// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Bertrand Bellenot 29/01/2008 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TGLEventHandler.h" #include "TGEventHandler.h" #include "TGLViewer.h" #include "TGLWidget.h" #include "TGWindow.h" #include "TPoint.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" // Remove when pad removed - use signal #include "TVirtualX.h" #include "TGClient.h" #include "TVirtualGL.h" #include "TGLOverlay.h" #include "TGLLogicalShape.h" #include "TGLPhysicalShape.h" #include "TContextMenu.h" #include "TGToolTip.h" #include "KeySymbols.h" #include "TGLAnnotation.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "RConfigure.h" /** \class TGLEventHandler \ingroup opengl Base-class and default implementation of event-handler for TGLViewer. This allows for complete disentanglement of GL-viewer from GUI event handling. Further, alternative event-handlers can easily be designed and set at run-time. The signals about object being selected or hovered above are emitted via the TGLViewer itself. The following rootrc settings influence the behaviour: ~~~ {.cpp} OpenGL.EventHandler.ViewerCentricControls: 1 OpenGL.EventHandler.ArrowKeyFactor: -1.0 OpenGL.EventHandler.MouseDragFactor: -1.0 OpenGL.EventHandler.MouseWheelFactor: -1.0 ~~~ */ ClassImp(TGLEventHandler); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. TGLEventHandler::TGLEventHandler(TGWindow *w, TObject *obj) : TGEventHandler ("TGLEventHandler", w, obj), fGLViewer ((TGLViewer *)obj), fMouseTimer (0), fLastPos (-1, -1), fLastMouseOverPos (-1, -1), fLastMouseOverShape (0), fTooltip (0), fActiveButtonID (0), fLastEventState (0), fIgnoreButtonUp (kFALSE), fInPointerGrab (kFALSE), fMouseTimerRunning (kFALSE), fTooltipShown (kFALSE), fArcBall (kFALSE), fTooltipPixelTolerance (3), fSecSelType(TGLViewer::kOnRequest), fDoInternalSelection(kTRUE), fViewerCentricControls(kFALSE) { fMouseTimer = new TTimer(this, 80); fTooltip = new TGToolTip(0, 0, "", 650); fTooltip->Hide(); fViewerCentricControls = gEnv->GetValue("OpenGL.EventHandler.ViewerCentricControls", 0) != 0; fArrowKeyFactor = gEnv->GetValue("OpenGL.EventHandler.ArrowKeyFactor", 1.0); fMouseDragFactor = gEnv->GetValue("OpenGL.EventHandler.MouseDragFactor", 1.0); fMouseWheelFactor = gEnv->GetValue("OpenGL.EventHandler.MouseWheelFactor", 1.0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. TGLEventHandler::~TGLEventHandler() { delete fMouseTimer; delete fTooltip; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Acquire mouse grab. void TGLEventHandler::GrabMouse() { if (!fInPointerGrab) { gVirtualX->GrabPointer(fGLViewer->GetGLWidget()->GetId(), kButtonPressMask | kButtonReleaseMask | kPointerMotionMask, kNone, kNone, kTRUE, kFALSE); fInPointerGrab = kTRUE; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Release mouse grab. void TGLEventHandler::UnGrabMouse() { if (fInPointerGrab) { gVirtualX->GrabPointer(0, 0, 0, 0, kFALSE); fInPointerGrab = kFALSE; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run selection (optionally with on secondary selection) and emit /// corresponding Clicked() signals. /// Protected method. void TGLEventHandler::SelectForClicked(Event_t *event) { fGLViewer->RequestSelect(fLastPos.fX, fLastPos.fY); TGLLogicalShape *lshp = fGLViewer->fSelRec.GetLogShape(); TObject *obj = fGLViewer->fSelRec.GetObject(); // secondary selection if (lshp && (event->fState & kKeyMod1Mask || (fSecSelType == TGLViewer::kOnRequest && lshp->AlwaysSecondarySelect()))) { fGLViewer->RequestSecondarySelect(fLastPos.fX, fLastPos.fY); fGLViewer->fSecSelRec.SetMultiple(event->fState & kKeyControlMask); lshp->ProcessSelection(*fGLViewer->fRnrCtx, fGLViewer->fSecSelRec); switch (fGLViewer->fSecSelRec.GetSecSelResult()) { case TGLSelectRecord::kEnteringSelection: fGLViewer->Clicked(obj, event->fCode, event->fState); break; case TGLSelectRecord::kLeavingSelection: fGLViewer->UnClicked(obj, event->fCode, event->fState); break; case TGLSelectRecord::kModifyingInternalSelection: fGLViewer->ReClicked(obj, event->fCode, event->fState); break; default: break; } } else { fGLViewer->Clicked(obj); fGLViewer->Clicked(obj, event->fCode, event->fState); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run selection (optionally with on secondary selection) and emit /// corresponding MouseOver() signals. /// Protected method. void TGLEventHandler::SelectForMouseOver() { fGLViewer->RequestSelect(fLastPos.fX, fLastPos.fY); TGLPhysicalShape *pshp = fGLViewer->fSelRec.GetPhysShape(); TGLLogicalShape *lshp = fGLViewer->fSelRec.GetLogShape(); TObject *obj = fGLViewer->fSelRec.GetObject(); if (lshp && (fSecSelType == TGLViewer::kOnRequest && lshp->AlwaysSecondarySelect())) { fGLViewer->RequestSecondarySelect(fLastPos.fX, fLastPos.fY); fGLViewer->fSecSelRec.SetMultiple(kFALSE); fGLViewer->fSecSelRec.SetHighlight(kTRUE); lshp->ProcessSelection(*fGLViewer->fRnrCtx, fGLViewer->fSecSelRec); fGLViewer->fSecSelRec.SetHighlight(kFALSE); switch (fGLViewer->fSecSelRec.GetSecSelResult()) { case TGLSelectRecord::kEnteringSelection: fGLViewer->MouseOver(obj, fLastEventState); break; case TGLSelectRecord::kModifyingInternalSelection: fGLViewer->ReMouseOver(obj, fLastEventState); break; case TGLSelectRecord::kLeavingSelection: fGLViewer->UnMouseOver(obj, fLastEventState); break; default: break; } } else if (fLastMouseOverShape != pshp) { fGLViewer->MouseOver(pshp); fGLViewer->MouseOver(pshp, fLastEventState); fGLViewer->MouseOver(obj, fLastEventState); } fLastMouseOverShape = pshp; fLastMouseOverPos = fLastPos; } //============================================================================== //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Process event of type 'event' - one of EEventType types, /// occurring at window location px, py /// This is provided for use when embedding GL viewer into pad void TGLEventHandler::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) { /*enum EEventType { kNoEvent = 0, kButton1Down = 1, kButton2Down = 2, kButton3Down = 3, kKeyDown = 4, kButton1Up = 11, kButton2Up = 12, kButton3Up = 13, kKeyUp = 14, kButton1Motion = 21, kButton2Motion = 22, kButton3Motion = 23, kKeyPress = 24, kButton1Locate = 41, kButton2Locate = 42, kButton3Locate = 43, kMouseMotion = 51, kMouseEnter = 52, kMouseLeave = 53, kButton1Double = 61, kButton2Double = 62, kButton3Double = 63 enum EGEventType { kGKeyPress, kKeyRelease, kButtonPress, kButtonRelease, kMotionNotify, kEnterNotify, kLeaveNotify, kFocusIn, kFocusOut, kExpose, kConfigureNotify, kMapNotify, kUnmapNotify, kDestroyNotify, kClientMessage, kSelectionClear, kSelectionRequest, kSelectionNotify, kColormapNotify, kButtonDoubleClick, kOtherEvent*/ // Map our event EEventType (base/inc/Buttons.h) back to Event_t (base/inc/GuiTypes.h) // structure, and call appropriate HandleXyzz() function Event_t eventSt = { kOtherEvent, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, kFALSE, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; eventSt.fX = px; eventSt.fY = py; eventSt.fState = 0; eventSt.fXRoot = eventSt.fYRoot = 0; if (event != kKeyPress) { eventSt.fY -= Int_t((1 - gPad->GetHNDC() - gPad->GetYlowNDC()) * gPad->GetWh()); eventSt.fX -= Int_t(gPad->GetXlowNDC() * gPad->GetWw()); eventSt.fXRoot = eventSt.fX; eventSt.fYRoot = eventSt.fY; } switch (event) { case kMouseMotion: eventSt.fCode = kMouseMotion; eventSt.fType = kMotionNotify; HandleMotion(&eventSt); break; case kButton1Down: case kButton1Up: { eventSt.fCode = kButton1; eventSt.fType = event == kButton1Down ? kButtonPress:kButtonRelease; HandleButton(&eventSt); } break; case kButton2Down: case kButton2Up: { eventSt.fCode = kButton2; eventSt.fType = event == kButton2Down ? kButtonPress:kButtonRelease; HandleButton(&eventSt); } break; case kButton3Down: { eventSt.fState = kKeyShiftMask; eventSt.fCode = kButton1; eventSt.fType = kButtonPress; HandleButton(&eventSt); } break; case kButton3Up: { eventSt.fCode = kButton3; eventSt.fType = kButtonRelease;//event == kButton3Down ? kButtonPress:kButtonRelease; HandleButton(&eventSt); } break; case kButton1Double: case kButton2Double: case kButton3Double: { eventSt.fCode = event == kButton1Double ? kButton1 : event == kButton2Double ? kButton2 : kButton3; eventSt.fType = kButtonDoubleClick; HandleDoubleClick(&eventSt); } break; case kButton1Motion: case kButton2Motion: case kButton3Motion: { eventSt.fCode = event == kButton1Motion ? kButton1 : event == kButton2Motion ? kButton2 : kButton3; eventSt.fType = kMotionNotify; HandleMotion(&eventSt); } break; case kKeyPress: // We only care about full key 'presses' not individual down/up { eventSt.fType = kGKeyPress; eventSt.fCode = py; // px contains key code - need modifiers from somewhere HandleKey(&eventSt); } break; case 6://trick :) if (fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Zoom(+50, kFALSE, kFALSE)) { //TODO : val static const somewhere if (fGLViewer->fGLDevice != -1) { gGLManager->MarkForDirectCopy(fGLViewer->fGLDevice, kTRUE); gVirtualX->SetDrawMode(TVirtualX::kCopy); } fGLViewer->RequestDraw(); } break; case 5://trick :) if (fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Zoom(-50, kFALSE, kFALSE)) { //TODO : val static const somewhere if (fGLViewer->fGLDevice != -1) { gGLManager->MarkForDirectCopy(fGLViewer->fGLDevice, kTRUE); gVirtualX->SetDrawMode(TVirtualX::kCopy); } fGLViewer->RequestDraw(); } break; case 7://trick :) eventSt.fState = kKeyShiftMask; eventSt.fCode = kButton1; eventSt.fType = kButtonPress; HandleButton(&eventSt); break; default: { // Error("TGLEventHandler::ExecuteEvent", "invalid event type"); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle generic Event_t type 'event' - provided to catch focus changes /// and terminate any interaction in viewer. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::HandleEvent(Event_t *event) { if (event->fType == kFocusIn) { if (fGLViewer->fDragAction != TGLViewer::kDragNone) { Error("TGLEventHandler::HandleEvent", "active drag-action at focus-in."); fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragNone; } StartMouseTimer(); } if (event->fType == kFocusOut) { if (fGLViewer->fDragAction != TGLViewer::kDragNone) { Warning("TGLEventHandler::HandleEvent", "drag-action active at focus-out."); fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragNone; } StopMouseTimer(); ClearMouseOver(); } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle generic Event_t type 'event' - provided to catch focus changes /// and terminate any interaction in viewer. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::HandleFocusChange(Event_t *event) { fGLViewer->MouseIdle(0, 0, 0); if (event->fType == kFocusIn) { if (fGLViewer->fDragAction != TGLViewer::kDragNone) { Error("TGLEventHandler::HandleFocusChange", "active drag-action at focus-in."); fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragNone; } StartMouseTimer(); fGLViewer->Activated(); } if (event->fType == kFocusOut) { if (fGLViewer->fDragAction != TGLViewer::kDragNone) { Warning("TGLEventHandler::HandleFocusChange", "drag-action active at focus-out."); fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragNone; } StopMouseTimer(); ClearMouseOver(); } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle generic Event_t type 'event' - provided to catch focus changes /// and terminate any interaction in viewer. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::HandleCrossing(Event_t *event) { // Ignore grab and ungrab events. if (event->fCode != 0) { return kTRUE; } fGLViewer->MouseIdle(0, 0, 0); if (event->fType == kEnterNotify) { if (fGLViewer->fDragAction != TGLViewer::kDragNone) { Error("TGLEventHandler::HandleCrossing", "active drag-action at enter-notify."); fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragNone; } StartMouseTimer(); // Maybe, maybe not... fGLViewer->Activated(); } if (event->fType == kLeaveNotify) { if (fGLViewer->fDragAction != TGLViewer::kDragNone) { Warning("TGLEventHandler::HandleCrossing", "drag-action active at leave-notify."); fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragNone; } StopMouseTimer(); ClearMouseOver(); } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle mouse button 'event'. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::HandleButton(Event_t * event) { if (fGLViewer->IsLocked()) { if (gDebug>2) { Info("TGLEventHandler::HandleButton", "ignored - viewer is %s", fGLViewer->LockName(fGLViewer->CurrentLock())); } return kFALSE; } // Handle mouse-wheel events first. if (event->fCode > kButton3) { // On Win32 only button release events come for mouse wheel. // Note: Modifiers (ctrl/shift) disabled as fState doesn't seem to // have correct modifier flags with mouse wheel under Windows. if (event->fType == kButtonRelease) { Bool_t redraw = kFALSE; Int_t zoom = TMath::Nint(fMouseWheelFactor * ControlValue(50)); switch(event->fCode) { case kButton5: // Zoom out (dolly or adjust camera FOV). redraw = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Zoom(zoom, kFALSE, kFALSE); break; case kButton4: // Zoom in (dolly or adjust camera FOV). redraw = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Zoom(-zoom, kFALSE, kFALSE); break; case kButton6: case kButton7: // Ignore for now. break; } if (redraw) fGLViewer->fRedrawTimer->RequestDraw(10, TGLRnrCtx::kLODMed); } return kTRUE; } // Now we know we have Button 1 -> 3. // Allow a single action/button down/up pairing - block others if (fActiveButtonID && event->fCode != fActiveButtonID) { return kTRUE; } else { fActiveButtonID = event->fCode; } #if defined(R__HAS_COCOA) // On osx/cocoa use cmd modifier for mouse-2 and cmd-alt for mouse-3. if (event->fCode == kButton1 && event->fState & kKeyMod2Mask) { event->fCode = event->fState & kKeyMod1Mask ? kButton3 : kButton2; } #endif // Button DOWN if (event->fType == kButtonPress) { GrabMouse(); fGLViewer->MouseIdle(0, 0, 0); fButtonPushPos.fX = event->fX; fButtonPushPos.fY = event->fY; if (fGLViewer->GetPushAction() != TGLViewer::kPushStd) { fGLViewer->RequestSelect(event->fX, event->fY); if (fGLViewer->fSelRec.GetN() > 0) { TGLVector3 v(event->fX, event->fY, 0.5*fGLViewer->fSelRec.GetMinZ()); fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().WindowToViewport(v); v = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().ViewportToWorld(v); if (fGLViewer->GetPushAction() == TGLViewer::kPushCamCenter) { fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().SetExternalCenter(kTRUE); fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().SetCenterVec(v.X(), v.Y(), v.Z()); } else { TGLSelectRecord& rec = fGLViewer->GetSelRec(); TObject* obj = rec.GetObject(); TGLRect& vp = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().RefViewport(); Int_t x = event->fX, y = event->fY; TGLUtil::PointToViewport(x, y); new TGLAnnotation(fGLViewer, obj->GetTitle(), x * 1.0f/vp.Width(), 1 - y * 1.0f/vp.Height(), v); } fGLViewer->RequestDraw(); } return kTRUE; } Bool_t handled = kFALSE; if (fGLViewer->fDragAction == TGLViewer::kDragNone && fGLViewer->fCurrentOvlElm) { Event_t e = *event; TGLUtil::PointToViewport(e.fX, e.fY); if (fGLViewer->fCurrentOvlElm->Handle(*fGLViewer->fRnrCtx, fGLViewer->fOvlSelRec, &e)) { handled = kTRUE; fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragOverlay; fGLViewer->RequestDraw(); } } if ( ! handled) { switch (event->fCode) { // LEFT mouse button case kButton1: { fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragCameraRotate; if (fMouseTimer) { fMouseTimer->TurnOff(); fMouseTimer->Reset(); } break; } // MIDDLE mouse button case kButton2: { fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragCameraTruck; break; } // RIGHT mouse button case kButton3: { fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragCameraDolly; break; } } } } // Button UP else if (event->fType == kButtonRelease) { fActiveButtonID = 0; if (fInPointerGrab) { UnGrabMouse(); } else { Warning("TGLEventHandler::HandleButton", "Unexpected button-release."); } if (fIgnoreButtonUp) { fIgnoreButtonUp = kFALSE; return kTRUE; } if (fGLViewer->GetPushAction() != TGLViewer::kPushStd) { // This should be 'tool' dependant. fGLViewer->fPushAction = TGLViewer::kPushStd; fGLViewer->RefreshPadEditor(fGLViewer); return kTRUE; } else if (fGLViewer->fDragAction == TGLViewer::kDragOverlay && fGLViewer->fCurrentOvlElm) { Event_t e = *event; TGLUtil::PointToViewport(e.fX, e.fY); fGLViewer->fCurrentOvlElm->Handle(*fGLViewer->fRnrCtx, fGLViewer->fOvlSelRec, &e); fGLViewer->OverlayDragFinished(); if (fGLViewer->RequestOverlaySelect(event->fX, event->fY)) fGLViewer->RequestDraw(); } else if (fGLViewer->fDragAction >= TGLViewer::kDragCameraRotate && fGLViewer->fDragAction <= TGLViewer::kDragCameraDolly) { fGLViewer->RequestDraw(TGLRnrCtx::kLODHigh); } fGLViewer->fDragAction = TGLViewer::kDragNone; if (fGLViewer->fGLDevice != -1) { gGLManager->MarkForDirectCopy(fGLViewer->fGLDevice, kFALSE); } if (event->fX == fButtonPushPos.fX && event->fY == fButtonPushPos.fY) { if (event->fCode == kButton1) { if (event->fState & kKeyShiftMask && fDoInternalSelection) { if (fGLViewer->RequestSelect(event->fX, event->fY)) { fGLViewer->ApplySelection(); } } else { SelectForClicked(event); } } else if (event->fCode == kButton3) { Int_t x, y; Window_t childdum; gVirtualX->TranslateCoordinates(fGLViewer->fGLWidget->GetId(), gClient->GetDefaultRoot()->GetId(), event->fX, event->fY, x, y, childdum); fGLViewer->RequestSelect(event->fX, event->fY); PopupContextMenu(fGLViewer->fSelRec.GetPhysShape(), event, x, y); } } if (event->fCode == kButton1 && fMouseTimer) { fMouseTimer->TurnOn(); } } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle mouse double click 'event'. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::HandleDoubleClick(Event_t *event) { if (fGLViewer->IsLocked()) { if (gDebug>3) { Info("TGLEventHandler::HandleDoubleClick", "ignored - viewer is %s", fGLViewer->LockName(fGLViewer->CurrentLock())); } return kFALSE; } if (event->fCode > 3) return kTRUE; if (fActiveButtonID) return kTRUE; fActiveButtonID = event->fCode; GrabMouse(); fGLViewer->MouseIdle(0, 0, 0); if (event->fCode == kButton1) { fGLViewer->DoubleClicked(); if (fGLViewer->GetSelected() == 0) fGLViewer->SelectionChanged(); } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle configure notify 'event' - a window resize/movement. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::HandleConfigureNotify(Event_t *event) { if (fGLViewer->IsLocked()) { if (gDebug > 0) { Info("TGLEventHandler::HandleConfigureNotify", "ignored - viewer is %s", fGLViewer->LockName(fGLViewer->CurrentLock())); } return kFALSE; } if (event) { Int_t x = event->fX, y = event->fY, w = event->fWidth, h = event->fHeight; TGLUtil::PointToViewport(x, y, w, h); fGLViewer->SetViewport(x, y, w, h); fGLViewer->fRedrawTimer->RequestDraw(10, TGLRnrCtx::kLODMed); } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle window expose 'event' - show. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::HandleExpose(Event_t * event) { if (event->fCount != 0) return kTRUE; if (fGLViewer->IsLocked()) { if (gDebug > 0) { Info("TGLViewer::HandleExpose", "ignored - viewer is %s", fGLViewer->LockName(fGLViewer->CurrentLock())); } return kFALSE; } fGLViewer->fRedrawTimer->RequestDraw(20, TGLRnrCtx::kLODHigh); return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle keyboard 'event'. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::HandleKey(Event_t *event) { // We only handle key-press events. if (event->fType == kKeyRelease) return kTRUE; if (fTooltipShown) fTooltip->Hide(); fLastEventState = event->fState; fGLViewer->MouseIdle(0, 0, 0); if (fGLViewer->IsLocked()) { if (gDebug>3) { Info("TGLEventHandler::HandleKey", "ignored - viewer is %s", fGLViewer->LockName(fGLViewer->CurrentLock())); } return kFALSE; } char tmp[10] = {0}; UInt_t keysym = 0; if (fGLViewer->fGLDevice == -1) gVirtualX->LookupString(event, tmp, sizeof(tmp), keysym); else keysym = event->fCode; fGLViewer->fRnrCtx->SetEventKeySym(keysym); Bool_t handled = kFALSE; Bool_t redraw = kFALSE; if (fGLViewer->fCurrentOvlElm) { Event_t e = *event; TGLUtil::PointToViewport(e.fX, e.fY); if (fGLViewer->fCurrentOvlElm->Handle(*fGLViewer->fRnrCtx, fGLViewer->fOvlSelRec, &e)) { handled = kTRUE; redraw = kTRUE; } } if ( ! handled) { const Bool_t mod1 = event->fState & kKeyControlMask; const Bool_t mod2 = event->fState & kKeyShiftMask; const Int_t shift = TMath::Nint(fArrowKeyFactor * ControlValue(10)); switch (keysym) { case kKey_R: case kKey_r: fGLViewer->SetStyle(TGLRnrCtx::kFill); redraw = kTRUE; break; case kKey_E: case kKey_e: fGLViewer->SwitchColorSet(); redraw = kTRUE; break; case kKey_W: case kKey_w: fGLViewer->SetStyle(TGLRnrCtx::kWireFrame); redraw = kTRUE; break; case kKey_T: case kKey_t: fGLViewer->SetStyle(TGLRnrCtx::kOutline); redraw = kTRUE; break; case kKey_F1: fGLViewer->RequestSelect(fLastPos.fX, fLastPos.fY); fGLViewer->MouseIdle(fGLViewer->fSelRec.GetPhysShape(), (UInt_t)fLastPos.fX, (UInt_t)fLastPos.fY); break; // Camera case kKey_A: case kKey_a: fArcBall = ! fArcBall; break; case kKey_Plus: case kKey_J: case kKey_j: redraw = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Dolly(shift, mod1, mod2); break; case kKey_Minus: case kKey_K: case kKey_k: redraw = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Dolly(-shift, mod1, mod2); break; case kKey_Up: redraw = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Truck(0, shift, mod1, mod2); break; case kKey_Down: redraw = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Truck(0, -shift, mod1, mod2); break; case kKey_Left: redraw = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Truck(-shift, 0, mod1, mod2); break; case kKey_Right: redraw = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Truck(shift, 