// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 26/01/2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #endif #include "TVirtualX.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TH3.h" #include "TGLPlotCamera.h" #include "TGLParametric.h" #include "TGLIncludes.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "KeySymbols.h" #include "Buttons.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TMath.h" namespace { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///User defines equations using names 'u' and 'v' for ///parameters. But TF2 works with 'x' and 'y'. So, ///find 'u' and 'v' (which are not parts of other names) ///and replace them with 'x' and 'y' correspondingly. void ReplaceUVNames(TString &equation) { using namespace std; const Ssiz_t len = equation.Length(); //TF2 requires 'y' in formula. //'v' <=> 'y', so if none 'v' was found, I'll append "+0*y" to the equation. Int_t vFound = 0; for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i < len;) { const char c = equation[i]; if (!isalpha(c)) { ++i; continue; } else{ ++i; if (c == 'u' || c == 'v') { //1. This 'u' or 'v' is the last symbol in a string or //2. After this 'u' or 'v' symbol, which cannot be part of longer name. if (i == len || (!isalpha(equation[i]) && !isdigit(equation[i]) && equation[i] != '_')) { //Replace 'u' with 'x' or 'v' with 'y'. equation[i - 1] = c == 'u' ? 'x' : (++vFound, 'y'); } else { //This 'u' or 'v' is the beginning of some longer name. //Skip the remaining part of this name. while (i < len && (isalpha(equation[i]) || isdigit(equation[i]) || equation[i] == '_')) ++i; } } else { while (i < len && (isalpha(equation[i]) || isdigit(equation[i]) || equation[i] == '_')) ++i; } } } if (!vFound) equation += "+0*y"; } } /** \class TGLParametricEquation \ingroup opengl A parametric surface is a surface defined by a parametric equation, involving two parameters (u, v): ~~~ {.cpp} S(u, v) = (x(u, v), y(u, v), z(u, v)). ~~~ For example, "limpet torus" surface can be defined as: ~~~ {.cpp} x = cos(u) / (sqrt(2) + sin(v)) y = sin(u) / (sqrt(2) + sin(v)) z = 1 / (sqrt(2) + cos(v)), ~~~ where -pi <= u <= pi, -pi <= v <= pi. ~~~ {.cpp} TGLParametricEquation * eq = new TGLParametricEquation("Limpet_torus", "cos(u) / (sqrt(2.) + sin(v))", "sin(u) / (sqrt(2.) + sin(v))", "1 / (sqrt(2) + cos(v))"); ~~~ `$ROOTSYS/tutorials/gl/glparametric.C` contains more examples. Parametric equations can be specified: - 1. by string expressions, as with TF2, but with 'u' instead of 'x' and 'v' instead of 'y'. - 2. by function - see ParametricEquation_t declaration. */ ClassImp(TGLParametricEquation); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Surface is defined by three strings. ///ROOT does not use exceptions in ctors, ///so, I have to use MakeZombie to let ///external user know about errors. TGLParametricEquation::TGLParametricEquation(const TString &name, const TString &xFun, const TString &yFun, const TString &zFun, Double_t uMin, Double_t uMax, Double_t vMin, Double_t vMax) : TNamed(name, name), fEquation(0), fURange(uMin, uMax), fVRange(vMin, vMax), fConstrained(kFALSE), fModified(kFALSE) { if (!xFun.Length() || !yFun.Length() || !zFun.Length()) { Error("TGLParametricEquation", "One of string expressions is empty"); MakeZombie(); return; } TString equation(xFun); equation.ToLower(); ReplaceUVNames(equation); fXEquation.reset(new TF2(name + "xEquation", equation.Data(), uMin, uMax, vMin, vMax)); //Formula was incorrect. if (fXEquation->IsZombie()) { MakeZombie(); return; } equation = yFun; equation.ToLower(); ReplaceUVNames(equation); fYEquation.reset(new TF2(name + "yEquation", equation.Data(), uMin, uMax, vMin, vMax)); //Formula was incorrect. if (fYEquation->IsZombie()) { MakeZombie(); return; } equation = zFun; equation.ToLower(); ReplaceUVNames(equation); fZEquation.reset(new TF2(name + "zEquation", equation.Data(), uMin, uMax, vMin, vMax)); //Formula was incorrect. if (fZEquation->IsZombie()) MakeZombie(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Surface defined by user's function (see