// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TEveTrack.h" #include "TEveTrackPropagator.h" #include "TEvePointSet.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "TPolyLine3D.h" #include "TMarker.h" #include "TPolyMarker3D.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TParticlePDG.h" // Updates #include "TEveManager.h" #include "TEveBrowser.h" #include "TEveTrackProjected.h" #include "TEveVSD.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include #include #include /** \class TEveTrack \ingroup TEve Visual representation of a track. If member fDpDs is set, the momentum is reduced on all path-marks that do not fix the momentum according to the distance travelled from the previous pathmark. */ ClassImp(TEveTrack); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Default constructor. TEveTrack::TEveTrack() : TEveLine(), fV(), fP(), fPEnd(), fBeta(0), fDpDs(0), fPdg(0), fCharge(0), fLabel(kMinInt), fIndex(kMinInt), fStatus(0), fLockPoints(kFALSE), fPathMarks(), fLastPMIdx(0), fPropagator(0) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor from TParticle. TEveTrack::TEveTrack(TParticle* t, Int_t label, TEveTrackPropagator* prop): TEveLine(), fV(t->Vx(), t->Vy(), t->Vz()), fP(t->Px(), t->Py(), t->Pz()), fPEnd(), fBeta(t->P()/t->Energy()), fDpDs(0), fPdg(0), fCharge(0), fLabel(label), fIndex(kMinInt), fStatus(t->GetStatusCode()), fLockPoints(kFALSE), fPathMarks(), fLastPMIdx(0), fPropagator(0) { SetPropagator(prop); fMainColorPtr = &fLineColor; TParticlePDG* pdgp = t->GetPDG(); if (pdgp) { fPdg = pdgp->PdgCode(); fCharge = (Int_t) TMath::Nint(pdgp->Charge()/3); } SetName(t->GetName()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEveTrack::TEveTrack(TEveMCTrack* t, TEveTrackPropagator* prop): TEveLine(), fV(t->Vx(), t->Vy(), t->Vz()), fP(t->Px(), t->Py(), t->Pz()), fPEnd(), fBeta(t->P()/t->Energy()), fDpDs(0), fPdg(0), fCharge(0), fLabel(t->fLabel), fIndex(t->fIndex), fStatus(t->GetStatusCode()), fLockPoints(kFALSE), fPathMarks(), fLastPMIdx(0), fPropagator(0) { // Constructor from TEveUtil Monte Carlo track. SetPropagator(prop); fMainColorPtr = &fLineColor; TParticlePDG* pdgp = t->GetPDG(); if (pdgp) { fCharge = (Int_t) TMath::Nint(pdgp->Charge()/3); } SetName(t->GetName()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor from TEveRecTrack reconstructed track. TEveTrack::TEveTrack(TEveRecTrackD* t, TEveTrackPropagator* prop) : TEveLine(), fV(t->fV), fP(t->fP), fPEnd(), fBeta(t->fBeta), fDpDs(0), fPdg(0), fCharge(t->fSign), fLabel(t->fLabel), fIndex(t->fIndex), fStatus(t->fStatus), fLockPoints(kFALSE), fPathMarks(), fLastPMIdx(0), fPropagator(0) { SetPropagator(prop); fMainColorPtr = &fLineColor; SetName(t->GetName()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor from TEveRecTrack reconstructed track. /// It is recommended to use constructor with TEveRecTrack since /// TEveTrackPropagator operates with double type. TEveTrack::TEveTrack(TEveRecTrack* t, TEveTrackPropagator* prop) : TEveLine(), fV(t->fV), fP(t->fP), fPEnd(), fBeta(t->fBeta), fDpDs(0), fPdg(0), fCharge(t->fSign), fLabel(t->fLabel), fIndex(t->fIndex), fStatus(t->fStatus), fLockPoints(kFALSE), fPathMarks(), fLastPMIdx(0), fPropagator(0) { SetPropagator(prop); fMainColorPtr = &fLineColor; SetName(t->GetName()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy constructor. Track parameters are copied but the /// extrapolation is not performed so you should still call /// MakeTrack() to do that. /// If points of 't' are locked, they are cloned. TEveTrack::TEveTrack(const TEveTrack& t) : TEveLine(), fV(t.fV), fP(t.fP), fPEnd(), fBeta(t.fBeta), fDpDs(t.fDpDs), fPdg(t.fPdg), fCharge(t.fCharge), fLabel(t.fLabel), fIndex(t.fIndex), fStatus(t.fStatus), fLockPoints(t.fLockPoints), fPathMarks(), fLastPMIdx(t.fLastPMIdx), fPropagator(0) { if (fLockPoints) ClonePoints(t); SetPathMarks(t); SetPropagator (t.fPropagator); CopyVizParams(&t); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveTrack::~TEveTrack() { SetPropagator(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns list-tree icon for TEveTrack. const TGPicture* TEveTrack::GetListTreeIcon(Bool_t) { return fgListTreeIcons[4]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Compute the bounding box of the track. void TEveTrack::ComputeBBox() { if (Size() > 0 || ! fPathMarks.empty()) { BBoxInit(); Int_t n = Size(); Float_t* p = TPolyMarker3D::fP; for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i, p += 3) { BBoxCheckPoint(p); } for (vPathMark_ci i = fPathMarks.begin(); i != fPathMarks.end(); ++i) { BBoxCheckPoint(i->fV.fX, i->fV.fY,i->fV.fZ); } } else { BBoxZero(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set standard track title based on most data-member values. void TEveTrack::SetStdTitle() { TString idx(fIndex == kMinInt ? "" : Form("%d", fIndex)); TString lbl(fLabel == kMinInt ? "" : Form("%d", fLabel)); SetTitle(Form("Index=%s, Label=%s\nChg=%d, Pdg=%d\n" "pT=%.3f, pZ=%.3f\nV=(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)", idx.Data(), lbl.Data(), fCharge, fPdg, fP.Perp(), fP.fZ, fV.fX, fV.fY, fV.fZ)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy track parameters from t. Track-propagator is set, too. /// PathMarks are cleared - you can copy them via SetPathMarks(t). /// If track 't' is locked, you should probably clone its points /// over - use TEvePointSet::ClonePoints(t); void TEveTrack::SetTrackParams(const TEveTrack& t) { fV = t.fV; fP = t.fP; fBeta = t.fBeta; fPdg = t.fPdg; fCharge = t.fCharge; fLabel = t.fLabel; fIndex = t.fIndex; fPathMarks.clear(); SetPropagator(t.fPropagator); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy path-marks from t. void TEveTrack::SetPathMarks(const TEveTrack& t) { std::copy(t.RefPathMarks().begin(), t.RefPathMarks().end(), std::back_insert_iterator(fPathMarks)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set track's render style. /// Reference counts of old and new propagator are updated. void TEveTrack::SetPropagator(TEveTrackPropagator* prop) { if (fPropagator == prop) return; if (fPropagator) fPropagator->DecRefCount(this); fPropagator = prop; if (fPropagator) fPropagator->IncRefCount(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set line and marker attributes from TEveTrackList. void TEveTrack::SetAttLineAttMarker(TEveTrackList* tl) { SetRnrLine(tl->GetRnrLine()); SetLineColor(tl->GetLineColor()); SetLineStyle(tl->GetLineStyle()); SetLineWidth(tl->GetLineWidth()); SetRnrPoints(tl->GetRnrPoints()); SetMarkerColor(tl->GetMarkerColor()); SetMarkerStyle(tl->GetMarkerStyle()); SetMarkerSize(tl->GetMarkerSize()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Calculate track representation based on track data and current /// settings of the propagator. /// If recurse is true, descend into children. void TEveTrack::MakeTrack(Bool_t recurse) { if (!fLockPoints) { Reset(0); fLastPMIdx = 0; TEveTrackPropagator& rTP((fPropagator != 0) ? *fPropagator : TEveTrackPropagator::fgDefault); const Double_t maxRsq = rTP.GetMaxR() * rTP.GetMaxR(); const Double_t maxZ = rTP.GetMaxZ(); if ( ! TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(fV, maxRsq, maxZ)) { TEveVectorD currP = fP; Bool_t decay = kFALSE; rTP.InitTrack(fV, fCharge); for (vPathMark_i pm = fPathMarks.begin(); pm != fPathMarks.end(); ++pm, ++fLastPMIdx) { Int_t start_point = rTP.GetCurrentPoint(); if (rTP.GetFitReferences() && pm->fType == TEvePathMarkD::kReference) { if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(pm->fV, maxRsq, maxZ)) break; if (rTP.GoToVertex(pm->fV, currP)) { currP.fX = pm->fP.fX; currP.fY = pm->fP.fY; currP.fZ = pm->fP.fZ; } else { break; } } else if (rTP.GetFitDaughters() && pm->fType == TEvePathMarkD::kDaughter) { if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(pm->fV, maxRsq, maxZ)) break; if (rTP.GoToVertex(pm->fV, currP)) { currP.fX -= pm->fP.fX; currP.fY -= pm->fP.fY; currP.fZ -= pm->fP.fZ; if (fDpDs != 0) { Double_t dp = fDpDs * rTP.GetTrackLength(start_point); Double_t p = currP.Mag(); if (p > dp) currP *= 1.0 - dp / p; } } else { break; } } else if (rTP.GetFitDecay() && pm->fType == TEvePathMarkD::kDecay) { if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(pm->fV, maxRsq, maxZ)) break; rTP.GoToVertex(pm->fV, currP); decay = kTRUE; ++fLastPMIdx; break; } else if (rTP.GetFitCluster2Ds() && pm->fType == TEvePathMarkD::kCluster2D) { TEveVectorD itsect; if (rTP.IntersectPlane(currP, pm->fV, pm->fP, itsect)) { TEveVectorD delta = itsect - pm->fV; TEveVectorD vtopass = pm->fV + pm->fE*(pm->fE.Dot(delta)); if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(vtopass, maxRsq, maxZ)) break; if ( ! rTP.GoToVertex(vtopass, currP)) break; if (fDpDs != 0) { Double_t dp = fDpDs * rTP.GetTrackLength(start_point); Double_t p = currP.Mag(); if (p > dp) currP *= 1.0 - dp / p; } } else { Warning("TEveTrack::MakeTrack", "Failed to intersect plane for Cluster2D. Ignoring path-mark."); } } else if (rTP.GetFitLineSegments() && pm->fType == TEvePathMarkD::kLineSegment) { if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(pm->fV, maxRsq, maxZ)) break; if (rTP.GoToLineSegment(pm->fV, pm->fE, currP)) { if (fDpDs != 0) { Double_t dp = fDpDs * rTP.GetTrackLength(start_point); Double_t p = currP.Mag(); if (p > dp) currP *= 1.0 - dp / p; } } else { break; } } else { if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(pm->fV, maxRsq, maxZ)) break; } } // loop path-marks if (!decay) { // printf("%s loop to bounds \n",fName.Data() ); rTP.GoToBounds(currP); } fPEnd = currP; // make_polyline: rTP.FillPointSet(this); rTP.ResetTrack(); } } if (recurse) { for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { TEveTrack* t = dynamic_cast(*i); if (t) t->MakeTrack(recurse); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy visualization parameters from element el. void TEveTrack::CopyVizParams(const TEveElement* el) { // No local parameters. // const TEveTrack* t = dynamic_cast(el); // if (t) // {} TEveLine::CopyVizParams(el); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write visualization parameters. void TEveTrack::WriteVizParams(std::ostream& out, const TString& var) { TEveLine::WriteVizParams(out, var); // TString t = " " + var + "->"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Virtual from TEveProjectable, return TEveTrackProjected class. TClass* TEveTrack::ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection*) const { return TEveTrackProjected::Class(); } namespace { struct Cmp_pathmark_t { bool operator()(TEvePathMarkD const & a, TEvePathMarkD const & b) { return a.fTime < b.fTime; } }; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Sort registered pat-marks by time. void TEveTrack::SortPathMarksByTime() { std::sort(fPathMarks.begin(), fPathMarks.end(), Cmp_pathmark_t()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print registered path-marks. void TEveTrack::PrintPathMarks() { static const TEveException eh("TEveTrack::PrintPathMarks "); printf("TEveTrack '%s', number of path marks %d, label %d\n", GetName(), (Int_t)fPathMarks.size(), fLabel); for (vPathMark_i pm = fPathMarks.begin(); pm != fPathMarks.end(); ++pm) { printf(" %-9s p: %8f %8f %8f Vertex: %8e %8e %8e %g Extra:%8f %8f %8f\n", pm->TypeName(), pm->fP.fX, pm->fP.fY, pm->fP.fZ, pm->fV.fX, pm->fV.fY, pm->fV.fZ, pm->fE.fX, pm->fE.fY, pm->fE.fZ, pm->fTime); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Emits "SecSelected(TEveTrack*)" signal. /// Called from TEveTrackGL on secondary-selection. void TEveTrack::SecSelected(TEveTrack* track) { Emit("SecSelected(TEveTrack*)", (Long_t)track); } /** \class TEveTrackList \ingroup TEve A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters. */ ClassImp(TEveTrackList); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. If track-propagator argument is 0, a new default /// one is created. TEveTrackList::TEveTrackList(TEveTrackPropagator* prop) : TEveElementList(), TAttMarker(1, 20, 1), TAttLine(1,1,1), fPropagator(0), fRecurse(kTRUE), fRnrLine(kTRUE), fRnrPoints(kFALSE), fMinPt (0), fMaxPt (0), fLimPt (0), fMinP (0), fMaxP (0), fLimP (0) { fChildClass = TEveTrack::Class(); // override member from base TEveElementList fMainColorPtr = &fLineColor; if (prop == 0) prop = new TEveTrackPropagator; SetPropagator(prop); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. If track-propagator argument is 0, a new default /// one is created. TEveTrackList::TEveTrackList(const char* name, TEveTrackPropagator* prop) : TEveElementList(name), TAttMarker(1, 20, 1), TAttLine(1,1,1), fPropagator(0), fRecurse(kTRUE), fRnrLine(kTRUE), fRnrPoints(kFALSE), fMinPt (0), fMaxPt (0), fLimPt (0), fMinP (0), fMaxP (0), fLimP (0) { fChildClass = TEveTrack::Class(); // override member from base TEveElementList fMainColorPtr = &fLineColor; if (prop == 0) prop = new TEveTrackPropagator; SetPropagator(prop); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveTrackList::~TEveTrackList() { SetPropagator(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set default propagator for tracks. /// This is not enforced onto the tracks themselves but this is the /// propagator that is shown in the TEveTrackListEditor. void TEveTrackList::SetPropagator(TEveTrackPropagator* prop) { if (fPropagator == prop) return; if (fPropagator) fPropagator->DecRefCount(); fPropagator = prop; if (fPropagator) fPropagator->IncRefCount(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Regenerate the visual representations of tracks. /// The momentum limits are rescanned during the same traversal. void TEveTrackList::MakeTracks(Bool_t recurse) { fLimPt = fLimP = 0; for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track) { track->MakeTrack(recurse); fLimPt = TMath::Max(fLimPt, track->fP.Perp()); fLimP = TMath::Max(fLimP, track->fP.Mag()); } if (recurse) FindMomentumLimits(*i, recurse); } fLimPt = RoundMomentumLimit(fLimPt); fLimP = RoundMomentumLimit(fLimP); SanitizeMinMaxCuts(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Loop over children and find highest pT and p of contained TEveTracks. /// These are stored in members fLimPt and fLimP. void TEveTrackList::FindMomentumLimits(Bool_t recurse) { fLimPt = fLimP = 0; if (HasChildren()) { for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track) { fLimPt = TMath::Max(fLimPt, track->fP.Perp()); fLimP = TMath::Max(fLimP, track->fP.Mag()); } if (recurse) FindMomentumLimits(*i, recurse); } fLimPt = RoundMomentumLimit(fLimPt); fLimP = RoundMomentumLimit(fLimP); } SanitizeMinMaxCuts(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Loop over track elements of argument el and find highest pT and p. /// These are stored in members fLimPt and fLimP. void TEveTrackList::FindMomentumLimits(TEveElement* el, Bool_t recurse) { for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track) { fLimPt = TMath::Max(fLimPt, track->fP.Perp()); fLimP = TMath::Max(fLimP, track->fP.Mag()); } if (recurse) FindMomentumLimits(*i, recurse); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Round the momentum limit up to a nice value. Double_t TEveTrackList::RoundMomentumLimit(Double_t x) { using namespace TMath; if (x < 1e-3) return 1e-3; Double_t fac = Power(10, 1 - Floor(Log10(x))); return Ceil(fac*x) / fac; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set Min/Max cuts so that they are within detected limits. void TEveTrackList::SanitizeMinMaxCuts() { using namespace TMath; fMinPt = Min(fMinPt, fLimPt); fMaxPt = fMaxPt == 0 ? fLimPt : Min(fMaxPt, fLimPt); fMinP = Min(fMinP, fLimP); fMaxP = fMaxP == 0 ? fLimP : Min(fMaxP, fLimP); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set rendering of track as line for the list and the elements. void TEveTrackList::SetRnrLine(Bool_t rnr) { for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i); if (track->GetRnrLine() == fRnrLine) track->SetRnrLine(rnr); if (fRecurse) SetRnrLine(rnr, *i); } fRnrLine = rnr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set rendering of track as line for children of el. void TEveTrackList::SetRnrLine(Bool_t rnr, TEveElement* el) { TEveTrack* track; for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track && (track->GetRnrLine() == fRnrLine)) track->SetRnrLine(rnr); if (fRecurse) SetRnrLine(rnr, *i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set rendering of track as points for the list and the elements. void TEveTrackList::SetRnrPoints(Bool_t rnr) { for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i); if (track->GetRnrPoints() == fRnrPoints) track->SetRnrPoints(rnr); if (fRecurse) SetRnrPoints(rnr, *i); } fRnrPoints = rnr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set rendering of track as points for children of el. void TEveTrackList::SetRnrPoints(Bool_t rnr, TEveElement* el) { TEveTrack* track; for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track) if (track->GetRnrPoints() == fRnrPoints) track->SetRnrPoints(rnr); if (fRecurse) SetRnrPoints(rnr, *i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set main (line) color for the list and the elements. void TEveTrackList::SetMainColor(Color_t col) { for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i); if (track->GetLineColor() == fLineColor) track->SetLineColor(col); if (fRecurse) SetLineColor(col, *i); } TEveElement::SetMainColor(col); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set line color for children of el. void TEveTrackList::SetLineColor(Color_t col, TEveElement* el) { TEveTrack* track; for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track && track->GetLineColor() == fLineColor) track->SetLineColor(col); if (fRecurse) SetLineColor(col, *i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set line width for the list and the elements. void TEveTrackList::SetLineWidth(Width_t width) { for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i); if (track->GetLineWidth() == fLineWidth) track->SetLineWidth(width); if (fRecurse) SetLineWidth(width, *i); } fLineWidth = width; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set line width for children of el. void TEveTrackList::SetLineWidth(Width_t width, TEveElement* el) { TEveTrack* track; for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track && track->GetLineWidth() == fLineWidth) track->SetLineWidth(width); if (fRecurse) SetLineWidth(width, *i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set line style for the list and the elements. void TEveTrackList::SetLineStyle(Style_t style) { for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i); if (track->GetLineStyle() == fLineStyle) track->SetLineStyle(style); if (fRecurse) SetLineStyle(style, *i); } fLineStyle = style; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set line style for children of el. void TEveTrackList::SetLineStyle(Style_t style, TEveElement* el) { TEveTrack* track; for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track && track->GetLineStyle() == fLineStyle) track->SetLineStyle(style); if (fRecurse) SetLineStyle(style, *i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set marker style for the list and the elements. void TEveTrackList::SetMarkerStyle(Style_t style) { for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i); if (track->GetMarkerStyle() == fMarkerStyle) track->SetMarkerStyle(style); if (fRecurse) SetMarkerStyle(style, *i); } fMarkerStyle = style; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set marker style for children of el. void TEveTrackList::SetMarkerStyle(Style_t style, TEveElement* el) { TEveTrack* track; for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track && track->GetMarkerStyle() == fMarkerStyle) track->SetMarkerStyle(style); if (fRecurse) SetMarkerStyle(style, *i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set marker color for the list and the elements. void TEveTrackList::SetMarkerColor(Color_t col) { for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i); if (track->GetMarkerColor() == fMarkerColor) track->SetMarkerColor(col); if (fRecurse) SetMarkerColor(col, *i); } fMarkerColor = col; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set marker color for children of el. void TEveTrackList::SetMarkerColor(Color_t col, TEveElement* el) { TEveTrack* track; for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track && track->GetMarkerColor() == fMarkerColor) track->SetMarkerColor(col); if (fRecurse) SetMarkerColor(col, *i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set marker size for the list and the elements. void TEveTrackList::SetMarkerSize(Size_t size) { for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i); if (track->GetMarkerSize() == fMarkerSize) track->SetMarkerSize(size); if (fRecurse) SetMarkerSize(size, *i); } fMarkerSize = size; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set marker size for children of el. void TEveTrackList::SetMarkerSize(Size_t size, TEveElement* el) { TEveTrack* track; for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track && track->GetMarkerSize() == fMarkerSize) track->SetMarkerSize(size); if (fRecurse) SetMarkerSize(size, *i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Select visibility of tracks by transverse momentum. /// If data-member fRecurse is set, the selection is applied /// recursively to all children. void TEveTrackList::SelectByPt(Double_t min_pt, Double_t max_pt) { fMinPt = min_pt; fMaxPt = max_pt; const Double_t minptsq = min_pt*min_pt; const Double_t maxptsq = max_pt*max_pt; for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { const Double_t ptsq = ((TEveTrack*)(*i))->fP.Perp2(); Bool_t on = ptsq >= minptsq && ptsq <= maxptsq; (*i)->SetRnrState(on); if (on && fRecurse) SelectByPt(min_pt, max_pt, *i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Select visibility of el's children tracks by transverse momentum. void TEveTrackList::SelectByPt(Double_t min_pt, Double_t max_pt, TEveElement* el) { const Double_t minptsq = min_pt*min_pt; const Double_t maxptsq = max_pt*max_pt; for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track) { const Double_t ptsq = track->fP.Perp2(); Bool_t on = ptsq >= minptsq && ptsq <= maxptsq; track->SetRnrState(on); if (on && fRecurse) SelectByPt(min_pt, max_pt, *i); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Select visibility of tracks by momentum. /// If data-member fRecurse is set, the selection is applied /// recursively to all children. void