// @(#)root/eve:$Id$ // Author: Matevz Tadel 2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TEveWindow.h" #include "TEveWindowManager.h" #include "TEveManager.h" #include "TEveSelection.h" #include "THashList.h" #include "TGButton.h" #include "TGMenu.h" #include "TGPack.h" #include "TGTab.h" #include "TRootContextMenu.h" #include "TVirtualX.h" #include /** \class TEveCompositeFrame \ingroup TEve Abstract base-class for frame-slots that encompass EVE-windows (sub-classes of TEveWindow). The EVE-frame classes are managed by their embedded EVE-windows and mostly serve as an interface to particular ROOT widgets (sub-classes of TGCompositeFrame) they are embedded into. This base-class, a sub-class of a vertical composite-frame, creates also the title-bar which can be used to interact with the embedded window. Optionally, the title-bar can be replaced with a mini-bar (a 4-pixel thin bar at the top). By clicking on the mini-bar, the title-bar is restored. Sub-classes provide for specific behaviour and expectations of individual ROOT GUI container frames. POSSIBLE EXTENSIONS No frame is drawn around this composite-frame - frame style could be available as a (static) member. Menus of embedded windows could also be managed - hidden or transposed to a top-level menubar. */ ClassImp(TEveCompositeFrame); TEveContextMenu* TEveCompositeFrame::fgCtxMenu = 0; const TString TEveCompositeFrame::fgkEmptyFrameName(""); TList* TEveCompositeFrame::fgFrameList = new THashList; TEveCompositeFrame::IconBarCreator_foo TEveCompositeFrame::fgIconBarCreator = 0; UInt_t TEveCompositeFrame::fgTopFrameHeight = 14; UInt_t TEveCompositeFrame::fgMiniBarHeight = 4; Bool_t TEveCompositeFrame::fgAllowTopFrameCollapse = kTRUE; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set properties of the EVE frame. /// Should be called before the windows are created. void TEveCompositeFrame::SetupFrameMarkup(IconBarCreator_foo creator, UInt_t top_frame_height, UInt_t mini_bar_height, Bool_t allow_top_collapse) { fgIconBarCreator = creator; fgTopFrameHeight = top_frame_height; fgMiniBarHeight = mini_bar_height; fgAllowTopFrameCollapse = allow_top_collapse; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveCompositeFrame::TEveCompositeFrame(TGCompositeFrame* parent, TEveWindow* eve_parent) : TGCompositeFrame (parent, 0, 0, kVerticalFrame), fTopFrame (0), fToggleBar (0), fTitleBar (0), fIconBar (0), fEveWindowLH (0), fMiniBar (0), fEveParent (eve_parent), fEveWindow (0), fShowInSync (kTRUE) { fTopFrame = new TGHorizontalFrame(this, 20, fgTopFrameHeight); if (fgAllowTopFrameCollapse) { fToggleBar = new TGTextButton(fTopFrame, "Hide"); fToggleBar->ChangeOptions(kRaisedFrame); fToggleBar->Resize(40, fgTopFrameHeight); fToggleBar->Connect("Clicked()", "TEveCompositeFrame", this, "FlipTitleBarState()"); fTopFrame->AddFrame(fToggleBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal)); } fTitleBar = new TGTextButton(fTopFrame, "Title Bar"); fTitleBar->ChangeOptions(kRaisedFrame); fTitleBar->Resize(40, fgTopFrameHeight); fTitleBar->Connect("Clicked()", "TEveCompositeFrame", this, "TitleBarClicked()"); fTopFrame->AddFrame(fTitleBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX)); if (fgIconBarCreator) { fIconBar = (fgIconBarCreator)(this, fTopFrame, fgTopFrameHeight); } else { TGButton* b = new TGTextButton(fTopFrame, "Actions"); b->ChangeOptions(kRaisedFrame); b->Resize(40, fgTopFrameHeight); b->Connect("Pressed()", "TEveCompositeFrame", this, "ActionPressed()"); fIconBar = b; } fTopFrame->AddFrame(fIconBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal)); AddFrame(fTopFrame, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX)); // --- MiniBar if (fgAllowTopFrameCollapse) { fMiniBar = new TGButton(this); fMiniBar->ChangeOptions(kRaisedFrame | kFixedHeight); fMiniBar->Resize(20, fgMiniBarHeight); fMiniBar->SetBackgroundColor(TEveWindow::GetMiniBarBackgroundColor()); fMiniBar->Connect("Clicked()", "TEveCompositeFrame", this, "FlipTitleBarState()"); AddFrame(fMiniBar, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX)); } // --- Common settings. fTopFrame->SetCleanup(kLocalCleanup); SetCleanup(kLocalCleanup); MapSubwindows(); HideFrame(fMiniBar); SetMapSubwindows(kFALSE); // Layout for embedded windows. fEveWindowLH = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY); // !!! The following should actually be done somewhere else, in // some not-yet-existing static method of TEveWindow. Right now the // eve-frame-creation code is still a little bit everywhere. if (fEveParent == 0) fEveParent = gEve->GetWindowManager(); fgFrameList->Add(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// If