// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 06/05/2009 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2009, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "TAttMarker.h" #include "TVirtualX.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TImage.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TPad.h" #include "TColorGradient.h" #include "TGLPadPainter.h" #include "TGLIncludes.h" #include "TGLUtil.h" #include "TMath.h" namespace { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Not a bad idea to assert on gVirtualX != nullptr bool IsGradientFill(Color_t fillColorIndex) { return dynamic_cast(gROOT->GetColor(fillColorIndex)); } } /** \class TGLPadPainter \ingroup opengl "Delegating" part of TGLPadPainter. Line/fill/etc. attributes can be set inside TPad, but not only there: many of them are set by base sub-objects of 2d primitives (2d primitives usually inherit TAttLine or TAttFill etc.). And these sub-objects call gVirtualX->SetLineWidth ... etc. So, if I save some attributes in my painter, it will be mess - at any moment I do not know, where to take line attribute - from gVirtualX or from my own member. So! All attributed, _ALL_ go to/from gVirtualX. */ ClassImp(TGLPadPainter); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TGLPadPainter::TGLPadPainter() : fIsHollowArea(kFALSE), fLocked(kTRUE) { fVp[0] = fVp[1] = fVp[2] = fVp[3] = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Color_t TGLPadPainter::GetLineColor() const { return gVirtualX->GetLineColor(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Style_t TGLPadPainter::GetLineStyle() const { return gVirtualX->GetLineStyle(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Width_t TGLPadPainter::GetLineWidth() const { return gVirtualX->GetLineWidth(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetLineColor(Color_t lcolor) { gVirtualX->SetLineColor(lcolor); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle) { gVirtualX->SetLineStyle(lstyle); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth) { gVirtualX->SetLineWidth(lwidth); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Color_t TGLPadPainter::GetFillColor() const { return gVirtualX->GetFillColor(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Style_t TGLPadPainter::GetFillStyle() const { return gVirtualX->GetFillStyle(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. ///IsTransparent is implemented as inline function in TAttFill. Bool_t TGLPadPainter::IsTransparent() const { return gVirtualX->IsTransparent(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetFillColor(Color_t fcolor) { gVirtualX->SetFillColor(fcolor); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetFillStyle(Style_t fstyle) { gVirtualX->SetFillStyle(fstyle); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetOpacity(Int_t percent) { gVirtualX->SetOpacity(percent); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Short_t TGLPadPainter::GetTextAlign() const { return gVirtualX->GetTextAlign(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Float_t TGLPadPainter::GetTextAngle() const { return gVirtualX->GetTextAngle(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Color_t TGLPadPainter::GetTextColor() const { return gVirtualX->GetTextColor(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Font_t TGLPadPainter::GetTextFont() const { return gVirtualX->GetTextFont(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Float_t TGLPadPainter::GetTextSize() const { return gVirtualX->GetTextSize(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. Float_t TGLPadPainter::GetTextMagnitude() const { return gVirtualX->GetTextMagnitude(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetTextAlign(Short_t align) { gVirtualX->SetTextAlign(align); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetTextAngle(Float_t tangle) { gVirtualX->SetTextAngle(tangle); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetTextColor(Color_t tcolor) { gVirtualX->SetTextColor(tcolor); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetTextFont(Font_t tfont) { gVirtualX->SetTextFont(tfont); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetTextSize(Float_t tsize) { gVirtualX->SetTextSize(tsize); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate to gVirtualX. void TGLPadPainter::SetTextSizePixels(Int_t npixels) { gVirtualX->SetTextSizePixels(npixels); } /* "Pixmap" part of TGLPadPainter. */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Not required at the moment. Int_t TGLPadPainter::CreateDrawable(UInt_t/*w*/, UInt_t/*h*/) { return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Not required at the moment. void TGLPadPainter::ClearDrawable() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Not required at the moment. void TGLPadPainter::CopyDrawable(Int_t /*device*/, Int_t /*px*/, Int_t /*py*/) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Not required at the moment. void