// @(#)root/x3d:$Id$ // Author: Rene Brun 05/09/99 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TViewerX3D // // // // C++ interface to the X3D viewer // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TViewerX3D.h" #include "X3DBuffer.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TView.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TRootHelpDialog.h" #include "TGClient.h" #include "TGCanvas.h" #include "TGMenu.h" #include "TGWidget.h" #include "TGMsgBox.h" #include "TVirtualX.h" #include "TBuffer3D.h" #include "TBuffer3DTypes.h" #include "HelpText.h" #include const char gHelpX3DViewer[] = "\ PRESS \n\ \tw\t--- wireframe mode\n\ \te\t--- hidden line mode\n\ \tr\t--- hidden surface mode\n\ \tu\t--- move object down\n\ \ti\t--- move object up\n\ \to\t--- toggle controls style\n\ \ts\t--- toggle stereo display\n\ \td\t--- toggle blue stereo view\n\ \tf\t--- toggle double buffer\n\ \th\t--- move object right\n\ \tj\t--- move object forward\n\ \tk\t--- move object backward\n\ \tl\t--- move object left\n\ \tx a\t--- rotate about x\n\ \ty b\t--- rotate about y\n\ \tz c\t--- rotate about z\n\ \t1 2 3\t--- autorotate about x\n\ \t4 5 6\t--- autorotate about y\n\ \t7 8 9\t--- autorotate about z\n\ \t[ ] { }\t--- adjust focus\n\n\ HOLD the left mouse button and MOVE mouse to ROTATE object\n\n\ "; extern "C" { Window_t x3d_main(Float_t *longitude, Float_t *latitude, Float_t *psi, Option_t *option, Window_t parent); void x3d_set_display(Display_t display); int x3d_dispatch_event(Handle_t event); void x3d_update(); void x3d_get_position(Float_t *longitude, Float_t *latitude, Float_t *psi); int x3d_exec_command(int px, int py, char command); void x3d_terminate(); } // Canvas menu command ids enum EX3DViewerCommands { kFileNewViewer, kFileSave, kFileSaveAs, kFilePrint, kFileCloseViewer, kHelpAbout, kHelpOnViewer }; Bool_t TViewerX3D::fgCreated = kFALSE; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TX3DContainer // // // // Utility class used by TViewerX3D. The TX3DContainer is the frame // // embedded in the TGCanvas widget. The X3D graphics goes into this // // frame. This class is used to enable input events on this graphics // // frame and forward the events to X3D. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TX3DContainer : public TGCompositeFrame { private: TViewerX3D *fViewer; // pointer back to viewer imp public: TX3DContainer(TViewerX3D *c, Window_t id, const TGWindow *parent); Bool_t HandleButton(Event_t *ev) { x3d_dispatch_event(gVirtualX->GetNativeEvent()); return fViewer->HandleContainerButton(ev); } Bool_t HandleConfigureNotify(Event_t *ev) { TGFrame::HandleConfigureNotify(ev); return x3d_dispatch_event(gVirtualX->GetNativeEvent()); } Bool_t HandleKey(Event_t *) { return x3d_dispatch_event(gVirtualX->GetNativeEvent()); } Bool_t HandleMotion(Event_t *) { return x3d_dispatch_event(gVirtualX->GetNativeEvent()); } Bool_t HandleExpose(Event_t *) { return x3d_dispatch_event(gVirtualX->GetNativeEvent()); } Bool_t HandleColormapChange(Event_t *) { return x3d_dispatch_event(gVirtualX->GetNativeEvent()); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a canvas container. TX3DContainer::TX3DContainer(TViewerX3D *c, Window_t id, const TGWindow *p) : TGCompositeFrame(gClient, id, p) { fViewer = c; } ClassImp(TViewerX3D); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create ROOT X3D viewer. TViewerX3D::TViewerX3D(TVirtualPad *pad) : TVirtualViewer3D(), fCanvas(0), fContainer(0), fMenuBar(0), fFileMenu(0), fHelpMenu(0), fMenuBarLayout(0), fMenuBarItemLayout(0), fMenuBarHelpLayout(0), fCanvasLayout(0), fPad(pad), fBuildingScene(kFALSE), fPass(kSize) { fMainFrame = new TX3DFrame(*this, gClient->GetRoot(), 800, 600); fOption = "x3d"; fX3DWin = 0; fWidth = 800; fHeight = 600; fXPos = 0; fYPos = 0; fTitle = "x3d"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create ROOT X3D viewer. TViewerX3D::TViewerX3D(TVirtualPad *pad, Option_t *option, const char *title, UInt_t width, UInt_t