fEveWindow != 0 we are being deleted from the ROOT GUI side. /// Relinquish EveWindow and ref-counting should do the rest. TEveCompositeFrame::~TEveCompositeFrame() { fgFrameList->Remove(this); if (fEveWindow != 0) { if (gDebug > 0) Info("TEveCompositeFrame::~TEveCompositeFrame", "EveWindow not null '%s', relinquishing it now.", fEveWindow->GetElementName()); fEveWindow->ClearEveFrame(); RelinquishEveWindow(); } delete fEveWindowLH; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Update widgets using window's name or title. void TEveCompositeFrame::WindowNameChanged(const TString& name) { fTitleBar->SetText(name); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Accept window and increase its deny-destroy count. /// Window's gui-frame is embedded and mapped. /// Layout is not called. /// /// Throws an exception if a window is already embedded or if 0 is /// passed as an argument. void TEveCompositeFrame::AcquireEveWindow(TEveWindow* ew) { // Replace current eve-window with the given one. // Current GUI window is unmapped, removed and reparented to default-root. // New GUI window is reparented to this, added and mapped. static const TEveException eh("TEveCompositeFrame::AcquireEveWindow "); if (fEveWindow) throw eh + "Window already set."; if (ew == 0) throw eh + "Called with 0 argument."; fEveWindow = ew; fEveWindow->IncDenyDestroy(); TGFrame* gui_frame = fEveWindow->GetGUIFrame(); gui_frame->ReparentWindow(this); AddFrame(gui_frame, fEveWindowLH); fEveWindow->PostDock(); gui_frame->MapWindow(); SetCurrent(fEveWindow->IsCurrent()); SetShowTitleBar(fEveWindow->GetShowTitleBar()); WindowNameChanged(fEveWindow->GetElementName()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Remove window and decrease its deny-destroy count. /// Window's gui-frame is unmapped, removed and, if reparent flag is /// true (default), reparented to default-root. TEveWindow* TEveCompositeFrame::RelinquishEveWindow(Bool_t reparent) { TEveWindow* ex_ew = fEveWindow; if (fEveWindow) { TGFrame* gui_frame = fEveWindow->GetGUIFrame(); gui_frame->UnmapWindow(); fEveWindow->PreUndock(); RemoveFrame(gui_frame); if (reparent) gui_frame->ReparentWindow(fClient->GetDefaultRoot()); fEveWindow->DecDenyDestroy(); fEveWindow = 0; SetCurrent(kFALSE); WindowNameChanged(fgkEmptyFrameName); } return ex_ew; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns eve-parent dynamic-casted to TEveWindow. TEveWindow* TEveCompositeFrame::GetEveParentAsWindow() const { return dynamic_cast(fEveParent); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set current state of this frame. /// This is called by the management functions in TEveWindow. void TEveCompositeFrame::SetCurrent(Bool_t curr) { if (curr) { fTitleBar->SetBackgroundColor(TEveWindow::GetCurrentBackgroundColor()); } else { fTitleBar->SetBackgroundColor(GetDefaultFrameBackground()); } fClient->NeedRedraw(fTitleBar); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set state of title-bar. This toggles between the display of the full /// title-bar and 4-pixel-high mini-bar. void TEveCompositeFrame::SetShowTitleBar(Bool_t show) { if (show) { HideFrame(fMiniBar); ShowFrame(fTopFrame); } else { HideFrame(fTopFrame); ShowFrame(fMiniBar); } fShowInSync = show == fEveWindow->GetShowTitleBar(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Hide title-bar and mini-bar. void TEveCompositeFrame::HideAllDecorations() { HideFrame(fTopFrame); HideFrame(fMiniBar); fShowInSync = kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Show title-bar or mini-bar, as dictated by the window. void TEveCompositeFrame::ShowNormalDecorations() { SetShowTitleBar(fEveWindow->GetShowTitleBar()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The action-button of the title-bar was pressed. /// This opens context menu of the eve-window. void TEveCompositeFrame::ActionPressed() { if (fgCtxMenu == 0) { fgCtxMenu = new TEveContextMenu("", ""); } fgCtxMenu->SetupAndPopup(fIconBar, fEveWindow); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Change display-state of the title-bar / mini-bar. /// This function is used as a slot and passes the call to eve-window. void TEveCompositeFrame::FlipTitleBarState() { if (fShowInSync) fEveWindow->FlipShowTitleBar(); else SetShowTitleBar(fEveWindow->GetShowTitleBar()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Slot for mouse-click on the central part of the title-bar. /// The call is passed to eve-window. void TEveCompositeFrame::TitleBarClicked() { fEveWindow->TitleBarClicked(); } /** \class TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame \ingroup TEve An EVE window-slot contained within a TGMainFrame. */ ClassImp(TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame::TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame(TGCompositeFrame* parent, TEveWindow* eve_parent, TGMainFrame* mf) : TEveCompositeFrame(parent, eve_parent), fMainFrame (mf), fOriginalSlot (0), fOriginalContainer (0) { fMainFrame->Connect("CloseWindow()", "TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame", this, "MainFrameClosed()"); gEve->GetWindowManager()->Connect("WindowDeleted(TEveWindow*)", "TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame", this, "SomeWindowClosed(TEveWindow*)"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame::~TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame() { if (gDebug > 0) Info("~TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame", "Destructor."); // MainFrames get deleted with a time-out. So, during EVE manager // shutdown, it might happen that this gets called when gEve is null. if (gEve && gEve->GetWindowManager()) { gEve->GetWindowManager()->Disconnect("WindowDeleted(TEveWindow*)", this, "SomeWindowClosed(TEveWindow*)"); } else { Info("~TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame", "gEve null - OK if it was terminated."); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Update widgets using window's name or title. void TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame::WindowNameChanged(const TString& name) { fMainFrame->SetWindowName(name); TEveCompositeFrame::WindowNameChanged(name); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Virtual function called from eve side when the frame should be /// destroyed. This means we expect that fEveWindow is null. /// /// We simply call CloseWindow() on the main-frame which will in /// turn generate the "CloseWindow()" signal. /// This is then handled in MainFrameClosed(). void TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame::Destroy() { if (gDebug > 0) Info("TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame::Destroy()", "Propagating call to main-frame."); assert (fEveWindow == 0); fMainFrame->CloseWindow(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set the container where to return the contained window on destruction. void TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame::SetOriginalSlotAndContainer(TEveWindow* slot, TEveWindow* container) { static const TEveException kEH("TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame::SetOriginalSlotAndContainer "); if (container && ! container->CanMakeNewSlots()) throw kEH + "Given window can not make new slots."; fOriginalSlot = slot; fOriginalContainer = container; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Slot called when a window is closed ... we check that this was /// not our original container. void TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame::SomeWindowClosed(TEveWindow* w) { if (w == fOriginalSlot) fOriginalSlot = 0; if (w == fOriginalContainer) fOriginalContainer = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Slot for main-frame's "CloseWindow()" signal. /// If an eve window is still present, it will be put into: /// - original-container, if it is set; //// - into window-managers default-container. void TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame::MainFrameClosed() { if (fEveWindow != 0) { TEveWindow* swapCandidate = 0; if (fOriginalSlot) { // if use pack, show hidden slot TEveCompositeFrameInPack* packFrame = dynamic_cast(fOriginalSlot->GetEveFrame()); if (packFrame) { TGPack* pack = (TGPack*)(packFrame->GetParent()); pack->ShowFrame(packFrame); } swapCandidate = fOriginalSlot; } else if (fOriginalContainer) { swapCandidate = fOriginalContainer->NewSlot(); } else if (gEve->GetWindowManager()->HasDefaultContainer()) { swapCandidate = gEve->GetWindowManager()->GetDefaultContainer()->NewSlot(); } if (swapCandidate) { TEveWindow::SwapWindows(fEveWindow, swapCandidate); gEve->GetWindowManager()->WindowDocked(fEveWindow ); } } fMainFrame->DontCallClose(); if (fEveWindow != 0) fEveWindow->DestroyWindowAndSlot(); if (gDebug > 0) Info("TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame::MainFrameClosed()", "Expecting destructor call soon."); } /** \class TEveCompositeFrameInPack \ingroup TEve An EVE window-slot contained within one frame of a TGPack. */ ClassImp(TEveCompositeFrameInPack); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveCompositeFrameInPack::TEveCompositeFrameInPack(TGCompositeFrame* parent, TEveWindow* eve_parent, TGPack* pack) : TEveCompositeFrame(parent, eve_parent), fPack (pack) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveCompositeFrameInPack::~TEveCompositeFrameInPack() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Virtual