/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_tree /// /// Example to write & read a Tree built with a complex class inheritance tree. /// It demonstrates usage of inheritance and TClonesArrays /// This is simplified / stripped extract of an event structure which was used /// within the Marabou project. /// /// To run this example, do: /// ~~~ /// root > .x clonesA_Event.C /// ~~~ /// \macro_code /// /// \author The ROOT Team #ifndef CLONESA_EVENT_SECOND_RUN void clonesA_Event() { std::string s1(__FILE__); TString dir = gSystem->UnixPathName(s1.substr(0, s1.find_last_of("\\/")).c_str()); gROOT->ProcessLine(TString(".L ")+dir+"/clonesA_Event.cxx+"); #define CLONESA_EVENT_SECOND_RUN yes gROOT->ProcessLine("#include \"" __FILE__ "\""); gROOT->ProcessLine("clonesA_Event(true)"); } #else void clonesA_Event_w() { // protect against old ROOT versions if ( gROOT->GetVersionInt() < 30503 ) { cout << "Works only with ROOT version >= 3.05/03" << endl; return; } if ( gROOT->GetVersionDate() < 20030406 ) { cout << "Works only with ROOT CVS version after 5. 4. 2003" << endl; return; } //write a Tree TFile *hfile = new TFile("clonesA_Event.root","RECREATE","Test TClonesArray"); TTree *tree = new TTree("clonesA_Event","An example of a ROOT tree"); TUsrSevtData1 *event1 = new TUsrSevtData1(); TUsrSevtData2 *event2 = new TUsrSevtData2(); tree->Branch("top1","TUsrSevtData1",&event1,8000,99); tree->Branch("top2","TUsrSevtData2",&event2,8000,99); for (Int_t ev = 0; ev < 10; ev++) { cout << "event " << ev << endl; event1->SetEvent(ev); event2->SetEvent(ev); tree->Fill(); if (ev <3) tree->Show(ev); } tree->Write(); tree->Print(); delete hfile; } void clonesA_Event_r() { //read the Tree TFile * hfile = new TFile("clonesA_Event.root"); TTree *tree = (TTree*)hfile->Get("clonesA_Event"); TUsrSevtData1 * event1 = 0; TUsrSevtData2 * event2 = 0; tree->SetBranchAddress("top1",&event1); tree->SetBranchAddress("top2",&event2); for (Int_t ev = 0; ev < 8; ev++) { tree->Show(ev); cout << "Pileup event1: " << event1->GetPileup() << endl; cout << "Pileup event2: " << event2->GetPileup() << endl; event1->Clear(); event2->Clear(); // gObjectTable->Print(); // detect possible memory leaks } delete hfile; } void clonesA_Event(bool /*secondrun*/) { // Embedding this load inside the first run of the script is not yet // supported in v6 // gROOT->ProcessLine(".L clonesA_Event.cxx+"); // compile shared lib clonesA_Event_w(); // write the tree clonesA_Event_r(); // read back the tree } #endif