/* */
/* X r d A c c A u t h F i l e . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2003 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdAcc/XrdAccAuthFile.hh"
/* X r d A c c A u t h D B _ O b j e c t */
XrdAccAuthDB *XrdAccAuthDBObject(XrdSysError *erp)
static XrdAccAuthFile mydatabase(erp);
return (XrdAccAuthDB *)&mydatabase;
/* C o n s t r u c t o r */
XrdAccAuthFile::XrdAccAuthFile(XrdSysError *erp)
// Set starting values
authfn = 0;
flags = Noflags;
modtime = 0;
Eroute = erp;
// Setup for an error in the first record
strcpy(path_buff, "start of file");
/* D e s t r u c t o r */
// If the file is open, close it
if (flags &isOpen) Close();
// Free the authfn string
if (authfn) free(authfn);
/* C h a n g e d */
int XrdAccAuthFile::Changed(const char *dbfn)
struct stat statbuff;
// If no file here, indicate nothing changed
if (!authfn || !*authfn) return 0;
// If file paths differ, indicate that something has changed
if (dbfn && strcmp(dbfn, authfn)) return 1;
// Get the modification timestamp for this file
if (stat(authfn, &statbuff))
{Eroute->Emsg("AuthFile", errno, "find", authfn);
return 0;
// Indicate whether or not the file has changed
return (modtime < statbuff.st_mtime);
/* C l o s e */
int XrdAccAuthFile::Close()
// Return is the file is not open
if (!(flags & isOpen)) return 1;
// Close the stream
// Unlock the protecting mutex
// Indicate file is no longer open
flags = (DBflags)(flags & ~isOpen);
// Return indicator of whether we had any errors
if (flags & dbError) return 0;
return 1;
/* g e t I D */
char XrdAccAuthFile::getID(char **id)
char *pp, idcode[2] = {0,0};
// If a record has not been read, return end of record (i.e., 0)
if (!(flags & inRec)) return 0;
// Read the next word from the record (if none, simulate end of record)
if (!(pp = DBfile.GetWord()))
{flags = (DBflags)(flags & ~inRec);
return 0;
// Id's are of the form 'c:', make sure we have that (don't validate it)
if (strlen(pp) != 2 || !index("ghoru", *pp))
{Eroute->Emsg("AuthFile", "Invalid ID sprecifier -", pp);
flags = (DBflags)(flags | dbError);
return 0;
idcode[0] = *pp;
// Now get the actual id associated with it
if (!(pp = DBfile.GetWord()))
{flags = (DBflags)(flags & ~inRec);
Eroute->Emsg("AuthFile", "ID value missing after", idcode);
flags = (DBflags)(flags | dbError);
return 0;
// Copy the value since the stream buffer might get overlaid.
Copy(path_buff, pp, sizeof(path_buff)-1);
// Return result
*id = path_buff;
return idcode[0];
/* g e t P P */
int XrdAccAuthFile::getPP(char **path, char **priv, bool &istmplt)
// char *pp, *bp;
char *pp;
// If a record has not been read, return end of record (i.e., 0)
if (!(flags & inRec)) return 0;
// read the next word from the record (if none, simulate end of record)
if (!(pp = DBfile.GetWord()))
{flags = (DBflags)(flags & ~inRec);
return 0;
// Check of objectid specification
istmplt = false;
*path = path_buff;
if (*pp == '\\')
{if (*(pp+1)) pp++;
else {Eroute->Emsg("AuthFile", "Object ID missing after '\\'");
*path = 0;
flags = (DBflags)(flags | dbError);
} else if (*pp != '/') istmplt = true;
// Copy the value since the stream buffer might get overlaid.
// bp = Copy(path_buff, pp, sizeof(path_buff)-1);
if (path) Copy(path_buff, pp, sizeof(path_buff)-1);
// Check if this is really a path or a template
if (istmplt) {*priv = (char *)0; return 1;}
// Verify that the path ends correctly (normally we would force a slash to
// appear at the end but that prevents caps on files. So, we commented the
// code out until we decide that maybe we really need to do this, sigh.
// bp--;
// if (*bp != '/') {bp++; *bp = '/'; bp++; *bp = '\0';}
// Get the next word which should be the privilege string
if (!(pp = DBfile.GetWord()))
{flags = (DBflags)(flags & ~inRec);
Eroute->Emsg("AuthFile", "Privileges missing after", path_buff);
flags = (DBflags)(flags | dbError);
*priv = (char *)0;
return 0;
// All done here
*priv = pp;
return 1;
/* g e t R e c */
char XrdAccAuthFile::getRec(char **recname)
char *pp;
int idok;
// Do this until we get a vlaid record
// If we arer still in the middle of a record, flush it
if (flags & inRec) while(DBfile.GetWord()) {}
else flags = (DBflags)(flags | inRec);
// Get the next word, the record type
if (!(pp = DBfile.GetWord()))
{*recname = (char *)0; return '\0';}
// Verify the id-type
idok = 0;
if (strlen(pp) == 1)
{case 'g':
case 'h':
case 's':
case 'n':
case 'o':
case 'r':
case 't':
case 'u':
case 'x':
case '=': idok = 1;
default: break;
// Check if the record type was valid
if (!idok) {Eroute->Emsg("AuthFile", "Invalid id type -", pp);
flags = (DBflags)(flags | dbError);
rectype = *pp;
// Get the record name. It must exist
if (!(pp = DBfile.GetWord()))
{Eroute->Emsg("AuthFile","Record name is missing after",path_buff);
flags = (DBflags)(flags | dbError);
// Copy the record name
Copy(recname_buff, pp, sizeof(recname_buff));
*recname = recname_buff;
return rectype;
return '\0'; // Keep the compiler happy :-)
/* O p e n */
int XrdAccAuthFile::Open(XrdSysError &eroute, const char *path)
struct stat statbuff;
int authFD;
// Enter the DB context (serialize use of this database)
Eroute = &eroute;
// Use whichever path is the more recent
if (path)
{if (authfn) free(authfn); authfn = strdup(path);}
if( !authfn || !*authfn) return Bail(0, "Authorization file not specified.");
// Get the modification timestamp for this file
if (stat(authfn, &statbuff)) return Bail(errno, "find", authfn);
// Try to open the authorization file.
if ( (authFD = open(authfn, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0)
return Bail(errno,"open authorization file",authfn);
// Copy in all the relevant information
modtime = statbuff.st_mtime;
flags = isOpen;
// Attach the file to the stream
if (DBfile.Attach(authFD))
return Bail(DBfile.LastError(), "initialize stream for", authfn);
return 1;
/* P r i v a t e M e t h o d s */
/* B a i l */
int XrdAccAuthFile::Bail(int retc, const char *txt1, const char *txt2)
// This routine is typically used by open and the DBcontext lock must be held
flags = (DBflags)(flags & ~isOpen);
if (retc) Eroute->Emsg("AuthFile", retc, txt1, txt2);
else Eroute->Emsg("AuthFile", txt1, txt2);
return 0;
/* C o p y */
// This routine is used instead of strncpy because, frankly, it's a lot smarter
char *XrdAccAuthFile::Copy(char *dp, char *sp, int dplen)
// Copy one less that the size of the buffer so that we have room for null
while(--dplen && *sp) {*dp = *sp; dp++; sp++;}
// Insert a null character and return a pointer to it.
*dp = '\0';
return dp;