function called from eve side when the frame should be /// destroyed. This means we expect that fEveWindow is null. /// /// Remove the frame from pack and delete it. void TEveCompositeFrameInPack::Destroy() { if (gDebug > 0) Info("TEveCompositeFrameInPack::Destroy()", "Removing from pack and deleting."); assert(fEveWindow == 0); fPack->RemoveFrame(this); delete this; } /** \class TEveCompositeFrameInTab \ingroup TEve An EVE window-slot contained within one tab of a TGTab. */ ClassImp(TEveCompositeFrameInTab); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveCompositeFrameInTab::TEveCompositeFrameInTab(TGCompositeFrame* parent, TEveWindow* eve_parent, TGTab* tab) : TEveCompositeFrame(parent, eve_parent), fTab (tab), fParentInTab (parent) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveCompositeFrameInTab::~TEveCompositeFrameInTab() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Update widgets using window's name or title. void TEveCompositeFrameInTab::WindowNameChanged(const TString& name) { Int_t t = FindTabIndex(); fTab->GetTabTab(t)->SetText(new TGString(name)); fTab->Layout(); TEveCompositeFrame::WindowNameChanged(name); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return index of this frame in the tab. /// Throws an exception if it is not found. Int_t TEveCompositeFrameInTab::FindTabIndex() { static const TEveException eh("TEveCompositeFrameInTab::FindTabIndex "); Int_t nt = fTab->GetNumberOfTabs(); for (Int_t t = 0; t < nt; ++t) { if (fTab->GetTabContainer(t) == fParentInTab) { return t; } } throw eh + "parent frame not found in tab."; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Virtual function called from eve side when the frame should be /// destroyed. This means we expect that fEveWindow is null. /// /// Remove the frame from tab and delete it. void TEveCompositeFrameInTab::Destroy() { if (gDebug > 0) Info("TEveCompositeFrameInTab::Destroy()", "Removing from tab and deleting."); assert (fEveWindow == 0); Int_t t = FindTabIndex(); // disconnect form Removed() if / when connected fTab->RemoveTab(t, kFALSE); fParentInTab->DestroyWindow(); fParentInTab->SetCleanup(kNoCleanup); delete fParentInTab; delete this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set current state of this frame. /// Virtual from TEveCompositeFrame. void TEveCompositeFrameInTab::SetCurrent(Bool_t curr) { TEveCompositeFrame::SetCurrent(curr); Int_t t = FindTabIndex(); TGTabElement* te = fTab->GetTabTab(t); if (curr) { te->SetBackgroundColor(TEveWindow::GetCurrentBackgroundColor()); } else { te->SetBackgroundColor(GetDefaultFrameBackground()); } fClient->NeedRedraw(te); } /** \class TEveWindow \ingroup TEve Abstract base-class for representing eve-windows. Sub-classes define a particular GUI frame that gets showin the window. */ ClassImp(TEveWindow); UInt_t TEveWindow::fgMainFrameDefWidth = 640; UInt_t TEveWindow::fgMainFrameDefHeight = 480; Pixel_t TEveWindow::fgCurrentBackgroundColor = 0x80A0C0; Pixel_t TEveWindow::fgMiniBarBackgroundColor = 0x80C0A0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEveWindow::TEveWindow(const char* n, const char* t) : TEveElementList(n, t), fEveFrame (0), fShowTitleBar (kTRUE) { // Constructor. // Override from TEveElementList. fChildClass = TEveWindow::Class(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveWindow::~TEveWindow() { if (gDebug > 0) Info("~TEveWindow", "name='%s', deny-destroy=%d.", GetElementName(), fDenyDestroy); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Called before the element is deleted, thus offering the last chance /// to detach from acquired resources and from the framework itself. /// Here the request is just passed to TEveManager. /// If you override it, make sure to call base-class version. void TEveWindow::PreDeleteElement() { gEve->GetWindowManager()->DeleteWindow(this); TEveElementList::PreDeleteElement(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Virtual function called before a window is undocked. void TEveWindow::PreUndock() { for (List_ci i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { TEveWindow* w = dynamic_cast(*i); if (w) w->PreUndock(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Virtual function called after a window is docked. void TEveWindow::PostDock() { for (List_ci i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i) { TEveWindow* w = dynamic_cast(*i); if (w) w->PostDock(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Name or title of the window changed - propagate to frames. /// Virtual from TEveElement. void TEveWindow::NameTitleChanged() { fEveFrame->WindowNameChanged(GetElementName()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Populate