/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_tree /// \notebook /// Example of a Tree where branches are variable length arrays /// A second Tree is created and filled in parallel. /// Run this script with /// ~~~ /// .x tree3.C /// ~~~ /// In the function treer, the first Tree is open. /// The second Tree is declared friend of the first tree. /// TTree::Draw is called with variables from both Trees. /// \macro_code /// /// \author Rene Brun #include "TFile.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TCanvas.h" void tree3w() { const Int_t kMaxTrack = 500; Int_t ntrack; Int_t stat[kMaxTrack]; Int_t sign[kMaxTrack]; Float_t px[kMaxTrack]; Float_t py[kMaxTrack]; Float_t pz[kMaxTrack]; Float_t pt[kMaxTrack]; Float_t zv[kMaxTrack]; Float_t chi2[kMaxTrack]; Double_t sumstat; TFile f("tree3.root","recreate"); TTree *t3 = new TTree("t3","Reconst ntuple"); t3->Branch("ntrack",&ntrack,"ntrack/I"); t3->Branch("stat",stat,"stat[ntrack]/I"); t3->Branch("sign",sign,"sign[ntrack]/I"); t3->Branch("px",px,"px[ntrack]/F"); t3->Branch("py",py,"py[ntrack]/F"); t3->Branch("pz",pz,"pz[ntrack]/F"); t3->Branch("zv",zv,"zv[ntrack]/F"); t3->Branch("chi2",chi2,"chi2[ntrack]/F"); TFile fr("tree3f.root","recreate"); TTree *t3f = new TTree("t3f","a friend Tree"); t3f->Branch("ntrack",&ntrack,"ntrack/I"); t3f->Branch("sumstat",&sumstat,"sumstat/D"); t3f->Branch("pt",pt,"pt[ntrack]/F"); for (Int_t i=0;i<1000;i++) { Int_t nt = gRandom->Rndm()*(kMaxTrack-1); ntrack = nt; sumstat = 0; for (Int_t n=0;n<nt;n++) { stat[n] = n%3; sign[n] = i%2; px[n] = gRandom->Gaus(0,1); py[n] = gRandom->Gaus(0,2); pz[n] = gRandom->Gaus(10,5); zv[n] = gRandom->Gaus(100,2); chi2[n] = gRandom->Gaus(0,.01); sumstat += chi2[n]; pt[n] = TMath::Sqrt(px[n]*px[n] + py[n]*py[n]); } t3->Fill(); t3f->Fill(); } t3->Print(); f.cd(); t3->Write(); fr.cd(); t3f->Write(); } void tree3r() { TFile *f = new TFile("tree3.root"); TTree *t3 = (TTree*)f->Get("t3"); t3->AddFriend("t3f","tree3f.root"); t3->Draw("pz","pt>3"); } void tree3r2() { TPad *p = new TPad("p","p",0.6, 0.4, 0.98, 0.8); p->Draw(); p->cd(); TFile *f1 = new TFile("tree3.root"); TFile *f2 = new TFile("tree3f.root"); TTree *t3 = (TTree*)f1->Get("t3"); t3->AddFriend("t3f",f2); t3->Draw("pz","pt>3"); } void tree3() { tree3w(); tree3r(); tree3r2(); }