// @(#)root/roostats:$Id: cranmer $ // Author: Kyle Cranmer, Akira Shibata /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2008, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \class RooStats::HistFactory::ConfigParser * \ingroup HistFactory * TODO Add documentation. */ #include "TDOMParser.h" #include "RooStats/HistFactory/ConfigParser.h" #include "RooStats/HistFactory/HistFactoryException.h" #include "RooStats/HistFactory/Measurement.h" #include "Helper.h" #include "HFMsgService.h" using namespace RooStats; using namespace HistFactory; using namespace std; std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement > ConfigParser::GetMeasurementsFromXML( string input ) { // Open an input "Driver" XML file (input), // Parse that file and its channel files // and return a vector filled with // the listed measurements // Create the list of measurements // (This is what will be returned) std::vector< HistFactory::Measurement > measurement_list; try { // Open the Driver XML File TDOMParser xmlparser; Int_t parseError = xmlparser.ParseFile( input.c_str() ); if( parseError ) { std::cerr << "Loading of xml document \"" << input << "\" failed" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } // Read the Driver XML File cxcoutIHF << "reading input : " << input << endl; TXMLDocument* xmldoc = xmlparser.GetXMLDocument(); TXMLNode* rootNode = xmldoc->GetRootNode(); // Check that it is the proper DOCTYPE if( rootNode->GetNodeName() != TString( "Combination" ) ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error: Driver DOCTYPE not equal to 'Combination'" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } // Loop over the Combination's attributes std::string OutputFilePrefix; TListIter attribIt = rootNode->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << " Error: Attribute for 'Combination' with no name found" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( attrName == TString( "OutputFilePrefix" ) ) { OutputFilePrefix = string(curAttr->GetValue()); cxcoutIHF << "output file prefix is : " << OutputFilePrefix << endl; } /* else if( attrName == TString( "InputFile" ) ) { channel.InputFile = attrVal ; } */ else { cxcoutEHF << " Error: Unknown attribute for 'Combination' encountered: " << attrName << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } // node = node->GetNextNode(); } TXMLNode* node = NULL; // Get the list of channel XML files to combine // Do this first so we can quickly exit // if no channels are found std::vector< std::string > xml_channel_files; node = rootNode->GetChildren(); while( node != 0 ) { if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "Input" ) ) { if( node->GetText() == NULL ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: node: " << node->GetName() << " has no text." << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } xml_channel_files.push_back(node->GetText()); } node = node->GetNextNode(); } // If no channel xml files are found, exit if(xml_channel_files.empty()){ cerr << "no input channels found" << endl; throw hf_exc(); //return measurement_list; } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Found Channels: "; for( unsigned int i=0; i < xml_channel_files.size(); ++i ) msg << " " << xml_channel_files.at(i); cxcoutIHF << msg.str(); } // Get the list of functions // These apply to all measurements, so we // first create the list of preprocess functions // (before we create the list of measurements) // and then we add them to all measurements // For now, we create this list twice // simply for compatability // std::vector< std::string > preprocessFunctions; std::vector< RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction > functionObjects; node = rootNode->GetChildren(); while( node != 0 ) { if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "Function" ) ) { // For now, add both the objects itself and // it's command string (for easy compatability) RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction Func = ParseFunctionConfig( node ); // preprocessFunctions.push_back( Func.GetCommand() ); functionObjects.push_back( Func ); } node = node->GetNextNode(); } std::cout << std::endl; // Fill the list of measurements node = rootNode->GetChildren(); while( node != 0 ) { if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Node found in Measurement Driver XML with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "Measurement" ) ) { HistFactory::Measurement measurement = CreateMeasurementFromDriverNode( node ); // Set the prefix (obtained above) measurement.SetOutputFilePrefix( OutputFilePrefix ); measurement_list.push_back( measurement ); } else if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "Function" ) ) { // Already processed these (directly above) ; } else if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "Input" ) ) { // Already processed these (directly above) ; } else if( IsAcceptableNode( node ) ) { ; } else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Unknown node found in Measurement Driver XML: " << node->GetNodeName() << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } node = node->GetNextNode(); } cxcoutIHF << "Done Processing Measurements" << std::endl; if( measurement_list.size() == 0 ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: No Measurements found in XML Driver File" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Found Measurements: "; for( unsigned int i=0; i < measurement_list.size(); ++i ) msg << " " << measurement_list.at(i).GetName(); msg << std::endl; cxcoutIHF << msg.str(); } // Add the preprocessed functions to each measurement // for( unsigned int i = 0; i < measurement_list.size(); ++i) { // measurement_list.at(i).SetPreprocessFunctions( preprocessFunctions ); // } // Add the preprocessed functions to each measurement for( unsigned int i = 0; i < measurement_list.size(); ++i) { measurement_list.at(i).SetFunctionObjects( functionObjects ); } // Create an instance of the class // that collects histograms //HistCollector collector; // Create the list of channels // (Each of these will be added // to every measurement) std::vector< HistFactory::Channel > channel_list; // Fill the list of channels for( unsigned int i = 0; i < xml_channel_files.size(); ++i ) { std::string channel_xml = xml_channel_files.at(i); cxcoutIHF << "Parsing Channel: " << channel_xml << std::endl; HistFactory::Channel channel = ParseChannelXMLFile( channel_xml ); // Get the histograms for the channel //collector.CollectHistograms( channel ); //channel.CollectHistograms(); channel_list.push_back( channel ); } // Finally, add the channels to the measurements: for( unsigned int i = 0; i < measurement_list.size(); ++i) { HistFactory::Measurement& measurement = measurement_list.at(i); for( unsigned int j = 0; j < channel_list.size(); ++j ) { measurement.GetChannels().push_back( channel_list.at(j) ); } } } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } return measurement_list; } HistFactory::Measurement ConfigParser::CreateMeasurementFromDriverNode( TXMLNode* node ) { HistFactory::Measurement measurement; // Set the default values: measurement.SetLumi( 1.0 ); measurement.SetLumiRelErr( .10 ); measurement.SetBinLow( 0 ); measurement.SetBinHigh( 1 ); measurement.SetExportOnly( false ); cxcoutIHF << "Creating new measurement: " << std::endl; // First, get the attributes of the node TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << "Found XML attribute in Measurement with no name" << std::endl; // ADD Output Here throw hf_exc(); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Name" ) ) { //rowTitle=curAttr->GetValue(); measurement.SetName( curAttr->GetValue() ); //measurement.OutputFileName = outputFileNamePrefix+"_"+rowTitle+".root"; } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Lumi" ) ) { measurement.SetLumi( atof(curAttr->GetValue()) ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "LumiRelErr" ) ) { measurement.SetLumiRelErr( atof(curAttr->GetValue()) ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "BinLow" ) ) { measurement.SetBinLow( atoi(curAttr->GetValue()) ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "BinHigh" ) ) { measurement.SetBinHigh( atoi(curAttr->GetValue()) ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Mode" ) ) { cout <<"\n INFO: Mode attribute is deprecated, will ignore\n"<GetName() == TString( "ExportOnly" ) ) { measurement.SetExportOnly( CheckTrueFalse(curAttr->GetValue(),"Measurement") ); } else { cxcoutEHF << "Found unknown XML attribute in Measurement: " << curAttr->GetName() << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } // End Loop over attributes // Then, get the properties of the children nodes TXMLNode* child = node->GetChildren(); while( child != 0 ) { if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << "Found XML child node of Measurement with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "POI" ) ) { if( child->GetText() == NULL ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: node: " << child->GetName() << " has no text." << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } //poi// measurement.SetPOI( child->GetText() ); AddSubStrings( measurement.GetPOIList(), child->GetText() ); } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "ParamSetting" ) ) { TListIter paramIt = child->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curParam = 0; while( ( curParam = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( paramIt() ) ) != 0 ) { if( curParam->GetName() == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Found tag attribute with no name in ParamSetting" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( curParam->GetName() == TString( "Const" ) ) { if(curParam->GetValue()==TString("True")){ // Fix here...? if( child->GetText() == NULL ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: node: " << child->GetName() << " has no text." << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } AddSubStrings( measurement.GetConstantParams(), child->GetText() ); } } else if( curParam->GetName() == TString( "Val" ) ) { double val = atof(curParam->GetValue()); if( child->GetText() == NULL ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: node: " << child->GetName() << " has no text." << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } std::vector child_nodes = GetChildrenFromString(child->GetText()); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < child_nodes.size(); ++i) { measurement.SetParamValue( child_nodes.at(i), val); } // AddStringValPairToMap( measurement.GetParamValues(), val, child->GetText() ); } else { cxcoutEHF << "Found tag attribute with unknown name in ParamSetting: " << curAttr->GetName() << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "Asimov" ) ) { //std::string name; //std::map fixedParams; // Now, create and configure an asimov object // and add it to the measurement RooStats::HistFactory::Asimov asimov; std::string ParamFixString; // Loop over attributes attribIt = child->GetAttributes(); curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Found tag attribute with no name in ConstraintTerm" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Name" ) ) { std::string name = curAttr->GetValue(); asimov.SetName( name ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "FixParams" ) ) { ParamFixString = curAttr->GetValue(); //std::map fixedParams = ExtractParamMapFromString(FixParamList); //asimov.GetFixedParams() = fixedParams; } else { cxcoutEHF << "Found tag attribute with unknown name in ConstraintTerm: " << curAttr->GetName() << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } // Add any parameters to the asimov dataset // to be fixed during the fitting and dataset generation if( ParamFixString=="" ) { cxcoutWHF << "Warning: Asimov Dataset with name: " << asimov.GetName() << " added, but no parameters are set to be fixed" << std::endl; } else { AddParamsToAsimov( asimov, ParamFixString ); } measurement.AddAsimovDataset( asimov ); } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "ConstraintTerm" ) ) { vector syst; string type = ""; double rel = 0; map gammaSyst; map uniformSyst; map logNormSyst; // Get the list of parameters in this tag: if( child->GetText() == NULL ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: node: " << child->GetName() << " has no text." << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } AddSubStrings(syst, child->GetText()); // Now, loop over this tag's attributes attribIt = child->GetAttributes(); curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Found tag attribute with no name in ConstraintTerm" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Type" ) ) { type = curAttr->GetValue(); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "RelativeUncertainty" ) ) { rel = atof(curAttr->GetValue()); } else { cxcoutEHF << "Found tag attribute with unknown name in ConstraintTerm: " << curAttr->GetName() << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } // End Loop over tag attributes // Now, fill the maps, depending on the type: // Check that the type is in the correct form: if( ! (type=="Gamma" || type=="Uniform" || type=="LogNormal" || type=="NoConstraint") ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered unknown type for ConstraintTerm: " << type << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if (type=="Gamma" && rel!=0) { for (vector::const_iterator it=syst.begin(); it!=syst.end(); ++it) { // Fix Here...? measurement.GetGammaSyst()[(*it).c_str()] = rel; } } if (type=="Uniform" && rel!=0) { for (vector::const_iterator it=syst.begin(); it!=syst.end(); ++it) { // Fix Here...? measurement.GetUniformSyst()[(*it).c_str()] = rel; } } if (type=="LogNormal" && rel!=0) { for (vector::const_iterator it=syst.begin(); it!=syst.end(); ++it) { // Fix Here...? measurement.GetLogNormSyst()[(*it).c_str()] = rel; } } if (type=="NoConstraint") { for (vector::const_iterator it=syst.begin(); it!=syst.end(); ++it) { // Fix Here...? measurement.GetNoSyst()[(*it).c_str()] = 1.0; // MB : dummy value } } } // End adding of Constraint terms else if( IsAcceptableNode( child ) ) { ; } else { cxcoutEHF << "Found XML child of Measurement with unknown name: " << child->GetNodeName() << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } child = child->GetNextNode(); } measurement.PrintTree(oocoutI(static_cast(nullptr), HistFactory)); return measurement; } HistFactory::Channel ConfigParser::ParseChannelXMLFile( string filen ) { /* TString lumiStr; lumiStr+=lumi; lumiStr.ReplaceAll(' ', TString()); */ cxcoutIHF << "Parsing file: " << filen ; TDOMParser xmlparser; // reading in the file and parse by DOM Int_t parseError = xmlparser.ParseFile( filen.c_str() ); if( parseError ) { cxcoutEHF << "Loading of xml document \"" << filen << "\" failed" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } TXMLDocument* xmldoc = xmlparser.GetXMLDocument(); TXMLNode* rootNode = xmldoc->GetRootNode(); // Check that is is a CHANNEL based on the DOCTYPE if( rootNode->GetNodeName() != TString( "Channel" ) ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error: In parsing a Channel XML, " << "Encounterd XML with DOCTYPE: " << rootNode->GetNodeName() << std::endl; cxcoutEHF << " DOCTYPE for