/* */
/* X r d A c c G r o u p s . c c */
/* */
/* (c) 2003 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Jr., University */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* Produced by Andrew Hanushevsky for Stanford University under contract */
/* DE-AC02-76-SFO0515 with the Department of Energy */
/* */
/* This file is part of the XRootD software suite. */
/* */
/* XRootD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under */
/* the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the */
/* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your */
/* option) any later version. */
/* */
/* XRootD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT */
/* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or */
/* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public */
/* License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
/* along with XRootD in a file called COPYING.LESSER (LGPL license) and file */
/* COPYING (GPL license). If not, see . */
/* */
/* The copyright holder's institutional names and contributor's names may not */
/* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without */
/* specific prior written permission of the institution or contributor. */
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysHeaders.hh"
#include "XrdSys/XrdSysPwd.hh"
#include "XrdAcc/XrdAccCapability.hh"
#include "XrdAcc/XrdAccGroups.hh"
#include "XrdAcc/XrdAccPrivs.hh"
// Additionally, this routine does not support a user in more than
// NGROUPS_MAX groups. This is a standard unix limit defined in limits.h.
/* G l o b a l G r o u p s O b j e c t */
// There is only one Groups object that handles group memberships. Others
// needing access to this object should declare an extern to this object.
XrdAccGroups XrdAccGroupMaster;
/* G r o u p C o n s t r u c t i o n A r g u m e n t s */
struct XrdAccGroupArgs {const char *user;
const char *host;
int gtabi;
const char *Gtab[NGROUPS_MAX];
/* C o n s t r u c t o r */
// Do standard initialization
retrancnt = 0;
HaveGroups = 0;
HaveNetGroups = 0;
options = No_Group_Opt;
domain = 0;
LifeTime = 60*60*12;
/* A d d N a m e */
char *XrdAccGroups::AddName(const XrdAccGroupType gtype, const char *name)
char *np;
XrdOucHash *hp;
// Prepare to add a group name
if (gtype == XrdAccNetGroup) {hp = &NetGroup_Names; HaveNetGroups = 1;}
else {hp = &Group_Names; HaveGroups = 1;}
// Lock the Name hash table
// Add a name into the name hash table. We need to only keep a single
// read/only copy of the group name to speed multi-threading.
if (!(np = hp->Find(name)))
{hp->Add(name, 0, 0, Hash_data_is_key);
if (!(np = hp->Find(name)))
cerr <<"XrdAccGroups: Unable to add group " <First()) glist = new XrdAccGroupList(*glist);
else glist = 0;
return glist;
// If the user has no password file entry, then we have no groups for user.
// All code that tries to construct a group list is protected by the
// Group_Build_Context mutex, obtained after we get the pwd entry.
XrdSysPwd thePwd(user, &pw);
if (pw == NULL) return (XrdAccGroupList *)0;
// Build first entry for the primary group. We will ignore the primary group
// listing later. We do this to ensure that the user has at least one group
// regardless of what the groups file actually says.
gtabi = addGroup(user, pw->pw_gid, 0, Gtab, 0);
// Now run through all of the group entries getting the list of user's groups
// Do this only when Primary_Only is not turned on (i.e., SVR5 semantics)
if (!(options & Primary_Only))
setgrent() ;
while ((gr = getgrent()))
if (pw->pw_gid == gr->gr_gid) continue; /*Already have this one.*/
for (cp = gr->gr_mem; cp && *cp; cp++)
if (strcmp(*cp, user) == 0)
gtabi = addGroup(user, gr->gr_gid,
Gtab, gtabi);
// All done with non mt-safe routines
// Allocate a new GroupList object
glist = new XrdAccGroupList(gtabi, (const char **)Gtab);
// Add this user to the group cache to speed things up the next time
Group_Cache.Add(user, glist, LifeTime);
// Return a copy of the group list since the original may be deleted
if (!gtabi) return (XrdAccGroupList *)0;
return new XrdAccGroupList(gtabi, (const char **)Gtab);
/* N e t G r o u p s ( u s e r , h o s t ) */
XrdAccGroupList *XrdAccGroups::NetGroups(const char *user, const char *host)
XrdAccGroupList *glist;
int i, j;
char uh_key[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+96];
struct XrdAccGroupArgs GroupTab;
int XrdAccCheckNetGroup(const char *netgroup, char *key, void *Arg);
// Check if we have any Netgroups
if (!HaveNetGroups) return (XrdAccGroupList *)0;
// Construct the key for this user
i = strlen(user); j = strlen(host);
if (i+j+2 > (int)sizeof(uh_key)) return (XrdAccGroupList *)0;
strcpy(uh_key, user);
uh_key[i] = '@';
strcpy(&uh_key[i+1], host);
// Check if we already have this user in the group cache. Since we may be
// modifying the cache, we need to have exclusive control over it. We must
// copy the group cache entry because the original may be deleted at any time.