0, mod1, mod2); break; case kKey_Home: if (mod1) { TGLCamera &cam = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera(); cam.SetExternalCenter(!cam.GetExternalCenter()); fGLViewer->RefreshPadEditor(fGLViewer); } else { fGLViewer->ResetCurrentCamera(); } redraw = kTRUE; break; // Toggle debugging mode case kKey_d: fGLViewer->fDebugMode = !fGLViewer->fDebugMode; redraw = kTRUE; Info("OpenGL viewer debug mode : ", fGLViewer->fDebugMode ? "ON" : "OFF"); break; // Forced rebuild for debugging mode case kKey_D: if (fGLViewer->fDebugMode) { Info("OpenGL viewer FORCED rebuild", " "); fGLViewer->UpdateScene(); } default:; } // switch } if (redraw) { if (fGLViewer->fGLDevice != -1) gGLManager->MarkForDirectCopy(fGLViewer->fGLDevice, kTRUE); fGLViewer->RequestDraw(); } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle mouse motion 'event'. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::HandleMotion(Event_t * event) { fGLViewer->MouseIdle(0, 0, 0); if (fGLViewer->IsLocked()) { if (gDebug>3) { Info("TGLEventHandler::HandleMotion", "ignored - viewer is %s", fGLViewer->LockName(fGLViewer->CurrentLock())); } return kFALSE; } Bool_t processed = kFALSE, changed = kFALSE; Short_t lod = TGLRnrCtx::kLODMed; // Camera interface requires GL coords - Y inverted Int_t xDelta = TMath::Nint(fMouseDragFactor * ControlValue(event->fX - fLastPos.fX)); Int_t yDelta = TMath::Nint(fMouseDragFactor * ControlValue(event->fY - fLastPos.fY)); Bool_t mod1 = event->fState & kKeyControlMask; Bool_t mod2 = event->fState & kKeyShiftMask; TGLUtil::PointToViewport(xDelta, yDelta); if (fMouseTimerRunning) StopMouseTimer(); if (fTooltipShown && ( TMath::Abs(event->fXRoot - fTooltipPos.fX) > fTooltipPixelTolerance || TMath::Abs(event->fYRoot - fTooltipPos.fY) > fTooltipPixelTolerance )) { RemoveTooltip(); } if (fGLViewer->fDragAction == TGLViewer::kDragNone) { if (fGLViewer->fRedrawTimer->IsPending()) { if (gDebug > 2) Info("TGLEventHandler::HandleMotion", "Redraw pending, ignoring."); return kTRUE; } changed = fGLViewer->RequestOverlaySelect(event->fX, event->fY); if (fGLViewer->fCurrentOvlElm) { Event_t e = *event; TGLUtil::PointToViewport(e.fX, e.fY); processed = fGLViewer->fCurrentOvlElm->Handle(*fGLViewer->fRnrCtx, fGLViewer->fOvlSelRec, &e); } lod = TGLRnrCtx::kLODHigh; if ( ! processed && ! fMouseTimerRunning) StartMouseTimer(); } else if (fGLViewer->fDragAction == TGLViewer::kDragCameraRotate) { processed = Rotate(xDelta, yDelta, mod1, mod2); } else if (fGLViewer->fDragAction == TGLViewer::kDragCameraTruck) { processed = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Truck(xDelta, -yDelta, mod1, mod2); } else if (fGLViewer->fDragAction == TGLViewer::kDragCameraDolly) { processed = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera().Dolly(yDelta - xDelta, mod1, mod2); } else if (fGLViewer->fDragAction == TGLViewer::kDragOverlay) { if (fGLViewer->fCurrentOvlElm) { Event_t e = *event; TGLUtil::PointToViewport(e.fX, e.fY); processed = fGLViewer->fCurrentOvlElm->Handle(*fGLViewer->fRnrCtx, fGLViewer->fOvlSelRec, &e); } } fLastPos.fX = event->fX; fLastPos.fY = event->fY; fLastGlobalPos.fX = event->fXRoot; fLastGlobalPos.fY = event->fYRoot; if (processed || changed) { if (fGLViewer->fGLDevice != -1) { gGLManager->MarkForDirectCopy(fGLViewer->fGLDevice, kTRUE); gVirtualX->SetDrawMode(TVirtualX::kCopy); } fGLViewer->RequestDraw(lod); } return processed; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method to handle action TGLViewer::kDragCameraRotate. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::Rotate(Int_t xDelta, Int_t yDelta, Bool_t mod1, Bool_t mod2) { TGLCamera &cam = fGLViewer->CurrentCamera(); if (fArcBall) return cam.RotateArcBall(xDelta, -yDelta, mod1, mod2); else return cam.Rotate (xDelta, -yDelta, mod1, mod2); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// If mouse delay timer times out emit signal. Bool_t TGLEventHandler::HandleTimer(TTimer *t) { if (t != fMouseTimer) return kFALSE; fMouseTimerRunning = kFALSE; if (fGLViewer->fRedrawTimer->IsPending()) { if (gDebug > 2) Info("TGLEventHandler::HandleTimer", "Redraw pending, ignoring."); return kTRUE; } if (fGLViewer->fDragAction == TGLViewer::kDragNone) { if (fLastMouseOverPos != fLastPos) { SelectForMouseOver(); } } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Start mouse timer in single-shot mode. void TGLEventHandler::StartMouseTimer() { fMouseTimer->Start(-1, kTRUE); fMouseTimerRunning = kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Make sure mouse timers are not running. void TGLEventHandler::StopMouseTimer() { fMouseTimerRunning = kFALSE; fMouseTimer->Stop(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Clear mouse-over state and emit mouse-over signals. /// Current overlay element is also told the mouse has left. void TGLEventHandler::ClearMouseOver() { fLastMouseOverPos.fX = fLastMouseOverPos.fY = -1; fLastMouseOverShape = 0; fGLViewer->MouseOver(fLastMouseOverShape); fGLViewer->MouseOver(fLastMouseOverShape, fLastEventState); fGLViewer->MouseOver((TObject*)0, fLastEventState); fGLViewer->ClearCurrentOvlElm(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle window expose 'event' - show. void TGLEventHandler::Repaint() { if (fGLViewer->IsLocked()) { if (gDebug > 0) { Info("TGLViewer::HandleExpose", "ignored - viewer is %s", fGLViewer->LockName(fGLViewer->CurrentLock())); } return; } fGLViewer->fRedrawTimer->RequestDraw(20, TGLRnrCtx::kLODHigh); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Popup context menu. void TGLEventHandler::PopupContextMenu(TGLPhysicalShape* pshp, Event_t * /*event*/, Int_t gx, Int_t gy) { if (!fGLViewer->fContextMenu) { fGLViewer->fContextMenu = new TContextMenu("glcm", "GL Viewer Context Menu"); } if (pshp) { fActiveButtonID = 0; UnGrabMouse(); pshp->InvokeContextMenu(*fGLViewer->fContextMenu, gx, gy); } // This is dangerous ... should have special menu, probably even // tool / context specific. // else // { // fGLViewer->fContextMenu->Popup(x, y, fGLViewer); // } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Trigger display of tooltip. void TGLEventHandler::TriggerTooltip(const char* text) { static UInt_t screenW = 0, screenH = 0; fTooltipPos = fLastGlobalPos; fTooltipShown = kTRUE; fTooltip->SetText(text); Int_t x = fTooltipPos.fX + 16, y = fTooltipPos.fY + 16; if (screenW == 0 || screenH == 0) { screenW = gClient->GetDisplayWidth(); screenH = gClient->GetDisplayHeight(); } if (x + 5 + fTooltip->GetWidth() > screenW) { x = screenW - fTooltip->GetWidth() - 5; if (y + 5 + fTooltip->GetHeight() > screenH) { y -= (25 + fTooltip->GetHeight()); } } if (y + 5 + fTooltip->GetHeight() > screenH) { y = screenH - fTooltip->GetHeight() - 10; } fTooltip->SetPosition(x, y); fTooltip->Reset(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Hide the tooltip. void TGLEventHandler::RemoveTooltip() { fTooltip->Hide(); fTooltipShown = kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set delay of mouse-over probe (highlight). void TGLEventHandler::SetMouseOverSelectDelay(Int_t ms) { fMouseTimer->SetTime(ms); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set delay of tooltip timer. void TGLEventHandler::SetMouseOverTooltipDelay(Int_t ms) { fTooltip->SetDelay(ms); }