channels must be 'Channel' " << " Check that your XML is properly written" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } // Now, create the channel, // configure it based on the XML // and return it HistFactory::Channel channel; // Set the default values: channel.SetInputFile( "" ); channel.SetHistoPath( "" ); // Walk through the root node and // get its attributes TListIter attribIt = rootNode->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << " Error: Attribute for 'Channel' with no name found" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( attrName == TString( "Name" ) ) { channel.SetName( attrVal ); cxcoutIHF << " : creating a channel named " << channel.GetName() << std::endl; } else if( attrName == TString( "InputFile" ) ) { cxcoutIHF << "Setting InputFile for this channel: " << attrVal << std::endl; channel.SetInputFile( attrVal ); // Set the current (cached) value m_currentInputFile = attrVal; } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoPath" ) ) { cxcoutIHF << "Setting HistoPath for this channel: " << attrVal << std::endl; // Set the current (cached) value channel.SetHistoPath( attrVal ); m_currentHistoPath = attrVal; } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoName" ) ) { // Changed This: cxcoutEHF << "Use of HistoName in Channel is deprecated" << std::endl; cxcoutEHF << "This will be ignored" << std::endl; } else { cxcoutEHF << " Error: Unknown attribute for 'Channel' encountered: " << attrName << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } // End loop over the channel tag's attributes // Check that the channel was properly initiated: if( channel.GetName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Channel created with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } m_currentChannel = channel.GetName(); // Loop over the children nodes in the XML file // and configure the channel based on them TXMLNode* node = rootNode->GetChildren(); bool firstData=true; while( node != 0 ) { // Restore the Channel-Wide Defaults m_currentInputFile = channel.GetInputFile(); m_currentHistoPath = channel.GetHistoPath(); if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered node in Channel with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "Data" ) ) { if( firstData ) { RooStats::HistFactory::Data data = CreateDataElement(node); if( data.GetName() != "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: You can only rename the datasets of additional data sets. " << " Remove the 'Name=" << data.GetName() << "' tag" << " from channel: " << channel.GetName() << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } channel.SetData( data ); firstData=false; } else { channel.AddAdditionalData( CreateDataElement(node) ); } } else if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "StatErrorConfig" ) ) { channel.SetStatErrorConfig( CreateStatErrorConfigElement(node) ); } else if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "Sample" ) ) { channel.GetSamples().push_back( CreateSampleElement(node) ); } else if( IsAcceptableNode( node ) ) { ; } else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered node in Channel with unknown name: " << node->GetNodeName() << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } node = node->GetNextNode(); } // End loop over tags in this channel cxcoutIHF << "Created Channel: " << std::endl; channel.Print(oocoutI(static_cast(nullptr), HistFactory)); return channel; } HistFactory::Data ConfigParser::CreateDataElement( TXMLNode* node ) { cxcoutIHF << "Creating Data Element" << std::endl; HistFactory::Data data; // Set the default values data.SetInputFile( m_currentInputFile ); data.SetHistoPath( m_currentHistoPath ); //data.HistoName = m_currentHistoName; // Now, set the attributes TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << " Error: Attribute for 'Data' with no name found" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( attrName == TString( "Name" ) ) { data.SetName( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "InputFile" ) ) { data.SetInputFile( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "HistoName" ) ) { data.SetHistoName( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "HistoPath" ) ) { data.SetHistoPath( attrVal ); } else if( IsAcceptableNode( node ) ) { ; } else { cxcoutEHF << " Error: Unknown attribute for 'Data' encountered: " << attrName << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } // Check the properties of the data node: if( data.GetInputFile() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Data Node has no InputFile" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( data.GetHistoName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Data Node has no HistoName" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } cxcoutIHF << "Created Data Node with" << " InputFile: " << data.GetInputFile() << " HistoName: " << data.GetHistoName() << " HistoPath: " << data.GetHistoPath() << (data.GetName() != "" ? " Name: " : "") << data.GetName() << std::endl; // data.hist = GetHisto(data.FileName, data.HistoPath, data.HistoName); return