ParametricEquation_t declaration in TGLParametricEquation.h) TGLParametricEquation::TGLParametricEquation(const TString &name, ParametricEquation_t equation, Double_t uMin, Double_t uMax, Double_t vMin, Double_t vMax) : TNamed(name, name), fEquation(equation), fURange(uMin, uMax), fVRange(vMin, vMax), fConstrained(kFALSE), fModified(kFALSE) { if (!fEquation) { Error("TGLParametricEquation", "Function ptr is null"); MakeZombie(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///[uMin, uMax] Rgl::Range_t TGLParametricEquation::GetURange()const { return fURange; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///[vMin, vMax] Rgl::Range_t TGLParametricEquation::GetVRange()const { return fVRange; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Check is constrained. Bool_t TGLParametricEquation::IsConstrained()const { return fConstrained; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Set constrained. void TGLParametricEquation::SetConstrained(Bool_t c) { fConstrained = c; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Something was changed in parametric equation (or constrained option was changed). Bool_t TGLParametricEquation::IsModified()const { return fModified; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Set modified. void TGLParametricEquation::SetModified(Bool_t m) { fModified = m; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Calculate vertex. void TGLParametricEquation::EvalVertex(TGLVertex3 &newVertex, Double_t u, Double_t v)const { if (fEquation) return fEquation(newVertex, u, v); if (IsZombie()) return; newVertex.X() = fXEquation->Eval(u, v); newVertex.Y() = fYEquation->Eval(u, v); newVertex.Z() = fZEquation->Eval(u, v); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Check, if parametric surface is under cursor. Int_t TGLParametricEquation::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) { if (fPainter.get()) return fPainter->DistancetoPrimitive(px, py); return 9999; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Pass event to painter. void TGLParametricEquation::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) { if (fPainter.get()) return fPainter->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///No object info yet. char *TGLParametricEquation::GetObjectInfo(Int_t /*px*/, Int_t /*py*/) const { static char mess[] = { "parametric surface" }; return mess; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Delegate paint. void TGLParametricEquation::Paint(Option_t * /*option*/) { if (!fPainter.get()) fPainter.reset(new TGLHistPainter(this)); fPainter->Paint("dummyoption"); } /** \class TGLParametricPlot \ingroup opengl */ ClassImp(TGLParametricPlot); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Constructor. TGLParametricPlot::TGLParametricPlot(TGLParametricEquation *eq, TGLPlotCamera *camera) : TGLPlotPainter(camera), fMeshSize(90), fShowMesh(kFALSE), fColorScheme(4), fEquation(eq) { fXAxis = &fCartesianXAxis; fYAxis = &fCartesianYAxis; fZAxis = &fCartesianZAxis; fCoord = &fCartesianCoord; InitGeometry(); InitColors(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Build mesh. The surface is 'immutable': ///the only reason to rebuild it - the change in size or ///if one of equations contain reference to TF2 function, whose ///parameters were changed. Bool_t TGLParametricPlot::InitGeometry() { // const Bool_t constrained = kTRUE;//fEquation->IsConstrained(); if (fMeshSize * fMeshSize != (Int_t)fMesh.size() || fEquation->IsModified()) { if (fEquation->IsZombie()) return kFALSE; fEquation->SetModified(kFALSE); fMesh.resize(fMeshSize * fMeshSize); fMesh.SetRowLen(fMeshSize); const Rgl::Range_t uRange(fEquation->GetURange()); const Rgl::Range_t vRange(fEquation->GetVRange()); const Double_t dU = (uRange.second - uRange.first) / (fMeshSize - 1); const Double_t dV = (vRange.second - vRange.first) / (fMeshSize - 1); const Double_t dd = 0.001; Double_t u = uRange.first; TGLVertex3 min; fEquation->EvalVertex(min, uRange.first, vRange.first); TGLVertex3 max(min), newVert, v1, v2; using namespace