given frame-slot - intended for initial population /// of a new slot or low-level window-swapping. /// No layout or window-mapping is done. void TEveWindow::PopulateEmptyFrame(TEveCompositeFrame* ef) { ef->fEveParent->AddElement(this); ef->AcquireEveWindow(this); fEveFrame = ef; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Swap frames with the given window. void TEveWindow::SwapWindow(TEveWindow* w) { static const TEveException eh("TEveWindow::SwapWindow "); if (w == 0) throw eh + "Called with null argument."; SwapWindows(this, w); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Swap frames with the current window. void TEveWindow::SwapWindowWithCurrent() { static const TEveException eh("TEveWindow::SwapWindowWithCurrent "); TEveWindow* current = gEve->GetWindowManager()->GetCurrentWindow(); if (current == 0) throw eh + "Current eve-window is not set."; if (current == this) throw eh + "This is the current window ... nothing changed."; SwapWindows(this, current); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Undock the window - put it into a dedicated main-frame. void TEveWindow::UndockWindow() { TEveWindow* return_cont = fEveFrame->GetEveParentAsWindow(); if (return_cont && ! return_cont->CanMakeNewSlots()) return_cont = 0; // hide slot if in pack TEveCompositeFrameInPack* packFrame = dynamic_cast(fEveFrame); if (packFrame) { TGPack* pack = (TGPack*)(packFrame->GetParent()); pack->HideFrame(fEveFrame); } TEveWindowSlot* ew_slot = TEveWindow::CreateWindowMainFrame(0); TEveWindow::SwapWindows(ew_slot, this); ((TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame*) fEveFrame)-> SetOriginalSlotAndContainer(ew_slot, return_cont); gEve->GetWindowManager()->WindowUndocked(this ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Undock the window - put it into a dedicated main-frame. /// The old window slot is destroyed. void TEveWindow::UndockWindowDestroySlot() { TEveWindow* return_cont = fEveFrame->GetEveParentAsWindow(); if (return_cont && ! return_cont->CanMakeNewSlots()) return_cont = 0; TEveWindowSlot* ew_slot = TEveWindow::CreateWindowMainFrame(0); TEveWindow::SwapWindows(ew_slot, this); ((TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame*) fEveFrame)-> SetOriginalSlotAndContainer(0, return_cont); ew_slot->DestroyWindowAndSlot(); gEve->GetWindowManager()->WindowUndocked(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Replace this window with the passed one. /// Eve parent-ship is properly handled. /// This will most likely lead to the destruction of this window. /// Layout is called on the frame. void TEveWindow::ReplaceWindow(TEveWindow* w) { fEveFrame->RelinquishEveWindow(); fEveFrame->fEveParent->AddElement(w); fEveFrame->AcquireEveWindow(w); w->fEveFrame = fEveFrame; fEveFrame->fEveParent->RemoveElement(this); w->fEveFrame->Layout(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destroy eve-window - replace it with an empty frame-slot. void TEveWindow::DestroyWindow() { if (gDebug > 0) Info("TEveWindow::DestroyWindow()", "name='%s', class='%s', deny-destroy=%d.", GetElementName(), ClassName(), fDenyDestroy); if (fEveFrame != 0 && fDenyDestroy == 1) { TEveWindowSlot* ew_slot = TEveWindow::CreateDefaultWindowSlot(); fEveFrame->UnmapWindow(); Bool_t dozrc = fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt; fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt = kFALSE; fEveFrame->RelinquishEveWindow(); ew_slot->PopulateEmptyFrame(fEveFrame); fEveFrame->fEveParent->RemoveElement(this); fDestroyOnZeroRefCnt = dozrc; fEveFrame->Layout(); fEveFrame->MapWindow(); fEveFrame = 0; } TEveElementList::Destroy(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destroy eve-window and its frame-slot. void TEveWindow::DestroyWindowAndSlot() { if (gDebug > 0) Info("TEveWindow::DestroyWindowAndSlot()", "'name=%s', class= '%s', deny-destroy=%d.", GetElementName(), ClassName(), fDenyDestroy); if (fEveFrame != 0 && fDenyDestroy == 1) { fEveFrame->RelinquishEveWindow(); fEveFrame->Destroy(); fEveFrame = 0; } TEveElementList::Destroy(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Clears eve-frame associated with this window. /// This is used in special case when the window is embedded in a foreign /// GUI container and gets deleted from this side. /// In particular, this happens when TRootBrowser closes a tab. void TEveWindow::ClearEveFrame() { fEveFrame = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set display state of the title-bar. /// This is forwarded to eve-frame. void TEveWindow::SetShowTitleBar(Bool_t x) { if (fShowTitleBar == x) return; fShowTitleBar = x; fEveFrame->SetShowTitleBar(fShowTitleBar); fEveFrame->Layout(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns true if this window is the current one. Bool_t TEveWindow::IsCurrent() const { return gEve->GetWindowManager()->IsCurrentWindow(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Make this window current. void TEveWindow::MakeCurrent() { if ( ! gEve->GetWindowManager()->IsCurrentWindow(this)) gEve->GetWindowManager()->SelectWindow(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set current state of this eve-window. /// Protected method - called by window-manager. void TEveWindow::SetCurrent(Bool_t curr) { fEveFrame->SetCurrent(curr); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns true if this is an ancestor of win. Bool_t TEveWindow::IsAncestorOf(TEveWindow* win) { TEveWindow* parent = dynamic_cast(win->fEveFrame->fEveParent); if (parent) { if (parent == this) return kTRUE; else return IsAncestorOf(parent); } else { return kFALSE; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Slot for clicking on the title-bar. /// The wish that this window becomes the current one is sent to /// the window-manager. void TEveWindow::TitleBarClicked() { gEve->GetWindowManager()->SelectWindow(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a default window slot. /// Static helper. TEveWindowSlot* TEveWindow::CreateDefaultWindowSlot() { return new TEveWindowSlot("Free Window Slot", "A free window slot, can become a container or swallow a window."); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a new main-frame and populate it with a default window-slot. /// The main-frame is mapped. /// Static helper. TEveWindowSlot* TEveWindow::CreateWindowMainFrame(TEveWindow* eve_parent) { TGMainFrame* mf = new TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), fgMainFrameDefWidth, fgMainFrameDefHeight); mf->SetCleanup(kLocalCleanup); TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame *slot = new TEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame (mf, eve_parent, mf); TEveWindowSlot* ew_slot = TEveWindow::CreateDefaultWindowSlot(); ew_slot->PopulateEmptyFrame(slot); mf->AddFrame(slot, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); slot->MapWindow(); mf->Layout(); mf->MapWindow(); return ew_slot; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a new tab in a given tab-widget and populate it with a /// default window-slot. /// Static helper. TEveWindowSlot* TEveWindow::CreateWindowInTab(TGTab* tab, TEveWindow* eve_parent) { TGCompositeFrame *parent = tab->AddTab(""); parent->SetCleanup(kLocalCleanup); TEveCompositeFrameInTab *slot = new TEveCompositeFrameInTab(parent, eve_parent, tab); TEveWindowSlot* ew_slot = TEveWindow::CreateDefaultWindowSlot(); ew_slot->PopulateEmptyFrame(slot); parent->AddFrame(slot, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsNormal | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY)); tab->Layout(); slot->MapWindow(); return ew_slot; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Swap windows w1 and w2. They are properly reparented in the eve /// hierarch as well. /// Layout is called on both frames. void TEveWindow::SwapWindows(TEveWindow* w1, TEveWindow* w2) { static const TEveException eh("TEveWindow::SwapWindows "); if (w1 == 0 || w2 == 0) throw eh + "Called with null window."; if (w1 == w2) throw eh + "Windows are equal ... nothing to change."; if (w1->IsAncestorOf(w2) || w2->IsAncestorOf(w1)) throw eh + "Windows are in direct ancestry."; TEveCompositeFrame *f1 = w1->fEveFrame, *f2 = w2->fEveFrame; TEveElement *p1 = f1->fEveParent, *p2 = f2->fEveParent; if (p1 != p2) { p1->AddElement(w2); p2->AddElement(w1); } f1->RelinquishEveWindow(kFALSE); f2->RelinquishEveWindow(kFALSE); f1->AcquireEveWindow(w2); w2->fEveFrame = f1; f2->AcquireEveWindow(w1); w1->fEveFrame = f2; if (p1 != p2) { p1->RemoveElement(w1); p2->RemoveElement(w2); } f1->Layout(); f2->Layout(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get default width for new main-frame windows. Static. UInt_t TEveWindow::GetMainFrameDefWidth() { return fgMainFrameDefWidth; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get default height for new main-frame windows. Static. UInt_t TEveWindow::GetMainFrameDefHeight() { return fgMainFrameDefHeight; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set default width for new main-frame windows. Static. void TEveWindow::SetMainFrameDefWidth (UInt_t x) { fgMainFrameDefWidth = x; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set default height for new main-frame windows. Static. void TEveWindow::SetMainFrameDefHeight(UInt_t x) { fgMainFrameDefHeight = x; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get