/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_graphs /// \notebook /// Examples of use of the spline classes. /// /// \macro_image /// \macro_code /// /// \author Federico Carminati void splines_test(Int_t np=23, Double_t a=-0.5, Double_t b=31) { // array of points Double_t *xx=0, *yy=0; TSpline3 *spline3=0; TSpline5 *spline5=0; TLine *line5, *line3; TText *text5, *text3, *textn; char text[20]; const Double_t power=0.75; // Define the original function TF1 *f=new TF1("f","sin(x)*sin(x/10)", a-0.05*(b-a),b+0.05*(b-a)); // Draw function f->Draw("lc"); // Create text and legend Double_t xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, dx, dy; gPad->Update(); gPad->GetRangeAxis(xx1,yy1,xx2,yy2); dx = xx2-xx1; dy = yy2-yy1; line5=new TLine(xx1+dx*0.3,yy1+dy*1.02, xx1+dx*0.38,yy1+dy*1.02); line5->SetLineColor(kRed); line5->SetLineWidth(2); text5 = new TText(xx1+dx*0.4, yy1+dy*1.03,"quintic spline"); text5->SetTextAlign(12); text5->SetTextSize(0.04); line3=new TLine(xx1+dx*0.67,yy1+dy*1.02, xx1+dx*0.75,yy1+dy*1.02); line3->SetLineColor(kGreen); line3->SetLineWidth(2); text3 = new TText(xx1+dx*0.77, yy1+dy*1.03,"third spline"); text3->SetTextAlign(12); text3->SetTextSize(0.04); textn = new TText(xx1+dx*0.8,yy1+dy*0.91," "); textn->SetTextAlign(12); textn->SetTextSize(0.04); textn->Draw(); // Draw legenda line5->Draw(); text5->Draw(); line3->Draw(); text3->Draw(); for(Int_t nnp=2; nnp<=np; ++nnp) { // Calculate the knots if(xx) delete[] xx; xx = new Double_t[nnp]; if(yy) delete[] yy; yy = new Double_t[nnp]; for (Int_t i=0; iEval(xx[i]); } // Evaluate fifth spline coefficients Double_t eps=(b-a)*1.e-5; if(spline5) delete spline5; spline5 = new TSpline5("Test",xx,f,nnp,"b1e1b2e2", f->Derivative(a),f->Derivative(b), (f->Derivative(a+eps)-f->Derivative(a))/eps, (f->Derivative(b)-f->Derivative(b-eps))/eps); spline5->SetLineColor(kRed); spline5->SetLineWidth(3); // Draw the quintic spline spline5->Draw("lcsame"); // Evaluate third spline coefficients if(spline3) delete spline3; spline3 = new TSpline3("Test",xx,yy,nnp,"b1e1", f->Derivative(a),f->Derivative(b)); spline3->SetLineColor(kGreen); spline3->SetLineWidth(3); spline3->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); spline3->SetMarkerStyle(20); spline3->SetMarkerSize(1.5); // Draw the third spline spline3->Draw("lcpsame"); sprintf(text,"%3d knots",nnp); textn->SetTitle(text); gPad->Update(); // gSystem->Sleep(500); } }