TMath; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMeshSize; ++i) { Double_t v = vRange.first; for (Int_t j = 0; j < fMeshSize; ++j) { fEquation->EvalVertex(newVert, u, v); min.X() = Min(min.X(), newVert.X()); max.X() = Max(max.X(), newVert.X()); min.Y() = Min(min.Y(), newVert.Y()); max.Y() = Max(max.Y(), newVert.Y()); min.Z() = Min(min.Z(), newVert.Z()); max.Z() = Max(max.Z(), newVert.Z()); fMesh[i][j].fPos = newVert; v += dV; } u += dU; } TH3F hist("tmp", "tmp", 2, -1., 1., 2, -1., 1., 2, -1., 1.); hist.SetDirectory(0); //TAxis has a lot of attributes, defaults, set by ctor, //are not enough to be correctly painted by TGaxis object. //To simplify their initialization - I use temporary histogram. hist.GetXaxis()->Copy(fCartesianXAxis); hist.GetYaxis()->Copy(fCartesianYAxis); hist.GetZaxis()->Copy(fCartesianZAxis); fCartesianXAxis.Set(fMeshSize, min.X(), max.X()); fCartesianXAxis.SetTitle("x");//it's lost when copying from temp. hist. fCartesianYAxis.Set(fMeshSize, min.Y(), max.Y()); fCartesianYAxis.SetTitle("y"); fCartesianZAxis.Set(fMeshSize, min.Z(), max.Z()); fCartesianZAxis.SetTitle("z"); if (!fCoord->SetRanges(&fCartesianXAxis, &fCartesianYAxis, &fCartesianZAxis)) return kFALSE; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMeshSize; ++i) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < fMeshSize; ++j) { TGLVertex3 &ver = fMesh[i][j].fPos; ver.X() *= fCoord->GetXScale(), ver.Y() *= fCoord->GetYScale(), ver.Z() *= fCoord->GetZScale(); } } u = uRange.first; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMeshSize; ++i) { Double_t v = vRange.first; for (Int_t j = 0; j < fMeshSize; ++j) { TGLVertex3 &ver = fMesh[i][j].fPos; fEquation->EvalVertex(v1, u + dd, v); fEquation->EvalVertex(v2, u, v + dd); v1.X() *= fCoord->GetXScale(), v1.Y() *= fCoord->GetYScale(), v1.Z() *= fCoord->GetZScale(); v2.X() *= fCoord->GetXScale(), v2.Y() *= fCoord->GetYScale(), v2.Z() *= fCoord->GetZScale(); Normal2Plane(ver.CArr(), v1.CArr(), v2.CArr(), fMesh[i][j].fNormal.Arr()); v += dV; } u += dU; } fBackBox.SetPlotBox(fCoord->GetXRangeScaled(), fCoord->GetYRangeScaled(), fCoord->GetZRangeScaled()); if (fCamera) fCamera->SetViewVolume(fBackBox.Get3DBox()); } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///User clicks right mouse button (in a pad). void TGLParametricPlot::StartPan(Int_t px, Int_t py) { fMousePosition.fX = px; fMousePosition.fY = fCamera->GetHeight() - py; fCamera->StartPan(px, py); fBoxCut.StartMovement(px, fCamera->GetHeight() - py); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///User's moving mouse cursor, with middle mouse button pressed (for pad). ///Calculate 3d shift related to 2d mouse movement. void TGLParametricPlot::Pan(Int_t px, Int_t py) { if (fSelectedPart) { SaveModelviewMatrix(); SaveProjectionMatrix(); fCamera->SetCamera(); fCamera->Apply(fPadPhi, fPadTheta); if (fBoxCut.IsActive() && (fSelectedPart >= kXAxis && fSelectedPart <= kZAxis)) fBoxCut.MoveBox(px, fCamera->GetHeight() - py, fSelectedPart); else fCamera->Pan(px, py); RestoreProjectionMatrix(); RestoreModelviewMatrix(); } fUpdateSelection = kTRUE;// } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///No object info yet. char *TGLParametricPlot::GetPlotInfo(Int_t /*px*/, Int_t /*py*/) { static char mess[] = { "parametric surface" }; return mess; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///No additional options for parametric surfaces. void TGLParametricPlot::AddOption(const TString &/*option*/) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Change color/mesh size or switch on/off mesh/box cut. ///Left double click - remove box cut. void TGLParametricPlot::ProcessEvent(Int_t event, Int_t /*px*/, Int_t py) { if (event == kButton1Double && fBoxCut.IsActive()) { fBoxCut.TurnOnOff(); if (!gVirtualX->IsCmdThread()) gROOT->ProcessLineFast(Form("((TGLPlotPainter *)0x%lx)->Paint()", (ULong_t)this)); else Paint(); } else if (event == kKeyPress) { if (py == kKey_c || py == kKey_C) { if (fHighColor) Info("ProcessEvent", "Switch to true color to use box cut"); else { fBoxCut.TurnOnOff(); fUpdateSelection = kTRUE; } } else