("WriteGDMLfile", "File %s saved", filename); //cleaning fGdmlE->FreeDoc(fGdmlFile); //unset processing bits: UnsetTemporaryBits(geomanager); delete fGdmlE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method extracting geometry structure recursively void TGDMLWrite::ExtractVolumes(TGeoVolume* volume) { XMLNodePointer_t volumeN, childN; TString volname, matname, solname, pattClsName, nodeVolNameBak; TGeoPatternFinder *pattFinder = nullptr; Bool_t isPattern = kFALSE; const TString fltPrecision = TString::Format("%%.%dg", fFltPrecision); //create the name for volume/assembly if (volume->IsTopVolume()) { //not needed a special function for generating name volname = volume->GetName(); fTopVolumeName = volname; //register name to the pointer fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", volume)] = volname; } else { volname = GenName(volume->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", volume)); } //start to create main volume/assembly node if (volume->IsAssembly()) { volumeN = StartAssemblyN(volname); } else { //get reference material and add solid to + get name matname = fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", volume->GetMaterial())]; solname = ExtractSolid(volume->GetShape()); //If solid is not supported or corrupted if (solname == "-1") { Info("ExtractVolumes", "ERROR! %s volume was not added, because solid is either not supported or corrupted", volname.Data()); //set volume as missing volume fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", volume)] = "missing_" + volname; return; } volumeN = StartVolumeN(volname, solname, matname); //divisionvol can't be in assembly pattFinder = volume->GetFinder(); //if found pattern if (pattFinder) { pattClsName = TString::Format("%s", pattFinder->ClassName()); TString shapeCls = TString::Format("%s", volume->GetShape()->ClassName()); //if pattern in accepted pattern list and not in shape rejected list if ((fAccPatt->fLst[pattClsName] == kTRUE) && (fRejShape->fLst[shapeCls] != kTRUE)) { isPattern = kTRUE; } } } //get all nodes in volume TObjArray *nodeLst = volume->GetNodes(); TIter next(nodeLst); TGeoNode *geoNode; Int_t nCnt = 0; //loop through all nodes while ((geoNode = (TGeoNode *) next())) { //get volume of current node and if not processed then process it TGeoVolume * subvol = geoNode->GetVolume(); if (subvol->TestAttBit(fgkProcBitVol) == kFALSE) { subvol->SetAttBit(fgkProcBitVol); ExtractVolumes(subvol); } //volume of this node has to exist because it was processed recursively TString nodevolname = fNameList->fLst[TString::Format("%p", geoNode->GetVolume())]; if (nodevolname.Contains("missing_")) { continue; } if (nCnt == 0) { //save name of the first node for divisionvol nodeVolNameBak = nodevolname; } if (isPattern == kFALSE) { //create name for node TString nodename, posname, rotname; nodename = GenName(geoNode->GetName(), TString::Format("%p", geoNode)); nodename = nodename + "in" + volname; //create name for position and clear rotation posname = nodename + "pos"; rotname = ""; //position const Double_t * pos = geoNode->GetMatrix()->GetTranslation(); Xyz nodPos; nodPos.x = pos[0]; nodPos.y = pos[1]; nodPos.z = pos[2]; childN = CreatePositionN(posname.Data(), nodPos); fGdmlE->AddChild(fDefineNode, childN); //adding node to node //Deal with reflection XMLNodePointer_t scaleN = nullptr; Double_t lx, ly, lz; Double_t xangle = 0; Double_t zangle = 0; lx = geoNode->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix()[0]; ly = geoNode->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix()[4]; lz = geoNode->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix()[8]; if (geoNode->GetMatrix()->IsReflection() && TMath::Abs(lx) == 1 && TMath::Abs(ly) == 1 && TMath::Abs(lz) == 1) { scaleN = fGdmlE->NewChild(nullptr, nullptr, "scale", nullptr); fGdmlE->NewAttr(scaleN, nullptr, "name", (nodename + "scl").Data()); fGdmlE->NewAttr(scaleN, nullptr, "x", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), lx)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(scaleN, nullptr, "y", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), ly)); fGdmlE->NewAttr(scaleN, nullptr, "z", TString::Format(fltPrecision.Data(), lz)); //experimentally found out, that rotation should be updated like this if (lx == -1) { zangle = 180; } if (lz == -1) { xangle = 180; } } //rotation TGDMLWrite::Xyz lxyz = GetXYZangles(geoNode->GetMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix()); lxyz.x -= xangle; lxyz.z -= zangle; if ((lxyz.x != 0.0) || (lxyz.y != 0.0) || (lxyz.z != 0.0)) { rotname = nodename + "rot"; childN = CreateRotationN(rotname.Data(), lxyz); fGdmlE->AddChild(fDefineNode, childN); //adding node to node } //create physvol for main volume/assembly node childN = CreatePhysVolN(geoNode->GetName(), geoNode->GetNumber(), nodevolname.Data(), posname.Data(), rotname.Data(), scaleN); fGdmlE->AddChild(volumeN, childN); } nCnt++; } //create only one divisionvol node if (isPattern && pattFinder) { //retrieve attributes of division Int_t ndiv, divaxis; Double_t offset, width, xlo, xhi; TString axis, unit; ndiv = pattFinder->GetNdiv(); width = pattFinder->GetStep(); divaxis = pattFinder->GetDivAxis(); volume->GetShape()->GetAxisRange(divaxis, xlo, xhi); //compute relative start (not positional) offset = pattFinder->GetStart() - xlo; axis = GetPattAxis(divaxis, pattClsName, unit); //create division node childN = CreateDivisionN(offset, width, ndiv, axis.Data(), unit.Data(), nodeVolNameBak.Data()); fGdmlE->AddChild(volumeN, childN); } fVolCnt++; //add volume/assembly node into the node fGdmlE->AddChild(fStructureNode, volumeN); }