#include #include #include #include #include "TChain.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TMVA/Factory.h" #include "TMVA/Tools.h" #include "TMVA/MethodPyRandomForest.h" void Classification() { TMVA::Tools::Instance(); TMVA::PyMethodBase::PyInitialize(); TString outfileName("TMVA.root"); TFile *outputFile = TFile::Open(outfileName, "RECREATE"); TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory("TMVAClassification", outputFile, "!V:!Silent:Color:DrawProgressBar:Transformations=I;D;P;G,D:AnalysisType=Classification"); factory->AddVariable("myvar1 := var1+var2", 'F'); factory->AddVariable("myvar2 := var1-var2", "Expression 2", "", 'F'); factory->AddVariable("var3", "Variable 3", "units", 'F'); factory->AddVariable("var4", "Variable 4", "units", 'F'); factory->AddSpectator("spec1 := var1*2", "Spectator 1", "units", 'F'); factory->AddSpectator("spec2 := var1*3", "Spectator 2", "units", 'F'); TFile *input(0); TString fname = "./tmva_class_example.root"; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName( fname )) { input = TFile::Open( fname ); // check if file in local directory exists } else { TFile::SetCacheFileDir("."); input = TFile::Open("http://root.cern.ch/files/tmva_class_example.root", "CACHEREAD"); } if (!input) { std::cout << "ERROR: could not open data file" << std::endl; exit(1); } std::cout << "--- TMVAClassification : Using input file: " << input->GetName() << std::endl; // --- Register the training and test trees TTree *tsignal = (TTree *)input->Get("TreeS"); TTree *tbackground = (TTree *)input->Get("TreeB"); // global event weights per tree (see below for setting event-wise weights) Double_t signalWeight = 1.0; Double_t backgroundWeight = 1.0; // You can add an arbitrary number of signal or background trees factory->AddSignalTree(tsignal, signalWeight); factory->AddBackgroundTree(tbackground, backgroundWeight); // Set individual event weights (the variables must exist in the original TTree) factory->SetBackgroundWeightExpression("weight"); // Apply additional cuts on the signal and background samples (can be different) TCut mycuts = ""; // for example: TCut mycuts = "abs(var1)<0.5 && abs(var2-0.5)<1"; TCut mycutb = ""; // for example: TCut mycutb = "abs(var1)<0.5"; // Tell the factory how to use the training and testing events factory->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree(mycuts, mycutb, "nTrain_Signal=0:nTrain_Background=0:nTest_Signal=0:nTest_Background=0:SplitMode=Random:NormMode=NumEvents:!V"); /////////////////// //Booking // /////////////////// // Boosted Decision Trees //PyMVA methods factory->BookMethod(TMVA::Types::kPyRandomForest, "PyRandomForest", "!V:NEstimators=150:Criterion=gini:MaxFeatures=auto:MaxDepth=3:MinSamplesLeaf=1:MinWeightFractionLeaf=0:Bootstrap=kTRUE"); factory->BookMethod(TMVA::Types::kPyAdaBoost, "PyAdaBoost", "!V:BaseEstimator=None:NEstimators=100:LearningRate=1:Algorithm=SAMME.R:RandomState=None"); factory->BookMethod(TMVA::Types::kPyGTB, "PyGTB", "!V:NEstimators=150:Loss=deviance:LearningRate=0.1:Subsample=1:MaxDepth=6:MaxFeatures='auto'"); // Train MVAs using the set of training events factory->TrainAllMethods(); // ---- Evaluate all MVAs using the set of test events factory->TestAllMethods(); // ----- Evaluate and compare performance of all configured MVAs factory->EvaluateAllMethods(); // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Save the output outputFile->Close(); std::cout << "==> Wrote root file: " << outputFile->GetName() << std::endl; std::cout << "==> TMVAClassification is done!" << std::endl; }