data; } HistFactory::StatErrorConfig ConfigParser::CreateStatErrorConfigElement( TXMLNode* node ) { cxcoutIHF << "Creating StatErrorConfig Element" << std::endl; HistFactory::StatErrorConfig config; // Setup default values: config.SetConstraintType( Constraint::Poisson ); config.SetRelErrorThreshold( 0.05 ); // 5% // Loop over the node's attributes TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "RelErrorThreshold" ) ) { config.SetRelErrorThreshold( atof(attrVal.c_str()) ); } if( attrName == TString( "ConstraintType" ) ) { // Allowable Values: Gaussian if( attrVal == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Bad Value for StatErrorConfig Constraint Type Found" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( attrVal=="Gaussian" || attrVal=="Gauss" ) { config.SetConstraintType( Constraint::Gaussian ); } else if( attrVal=="Poisson" || attrVal=="Pois" ) { config.SetConstraintType( Constraint::Poisson ); } else if( IsAcceptableNode( node ) ) { ; } else { cout << "Invalid Stat Constraint Type: " << curAttr->GetValue() << endl; throw hf_exc(); } } } // End: Loop Over Attributes cxcoutIHF << "Created StatErrorConfig Element with" << " Constraint type: " << config.GetConstraintType() << " RelError Threshold: " << config.GetRelErrorThreshold() << std::endl; return config; } HistFactory::Sample ConfigParser::CreateSampleElement( TXMLNode* node ) { cxcoutIHF << "Creating Sample Element" << std::endl; HistFactory::Sample sample; // Set the default values sample.SetInputFile( m_currentInputFile ); sample.SetHistoPath( m_currentHistoPath ); sample.SetChannelName( m_currentChannel ); sample.SetNormalizeByTheory( true ); //sample.HistoName = m_currentHistoName; // Now, set the attributes TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << " Error: Attribute for 'Sample' with no name found" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( attrName == TString( "Name" ) ) { sample.SetName( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "InputFile" ) ) { sample.SetInputFile( attrVal ); m_currentInputFile = attrVal; } else if( attrName == TString( "HistoName" ) ) { sample.SetHistoName( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "HistoPath" ) ) { sample.SetHistoPath( attrVal ); m_currentHistoPath = attrVal; } else if( attrName == TString( "NormalizeByTheory" ) ) { sample.SetNormalizeByTheory( CheckTrueFalse(attrVal,"Sample") ); /* if( attrVal == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Attribute 'NormalizeByTheory' in Sample has no value" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if ( attrVal == "True" || attrVal == "true" ) sample.NormalizeByTheory = true; else if ( attrVal == "False" || attrVal == "false" ) sample.NormalizeByTheory = false; else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Attribute 'NormalizeByTheory' in Sample has unknown value: " << attrVal << std::endl; std::cout << "Value must be 'True' or 'False' " << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } */ } else { cxcoutEHF << " Error: Unknown attribute for 'Sample' encountered: " << attrName << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } // Quickly check the properties of the Sample Node if( sample.GetName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Sample Node has no Name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( sample.GetInputFile() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Sample Node has no InputFile" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( sample.GetHistoName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Sample Node has no HistoName" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } // Now, loop over the children and add the systematics TXMLNode* child = node->GetChildren(); while( child != 0 ) { if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered node in Sample with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "NormFactor" ) ) { sample.GetNormFactorList().push_back( MakeNormFactor( child ) ); } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "OverallSys" ) ) { sample.GetOverallSysList().push_back( MakeOverallSys( child ) ); } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "HistoSys" ) ) { sample.GetHistoSysList().push_back( MakeHistoSys( child ) ); } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "HistoFactor" ) ) { cxcoutEHF << "WARNING: HistoFactor not yet supported" << std::endl; //sample.GetHistoFactorList().push_back( MakeHistoFactor( child ) ); } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "ShapeSys" ) ) { sample.GetShapeSysList().push_back( MakeShapeSys( child ) ); } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "ShapeFactor" ) ) { sample.GetShapeFactorList().push_back( MakeShapeFactor( child ) ); } else if( child->GetNodeName() == TString( "StatError" ) ) { sample.SetStatError( ActivateStatError(child) ); } else if( IsAcceptableNode( child ) ) { ; } else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered node in Sample with unknown name: " << child->GetNodeName() << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } child=child->GetNextNode(); } cxcoutIHF << "Created Sample Node with" << " Name: " << sample.GetName() << " InputFile: " << sample.GetInputFile() << " HistoName: " << sample.GetHistoName() << " HistoPath: " << sample.GetHistoPath() << std::endl; // sample.hist = GetHisto(sample.FileName, sample.HistoPath, sample.HistoName); return sample; } HistFactory::NormFactor ConfigParser::MakeNormFactor( TXMLNode* node ) { cxcoutIHF << "Making NormFactor:" << std::endl; HistFactory::NormFactor norm; TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "" ) ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in NormFactor with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Name" ) ) { norm.SetName( attrVal ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Val" ) ) { norm.SetVal( atof(attrVal.c_str()) ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Low" ) ) { norm.SetLow( atof(attrVal.c_str()) ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "High" ) ) { norm.SetHigh( atof(attrVal.c_str()) ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Const" ) ) { norm.SetConst( CheckTrueFalse(attrVal,"NormFactor") ); } else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in NormFactor with unknown name: " << attrName << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } // End loop over properties if( norm.GetName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: NormFactor Node has no Name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( norm.GetLow() >= norm.GetHigh() ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: NormFactor: " << norm.GetName() << " has lower limit >= its upper limit: " << " Lower: " << norm.GetLow() << " Upper: " << norm.GetHigh() << ". Please Fix" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( norm.GetVal() > norm.GetHigh() || norm.GetVal() < norm.GetLow() ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: NormFactor: " << norm.GetName() << " has initial value not within its range: " << " Val: " << norm.GetVal() << " Lower: " << norm.GetLow() << " Upper: " << norm.GetHigh() << ". Please Fix" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } norm.Print(oocoutI(static_cast(nullptr), HistFactory)); return norm; } HistFactory::HistoFactor ConfigParser::MakeHistoFactor( TXMLNode* /*node*/ ) { cxcoutIHF << "Making HistoFactor" << std::endl; HistFactory::HistoFactor dummy; dummy.SetInputFileLow( m_currentInputFile ); dummy.SetHistoPathLow( m_currentHistoPath ); dummy.SetInputFileHigh( m_currentInputFile ); dummy.SetHistoPathHigh( m_currentHistoPath ); cxcoutIHF << "Made HistoFactor" << std::endl; return dummy; } HistFactory::HistoSys ConfigParser::MakeHistoSys( TXMLNode* node ) { cxcoutIHF << "Making HistoSys:" << std::endl; HistFactory::HistoSys histoSys; // Set Default values histoSys.SetInputFileLow( m_currentInputFile ); histoSys.SetHistoPathLow( m_currentHistoPath ); histoSys.SetInputFileHigh( m_currentInputFile ); histoSys.SetHistoPathHigh( m_currentHistoPath ); TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; /* string Name, histoPathHigh, histoPathLow, histoNameLow, histoNameHigh, inputFileHigh, inputFileLow; inputFileLow=inputFileName; inputFileHigh=inputFileName; histoPathLow=histoPathName; histoPathHigh=histoPathName; histoNameLow=histoName; histoNameHigh=histoName; */ while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "" ) ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in HistoSys with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Name" ) ) { histoSys.SetName( attrVal ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoFileHigh" ) ) { histoSys.SetInputFileHigh( attrVal ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoPathHigh" ) ) { histoSys.SetHistoPathHigh( attrVal ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoNameHigh" ) ) { histoSys.SetHistoNameHigh( attrVal ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoFileLow" ) ) { histoSys.SetInputFileLow( attrVal ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoPathLow" ) ) { histoSys.SetHistoPathLow( attrVal ); } else if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "HistoNameLow" ) ) { histoSys.SetHistoNameLow( attrVal ); } else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in HistoSys with unknown name: " << attrName << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } // End loop over properties if( histoSys.GetName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: HistoSys Node has no Name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( histoSys.GetInputFileHigh() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: HistoSysSample Node has no InputFileHigh" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( histoSys.GetInputFileLow() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: HistoSysSample Node has no InputFileLow" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( histoSys.GetHistoNameHigh() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: HistoSysSample Node has no HistoNameHigh" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( histoSys.GetHistoNameLow() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: HistoSysSample Node has no HistoNameLow" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } histoSys.Print(oocoutI(static_cast(nullptr), HistFactory)); return histoSys; } HistFactory::OverallSys ConfigParser::MakeOverallSys( TXMLNode* node ) { cxcoutIHF << "Making OverallSys:" << std::endl; HistFactory::OverallSys overallSys; TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "" ) ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in OverallSys with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( attrName == TString( "Name" ) ) { overallSys.SetName( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "High" ) ) { overallSys.SetHigh( atof(attrVal.c_str()) ); } else if( attrName == TString( "Low" ) ) { overallSys.SetLow( atof(attrVal.c_str()) ); } else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in OverallSys with unknown name: " << attrName << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } if( overallSys.GetName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered OverallSys with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } overallSys.Print(oocoutI(static_cast(nullptr), HistFactory)); return overallSys; } HistFactory::ShapeFactor ConfigParser::MakeShapeFactor( TXMLNode* node ) { cxcoutIHF << "Making ShapeFactor" << std::endl; HistFactory::ShapeFactor shapeFactor; TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; // A Shape Factor may or may not include an initial shape // This will be set by strings pointing to a histogram // If we don't see a 'HistoName' attribute, we assume // that an initial shape is not being set std::string ShapeInputFile = m_currentInputFile; std::string ShapeInputPath = m_currentHistoPath; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "" ) ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in ShapeFactor with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( attrName == TString( "Name" ) ) { shapeFactor.SetName( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "Const" ) ) { shapeFactor.SetConstant( CheckTrueFalse(attrVal, "ShapeFactor" ) ); } else if( attrName == TString( "HistoName" ) ) { shapeFactor.SetHistoName( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "InputFile" ) ) { ShapeInputFile = attrVal; } else if( attrName == TString( "HistoPath" ) ) { ShapeInputPath = attrVal; } else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in ShapeFactor with unknown name: " << attrName << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } if( shapeFactor.GetName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered ShapeFactor with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } // Set the Histogram name, path, and file // if an InitialHist is set if( shapeFactor.HasInitialShape() ) { if( shapeFactor.GetHistoName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: ShapeFactor: " << shapeFactor.GetName() << " is configured to have an initial shape, but " << "its histogram doesn't have a name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } shapeFactor.SetHistoPath( ShapeInputPath ); shapeFactor.SetInputFile( ShapeInputFile ); } shapeFactor.Print(oocoutI(static_cast(nullptr), HistFactory)); return shapeFactor; } HistFactory::ShapeSys ConfigParser::MakeShapeSys( TXMLNode* node ) { cxcoutIHF << "Making ShapeSys" << std::endl; HistFactory::ShapeSys shapeSys; // Set the default values shapeSys.SetConstraintType( Constraint::Gaussian ); shapeSys.SetInputFile( m_currentInputFile ); shapeSys.SetHistoPath( m_currentHistoPath ); TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; //EstimateSummary::ConstraintType ConstraintType = EstimateSummary::Gaussian; //"Gaussian"; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "" ) ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in ShapeSys with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( attrName == TString( "Name" ) ) { shapeSys.SetName( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "HistoName" ) ) { shapeSys.SetHistoName( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "HistoPath" ) ) { shapeSys.SetHistoPath( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "InputFile" ) ) { shapeSys.SetInputFile( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "ConstraintType" ) ) { if( attrVal=="" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: ShapeSys Constraint type is empty" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( attrVal=="Gaussian" || attrVal=="Gauss" ) { shapeSys.SetConstraintType( Constraint::Gaussian ); } else if( attrVal=="Poisson" || attrVal=="Pois" ) { shapeSys.SetConstraintType( Constraint::Poisson ); } else { cout << "Error: Encountered unknown ShapeSys Constraint type: " << attrVal << endl; throw hf_exc(); } } else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in ShapeSys with unknown name: " << attrName << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } // End loop over attributes if( shapeSys.GetName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered ShapeSys with no