TGLPadPainter::DestroyDrawable(Int_t /*device*/) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///For gVirtualX this means select pixmap (or window) ///and all subsequent drawings will go into ///this pixmap. For OpenGL this means the change of ///coordinate system and viewport. void TGLPadPainter::SelectDrawable(Int_t /*device*/) { if (fLocked) return; if (TPad *pad = dynamic_cast(gPad)) { Int_t px = 0, py = 0; pad->XYtoAbsPixel(pad->GetX1(), pad->GetY1(), px, py); py = gPad->GetWh() - py; // TGLUtil::InitializeIfNeeded(); const Float_t scale = TGLUtil::GetScreenScalingFactor(); glViewport(GLint(px * scale), GLint(py * scale), GLsizei(gPad->GetWw() * pad->GetAbsWNDC() * scale), GLsizei(gPad->GetWh() * pad->GetAbsHNDC() * scale)); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(pad->GetX1(), pad->GetX2(), pad->GetY1(), pad->GetY2(), -10., 10.); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslated(0., 0., -1.); } else { ::Error("TGLPadPainter::SelectDrawable", "function was called not from TPad or TCanvas code\n"); throw std::runtime_error(""); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Init gl-pad painter: ///1. 2D painter does not use depth test, should not modify /// depth-buffer content (except initial cleanup). ///2. Disable cull face. ///3. Disable lighting. ///4. Set viewport (to the whole canvas area). ///5. Set camera. ///6. Unlock painter. void TGLPadPainter::InitPainter() { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); //Clear the buffer glViewport(0, 0, GLsizei(gPad->GetWw()), GLsizei(gPad->GetWh())); glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); glClearColor(1.,1.,1.,1.); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(gPad->GetX1(), gPad->GetX2(), gPad->GetY1(), gPad->GetY2(), -10., 10.); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslated(0., 0., -1.); fLocked = kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///When TPad::Range for gPad is called, projection ///must be changed in OpenGL. void TGLPadPainter::InvalidateCS() { if (fLocked) return; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(gPad->GetX1(), gPad->GetX2(), gPad->GetY1(), gPad->GetY2(), -10., 10.); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Locked state of painter means, that ///GL context can be invalid, so no GL calls ///can be executed. void TGLPadPainter::LockPainter() { if (fLocked) return; glFinish(); fLocked = kTRUE; } /* 2D primitives. */ const Double_t lineWidthTS = 3.; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw line segment. void TGLPadPainter::DrawLine(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2) { if (fLocked) { //GL pad painter can be called in non-standard situation: //not from TPad::Paint, but //from TView3D::ExecuteRotateView. This means in fact, //that TView3D wants to draw itself in a XOR mode, via //gVirtualX. if (gVirtualX->GetDrawMode() == TVirtualX::kInvert) { gVirtualX->DrawLine(gPad->XtoAbsPixel(x1), gPad->YtoAbsPixel(y1), gPad->XtoAbsPixel(x2), gPad->YtoAbsPixel(y2)); } return; } const Rgl::Pad::LineAttribSet lineAttribs(kTRUE, gVirtualX->GetLineStyle(), fLimits.GetMaxLineWidth(), kTRUE); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2d(x1, y1); glVertex2d(x2, y2); glEnd(); if (gVirtualX->GetLineWidth() > lineWidthTS) { Double_t pointSize = gVirtualX->GetLineWidth(); if (pointSize > fLimits.GetMaxPointSize()) pointSize = fLimits.GetMaxPointSize(); glPointSize((GLfloat)pointSize); const TGLEnableGuard pointSmooth(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); glHint(GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex2d(x1, y1); glVertex2d(x2, y2); glEnd(); glPointSize(1.f); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw line segment in NDC coordinates. void TGLPadPainter::DrawLineNDC(Double_t u1, Double_t v1, Double_t u2, Double_t v2) { if (fLocked) return; const Rgl::Pad::LineAttribSet lineAttribs(kTRUE, gVirtualX->GetLineStyle(), fLimits.GetMaxLineWidth(), kTRUE); const Double_t xRange = gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1(); const Double_t yRange = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1(); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2d(gPad->GetX1() + u1 * xRange, gPad->GetY1() + v1 * yRange); glVertex2d(gPad->GetX1() + u2 * xRange, gPad->GetY1() + v2 * yRange); glEnd(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw filled or hollow box. void TGLPadPainter::DrawBox(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, EBoxMode mode) { if (fLocked) return; if (IsGradientFill(gVirtualX->GetFillColor())) { Double_t xs[] = {x1, x2, x2, x1}; Double_t ys[] = {y1, y1, y2, y2}; DrawPolygonWithGradient(4, xs, ys); return; } if (mode == kHollow) { const Rgl::Pad::LineAttribSet lineAttribs(kTRUE, 0, fLimits.GetMaxLineWidth(), kTRUE); // glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); glRectd(x1, y1, x2, y2); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glLineWidth(1.f); } else { const