TEveTrackList::SelectByP(Double_t min_p, Double_t max_p) { fMinP = min_p; fMaxP = max_p; const Double_t minpsq = min_p*min_p; const Double_t maxpsq = max_p*max_p; for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i) { const Double_t psq = ((TEveTrack*)(*i))->fP.Mag2(); Bool_t on = psq >= minpsq && psq <= maxpsq; (*i)->SetRnrState(psq >= minpsq && psq <= maxpsq); if (on && fRecurse) SelectByP(min_p, max_p, *i); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Select visibility of el's children tracks by momentum. void TEveTrackList::SelectByP(Double_t min_p, Double_t max_p, TEveElement* el) { const Double_t minpsq = min_p*min_p; const Double_t maxpsq = max_p*max_p; for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i) { TEveTrack* track = dynamic_cast(*i); if (track) { const Double_t psq = ((TEveTrack*)(*i))->fP.Mag2(); Bool_t on = psq >= minpsq && psq <= maxpsq; track->SetRnrState(on); if (on && fRecurse) SelectByP(min_p, max_p, *i); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Find track by label, select it and display it in the editor. TEveTrack* TEveTrackList::FindTrackByLabel(Int_t label) { for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { if (((TEveTrack*)(*i))->GetLabel() == label) { TGListTree *lt = gEve->GetLTEFrame()->GetListTree(); TGListTreeItem *mlti = lt->GetSelected(); if (mlti->GetUserData() != this) mlti = FindListTreeItem(lt); TGListTreeItem *tlti = (*i)->FindListTreeItem(lt, mlti); lt->HighlightItem(tlti); lt->SetSelected(tlti); gEve->EditElement(*i); return (TEveTrack*) *i; } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Find track by index, select it and display it in the editor. TEveTrack* TEveTrackList::FindTrackByIndex(Int_t index) { for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { if (((TEveTrack*)(*i))->GetIndex() == index) { TGListTree *lt = gEve->GetLTEFrame()->GetListTree(); TGListTreeItem *mlti = lt->GetSelected(); if (mlti->GetUserData() != this) mlti = FindListTreeItem(lt); TGListTreeItem *tlti = (*i)->FindListTreeItem(lt, mlti); lt->HighlightItem(tlti); lt->SetSelected(tlti); gEve->EditElement(*i); return (TEveTrack*) *i; } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Copy visualization parameters from element el. void TEveTrackList::CopyVizParams(const TEveElement* el) { const TEveTrackList* m = dynamic_cast(el); if (m) { TAttMarker::operator=(*m); TAttLine::operator=(*m); fRecurse = m->fRecurse; fRnrLine = m->fRnrLine; fRnrPoints = m->fRnrPoints; fMinPt = m->fMinPt; fMaxPt = m->fMaxPt; fLimPt = m->fLimPt; fMinP = m->fMinP; fMaxP = m->fMaxP; fLimP = m->fLimP; } TEveElement::CopyVizParams(el); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write visualization parameters. void TEveTrackList::WriteVizParams(std::ostream& out, const TString& var) { TEveElement::WriteVizParams(out, var); TString t = " " + var + "->"; TAttMarker::SaveMarkerAttributes(out, var); TAttLine ::SaveLineAttributes (out, var); out << t << "SetRecurse(" << ToString(fRecurse) << ");\n"; out << t << "SetRnrLine(" << ToString(fRnrLine) << ");\n"; out << t << "SetRnrPoints(" << ToString(fRnrPoints) << ");\n"; // These setters are not available -- need proper AND/OR mode. // out << t << "SetMinPt(" << fMinPt << ");\n"; // out << t << "SetMaxPt(" << fMaxPt << ");\n"; // out << t << "SetLimPt(" << fLimPt << ");\n"; // out << t << "SetMinP(" << fMinP << ");\n"; // out << t << "SetMaxP(" << fMaxP << ");\n"; // out << t << "SetLimP(" << fLimP << ");\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Virtual from TEveProjectable, returns TEveTrackListProjected class. TClass* TEveTrackList::ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection*) const { return TEveTrackListProjected::Class(); }