/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_eve /// Complex example showing ALICE VSD visualization. /// /// alice_vsd.C - a simple event-display for ALICE /// /// Only standard ROOT is used to process the ALICE VSD files. /// /// No ALICE code is needed -- the VSD file is exported from AliRoot into /// VSD format -- see TEveVSDStructs.h and TEveVSD.h. /// /// A simple geometry of 10KB, extracted from the full TGeo-geometry, is /// used to outline the central detectors of ALICE. /// /// All files are access from the web by using the "CACHEREAD" option. /// /// \image html eve_alice_vsd.png /// \macro_code /// /// \author Matevz Tadel #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Include components -- compile time link :) #include "MultiView.C" MultiView* gMultiView = 0; class TVSDReader { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------- // File / Event Data // ---------------------------------------------------------- TFile *fFile; TDirectory *fDirectory; TObjArray *fEvDirKeys; TEveVSD *fVSD; Int_t fMaxEv, fCurEv; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Event visualization structures // ---------------------------------------------------------- TEveTrackList *fTrackList; TEvePointSet *fITSClusters; TEvePointSet *fTPCClusters; TEvePointSet *fTRDClusters; TEvePointSet *fTOFClusters; public: TVSDReader(const char* file_name) : fFile(0), fDirectory(0), fEvDirKeys(0), fVSD(0), fMaxEv(-1), fCurEv(-1), fTrackList(0), fITSClusters(0), fTPCClusters(0), fTRDClusters(0), fTOFClusters(0) { fFile = TFile::Open(file_name); if (!fFile) { Error("VSD_Reader", "Can not open file '%s' ... terminating.", file_name); gSystem->Exit(1); } fEvDirKeys = new TObjArray; TPMERegexp name_re("Event\\d+"); TObjLink* lnk = fFile->GetListOfKeys()->FirstLink(); while (lnk) { if (name_re.Match(lnk->GetObject()->GetName())) { fEvDirKeys->Add(lnk->GetObject()); } lnk = lnk->Next(); } fMaxEv = fEvDirKeys->GetEntriesFast(); if (fMaxEv == 0) { Error("VSD_Reader", "No events to show ... terminating."); gSystem->Exit(1); } fVSD = new TEveVSD; } virtual ~TVSDReader() { // Destructor. DropEvent(); delete fVSD; delete fEvDirKeys; fFile->Close(); delete fFile; } void AttachEvent() { // Attach event data from current directory. fVSD->LoadTrees(); fVSD->SetBranchAddresses(); } void DropEvent() { // Drup currently held event data, release current directory. // Drop old visualization structures. gEve->GetViewers()->DeleteAnnotations(); gEve->GetCurrentEvent()->DestroyElements(); // Drop old event-data. fVSD->DeleteTrees(); delete fDirectory; fDirectory = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Event navigation //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NextEvent() { GotoEvent(fCurEv + 1); } void PrevEvent() { GotoEvent(fCurEv - 1); } Bool_t GotoEvent(Int_t ev) { if (ev < 0 || ev >= fMaxEv) { Warning("GotoEvent", "Invalid event id %d.", ev); return kFALSE; } DropEvent(); // Connect to new event-data. fCurEv = ev; fDirectory = (TDirectory*) ((TKey*) fEvDirKeys->At(fCurEv))->ReadObj(); fVSD->SetDirectory(fDirectory); AttachEvent(); // Load event data into visualization structures. LoadClusters(fITSClusters, "ITS", 0); LoadClusters(fTPCClusters, "TPC", 1); LoadClusters(fTRDClusters, "TRD", 2); LoadClusters(fTOFClusters, "TOF", 3); LoadEsdTracks(); // Fill projected views. auto top = gEve->GetCurrentEvent(); gMultiView->DestroyEventRPhi(); gMultiView->ImportEventRPhi(top); gMultiView->DestroyEventRhoZ(); gMultiView->ImportEventRhoZ(top); gEve->Redraw3D(kFALSE, kTRUE); return kTRUE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cluster loading //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LoadClusters(TEvePointSet*& ps, const TString& det_name, Int_t det_id) { if (ps == 0) { ps = new TEvePointSet(det_name); ps->SetMainColor((Color_t)(det_id + 2)); ps->SetMarkerSize(0.5); ps->SetMarkerStyle(2); ps->IncDenyDestroy(); } else { ps->Reset(); } TEvePointSelector ss(fVSD->fTreeC, ps, "fV.fX:fV.fY:fV.fZ", TString::Format("fDetId==%d", det_id)); ss.Select(); ps->SetTitle(TString::Format("N=%d", ps->Size())); gEve->AddElement(ps); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Track