height) : TVirtualViewer3D(), fCanvas(0), fContainer(0), fMenuBar(0), fFileMenu(0), fHelpMenu(0), fMenuBarLayout(0), fMenuBarItemLayout(0), fMenuBarHelpLayout(0), fCanvasLayout(0), fPad(pad), fBuildingScene(kFALSE), fPass(kSize) { fMainFrame = new TX3DFrame(*this, gClient->GetRoot(), 800, 600); fOption = option; fX3DWin = 0; fWidth = width; fHeight = height; fXPos = 0; fYPos = 0; fTitle = title; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create ROOT X3D viewer. TViewerX3D::TViewerX3D(TVirtualPad *pad, Option_t *option, const char *title, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height) : TVirtualViewer3D(), fCanvas(0), fContainer(0), fMenuBar(0), fFileMenu(0), fHelpMenu(0), fMenuBarLayout(0), fMenuBarItemLayout(0), fMenuBarHelpLayout(0), fCanvasLayout(0), fPad(pad), fBuildingScene(kFALSE), fPass(kSize) { fMainFrame = new TX3DFrame(*this, gClient->GetRoot(), 800, 600); fOption = option; fX3DWin = 0; fWidth = width; fHeight = height; fXPos = x; fYPos = y; fTitle = title; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Delete ROOT X3D viewer. TViewerX3D::~TViewerX3D() { if (!fPad) return; if (fgCreated) { DeleteX3DWindow(); } delete fCanvasLayout; delete fMenuBarHelpLayout; delete fMenuBarItemLayout; delete fMenuBarLayout; delete fHelpMenu; delete fFileMenu; delete fMenuBar; delete fContainer; delete fCanvas; delete fMainFrame; fgCreated = kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Close X3D Viewer void TViewerX3D::Close() { assert(!fBuildingScene); fPad->ReleaseViewer3D(); delete this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create the actual canvas. void TViewerX3D::CreateViewer(const char *name) { // Create menus fFileMenu = new TGPopupMenu(fMainFrame->GetClient()->GetRoot()); fFileMenu->AddEntry("&New Viewer", kFileNewViewer); fFileMenu->AddSeparator(); fFileMenu->AddEntry("Save", kFileSave); fFileMenu->AddEntry("Save As...", kFileSaveAs); fFileMenu->AddSeparator(); fFileMenu->AddEntry("&Print...", kFilePrint); fFileMenu->AddSeparator(); fFileMenu->AddEntry("&Close Viewer", kFileCloseViewer); //fFileMenu->DefaultEntry(kFileNewViewer); fFileMenu->DisableEntry(kFileNewViewer); fFileMenu->DisableEntry(kFileSave); fFileMenu->DisableEntry(kFileSaveAs); fFileMenu->DisableEntry(kFilePrint); fHelpMenu = new TGPopupMenu(fMainFrame->GetClient()->GetRoot()); fHelpMenu->AddEntry("&About ROOT...", kHelpAbout); fHelpMenu->AddSeparator(); fHelpMenu->AddEntry("Help On X3D Viewer...", kHelpOnViewer); // This main frame will process the menu commands fFileMenu->Associate(fMainFrame); fHelpMenu->Associate(fMainFrame); // Create menubar layout hints fMenuBarLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX, 0, 0, 1, 1); fMenuBarItemLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, 0, 4, 0, 0); fMenuBarHelpLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight); // Create menubar fMenuBar = new TGMenuBar(fMainFrame, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fMenuBar->AddPopup("&File", fFileMenu, fMenuBarItemLayout); fMenuBar->AddPopup("&Help", fHelpMenu, fMenuBarHelpLayout); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fMenuBar, fMenuBarLayout); // Create canvas and canvas container that will host the ROOT graphics fCanvas = new TGCanvas(fMainFrame, fMainFrame->GetWidth()+4, fMainFrame->GetHeight()+4, kSunkenFrame | kDoubleBorder); InitX3DWindow(); if (!fX3DWin) { fContainer = 0; fCanvasLayout = 0; return; } fContainer = new TX3DContainer(this, fX3DWin, fCanvas->GetViewPort()); fCanvas->SetContainer(fContainer); fCanvasLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY); fMainFrame->AddFrame(fCanvas, fCanvasLayout); // Misc fMainFrame->SetWindowName(name); fMainFrame->SetIconName(name); fMainFrame->SetClassHints("X3DViewer", "X3DViewer"); fMainFrame->SetMWMHints(kMWMDecorAll, kMWMFuncAll, kMWMInputModeless); fMainFrame->MapSubwindows(); // we need to use GetDefaultSize() to initialize the layout algorithm... fMainFrame->Resize(fMainFrame->GetDefaultSize()); fMainFrame->MoveResize(fXPos, fYPos, fWidth, fHeight); fMainFrame->SetWMPosition(fXPos, fYPos); fgCreated = kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Setup geometry and initialize X3D. void TViewerX3D::InitX3DWindow() { TView *view = fPad->GetView(); if (!view) { Error("InitX3DWindow", "view is not set"); return; } const Float_t kPI = Float_t (TMath::Pi()); Float_t longitude_rad = ( 90 + view->GetLongitude()) * kPI/180.0; Float_t latitude_rad = (-90 + view->GetLatitude() ) * kPI/180.0; Float_t psi_rad = ( view->GetPsi() ) * kPI/180.0; // Call 'x3d' package x3d_set_display(gVirtualX->GetDisplay()); fX3DWin = (Window_t) x3d_main(&longitude_rad, &latitude_rad, &psi_rad, fOption.Data(), fCanvas->GetViewPort()->GetId()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The x3d viewer cannot rebuild a scene once created void TViewerX3D::BeginScene() { if (fgCreated) { return; } fBuildingScene = kTRUE; if (fPass == kSize) { gSize3D.numPoints = 0; gSize3D.numSegs = 0; gSize3D.numPolys = 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The x3d viewer cannot rebuild a scene once created void TViewerX3D::EndScene() { if (fgCreated) { return; } fBuildingScene = kFALSE; // Size pass done - and some points actually added if (gSize3D.numPoints != 0) { if (fPass == kSize) { // Allocate the X3D viewer buffer with sizes if any if (!AllocateX3DBuffer()) { Error("InitX3DWindow", "x3d buffer allocation failure"); return; } // Enter draw pass and invoke another paint fPass = kDraw; fPad->Paint(); fPass = kSize; CreateViewer(fTitle); Show(); } } else { Int_t retval; new TGMsgBox(gClient->GetRoot(), gClient->GetRoot(), "X3D Viewer", "Cannot display this content in the X3D viewer", kMBIconExclamation, kMBOk, &retval); Close(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// The x3d viewer cannot rebuild a scene once created Int_t TViewerX3D::AddObject(const TBuffer3D & buffer, Bool_t * addChildren) { if (fgCreated) { if (addChildren) { *addChildren = kFALSE; } return TBuffer3D::kNone; } else if (addChildren) { *addChildren = kTRUE; } // Ensure we have the required sections UInt_t reqSections = TBuffer3D::kCore|TBuffer3D::kRawSizes; // Sizing does not require actual raw tesselation information if (fPass == kDraw) { reqSections |= TBuffer3D::kRaw; } if (!buffer.SectionsValid(reqSections)) { return reqSections; } if (buffer.Type() == TBuffer3DTypes::kMarker) { PaintPolyMarker(buffer); return TBuffer3D::kNone; } switch(fPass) { case(kSize): { gSize3D.numPoints += buffer.NbPnts(); gSize3D.numSegs += buffer.NbSegs(); gSize3D.numPolys += buffer.NbPols(); break; } case (kDraw): { X3DBuffer *x3dBuff = new X3DBuffer; x3dBuff->numPoints = buffer.NbPnts(); x3dBuff->numSegs = buffer.NbSegs(); x3dBuff->numPolys = buffer.NbPols(); x3dBuff->points = new Float_t[3*buffer.NbPnts()]; for (UInt_t i=0; i<3*buffer.NbPnts();i++) x3dBuff->points[i] = (Float_t)buffer.fPnts[i]; x3dBuff->segs = buffer.fSegs; x3dBuff->polys = buffer.fPols; FillX3DBuffer(x3dBuff); delete [] x3dBuff->points; delete x3dBuff; break; } default: { assert(kFALSE); break; } } return TBuffer3D::kNone; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// We don't support placed IDs - discard Int_t TViewerX3D::AddObject(UInt_t /* placedID */, const TBuffer3D & buffer, Bool_t * addChildren) { return AddObject(buffer,addChildren); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Paint 3D PolyMarker void TViewerX3D::PaintPolyMarker(const TBuffer3D & buffer) const { if (fgCreated) { return; } UInt_t mode; if (buffer.NbPnts() > 10000) mode = 1; // One line marker '-' else if (buffer.NbPnts() > 3000) mode = 2; // Two lines marker '+' else mode = 3; // Three lines marker '*' switch(fPass) { case(kSize): { gSize3D.numPoints += 2*mode*buffer.NbPnts(); gSize3D.numSegs += mode*buffer.NbPnts(); break; } case (kDraw): { X3DBuffer *x3dBuff = new X3DBuffer; x3dBuff->numPoints = 2*mode*buffer.NbPnts(); x3dBuff->numSegs = mode*buffer.NbPnts(); x3dBuff->numPolys = 0; x3dBuff->points = new Float_t[3*x3dBuff->numPoints]; x3dBuff->segs = new Int_t[3*x3dBuff->numSegs]; x3dBuff->polys = 0; Double_t delta = 0.002; for (UInt_t i = 0; i < buffer.NbPnts(); i++) { for (UInt_t j = 0; j < mode; j++) { for (UInt_t k = 0; k < 2; k++) { delta *= -1; for (UInt_t n = 0; n < 3; n++) { x3dBuff->points[mode*6*i+6*j+3*k+n] = buffer.fPnts[3*i+n] * (1 + (j == n ? delta : 0)); } } } } for (Int_t i=0; inumSegs; i++) { x3dBuff->segs[3*i ] = buffer.fSegs[0]; x3dBuff->segs[3*i+1] = 2*i; x3dBuff->segs[3*i+2] = 2*i+1; } FillX3DBuffer(x3dBuff); delete [] x3dBuff->points; delete [] x3dBuff->segs; delete x3dBuff; break; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This function may be called from a script to animate an X3D picture /// px, py mouse position ///command = 0 --- move to px,py /// = w --- wireframe mode /// = e --- hidden line mode /// = r --- hidden surface mode /// = u --- move object down /// = i --- move object up /// = o --- toggle controls style /// = s --- toggle stereo display /// = d --- toggle blue stereo view /// = f --- toggle double buffer /// = h --- move object right /// = j --- move object forward /// = k --- move object backward /// = l --- move object left /// = x a --- rotate about x /// = y b --- rotate about y /// = z c --- rotate about z /// = 1 2 3 --- autorotate about x /// = 4 5 6 --- autorotate about y /// = 7 8 9 --- autorotate about z /// = [ ] { } --- adjust focus /// Example: Int_t TViewerX3D::ExecCommand(Int_t px, Int_t py, char command) { /* { gSystem->Load("libX3d"); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1"); TFile *f = new TFile("hsimple.root"); TTree *ntuple = (TTree*)f->Get("ntuple"); ntuple->SetMarkerColor(kYellow); ntuple->Draw("px:py:pz"); TViewerX3D *x3d = new TViewerX3D(c1,""); for (Int_t i=0;i<500;i++) { Int_t px = i%500; Int_t py = (2*i)%200; x3d->ExecCommand(px,py,0); //rotate if (i%20 >10) x3d->ExecCommand(px,py,'j'); //zoom if (i%20 <10) x3d->ExecCommand(px,py,'k'); //unzoom } } */ return x3d_exec_command(px,py,command); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get position void TViewerX3D::GetPosition(Float_t &longitude, Float_t &latitude, Float_t &psi) { x3d_get_position(&longitude, &latitude, &psi); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Close X3D window. void TViewerX3D::DeleteX3DWindow() { x3d_terminate(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Update X3D viewer. void TViewerX3D::Update() { x3d_update(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle menu and other command generated by the user. Bool_t TViewerX3D::ProcessFrameMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t) { TRootHelpDialog *hd; switch (GET_MSG(msg)) { case kC_COMMAND: switch (GET_SUBMSG(msg)) { case kCM_BUTTON: case kCM_MENU: switch (parm1) { // Handle File menu items... case kFileNewViewer: if (fPad) fPad->GetViewer3D("x3d"); break; case kFileSave: case kFileSaveAs: case kFilePrint: break; case kFileCloseViewer: fMainFrame->SendCloseMessage(); break; // Handle Help menu items... case kHelpAbout: { char str[32]; snprintf(str,32, "About ROOT %s...", gROOT->GetVersion()); hd = new TRootHelpDialog(fMainFrame, str, 600, 400); hd->SetText(gHelpAbout); hd->Popup(); } break; case kHelpOnViewer: hd = new TRootHelpDialog(fMainFrame, "Help on X3D Viewer...", 600, 400); hd->SetText(gHelpX3DViewer); hd->Popup(); break; } default: break; } default: break; } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// After button release get current position and update associated pad. Bool_t TViewerX3D::HandleContainerButton(Event_t * /*ev */ ) { // Currently disabled as only drawing into one view at a time // Re-enalbe when multiple viewer implemented on pad /*if (ev->fType == kButtonRelease) { Float_t longitude_rad; Float_t latitude_rad; Float_t psi_rad; const Float_t kPI = Float_t (TMath::Pi()); x3d_get_position(&longitude_rad, &latitude_rad, &psi_rad); Int_t irep; Float_t longitude_deg = longitude_rad * 180.0/kPI - 90; Float_t latitude_deg = latitude_rad * 180.0/kPI + 90; Float_t psi_deg = psi_rad * 180.0/kPI; fPad->GetView()->SetView(longitude_deg, latitude_deg, psi_deg, irep); fPad->SetPhi(-90 - longitude_deg); fPad->SetTheta(90 - latitude_deg); fPad->Modified(kTRUE); fPad->Update(); }*/ return kTRUE; }