Rgl::Pad::FillAttribSet fillAttribs(fSSet, kFALSE);//Set filling parameters. glRectd(x1, y1, x2, y2); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw tesselated polygon (probably, outline only). void TGLPadPainter::DrawFillArea(Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y) { assert(x != 0 && "DrawFillArea, parameter 'x' is null"); assert(y != 0 && "DrawFillArea, parameter 'y' is null"); if (fLocked) return; if (n < 3) { ::Error("TGLPadPainter::DrawFillArea", "invalid number of points in a polygon"); return; } if (IsGradientFill(gVirtualX->GetFillColor())) return DrawPolygonWithGradient(n, x, y); if (!gVirtualX->GetFillStyle()) { fIsHollowArea = kTRUE; return DrawPolyLine(n, x, y); } const Rgl::Pad::FillAttribSet fillAttribs(fSSet, kFALSE); DrawTesselation(n, x, y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw tesselated polygon (never called, probably, since TPad::PaintFillArea for floats ///is deprecated). void TGLPadPainter::DrawFillArea(Int_t n, const Float_t *x, const Float_t *y) { if (fLocked) return; if (!gVirtualX->GetFillStyle()) { fIsHollowArea = kTRUE; return DrawPolyLine(n, x, y); } fVs.resize(n * 3); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { fVs[i * 3] = x[i]; fVs[i * 3 + 1] = y[i]; } const Rgl::Pad::FillAttribSet fillAttribs(fSSet, kFALSE); GLUtesselator *t = (GLUtesselator *)fTess.GetTess(); gluBeginPolygon(t); gluNextContour(t, (GLenum)GLU_UNKNOWN); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) gluTessVertex(t, &fVs[i * 3], &fVs[i * 3]); gluEndPolygon(t); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw poly-line in user coordinates. void TGLPadPainter::DrawPolyLine(Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y) { if (fLocked) return; const Rgl::Pad::LineAttribSet lineAttribs(kTRUE, gVirtualX->GetLineStyle(), fLimits.GetMaxLineWidth(), kTRUE); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) glVertex2d(x[i], y[i]); if (fIsHollowArea) { glVertex2d(x[0], y[0]); fIsHollowArea = kFALSE; } glEnd(); if (gVirtualX->GetLineWidth() > lineWidthTS) { Double_t pointSize = gVirtualX->GetLineWidth(); if (pointSize > fLimits.GetMaxPointSize()) pointSize = fLimits.GetMaxPointSize(); glPointSize((GLfloat)pointSize); const TGLEnableGuard pointSmooth(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); glHint(GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST); glBegin(GL_POINTS); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) glVertex2d(x[i], y[i]); glEnd(); glPointSize(1.f); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Never called? void TGLPadPainter::DrawPolyLine(Int_t n, const Float_t *x, const Float_t *y) { if (fLocked) return; const Rgl::Pad::LineAttribSet lineAttribs(kTRUE, gVirtualX->GetLineStyle(), fLimits.GetMaxLineWidth(), kTRUE); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) glVertex2f(x[i], y[i]); if (fIsHollowArea) { glVertex2f(x[0], y[0]); fIsHollowArea = kFALSE; } glEnd(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Poly line in NDC. void TGLPadPainter::DrawPolyLineNDC(Int_t n, const Double_t *u, const Double_t *v) { if (fLocked) return; const Rgl::Pad::LineAttribSet lineAttribs(kTRUE, gVirtualX->GetLineStyle(), fLimits.GetMaxLineWidth(), kTRUE); const Double_t xRange = gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1(); const Double_t yRange = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1(); const Double_t x1 = gPad->GetX1(), y1 = gPad->GetY1(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) glVertex2d(x1 + u[i] * xRange, y1 + v[i] * yRange); glEnd(); } namespace { //Aux. function. template void ConvertMarkerPoints(Int_t n, const ValueType *x, const ValueType *y, std::vector & dst); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Poly-marker. void TGLPadPainter::DrawPolyMarker(Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y) { if (fLocked) return; ConvertMarkerPoints(n, x, y, fPoly); DrawPolyMarker(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Poly-marker. void TGLPadPainter::DrawPolyMarker(Int_t n, const Float_t *x, const Float_t *y) { if (fLocked) return; ConvertMarkerPoints(n, x, y, fPoly); DrawPolyMarker(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Poly-marker. void TGLPadPainter::DrawPolyMarker() { if (fLocked) return; SaveProjectionMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); // glOrtho(0, gPad->GetAbsWNDC() * gPad->GetWw(), 0, gPad->GetAbsHNDC() * gPad->GetWh(), -10., 10.); // glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // const TGLEnableGuard blendGuard(GL_BLEND); Float_t rgba[4] = {}; Rgl::Pad::ExtractRGBA(gVirtualX->GetMarkerColor(), rgba); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glColor4fv(rgba); const Width_t w = TMath::Max(1, Int_t(TAttMarker::GetMarkerLineWidth(gVirtualX->GetMarkerStyle()))); glLineWidth(w > fLimits.GetMaxLineWidth() ? fLimits.GetMaxLineWidth() : !w ? 