background-color for marking the title-bar of current window. Static. Pixel_t TEveWindow::GetCurrentBackgroundColor() { return fgCurrentBackgroundColor; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get background-color for mini-bar (collapsed title-bar). Static. Pixel_t TEveWindow::GetMiniBarBackgroundColor() { return fgMiniBarBackgroundColor; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set background-color for marking the title-bar of current window. Static. void TEveWindow::SetCurrentBackgroundColor(Pixel_t p) { fgCurrentBackgroundColor = p; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set background-color for mini-bar (collapsed title-bar). Static. void TEveWindow::SetMiniBarBackgroundColor(Pixel_t p) { fgMiniBarBackgroundColor = p; } /** \class TEveWindowSlot \ingroup TEve Description of TEveWindowSlot */ ClassImp(TEveWindowSlot); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveWindowSlot::TEveWindowSlot(const char* n, const char* t) : TEveWindow (n, t), fEmptyButt (0), fEmbedBuffer (0) { fEmptyButt = new TGTextButton(0, " \nclick to select"); fEmptyButt->ChangeOptions(kRaisedFrame); fEmptyButt->SetTextJustify(kTextCenterX | kTextCenterY); fEmptyButt->Connect("Clicked()", "TEveWindow", this, "TitleBarClicked()"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveWindowSlot::~TEveWindowSlot() { fEmptyButt->DeleteWindow(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return top-frame of this eve-window - the big button to make slot current. TGFrame* TEveWindowSlot::GetGUIFrame() { return fEmptyButt; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set current state of this window-slot. /// Virtual from TEveWindow. void TEveWindowSlot::SetCurrent(Bool_t curr) { TEveWindow::SetCurrent(curr); if (curr) fEmptyButt->SetBackgroundColor(fgCurrentBackgroundColor); else fEmptyButt->SetBackgroundColor(fEmptyButt->GetDefaultFrameBackground()); gClient->NeedRedraw(fEmptyButt); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// A pack is created in place of this window-slot. /// This window-slot will auto-destruct. TEveWindowPack* TEveWindowSlot::MakePack() { TEveWindowPack* eve_pack = new TEveWindowPack (0, "Pack", "Window container for horizontal and vertical stacking."); ReplaceWindow(eve_pack); return eve_pack; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// A tab is created in place of this window-slot. /// This window-slot will auto-destruct. TEveWindowTab* TEveWindowSlot::MakeTab() { TEveWindowTab* eve_tab = new TEveWindowTab (0, "Tab", "Window container for horizontal and vertical stacking."); ReplaceWindow(eve_tab); return eve_tab; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// An eve-window-frame is created and frame is passed into it. /// If frame is 0 (the default), a default composite-frame will be created /// in TEveWindowFrame() constructor. /// This window-slot will auto-destruct. TEveWindowFrame* TEveWindowSlot::MakeFrame(TGFrame* frame) { TEveWindowFrame* eve_frame = new TEveWindowFrame (frame, "External frame", ""); ReplaceWindow(eve_frame); return eve_frame; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Start embedding a window that will replace the current slot. /// It is expected that a main-frame will be created and then /// StopEmbedding() will be called. TGCompositeFrame* TEveWindowSlot::StartEmbedding() { static const TEveException eh("TEveWindowSlot::StartEmbedding "); if (fEmbedBuffer != 0) throw eh + "Already embedding."; fEmbedBuffer = new TGCompositeFrame(gClient->GetDefaultRoot()); fEmbedBuffer->SetEditable(kTRUE); return fEmbedBuffer; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// An embedded window is created in place of this window-slot. /// This window-slot will auto-destruct. TEveWindowFrame* TEveWindowSlot::StopEmbedding(const char* name) { static const TEveException eh("TEveWindowSlot::StopEmbedding "); if (fEmbedBuffer == 0) { Warning(eh, "Embedding not in progress."); return 0; } fEmbedBuffer->SetEditable(kFALSE); Int_t size = fEmbedBuffer->GetList()->GetSize(); if (size == 0) { Warning(eh, "Frame has not been registered."); delete fEmbedBuffer; fEmbedBuffer = 0; return 0; } if (size > 1) { Warning(eh, "Several frames have been registered (%d). Only the first one will be taken.", size); } TGFrame *f = ((TGFrameElement*)fEmbedBuffer->GetList()->First())->fFrame; fEmbedBuffer->RemoveFrame(f); f->UnmapWindow(); f->ReparentWindow(gClient->GetDefaultRoot()); delete fEmbedBuffer; fEmbedBuffer = 0; TGMainFrame *mf = dynamic_cast(f); assert(mf != 0); if (name) { mf->SetWindowName(name); } TEveWindowFrame* eve_frame = new TEveWindowFrame (f, mf->GetWindowName(), mf->ClassName()); ReplaceWindow(eve_frame); return