if (py == kKey_s || py == kKey_S) { fColorScheme == 20 ? fColorScheme = -1 : ++fColorScheme; InitColors();//color scheme was changed! recalculate vertices colors. } else if (py == kKey_w || py == kKey_W) { fShowMesh = !fShowMesh; } else if (py == kKey_l || py == kKey_L) { fMeshSize == kHigh ? fMeshSize = kLow : fMeshSize += 15; InitGeometry(); InitColors(); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Initialize gl state. void TGLParametricPlot::InitGL()const { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, GL_TRUE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Initialize gl state. void TGLParametricPlot::DeInitGL()const { glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glDisable(GL_LIGHT0); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, GL_FALSE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Draw parametric surface. void TGLParametricPlot::DrawPlot()const { //Shift plot to point of origin. const Rgl::PlotTranslation trGuard(this); if (!fSelectionPass) { SetSurfaceColor(); if (fShowMesh) { glEnable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glPolygonOffset(1.f, 1.f); } } else { Rgl::ObjectIDToColor(fSelectionBase, fHighColor); } glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMeshSize - 1; ++i) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < fMeshSize - 1; ++j) { if (fBoxCut.IsActive()) { using TMath::Min; using TMath::Max; const Double_t xMin = Min(Min(fMesh[i][j].fPos.X(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.X()), Min(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.X(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.X())); const Double_t xMax = Max(Max(fMesh[i][j].fPos.X(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.X()), Max(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.X(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.X())); const Double_t yMin = Min(Min(fMesh[i][j].fPos.Y(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.Y()), Min(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.Y(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.Y())); const Double_t yMax = Max(Max(fMesh[i][j].fPos.Y(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.Y()), Max(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.Y(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.Y())); const Double_t zMin = Min(Min(fMesh[i][j].fPos.Z(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.Z()), Min(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.Z(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.Z())); const Double_t zMax = Max(Max(fMesh[i][j].fPos.Z(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.Z()), Max(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.Z(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.Z())); if (fBoxCut.IsInCut(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, zMin, zMax)) continue; } glNormal3dv(fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fNormal.CArr()); if(fColorScheme != -1) glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fRGBA); glVertex3dv(fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.CArr()); glNormal3dv(fMesh[i][j + 1].fNormal.CArr()); if(fColorScheme != -1) glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, fMesh[i][j + 1].fRGBA); glVertex3dv(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.CArr()); glNormal3dv(fMesh[i][j].fNormal.CArr()); if(fColorScheme != -1) glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, fMesh[i][j].fRGBA); glVertex3dv(fMesh[i][j].fPos.CArr()); glNormal3dv(fMesh[i + 1][j].fNormal.CArr()); if(fColorScheme != -1) glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, fMesh[i + 1][j].fRGBA); glVertex3dv(fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.CArr()); glNormal3dv(fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fNormal.CArr()); if(fColorScheme != -1) glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fRGBA); glVertex3dv(fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.CArr()); glNormal3dv(fMesh[i][j].fNormal.CArr()); if(fColorScheme != -1) glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, fMesh[i][j].fRGBA); glVertex3dv(fMesh[i][j].fPos.CArr()); } } glEnd(); if (!fSelectionPass && fShowMesh) { glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); const TGLDisableGuard lightGuard(GL_LIGHTING); const TGLEnableGuard blendGuard(GL_BLEND); const TGLEnableGuard smoothGuard(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glColor4d(0., 0., 0., 0.5); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMeshSize - 1; ++i) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < fMeshSize - 1; ++j) { if (fBoxCut.IsActive()) { using TMath::Min; using TMath::Max; const Double_t xMin = Min(Min(fMesh[i][j].fPos.X(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.X()), Min(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.X(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.X())); const Double_t xMax = Max(Max(fMesh[i][j].fPos.X(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.X()), Max(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.X(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.X())); const Double_t yMin = Min(Min(fMesh[i][j].fPos.Y(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.Y()), Min(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.Y(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.Y())); const Double_t yMax = Max(Max(fMesh[i][j].fPos.Y(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.Y()), Max(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.Y(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.Y())); const Double_t zMin = Min(Min(fMesh[i][j].fPos.Z(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.Z()), Min(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.Z(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.Z())); const Double_t zMax = Max(Max(fMesh[i][j].fPos.Z(), fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.Z()), Max(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.Z(), fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.Z())); if (fBoxCut.IsInCut(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, zMin, zMax)) continue; } glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glVertex3dv(fMesh[i][j].fPos.CArr()); glVertex3dv(fMesh[i][j + 1].fPos.CArr()); glVertex3dv(fMesh[i + 1][j + 1].fPos.CArr()); glVertex3dv(fMesh[i + 1][j].fPos.CArr()); glEnd(); } } glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); } if (fBoxCut.IsActive()) fBoxCut.DrawBox(fSelectionPass, fSelectedPart); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Calculate colors for vertices, ///using one of 20 color themes. ///-1 simple 'metal' surface. void TGLParametricPlot::InitColors() { if (fColorScheme == -1) return; const Rgl::Range_t uRange(fEquation->GetURange()); const Float_t dU = Float_t((uRange.second - uRange.first) / (fMeshSize - 1)); Float_t u = Float_t(uRange.first); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fMeshSize; ++i) { for (Int_t j = 0; j < fMeshSize; ++j) Rgl::GetColor(u, uRange.first, uRange.second, fColorScheme, fMesh[i][j].fRGBA); u += dU; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///No such sections. void TGLParametricPlot::DrawSectionXOZ()const { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///No such sections. void TGLParametricPlot::DrawSectionYOZ()const { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///No such sections. void TGLParametricPlot::DrawSectionXOY()const { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Set material properties. void TGLParametricPlot::SetSurfaceColor()const { const Float_t specular[] = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f}; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, specular); glMaterialf(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, 20.f); if (fColorScheme == -1) { const Float_t outerDiff[] = {0.5f, 0.42f, 0.f, 1.f}; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, outerDiff); const Float_t innerDiff[] = {0.5f, 0.2f, 0.f, 1.f}; glMaterialfv(GL_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, innerDiff); } }