1.f : w); const TPoint *xy = &fPoly[0]; const Style_t markerStyle = TAttMarker::GetMarkerStyleBase(gVirtualX->GetMarkerStyle()); const UInt_t n = UInt_t(fPoly.size()); switch (markerStyle) { case kDot: fMarker.DrawDot(n, xy); break; case kPlus: fMarker.DrawPlus(n, xy); break; case kStar: case 31: fMarker.DrawStar(n, xy); break; case kCircle: case kOpenCircle: fMarker.DrawCircle(n, xy); break; case kMultiply: fMarker.DrawX(n, xy); break; case kFullDotSmall://"Full dot small" fMarker.DrawFullDotSmall(n, xy); break; case kFullDotMedium: fMarker.DrawFullDotMedium(n, xy); break; case kFullDotLarge: case kFullCircle: fMarker.DrawFullDotLarge(n, xy); break; case kFullSquare: fMarker.DrawFullSquare(n, xy); break; case kFullTriangleUp: fMarker.DrawFullTrianlgeUp(n, xy); break; case kFullTriangleDown: fMarker.DrawFullTrianlgeDown(n, xy); break; case kOpenSquare: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); fMarker.DrawFullSquare(n, xy); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); break; case kOpenTriangleUp: glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); fMarker.DrawFullTrianlgeUp(n, xy); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); break; case kOpenDiamond: fMarker.DrawDiamond(n, xy); break; case kOpenCross: fMarker.DrawOpenCross(n, xy); break; case kFullStar: fMarker.DrawFullStar(n, xy); break; case kOpenStar: fMarker.DrawOpenStar(n, xy); break; case kOpenTriangleDown: fMarker.DrawOpenTrianlgeDown(n, xy); break; case kFullDiamond: fMarker.DrawFullDiamond(n, xy); break; case kFullCross: fMarker.DrawFullCross(n, xy); break; case kOpenDiamondCross: fMarker.DrawOpenDiamondCross(n, xy); break; case kOpenSquareDiagonal: fMarker.DrawOpenSquareDiagonal(n, xy); break; case kOpenThreeTriangles: fMarker.DrawOpenThreeTriangles(n, xy); break; case kOctagonCross: fMarker.DrawOctagonCross(n, xy); break; case kFullThreeTriangles: fMarker.DrawFullThreeTriangles(n, xy); break; case kOpenFourTrianglesX: fMarker.DrawOpenFourTrianglesX(n, xy); break; case kFullFourTrianglesX: fMarker.DrawFullFourTrianglesX(n, xy); break; case kOpenDoubleDiamond: fMarker.DrawOpenDoubleDiamond(n, xy); break; case kFullDoubleDiamond: fMarker.DrawFullDoubleDiamond(n, xy); break; case kOpenFourTrianglesPlus: fMarker.DrawOpenFourTrianglesPlus(n, xy); break; case kFullFourTrianglesPlus: fMarker.DrawFullFourTrianglesPlus(n, xy); break; case kOpenCrossX: fMarker.DrawOpenCrossX(n, xy); break; case kFullCrossX: fMarker.DrawFullCrossX(n, xy); break; case kFourSquaresX: fMarker.DrawFourSquaresX(n, xy); break; case kFourSquaresPlus: fMarker.DrawFourSquaresPlus(n, xy); break; } RestoreProjectionMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLineWidth(1.f); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void TGLPadPainter::DrawTextHelper(Double_t x, Double_t y, const Char *text, ETextMode /*mode*/) { SaveProjectionMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); // glOrtho(0, gPad->GetAbsWNDC() * gPad->GetWw(), 0, gPad->GetAbsHNDC() * gPad->GetWh(), -10., 10.); // glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); Float_t rgba[4] = {}; Rgl::Pad::ExtractRGBA(gVirtualX->GetTextColor(), rgba); glColor4fv(rgba); //10 is the first valid font index. //20 is FreeSerifBold, as in TTF.cxx and in TGLFontManager.cxx. //shift - is the shift to access "extended" fonts. const Int_t shift = TGLFontManager::GetExtendedFontStartIndex(); Int_t fontIndex = TMath::Max(Short_t(10), gVirtualX->GetTextFont()); if (fontIndex / 10 + shift > TGLFontManager::GetFontFileArray()->GetEntries()) fontIndex = 20 + shift * 10; else fontIndex += shift * 10; fFM.RegisterFont(TMath::Max(Int_t(gVirtualX->GetTextSize()) - 1, 10),//kTexture does not work if size < 10. TGLFontManager::GetFontNameFromId(fontIndex), TGLFont::kTexture, fF); fF.PreRender(); const UInt_t padH = UInt_t(gPad->GetAbsHNDC() * gPad->GetWh()); fF.Render(text, gPad->XtoPixel(x), padH - gPad->YtoPixel(y), GetTextAngle(), GetTextMagnitude()); fF.PostRender(); RestoreProjectionMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw text. This operation is especially ///dangerous if in locked state - ///ftgl will assert on zero texture size ///(which is result of bad GL context). void TGLPadPainter::DrawText(Double_t x, Double_t y, const char *text, ETextMode mode) { if (fLocked) return; if (!gVirtualX->GetTextSize()) return; DrawTextHelper(x, y, text, mode); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw text. This operation is especially ///dangerous if in locked state - ///ftgl will assert on zero texture size ///(which is result of bad GL context). void TGLPadPainter::DrawText(Double_t x, Double_t y, const wchar_t *text, ETextMode mode) { if (fLocked) return; if (!gVirtualX->GetTextSize()) return; DrawTextHelper(x, y, text, mode); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw text in NDC. This operation is especially ///dangerous if in locked state - ///ftgl will assert on zero texture size ///(which is result of bad GL context). void TGLPadPainter::DrawTextNDC(Double_t u, Double_t v, const char *text, ETextMode