loading //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum ESDTrackFlags { kITSin=0x0001,kITSout=0x0002,kITSrefit=0x0004,kITSpid=0x0008, kTPCin=0x0010,kTPCout=0x0020,kTPCrefit=0x0040,kTPCpid=0x0080, kTRDin=0x0100,kTRDout=0x0200,kTRDrefit=0x0400,kTRDpid=0x0800, kTOFin=0x1000,kTOFout=0x2000,kTOFrefit=0x4000,kTOFpid=0x8000, kHMPIDpid=0x20000, kEMCALmatch=0x40000, kTRDbackup=0x80000, kTRDStop=0x20000000, kESDpid=0x40000000, kTIME=0x80000000 }; Bool_t trackIsOn(TEveTrack* t, Int_t mask) { // Check is track-flag specified by mask are set. return (t->GetStatus() & mask) > 0; } void LoadEsdTracks() { // Read reconstructed tracks from current event. if (fTrackList == 0) { fTrackList = new TEveTrackList("ESD Tracks"); fTrackList->SetMainColor(6); fTrackList->SetMarkerColor(kYellow); fTrackList->SetMarkerStyle(4); fTrackList->SetMarkerSize(0.5); fTrackList->IncDenyDestroy(); } else { fTrackList->DestroyElements(); } auto trkProp = fTrackList->GetPropagator(); // !!!! Need to store field on file !!!! // Can store TEveMagField ? trkProp->SetMagField(0.5); trkProp->SetStepper(TEveTrackPropagator::kRungeKutta); Int_t nTracks = fVSD->fTreeR->GetEntries(); for (Int_t n = 0; n < nTracks; ++n) { fVSD->fTreeR->GetEntry(n); TEveTrack* track = new TEveTrack(&fVSD->fR, trkProp); track->SetName(Form("ESD Track %d", fVSD->fR.fIndex)); track->SetStdTitle(); track->SetAttLineAttMarker(fTrackList); fTrackList->AddElement(track); } fTrackList->MakeTracks(); gEve->AddElement(fTrackList); } ClassDef(TVSDReader, 0); }; TVSDReader* gVSDReader = 0; // Forward declaration. void make_gui(); //______________________________________________________________________________ void alice_vsd(const char* vsd_file_name= "http://mtadel.home.cern.ch/mtadel/root/AliVSD.root") { // Main function, initializes the application. // // 1. Load the auto-generated library holding ESD classes and // ESD dictionaries. // 2. Open ESD data-files. // 3. Load cartoon geometry. // 4. Spawn simple GUI. // 5. Load first event. TFile::SetCacheFileDir("."); TEveVSD::DisableTObjectStreamersForVSDStruct(); gVSDReader = new TVSDReader(vsd_file_name); TEveManager::Create(); TEveGeoShape *gentle_geom = 0; { // Simple geometry auto geom = TFile::Open("http://mtadel.home.cern.ch/mtadel/root/alice_mini_geom.root", "CACHEREAD"); if (!geom) return; auto gse = (TEveGeoShapeExtract*) geom->Get("Gentle"); gentle_geom = TEveGeoShape::ImportShapeExtract(gse, 0); geom->Close(); delete geom; gEve->AddGlobalElement(gentle_geom); } // Standard multi-view //===================== gMultiView = new MultiView; gMultiView->f3DView->GetGLViewer()->SetStyle(TGLRnrCtx::kOutline); gMultiView->SetDepth(-10); gMultiView->ImportGeomRPhi(gentle_geom); gMultiView->ImportGeomRhoZ(gentle_geom); gMultiView->SetDepth(0); // Final stuff //============= gEve->GetViewers()->SwitchColorSet(); gEve->GetDefaultGLViewer()->SetStyle(TGLRnrCtx::kOutline); gEve->GetBrowser()->GetTabRight()->SetTab(1); make_gui(); gEve->AddEvent(new TEveEventManager("Event", "ALICE VSD Event")); gVSDReader->GotoEvent(0); gEve->Redraw3D(kTRUE); // Reset camera after the first event has been shown. } //______________________________________________________________________________ void make_gui() { // Create minimal GUI for event navigation. auto browser = gEve->GetBrowser(); browser->StartEmbedding(TRootBrowser::kLeft); auto frmMain = new TGMainFrame(gClient->GetRoot(), 1000, 600); frmMain->SetWindowName("XX GUI"); frmMain->SetCleanup(kDeepCleanup); auto hf = new TGHorizontalFrame(frmMain); { TString icondir(TString::Format("%s/icons/", gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS"))); TGPictureButton* b = 0; b = new TGPictureButton(hf, gClient->GetPicture(icondir+"GoBack.gif")); hf->AddFrame(b); b->Connect("Clicked()", "TVSDReader", gVSDReader, "PrevEvent()"); b = new TGPictureButton(hf, gClient->GetPicture(icondir+"GoForward.gif")); hf->AddFrame(b); b->Connect("Clicked()", "TVSDReader", gVSDReader, "NextEvent()"); } frmMain->AddFrame(hf); frmMain->MapSubwindows(); frmMain->Resize(); frmMain->MapWindow(); browser->StopEmbedding(); browser->SetTabTitle("Event Control", 0); }