if ((glist = NetGroup_Cache.Find(uh_key)))
{if (glist->First()) glist = new XrdAccGroupList(*glist);
else glist = 0;
return glist;
// For each known netgroup, check to see if the user is in the netgroup.
GroupTab.user = user;
GroupTab.host = host;
GroupTab.gtabi = 0;
NetGroup_Names.Apply(XrdAccCheckNetGroup, (void *)&GroupTab);
// Allocate a new GroupList object
glist = new XrdAccGroupList(GroupTab.gtabi,
(const char **)GroupTab.Gtab);
// Add this user to the group cache to speed things up the next time
NetGroup_Cache.Add((const char *)uh_key, glist, LifeTime);
// Return a copy of the group list
if (!GroupTab.gtabi) return (XrdAccGroupList *)0;
return new XrdAccGroupList(GroupTab.gtabi,
(const char **)GroupTab.Gtab);
/* P u r g e C a c h e */
void XrdAccGroups::PurgeCache()
// Purge the group cache
// Purge the netgroup cache
/* R e t r a n */
int XrdAccGroups::Retran(const gid_t gid)
if ((int)gid < 0) retrancnt = 0;
else {if (retrancnt > (int)(sizeof(retrangid)/sizeof(gid_t))) return -1;
retrangid[retrancnt++] = gid;
return 0;
/* P r i v a t e M e t h o d s */
/* a d d G r o u p */
int XrdAccGroups::addGroup(const char *user, const gid_t gid, char *gname,
char **Gtab, int gtabi)
char *gp;
// Check if we have room to add another group. We can squeek by such errors
// because all it means is that the user normally has fewer privs (which is
// not always true, sigh).
if (gtabi >= NGROUPS_MAX)
{if (gtabi == NGROUPS_MAX)
cerr <<"XrdAccGroups: More than " <gr_name;
// Check if we have this group registered. Only a handful of groups are
// actually relevant. Ignore the unreferenced groups. If registered, we
// need the persistent name because of multi-threading issues.
if (!(gp = Group_Names.Find(gname)) ) return gtabi;
// Add the groupname to the table of groups for the user
Gtab[gtabi++] = gp;
return gtabi;
/* D o t r a n */
char *XrdAccGroups::Dotran(const gid_t gid, char *gname)
int i;
// See if the groupname needs to be retranslated. This is necessary
// When multiple groups share the same gid due to NIS constraints.
for (i = 0; i < retrancnt; i++) if (retrangid[i] == gid) return (char *)0;
return gname;
/* E x t e r n a l F u n c t i o n s */
/* o o a c c _ C h e c k N e t G r o u p */
int XrdAccCheckNetGroup(const char *netgroup, char *key, void *Arg)
struct XrdAccGroupArgs *grp = static_cast(Arg);
// Check if this netgroup, user, host, domain combination exists.
if (innetgr(netgroup, (const char *)grp->host, (const char *)grp->user,
{if (grp->gtabi >= NGROUPS_MAX)
{if (grp->gtabi == NGROUPS_MAX)
cerr <<"XrdAccGroups: More than " <gtabi <<"netgroups for " <user <Gtab[grp->gtabi] = netgroup; grp->gtabi++;
return 0;