mode) { if (fLocked) return; const Double_t xRange = gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1(); const Double_t yRange = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1(); DrawText(gPad->GetX1() + u * xRange, gPad->GetY1() + v * yRange, text, mode); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw text in NDC. This operation is especially ///dangerous if in locked state - ///ftgl will assert on zero texture size ///(which is result of bad GL context). void TGLPadPainter::DrawTextNDC(Double_t u, Double_t v, const wchar_t *text, ETextMode mode) { if (fLocked) return; const Double_t xRange = gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1(); const Double_t yRange = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1(); DrawText(gPad->GetX1() + u * xRange, gPad->GetY1() + v * yRange, text, mode); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Save the projection matrix. ///Attention! GL_PROJECTION will become the current matrix ///after this call! void TGLPadPainter::SaveProjectionMatrix()const { glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Restore the projection matrix. ///Attention! GL_PROJECTION will become the current matrix ///after this call! void TGLPadPainter::RestoreProjectionMatrix()const { glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Save the modelview matrix. ///Attention! GL_MODELVIEW will become the current matrix ///after this call! void TGLPadPainter::SaveModelviewMatrix()const { glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Restore the modelview matrix. ///Attention! GL_MODELVIEW will become the current matrix ///after this call! void TGLPadPainter::RestoreModelviewMatrix()const { glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Extract and save the current viewport. void TGLPadPainter::SaveViewport() { glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, fVp); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Restore the saved viewport. void TGLPadPainter::RestoreViewport() { glViewport(fVp[0], fVp[1], fVp[2], fVp[3]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Using TImage save frame-buffer contents as a picture. void TGLPadPainter::SaveImage(TVirtualPad *pad, const char *fileName, Int_t type) const { TVirtualPad *canvas = (TVirtualPad *)pad->GetCanvas(); if (!canvas) return; gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("((TCanvas *)0x%lx)->Flush();", (ULong_t)canvas)); std::vector buff(canvas->GetWw() * canvas->GetWh()); glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); //In case GL_BGRA is not in gl.h (old windows' gl) - comment/uncomment lines. //glReadPixels(0, 0, canvas->GetWw(), canvas->GetWh(), GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (char *)&buff[0]); glReadPixels(0, 0, canvas->GetWw(), canvas->GetWh(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (char *)&buff[0]); std::unique_ptr image(TImage::Create()); if (!image.get()) { ::Error("TGLPadPainter::SaveImage", "TImage creation failed"); return; } image->DrawRectangle(0, 0, canvas->GetWw(), canvas->GetWh()); UInt_t *argb = image->GetArgbArray(); if (!argb) { ::Error("TGLPadPainter::SaveImage", "null argb array in TImage object"); return; } const Int_t nLines = canvas->GetWh(); const Int_t nPixels = canvas->GetWw(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nLines; ++i) { Int_t base = (nLines - 1 - i) * nPixels; for (Int_t j = 0; j < nPixels; ++j, ++base) { //Uncomment/comment if you don't have GL_BGRA. const UInt_t pix = buff[base]; const UInt_t bgra = ((pix & 0xff) << 16) | (pix & 0xff00) | ((pix & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (pix & 0xff000000); //argb[i * nPixels + j] = buff[base]; argb[i * nPixels + j] = bgra; } } image->WriteImage(fileName, (TImage::EImageFileTypes)type); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TGLPadPainter::DrawPixels(const unsigned char *pixelData, UInt_t width, UInt_t height, Int_t dstX, Int_t dstY, Bool_t enableBlending) { if (fLocked) return; if (!pixelData) { //I'd prefer an assert. ::Error("TGLPadPainter::DrawPixels", "pixel data is null"); return; } if (std::numeric_limits::digits >= 32) { //TASImage uses bit 31 as ... //alpha channel flag! FUUUUUUUUUUUUU ..... !!! CLRBIT(width, 31); CLRBIT(height, 31); } if (!width) { //Assert is better. ::Error("TGLPadPainter::DrawPixels", "invalid width"); return; } if (!height) { //Assert is better. ::Error("TGLPadPainter::DrawPixels", "invalid height"); return; } if (TPad *pad = dynamic_cast(gPad)) { //TASImage passes pixel coordinates in pad's pixmap coordinate space. //While glRasterPosX said to work with 'window' coordinates, //that's a lie :) it does not :) const Double_t rasterX = Double_t(dstX) / (pad->GetAbsWNDC() * pad->GetWw()) * (pad->GetX2() - pad->GetX1()) + pad->GetX1(); const Double_t yRange = pad->GetY2() - pad->GetY1(); const Double_t rasterY = yRange - Double_t(dstY + height) / (pad->GetAbsHNDC() * pad->GetWh()) * yRange + pad->GetY1(); GLdouble