Name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( shapeSys.GetInputFile() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered ShapeSys with no InputFile" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( shapeSys.GetHistoName() == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered ShapeSys with no HistoName" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } shapeSys.Print(oocoutI(static_cast(nullptr), HistFactory)); return shapeSys; } HistFactory::StatError ConfigParser::ActivateStatError( TXMLNode* node ) { cxcoutIHF << "Activating StatError" << std::endl; // Set default values HistFactory::StatError statError; statError.Activate( false ); statError.SetUseHisto( false ); statError.SetHistoName( "" ); // Loop over the node's attributes TListIter attribIt = node->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { // Get the Name, Val of this node TString attrName = curAttr->GetName(); std::string attrVal = curAttr->GetValue(); if( attrName == TString( "" ) ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in ActivateStatError with no name" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if( attrName == TString( "Activate" ) ) { statError.Activate( CheckTrueFalse(attrVal,"ActivateStatError") ); } else if( attrName == TString( "HistoName" ) ) { statError.SetHistoName( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "HistoPath" ) ) { statError.SetHistoPath( attrVal ); } else if( attrName == TString( "InputFile" ) ) { statError.SetInputFile( attrVal ); } else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: Encountered Element in ActivateStatError with unknown name: " << attrName << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } } // End: Loop Over Attributes // Based on the input, determine // if we should use a histogram or not: // Logic: One turns on using a histogram // by setting the attribute "HistoName" // If this is set AND the InputFile or // HistoPath aren't set, we set those // to the current default values if( statError.GetHistoName() != "" ) { statError.SetUseHisto( true ); // Check that a file has been set // (Possibly using the default) if( statError.GetInputFile() == "" ) { statError.SetInputFile( m_currentInputFile ); } if( statError.GetHistoPath() == "" ) { statError.SetHistoPath( m_currentHistoPath ); } } /* if( statError.Activate ) { if( statError.UseHisto ) { } else { statError.InputFile = ""; statError.HistoName = ""; statError.HistoPath = ""; } } */ statError.Print(oocoutI(static_cast(nullptr), HistFactory)); return statError; } RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction ConfigParser::ParseFunctionConfig( TXMLNode* functionNode ){ cxcoutIHF << "Parsing FunctionConfig" << std::endl; //std::string name, expression, dependents; TListIter attribIt = functionNode->GetAttributes(); TXMLAttr* curAttr = 0; std::string Name = ""; std::string Expression = ""; std::string Dependents = ""; // Add protection to ensure that all parts are there while( ( curAttr = dynamic_cast< TXMLAttr* >( attribIt() ) ) != 0 ) { if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Name" ) ) { Name = curAttr->GetValue(); //func.SetName( curAttr->GetValue() ); //name = curAttr->GetValue() ; } if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Expression" ) ) { Expression = curAttr->GetValue(); //func.SetExpression( curAttr->GetValue() ); } if( curAttr->GetName() == TString( "Dependents" ) ) { Dependents = curAttr->GetValue(); //func.SetDependents( curAttr->GetValue() ); } } if( Name=="" ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error processing PreprocessFunction: Name attribute is empty" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( Expression=="" ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error processing PreprocessFunction: Expression attribute is empty" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } if( Dependents=="" ){ cxcoutEHF << "Error processing PreprocessFunction: Dependents attribute is empty" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } RooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction func(Name, Expression, Dependents); cxcoutIHF << "Created Preprocess Function: " << func.GetCommand() << std::endl; //std::string command = "expr::"+func.GetName()+"('"+func.GetExpression()+"',{"+func.GetDependents()+"})"; //func.SetCommand( command ); // // cout << "will pre-process this line " << ret <GetNodeName() == TString( "text" ) ) { return true; } if( node->GetNodeName() == TString( "comment" ) ) { return true; } return false; } bool ConfigParser::CheckTrueFalse( std::string attrVal, std::string NodeTitle ) { if( attrVal == "" ) { cxcoutEHF << "Error: In " << NodeTitle << " Expected either 'True' or 'False' but found empty" << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } else if ( attrVal == "True" || attrVal == "true" ) return true; else if ( attrVal == "False" || attrVal == "false" ) return false; else { cxcoutEHF << "Error: In " << NodeTitle << " Expected either 'True' or 'False' but found: " << attrVal << std::endl; throw hf_exc(); } return false; } //ConfigParser