eve_frame; } /** \class TEveWindowFrame \ingroup TEve Encapsulates TGFrame into an eve-window. The frame is owned by the eve-window. */ ClassImp(TEveWindowFrame); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. /// If the passed frame is 0, a default TGCompositeFrame frame is instantiated /// and set to local-cleanup. TEveWindowFrame::TEveWindowFrame(TGFrame* frame, const char* n, const char* t) : TEveWindow (n, t), fGUIFrame (frame) { if (fGUIFrame == 0) { fGUIFrame = new TGCompositeFrame(); fGUIFrame->SetCleanup(kLocalCleanup); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveWindowFrame::~TEveWindowFrame() { fGUIFrame->DeleteWindow(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns the registered top-frame of this eve-window dynamic-casted /// to composite-frame. /// Throws an exception if the cast fails. TGCompositeFrame* TEveWindowFrame::GetGUICompositeFrame() { static const TEveException kEH("TEveWindowFrame::GetGUICompositeFrame "); TGCompositeFrame *cf = dynamic_cast(fGUIFrame); if (cf == 0) throw kEH + "The registered frame is not a composite-frame."; return cf; } /** \class TEveWindowPack \ingroup TEve Encapsulates TGPack into an eve-window. The pack is owned by the eve-window. */ ClassImp(TEveWindowPack); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. /// If passed pack is 0, a default one is instantiated. TEveWindowPack::TEveWindowPack(TGPack* p, const char* n, const char* t) : TEveWindow (n, t), fPack (p ? p : new TGPack()) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveWindowPack::~TEveWindowPack() { fPack->DeleteWindow(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return top-frame of this eve-window - the pack. TGFrame* TEveWindowPack::GetGUIFrame() { return fPack; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a new frame-slot at the last position of the pack. TEveWindowSlot* TEveWindowPack::NewSlot() { return NewSlotWithWeight(1.f); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a new weighted frame-slot at the last position of the pack. TEveWindowSlot* TEveWindowPack::NewSlotWithWeight(Float_t w) { TEveCompositeFrame* slot = new TEveCompositeFrameInPack(fPack, this, fPack); TEveWindowSlot* ew_slot = TEveWindow::CreateDefaultWindowSlot(); ew_slot->PopulateEmptyFrame(slot); fPack->AddFrameWithWeight(slot, 0, w); slot->MapWindow(); fPack->Layout(); return ew_slot; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Flip orientation of the pack (vertical / horizontal). void TEveWindowPack::FlipOrientation() { fPack->SetVertical( ! fPack->GetVertical()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set orientation of the pack (vertical / horizontal). void TEveWindowPack::SetVertical(Bool_t x) { fPack->SetVertical(x); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Refit existing frames so that their lengths are equal. void TEveWindowPack::EqualizeFrames() { fPack->EqualizeFrames(); fPack->Layout(); } /** \class TEveWindowTab \ingroup TEve Encapsulates TGTab into an eve-window. The tab is owned by the eve-window. */ ClassImp(TEveWindowTab); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. /// If passed tab is 0, a default one is instantiated. TEveWindowTab::TEveWindowTab(TGTab* tab, const char* n, const char* t) : TEveWindow(n, t), fTab (tab ? tab : new TGTab()) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TEveWindowTab::~TEveWindowTab() { fTab->DeleteWindow(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return top-frame of this eve-window - the tab. TGFrame* TEveWindowTab::GetGUIFrame() { return fTab; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create new frame-slot - a new tab. TEveWindowSlot* TEveWindowTab::NewSlot() { return TEveWindow::CreateWindowInTab(fTab, this); } /** \class TEveContextMenu \ingroup TEve Specialization of TContext menu. Provide a window manager hint that ensures proper placement of popup on Cocoa. */ ClassImp(TEveContextMenu); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TEveContextMenu::TEveContextMenu(const char *name, const char *title) : TContextMenu(name, title) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Position the popup below given button and show context menu for object obj. void TEveContextMenu::SetupAndPopup(TGWindow* button, TObject* obj) { Int_t x, y; UInt_t w, h; Window_t childdum; gVirtualX->GetWindowSize(button->GetId(), x, y, w, h); gVirtualX->TranslateCoordinates(button->GetId(), gClient->GetDefaultRoot()->GetId(), 0, 0, x, y, childdum); TRootContextMenu *rcm = dynamic_cast(fContextMenuImp); if (rcm != 0) { gVirtualX->SetWMTransientHint (rcm->GetId(), button->GetId()); } Popup(x - 2, y + h - 2, obj); }