oldPos[4] = {}; //Save the previous raster pos. glGetDoublev(GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION, oldPos); glRasterPos2d(rasterX, rasterY); //Stupid asimage provides us upside-down image. std::vector upsideDownImage(4 * width * height); const unsigned char *srcLine = pixelData + 4 * width * (height - 1); unsigned char *dstLine = &upsideDownImage[0]; for (UInt_t i = 0; i < height; ++i, srcLine -= 4 * width, dstLine += 4 * width) std::copy(srcLine, srcLine + 4 * width, dstLine); if (enableBlending) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); } glDrawPixels(width, height, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &upsideDownImage[0]); if (enableBlending) glDisable(GL_BLEND); //Restore raster pos. glRasterPos2d(oldPos[0], oldPos[1]); } else ::Error("TGLPadPainter::DrawPixels", "no pad found to draw"); } //Aux. functions - gradient and solid fill of arbitrary area. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///At the moment I assume both linear and radial gradients will work the same way - ///using a stencil buffer and some big rectangle(s) to fill with a gradient. ///Thus I have a 'common' part - the part responsible for a stencil test. void TGLPadPainter::DrawPolygonWithGradient(Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y) { assert(n > 2 && "DrawPolygonWithGradient, invalid number of points"); assert(x != 0 && "DrawPolygonWithGradient, parameter 'x' is null"); assert(y != 0 && "DrawPolygonWithGradient, parameter 'y' is null"); assert(dynamic_cast(gROOT->GetColor(gVirtualX->GetFillColor())) != 0 && "DrawPolygonWithGradient, the current fill color is not a gradient fill"); const TColorGradient * const grad = dynamic_cast(gROOT->GetColor(gVirtualX->GetFillColor())); if (fLocked) return; //Now, some magic! const TGLEnableGuard stencilGuard(GL_STENCIL_TEST); //TODO: check that the state is restored back correctly after // we done with a gradient. //TODO: make sure that we have glDepthMask set to false in general! glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); glStencilFunc(GL_NEVER, 1, 0xFF); glStencilOp(GL_REPLACE, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);// draw 1s on test fail (always) //Draw stencil pattern glStencilMask(0xFF); glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); //Draw our polygon into the stencil buffer: DrawTesselation(n, x, y); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glStencilMask(0x00); //Draw where stencil's value is 0 glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 0, 0xFF); //Draw only where stencil's value is 1 glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 1, 0xFF); //At the moment radial gradient is derived from linear - it was convenient //at some point, but in fact it was a bad idea. And now I have to //first check radial gradient. //TODO: TRadialGradient must inherit TColorGradient directly. const TRadialGradient * const rGrad = dynamic_cast(grad); if (rGrad) DrawGradient(rGrad, n, x, y); else { const TLinearGradient * const lGrad = dynamic_cast(grad); assert(lGrad != 0 && "DrawPolygonWithGradient, unknown gradient type"); DrawGradient(lGrad, n, x, y); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TGLPadPainter::DrawGradient(const TRadialGradient *grad, Int_t nPoints, const Double_t *xs, const Double_t *ys) { assert(grad != 0 && "DrawGradient, parameter 'grad' is null"); assert(nPoints > 2 && "DrawGradient, invalid number of points"); assert(xs != 0 && "DrawGradient, parameter 'xs' is null"); assert(ys != 0 && "DrawGradient, parameter 'ys' is null"); if (grad->GetGradientType() != TRadialGradient::kSimple) { ::Warning("TGLPadPainter::DrawGradient", "extended radial gradient is not supported");//yet? return; } //TODO: check the polygon's bbox! const auto &bbox = Rgl::Pad::FindBoundingRect(nPoints, xs, ys); // auto center = grad->GetCenter(); auto radius = grad->GetRadius(); //Adjust the center and radius depending on coordinate mode. if (grad->GetCoordinateMode() == TColorGradient::kObjectBoundingMode) { radius *= TMath::Max(bbox.fWidth, bbox.fHeight); center.fX = bbox.fWidth * center.fX + bbox.fXMin; center.fY = bbox.fHeight * center.fY + bbox.fYMin; } else { const auto w = gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1(); const auto h = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1(); radius *= TMath::Max(w, h); center.fX *= w; center.fY *= h; } //Now for the gradient fill we switch into pixel coordinates: const auto pixelW = gPad->GetAbsWNDC() * gPad->GetWw(); const auto pixelH = gPad->GetAbsHNDC() * gPad->GetWh(); // SaveProjectionMatrix(); SaveModelviewMatrix(); //A new ortho projection: glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); // glOrtho(0., pixelW, 0., pixelH, -10., 10.); // radius *= TMath::Max(pixelH, pixelW); center.fX = gPad->XtoPixel(center.fX); center.fY = pixelH - gPad->YtoPixel(center.fY); Double_t maxR = 0.; { const Double_t xMin = gPad->XtoPixel(bbox.fXMin); const Double_t xMax = gPad->XtoPixel(bbox.fXMax); const Double_t yMin = pixelH - gPad->YtoPixel(bbox.fYMin); const Double_t yMax = pixelH - gPad->YtoPixel(bbox.fYMax); //Get the longest distance from the center to the bounding box vertices //(this will be the maximum possible radius): const Double_t maxDistX = TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(center.fX - xMin), TMath::Abs(center.fX - xMax)); const Double_t maxDistY = TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(center.fY - yMin), TMath::Abs(center.fY - yMax)); maxR = TMath::Sqrt(maxDistX * maxDistX + maxDistY * maxDistY); } //If gradient 'stops inside the polygon', we use //the solid fill for the area outside of radial gradient: const Bool_t solidFillAfter = maxR > radius; //We emulate a radial gradient using triangles and linear gradient: //TODO: Can be something smarter? (btw even 100 seems to be enough) const UInt_t nSlices = 500; const auto nColors = grad->GetNumberOfSteps(); //+1 - the strip from the last color's position to radius, //and (probably) + 1 for solidFillAfter. const auto nCircles = nColors + 1 + solidFillAfter; //TODO: can locations be outside of [0., 1.] ??? //at the moment I assume the answer is NO, NEVER. const auto locations = grad->GetColorPositions(); // * 2 below == x,y std::vector circles(nSlices * nCircles * 2); const Double_t angle = TMath::TwoPi() / nSlices; //"Main" circles (for colors at locations[i]). for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nColors; ++i) { const auto circle = &circles[i * nSlices * 2]; //TODO: either check locations here or somewhere else. const auto r = radius * locations[i]; for (UInt_t j = 0, e = nSlices * 2 - 2; j < e; j += 2) { circle[j] = center.fX + r * TMath::Cos(angle * j); circle[j + 1] = center.fY + r * TMath::Sin(angle * j); } //The "closing" vertices: circle[(nSlices - 1) * 2] = circle[0]; circle[(nSlices - 1) * 2 + 1] = circle[1]; } { //The strip between lastPos and radius: const auto circle = &circles[nColors * nSlices * 2]; for (UInt_t j = 0, e = nSlices * 2 - 2; j < e; j += 2) { circle[j] = center.fX + radius * TMath::Cos(angle * j); circle[j + 1] = center.fY + radius * TMath::Sin(angle * j); } circle[(nSlices - 1) * 2] = circle[0]; circle[(nSlices - 1) * 2 + 1] = circle[1]; } if (solidFillAfter) { //The strip after the radius: const auto circle = &circles[(nCircles - 1) * nSlices * 2]; for (UInt_t j = 0, e = nSlices * 2 - 2; j < e; j += 2) { circle[j] = center.fX + maxR * TMath::Cos(angle * j); circle[j + 1] = center.fY + maxR * TMath::Sin(angle * j); } circle[(nSlices - 1) * 2] = circle[0]; circle[(nSlices - 1) * 2 + 1] = circle[1]; } //Now we draw: //1) triangle fan in the center (from center to the locations[1], // with a solid fill). //2) quad strips for colors. //3) additional quad strip from the lastLocation to the radius //4) additional quad strip (if any) from the radius to maxR. //RGBA values: const auto rgba = grad->GetColors(); const TGLEnableGuard alphaGuard(GL_BLEND); //TODO? glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); //Probably a degenerated case. Maybe not. glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glColor4dv(rgba); glVertex2d(center.fX, center.fY); for (UInt_t i = 0, e = nSlices * 2; i < e; i += 2) glVertex2dv(&circles[i]); glEnd(); //No auto for circles, explicit types to have const Double_t * const, not Duble_t * const. for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nColors - 1; ++i) { const Double_t * const inner = &circles[i * nSlices * 2]; const auto innerRGBA = rgba + i * 4; const auto outerRGBA = rgba + (i + 1) * 4; const Double_t * const outer = &circles[(i + 1) * nSlices * 2]; Rgl::DrawQuadStripWithRadialGradientFill(nSlices, inner, innerRGBA, outer, outerRGBA); } //Probably degenerated strip. { glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); const Double_t * const inner = &circles[nSlices * (nColors - 1) * 2]; const auto solidRGBA = rgba + (nColors - 1) * 4; const Double_t * const outer = &circles[nSlices * nColors * 2]; Rgl::DrawQuadStripWithRadialGradientFill(nSlices, inner, solidRGBA, outer, solidRGBA); } if (solidFillAfter) { glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); const Double_t * const inner = &circles[nSlices * nColors * 2]; const auto solidRGBA = rgba + (nColors - 1) * 4; const Double_t * const outer = &circles[nSlices * (nColors + 1) * 2]; Rgl::DrawQuadStripWithRadialGradientFill(nSlices, inner, solidRGBA, outer, solidRGBA); } RestoreProjectionMatrix(); RestoreModelviewMatrix(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TGLPadPainter::DrawGradient(const TLinearGradient *grad, Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y) { assert(grad != 0 && "DrawGradient, parameter 'grad' is null"); assert(n > 2 && "DrawGradient, invalid number of points"); assert(x != 0 && "DrawGradient, parameter 'x' is null"); assert(y != 0 && "DrawGradient, parameter 'y' is null"); //Now we fill the whole scene with one big rectangle //(group of rectangles) with a gradient fill using //stencil test. //Find a bounding rect. const auto &bbox = Rgl::Pad::FindBoundingRect(n, x, y); //TODO: check the bbox?? //For the gradient fill we switch into the //pixel coordinates. SaveProjectionMatrix(); SaveModelviewMatrix(); //A new ortho projection: glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); const Double_t pixelW = gPad->GetAbsWNDC() * gPad->GetWw(); const Double_t pixelH = gPad->GetAbsHNDC() * gPad->GetWh(); glOrtho(0., pixelW, 0., pixelH, -10., 10.); //A new modelview: glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); // TColorGradient::Point start = grad->GetStart(); TColorGradient::Point end = grad->GetEnd(); //Change gradient coordinates from 'NDC' to pad coords: if (grad->GetCoordinateMode() == TColorGradient::kPadMode) { const Double_t w = gPad->GetX2() - gPad->GetX1(); const Double_t h = gPad->GetY2() - gPad->GetY1(); start.fX = start.fX * w; start.fY = start.fY * h; end.fX = end.fX * w; end.fY = end.fY * h; } else { start.fX = start.fX * bbox.fWidth + bbox.fXMin; start.fY = start.fY * bbox.fHeight + bbox.fYMin; end.fX = end.fX * bbox.fWidth + bbox.fXMin; end.fY = end.fY * bbox.fHeight + bbox.fYMin; } //TODO: with a radial fill we'll have to extract the code // below into the separate function/and have additional function // for a radial gradient. //Now from pad to pixels: start.fX = gPad->XtoPixel(start.fX); start.fY = pixelH - gPad->YtoPixel(start.fY); end.fX = gPad->XtoPixel(end.fX); end.fY = pixelH - gPad->YtoPixel(end.fY); const Double_t xMin = gPad->XtoPixel(bbox.fXMin); const Double_t xMax = gPad->XtoPixel(bbox.fXMax); const Double_t yMin = pixelH - gPad->YtoPixel(bbox.fYMin); const Double_t yMax = pixelH - gPad->YtoPixel(bbox.fYMax); // //TODO: check all calculations! //Get the longest distance from the start point to the bounding box vertices: const Double_t maxDistX = TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(start.fX - xMin), TMath::Abs(start.fX - xMax)); const Double_t maxDistY = TMath::Max(TMath::Abs(start.fY - yMin), TMath::Abs(start.fY - yMax)); const Double_t startEndLength = TMath::Sqrt((end.fX - start.fX) * (end.fX - start.fX) + (end.fY - start.fY) * (end.fY - start.fY)); const Double_t h = TMath::Max(TMath::Sqrt(maxDistX * maxDistX + maxDistY * maxDistY), startEndLength); //Boxes with a gradients to emulate gradient fill with many colors: const Double_t * const colorPositions = grad->GetColorPositions(); std::vector gradBoxes(grad->GetNumberOfSteps() + 2); gradBoxes[0] = start.fY - h; for (unsigned i = 1; i <= grad->GetNumberOfSteps(); ++i) gradBoxes[i] = startEndLength * colorPositions[i - 1] + start.fY; gradBoxes[grad->GetNumberOfSteps() + 1] = start.fY + h; //Rotation angle - gradient's axis: Double_t angle = TMath::ACos((startEndLength * (end.fY - start.fY)) / (startEndLength * startEndLength)) * TMath::RadToDeg(); if (end.fX > start.fX) angle *= -1; glTranslated(start.fX, start.fY, 0.); glRotated(angle, 0., 0., 1.); glTranslated(-start.fX, -start.fY, 0.); // const Double_t * const rgba = grad->GetColors(); const unsigned nEdges = gradBoxes.size(); const unsigned nColors = grad->GetNumberOfSteps(); const Double_t xLeft = start.fX - h, xRight = start.fX + h; const TGLEnableGuard alphaGuard(GL_BLEND); //TODO? glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); Rgl::DrawBoxWithGradientFill(gradBoxes[0], gradBoxes[1], xLeft, xRight, rgba, rgba); Rgl::DrawBoxWithGradientFill(gradBoxes[nEdges - 2], gradBoxes[nEdges - 1], xLeft, xRight, rgba + (nColors - 1) * 4, rgba + (nColors - 1) * 4); for (unsigned i = 1; i < nEdges - 2; ++i) Rgl::DrawBoxWithGradientFill(gradBoxes[i], gradBoxes[i + 1], xLeft, xRight, rgba + (i - 1) * 4, rgba + i * 4); RestoreProjectionMatrix(); RestoreModelviewMatrix(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TGLPadPainter::DrawTesselation(Int_t n, const Double_t *x, const Double_t *y) { assert(n > 2 && "DrawTesselation, invalid number of points"); assert(x != 0 && "DrawTesselation, parameter 'x' is null"); assert(y != 0 && "DrawTesselation, parameter 'y' is null"); //Data for a tesselator: fVs.resize(n * 3); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { fVs[i * 3] = x[i]; fVs[i * 3 + 1] = y[i]; fVs[i * 3 + 2] = 0.; } //TODO: A very primitive way to tesselate - check what //kind of polygons we can really have from TPad/TCanvas. GLUtesselator *t = (GLUtesselator *)fTess.GetTess(); gluBeginPolygon(t); gluNextContour(t, (GLenum)GLU_UNKNOWN); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) gluTessVertex(t, &fVs[i * 3], &fVs[i * 3]); gluEndPolygon(t); } //Aux. functions. namespace { template void ConvertMarkerPoints(Int_t n, const ValueType *x, const ValueType *y, std::vector & dst) { const UInt_t padH = UInt_t(gPad->GetAbsHNDC() * gPad->GetWh()); dst.resize(n); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { dst[i].fX = gPad->XtoPixel(x[i]); dst[i].fY = padH - gPad->YtoPixel(y[i]); } } }